
Showing posts from August 13, 2018

Will my employers contract hold up in court?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 8 down vote favorite 2 When I started a new job back in July of 2017, I signed a contract that had the following bindings or restrictions if I was ever to leave the company: Cannot work for a competitor within 25 miles of current companies location for the next two years Cannot offer my services to any organization within 25 miles of current companies location for the next two years Now, when mentioned “my services” this can be related to my profession of website design. This contract seems incredibly binding, 2 years in length, and I’m looking to see if it would actually hold up in an Arizona court. contract employment non-compete arizona share | improve this question edited Aug 7 at 15:35 feetwet ♦ 13.8k 9 37 85 asked Aug 6 at 19:05 Alex S. 46 2 What does your company do and what services do they provide? What is your role (i.e. internal work or work for customers).