Purely functional brodal heap implementation

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;

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I implemented the Brodal heap from Brodal & Osaki 1996: Optimal Purely Functional Priority Queues in haskell. The paper gives an implementation in ML but without higher-kinded types. The goal was to introduce some more type-safety by tagging the types Heap and SkewBinomialTree with their ranks. I am aware that an implementation already exists in the package heaps.

The implementation is split into three parts. Data.FunctionalHeap implements the main interface and depends on Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree which implements only SkewBinomialTrees and Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints which offers support to teach Haskell the semantics of "ranks".

My main concern is readability and functionality. As this is one of my first Haskell projects, I'd also appreciate feedback about the project layout and interface and getting rid of unneeded dependencies.

- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- constraints >= 0.10
- typelits-witnesses >=
- ghc-typelits-natnormalise >= 0.6.1

// Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints
-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-
-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-
-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-
-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-
-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-
-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-

module Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints(
type (<),
type (<=),
) where

import Data.Constraint (type (:-)( Sub ), Dict( Dict ), withDict, mapDict)
import Data.Type.Bool (type (||))
import Data.Type.Equality (type (==))
import Data.Ord (Ordering)
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, CmpNat, type (+))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

infixr 0 <&-> -- use dict in expression
infixl 1 <&>> -- basically modus ponens

-- Given a dict, derive something that needs its contents (without ugly mattern matching)
(<&->) :: Dict a -> (a => r) -> r
(<&->) = withDict
-- Given a dict, apply an entailment to the dict
(<&>>) :: Dict a -> a :- b -> Dict b
(<&>>) = flip mapDict

type Rank = Maybe Nat

class KnownRank (r :: Rank) where
-- rankSing :: Maybe Integer

instance KnownNat n => KnownRank (Just n) where
-- rankSing = Just (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))

instance KnownRank Nothing where
-- rankSing = Nothing

type family CmpRank (l :: Rank) (r :: Rank) :: Ordering where
CmpRank Nothing Nothing = EQ
CmpRank (Just n) Nothing = LT
CmpRank Nothing (Just n) = GT
CmpRank (Just l) (Just r) = CmpNat l r

infix 4 <, <=
type x < y = CmpRank x y ~ LT
type x <= y = (CmpRank x y == LT || CmpRank x y == EQ) ~ True

class (KnownRank d', d <= d') => LessOrMore d d' where
instance (KnownRank d', d <= d') => LessOrMore d d' where

axiom :: forall a. Dict a -- Please don't hurt me
axiom = unsafeCoerce (Dict :: Dict (a ~ a))

lessImpliesLessEqForP1 :: forall d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e) :- (Just (d + 1) <= e)
lessImpliesLessEqForP1 = Sub axiom

zeroIsSmallest :: forall d. (KnownRank d) :- (Just 0 <= d)
zeroIsSmallest = Sub axiom

monotonicNat :: forall d. (KnownNat d) :- (KnownNat (d + 1))
monotonicNat = Sub axiom

reflexiveRank :: forall d. (KnownRank d) :- (d <= d)
reflexiveRank = Sub axiom

decreasingNat :: forall d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, (Just (d + 1)) <= e) :- (Just d < e)
decreasingNat = Sub axiom

monotonicRank :: forall d e f. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, KnownRank f, Just d < e, e <= f) :- (Just d < f)
monotonicRank = Sub axiom

// Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree
-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-
-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-
-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-

module Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree(
) where

import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, type (+))
import Data.Kind (Type)

-- Layer 0 =
-- Layer (d + 1) = Layer d + [Tree d] (binomial link)
-- Layer (d + 1) = Tree d + Tree d (skew type A)
-- Layer (d + 1) = [Tree 0] + Layer d + [Tree d]

-- Tree d = a x Layer d
data SkewBinomialLayer :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
Layer0 :: SkewBinomialLayer a 0
BinomialLayer :: KnownNat d =>
lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d,
linkedTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
-> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)
SkewALayer :: KnownNat d =>
leftTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d,
rightTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
-> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)
SkewBLayer :: KnownNat d =>
singleTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a 0,
lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d,
linkedTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
-> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)

data SkewBinomialTree :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
SkewBinomialTree ::
data_ :: a,
layer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d
-> SkewBinomialTree a d

singleTree :: a -> SkewBinomialTree a 0
singleTree el = SkewBinomialTree data_ = el, layer_ = Layer0

combineTree :: (Ord a, KnownNat d)
=> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> a -> SkewBinomialTree a (d + 1)
combineTree t1 t2 el =
let d1 = data_ t1
d2 = data_ t2
in case (d1 < el, d2 < el, d1 < d2)
-- d1 >= el && d2 >= el
of (False, False, _) -> SkewBinomialTree
data_ = el,
layer_ = SkewALayer
rightTree_ = t1,
leftTree_ = t2

-- d1 < el || d2 < el && d1 < d2
(_, _, True) -> SkewBinomialTree
data_ = d1,
layer_ = SkewBLayer
singleTree_ = singleTree el,
lowerLayer_ = layer_ t1,
linkedTree_ = t2

-- d1 < el || d2 < el && d1 >= d2
(_, _, False) -> SkewBinomialTree
data_ = d2,
layer_ = SkewBLayer
singleTree_ = singleTree el,
lowerLayer_ = layer_ t2,
linkedTree_ = t1

combineTree' :: (Ord a, KnownNat d)
=> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a (d + 1)
combineTree' left right =
let d1 = data_ left
d2 = data_ right
in case d1 < d2
of True -> SkewBinomialTree
data_ = d1,
layer_ = BinomialLayer
lowerLayer_ = layer_ left,
linkedTree_ = right

_ -> SkewBinomialTree
data_ = d2,
layer_ = BinomialLayer
lowerLayer_ = layer_ right,
linkedTree_ = left

skewData :: SkewBinomialTree a d -> a
skewData = data_

skewLayer :: SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialLayer a d
skewLayer = layer_

// Data.FunctionalHeap
-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-
-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-
-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-
-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-
-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-
-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-
-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-
-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-

module Data.FunctionalHeap(
) where

import Data.Constraint (Dict( Dict ))
import Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints
import Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree (SkewBinomialTree, SkewBinomialLayer(..), combineTree, combineTree', singleTree, skewData, skewLayer)
import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
import Data.Typeable ((:~:)( Refl ))
import Data.Ord (compare)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, sameNat, CmpNat, type (+))
import GHC.TypeLits.Compare (cmpNat, SCmpNat(..))

data SizedHeap (d :: Rank) a where
EmptyHeap :: SizedHeap Nothing a
TrailingHeap :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e)
=> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a
-- must either have a trailing or empty heap after
-- both trees must have same order
LeadingHeap :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e)
=> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a

data CSizedHeap (c :: Rank -> Constraint) a where
CSizedHeap :: forall a c d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> CSizedHeap c a

consumeCSizedHeap :: (forall d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> r) -> CSizedHeap c a -> r
consumeCSizedHeap f (CSizedHeap heap) = f heap

useCSizedHeap :: CSizedHeap c a -> (forall d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> r) -> r
useCSizedHeap heap f = consumeCSizedHeap f heap

data CSkewBinomialTree (c :: Nat -> Constraint) a where
CSkewBinomialTree :: forall a c d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> CSkewBinomialTree c a

consumeCSizedTree :: (forall d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> r) -> CSkewBinomialTree c a -> r
consumeCSizedTree f (CSkewBinomialTree tree) = f tree

useCSizedTree :: CSkewBinomialTree c a -> (forall d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> r) -> r
useCSizedTree tree f = consumeCSizedTree f tree

insertToSized :: (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d <= e)
=> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a
insertToSized smallTree EmptyHeap = TrailingHeap smallTree EmptyHeap
insertToSized (smallTree :: SkewBinomialTree a d) heap@(TrailingHeap (leadingTree :: SkewBinomialTree a e) trailingHeap) =
case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d) (Proxy :: Proxy e)
of CLT Refl -> TrailingHeap smallTree heap
CEQ _ Refl -> LeadingHeap smallTree leadingTree trailingHeap
_ -> error "Impossible branch"
insertToSized (smallTree :: SkewBinomialTree a d) (LeadingHeap _ _ _) = error "Can't insert here"

addToSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
=> SizedHeap d a -> a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
addToSized EmptyHeap el = CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap (singleTree el) EmptyHeap
addToSized heap@(TrailingHeap _ _) el =
Dict <&>> zeroIsSmallest @d <&->
CSizedHeap $ insertToSized (singleTree el) heap
addToSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (trailingHeap :: SizedHeap e a)) el =
Dict <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 @d' @e <&->
Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
CSizedHeap $ insertToSized (combineTree t1 t2 el) trailingHeap

-- Makes sure that heap is not a LeadingHeap by combining
prepareMeldSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
=> SizedHeap d a -> CSizedHeap (KnownRank -, d <= d'-) a
prepareMeldSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
Dict <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 @d' @e <&->
Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
prepareMeldSized $ insertToSized (combineTree' t1 t2) tail
prepareMeldSized heap =
--Dict <&>> reflexiveRank @e <&->
CSizedHeap heap

-- TODO: use insertToSized instead??
insSized :: forall a e d. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e-, (Just d) <= e-, Ord a)
=> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
insSized tree EmptyHeap =
CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap tree EmptyHeap
insSized tree heap@(TrailingHeap (leading :: SkewBinomialTree a e') (tail :: SizedHeap f a)) =
-(Dict :: Dict (KnownNat e, KnownRank f, (Just e) < f)) <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 <&->-
Dict <&>> monotonicNat @e' <&->
case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d) (Proxy :: Proxy e')
of CLT Refl -> CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap tree heap)
CEQ _ Refl -> insSized (combineTree' tree leading) tail
_ -> error "Illegal branch"

meldSized :: forall a d e. (KnownRank d, KnownRank e, Ord a)
=> SizedHeap d a -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
meldSized t1 t2 =
let prepared1 = prepareMeldSized t1
prepared2 = prepareMeldSized t2
in consumeCSizedHeap (consumeCSizedHeap meldSized' prepared1) prepared2

meldSized' :: (KnownRank d, KnownRank e, Ord a)
=> SizedHeap d a -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
meldSized' EmptyHeap heap = CSizedHeap heap
meldSized' heap EmptyHeap = CSizedHeap heap
meldSized' heapL@(TrailingHeap (tL :: SkewBinomialTree a d') tailL) heapR@(TrailingHeap (tR :: SkewBinomialTree a e') tailR) =
Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d') (Proxy :: Proxy e')
of CLT Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized tL) $ meldSized' tailL heapR
CGT Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized tR) $ meldSized' heapL tailR
CEQ _ Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized $ combineTree' tL tR) $ meldSized' tailL tailR

splitLayer :: (KnownNat d)
=> SkewBinomialLayer a d -> (CSizedHeap KnownRank a, [a])
splitLayer = splitLayer' EmptyHeap

splitLayer' :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d <= e)
=> SizedHeap e a -> SkewBinomialLayer a d -> (CSizedHeap KnownRank a, [a])
splitLayer' heap Layer0 = (CSizedHeap heap, )
splitLayer' heap (BinomialLayer (lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d') linkedTree_) =
Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
splitLayer' (TrailingHeap linkedTree_ heap) lowerLayer_
splitLayer' heap (SkewALayer (left :: SkewBinomialTree a d') right) =
Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
(CSizedHeap (LeadingHeap left right heap), )
splitLayer' heap (SkewBLayer single (lower :: SkewBinomialLayer a d') linked) =
let (heap', list) =
Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
splitLayer' (TrailingHeap linked heap) lower
in (heap', skewData single : list)

splitMinTreeSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
=> SizedHeap d a -> (CSizedHeap (LessOrMore d) a, CSkewBinomialTree KnownNat a)
splitMinTreeSized EmptyHeap = error "Can't split empty heap"
splitMinTreeSized (TrailingHeap tree EmptyHeap) = (CSizedHeap EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree tree)
splitMinTreeSized (TrailingHeap (tree :: SkewBinomialTree a d') (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
let (trailHeap, trailMinTree) = splitMinTreeSized tail
trailMin = useCSizedTree trailMinTree skewData
in if trailMin < skewData tree
then (useCSizedHeap trailHeap (
(trail :: SizedHeap f a) -> Dict <&>> monotonicRank @d' @e @f <&->
CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap tree trail), trailMinTree)
else (CSizedHeap tail, CSkewBinomialTree tree)
splitMinTreeSized (LeadingHeap t1 t2 EmptyHeap) =
if skewData t1 < skewData t2
then (CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap t2 EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree t1)
else (CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap t1 EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree t2)
splitMinTreeSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
let (trailHeap, trailMinTree) = splitMinTreeSized tail
trailMin = useCSizedTree trailMinTree skewData
in case (trailMin < skewData t1, trailMin < skewData t2)
of (False, _) -> (CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap t2 tail), CSkewBinomialTree t1)
(_, False) -> (CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap t1 tail), CSkewBinomialTree t2)
_ -> (useCSizedHeap trailHeap (
(trail :: SizedHeap f a) -> Dict <&>> monotonicRank @d' @e @f <&->
CSizedHeap $ LeadingHeap t1 t2 trail), trailMinTree)

deleteMinSized :: (KnownRank d, Ord a)
=> SizedHeap d a -> (a, CSizedHeap KnownRank a)
deleteMinSized EmptyHeap = error "Can't delete from empty heap"
deleteMinSized heap =
let (heap', minTree) = splitMinTreeSized heap
(heap'', rest) = useCSizedTree minTree (splitLayer . skewLayer)
meldedheap = consumeCSizedHeap (consumeCSizedHeap meldSized heap') heap''
newheap = foldl (consumeCSizedHeap addToSized) meldedheap rest
in (useCSizedTree minTree skewData, newheap)

instance Foldable (SizedHeap e) where
foldMap f EmptyHeap = mempty
foldMap f (TrailingHeap head tail) = f (skewData head) `mappend` foldMap f tail
foldMap f (LeadingHeap t1 t2 tail) = f (skewData t1) `mappend` f (skewData t2) `mappend` foldMap f tail

class Heap (a :: Type -> Type) where
empty :: a t
isEmpty :: a t -> Bool

insert :: Ord t => a t -> t -> a t

meld :: Ord t => a t -> a t -> a t

findMin :: Ord t => a t -> t
findMin h = fst $ removeMin h

removeMin :: Ord t => a t -> (t, a t)

instance Heap (CSizedHeap KnownRank) where
empty = CSizedHeap EmptyHeap
isEmpty (CSizedHeap EmptyHeap) = True
isEmpty _ = False
insert (CSizedHeap heap) = addToSized heap
meld (CSizedHeap heapL) (CSizedHeap heapR) = meldSized heapL heapR
findMin (CSizedHeap heap) = minimum heap
removeMin (CSizedHeap heap) = deleteMinSized heap

data Heap h => RBstHeap h a = RBstHeap
root_ :: a,
queue_ :: h (RBstHeap h a)

instance (Heap h, Ord a) => Ord (RBstHeap h a) where
compare left right = compare (root_ left) (root_ right)
instance (Heap h, Eq a) => Eq (RBstHeap h a) where
left == right = root_ left == root_ right

data Heap h => BootstrappedHeap h a = Empty | BootstrappedHeap underlying_ :: RBstHeap h a

instance Heap h => Heap (BootstrappedHeap h) where
empty = Empty
isEmpty Empty = True
isEmpty _ = False

insert h x = meld h BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = x, queue_ = empty

meld Empty r = r
meld l Empty = l
meld BootstrappedHeapunderlying_=left BootstrappedHeapunderlying_=right =
let xl = root_ left
xr = root_ right
ql = queue_ left
qr = queue_ right
in if root_ left < root_ right
then BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = xl, queue_ = insert ql right
else BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = xr, queue_ = insert qr left

findMin = root_ . underlying_

removeMin BootstrappedHeapunderlying_ =
if isEmpty $ queue_ underlying_
then (root_ underlying_, Empty)
else let (RBstHeaproot_=newmin, queue_=q1, q2) = removeMin $ queue_ underlying_
in (root_ underlying_, BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = newmin, queue_ = meld q1 q2 )

type BrodalHeap = BootstrappedHeap (CSizedHeap KnownRank)

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    up vote
    down vote


    I implemented the Brodal heap from Brodal & Osaki 1996: Optimal Purely Functional Priority Queues in haskell. The paper gives an implementation in ML but without higher-kinded types. The goal was to introduce some more type-safety by tagging the types Heap and SkewBinomialTree with their ranks. I am aware that an implementation already exists in the package heaps.

    The implementation is split into three parts. Data.FunctionalHeap implements the main interface and depends on Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree which implements only SkewBinomialTrees and Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints which offers support to teach Haskell the semantics of "ranks".

    My main concern is readability and functionality. As this is one of my first Haskell projects, I'd also appreciate feedback about the project layout and interface and getting rid of unneeded dependencies.

    - base >= 4.7 && < 5
    - constraints >= 0.10
    - typelits-witnesses >=
    - ghc-typelits-natnormalise >= 0.6.1

    // Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints
    -# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-
    -# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
    -# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-
    -# LANGUAGE GADTs #-
    -# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
    -# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-
    -# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-
    -# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
    -# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-
    -# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-

    module Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints(
    type (<),
    type (<=),
    ) where

    import Data.Constraint (type (:-)( Sub ), Dict( Dict ), withDict, mapDict)
    import Data.Type.Bool (type (||))
    import Data.Type.Equality (type (==))
    import Data.Ord (Ordering)
    import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, CmpNat, type (+))
    import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

    infixr 0 <&-> -- use dict in expression
    infixl 1 <&>> -- basically modus ponens

    -- Given a dict, derive something that needs its contents (without ugly mattern matching)
    (<&->) :: Dict a -> (a => r) -> r
    (<&->) = withDict
    -- Given a dict, apply an entailment to the dict
    (<&>>) :: Dict a -> a :- b -> Dict b
    (<&>>) = flip mapDict

    type Rank = Maybe Nat

    class KnownRank (r :: Rank) where
    -- rankSing :: Maybe Integer

    instance KnownNat n => KnownRank (Just n) where
    -- rankSing = Just (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))

    instance KnownRank Nothing where
    -- rankSing = Nothing

    type family CmpRank (l :: Rank) (r :: Rank) :: Ordering where
    CmpRank Nothing Nothing = EQ
    CmpRank (Just n) Nothing = LT
    CmpRank Nothing (Just n) = GT
    CmpRank (Just l) (Just r) = CmpNat l r

    infix 4 <, <=
    type x < y = CmpRank x y ~ LT
    type x <= y = (CmpRank x y == LT || CmpRank x y == EQ) ~ True

    class (KnownRank d', d <= d') => LessOrMore d d' where
    instance (KnownRank d', d <= d') => LessOrMore d d' where

    axiom :: forall a. Dict a -- Please don't hurt me
    axiom = unsafeCoerce (Dict :: Dict (a ~ a))

    lessImpliesLessEqForP1 :: forall d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e) :- (Just (d + 1) <= e)
    lessImpliesLessEqForP1 = Sub axiom

    zeroIsSmallest :: forall d. (KnownRank d) :- (Just 0 <= d)
    zeroIsSmallest = Sub axiom

    monotonicNat :: forall d. (KnownNat d) :- (KnownNat (d + 1))
    monotonicNat = Sub axiom

    reflexiveRank :: forall d. (KnownRank d) :- (d <= d)
    reflexiveRank = Sub axiom

    decreasingNat :: forall d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, (Just (d + 1)) <= e) :- (Just d < e)
    decreasingNat = Sub axiom

    monotonicRank :: forall d e f. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, KnownRank f, Just d < e, e <= f) :- (Just d < f)
    monotonicRank = Sub axiom

    // Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree
    -# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
    -# LANGUAGE GADTs #-
    -# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-
    -# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
    -# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-
    -# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
    -# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-

    module Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree(
    ) where

    import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, type (+))
    import Data.Kind (Type)

    -- Layer 0 =
    -- Layer (d + 1) = Layer d + [Tree d] (binomial link)
    -- Layer (d + 1) = Tree d + Tree d (skew type A)
    -- Layer (d + 1) = [Tree 0] + Layer d + [Tree d]

    -- Tree d = a x Layer d
    data SkewBinomialLayer :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
    Layer0 :: SkewBinomialLayer a 0
    BinomialLayer :: KnownNat d =>
    lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d,
    linkedTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
    -> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)
    SkewALayer :: KnownNat d =>
    leftTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d,
    rightTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
    -> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)
    SkewBLayer :: KnownNat d =>
    singleTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a 0,
    lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d,
    linkedTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
    -> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)

    data SkewBinomialTree :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
    SkewBinomialTree ::
    data_ :: a,
    layer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d
    -> SkewBinomialTree a d

    singleTree :: a -> SkewBinomialTree a 0
    singleTree el = SkewBinomialTree data_ = el, layer_ = Layer0

    combineTree :: (Ord a, KnownNat d)
    => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> a -> SkewBinomialTree a (d + 1)
    combineTree t1 t2 el =
    let d1 = data_ t1
    d2 = data_ t2
    in case (d1 < el, d2 < el, d1 < d2)
    -- d1 >= el && d2 >= el
    of (False, False, _) -> SkewBinomialTree
    data_ = el,
    layer_ = SkewALayer
    rightTree_ = t1,
    leftTree_ = t2

    -- d1 < el || d2 < el && d1 < d2
    (_, _, True) -> SkewBinomialTree
    data_ = d1,
    layer_ = SkewBLayer
    singleTree_ = singleTree el,
    lowerLayer_ = layer_ t1,
    linkedTree_ = t2

    -- d1 < el || d2 < el && d1 >= d2
    (_, _, False) -> SkewBinomialTree
    data_ = d2,
    layer_ = SkewBLayer
    singleTree_ = singleTree el,
    lowerLayer_ = layer_ t2,
    linkedTree_ = t1

    combineTree' :: (Ord a, KnownNat d)
    => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a (d + 1)
    combineTree' left right =
    let d1 = data_ left
    d2 = data_ right
    in case d1 < d2
    of True -> SkewBinomialTree
    data_ = d1,
    layer_ = BinomialLayer
    lowerLayer_ = layer_ left,
    linkedTree_ = right

    _ -> SkewBinomialTree
    data_ = d2,
    layer_ = BinomialLayer
    lowerLayer_ = layer_ right,
    linkedTree_ = left

    skewData :: SkewBinomialTree a d -> a
    skewData = data_

    skewLayer :: SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialLayer a d
    skewLayer = layer_

    // Data.FunctionalHeap
    -# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-
    -# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
    -# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-
    -# LANGUAGE GADTs #-
    -# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-
    -# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
    -# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-
    -# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-
    -# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-
    -# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
    -# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-
    -# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-

    module Data.FunctionalHeap(
    ) where

    import Data.Constraint (Dict( Dict ))
    import Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints
    import Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree (SkewBinomialTree, SkewBinomialLayer(..), combineTree, combineTree', singleTree, skewData, skewLayer)
    import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
    import Data.Typeable ((:~:)( Refl ))
    import Data.Ord (compare)
    import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
    import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, sameNat, CmpNat, type (+))
    import GHC.TypeLits.Compare (cmpNat, SCmpNat(..))

    data SizedHeap (d :: Rank) a where
    EmptyHeap :: SizedHeap Nothing a
    TrailingHeap :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e)
    => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a
    -- must either have a trailing or empty heap after
    -- both trees must have same order
    LeadingHeap :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e)
    => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a

    data CSizedHeap (c :: Rank -> Constraint) a where
    CSizedHeap :: forall a c d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> CSizedHeap c a

    consumeCSizedHeap :: (forall d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> r) -> CSizedHeap c a -> r
    consumeCSizedHeap f (CSizedHeap heap) = f heap

    useCSizedHeap :: CSizedHeap c a -> (forall d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> r) -> r
    useCSizedHeap heap f = consumeCSizedHeap f heap

    data CSkewBinomialTree (c :: Nat -> Constraint) a where
    CSkewBinomialTree :: forall a c d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> CSkewBinomialTree c a

    consumeCSizedTree :: (forall d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> r) -> CSkewBinomialTree c a -> r
    consumeCSizedTree f (CSkewBinomialTree tree) = f tree

    useCSizedTree :: CSkewBinomialTree c a -> (forall d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> r) -> r
    useCSizedTree tree f = consumeCSizedTree f tree

    insertToSized :: (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d <= e)
    => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a
    insertToSized smallTree EmptyHeap = TrailingHeap smallTree EmptyHeap
    insertToSized (smallTree :: SkewBinomialTree a d) heap@(TrailingHeap (leadingTree :: SkewBinomialTree a e) trailingHeap) =
    case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d) (Proxy :: Proxy e)
    of CLT Refl -> TrailingHeap smallTree heap
    CEQ _ Refl -> LeadingHeap smallTree leadingTree trailingHeap
    _ -> error "Impossible branch"
    insertToSized (smallTree :: SkewBinomialTree a d) (LeadingHeap _ _ _) = error "Can't insert here"

    addToSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
    => SizedHeap d a -> a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
    addToSized EmptyHeap el = CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap (singleTree el) EmptyHeap
    addToSized heap@(TrailingHeap _ _) el =
    Dict <&>> zeroIsSmallest @d <&->
    CSizedHeap $ insertToSized (singleTree el) heap
    addToSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (trailingHeap :: SizedHeap e a)) el =
    Dict <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 @d' @e <&->
    Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
    CSizedHeap $ insertToSized (combineTree t1 t2 el) trailingHeap

    -- Makes sure that heap is not a LeadingHeap by combining
    prepareMeldSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
    => SizedHeap d a -> CSizedHeap (KnownRank -, d <= d'-) a
    prepareMeldSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
    Dict <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 @d' @e <&->
    Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
    prepareMeldSized $ insertToSized (combineTree' t1 t2) tail
    prepareMeldSized heap =
    --Dict <&>> reflexiveRank @e <&->
    CSizedHeap heap

    -- TODO: use insertToSized instead??
    insSized :: forall a e d. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e-, (Just d) <= e-, Ord a)
    => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
    insSized tree EmptyHeap =
    CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap tree EmptyHeap
    insSized tree heap@(TrailingHeap (leading :: SkewBinomialTree a e') (tail :: SizedHeap f a)) =
    -(Dict :: Dict (KnownNat e, KnownRank f, (Just e) < f)) <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 <&->-
    Dict <&>> monotonicNat @e' <&->
    case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d) (Proxy :: Proxy e')
    of CLT Refl -> CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap tree heap)
    CEQ _ Refl -> insSized (combineTree' tree leading) tail
    _ -> error "Illegal branch"

    meldSized :: forall a d e. (KnownRank d, KnownRank e, Ord a)
    => SizedHeap d a -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
    meldSized t1 t2 =
    let prepared1 = prepareMeldSized t1
    prepared2 = prepareMeldSized t2
    in consumeCSizedHeap (consumeCSizedHeap meldSized' prepared1) prepared2

    meldSized' :: (KnownRank d, KnownRank e, Ord a)
    => SizedHeap d a -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
    meldSized' EmptyHeap heap = CSizedHeap heap
    meldSized' heap EmptyHeap = CSizedHeap heap
    meldSized' heapL@(TrailingHeap (tL :: SkewBinomialTree a d') tailL) heapR@(TrailingHeap (tR :: SkewBinomialTree a e') tailR) =
    Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
    case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d') (Proxy :: Proxy e')
    of CLT Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized tL) $ meldSized' tailL heapR
    CGT Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized tR) $ meldSized' heapL tailR
    CEQ _ Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized $ combineTree' tL tR) $ meldSized' tailL tailR

    splitLayer :: (KnownNat d)
    => SkewBinomialLayer a d -> (CSizedHeap KnownRank a, [a])
    splitLayer = splitLayer' EmptyHeap

    splitLayer' :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d <= e)
    => SizedHeap e a -> SkewBinomialLayer a d -> (CSizedHeap KnownRank a, [a])
    splitLayer' heap Layer0 = (CSizedHeap heap, )
    splitLayer' heap (BinomialLayer (lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d') linkedTree_) =
    Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
    splitLayer' (TrailingHeap linkedTree_ heap) lowerLayer_
    splitLayer' heap (SkewALayer (left :: SkewBinomialTree a d') right) =
    Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
    (CSizedHeap (LeadingHeap left right heap), )
    splitLayer' heap (SkewBLayer single (lower :: SkewBinomialLayer a d') linked) =
    let (heap', list) =
    Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
    splitLayer' (TrailingHeap linked heap) lower
    in (heap', skewData single : list)

    splitMinTreeSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
    => SizedHeap d a -> (CSizedHeap (LessOrMore d) a, CSkewBinomialTree KnownNat a)
    splitMinTreeSized EmptyHeap = error "Can't split empty heap"
    splitMinTreeSized (TrailingHeap tree EmptyHeap) = (CSizedHeap EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree tree)
    splitMinTreeSized (TrailingHeap (tree :: SkewBinomialTree a d') (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
    let (trailHeap, trailMinTree) = splitMinTreeSized tail
    trailMin = useCSizedTree trailMinTree skewData
    in if trailMin < skewData tree
    then (useCSizedHeap trailHeap (
    (trail :: SizedHeap f a) -> Dict <&>> monotonicRank @d' @e @f <&->
    CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap tree trail), trailMinTree)
    else (CSizedHeap tail, CSkewBinomialTree tree)
    splitMinTreeSized (LeadingHeap t1 t2 EmptyHeap) =
    if skewData t1 < skewData t2
    then (CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap t2 EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree t1)
    else (CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap t1 EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree t2)
    splitMinTreeSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
    let (trailHeap, trailMinTree) = splitMinTreeSized tail
    trailMin = useCSizedTree trailMinTree skewData
    in case (trailMin < skewData t1, trailMin < skewData t2)
    of (False, _) -> (CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap t2 tail), CSkewBinomialTree t1)
    (_, False) -> (CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap t1 tail), CSkewBinomialTree t2)
    _ -> (useCSizedHeap trailHeap (
    (trail :: SizedHeap f a) -> Dict <&>> monotonicRank @d' @e @f <&->
    CSizedHeap $ LeadingHeap t1 t2 trail), trailMinTree)

    deleteMinSized :: (KnownRank d, Ord a)
    => SizedHeap d a -> (a, CSizedHeap KnownRank a)
    deleteMinSized EmptyHeap = error "Can't delete from empty heap"
    deleteMinSized heap =
    let (heap', minTree) = splitMinTreeSized heap
    (heap'', rest) = useCSizedTree minTree (splitLayer . skewLayer)
    meldedheap = consumeCSizedHeap (consumeCSizedHeap meldSized heap') heap''
    newheap = foldl (consumeCSizedHeap addToSized) meldedheap rest
    in (useCSizedTree minTree skewData, newheap)

    instance Foldable (SizedHeap e) where
    foldMap f EmptyHeap = mempty
    foldMap f (TrailingHeap head tail) = f (skewData head) `mappend` foldMap f tail
    foldMap f (LeadingHeap t1 t2 tail) = f (skewData t1) `mappend` f (skewData t2) `mappend` foldMap f tail

    class Heap (a :: Type -> Type) where
    empty :: a t
    isEmpty :: a t -> Bool

    insert :: Ord t => a t -> t -> a t

    meld :: Ord t => a t -> a t -> a t

    findMin :: Ord t => a t -> t
    findMin h = fst $ removeMin h

    removeMin :: Ord t => a t -> (t, a t)

    instance Heap (CSizedHeap KnownRank) where
    empty = CSizedHeap EmptyHeap
    isEmpty (CSizedHeap EmptyHeap) = True
    isEmpty _ = False
    insert (CSizedHeap heap) = addToSized heap
    meld (CSizedHeap heapL) (CSizedHeap heapR) = meldSized heapL heapR
    findMin (CSizedHeap heap) = minimum heap
    removeMin (CSizedHeap heap) = deleteMinSized heap

    data Heap h => RBstHeap h a = RBstHeap
    root_ :: a,
    queue_ :: h (RBstHeap h a)

    instance (Heap h, Ord a) => Ord (RBstHeap h a) where
    compare left right = compare (root_ left) (root_ right)
    instance (Heap h, Eq a) => Eq (RBstHeap h a) where
    left == right = root_ left == root_ right

    data Heap h => BootstrappedHeap h a = Empty | BootstrappedHeap underlying_ :: RBstHeap h a

    instance Heap h => Heap (BootstrappedHeap h) where
    empty = Empty
    isEmpty Empty = True
    isEmpty _ = False

    insert h x = meld h BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = x, queue_ = empty

    meld Empty r = r
    meld l Empty = l
    meld BootstrappedHeapunderlying_=left BootstrappedHeapunderlying_=right =
    let xl = root_ left
    xr = root_ right
    ql = queue_ left
    qr = queue_ right
    in if root_ left < root_ right
    then BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = xl, queue_ = insert ql right
    else BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = xr, queue_ = insert qr left

    findMin = root_ . underlying_

    removeMin BootstrappedHeapunderlying_ =
    if isEmpty $ queue_ underlying_
    then (root_ underlying_, Empty)
    else let (RBstHeaproot_=newmin, queue_=q1, q2) = removeMin $ queue_ underlying_
    in (root_ underlying_, BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = newmin, queue_ = meld q1 q2 )

    type BrodalHeap = BootstrappedHeap (CSizedHeap KnownRank)

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      I implemented the Brodal heap from Brodal & Osaki 1996: Optimal Purely Functional Priority Queues in haskell. The paper gives an implementation in ML but without higher-kinded types. The goal was to introduce some more type-safety by tagging the types Heap and SkewBinomialTree with their ranks. I am aware that an implementation already exists in the package heaps.

      The implementation is split into three parts. Data.FunctionalHeap implements the main interface and depends on Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree which implements only SkewBinomialTrees and Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints which offers support to teach Haskell the semantics of "ranks".

      My main concern is readability and functionality. As this is one of my first Haskell projects, I'd also appreciate feedback about the project layout and interface and getting rid of unneeded dependencies.

      - base >= 4.7 && < 5
      - constraints >= 0.10
      - typelits-witnesses >=
      - ghc-typelits-natnormalise >= 0.6.1

      // Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints
      -# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-
      -# LANGUAGE GADTs #-
      -# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
      -# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-
      -# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-

      module Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints(
      type (<),
      type (<=),
      ) where

      import Data.Constraint (type (:-)( Sub ), Dict( Dict ), withDict, mapDict)
      import Data.Type.Bool (type (||))
      import Data.Type.Equality (type (==))
      import Data.Ord (Ordering)
      import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, CmpNat, type (+))
      import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

      infixr 0 <&-> -- use dict in expression
      infixl 1 <&>> -- basically modus ponens

      -- Given a dict, derive something that needs its contents (without ugly mattern matching)
      (<&->) :: Dict a -> (a => r) -> r
      (<&->) = withDict
      -- Given a dict, apply an entailment to the dict
      (<&>>) :: Dict a -> a :- b -> Dict b
      (<&>>) = flip mapDict

      type Rank = Maybe Nat

      class KnownRank (r :: Rank) where
      -- rankSing :: Maybe Integer

      instance KnownNat n => KnownRank (Just n) where
      -- rankSing = Just (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))

      instance KnownRank Nothing where
      -- rankSing = Nothing

      type family CmpRank (l :: Rank) (r :: Rank) :: Ordering where
      CmpRank Nothing Nothing = EQ
      CmpRank (Just n) Nothing = LT
      CmpRank Nothing (Just n) = GT
      CmpRank (Just l) (Just r) = CmpNat l r

      infix 4 <, <=
      type x < y = CmpRank x y ~ LT
      type x <= y = (CmpRank x y == LT || CmpRank x y == EQ) ~ True

      class (KnownRank d', d <= d') => LessOrMore d d' where
      instance (KnownRank d', d <= d') => LessOrMore d d' where

      axiom :: forall a. Dict a -- Please don't hurt me
      axiom = unsafeCoerce (Dict :: Dict (a ~ a))

      lessImpliesLessEqForP1 :: forall d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e) :- (Just (d + 1) <= e)
      lessImpliesLessEqForP1 = Sub axiom

      zeroIsSmallest :: forall d. (KnownRank d) :- (Just 0 <= d)
      zeroIsSmallest = Sub axiom

      monotonicNat :: forall d. (KnownNat d) :- (KnownNat (d + 1))
      monotonicNat = Sub axiom

      reflexiveRank :: forall d. (KnownRank d) :- (d <= d)
      reflexiveRank = Sub axiom

      decreasingNat :: forall d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, (Just (d + 1)) <= e) :- (Just d < e)
      decreasingNat = Sub axiom

      monotonicRank :: forall d e f. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, KnownRank f, Just d < e, e <= f) :- (Just d < f)
      monotonicRank = Sub axiom

      // Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree
      -# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE GADTs #-
      -# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-
      -# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
      -# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
      -# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-

      module Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree(
      ) where

      import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, type (+))
      import Data.Kind (Type)

      -- Layer 0 =
      -- Layer (d + 1) = Layer d + [Tree d] (binomial link)
      -- Layer (d + 1) = Tree d + Tree d (skew type A)
      -- Layer (d + 1) = [Tree 0] + Layer d + [Tree d]

      -- Tree d = a x Layer d
      data SkewBinomialLayer :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
      Layer0 :: SkewBinomialLayer a 0
      BinomialLayer :: KnownNat d =>
      lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d,
      linkedTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
      -> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)
      SkewALayer :: KnownNat d =>
      leftTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d,
      rightTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
      -> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)
      SkewBLayer :: KnownNat d =>
      singleTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a 0,
      lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d,
      linkedTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
      -> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)

      data SkewBinomialTree :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
      SkewBinomialTree ::
      data_ :: a,
      layer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d
      -> SkewBinomialTree a d

      singleTree :: a -> SkewBinomialTree a 0
      singleTree el = SkewBinomialTree data_ = el, layer_ = Layer0

      combineTree :: (Ord a, KnownNat d)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> a -> SkewBinomialTree a (d + 1)
      combineTree t1 t2 el =
      let d1 = data_ t1
      d2 = data_ t2
      in case (d1 < el, d2 < el, d1 < d2)
      -- d1 >= el && d2 >= el
      of (False, False, _) -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = el,
      layer_ = SkewALayer
      rightTree_ = t1,
      leftTree_ = t2

      -- d1 < el || d2 < el && d1 < d2
      (_, _, True) -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = d1,
      layer_ = SkewBLayer
      singleTree_ = singleTree el,
      lowerLayer_ = layer_ t1,
      linkedTree_ = t2

      -- d1 < el || d2 < el && d1 >= d2
      (_, _, False) -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = d2,
      layer_ = SkewBLayer
      singleTree_ = singleTree el,
      lowerLayer_ = layer_ t2,
      linkedTree_ = t1

      combineTree' :: (Ord a, KnownNat d)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a (d + 1)
      combineTree' left right =
      let d1 = data_ left
      d2 = data_ right
      in case d1 < d2
      of True -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = d1,
      layer_ = BinomialLayer
      lowerLayer_ = layer_ left,
      linkedTree_ = right

      _ -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = d2,
      layer_ = BinomialLayer
      lowerLayer_ = layer_ right,
      linkedTree_ = left

      skewData :: SkewBinomialTree a d -> a
      skewData = data_

      skewLayer :: SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialLayer a d
      skewLayer = layer_

      // Data.FunctionalHeap
      -# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-
      -# LANGUAGE GADTs #-
      -# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-
      -# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
      -# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-
      -# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-

      module Data.FunctionalHeap(
      ) where

      import Data.Constraint (Dict( Dict ))
      import Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints
      import Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree (SkewBinomialTree, SkewBinomialLayer(..), combineTree, combineTree', singleTree, skewData, skewLayer)
      import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
      import Data.Typeable ((:~:)( Refl ))
      import Data.Ord (compare)
      import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
      import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, sameNat, CmpNat, type (+))
      import GHC.TypeLits.Compare (cmpNat, SCmpNat(..))

      data SizedHeap (d :: Rank) a where
      EmptyHeap :: SizedHeap Nothing a
      TrailingHeap :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a
      -- must either have a trailing or empty heap after
      -- both trees must have same order
      LeadingHeap :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a

      data CSizedHeap (c :: Rank -> Constraint) a where
      CSizedHeap :: forall a c d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> CSizedHeap c a

      consumeCSizedHeap :: (forall d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> r) -> CSizedHeap c a -> r
      consumeCSizedHeap f (CSizedHeap heap) = f heap

      useCSizedHeap :: CSizedHeap c a -> (forall d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> r) -> r
      useCSizedHeap heap f = consumeCSizedHeap f heap

      data CSkewBinomialTree (c :: Nat -> Constraint) a where
      CSkewBinomialTree :: forall a c d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> CSkewBinomialTree c a

      consumeCSizedTree :: (forall d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> r) -> CSkewBinomialTree c a -> r
      consumeCSizedTree f (CSkewBinomialTree tree) = f tree

      useCSizedTree :: CSkewBinomialTree c a -> (forall d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> r) -> r
      useCSizedTree tree f = consumeCSizedTree f tree

      insertToSized :: (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d <= e)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a
      insertToSized smallTree EmptyHeap = TrailingHeap smallTree EmptyHeap
      insertToSized (smallTree :: SkewBinomialTree a d) heap@(TrailingHeap (leadingTree :: SkewBinomialTree a e) trailingHeap) =
      case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d) (Proxy :: Proxy e)
      of CLT Refl -> TrailingHeap smallTree heap
      CEQ _ Refl -> LeadingHeap smallTree leadingTree trailingHeap
      _ -> error "Impossible branch"
      insertToSized (smallTree :: SkewBinomialTree a d) (LeadingHeap _ _ _) = error "Can't insert here"

      addToSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
      addToSized EmptyHeap el = CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap (singleTree el) EmptyHeap
      addToSized heap@(TrailingHeap _ _) el =
      Dict <&>> zeroIsSmallest @d <&->
      CSizedHeap $ insertToSized (singleTree el) heap
      addToSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (trailingHeap :: SizedHeap e a)) el =
      Dict <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 @d' @e <&->
      Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
      CSizedHeap $ insertToSized (combineTree t1 t2 el) trailingHeap

      -- Makes sure that heap is not a LeadingHeap by combining
      prepareMeldSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> CSizedHeap (KnownRank -, d <= d'-) a
      prepareMeldSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
      Dict <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 @d' @e <&->
      Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
      prepareMeldSized $ insertToSized (combineTree' t1 t2) tail
      prepareMeldSized heap =
      --Dict <&>> reflexiveRank @e <&->
      CSizedHeap heap

      -- TODO: use insertToSized instead??
      insSized :: forall a e d. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e-, (Just d) <= e-, Ord a)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
      insSized tree EmptyHeap =
      CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap tree EmptyHeap
      insSized tree heap@(TrailingHeap (leading :: SkewBinomialTree a e') (tail :: SizedHeap f a)) =
      -(Dict :: Dict (KnownNat e, KnownRank f, (Just e) < f)) <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 <&->-
      Dict <&>> monotonicNat @e' <&->
      case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d) (Proxy :: Proxy e')
      of CLT Refl -> CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap tree heap)
      CEQ _ Refl -> insSized (combineTree' tree leading) tail
      _ -> error "Illegal branch"

      meldSized :: forall a d e. (KnownRank d, KnownRank e, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
      meldSized t1 t2 =
      let prepared1 = prepareMeldSized t1
      prepared2 = prepareMeldSized t2
      in consumeCSizedHeap (consumeCSizedHeap meldSized' prepared1) prepared2

      meldSized' :: (KnownRank d, KnownRank e, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
      meldSized' EmptyHeap heap = CSizedHeap heap
      meldSized' heap EmptyHeap = CSizedHeap heap
      meldSized' heapL@(TrailingHeap (tL :: SkewBinomialTree a d') tailL) heapR@(TrailingHeap (tR :: SkewBinomialTree a e') tailR) =
      Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
      case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d') (Proxy :: Proxy e')
      of CLT Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized tL) $ meldSized' tailL heapR
      CGT Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized tR) $ meldSized' heapL tailR
      CEQ _ Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized $ combineTree' tL tR) $ meldSized' tailL tailR

      splitLayer :: (KnownNat d)
      => SkewBinomialLayer a d -> (CSizedHeap KnownRank a, [a])
      splitLayer = splitLayer' EmptyHeap

      splitLayer' :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d <= e)
      => SizedHeap e a -> SkewBinomialLayer a d -> (CSizedHeap KnownRank a, [a])
      splitLayer' heap Layer0 = (CSizedHeap heap, )
      splitLayer' heap (BinomialLayer (lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d') linkedTree_) =
      Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
      splitLayer' (TrailingHeap linkedTree_ heap) lowerLayer_
      splitLayer' heap (SkewALayer (left :: SkewBinomialTree a d') right) =
      Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
      (CSizedHeap (LeadingHeap left right heap), )
      splitLayer' heap (SkewBLayer single (lower :: SkewBinomialLayer a d') linked) =
      let (heap', list) =
      Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
      splitLayer' (TrailingHeap linked heap) lower
      in (heap', skewData single : list)

      splitMinTreeSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> (CSizedHeap (LessOrMore d) a, CSkewBinomialTree KnownNat a)
      splitMinTreeSized EmptyHeap = error "Can't split empty heap"
      splitMinTreeSized (TrailingHeap tree EmptyHeap) = (CSizedHeap EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree tree)
      splitMinTreeSized (TrailingHeap (tree :: SkewBinomialTree a d') (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
      let (trailHeap, trailMinTree) = splitMinTreeSized tail
      trailMin = useCSizedTree trailMinTree skewData
      in if trailMin < skewData tree
      then (useCSizedHeap trailHeap (
      (trail :: SizedHeap f a) -> Dict <&>> monotonicRank @d' @e @f <&->
      CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap tree trail), trailMinTree)
      else (CSizedHeap tail, CSkewBinomialTree tree)
      splitMinTreeSized (LeadingHeap t1 t2 EmptyHeap) =
      if skewData t1 < skewData t2
      then (CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap t2 EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree t1)
      else (CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap t1 EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree t2)
      splitMinTreeSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
      let (trailHeap, trailMinTree) = splitMinTreeSized tail
      trailMin = useCSizedTree trailMinTree skewData
      in case (trailMin < skewData t1, trailMin < skewData t2)
      of (False, _) -> (CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap t2 tail), CSkewBinomialTree t1)
      (_, False) -> (CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap t1 tail), CSkewBinomialTree t2)
      _ -> (useCSizedHeap trailHeap (
      (trail :: SizedHeap f a) -> Dict <&>> monotonicRank @d' @e @f <&->
      CSizedHeap $ LeadingHeap t1 t2 trail), trailMinTree)

      deleteMinSized :: (KnownRank d, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> (a, CSizedHeap KnownRank a)
      deleteMinSized EmptyHeap = error "Can't delete from empty heap"
      deleteMinSized heap =
      let (heap', minTree) = splitMinTreeSized heap
      (heap'', rest) = useCSizedTree minTree (splitLayer . skewLayer)
      meldedheap = consumeCSizedHeap (consumeCSizedHeap meldSized heap') heap''
      newheap = foldl (consumeCSizedHeap addToSized) meldedheap rest
      in (useCSizedTree minTree skewData, newheap)

      instance Foldable (SizedHeap e) where
      foldMap f EmptyHeap = mempty
      foldMap f (TrailingHeap head tail) = f (skewData head) `mappend` foldMap f tail
      foldMap f (LeadingHeap t1 t2 tail) = f (skewData t1) `mappend` f (skewData t2) `mappend` foldMap f tail

      class Heap (a :: Type -> Type) where
      empty :: a t
      isEmpty :: a t -> Bool

      insert :: Ord t => a t -> t -> a t

      meld :: Ord t => a t -> a t -> a t

      findMin :: Ord t => a t -> t
      findMin h = fst $ removeMin h

      removeMin :: Ord t => a t -> (t, a t)

      instance Heap (CSizedHeap KnownRank) where
      empty = CSizedHeap EmptyHeap
      isEmpty (CSizedHeap EmptyHeap) = True
      isEmpty _ = False
      insert (CSizedHeap heap) = addToSized heap
      meld (CSizedHeap heapL) (CSizedHeap heapR) = meldSized heapL heapR
      findMin (CSizedHeap heap) = minimum heap
      removeMin (CSizedHeap heap) = deleteMinSized heap

      data Heap h => RBstHeap h a = RBstHeap
      root_ :: a,
      queue_ :: h (RBstHeap h a)

      instance (Heap h, Ord a) => Ord (RBstHeap h a) where
      compare left right = compare (root_ left) (root_ right)
      instance (Heap h, Eq a) => Eq (RBstHeap h a) where
      left == right = root_ left == root_ right

      data Heap h => BootstrappedHeap h a = Empty | BootstrappedHeap underlying_ :: RBstHeap h a

      instance Heap h => Heap (BootstrappedHeap h) where
      empty = Empty
      isEmpty Empty = True
      isEmpty _ = False

      insert h x = meld h BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = x, queue_ = empty

      meld Empty r = r
      meld l Empty = l
      meld BootstrappedHeapunderlying_=left BootstrappedHeapunderlying_=right =
      let xl = root_ left
      xr = root_ right
      ql = queue_ left
      qr = queue_ right
      in if root_ left < root_ right
      then BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = xl, queue_ = insert ql right
      else BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = xr, queue_ = insert qr left

      findMin = root_ . underlying_

      removeMin BootstrappedHeapunderlying_ =
      if isEmpty $ queue_ underlying_
      then (root_ underlying_, Empty)
      else let (RBstHeaproot_=newmin, queue_=q1, q2) = removeMin $ queue_ underlying_
      in (root_ underlying_, BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = newmin, queue_ = meld q1 q2 )

      type BrodalHeap = BootstrappedHeap (CSizedHeap KnownRank)

      share|improve this question

      I implemented the Brodal heap from Brodal & Osaki 1996: Optimal Purely Functional Priority Queues in haskell. The paper gives an implementation in ML but without higher-kinded types. The goal was to introduce some more type-safety by tagging the types Heap and SkewBinomialTree with their ranks. I am aware that an implementation already exists in the package heaps.

      The implementation is split into three parts. Data.FunctionalHeap implements the main interface and depends on Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree which implements only SkewBinomialTrees and Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints which offers support to teach Haskell the semantics of "ranks".

      My main concern is readability and functionality. As this is one of my first Haskell projects, I'd also appreciate feedback about the project layout and interface and getting rid of unneeded dependencies.

      - base >= 4.7 && < 5
      - constraints >= 0.10
      - typelits-witnesses >=
      - ghc-typelits-natnormalise >= 0.6.1

      // Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints
      -# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-
      -# LANGUAGE GADTs #-
      -# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
      -# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-
      -# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-

      module Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints(
      type (<),
      type (<=),
      ) where

      import Data.Constraint (type (:-)( Sub ), Dict( Dict ), withDict, mapDict)
      import Data.Type.Bool (type (||))
      import Data.Type.Equality (type (==))
      import Data.Ord (Ordering)
      import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, CmpNat, type (+))
      import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

      infixr 0 <&-> -- use dict in expression
      infixl 1 <&>> -- basically modus ponens

      -- Given a dict, derive something that needs its contents (without ugly mattern matching)
      (<&->) :: Dict a -> (a => r) -> r
      (<&->) = withDict
      -- Given a dict, apply an entailment to the dict
      (<&>>) :: Dict a -> a :- b -> Dict b
      (<&>>) = flip mapDict

      type Rank = Maybe Nat

      class KnownRank (r :: Rank) where
      -- rankSing :: Maybe Integer

      instance KnownNat n => KnownRank (Just n) where
      -- rankSing = Just (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))

      instance KnownRank Nothing where
      -- rankSing = Nothing

      type family CmpRank (l :: Rank) (r :: Rank) :: Ordering where
      CmpRank Nothing Nothing = EQ
      CmpRank (Just n) Nothing = LT
      CmpRank Nothing (Just n) = GT
      CmpRank (Just l) (Just r) = CmpNat l r

      infix 4 <, <=
      type x < y = CmpRank x y ~ LT
      type x <= y = (CmpRank x y == LT || CmpRank x y == EQ) ~ True

      class (KnownRank d', d <= d') => LessOrMore d d' where
      instance (KnownRank d', d <= d') => LessOrMore d d' where

      axiom :: forall a. Dict a -- Please don't hurt me
      axiom = unsafeCoerce (Dict :: Dict (a ~ a))

      lessImpliesLessEqForP1 :: forall d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e) :- (Just (d + 1) <= e)
      lessImpliesLessEqForP1 = Sub axiom

      zeroIsSmallest :: forall d. (KnownRank d) :- (Just 0 <= d)
      zeroIsSmallest = Sub axiom

      monotonicNat :: forall d. (KnownNat d) :- (KnownNat (d + 1))
      monotonicNat = Sub axiom

      reflexiveRank :: forall d. (KnownRank d) :- (d <= d)
      reflexiveRank = Sub axiom

      decreasingNat :: forall d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, (Just (d + 1)) <= e) :- (Just d < e)
      decreasingNat = Sub axiom

      monotonicRank :: forall d e f. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, KnownRank f, Just d < e, e <= f) :- (Just d < f)
      monotonicRank = Sub axiom

      // Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree
      -# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE GADTs #-
      -# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-
      -# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
      -# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
      -# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-

      module Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree(
      ) where

      import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, type (+))
      import Data.Kind (Type)

      -- Layer 0 =
      -- Layer (d + 1) = Layer d + [Tree d] (binomial link)
      -- Layer (d + 1) = Tree d + Tree d (skew type A)
      -- Layer (d + 1) = [Tree 0] + Layer d + [Tree d]

      -- Tree d = a x Layer d
      data SkewBinomialLayer :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
      Layer0 :: SkewBinomialLayer a 0
      BinomialLayer :: KnownNat d =>
      lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d,
      linkedTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
      -> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)
      SkewALayer :: KnownNat d =>
      leftTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d,
      rightTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
      -> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)
      SkewBLayer :: KnownNat d =>
      singleTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a 0,
      lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d,
      linkedTree_ :: SkewBinomialTree a d
      -> SkewBinomialLayer a (d + 1)

      data SkewBinomialTree :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
      SkewBinomialTree ::
      data_ :: a,
      layer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d
      -> SkewBinomialTree a d

      singleTree :: a -> SkewBinomialTree a 0
      singleTree el = SkewBinomialTree data_ = el, layer_ = Layer0

      combineTree :: (Ord a, KnownNat d)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> a -> SkewBinomialTree a (d + 1)
      combineTree t1 t2 el =
      let d1 = data_ t1
      d2 = data_ t2
      in case (d1 < el, d2 < el, d1 < d2)
      -- d1 >= el && d2 >= el
      of (False, False, _) -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = el,
      layer_ = SkewALayer
      rightTree_ = t1,
      leftTree_ = t2

      -- d1 < el || d2 < el && d1 < d2
      (_, _, True) -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = d1,
      layer_ = SkewBLayer
      singleTree_ = singleTree el,
      lowerLayer_ = layer_ t1,
      linkedTree_ = t2

      -- d1 < el || d2 < el && d1 >= d2
      (_, _, False) -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = d2,
      layer_ = SkewBLayer
      singleTree_ = singleTree el,
      lowerLayer_ = layer_ t2,
      linkedTree_ = t1

      combineTree' :: (Ord a, KnownNat d)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a (d + 1)
      combineTree' left right =
      let d1 = data_ left
      d2 = data_ right
      in case d1 < d2
      of True -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = d1,
      layer_ = BinomialLayer
      lowerLayer_ = layer_ left,
      linkedTree_ = right

      _ -> SkewBinomialTree
      data_ = d2,
      layer_ = BinomialLayer
      lowerLayer_ = layer_ right,
      linkedTree_ = left

      skewData :: SkewBinomialTree a d -> a
      skewData = data_

      skewLayer :: SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialLayer a d
      skewLayer = layer_

      // Data.FunctionalHeap
      -# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-
      -# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-
      -# LANGUAGE GADTs #-
      -# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-
      -# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-
      -# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-
      -# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-
      -# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-

      module Data.FunctionalHeap(
      ) where

      import Data.Constraint (Dict( Dict ))
      import Data.FunctionalHeap.Internal.Constraints
      import Data.FunctionalHeap.SkewBinomialTree (SkewBinomialTree, SkewBinomialLayer(..), combineTree, combineTree', singleTree, skewData, skewLayer)
      import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
      import Data.Typeable ((:~:)( Refl ))
      import Data.Ord (compare)
      import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
      import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, sameNat, CmpNat, type (+))
      import GHC.TypeLits.Compare (cmpNat, SCmpNat(..))

      data SizedHeap (d :: Rank) a where
      EmptyHeap :: SizedHeap Nothing a
      TrailingHeap :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a
      -- must either have a trailing or empty heap after
      -- both trees must have same order
      LeadingHeap :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d < e)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a

      data CSizedHeap (c :: Rank -> Constraint) a where
      CSizedHeap :: forall a c d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> CSizedHeap c a

      consumeCSizedHeap :: (forall d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> r) -> CSizedHeap c a -> r
      consumeCSizedHeap f (CSizedHeap heap) = f heap

      useCSizedHeap :: CSizedHeap c a -> (forall d. c d => SizedHeap d a -> r) -> r
      useCSizedHeap heap f = consumeCSizedHeap f heap

      data CSkewBinomialTree (c :: Nat -> Constraint) a where
      CSkewBinomialTree :: forall a c d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> CSkewBinomialTree c a

      consumeCSizedTree :: (forall d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> r) -> CSkewBinomialTree c a -> r
      consumeCSizedTree f (CSkewBinomialTree tree) = f tree

      useCSizedTree :: CSkewBinomialTree c a -> (forall d. c d => SkewBinomialTree a d -> r) -> r
      useCSizedTree tree f = consumeCSizedTree f tree

      insertToSized :: (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d <= e)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> SizedHeap (Just d) a
      insertToSized smallTree EmptyHeap = TrailingHeap smallTree EmptyHeap
      insertToSized (smallTree :: SkewBinomialTree a d) heap@(TrailingHeap (leadingTree :: SkewBinomialTree a e) trailingHeap) =
      case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d) (Proxy :: Proxy e)
      of CLT Refl -> TrailingHeap smallTree heap
      CEQ _ Refl -> LeadingHeap smallTree leadingTree trailingHeap
      _ -> error "Impossible branch"
      insertToSized (smallTree :: SkewBinomialTree a d) (LeadingHeap _ _ _) = error "Can't insert here"

      addToSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
      addToSized EmptyHeap el = CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap (singleTree el) EmptyHeap
      addToSized heap@(TrailingHeap _ _) el =
      Dict <&>> zeroIsSmallest @d <&->
      CSizedHeap $ insertToSized (singleTree el) heap
      addToSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (trailingHeap :: SizedHeap e a)) el =
      Dict <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 @d' @e <&->
      Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
      CSizedHeap $ insertToSized (combineTree t1 t2 el) trailingHeap

      -- Makes sure that heap is not a LeadingHeap by combining
      prepareMeldSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> CSizedHeap (KnownRank -, d <= d'-) a
      prepareMeldSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
      Dict <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 @d' @e <&->
      Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
      prepareMeldSized $ insertToSized (combineTree' t1 t2) tail
      prepareMeldSized heap =
      --Dict <&>> reflexiveRank @e <&->
      CSizedHeap heap

      -- TODO: use insertToSized instead??
      insSized :: forall a e d. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e-, (Just d) <= e-, Ord a)
      => SkewBinomialTree a d -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
      insSized tree EmptyHeap =
      CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap tree EmptyHeap
      insSized tree heap@(TrailingHeap (leading :: SkewBinomialTree a e') (tail :: SizedHeap f a)) =
      -(Dict :: Dict (KnownNat e, KnownRank f, (Just e) < f)) <&>> lessImpliesLessEqForP1 <&->-
      Dict <&>> monotonicNat @e' <&->
      case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d) (Proxy :: Proxy e')
      of CLT Refl -> CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap tree heap)
      CEQ _ Refl -> insSized (combineTree' tree leading) tail
      _ -> error "Illegal branch"

      meldSized :: forall a d e. (KnownRank d, KnownRank e, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
      meldSized t1 t2 =
      let prepared1 = prepareMeldSized t1
      prepared2 = prepareMeldSized t2
      in consumeCSizedHeap (consumeCSizedHeap meldSized' prepared1) prepared2

      meldSized' :: (KnownRank d, KnownRank e, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> SizedHeap e a -> CSizedHeap KnownRank a
      meldSized' EmptyHeap heap = CSizedHeap heap
      meldSized' heap EmptyHeap = CSizedHeap heap
      meldSized' heapL@(TrailingHeap (tL :: SkewBinomialTree a d') tailL) heapR@(TrailingHeap (tR :: SkewBinomialTree a e') tailR) =
      Dict <&>> monotonicNat @d' <&->
      case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy d') (Proxy :: Proxy e')
      of CLT Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized tL) $ meldSized' tailL heapR
      CGT Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized tR) $ meldSized' heapL tailR
      CEQ _ Refl -> consumeCSizedHeap (insSized $ combineTree' tL tR) $ meldSized' tailL tailR

      splitLayer :: (KnownNat d)
      => SkewBinomialLayer a d -> (CSizedHeap KnownRank a, [a])
      splitLayer = splitLayer' EmptyHeap

      splitLayer' :: forall a d e. (KnownNat d, KnownRank e, Just d <= e)
      => SizedHeap e a -> SkewBinomialLayer a d -> (CSizedHeap KnownRank a, [a])
      splitLayer' heap Layer0 = (CSizedHeap heap, )
      splitLayer' heap (BinomialLayer (lowerLayer_ :: SkewBinomialLayer a d') linkedTree_) =
      Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
      splitLayer' (TrailingHeap linkedTree_ heap) lowerLayer_
      splitLayer' heap (SkewALayer (left :: SkewBinomialTree a d') right) =
      Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
      (CSizedHeap (LeadingHeap left right heap), )
      splitLayer' heap (SkewBLayer single (lower :: SkewBinomialLayer a d') linked) =
      let (heap', list) =
      Dict <&>> decreasingNat @d' @e <&->
      splitLayer' (TrailingHeap linked heap) lower
      in (heap', skewData single : list)

      splitMinTreeSized :: forall a d. (KnownRank d, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> (CSizedHeap (LessOrMore d) a, CSkewBinomialTree KnownNat a)
      splitMinTreeSized EmptyHeap = error "Can't split empty heap"
      splitMinTreeSized (TrailingHeap tree EmptyHeap) = (CSizedHeap EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree tree)
      splitMinTreeSized (TrailingHeap (tree :: SkewBinomialTree a d') (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
      let (trailHeap, trailMinTree) = splitMinTreeSized tail
      trailMin = useCSizedTree trailMinTree skewData
      in if trailMin < skewData tree
      then (useCSizedHeap trailHeap (
      (trail :: SizedHeap f a) -> Dict <&>> monotonicRank @d' @e @f <&->
      CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap tree trail), trailMinTree)
      else (CSizedHeap tail, CSkewBinomialTree tree)
      splitMinTreeSized (LeadingHeap t1 t2 EmptyHeap) =
      if skewData t1 < skewData t2
      then (CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap t2 EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree t1)
      else (CSizedHeap $ TrailingHeap t1 EmptyHeap, CSkewBinomialTree t2)
      splitMinTreeSized (LeadingHeap (t1 :: SkewBinomialTree a d') t2 (tail :: SizedHeap e a)) =
      let (trailHeap, trailMinTree) = splitMinTreeSized tail
      trailMin = useCSizedTree trailMinTree skewData
      in case (trailMin < skewData t1, trailMin < skewData t2)
      of (False, _) -> (CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap t2 tail), CSkewBinomialTree t1)
      (_, False) -> (CSizedHeap (TrailingHeap t1 tail), CSkewBinomialTree t2)
      _ -> (useCSizedHeap trailHeap (
      (trail :: SizedHeap f a) -> Dict <&>> monotonicRank @d' @e @f <&->
      CSizedHeap $ LeadingHeap t1 t2 trail), trailMinTree)

      deleteMinSized :: (KnownRank d, Ord a)
      => SizedHeap d a -> (a, CSizedHeap KnownRank a)
      deleteMinSized EmptyHeap = error "Can't delete from empty heap"
      deleteMinSized heap =
      let (heap', minTree) = splitMinTreeSized heap
      (heap'', rest) = useCSizedTree minTree (splitLayer . skewLayer)
      meldedheap = consumeCSizedHeap (consumeCSizedHeap meldSized heap') heap''
      newheap = foldl (consumeCSizedHeap addToSized) meldedheap rest
      in (useCSizedTree minTree skewData, newheap)

      instance Foldable (SizedHeap e) where
      foldMap f EmptyHeap = mempty
      foldMap f (TrailingHeap head tail) = f (skewData head) `mappend` foldMap f tail
      foldMap f (LeadingHeap t1 t2 tail) = f (skewData t1) `mappend` f (skewData t2) `mappend` foldMap f tail

      class Heap (a :: Type -> Type) where
      empty :: a t
      isEmpty :: a t -> Bool

      insert :: Ord t => a t -> t -> a t

      meld :: Ord t => a t -> a t -> a t

      findMin :: Ord t => a t -> t
      findMin h = fst $ removeMin h

      removeMin :: Ord t => a t -> (t, a t)

      instance Heap (CSizedHeap KnownRank) where
      empty = CSizedHeap EmptyHeap
      isEmpty (CSizedHeap EmptyHeap) = True
      isEmpty _ = False
      insert (CSizedHeap heap) = addToSized heap
      meld (CSizedHeap heapL) (CSizedHeap heapR) = meldSized heapL heapR
      findMin (CSizedHeap heap) = minimum heap
      removeMin (CSizedHeap heap) = deleteMinSized heap

      data Heap h => RBstHeap h a = RBstHeap
      root_ :: a,
      queue_ :: h (RBstHeap h a)

      instance (Heap h, Ord a) => Ord (RBstHeap h a) where
      compare left right = compare (root_ left) (root_ right)
      instance (Heap h, Eq a) => Eq (RBstHeap h a) where
      left == right = root_ left == root_ right

      data Heap h => BootstrappedHeap h a = Empty | BootstrappedHeap underlying_ :: RBstHeap h a

      instance Heap h => Heap (BootstrappedHeap h) where
      empty = Empty
      isEmpty Empty = True
      isEmpty _ = False

      insert h x = meld h BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = x, queue_ = empty

      meld Empty r = r
      meld l Empty = l
      meld BootstrappedHeapunderlying_=left BootstrappedHeapunderlying_=right =
      let xl = root_ left
      xr = root_ right
      ql = queue_ left
      qr = queue_ right
      in if root_ left < root_ right
      then BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = xl, queue_ = insert ql right
      else BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = xr, queue_ = insert qr left

      findMin = root_ . underlying_

      removeMin BootstrappedHeapunderlying_ =
      if isEmpty $ queue_ underlying_
      then (root_ underlying_, Empty)
      else let (RBstHeaproot_=newmin, queue_=q1, q2) = removeMin $ queue_ underlying_
      in (root_ underlying_, BootstrappedHeap underlying_ = RBstHeap root_ = newmin, queue_ = meld q1 q2 )

      type BrodalHeap = BootstrappedHeap (CSizedHeap KnownRank)

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Jun 30 at 21:47




      asked Jun 9 at 14:38




          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote

          Field names need not indicate types, a good IDE makes that information available. Replace singleTree_ in SkewBLayer with the simpler el. SkewBinomialLayer decomposes:

          data Layer f d where
          Layer0 :: Layer 0
          Layer :: KnownNat d => f (Layer f d) -> Layer f (d + 1)

          data SkewBinomial a l
          = SkewA left_ :: Tree a l, right_ :: Tree a l
          | SkewB single_ :: a, linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l
          | Binomial linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l

          data Tree a l = Tree a l deriving Functor
          instance Ord a => Ord (Tree a l) where compare = comparing skewData

          type SkewBinomialLayer a = Layer (SkewBinomial a)

          combineTree t1 t2 el = min (Tree el $ Layer $ SkewA t2 t1) $
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . SkewB el big) small

          combineTree' t1 t2 =
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . Binomial big) small

          Consider lens.

          share|improve this answer

          • Isn't access to the item in a Tree via skewData not O(1) anymore, but linear with tree depth, now? I have considered lens but I'm not foo familiar with it. I love the idea of deriving Functor and Ord, that seems to clean up a lot!
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:43

          • I don't follow, skewData is now (Tree a _) -> a.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 21:45

          • Ah yes, missed that. It really decomposes nicely.
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:46

          • A quick look over the last file tells me there's more to improve, but I think I'll have you shrink that file down using this change first.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 22:32

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer










          up vote
          down vote

          Field names need not indicate types, a good IDE makes that information available. Replace singleTree_ in SkewBLayer with the simpler el. SkewBinomialLayer decomposes:

          data Layer f d where
          Layer0 :: Layer 0
          Layer :: KnownNat d => f (Layer f d) -> Layer f (d + 1)

          data SkewBinomial a l
          = SkewA left_ :: Tree a l, right_ :: Tree a l
          | SkewB single_ :: a, linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l
          | Binomial linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l

          data Tree a l = Tree a l deriving Functor
          instance Ord a => Ord (Tree a l) where compare = comparing skewData

          type SkewBinomialLayer a = Layer (SkewBinomial a)

          combineTree t1 t2 el = min (Tree el $ Layer $ SkewA t2 t1) $
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . SkewB el big) small

          combineTree' t1 t2 =
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . Binomial big) small

          Consider lens.

          share|improve this answer

          • Isn't access to the item in a Tree via skewData not O(1) anymore, but linear with tree depth, now? I have considered lens but I'm not foo familiar with it. I love the idea of deriving Functor and Ord, that seems to clean up a lot!
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:43

          • I don't follow, skewData is now (Tree a _) -> a.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 21:45

          • Ah yes, missed that. It really decomposes nicely.
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:46

          • A quick look over the last file tells me there's more to improve, but I think I'll have you shrink that file down using this change first.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 22:32

          up vote
          down vote

          Field names need not indicate types, a good IDE makes that information available. Replace singleTree_ in SkewBLayer with the simpler el. SkewBinomialLayer decomposes:

          data Layer f d where
          Layer0 :: Layer 0
          Layer :: KnownNat d => f (Layer f d) -> Layer f (d + 1)

          data SkewBinomial a l
          = SkewA left_ :: Tree a l, right_ :: Tree a l
          | SkewB single_ :: a, linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l
          | Binomial linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l

          data Tree a l = Tree a l deriving Functor
          instance Ord a => Ord (Tree a l) where compare = comparing skewData

          type SkewBinomialLayer a = Layer (SkewBinomial a)

          combineTree t1 t2 el = min (Tree el $ Layer $ SkewA t2 t1) $
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . SkewB el big) small

          combineTree' t1 t2 =
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . Binomial big) small

          Consider lens.

          share|improve this answer

          • Isn't access to the item in a Tree via skewData not O(1) anymore, but linear with tree depth, now? I have considered lens but I'm not foo familiar with it. I love the idea of deriving Functor and Ord, that seems to clean up a lot!
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:43

          • I don't follow, skewData is now (Tree a _) -> a.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 21:45

          • Ah yes, missed that. It really decomposes nicely.
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:46

          • A quick look over the last file tells me there's more to improve, but I think I'll have you shrink that file down using this change first.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 22:32

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          Field names need not indicate types, a good IDE makes that information available. Replace singleTree_ in SkewBLayer with the simpler el. SkewBinomialLayer decomposes:

          data Layer f d where
          Layer0 :: Layer 0
          Layer :: KnownNat d => f (Layer f d) -> Layer f (d + 1)

          data SkewBinomial a l
          = SkewA left_ :: Tree a l, right_ :: Tree a l
          | SkewB single_ :: a, linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l
          | Binomial linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l

          data Tree a l = Tree a l deriving Functor
          instance Ord a => Ord (Tree a l) where compare = comparing skewData

          type SkewBinomialLayer a = Layer (SkewBinomial a)

          combineTree t1 t2 el = min (Tree el $ Layer $ SkewA t2 t1) $
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . SkewB el big) small

          combineTree' t1 t2 =
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . Binomial big) small

          Consider lens.

          share|improve this answer

          Field names need not indicate types, a good IDE makes that information available. Replace singleTree_ in SkewBLayer with the simpler el. SkewBinomialLayer decomposes:

          data Layer f d where
          Layer0 :: Layer 0
          Layer :: KnownNat d => f (Layer f d) -> Layer f (d + 1)

          data SkewBinomial a l
          = SkewA left_ :: Tree a l, right_ :: Tree a l
          | SkewB single_ :: a, linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l
          | Binomial linked_ :: Tree a l, lower_ :: l

          data Tree a l = Tree a l deriving Functor
          instance Ord a => Ord (Tree a l) where compare = comparing skewData

          type SkewBinomialLayer a = Layer (SkewBinomial a)

          combineTree t1 t2 el = min (Tree el $ Layer $ SkewA t2 t1) $
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . SkewB el big) small

          combineTree' t1 t2 =
          let [small, big] = sort [t1, t2] in fmap (Layer . Binomial big) small

          Consider lens.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Jun 30 at 22:03

          answered Jun 30 at 20:37




          • Isn't access to the item in a Tree via skewData not O(1) anymore, but linear with tree depth, now? I have considered lens but I'm not foo familiar with it. I love the idea of deriving Functor and Ord, that seems to clean up a lot!
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:43

          • I don't follow, skewData is now (Tree a _) -> a.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 21:45

          • Ah yes, missed that. It really decomposes nicely.
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:46

          • A quick look over the last file tells me there's more to improve, but I think I'll have you shrink that file down using this change first.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 22:32

          • Isn't access to the item in a Tree via skewData not O(1) anymore, but linear with tree depth, now? I have considered lens but I'm not foo familiar with it. I love the idea of deriving Functor and Ord, that seems to clean up a lot!
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:43

          • I don't follow, skewData is now (Tree a _) -> a.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 21:45

          • Ah yes, missed that. It really decomposes nicely.
            – WorldSEnder
            Jun 30 at 21:46

          • A quick look over the last file tells me there's more to improve, but I think I'll have you shrink that file down using this change first.
            – Gurkenglas
            Jun 30 at 22:32

          Isn't access to the item in a Tree via skewData not O(1) anymore, but linear with tree depth, now? I have considered lens but I'm not foo familiar with it. I love the idea of deriving Functor and Ord, that seems to clean up a lot!
          – WorldSEnder
          Jun 30 at 21:43

          Isn't access to the item in a Tree via skewData not O(1) anymore, but linear with tree depth, now? I have considered lens but I'm not foo familiar with it. I love the idea of deriving Functor and Ord, that seems to clean up a lot!
          – WorldSEnder
          Jun 30 at 21:43

          I don't follow, skewData is now (Tree a _) -> a.
          – Gurkenglas
          Jun 30 at 21:45

          I don't follow, skewData is now (Tree a _) -> a.
          – Gurkenglas
          Jun 30 at 21:45

          Ah yes, missed that. It really decomposes nicely.
          – WorldSEnder
          Jun 30 at 21:46

          Ah yes, missed that. It really decomposes nicely.
          – WorldSEnder
          Jun 30 at 21:46

          A quick look over the last file tells me there's more to improve, but I think I'll have you shrink that file down using this change first.
          – Gurkenglas
          Jun 30 at 22:32

          A quick look over the last file tells me there's more to improve, but I think I'll have you shrink that file down using this change first.
          – Gurkenglas
          Jun 30 at 22:32


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