Finite State Machine to segment Thai syllables
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I am developing a FSM to segment Thai syllables with the following rules:
Here are my util functions:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473
package object proj3
private[proj3] def optionallyAppend(sb: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char]): StringBuilder = char match
case Some(c) =>
case None =>
/** Inserts a space before the last element.
* @param sb the string to which a space should be added
* @return the string with a space at the n-1st position
private[proj3] def addSpaceBeforeLast(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
sb.insert(sb.length-1, ' ')
/** Appends a space to the StringBuilder.
* @param sb the StringBuilder to which a space should be added
* @return the StringBuilder with a space at the end
private[proj3] def addSpaceAtEnd(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
sb.append(' ')
Here are my states:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
private[proj3] sealed trait State
* The string builder before a character is potentially applied.
protected def stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder
* The character which can trigger an update in state.
* Creating an Option[Char] is a hack because the empty char literal does not
* exist in Scala.
protected def char: Option[Char]
* An optional function which can transform the tape after the string builder
* may have been updated. This will be `None` in the normal case.
protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder]
* If the state is a "normal" state
* @return
def stringBuilderOut: StringBuilder = postProcessesStringBuilder match
case Some(f) => f(optionallyAppend(stringBuilderIn, char))
case None => optionallyAppend(stringBuilderIn, char)
private[proj3] sealed trait NormalState extends State
* In the normal case, we don't post process the string builder -- potentially adding
* the character is good enough.
* @return
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] = None
private[proj3] sealed trait StateWithPenultimateSpace extends State
* In state 7 and 8, a space is to be added before the penultimate character,
* so this will be the post-processing function.
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] =
private[proj3] sealed trait StateWithFinalSpace extends State
* In state 9, a space is to be appended to the string, so this will be
* the post-processing function.
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] =
// State0 through State6 are very vanilla -- just appending
// a character to the output string
private[proj3] final case class State0(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State1(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State2(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State3(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State4(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State5(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State6(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
// State7 and State8 are special -- add a space before the last character
// in the output string
private[proj3] final case class State7(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithPenultimateSpace
private[proj3] final case class State8(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithPenultimateSpace
// State9 is also special -- add a space to the end of the output string
private[proj3] final case class State9(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithFinalSpace
And here is my state machine:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
/** Given input lines, moves through the state machine for
* each line
* @param lines the unsegmented Thai lines
class StateMachine(lines: Iterable[String]) extends LazyLogging
// The categories that force transitions
private final val V1: Set[Char] = "à ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Â".toSet
private final val C1: Set[Char] = "à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Â
à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ à ¸¡à ¸¢à ¸£à ¸¤à ¸¥à ¸¦à ¸§à ¸¨à ¸©à ¸ªà ¸«à ¸¬à ¸Âà ¸®".toSet
private final val C2: Set[Char] = "à ¸£à ¸¥à ¸§à ¸Âà ¸¡".toSet
private final val V2: Set[Char] = "âÂÂà ¸´âÂÂà ¸µâÂÂà ¸¶âÂÂà ¸·âÂÂà ¸¸âÂÂà ¸¹âÂÂà ¸±âÂÂà ¹Â".toSet
private final val T: Set[Char] = Set('u0E48', 'u0E49', 'u0E4A', 'u0E4B')
private final val V3: Set[Char] = "à ¸²à ¸Âà ¸¢à ¸§".toSet
private final val C3: Set[Char] = "à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¢à ¸§".toSet
// The following methods define the actions to be performed
// (i.e., defining to which state the machine should transition)
// The naming convention is actionN where N is the state before
// transition
private def action0(implicit oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 1")
State1(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 2")
State2(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action1(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 2")
State2(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action2(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 3")
State3(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V2.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 4")
State4(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(T.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action3(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 4")
State4(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(T.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action4(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action5(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action6(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
// Because actions 7, 8, and 9 don't consume input,
// they will simply be a pass-through to the action of the
// state for which they are acting as a proxy
private def action7(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action1(oldState, c)
private def action8(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action2(oldState, c)
private def action9(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action0(oldState, c)
/** Given a state and a character, choose the next action to perform
* (i.e., choose the next state)
* @param state the state of the machine right now
* @param c the character triggering a transition
* @return the new state of the machine
private def segmentationFunction(state: State, c: Char): State = state match
case s: State0 => action0(s, c)
case s: State1 => action1(s, c)
case s: State2 => action2(s, c)
case s: State3 => action3(s, c)
case s: State4 => action4(s, c)
case s: State5 => action5(s, c)
case s: State6 => action6(s, c)
case s: State7 => action7(s, c)
case s: State8 => action8(s, c)
case s: State9 => action9(s, c)
logger.trace("In state 0")
private final def initialState: State = State0(new StringBuilder, None)
/** For a given line, this function will work through
* the entire transition of state in the state machine.
* @param line the line being processed
* @return the final state
private def transition(line: String, initialState: State): State =
// Given a state (with initial value of State0(new StringBuilder)) and a character
// (left to right in the string), apply segmentationFunction. Update
// the state and move to next character in the line.
val state = line.foldLeft(initialState) (state, c) =>
logger.trace(s"Handling $c")
segmentationFunction(state, c)
logger.debug(s"Processed line: $state.stringBuilderOut.toString()")
/** Apply transition to the given line and return the output string from
* the resultant state
* @param line the line being processed
* @return the output string of the final state
private def segmentLine(line: String): String = transition(line, initialState).stringBuilderOut.toString
/** Segments all lines
* @return the SegmentedLines of all the inputs
def segmentLines: SegmentedLines = new SegmentedLines(
Here, SegmentedLines
is just a class that will transform the output into a standard form -- it is beyond the scope of the review, but for completeness, it's below:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import, File, FileWriter
class SegmentedLines(l: Iterable[String]) <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
My tests are here:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
class StateMachineTest extends FlatSpec
"A StateMachine" should "segment the example" in
val input: Seq[String] = Seq("à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸´à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸ªà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ªà ¸§à ¹Âà ¸Â", "à ¸«à ¸¥à ¸¸à ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸«à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸²à ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸´à ¹Âà ¸Â")
val expectedOutput = Seq("à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸ à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸ªà ¸Âà ¸ à ¸ªà ¸§à ¹Âà ¸Â", "à ¸«à ¸¥à ¸¸à ¸¡ à ¸Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸« à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸²à ¸¡ à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸ à ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸´à ¹Âà ¸Â")
val stateMachine: StateMachine = new StateMachine(input)
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import org.scalatest.Matchers, WordSpecLike
class UtilsSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers
private def withCleanStringBuilder(block: StringBuilder => Any): Unit =
val sb = new StringBuilder
"optionallyAppend" should
"append when the character is not None" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
sb shouldBe empty
val charToAdd = 'c'
val char @ Some(c) = Some(charToAdd)
val newSb = optionallyAppend(sb, char)
newSb.length should===(1)
newSb.headOption shouldBe char
"not append when the character is None" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
sb shouldBe empty
val char = None
val newSb = optionallyAppend(sb, char)
newSb shouldBe empty
"addSpaceBeforeLast" should
"add a space before the last character" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
val (first, last) = ("hell", "o")
val totalLength = first.length + last.length
val newSb = addSpaceBeforeLast(sb)
// Added a space, so length is updated
newSb.length should===(totalLength + 1)
val expectedString = s"$first $last"
newSb.toString should===(expectedString)
"addSpaceAtEnd" should
"add a space at the last character" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
val expectedString = "hello "
val newSb = addSpaceAtEnd(sb)
newSb.toString should===(expectedString)
I'm interested in simplifying the states if possible and also general best practices. This implementation is fast enoughâ¢, but any performance improvements would be helpful (though I don't expect crazy benchmarking).
scala state-machine
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I am developing a FSM to segment Thai syllables with the following rules:
Here are my util functions:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473
package object proj3
private[proj3] def optionallyAppend(sb: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char]): StringBuilder = char match
case Some(c) =>
case None =>
/** Inserts a space before the last element.
* @param sb the string to which a space should be added
* @return the string with a space at the n-1st position
private[proj3] def addSpaceBeforeLast(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
sb.insert(sb.length-1, ' ')
/** Appends a space to the StringBuilder.
* @param sb the StringBuilder to which a space should be added
* @return the StringBuilder with a space at the end
private[proj3] def addSpaceAtEnd(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
sb.append(' ')
Here are my states:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
private[proj3] sealed trait State
* The string builder before a character is potentially applied.
protected def stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder
* The character which can trigger an update in state.
* Creating an Option[Char] is a hack because the empty char literal does not
* exist in Scala.
protected def char: Option[Char]
* An optional function which can transform the tape after the string builder
* may have been updated. This will be `None` in the normal case.
protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder]
* If the state is a "normal" state
* @return
def stringBuilderOut: StringBuilder = postProcessesStringBuilder match
case Some(f) => f(optionallyAppend(stringBuilderIn, char))
case None => optionallyAppend(stringBuilderIn, char)
private[proj3] sealed trait NormalState extends State
* In the normal case, we don't post process the string builder -- potentially adding
* the character is good enough.
* @return
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] = None
private[proj3] sealed trait StateWithPenultimateSpace extends State
* In state 7 and 8, a space is to be added before the penultimate character,
* so this will be the post-processing function.
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] =
private[proj3] sealed trait StateWithFinalSpace extends State
* In state 9, a space is to be appended to the string, so this will be
* the post-processing function.
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] =
// State0 through State6 are very vanilla -- just appending
// a character to the output string
private[proj3] final case class State0(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State1(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State2(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State3(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State4(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State5(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State6(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
// State7 and State8 are special -- add a space before the last character
// in the output string
private[proj3] final case class State7(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithPenultimateSpace
private[proj3] final case class State8(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithPenultimateSpace
// State9 is also special -- add a space to the end of the output string
private[proj3] final case class State9(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithFinalSpace
And here is my state machine:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
/** Given input lines, moves through the state machine for
* each line
* @param lines the unsegmented Thai lines
class StateMachine(lines: Iterable[String]) extends LazyLogging
// The categories that force transitions
private final val V1: Set[Char] = "à ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Â".toSet
private final val C1: Set[Char] = "à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Â
à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ à ¸¡à ¸¢à ¸£à ¸¤à ¸¥à ¸¦à ¸§à ¸¨à ¸©à ¸ªà ¸«à ¸¬à ¸Âà ¸®".toSet
private final val C2: Set[Char] = "à ¸£à ¸¥à ¸§à ¸Âà ¸¡".toSet
private final val V2: Set[Char] = "âÂÂà ¸´âÂÂà ¸µâÂÂà ¸¶âÂÂà ¸·âÂÂà ¸¸âÂÂà ¸¹âÂÂà ¸±âÂÂà ¹Â".toSet
private final val T: Set[Char] = Set('u0E48', 'u0E49', 'u0E4A', 'u0E4B')
private final val V3: Set[Char] = "à ¸²à ¸Âà ¸¢à ¸§".toSet
private final val C3: Set[Char] = "à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¢à ¸§".toSet
// The following methods define the actions to be performed
// (i.e., defining to which state the machine should transition)
// The naming convention is actionN where N is the state before
// transition
private def action0(implicit oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 1")
State1(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 2")
State2(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action1(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 2")
State2(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action2(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 3")
State3(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V2.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 4")
State4(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(T.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action3(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 4")
State4(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(T.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action4(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action5(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action6(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
// Because actions 7, 8, and 9 don't consume input,
// they will simply be a pass-through to the action of the
// state for which they are acting as a proxy
private def action7(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action1(oldState, c)
private def action8(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action2(oldState, c)
private def action9(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action0(oldState, c)
/** Given a state and a character, choose the next action to perform
* (i.e., choose the next state)
* @param state the state of the machine right now
* @param c the character triggering a transition
* @return the new state of the machine
private def segmentationFunction(state: State, c: Char): State = state match
case s: State0 => action0(s, c)
case s: State1 => action1(s, c)
case s: State2 => action2(s, c)
case s: State3 => action3(s, c)
case s: State4 => action4(s, c)
case s: State5 => action5(s, c)
case s: State6 => action6(s, c)
case s: State7 => action7(s, c)
case s: State8 => action8(s, c)
case s: State9 => action9(s, c)
logger.trace("In state 0")
private final def initialState: State = State0(new StringBuilder, None)
/** For a given line, this function will work through
* the entire transition of state in the state machine.
* @param line the line being processed
* @return the final state
private def transition(line: String, initialState: State): State =
// Given a state (with initial value of State0(new StringBuilder)) and a character
// (left to right in the string), apply segmentationFunction. Update
// the state and move to next character in the line.
val state = line.foldLeft(initialState) (state, c) =>
logger.trace(s"Handling $c")
segmentationFunction(state, c)
logger.debug(s"Processed line: $state.stringBuilderOut.toString()")
/** Apply transition to the given line and return the output string from
* the resultant state
* @param line the line being processed
* @return the output string of the final state
private def segmentLine(line: String): String = transition(line, initialState).stringBuilderOut.toString
/** Segments all lines
* @return the SegmentedLines of all the inputs
def segmentLines: SegmentedLines = new SegmentedLines(
Here, SegmentedLines
is just a class that will transform the output into a standard form -- it is beyond the scope of the review, but for completeness, it's below:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import, File, FileWriter
class SegmentedLines(l: Iterable[String]) <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
My tests are here:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
class StateMachineTest extends FlatSpec
"A StateMachine" should "segment the example" in
val input: Seq[String] = Seq("à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸´à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸ªà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ªà ¸§à ¹Âà ¸Â", "à ¸«à ¸¥à ¸¸à ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸«à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸²à ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸´à ¹Âà ¸Â")
val expectedOutput = Seq("à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸ à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸ªà ¸Âà ¸ à ¸ªà ¸§à ¹Âà ¸Â", "à ¸«à ¸¥à ¸¸à ¸¡ à ¸Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸« à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸²à ¸¡ à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸ à ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸´à ¹Âà ¸Â")
val stateMachine: StateMachine = new StateMachine(input)
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import org.scalatest.Matchers, WordSpecLike
class UtilsSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers
private def withCleanStringBuilder(block: StringBuilder => Any): Unit =
val sb = new StringBuilder
"optionallyAppend" should
"append when the character is not None" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
sb shouldBe empty
val charToAdd = 'c'
val char @ Some(c) = Some(charToAdd)
val newSb = optionallyAppend(sb, char)
newSb.length should===(1)
newSb.headOption shouldBe char
"not append when the character is None" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
sb shouldBe empty
val char = None
val newSb = optionallyAppend(sb, char)
newSb shouldBe empty
"addSpaceBeforeLast" should
"add a space before the last character" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
val (first, last) = ("hell", "o")
val totalLength = first.length + last.length
val newSb = addSpaceBeforeLast(sb)
// Added a space, so length is updated
newSb.length should===(totalLength + 1)
val expectedString = s"$first $last"
newSb.toString should===(expectedString)
"addSpaceAtEnd" should
"add a space at the last character" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
val expectedString = "hello "
val newSb = addSpaceAtEnd(sb)
newSb.toString should===(expectedString)
I'm interested in simplifying the states if possible and also general best practices. This implementation is fast enoughâ¢, but any performance improvements would be helpful (though I don't expect crazy benchmarking).
scala state-machine
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I am developing a FSM to segment Thai syllables with the following rules:
Here are my util functions:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473
package object proj3
private[proj3] def optionallyAppend(sb: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char]): StringBuilder = char match
case Some(c) =>
case None =>
/** Inserts a space before the last element.
* @param sb the string to which a space should be added
* @return the string with a space at the n-1st position
private[proj3] def addSpaceBeforeLast(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
sb.insert(sb.length-1, ' ')
/** Appends a space to the StringBuilder.
* @param sb the StringBuilder to which a space should be added
* @return the StringBuilder with a space at the end
private[proj3] def addSpaceAtEnd(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
sb.append(' ')
Here are my states:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
private[proj3] sealed trait State
* The string builder before a character is potentially applied.
protected def stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder
* The character which can trigger an update in state.
* Creating an Option[Char] is a hack because the empty char literal does not
* exist in Scala.
protected def char: Option[Char]
* An optional function which can transform the tape after the string builder
* may have been updated. This will be `None` in the normal case.
protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder]
* If the state is a "normal" state
* @return
def stringBuilderOut: StringBuilder = postProcessesStringBuilder match
case Some(f) => f(optionallyAppend(stringBuilderIn, char))
case None => optionallyAppend(stringBuilderIn, char)
private[proj3] sealed trait NormalState extends State
* In the normal case, we don't post process the string builder -- potentially adding
* the character is good enough.
* @return
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] = None
private[proj3] sealed trait StateWithPenultimateSpace extends State
* In state 7 and 8, a space is to be added before the penultimate character,
* so this will be the post-processing function.
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] =
private[proj3] sealed trait StateWithFinalSpace extends State
* In state 9, a space is to be appended to the string, so this will be
* the post-processing function.
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] =
// State0 through State6 are very vanilla -- just appending
// a character to the output string
private[proj3] final case class State0(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State1(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State2(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State3(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State4(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State5(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State6(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
// State7 and State8 are special -- add a space before the last character
// in the output string
private[proj3] final case class State7(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithPenultimateSpace
private[proj3] final case class State8(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithPenultimateSpace
// State9 is also special -- add a space to the end of the output string
private[proj3] final case class State9(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithFinalSpace
And here is my state machine:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
/** Given input lines, moves through the state machine for
* each line
* @param lines the unsegmented Thai lines
class StateMachine(lines: Iterable[String]) extends LazyLogging
// The categories that force transitions
private final val V1: Set[Char] = "à ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Â".toSet
private final val C1: Set[Char] = "à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Â
à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ à ¸¡à ¸¢à ¸£à ¸¤à ¸¥à ¸¦à ¸§à ¸¨à ¸©à ¸ªà ¸«à ¸¬à ¸Âà ¸®".toSet
private final val C2: Set[Char] = "à ¸£à ¸¥à ¸§à ¸Âà ¸¡".toSet
private final val V2: Set[Char] = "âÂÂà ¸´âÂÂà ¸µâÂÂà ¸¶âÂÂà ¸·âÂÂà ¸¸âÂÂà ¸¹âÂÂà ¸±âÂÂà ¹Â".toSet
private final val T: Set[Char] = Set('u0E48', 'u0E49', 'u0E4A', 'u0E4B')
private final val V3: Set[Char] = "à ¸²à ¸Âà ¸¢à ¸§".toSet
private final val C3: Set[Char] = "à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¢à ¸§".toSet
// The following methods define the actions to be performed
// (i.e., defining to which state the machine should transition)
// The naming convention is actionN where N is the state before
// transition
private def action0(implicit oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 1")
State1(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 2")
State2(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action1(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 2")
State2(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action2(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 3")
State3(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V2.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 4")
State4(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(T.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action3(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 4")
State4(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(T.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action4(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action5(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action6(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
// Because actions 7, 8, and 9 don't consume input,
// they will simply be a pass-through to the action of the
// state for which they are acting as a proxy
private def action7(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action1(oldState, c)
private def action8(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action2(oldState, c)
private def action9(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action0(oldState, c)
/** Given a state and a character, choose the next action to perform
* (i.e., choose the next state)
* @param state the state of the machine right now
* @param c the character triggering a transition
* @return the new state of the machine
private def segmentationFunction(state: State, c: Char): State = state match
case s: State0 => action0(s, c)
case s: State1 => action1(s, c)
case s: State2 => action2(s, c)
case s: State3 => action3(s, c)
case s: State4 => action4(s, c)
case s: State5 => action5(s, c)
case s: State6 => action6(s, c)
case s: State7 => action7(s, c)
case s: State8 => action8(s, c)
case s: State9 => action9(s, c)
logger.trace("In state 0")
private final def initialState: State = State0(new StringBuilder, None)
/** For a given line, this function will work through
* the entire transition of state in the state machine.
* @param line the line being processed
* @return the final state
private def transition(line: String, initialState: State): State =
// Given a state (with initial value of State0(new StringBuilder)) and a character
// (left to right in the string), apply segmentationFunction. Update
// the state and move to next character in the line.
val state = line.foldLeft(initialState) (state, c) =>
logger.trace(s"Handling $c")
segmentationFunction(state, c)
logger.debug(s"Processed line: $state.stringBuilderOut.toString()")
/** Apply transition to the given line and return the output string from
* the resultant state
* @param line the line being processed
* @return the output string of the final state
private def segmentLine(line: String): String = transition(line, initialState).stringBuilderOut.toString
/** Segments all lines
* @return the SegmentedLines of all the inputs
def segmentLines: SegmentedLines = new SegmentedLines(
Here, SegmentedLines
is just a class that will transform the output into a standard form -- it is beyond the scope of the review, but for completeness, it's below:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import, File, FileWriter
class SegmentedLines(l: Iterable[String]) <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
My tests are here:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
class StateMachineTest extends FlatSpec
"A StateMachine" should "segment the example" in
val input: Seq[String] = Seq("à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸´à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸ªà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ªà ¸§à ¹Âà ¸Â", "à ¸«à ¸¥à ¸¸à ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸«à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸²à ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸´à ¹Âà ¸Â")
val expectedOutput = Seq("à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸ à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸ªà ¸Âà ¸ à ¸ªà ¸§à ¹Âà ¸Â", "à ¸«à ¸¥à ¸¸à ¸¡ à ¸Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸« à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸²à ¸¡ à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸ à ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸´à ¹Âà ¸Â")
val stateMachine: StateMachine = new StateMachine(input)
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import org.scalatest.Matchers, WordSpecLike
class UtilsSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers
private def withCleanStringBuilder(block: StringBuilder => Any): Unit =
val sb = new StringBuilder
"optionallyAppend" should
"append when the character is not None" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
sb shouldBe empty
val charToAdd = 'c'
val char @ Some(c) = Some(charToAdd)
val newSb = optionallyAppend(sb, char)
newSb.length should===(1)
newSb.headOption shouldBe char
"not append when the character is None" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
sb shouldBe empty
val char = None
val newSb = optionallyAppend(sb, char)
newSb shouldBe empty
"addSpaceBeforeLast" should
"add a space before the last character" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
val (first, last) = ("hell", "o")
val totalLength = first.length + last.length
val newSb = addSpaceBeforeLast(sb)
// Added a space, so length is updated
newSb.length should===(totalLength + 1)
val expectedString = s"$first $last"
newSb.toString should===(expectedString)
"addSpaceAtEnd" should
"add a space at the last character" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
val expectedString = "hello "
val newSb = addSpaceAtEnd(sb)
newSb.toString should===(expectedString)
I'm interested in simplifying the states if possible and also general best practices. This implementation is fast enoughâ¢, but any performance improvements would be helpful (though I don't expect crazy benchmarking).
scala state-machine
I am developing a FSM to segment Thai syllables with the following rules:
Here are my util functions:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473
package object proj3
private[proj3] def optionallyAppend(sb: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char]): StringBuilder = char match
case Some(c) =>
case None =>
/** Inserts a space before the last element.
* @param sb the string to which a space should be added
* @return the string with a space at the n-1st position
private[proj3] def addSpaceBeforeLast(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
sb.insert(sb.length-1, ' ')
/** Appends a space to the StringBuilder.
* @param sb the StringBuilder to which a space should be added
* @return the StringBuilder with a space at the end
private[proj3] def addSpaceAtEnd(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
sb.append(' ')
Here are my states:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
private[proj3] sealed trait State
* The string builder before a character is potentially applied.
protected def stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder
* The character which can trigger an update in state.
* Creating an Option[Char] is a hack because the empty char literal does not
* exist in Scala.
protected def char: Option[Char]
* An optional function which can transform the tape after the string builder
* may have been updated. This will be `None` in the normal case.
protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder]
* If the state is a "normal" state
* @return
def stringBuilderOut: StringBuilder = postProcessesStringBuilder match
case Some(f) => f(optionallyAppend(stringBuilderIn, char))
case None => optionallyAppend(stringBuilderIn, char)
private[proj3] sealed trait NormalState extends State
* In the normal case, we don't post process the string builder -- potentially adding
* the character is good enough.
* @return
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] = None
private[proj3] sealed trait StateWithPenultimateSpace extends State
* In state 7 and 8, a space is to be added before the penultimate character,
* so this will be the post-processing function.
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] =
private[proj3] sealed trait StateWithFinalSpace extends State
* In state 9, a space is to be appended to the string, so this will be
* the post-processing function.
final protected def postProcessesStringBuilder: Option[StringBuilder => StringBuilder] =
// State0 through State6 are very vanilla -- just appending
// a character to the output string
private[proj3] final case class State0(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State1(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State2(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State3(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State4(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State5(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
private[proj3] final case class State6(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends NormalState
// State7 and State8 are special -- add a space before the last character
// in the output string
private[proj3] final case class State7(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithPenultimateSpace
private[proj3] final case class State8(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithPenultimateSpace
// State9 is also special -- add a space to the end of the output string
private[proj3] final case class State9(stringBuilderIn: StringBuilder, char: Option[Char])
extends StateWithFinalSpace
And here is my state machine:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
/** Given input lines, moves through the state machine for
* each line
* @param lines the unsegmented Thai lines
class StateMachine(lines: Iterable[String]) extends LazyLogging
// The categories that force transitions
private final val V1: Set[Char] = "à ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Âà ¹Â".toSet
private final val C1: Set[Char] = "à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Â
à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ à ¸¡à ¸¢à ¸£à ¸¤à ¸¥à ¸¦à ¸§à ¸¨à ¸©à ¸ªà ¸«à ¸¬à ¸Âà ¸®".toSet
private final val C2: Set[Char] = "à ¸£à ¸¥à ¸§à ¸Âà ¸¡".toSet
private final val V2: Set[Char] = "âÂÂà ¸´âÂÂà ¸µâÂÂà ¸¶âÂÂà ¸·âÂÂà ¸¸âÂÂà ¸¹âÂÂà ¸±âÂÂà ¹Â".toSet
private final val T: Set[Char] = Set('u0E48', 'u0E49', 'u0E4A', 'u0E4B')
private final val V3: Set[Char] = "à ¸²à ¸Âà ¸¢à ¸§".toSet
private final val C3: Set[Char] = "à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¢à ¸§".toSet
// The following methods define the actions to be performed
// (i.e., defining to which state the machine should transition)
// The naming convention is actionN where N is the state before
// transition
private def action0(implicit oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 1")
State1(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 2")
State2(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action1(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 2")
State2(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action2(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 3")
State3(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V2.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 4")
State4(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(T.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action3(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 4")
State4(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(T.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action4(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 5")
State5(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action5(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 6")
State6(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C3.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
private def action6(oldState: State, c: Char): State =
logger.trace("Going to state 9")
State9(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(V1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 7")
State7(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
else if(C1.contains(c))
logger.trace("Going to state 8")
State8(oldState.stringBuilderOut, Some(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid input '$c'")
// Because actions 7, 8, and 9 don't consume input,
// they will simply be a pass-through to the action of the
// state for which they are acting as a proxy
private def action7(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action1(oldState, c)
private def action8(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action2(oldState, c)
private def action9(oldState: State, c: Char): State = action0(oldState, c)
/** Given a state and a character, choose the next action to perform
* (i.e., choose the next state)
* @param state the state of the machine right now
* @param c the character triggering a transition
* @return the new state of the machine
private def segmentationFunction(state: State, c: Char): State = state match
case s: State0 => action0(s, c)
case s: State1 => action1(s, c)
case s: State2 => action2(s, c)
case s: State3 => action3(s, c)
case s: State4 => action4(s, c)
case s: State5 => action5(s, c)
case s: State6 => action6(s, c)
case s: State7 => action7(s, c)
case s: State8 => action8(s, c)
case s: State9 => action9(s, c)
logger.trace("In state 0")
private final def initialState: State = State0(new StringBuilder, None)
/** For a given line, this function will work through
* the entire transition of state in the state machine.
* @param line the line being processed
* @return the final state
private def transition(line: String, initialState: State): State =
// Given a state (with initial value of State0(new StringBuilder)) and a character
// (left to right in the string), apply segmentationFunction. Update
// the state and move to next character in the line.
val state = line.foldLeft(initialState) (state, c) =>
logger.trace(s"Handling $c")
segmentationFunction(state, c)
logger.debug(s"Processed line: $state.stringBuilderOut.toString()")
/** Apply transition to the given line and return the output string from
* the resultant state
* @param line the line being processed
* @return the output string of the final state
private def segmentLine(line: String): String = transition(line, initialState).stringBuilderOut.toString
/** Segments all lines
* @return the SegmentedLines of all the inputs
def segmentLines: SegmentedLines = new SegmentedLines(
Here, SegmentedLines
is just a class that will transform the output into a standard form -- it is beyond the scope of the review, but for completeness, it's below:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import, File, FileWriter
class SegmentedLines(l: Iterable[String]) <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
My tests are here:
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
class StateMachineTest extends FlatSpec
"A StateMachine" should "segment the example" in
val input: Seq[String] = Seq("à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸´à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸ªà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ªà ¸§à ¹Âà ¸Â", "à ¸«à ¸¥à ¸¸à ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸«à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸²à ¸¡à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸´à ¹Âà ¸Â")
val expectedOutput = Seq("à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸ à ¸Âà ¸Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸ªà ¸Âà ¸ à ¸ªà ¸§à ¹Âà ¸Â", "à ¸«à ¸¥à ¸¸à ¸¡ à ¸Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¹Âà ¸« à ¸Âà ¹Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸ à ¸Âà ¸²à ¸¡ à ¸Âà ¸´à ¸ à ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸´à ¹Âà ¸Â")
val stateMachine: StateMachine = new StateMachine(input)
package edu.washington.rippeth.ling473.proj3
import org.scalatest.Matchers, WordSpecLike
class UtilsSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers
private def withCleanStringBuilder(block: StringBuilder => Any): Unit =
val sb = new StringBuilder
"optionallyAppend" should
"append when the character is not None" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
sb shouldBe empty
val charToAdd = 'c'
val char @ Some(c) = Some(charToAdd)
val newSb = optionallyAppend(sb, char)
newSb.length should===(1)
newSb.headOption shouldBe char
"not append when the character is None" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
sb shouldBe empty
val char = None
val newSb = optionallyAppend(sb, char)
newSb shouldBe empty
"addSpaceBeforeLast" should
"add a space before the last character" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
val (first, last) = ("hell", "o")
val totalLength = first.length + last.length
val newSb = addSpaceBeforeLast(sb)
// Added a space, so length is updated
newSb.length should===(totalLength + 1)
val expectedString = s"$first $last"
newSb.toString should===(expectedString)
"addSpaceAtEnd" should
"add a space at the last character" in withCleanStringBuilder sb =>
val expectedString = "hello "
val newSb = addSpaceAtEnd(sb)
newSb.toString should===(expectedString)
I'm interested in simplifying the states if possible and also general best practices. This implementation is fast enoughâ¢, but any performance improvements would be helpful (though I don't expect crazy benchmarking).
scala state-machine
edited Jun 9 at 0:25
asked Jun 8 at 12:32
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