JavaScript Array Iteration Methods

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JavaScript Array Iteration Methods

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Array iteration methods operate on every array item.


The forEach() method Calls a function once for each array element.


var txt = "";
var numbers = [4, 9, 16, 25];

function myFunction(value, index, array) {
txt = txt + item + "<br>";

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Note that the function takes 3 arguments:

  • The item value

  • The item index

  • The array itself

Array.forEach() is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier:

forEach() Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes

The map() method creates a new array by performing a function on each array element.

This example multiplies each array value by 2:


var numbers1 = [4, 9, 16, 25];
var numbers2 =;

function myFunction(value, index, array) {
    return val * 2;

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Note that the function takes 3 arguments:

  • The item value

  • The item index

  • The array itself

The map() method calls the provided function once for each element in an

The map() method does not execute the function for array
elements without values.

The map() method does not change the original array. is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.

map() Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes

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The filter() method creates a new array with array elements that passes a test.

This example creates a new array from elements with a value equal to or larger than 18:


var numbers = [4, 9, 16, 25];
var over18 =

function myFunction(value, index, array) {
return value > 18;

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Note that the function takes 3 arguments:

  • The item value

  • The item index

  • The array itself

Array.filter() is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.

filter() Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes


The reduce() method reduces an array to a single variable.

This example finds the sum of all numbers in an array:


var numbers1 = [4, 9, 16, 25];
var sum = numbers1.reduce(myFunction);

function myFunction(total, value, index, array) {
return total + value;

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Note that the function takes 4 arguments:

  • The total (the initial value / previously returned value)

  • The item value

  • The item index

  • The array itself

Array.reduce() is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.

reduce() Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes


The every() method check if all array values pass a test.

This example finds the sum of all numbers in an array:


var numbers = [4, 9, 16, 25, 29];
var allOver18 =

function myFunction(value, index, array) {
value > 18;

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Note that the function takes 3 arguments:

  • The item value

  • The item index

  • The array itself

Array.reduce() is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.

every() Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes


Search an array for an element value and returns its position.

Note: The first item has position 0, the second item has position 1, and so on.


Search an array for the item "Apple":

var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
var a = fruits.indexOf("Apple");

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Array.indexOf() is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.

indexOf() Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes


array.indexOf(item, start)

item Required. The item to search for.
start Optional. Where to start the search. Negative values will start at the given position counting from the end, and search to the end.

Array.indexOf() returns -1 if the item is not found.

If the item is present more than once, it returns the position of the first occurence.


Array.lastIndexOf() is the same as Array.indexOf(), but searches from the end of the array.


Search an array for the item "Apple":

var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
var a = fruits.lastIndexOf("Apple");

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Array.lastIndexOf() is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.

lastIndexOf() Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes


array.lastIndexOf(item, start)

item Required. The item to search for
start Optional. Where to start the search. Negative values will start at the given position counting from the end, and search to the beginning

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