
Showing posts from July 10, 2018

JavaScript Array Iteration Methods

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> JavaScript Array Iteration Methods ❮ Previous Next ❯ Array iteration methods operate on every array item. Array.forEach() The forEach() method Calls a function once for each array element. Example var txt = ""; var numbers = [4, 9, 16, 25]; numbers.forEach(myFunction); function myFunction(value, index, array) {     txt = txt + item + "<br>"; } Try it Yourself » Note that the function takes 3 arguments: The item value The item index The array itself Array.forEach() is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier: Method forEach() Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes The map() method creates a new array by performing a function on each array element. This example multiplies each array value by 2: Example var numbers1 = [4, 9, 16, 25]; var numbers2 =; function m...

W3Schools XML Quiz

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> W3Schools XML Quiz 1. What does XML stand for? eXtensible Markup Language Example Markup Language eXtra Modern Link X-Markup Language Total 25 questions Time spent 0:00

W3Schools SQL Quiz

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1422003450156-2'); }); W3Schools SQL Quiz 1. What does SQL stand for? Structured Question Language Strong Question Language Structured Query Language Total 25 questions Time spent 0:00

W3Schools PHP Quiz

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1422003450156-2'); }); W3Schools PHP Quiz 1. What does PHP stand for? PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Private Home Page Personal Hypertext Processor Total 25 questions Time spent 0:00

W3Schools jQuery Quiz

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> W3Schools jQuery Quiz 1. Which of the following is correct? jQuery is a JSON Library jQuery is a JavaScript Library Total 25 questions Time spent 0:00

W3Schools Bootstrap Quiz

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> W3Schools Bootstrap Quiz 1. Bootstrap 3 is mobile-first. False True Total 25 questions Time spent 0:00

W3Schools JavaScript Quiz

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1422003450156-2'); }); W3Schools JavaScript Quiz 1. Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript? <javascript> <js> <script> <scripting> Total 25 questions Time spent 0:00

W3Schools CSS Quiz

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> W3Schools CSS Quiz 1. What does CSS stand for? Computer Style Sheets Colorful Style Sheets Creative Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets Total 25 questions Time spent 0:00

W3Schools HTML Quiz

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> W3Schools HTML Quiz 1. What does HTML stand for? Hyper Text Markup Language Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language Home Tool Markup Language Total 40 questions Time spent 0:00

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - Z

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - Z ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec &Zacute; Zacute 00179 377 &zacute; zacute 0017A 378 &Zcaron; Zcaron 0017D 381 &zcaron; zcaron 0017E 382 &Zcy; Zcy 00417 1047 &zcy; zcy 00437 1079 &Zdot; Zdot 0017B 379 &zdot; zdot 0017C 380 &zeetrf; zeetrf 02128 8488 &ZeroWidthSpace; ZeroWidthSpace 0200B 8203 Ζ Zeta 00396 918 ζ zeta 003B6 950 &Zfr; Zfr 02128 8488 &zfr; zfr 1D537 120119 &ZHcy; ZHcy 00416 1046 &zhcy; zhcy 00436 1078 &zigrarr; zigrarr 021DD 8669 &Zopf; Zopf 02124 8484 &zopf; zopf 1D56B 120171 &Zscr; Zscr 1D4B5 119989 &zscr; zscr 1D4CF 120015 ‍ zwj 0200D 8205 ‌ zwnj 0200C 8204 ❮ Previous ...

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - Y

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - Y ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec Ý Yacute 000DD 221 ý yacute 000FD 253 &YAcy; YAcy 0042F 1071 &yacy; yacy 0044F 1103 &Ycirc; Ycirc 00176 374 &ycirc; ycirc 00177 375 &Ycy; Ycy 0042B 1067 &ycy; ycy 0044B 1099 ¥ yen 000A5 165 &Yfr; Yfr 1D51C 120092 &yfr; yfr 1D536 120118 &YIcy; YIcy 00407 1031 &yicy; yicy 00457 1111 &Yopf; Yopf 1D550 120144 &yopf; yopf 1D56A 120170 &Yscr; Yscr 1D4B4 119988 &yscr; yscr 1D4CE 120014 &YUcy; YUcy 0042E 1070 &yucy; yucy 0044E 1102 Ÿ Yuml 00178 376 ÿ yuml 000FF 255 ❮ Previous Next ❯

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - X

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - X ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec &xcap; xcap 022C2 8898 &xcirc; xcirc 025EF 9711 &xcup; xcup 022C3 8899 &xdtri; xdtri 025BD 9661 &Xfr; Xfr 1D51B 120091 &xfr; xfr 1D535 120117 &xhArr; xhArr 027FA 10234 &xharr; xharr 027F7 10231 Ξ Xi 0039E 926 ξ xi 003BE 958 &xlArr; xlArr 027F8 10232 &xlarr; xlarr 027F5 10229 &xmap; xmap 027FC 10236 &xnis; xnis 022FB 8955 &xodot; xodot 02A00 10752 &Xopf; Xopf 1D54F 120143 &xopf; xopf 1D569 120169 &xoplus; xoplus 02A01 10753 &xotime; xotime 02A02 10754 &xrArr; xrArr 027F9 10233 &xrarr; xrarr 027F6 10230 &Xscr; Xscr 1D4B3 119987 &xscr; xscr 1D4CD...

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - W

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - W ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec &Wcirc; Wcirc 00174 372 &wcirc; wcirc 00175 373 &wedbar; wedbar 02A5F 10847 &Wedge; Wedge 022C0 8896 &wedge; wedge 02227 8743 &wedgeq; wedgeq 02259 8793 ℘ weierp 02118 8472 &Wfr; Wfr 1D51A 120090 &wfr; wfr 1D534 120116 &Wopf; Wopf 1D54E 120142 &wopf; wopf 1D568 120168 &wp; wp 02118 8472 &wr; wr 02240 8768 &wreath; wreath 02240 8768 &Wscr; Wscr 1D4B2 119986 &wscr; wscr 1D4CC 120012 ❮ Previous Next ❯

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - V

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1422003450156-2'); }); HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - V ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec &vangrt; vangrt 0299C 10652 &varepsilon; varepsilon 003F5 1013 &varkappa; varkappa 003F0 1008 &varnothing; varnothing 02205 8709 &varphi; varphi 003D5 981 &varpi; varpi 003D6 982 &varpropto; varpropto 0221D 8733 &vArr; vArr 021D5 8661 &varr; varr 02195 8597 &varrho; varrho 003F1 1009 &varsigma; varsigma 003C2 962 &varsubsetneq; varsubsetneq 0228A + 0FE00 8842 &varsubsetneqq; varsubsetneqq 02ACB + 0FE00 10955 &varsupsetneq; varsupsetneq 0228B + 0FE00 8843 &varsupsetneqq; varsupsetneqq 02ACC + 0FE00 10956 &vartheta; vartheta 003D1 97...

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - U

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1422003450156-2'); }); HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - U ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec Ú Uacute 000DA 218 ú uacute 000FA 250 &Uarr; Uarr 0219F 8607 ⇑ uArr 021D1 8657 ↑ uarr 02191 8593 &Uarrocir; Uarrocir 02949 10569 &Ubrcy; Ubrcy 0040E 1038 &ubrcy; ubrcy 0045E 1118 &Ubreve; Ubreve 0016C 364 &ubreve; ubreve 0016D 365 Û Ucirc 000DB 219 û ucirc 000FB 251 &Ucy; Ucy 00423 1059 &ucy; ucy 00443 1091 &udarr; udarr 021C5 8645 &Udblac; Udblac 00170 368 &udblac; udblac 00171 369 &udhar; udhar 0296E 10606 &ufisht; ufisht 0297E 10622 &Ufr; Ufr 1D518 120088 &ufr; ufr 1D532 120114 Ù Ugrave 000D9 217 ù ugrave 000F9 249 &uHar; uHar 0...

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - T

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - T ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec &Tab; Tab 00009 9 &target; target 02316 8982 Τ Tau 003A4 932 τ tau 003C4 964 &tbrk; tbrk 023B4 9140 &Tcaron; Tcaron 00164 356 &tcaron; tcaron 00165 357 &Tcedil; Tcedil 00162 354 &tcedil; tcedil 00163 355 &Tcy; Tcy 00422 1058 &tcy; tcy 00442 1090 &tdot; tdot 020DB 8411 &telrec; telrec 02315 8981 &Tfr; Tfr 1D517 120087 &tfr; tfr 1D531 120113 ∴ there4 02234 8756 &Therefore; Therefore 02234 8756 &therefore; therefore 02234 8756 Θ Theta 00398 920 θ theta 003B8 952 ϑ thetasym 003D1 977 &thetav; thetav 003D1 977 &thickapprox; thickapprox 02248 8776 &thicksim; th...

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - S

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1422003450156-2'); }); HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - S ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec &Sacute; Sacute 0015A 346 &sacute; sacute 0015B 347 ‚ sbquo 0201A 8218 &Sc; Sc 02ABC 10940 &sc; sc 0227B 8827 &scap; scap 02AB8 10936 Š Scaron 00160 352 š scaron 00161 353 &sccue; sccue 0227D 8829 &scE; scE 02AB4 10932 &sce; sce 02AB0 10928 &Scedil; Scedil 0015E 350 &scedil; scedil 0015F 351 &Scirc; Scirc 0015C 348 &scirc; scirc 0015D 349 &scnap; scnap 02ABA 10938 &scnE; scnE 02AB6 10934 &scnsim; scnsim 022E9 8937 &scpolint; scpolint 02A13 10771 &scsim; scsim 0227F 8831 &Scy; Scy 00421 1057 &scy; scy 00441 1089 ⋅ sdot 0...

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - R

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1422003450156-2'); }); HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - R ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec &rAarr; rAarr 021DB 8667 &race; race 0223D + 00331 &Racute; Racute 00154 340 &racute; racute 00155 341 √ radic 0221A 8730 &raemptyv; raemptyv 029B3 10675 &Rang; Rang 027EB 10219 〉 rang 027E9 10217 &rangd; rangd 02992 10642 &range; range 029A5 10661 &rangle; rangle 027E9 10217 » raquo 000BB 187 &Rarr; Rarr 021A0 8608 ⇒ rArr 021D2 8658 → rarr 02192 8594 &rarrap; rarrap 02975 10613 &rarrb; rarrb 021E5 8677 &rarrbfs; rarrbfs 02920 10528 &rarrc; rarrc 02933 10547 &rarrfs; rarrfs 0291E 10526 &rarrhk; rarrhk 021AA 8618 &rarrlp; rarrlp...

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - Q

<!-- main_leaderboard, all: [728,90][970,90][320,50][468,60] --> HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - Q ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec &Qfr; Qfr 1D514 120084 &qfr; qfr 1D52E 120110 &qint; qint 02A0C 10764 &Qopf; Qopf 0211A 8474 &qopf; qopf 1D562 120162 &qprime; qprime 02057 8279 &Qscr; Qscr 1D4AC 119980 &qscr; qscr 1D4C6 120006 &quaternions; quaternions 0210D 8461 &quatint; quatint 02A16 10774 &quest; quest 0003F 63 &questeq; questeq 0225F 8799 " quot 00022 34 ❮ Previous Next ❯

HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - P

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1422003450156-2'); }); HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - P ❮ Previous Next ❯ Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below. Chrome has good support. But (currently) only IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities. Character Entity Name Hex Dec &par; par 02225 8741 ¶ para 000B6 182 &parallel; parallel 02225 8741 &parsim; parsim 02AF3 10995 &parsl; parsl 02AFD 11005 ∂ part 02202 8706 &PartialD; PartialD 02202 8706 &Pcy; Pcy 0041F 1055 &pcy; pcy 0043F 1087 &percnt; percnt 00025 37 &period; period 0002E 46 ‰ permil 02030 8240 ⊥ perp 022A5 8869 &pertenk; pertenk 02031 8241 &Pfr; Pfr 1D513 120083 &pfr; pfr 1D52D 120109 Φ Phi 003A6 934 φ phi 003C6 966 &phiv; phiv 003D5 981 &phmmat; phmmat 02133 8499 &phone; phone 0260E 9742 Π Pi 003A0 928 π pi 003C0 960 &pitchfork; pitchfork 02...