Fill a new Workbook with info from another workbook
.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;
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down vote
I made a macro that will fill in data in a workbook that has 65 (24 are user filled) columns and can go as long as 1500 rows.
In an ideal scenario, the workbook has a perfect column that could work as a key to fill in the data. The thing is, users can duplicate a row, therefore messing with the column with unique values (the duplicates are needed).
So, I went and made a collection of classes.
- I test if there are duplicates in the key columns in the old WB(the one with data to import into the new WB) (called Orders from now on) and I count how many.
- For each row in the old workbook (the one I want to pull information from) I create a class, fill in the variables, and add it to a collection.
- In the new workbook, I call the collection that has the duplicates count and I create new rows for each order that has a duplicate (more than 2 is possible).
- I iterate through the classes that have the information from the old workbook. When a match is found, using the order column in the new workbook, I call in the class and go about getting the values its variables have.
This method worked perfectly for a good while until recently when we started seeing workbooks with more and more data. Now, for a workbook with more than 1500 rows and 24 columns full of information my code is taking close to an hour to fill a new workbook with that much data.
Sub GetDataFromWB()
Call pw
Dim fileName As Variant
Dim oldOrders As Workbook
Dim newOrders As Workbook
Dim oldOrdersTable As ListObject
Dim newOrdersTable As ListObject
Dim rRows As Integer
Dim Ord As CPurchaseOrder
Dim OrdersInfo As Collection
Dim countOrd As Collection
Dim dataItems As cItems
Dim itemKey As String
Dim newWS As Worksheet
Dim oldWS As Worksheet
Dim testOrd As String
Dim wbCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim keyCells As Range
Dim cel As Range
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim MinutesElapsed As String
If Workbooks.Count > 1 Then
wbCount = PromptForWorkbook()
If wbCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set newOrders = Workbooks(wbCount)
Set newOrders = ActiveWorkbook
End If
'Remember time when macro starts
StartTime = Timer
Set newWS = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders")
Set OrdersInfo = New Collection
Set countOrd = New Collection
fileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xls*), *.xls*", 1, "Select a Orders Workbook")
If fileName = False Then Exit Sub
Set oldOrders = Workbooks.Open(fileName)
Set oldWS = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders")
Set newOrdersTable = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
Set oldOrdersTable = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
'Adds all information in old Orders to a collection and counts how many times a OrdLINE repeats itself (splits)
rowCount = oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
For rRows = 2 To oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
On Error Resume Next
'The workbook has a COMMENT column which concatenate important info, to avoid going through all rows, the column must have information to be pulled in the new wb
If Len(oldWS.Cells(rRows, 64)) > 6 Then
'Counts duplicate values in old Orders
itemKey = CStr(oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8).Value)
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
Set dataItems = New cItems
dataItems.Key = itemKey
countOrd.Add dataItems, itemKey
End If
With dataItems
.Count = .Count + 1
End With
'------OLD Orders INFO------'
On Error Resume Next
Set Ord = New CPurchaseOrder
Ord.OrdLine = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8).Value
Ord.LabDipStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 32).Value
Ord.LabDipDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 33).Value
Ord.ReasonDelayLapDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 34).Value
Ord.OtherReasonDelayLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 35).Value
Ord.SubmitLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 36).Value
Ord.TrackingLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 37).Value
Ord.ProdLotStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 38).Value
Ord.ProdLotDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 39).Value
Ord.ReasonDelayProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 40).Value
Ord.OtherReasonDelayProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 41).Value
Ord.SubmitProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 42).Value
Ord.TrackingProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 43).Value
Ord.ShipFrom = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 44).Value
'Ord.OrderShipment = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 45).Value
Ord.OrdrderStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 46).Value
Ord.WorkProgress = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 47).Value
Ord.OrdDeliveryDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 48).Value
Ord.RealQtyShipped = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 50).Value
Ord.ShipMode = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 53).Value
Ord.Container = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 54).Value
Ord.Invoice = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 55).Value
Ord.ReasonChange = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 58).Value
Ord.OtherReasonChange = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 59).Value
Ord.NewOrdDeliveryDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 60).Value
Ord.Comments = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 64).Value
OrdersInfo.Add Ord
End If
Next rRows
For Each cel In newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ord/LINE").DataBodyRange
itemKey = CStr(cel.Value)
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
If dataItems.Count > 1 Then
newWS.Unprotect Password
Set keyCells = Intersect(cel.EntireRow, newOrdersTable.DataBodyRange)
Call InsertRows(dataItems.Count - 1, keyCells)
countOrd.Remove itemKey
End If
End If
Next cel
'Deletes validations because they mess everything up
rowCount = newOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
For rRows = 2 To rowCount
'Starts importing stuff.
For i = OrdersInfo.Count To 1 Step -1
Set Ord = OrdersInfo(i)
If newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8) = Ord.OrdLine Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 32) = Ord.LabDipStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 33) = Ord.LabDipDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 34) = Ord.ReasonDelayLapDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 35) = Ord.OtherReasonDelayLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 36) = Ord.SubmitLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 37) = Ord.TrackingLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 38) = Ord.ProdLotStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 39) = Ord.ProdLotDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 40) = Ord.ReasonDelayProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 41) = Ord.OtherReasonDelayProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 42) = Ord.SubmitProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 43) = Ord.TrackingProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 44) = Ord.ShipFrom
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 45) = Ord.OrderShipment
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 47) = Ord.OrdrderStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 48) = Ord.WorkProgress
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 49) = Ord.OrdDeliveryDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 50) = Ord.RealQtyShipped
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 53) = Ord.ShipMode
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 54) = Ord.Container
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 55) = Ord.Invoice
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 58) = Ord.ReasonChange
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 59) = Ord.OtherReasonChange
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 60) = Ord.NewOrdDeliveryDate
'newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 64) = Ord.Comments
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
OrdersInfo.Remove i
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next rRows
newWS.Unprotect Password
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Lab dip status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabProdStatus[LabProdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Prod Lot Status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabProdStatus[LabProdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Reason for delay (Lab dip)").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabDipReasons[LabDipReasons]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Reason for delay (Prod Lot)").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableProdLotReasons[ProdLotReasons]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ord Status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableOrdStatus[OrdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ship from").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableShipFrom[ShipFrom]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Order Shipment").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableOrderShipment[OrderShipment]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("SHIPMODE").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableShipMode[ShipMode]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("REASON FOR CHANGE").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableReasonChange[ReasonChange]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
'Determine how many seconds code took to run
MinutesElapsed = format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
'Notify user in seconds
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & MinutesElapsed & " seconds." & vbNewLine & "The amount of rows read from the old Orders workbook are: " & oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count & "." & vbNewLine & "The amount of rows read in new Orders are: " & newOrdersTable.ListRows.Count & ".", vbInformation
Application.EnableEvents = True
newWS.Protect Password:=Password, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=False _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingCells:=True
End Sub
CPurchaseOrder Class
Option Compare Text
Private pOrdLine As String
Private pLabDipStatus As String
Private pLabDipDate As String
Private pReasonDelayLapDip As String
Private pOtherReasonDelayLabDip As String
Private pSubmitLabDip As String
Private pTrackingLabDip As String
Private pProdLotStatus As String
Private pProdLotDate As String
Private pReasonDelayProdLot As String
Private pOtherReasonDelayProdLot As String
Private pSubmitProdLot As String
Private pTrackingProdLot As String
Private pShipFrom As String
Private pOrderShipment As String
Private pOrdrderStatus As String
Private pWorkProgress As String
Private pOrdDeliveryDate As String
Private pRealQtyShipped As Long
Private pShipMode As String
Private pContainer As String
Private pInvoice As String
Private pReasonChange As String
Private pOtherReasonChange As String
Private pNewOrdDeliveryDate As String
Private pComments As String
Public Property Get OrdLine() As String
OrdLine = pOrdLine
End Property
Public Property Let OrdLine(Value As String)
pOrdLine = Value
End Property
'---------------LAB DIP-------------------
Public Property Get LabDipStatus() As String
LabDipStatus = pLabDipStatus
End Property
Public Property Let LabDipStatus(Value As String)
pLabDipStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get LabDipDate() As String
LabDipDate = pLabDipDate
End Property
Public Property Let LabDipDate(Value As String)
pLabDipDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ReasonDelayLapDip() As String
ReasonDelayLapDip = pReasonDelayLapDip
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonDelayLapDip(Value As String)
pReasonDelayLapDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonDelayLabDip() As String
OtherReasonDelayLabDip = pOtherReasonDelayLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonDelayLabDip(Value As String)
pOtherReasonDelayLabDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get SubmitLabDip() As String
SubmitLabDip = pSubmitLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let SubmitLabDip(Value As String)
pSubmitLabDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get TrackingLabDip() As String
TrackingLabDip = pTrackingLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let TrackingLabDip(Value As String)
pTrackingLabDip = Value
End Property
'---------------PROD LOT------------------
Public Property Get ProdLotStatus() As String
ProdLotStatus = pProdLotStatus
End Property
Public Property Let ProdLotStatus(Value As String)
pProdLotStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ProdLotDate() As String
ProdLotDate = pProdLotDate
End Property
Public Property Let ProdLotDate(Value As String)
pProdLotDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ReasonDelayProdLot() As String
ReasonDelayProdLot = pReasonDelayProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonDelayProdLot(Value As String)
pReasonDelayProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonDelayProdLot() As String
OtherReasonDelayProdLot = pOtherReasonDelayProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonDelayProdLot(Value As String)
pOtherReasonDelayProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get SubmitProdLot() As String
SubmitProdLot = pSubmitProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let SubmitProdLot(Value As String)
pSubmitProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get TrackingProdLot() As String
TrackingProdLot = pTrackingProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let TrackingProdLot(Value As String)
pTrackingProdLot = Value
End Property
'---------------ORD STATUS-----------------
Public Property Get ShipFrom() As String
ShipFrom = pShipFrom
End Property
Public Property Let ShipFrom(Value As String)
pShipFrom = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrderShipment() As String
OrderShipment = pOrderShipment
End Property
Public Property Let OrderShipment(Value As String)
pOrderShipment = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrdrderStatus() As String
OrdrderStatus = pOrdrderStatus
End Property
Public Property Let OrdrderStatus(Value As String)
If Value = "Shipping" Then Value = "In Progress"
pOrdrderStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get WorkProgress() As String
WorkProgress = pWorkProgress
End Property
Public Property Let WorkProgress(Value As String)
pWorkProgress = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrdDeliveryDate() As String
OrdDeliveryDate = pOrdDeliveryDate
End Property
Public Property Let OrdDeliveryDate(Value As String)
pOrdDeliveryDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get RealQtyShipped() As Long
RealQtyShipped = pRealQtyShipped
End Property
Public Property Let RealQtyShipped(Value As Long)
pRealQtyShipped = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ShipMode() As String
ShipMode = pShipMode
End Property
Public Property Let ShipMode(Value As String)
Select Case Value
Case "By Air (any carrier)"
Value = "Air (any carrier)"
Case "By Land"
Value = "Land"
Case "By Sea"
Value = "Sea"
Case "By ASAP"
Value = "Expediting (ASAP)"
Case Else
End Select
pShipMode = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Container() As String
Container = pContainer
End Property
Public Property Let Container(Value As String)
pContainer = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Invoice() As String
Invoice = pInvoice
End Property
Public Property Let Invoice(Value As String)
pInvoice = Value
End Property
'---------------DLVRY CHANGE--------------
Public Property Get ReasonChange() As String
ReasonChange = pReasonChange
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonChange(Value As String)
pReasonChange = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonChange() As String
OtherReasonChange = pOtherReasonChange
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonChange(Value As String)
pOtherReasonChange = Value
End Property
Public Property Get NewOrdDeliveryDate() As String
NewOrdDeliveryDate = pNewOrdDeliveryDate
End Property
Public Property Let NewOrdDeliveryDate(Value As String)
pNewOrdDeliveryDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Comments() As String
Comments = pComments
End Property
Public Property Let Comments(Value As String)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Resume Next
pComments = Value
End Property
CItems Class
Public Key As String
Public Count As Long
Public ItemList As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Count = 0
Set ItemList = New Collection
End Sub
Insert Rows Sub
Public Sub InsertRows(splitVal As Integer, keyCells As Range)
Call pw
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Orders")
ws.Unprotect Password
Application.EnableEvents = False
With keyCells
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'When filtered, can't paste and insert, so two steps
.EntireRow.Copy .Offset(1, 0).Resize(splitVal).EntireRow
End With
Call PerformanceDown
wb.Worksheets("Orders").Protect Password:=Password, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=False _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingCells:=True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly
GoTo ExitHandler
End Sub
Function PromptForWorkbook() As Integer
Dim n As Long
Dim S As String
Dim wb As Workbook
n = 0
S = vbNullString
For Each wb In Workbooks
n = n + 1
S = S & CStr(n) & " - " & wb.Name & vbNewLine
Next wb
If Len(S) > 196 Then
MsgBox "Please close 1 workbook and try again. The inputbox character limit is 255 and the open workbooks combined exceeds that limit"
Exit Function
End If
n = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Choose the new Order WB to which you want to import information." & vbNewLine & S, Type:=1)
If n <= 0 Or n > Workbooks.Count Then
PromptForWorkbook = 0
If InStr(Workbooks(n).Name, "ORDER") = 0 Then
resp = MsgBox("Are you sure this workbook is a valid ORDER WB?", vbYesNo, "Only ORDER Workbooks acceptable")
If resp = vbNo Then
GoTo StartOver
End If
End If
PromptForWorkbook = n
End If
End Function
Public Sub DoValidation(errorTitle As String, valType As Long, valForm As String, rng As Range, errorMsg As String)
With rng.Validation
.Add Type:=valType, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:=valForm
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.errorTitle = errorTitle
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = errorMsg
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
End Sub
Performancedown and up
Sub PerformanceUp()
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
End Sub
Sub PerformanceDown()
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
The PW
call just calls in a global variable that holds a password.
object-oriented vba excel collections
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I made a macro that will fill in data in a workbook that has 65 (24 are user filled) columns and can go as long as 1500 rows.
In an ideal scenario, the workbook has a perfect column that could work as a key to fill in the data. The thing is, users can duplicate a row, therefore messing with the column with unique values (the duplicates are needed).
So, I went and made a collection of classes.
- I test if there are duplicates in the key columns in the old WB(the one with data to import into the new WB) (called Orders from now on) and I count how many.
- For each row in the old workbook (the one I want to pull information from) I create a class, fill in the variables, and add it to a collection.
- In the new workbook, I call the collection that has the duplicates count and I create new rows for each order that has a duplicate (more than 2 is possible).
- I iterate through the classes that have the information from the old workbook. When a match is found, using the order column in the new workbook, I call in the class and go about getting the values its variables have.
This method worked perfectly for a good while until recently when we started seeing workbooks with more and more data. Now, for a workbook with more than 1500 rows and 24 columns full of information my code is taking close to an hour to fill a new workbook with that much data.
Sub GetDataFromWB()
Call pw
Dim fileName As Variant
Dim oldOrders As Workbook
Dim newOrders As Workbook
Dim oldOrdersTable As ListObject
Dim newOrdersTable As ListObject
Dim rRows As Integer
Dim Ord As CPurchaseOrder
Dim OrdersInfo As Collection
Dim countOrd As Collection
Dim dataItems As cItems
Dim itemKey As String
Dim newWS As Worksheet
Dim oldWS As Worksheet
Dim testOrd As String
Dim wbCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim keyCells As Range
Dim cel As Range
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim MinutesElapsed As String
If Workbooks.Count > 1 Then
wbCount = PromptForWorkbook()
If wbCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set newOrders = Workbooks(wbCount)
Set newOrders = ActiveWorkbook
End If
'Remember time when macro starts
StartTime = Timer
Set newWS = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders")
Set OrdersInfo = New Collection
Set countOrd = New Collection
fileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xls*), *.xls*", 1, "Select a Orders Workbook")
If fileName = False Then Exit Sub
Set oldOrders = Workbooks.Open(fileName)
Set oldWS = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders")
Set newOrdersTable = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
Set oldOrdersTable = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
'Adds all information in old Orders to a collection and counts how many times a OrdLINE repeats itself (splits)
rowCount = oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
For rRows = 2 To oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
On Error Resume Next
'The workbook has a COMMENT column which concatenate important info, to avoid going through all rows, the column must have information to be pulled in the new wb
If Len(oldWS.Cells(rRows, 64)) > 6 Then
'Counts duplicate values in old Orders
itemKey = CStr(oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8).Value)
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
Set dataItems = New cItems
dataItems.Key = itemKey
countOrd.Add dataItems, itemKey
End If
With dataItems
.Count = .Count + 1
End With
'------OLD Orders INFO------'
On Error Resume Next
Set Ord = New CPurchaseOrder
Ord.OrdLine = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8).Value
Ord.LabDipStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 32).Value
Ord.LabDipDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 33).Value
Ord.ReasonDelayLapDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 34).Value
Ord.OtherReasonDelayLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 35).Value
Ord.SubmitLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 36).Value
Ord.TrackingLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 37).Value
Ord.ProdLotStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 38).Value
Ord.ProdLotDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 39).Value
Ord.ReasonDelayProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 40).Value
Ord.OtherReasonDelayProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 41).Value
Ord.SubmitProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 42).Value
Ord.TrackingProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 43).Value
Ord.ShipFrom = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 44).Value
'Ord.OrderShipment = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 45).Value
Ord.OrdrderStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 46).Value
Ord.WorkProgress = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 47).Value
Ord.OrdDeliveryDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 48).Value
Ord.RealQtyShipped = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 50).Value
Ord.ShipMode = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 53).Value
Ord.Container = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 54).Value
Ord.Invoice = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 55).Value
Ord.ReasonChange = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 58).Value
Ord.OtherReasonChange = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 59).Value
Ord.NewOrdDeliveryDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 60).Value
Ord.Comments = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 64).Value
OrdersInfo.Add Ord
End If
Next rRows
For Each cel In newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ord/LINE").DataBodyRange
itemKey = CStr(cel.Value)
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
If dataItems.Count > 1 Then
newWS.Unprotect Password
Set keyCells = Intersect(cel.EntireRow, newOrdersTable.DataBodyRange)
Call InsertRows(dataItems.Count - 1, keyCells)
countOrd.Remove itemKey
End If
End If
Next cel
'Deletes validations because they mess everything up
rowCount = newOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
For rRows = 2 To rowCount
'Starts importing stuff.
For i = OrdersInfo.Count To 1 Step -1
Set Ord = OrdersInfo(i)
If newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8) = Ord.OrdLine Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 32) = Ord.LabDipStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 33) = Ord.LabDipDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 34) = Ord.ReasonDelayLapDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 35) = Ord.OtherReasonDelayLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 36) = Ord.SubmitLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 37) = Ord.TrackingLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 38) = Ord.ProdLotStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 39) = Ord.ProdLotDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 40) = Ord.ReasonDelayProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 41) = Ord.OtherReasonDelayProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 42) = Ord.SubmitProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 43) = Ord.TrackingProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 44) = Ord.ShipFrom
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 45) = Ord.OrderShipment
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 47) = Ord.OrdrderStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 48) = Ord.WorkProgress
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 49) = Ord.OrdDeliveryDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 50) = Ord.RealQtyShipped
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 53) = Ord.ShipMode
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 54) = Ord.Container
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 55) = Ord.Invoice
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 58) = Ord.ReasonChange
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 59) = Ord.OtherReasonChange
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 60) = Ord.NewOrdDeliveryDate
'newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 64) = Ord.Comments
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
OrdersInfo.Remove i
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next rRows
newWS.Unprotect Password
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Lab dip status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabProdStatus[LabProdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Prod Lot Status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabProdStatus[LabProdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Reason for delay (Lab dip)").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabDipReasons[LabDipReasons]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Reason for delay (Prod Lot)").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableProdLotReasons[ProdLotReasons]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ord Status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableOrdStatus[OrdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ship from").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableShipFrom[ShipFrom]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Order Shipment").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableOrderShipment[OrderShipment]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("SHIPMODE").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableShipMode[ShipMode]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("REASON FOR CHANGE").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableReasonChange[ReasonChange]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
'Determine how many seconds code took to run
MinutesElapsed = format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
'Notify user in seconds
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & MinutesElapsed & " seconds." & vbNewLine & "The amount of rows read from the old Orders workbook are: " & oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count & "." & vbNewLine & "The amount of rows read in new Orders are: " & newOrdersTable.ListRows.Count & ".", vbInformation
Application.EnableEvents = True
newWS.Protect Password:=Password, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=False _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingCells:=True
End Sub
CPurchaseOrder Class
Option Compare Text
Private pOrdLine As String
Private pLabDipStatus As String
Private pLabDipDate As String
Private pReasonDelayLapDip As String
Private pOtherReasonDelayLabDip As String
Private pSubmitLabDip As String
Private pTrackingLabDip As String
Private pProdLotStatus As String
Private pProdLotDate As String
Private pReasonDelayProdLot As String
Private pOtherReasonDelayProdLot As String
Private pSubmitProdLot As String
Private pTrackingProdLot As String
Private pShipFrom As String
Private pOrderShipment As String
Private pOrdrderStatus As String
Private pWorkProgress As String
Private pOrdDeliveryDate As String
Private pRealQtyShipped As Long
Private pShipMode As String
Private pContainer As String
Private pInvoice As String
Private pReasonChange As String
Private pOtherReasonChange As String
Private pNewOrdDeliveryDate As String
Private pComments As String
Public Property Get OrdLine() As String
OrdLine = pOrdLine
End Property
Public Property Let OrdLine(Value As String)
pOrdLine = Value
End Property
'---------------LAB DIP-------------------
Public Property Get LabDipStatus() As String
LabDipStatus = pLabDipStatus
End Property
Public Property Let LabDipStatus(Value As String)
pLabDipStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get LabDipDate() As String
LabDipDate = pLabDipDate
End Property
Public Property Let LabDipDate(Value As String)
pLabDipDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ReasonDelayLapDip() As String
ReasonDelayLapDip = pReasonDelayLapDip
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonDelayLapDip(Value As String)
pReasonDelayLapDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonDelayLabDip() As String
OtherReasonDelayLabDip = pOtherReasonDelayLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonDelayLabDip(Value As String)
pOtherReasonDelayLabDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get SubmitLabDip() As String
SubmitLabDip = pSubmitLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let SubmitLabDip(Value As String)
pSubmitLabDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get TrackingLabDip() As String
TrackingLabDip = pTrackingLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let TrackingLabDip(Value As String)
pTrackingLabDip = Value
End Property
'---------------PROD LOT------------------
Public Property Get ProdLotStatus() As String
ProdLotStatus = pProdLotStatus
End Property
Public Property Let ProdLotStatus(Value As String)
pProdLotStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ProdLotDate() As String
ProdLotDate = pProdLotDate
End Property
Public Property Let ProdLotDate(Value As String)
pProdLotDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ReasonDelayProdLot() As String
ReasonDelayProdLot = pReasonDelayProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonDelayProdLot(Value As String)
pReasonDelayProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonDelayProdLot() As String
OtherReasonDelayProdLot = pOtherReasonDelayProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonDelayProdLot(Value As String)
pOtherReasonDelayProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get SubmitProdLot() As String
SubmitProdLot = pSubmitProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let SubmitProdLot(Value As String)
pSubmitProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get TrackingProdLot() As String
TrackingProdLot = pTrackingProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let TrackingProdLot(Value As String)
pTrackingProdLot = Value
End Property
'---------------ORD STATUS-----------------
Public Property Get ShipFrom() As String
ShipFrom = pShipFrom
End Property
Public Property Let ShipFrom(Value As String)
pShipFrom = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrderShipment() As String
OrderShipment = pOrderShipment
End Property
Public Property Let OrderShipment(Value As String)
pOrderShipment = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrdrderStatus() As String
OrdrderStatus = pOrdrderStatus
End Property
Public Property Let OrdrderStatus(Value As String)
If Value = "Shipping" Then Value = "In Progress"
pOrdrderStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get WorkProgress() As String
WorkProgress = pWorkProgress
End Property
Public Property Let WorkProgress(Value As String)
pWorkProgress = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrdDeliveryDate() As String
OrdDeliveryDate = pOrdDeliveryDate
End Property
Public Property Let OrdDeliveryDate(Value As String)
pOrdDeliveryDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get RealQtyShipped() As Long
RealQtyShipped = pRealQtyShipped
End Property
Public Property Let RealQtyShipped(Value As Long)
pRealQtyShipped = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ShipMode() As String
ShipMode = pShipMode
End Property
Public Property Let ShipMode(Value As String)
Select Case Value
Case "By Air (any carrier)"
Value = "Air (any carrier)"
Case "By Land"
Value = "Land"
Case "By Sea"
Value = "Sea"
Case "By ASAP"
Value = "Expediting (ASAP)"
Case Else
End Select
pShipMode = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Container() As String
Container = pContainer
End Property
Public Property Let Container(Value As String)
pContainer = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Invoice() As String
Invoice = pInvoice
End Property
Public Property Let Invoice(Value As String)
pInvoice = Value
End Property
'---------------DLVRY CHANGE--------------
Public Property Get ReasonChange() As String
ReasonChange = pReasonChange
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonChange(Value As String)
pReasonChange = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonChange() As String
OtherReasonChange = pOtherReasonChange
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonChange(Value As String)
pOtherReasonChange = Value
End Property
Public Property Get NewOrdDeliveryDate() As String
NewOrdDeliveryDate = pNewOrdDeliveryDate
End Property
Public Property Let NewOrdDeliveryDate(Value As String)
pNewOrdDeliveryDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Comments() As String
Comments = pComments
End Property
Public Property Let Comments(Value As String)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Resume Next
pComments = Value
End Property
CItems Class
Public Key As String
Public Count As Long
Public ItemList As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Count = 0
Set ItemList = New Collection
End Sub
Insert Rows Sub
Public Sub InsertRows(splitVal As Integer, keyCells As Range)
Call pw
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Orders")
ws.Unprotect Password
Application.EnableEvents = False
With keyCells
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'When filtered, can't paste and insert, so two steps
.EntireRow.Copy .Offset(1, 0).Resize(splitVal).EntireRow
End With
Call PerformanceDown
wb.Worksheets("Orders").Protect Password:=Password, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=False _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingCells:=True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly
GoTo ExitHandler
End Sub
Function PromptForWorkbook() As Integer
Dim n As Long
Dim S As String
Dim wb As Workbook
n = 0
S = vbNullString
For Each wb In Workbooks
n = n + 1
S = S & CStr(n) & " - " & wb.Name & vbNewLine
Next wb
If Len(S) > 196 Then
MsgBox "Please close 1 workbook and try again. The inputbox character limit is 255 and the open workbooks combined exceeds that limit"
Exit Function
End If
n = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Choose the new Order WB to which you want to import information." & vbNewLine & S, Type:=1)
If n <= 0 Or n > Workbooks.Count Then
PromptForWorkbook = 0
If InStr(Workbooks(n).Name, "ORDER") = 0 Then
resp = MsgBox("Are you sure this workbook is a valid ORDER WB?", vbYesNo, "Only ORDER Workbooks acceptable")
If resp = vbNo Then
GoTo StartOver
End If
End If
PromptForWorkbook = n
End If
End Function
Public Sub DoValidation(errorTitle As String, valType As Long, valForm As String, rng As Range, errorMsg As String)
With rng.Validation
.Add Type:=valType, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:=valForm
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.errorTitle = errorTitle
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = errorMsg
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
End Sub
Performancedown and up
Sub PerformanceUp()
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
End Sub
Sub PerformanceDown()
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
The PW
call just calls in a global variable that holds a password.
object-oriented vba excel collections
Would you explain what you expect to happen here -Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 4:17
While reading about classes, I found out that I needed to âÂÂemptyâ them, that is what I intended to do. And the set equals countOrd is just searching with the itemkey.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 4:25
I found out after some testing that I need to empty dataItems, otherwise I get an Error 5 Invalid procedure call or argument.
â rzenva
Apr 20 at 2:58
Since you've posted a follow-up, you should accept an answer here so that anyone in the future will review the newest iteration of the code
â Raystafarian
Apr 22 at 0:20
I thought I did, done.
â rzenva
Apr 22 at 1:23
add a comment |Â
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up vote
down vote
I made a macro that will fill in data in a workbook that has 65 (24 are user filled) columns and can go as long as 1500 rows.
In an ideal scenario, the workbook has a perfect column that could work as a key to fill in the data. The thing is, users can duplicate a row, therefore messing with the column with unique values (the duplicates are needed).
So, I went and made a collection of classes.
- I test if there are duplicates in the key columns in the old WB(the one with data to import into the new WB) (called Orders from now on) and I count how many.
- For each row in the old workbook (the one I want to pull information from) I create a class, fill in the variables, and add it to a collection.
- In the new workbook, I call the collection that has the duplicates count and I create new rows for each order that has a duplicate (more than 2 is possible).
- I iterate through the classes that have the information from the old workbook. When a match is found, using the order column in the new workbook, I call in the class and go about getting the values its variables have.
This method worked perfectly for a good while until recently when we started seeing workbooks with more and more data. Now, for a workbook with more than 1500 rows and 24 columns full of information my code is taking close to an hour to fill a new workbook with that much data.
Sub GetDataFromWB()
Call pw
Dim fileName As Variant
Dim oldOrders As Workbook
Dim newOrders As Workbook
Dim oldOrdersTable As ListObject
Dim newOrdersTable As ListObject
Dim rRows As Integer
Dim Ord As CPurchaseOrder
Dim OrdersInfo As Collection
Dim countOrd As Collection
Dim dataItems As cItems
Dim itemKey As String
Dim newWS As Worksheet
Dim oldWS As Worksheet
Dim testOrd As String
Dim wbCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim keyCells As Range
Dim cel As Range
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim MinutesElapsed As String
If Workbooks.Count > 1 Then
wbCount = PromptForWorkbook()
If wbCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set newOrders = Workbooks(wbCount)
Set newOrders = ActiveWorkbook
End If
'Remember time when macro starts
StartTime = Timer
Set newWS = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders")
Set OrdersInfo = New Collection
Set countOrd = New Collection
fileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xls*), *.xls*", 1, "Select a Orders Workbook")
If fileName = False Then Exit Sub
Set oldOrders = Workbooks.Open(fileName)
Set oldWS = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders")
Set newOrdersTable = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
Set oldOrdersTable = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
'Adds all information in old Orders to a collection and counts how many times a OrdLINE repeats itself (splits)
rowCount = oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
For rRows = 2 To oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
On Error Resume Next
'The workbook has a COMMENT column which concatenate important info, to avoid going through all rows, the column must have information to be pulled in the new wb
If Len(oldWS.Cells(rRows, 64)) > 6 Then
'Counts duplicate values in old Orders
itemKey = CStr(oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8).Value)
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
Set dataItems = New cItems
dataItems.Key = itemKey
countOrd.Add dataItems, itemKey
End If
With dataItems
.Count = .Count + 1
End With
'------OLD Orders INFO------'
On Error Resume Next
Set Ord = New CPurchaseOrder
Ord.OrdLine = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8).Value
Ord.LabDipStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 32).Value
Ord.LabDipDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 33).Value
Ord.ReasonDelayLapDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 34).Value
Ord.OtherReasonDelayLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 35).Value
Ord.SubmitLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 36).Value
Ord.TrackingLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 37).Value
Ord.ProdLotStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 38).Value
Ord.ProdLotDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 39).Value
Ord.ReasonDelayProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 40).Value
Ord.OtherReasonDelayProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 41).Value
Ord.SubmitProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 42).Value
Ord.TrackingProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 43).Value
Ord.ShipFrom = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 44).Value
'Ord.OrderShipment = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 45).Value
Ord.OrdrderStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 46).Value
Ord.WorkProgress = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 47).Value
Ord.OrdDeliveryDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 48).Value
Ord.RealQtyShipped = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 50).Value
Ord.ShipMode = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 53).Value
Ord.Container = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 54).Value
Ord.Invoice = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 55).Value
Ord.ReasonChange = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 58).Value
Ord.OtherReasonChange = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 59).Value
Ord.NewOrdDeliveryDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 60).Value
Ord.Comments = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 64).Value
OrdersInfo.Add Ord
End If
Next rRows
For Each cel In newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ord/LINE").DataBodyRange
itemKey = CStr(cel.Value)
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
If dataItems.Count > 1 Then
newWS.Unprotect Password
Set keyCells = Intersect(cel.EntireRow, newOrdersTable.DataBodyRange)
Call InsertRows(dataItems.Count - 1, keyCells)
countOrd.Remove itemKey
End If
End If
Next cel
'Deletes validations because they mess everything up
rowCount = newOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
For rRows = 2 To rowCount
'Starts importing stuff.
For i = OrdersInfo.Count To 1 Step -1
Set Ord = OrdersInfo(i)
If newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8) = Ord.OrdLine Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 32) = Ord.LabDipStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 33) = Ord.LabDipDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 34) = Ord.ReasonDelayLapDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 35) = Ord.OtherReasonDelayLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 36) = Ord.SubmitLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 37) = Ord.TrackingLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 38) = Ord.ProdLotStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 39) = Ord.ProdLotDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 40) = Ord.ReasonDelayProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 41) = Ord.OtherReasonDelayProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 42) = Ord.SubmitProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 43) = Ord.TrackingProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 44) = Ord.ShipFrom
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 45) = Ord.OrderShipment
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 47) = Ord.OrdrderStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 48) = Ord.WorkProgress
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 49) = Ord.OrdDeliveryDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 50) = Ord.RealQtyShipped
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 53) = Ord.ShipMode
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 54) = Ord.Container
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 55) = Ord.Invoice
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 58) = Ord.ReasonChange
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 59) = Ord.OtherReasonChange
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 60) = Ord.NewOrdDeliveryDate
'newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 64) = Ord.Comments
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
OrdersInfo.Remove i
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next rRows
newWS.Unprotect Password
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Lab dip status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabProdStatus[LabProdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Prod Lot Status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabProdStatus[LabProdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Reason for delay (Lab dip)").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabDipReasons[LabDipReasons]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Reason for delay (Prod Lot)").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableProdLotReasons[ProdLotReasons]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ord Status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableOrdStatus[OrdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ship from").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableShipFrom[ShipFrom]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Order Shipment").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableOrderShipment[OrderShipment]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("SHIPMODE").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableShipMode[ShipMode]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("REASON FOR CHANGE").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableReasonChange[ReasonChange]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
'Determine how many seconds code took to run
MinutesElapsed = format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
'Notify user in seconds
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & MinutesElapsed & " seconds." & vbNewLine & "The amount of rows read from the old Orders workbook are: " & oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count & "." & vbNewLine & "The amount of rows read in new Orders are: " & newOrdersTable.ListRows.Count & ".", vbInformation
Application.EnableEvents = True
newWS.Protect Password:=Password, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=False _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingCells:=True
End Sub
CPurchaseOrder Class
Option Compare Text
Private pOrdLine As String
Private pLabDipStatus As String
Private pLabDipDate As String
Private pReasonDelayLapDip As String
Private pOtherReasonDelayLabDip As String
Private pSubmitLabDip As String
Private pTrackingLabDip As String
Private pProdLotStatus As String
Private pProdLotDate As String
Private pReasonDelayProdLot As String
Private pOtherReasonDelayProdLot As String
Private pSubmitProdLot As String
Private pTrackingProdLot As String
Private pShipFrom As String
Private pOrderShipment As String
Private pOrdrderStatus As String
Private pWorkProgress As String
Private pOrdDeliveryDate As String
Private pRealQtyShipped As Long
Private pShipMode As String
Private pContainer As String
Private pInvoice As String
Private pReasonChange As String
Private pOtherReasonChange As String
Private pNewOrdDeliveryDate As String
Private pComments As String
Public Property Get OrdLine() As String
OrdLine = pOrdLine
End Property
Public Property Let OrdLine(Value As String)
pOrdLine = Value
End Property
'---------------LAB DIP-------------------
Public Property Get LabDipStatus() As String
LabDipStatus = pLabDipStatus
End Property
Public Property Let LabDipStatus(Value As String)
pLabDipStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get LabDipDate() As String
LabDipDate = pLabDipDate
End Property
Public Property Let LabDipDate(Value As String)
pLabDipDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ReasonDelayLapDip() As String
ReasonDelayLapDip = pReasonDelayLapDip
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonDelayLapDip(Value As String)
pReasonDelayLapDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonDelayLabDip() As String
OtherReasonDelayLabDip = pOtherReasonDelayLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonDelayLabDip(Value As String)
pOtherReasonDelayLabDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get SubmitLabDip() As String
SubmitLabDip = pSubmitLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let SubmitLabDip(Value As String)
pSubmitLabDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get TrackingLabDip() As String
TrackingLabDip = pTrackingLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let TrackingLabDip(Value As String)
pTrackingLabDip = Value
End Property
'---------------PROD LOT------------------
Public Property Get ProdLotStatus() As String
ProdLotStatus = pProdLotStatus
End Property
Public Property Let ProdLotStatus(Value As String)
pProdLotStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ProdLotDate() As String
ProdLotDate = pProdLotDate
End Property
Public Property Let ProdLotDate(Value As String)
pProdLotDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ReasonDelayProdLot() As String
ReasonDelayProdLot = pReasonDelayProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonDelayProdLot(Value As String)
pReasonDelayProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonDelayProdLot() As String
OtherReasonDelayProdLot = pOtherReasonDelayProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonDelayProdLot(Value As String)
pOtherReasonDelayProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get SubmitProdLot() As String
SubmitProdLot = pSubmitProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let SubmitProdLot(Value As String)
pSubmitProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get TrackingProdLot() As String
TrackingProdLot = pTrackingProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let TrackingProdLot(Value As String)
pTrackingProdLot = Value
End Property
'---------------ORD STATUS-----------------
Public Property Get ShipFrom() As String
ShipFrom = pShipFrom
End Property
Public Property Let ShipFrom(Value As String)
pShipFrom = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrderShipment() As String
OrderShipment = pOrderShipment
End Property
Public Property Let OrderShipment(Value As String)
pOrderShipment = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrdrderStatus() As String
OrdrderStatus = pOrdrderStatus
End Property
Public Property Let OrdrderStatus(Value As String)
If Value = "Shipping" Then Value = "In Progress"
pOrdrderStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get WorkProgress() As String
WorkProgress = pWorkProgress
End Property
Public Property Let WorkProgress(Value As String)
pWorkProgress = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrdDeliveryDate() As String
OrdDeliveryDate = pOrdDeliveryDate
End Property
Public Property Let OrdDeliveryDate(Value As String)
pOrdDeliveryDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get RealQtyShipped() As Long
RealQtyShipped = pRealQtyShipped
End Property
Public Property Let RealQtyShipped(Value As Long)
pRealQtyShipped = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ShipMode() As String
ShipMode = pShipMode
End Property
Public Property Let ShipMode(Value As String)
Select Case Value
Case "By Air (any carrier)"
Value = "Air (any carrier)"
Case "By Land"
Value = "Land"
Case "By Sea"
Value = "Sea"
Case "By ASAP"
Value = "Expediting (ASAP)"
Case Else
End Select
pShipMode = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Container() As String
Container = pContainer
End Property
Public Property Let Container(Value As String)
pContainer = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Invoice() As String
Invoice = pInvoice
End Property
Public Property Let Invoice(Value As String)
pInvoice = Value
End Property
'---------------DLVRY CHANGE--------------
Public Property Get ReasonChange() As String
ReasonChange = pReasonChange
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonChange(Value As String)
pReasonChange = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonChange() As String
OtherReasonChange = pOtherReasonChange
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonChange(Value As String)
pOtherReasonChange = Value
End Property
Public Property Get NewOrdDeliveryDate() As String
NewOrdDeliveryDate = pNewOrdDeliveryDate
End Property
Public Property Let NewOrdDeliveryDate(Value As String)
pNewOrdDeliveryDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Comments() As String
Comments = pComments
End Property
Public Property Let Comments(Value As String)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Resume Next
pComments = Value
End Property
CItems Class
Public Key As String
Public Count As Long
Public ItemList As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Count = 0
Set ItemList = New Collection
End Sub
Insert Rows Sub
Public Sub InsertRows(splitVal As Integer, keyCells As Range)
Call pw
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Orders")
ws.Unprotect Password
Application.EnableEvents = False
With keyCells
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'When filtered, can't paste and insert, so two steps
.EntireRow.Copy .Offset(1, 0).Resize(splitVal).EntireRow
End With
Call PerformanceDown
wb.Worksheets("Orders").Protect Password:=Password, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=False _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingCells:=True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly
GoTo ExitHandler
End Sub
Function PromptForWorkbook() As Integer
Dim n As Long
Dim S As String
Dim wb As Workbook
n = 0
S = vbNullString
For Each wb In Workbooks
n = n + 1
S = S & CStr(n) & " - " & wb.Name & vbNewLine
Next wb
If Len(S) > 196 Then
MsgBox "Please close 1 workbook and try again. The inputbox character limit is 255 and the open workbooks combined exceeds that limit"
Exit Function
End If
n = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Choose the new Order WB to which you want to import information." & vbNewLine & S, Type:=1)
If n <= 0 Or n > Workbooks.Count Then
PromptForWorkbook = 0
If InStr(Workbooks(n).Name, "ORDER") = 0 Then
resp = MsgBox("Are you sure this workbook is a valid ORDER WB?", vbYesNo, "Only ORDER Workbooks acceptable")
If resp = vbNo Then
GoTo StartOver
End If
End If
PromptForWorkbook = n
End If
End Function
Public Sub DoValidation(errorTitle As String, valType As Long, valForm As String, rng As Range, errorMsg As String)
With rng.Validation
.Add Type:=valType, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:=valForm
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.errorTitle = errorTitle
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = errorMsg
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
End Sub
Performancedown and up
Sub PerformanceUp()
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
End Sub
Sub PerformanceDown()
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
The PW
call just calls in a global variable that holds a password.
object-oriented vba excel collections
I made a macro that will fill in data in a workbook that has 65 (24 are user filled) columns and can go as long as 1500 rows.
In an ideal scenario, the workbook has a perfect column that could work as a key to fill in the data. The thing is, users can duplicate a row, therefore messing with the column with unique values (the duplicates are needed).
So, I went and made a collection of classes.
- I test if there are duplicates in the key columns in the old WB(the one with data to import into the new WB) (called Orders from now on) and I count how many.
- For each row in the old workbook (the one I want to pull information from) I create a class, fill in the variables, and add it to a collection.
- In the new workbook, I call the collection that has the duplicates count and I create new rows for each order that has a duplicate (more than 2 is possible).
- I iterate through the classes that have the information from the old workbook. When a match is found, using the order column in the new workbook, I call in the class and go about getting the values its variables have.
This method worked perfectly for a good while until recently when we started seeing workbooks with more and more data. Now, for a workbook with more than 1500 rows and 24 columns full of information my code is taking close to an hour to fill a new workbook with that much data.
Sub GetDataFromWB()
Call pw
Dim fileName As Variant
Dim oldOrders As Workbook
Dim newOrders As Workbook
Dim oldOrdersTable As ListObject
Dim newOrdersTable As ListObject
Dim rRows As Integer
Dim Ord As CPurchaseOrder
Dim OrdersInfo As Collection
Dim countOrd As Collection
Dim dataItems As cItems
Dim itemKey As String
Dim newWS As Worksheet
Dim oldWS As Worksheet
Dim testOrd As String
Dim wbCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim keyCells As Range
Dim cel As Range
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim MinutesElapsed As String
If Workbooks.Count > 1 Then
wbCount = PromptForWorkbook()
If wbCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set newOrders = Workbooks(wbCount)
Set newOrders = ActiveWorkbook
End If
'Remember time when macro starts
StartTime = Timer
Set newWS = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders")
Set OrdersInfo = New Collection
Set countOrd = New Collection
fileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xls*), *.xls*", 1, "Select a Orders Workbook")
If fileName = False Then Exit Sub
Set oldOrders = Workbooks.Open(fileName)
Set oldWS = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders")
Set newOrdersTable = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
Set oldOrdersTable = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
'Adds all information in old Orders to a collection and counts how many times a OrdLINE repeats itself (splits)
rowCount = oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
For rRows = 2 To oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
On Error Resume Next
'The workbook has a COMMENT column which concatenate important info, to avoid going through all rows, the column must have information to be pulled in the new wb
If Len(oldWS.Cells(rRows, 64)) > 6 Then
'Counts duplicate values in old Orders
itemKey = CStr(oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8).Value)
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
Set dataItems = New cItems
dataItems.Key = itemKey
countOrd.Add dataItems, itemKey
End If
With dataItems
.Count = .Count + 1
End With
'------OLD Orders INFO------'
On Error Resume Next
Set Ord = New CPurchaseOrder
Ord.OrdLine = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8).Value
Ord.LabDipStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 32).Value
Ord.LabDipDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 33).Value
Ord.ReasonDelayLapDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 34).Value
Ord.OtherReasonDelayLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 35).Value
Ord.SubmitLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 36).Value
Ord.TrackingLabDip = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 37).Value
Ord.ProdLotStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 38).Value
Ord.ProdLotDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 39).Value
Ord.ReasonDelayProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 40).Value
Ord.OtherReasonDelayProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 41).Value
Ord.SubmitProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 42).Value
Ord.TrackingProdLot = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 43).Value
Ord.ShipFrom = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 44).Value
'Ord.OrderShipment = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 45).Value
Ord.OrdrderStatus = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 46).Value
Ord.WorkProgress = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 47).Value
Ord.OrdDeliveryDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 48).Value
Ord.RealQtyShipped = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 50).Value
Ord.ShipMode = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 53).Value
Ord.Container = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 54).Value
Ord.Invoice = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 55).Value
Ord.ReasonChange = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 58).Value
Ord.OtherReasonChange = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 59).Value
Ord.NewOrdDeliveryDate = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 60).Value
Ord.Comments = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 64).Value
OrdersInfo.Add Ord
End If
Next rRows
For Each cel In newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ord/LINE").DataBodyRange
itemKey = CStr(cel.Value)
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
If dataItems.Count > 1 Then
newWS.Unprotect Password
Set keyCells = Intersect(cel.EntireRow, newOrdersTable.DataBodyRange)
Call InsertRows(dataItems.Count - 1, keyCells)
countOrd.Remove itemKey
End If
End If
Next cel
'Deletes validations because they mess everything up
rowCount = newOrdersTable.ListRows.Count + 1
For rRows = 2 To rowCount
'Starts importing stuff.
For i = OrdersInfo.Count To 1 Step -1
Set Ord = OrdersInfo(i)
If newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 8) = Ord.OrdLine Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 32) = Ord.LabDipStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 33) = Ord.LabDipDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 34) = Ord.ReasonDelayLapDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 35) = Ord.OtherReasonDelayLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 36) = Ord.SubmitLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 37) = Ord.TrackingLabDip
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 38) = Ord.ProdLotStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 39) = Ord.ProdLotDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 40) = Ord.ReasonDelayProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 41) = Ord.OtherReasonDelayProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 42) = Ord.SubmitProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 43) = Ord.TrackingProdLot
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 44) = Ord.ShipFrom
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 45) = Ord.OrderShipment
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 47) = Ord.OrdrderStatus
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 48) = Ord.WorkProgress
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 49) = Ord.OrdDeliveryDate
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 50) = Ord.RealQtyShipped
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 53) = Ord.ShipMode
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 54) = Ord.Container
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 55) = Ord.Invoice
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 58) = Ord.ReasonChange
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 59) = Ord.OtherReasonChange
newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 60) = Ord.NewOrdDeliveryDate
'newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").Cells(rRows, 64) = Ord.Comments
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
OrdersInfo.Remove i
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next rRows
newWS.Unprotect Password
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Lab dip status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabProdStatus[LabProdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Prod Lot Status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabProdStatus[LabProdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Reason for delay (Lab dip)").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableLabDipReasons[LabDipReasons]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Reason for delay (Prod Lot)").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableProdLotReasons[ProdLotReasons]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ord Status").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableOrdStatus[OrdStatus]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Ship from").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableShipFrom[ShipFrom]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("Order Shipment").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableOrderShipment[OrderShipment]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("SHIPMODE").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableShipMode[ShipMode]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
Set keyCells = newOrdersTable.ListColumns("REASON FOR CHANGE").DataBodyRange
Call DoValidation("Wrong value", 3, "=INDIRECT(""TableReasonChange[ReasonChange]"")", keyCells, "Choose a value from drop down list")
'Determine how many seconds code took to run
MinutesElapsed = format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
'Notify user in seconds
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & MinutesElapsed & " seconds." & vbNewLine & "The amount of rows read from the old Orders workbook are: " & oldOrdersTable.ListRows.Count & "." & vbNewLine & "The amount of rows read in new Orders are: " & newOrdersTable.ListRows.Count & ".", vbInformation
Application.EnableEvents = True
newWS.Protect Password:=Password, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=False _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingCells:=True
End Sub
CPurchaseOrder Class
Option Compare Text
Private pOrdLine As String
Private pLabDipStatus As String
Private pLabDipDate As String
Private pReasonDelayLapDip As String
Private pOtherReasonDelayLabDip As String
Private pSubmitLabDip As String
Private pTrackingLabDip As String
Private pProdLotStatus As String
Private pProdLotDate As String
Private pReasonDelayProdLot As String
Private pOtherReasonDelayProdLot As String
Private pSubmitProdLot As String
Private pTrackingProdLot As String
Private pShipFrom As String
Private pOrderShipment As String
Private pOrdrderStatus As String
Private pWorkProgress As String
Private pOrdDeliveryDate As String
Private pRealQtyShipped As Long
Private pShipMode As String
Private pContainer As String
Private pInvoice As String
Private pReasonChange As String
Private pOtherReasonChange As String
Private pNewOrdDeliveryDate As String
Private pComments As String
Public Property Get OrdLine() As String
OrdLine = pOrdLine
End Property
Public Property Let OrdLine(Value As String)
pOrdLine = Value
End Property
'---------------LAB DIP-------------------
Public Property Get LabDipStatus() As String
LabDipStatus = pLabDipStatus
End Property
Public Property Let LabDipStatus(Value As String)
pLabDipStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get LabDipDate() As String
LabDipDate = pLabDipDate
End Property
Public Property Let LabDipDate(Value As String)
pLabDipDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ReasonDelayLapDip() As String
ReasonDelayLapDip = pReasonDelayLapDip
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonDelayLapDip(Value As String)
pReasonDelayLapDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonDelayLabDip() As String
OtherReasonDelayLabDip = pOtherReasonDelayLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonDelayLabDip(Value As String)
pOtherReasonDelayLabDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get SubmitLabDip() As String
SubmitLabDip = pSubmitLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let SubmitLabDip(Value As String)
pSubmitLabDip = Value
End Property
Public Property Get TrackingLabDip() As String
TrackingLabDip = pTrackingLabDip
End Property
Public Property Let TrackingLabDip(Value As String)
pTrackingLabDip = Value
End Property
'---------------PROD LOT------------------
Public Property Get ProdLotStatus() As String
ProdLotStatus = pProdLotStatus
End Property
Public Property Let ProdLotStatus(Value As String)
pProdLotStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ProdLotDate() As String
ProdLotDate = pProdLotDate
End Property
Public Property Let ProdLotDate(Value As String)
pProdLotDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ReasonDelayProdLot() As String
ReasonDelayProdLot = pReasonDelayProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonDelayProdLot(Value As String)
pReasonDelayProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonDelayProdLot() As String
OtherReasonDelayProdLot = pOtherReasonDelayProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonDelayProdLot(Value As String)
pOtherReasonDelayProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get SubmitProdLot() As String
SubmitProdLot = pSubmitProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let SubmitProdLot(Value As String)
pSubmitProdLot = Value
End Property
Public Property Get TrackingProdLot() As String
TrackingProdLot = pTrackingProdLot
End Property
Public Property Let TrackingProdLot(Value As String)
pTrackingProdLot = Value
End Property
'---------------ORD STATUS-----------------
Public Property Get ShipFrom() As String
ShipFrom = pShipFrom
End Property
Public Property Let ShipFrom(Value As String)
pShipFrom = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrderShipment() As String
OrderShipment = pOrderShipment
End Property
Public Property Let OrderShipment(Value As String)
pOrderShipment = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrdrderStatus() As String
OrdrderStatus = pOrdrderStatus
End Property
Public Property Let OrdrderStatus(Value As String)
If Value = "Shipping" Then Value = "In Progress"
pOrdrderStatus = Value
End Property
Public Property Get WorkProgress() As String
WorkProgress = pWorkProgress
End Property
Public Property Let WorkProgress(Value As String)
pWorkProgress = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OrdDeliveryDate() As String
OrdDeliveryDate = pOrdDeliveryDate
End Property
Public Property Let OrdDeliveryDate(Value As String)
pOrdDeliveryDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get RealQtyShipped() As Long
RealQtyShipped = pRealQtyShipped
End Property
Public Property Let RealQtyShipped(Value As Long)
pRealQtyShipped = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ShipMode() As String
ShipMode = pShipMode
End Property
Public Property Let ShipMode(Value As String)
Select Case Value
Case "By Air (any carrier)"
Value = "Air (any carrier)"
Case "By Land"
Value = "Land"
Case "By Sea"
Value = "Sea"
Case "By ASAP"
Value = "Expediting (ASAP)"
Case Else
End Select
pShipMode = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Container() As String
Container = pContainer
End Property
Public Property Let Container(Value As String)
pContainer = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Invoice() As String
Invoice = pInvoice
End Property
Public Property Let Invoice(Value As String)
pInvoice = Value
End Property
'---------------DLVRY CHANGE--------------
Public Property Get ReasonChange() As String
ReasonChange = pReasonChange
End Property
Public Property Let ReasonChange(Value As String)
pReasonChange = Value
End Property
Public Property Get OtherReasonChange() As String
OtherReasonChange = pOtherReasonChange
End Property
Public Property Let OtherReasonChange(Value As String)
pOtherReasonChange = Value
End Property
Public Property Get NewOrdDeliveryDate() As String
NewOrdDeliveryDate = pNewOrdDeliveryDate
End Property
Public Property Let NewOrdDeliveryDate(Value As String)
pNewOrdDeliveryDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Comments() As String
Comments = pComments
End Property
Public Property Let Comments(Value As String)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Resume Next
pComments = Value
End Property
CItems Class
Public Key As String
Public Count As Long
Public ItemList As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Count = 0
Set ItemList = New Collection
End Sub
Insert Rows Sub
Public Sub InsertRows(splitVal As Integer, keyCells As Range)
Call pw
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Orders")
ws.Unprotect Password
Application.EnableEvents = False
With keyCells
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'When filtered, can't paste and insert, so two steps
.EntireRow.Copy .Offset(1, 0).Resize(splitVal).EntireRow
End With
Call PerformanceDown
wb.Worksheets("Orders").Protect Password:=Password, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=False _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingCells:=True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly
GoTo ExitHandler
End Sub
Function PromptForWorkbook() As Integer
Dim n As Long
Dim S As String
Dim wb As Workbook
n = 0
S = vbNullString
For Each wb In Workbooks
n = n + 1
S = S & CStr(n) & " - " & wb.Name & vbNewLine
Next wb
If Len(S) > 196 Then
MsgBox "Please close 1 workbook and try again. The inputbox character limit is 255 and the open workbooks combined exceeds that limit"
Exit Function
End If
n = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Choose the new Order WB to which you want to import information." & vbNewLine & S, Type:=1)
If n <= 0 Or n > Workbooks.Count Then
PromptForWorkbook = 0
If InStr(Workbooks(n).Name, "ORDER") = 0 Then
resp = MsgBox("Are you sure this workbook is a valid ORDER WB?", vbYesNo, "Only ORDER Workbooks acceptable")
If resp = vbNo Then
GoTo StartOver
End If
End If
PromptForWorkbook = n
End If
End Function
Public Sub DoValidation(errorTitle As String, valType As Long, valForm As String, rng As Range, errorMsg As String)
With rng.Validation
.Add Type:=valType, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:=valForm
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.errorTitle = errorTitle
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = errorMsg
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
End Sub
Performancedown and up
Sub PerformanceUp()
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
End Sub
Sub PerformanceDown()
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
The PW
call just calls in a global variable that holds a password.
object-oriented vba excel collections
edited Apr 20 at 2:55


asked Apr 15 at 0:25
Would you explain what you expect to happen here -Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 4:17
While reading about classes, I found out that I needed to âÂÂemptyâ them, that is what I intended to do. And the set equals countOrd is just searching with the itemkey.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 4:25
I found out after some testing that I need to empty dataItems, otherwise I get an Error 5 Invalid procedure call or argument.
â rzenva
Apr 20 at 2:58
Since you've posted a follow-up, you should accept an answer here so that anyone in the future will review the newest iteration of the code
â Raystafarian
Apr 22 at 0:20
I thought I did, done.
â rzenva
Apr 22 at 1:23
add a comment |Â
Would you explain what you expect to happen here -Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 4:17
While reading about classes, I found out that I needed to âÂÂemptyâ them, that is what I intended to do. And the set equals countOrd is just searching with the itemkey.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 4:25
I found out after some testing that I need to empty dataItems, otherwise I get an Error 5 Invalid procedure call or argument.
â rzenva
Apr 20 at 2:58
Since you've posted a follow-up, you should accept an answer here so that anyone in the future will review the newest iteration of the code
â Raystafarian
Apr 22 at 0:20
I thought I did, done.
â rzenva
Apr 22 at 1:23
Would you explain what you expect to happen here -
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 4:17
Would you explain what you expect to happen here -
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 4:17
While reading about classes, I found out that I needed to âÂÂemptyâ them, that is what I intended to do. And the set equals countOrd is just searching with the itemkey.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 4:25
While reading about classes, I found out that I needed to âÂÂemptyâ them, that is what I intended to do. And the set equals countOrd is just searching with the itemkey.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 4:25
I found out after some testing that I need to empty dataItems, otherwise I get an Error 5 Invalid procedure call or argument.
â rzenva
Apr 20 at 2:58
I found out after some testing that I need to empty dataItems, otherwise I get an Error 5 Invalid procedure call or argument.
â rzenva
Apr 20 at 2:58
Since you've posted a follow-up, you should accept an answer here so that anyone in the future will review the newest iteration of the code
â Raystafarian
Apr 22 at 0:20
Since you've posted a follow-up, you should accept an answer here so that anyone in the future will review the newest iteration of the code
â Raystafarian
Apr 22 at 0:20
I thought I did, done.
â rzenva
Apr 22 at 1:23
I thought I did, done.
â rzenva
Apr 22 at 1:23
add a comment |Â
1 Answer
up vote
down vote
First, just some simple observations.
It's good practice to indent all of your code that way
will stick out as obvious.You don't need to
subs, it's obsolete. Instead just useSub argument, argument
Comments - "code tell you how, comments tell you why". The code should speak for itself, if it needs a comment, it might need to be made more clear. If not, the comment should describe why you're doing something rather than how you're doing it. Here are a few reasons to avoid comments all together.
If fileName = False Then Exit Sub
can be rewritten toIf Not fileName Then Exit Sub
, but that would be assuming it'sboolean
, which it isn't. Unfortunately the ms documentation gives the example usingFalse
so I can't have an issue with that.Integers - integers are obsolete. According to msdn VBA silently converts all integers to
.Standard VBA naming conventions have
for local variables andPascalCase
for other variables and names.Worksheets have a
property - View Properties window (F4) and the(Name)
field (the one at the top) can be used as the worksheet name. This way you can avoidSheets("mySheet")
and instead just usemySheet
.Sub and Function parameters are implicitly passed
if you don't specify. Try to pass themByVal
whenever possible.
This part here can look simpler -
Set newOrdersTable = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
Set oldOrdersTable = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
You already have newWS
and oldWS
, so just use those variables. On the other hand, you don't have any error handling here, what if the table doesn't exist or the name is different? Maybe a better approach would be
Function gettable(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As ListObject
With targetSheet
For i = 1 To .ListObjects.Count
If .ListObjects.Item(i).Name = "TableOrdersQuery" Then
Set gettable = .ListObjects.Item(i)
Exit Function
End If
End With
End Function
Or more likely just put in some error handling. Sometimes it's better to break things out like that for clarity.
I think you've done a good job of implementing CPurchaseOrder
for what you need (Object-Oriented!).
However, I'm not sure why cItems
is just a Collection
- that's an object inside a custom object, no other properties. Seems unnecessary. I'd say use a Dictionary:
Dim itemList As Object
Set itemList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
The cool thing about a dictionary is that it doesn't allow duplicates. However, you'd have to find a way to reference back to your class objects, so maybe just use a standard Collection
rather than one just wrapped in a class.
You don't need to empty classes in VBA. As I mentioned asking about this -
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
Using the :
like that is allowed, but it really isn't expected in VBA - it makes it more difficult to read. Plus, I'm not sure what the error handling is supposed to do here, are you just suppressing errors? That's not good error handling.
And here
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
it's kind of sloppy. You should aim for something more clear without empty condition results -
If Not dateItems is Nothing Then
I see you're pulling data off the sheet. One row at a time. It would be more efficient to pull that into an array and cycle through the array instead -
Dim oldOrders As Variant
oldOrders = oldWS.Range(oldWS.Cells(2, 1), oldWS.Cells(rowCount, 64))
There might be an easier way to get the data you want directly with the variant, but for now we can leave it like this. Once you're not hitting the sheet so many times, you'll see an incredible performance gain. It's similar to using .Select
- Be sure to avoid things like .Select
- it just slows the code down by needing to fiddle with the spreadsheet while doing everything else behind the scenes. There's a good question on StackOverflow addressing this.
Why are you using an INDIRECT
? I mean, those have terrible performance as functions on the sheet. I think once you have you data in an array you'll see a better way to do that. Maybe create a resultsArray
and move what should be included into that array, then spit that array out onto the newWS
The same goes for the .Resize
, .insert
and .copy
. Besides arrays, those are your bottlenecks.
Oh and something I noticed (as an example for learning):
Public Sub InsertRows(splitVal As Integer, keyCells As Range)
'Call pw
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Orders")
Why not just pass the sheet into the sub?
Public Sub InsertRows(ByVal targetSheet as Worksheet, ByVal splitVal as Long, ByVal keyCells as Range)
targetSheet.Unprotect Password
Array Example
Incomplete example
Say you have two workbooks with tables:
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bob A Math
Bob B Cryptography
Chuck B UI
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bill B Manager
In this example you want to merge Book2 into Book1, adding information but not duplicating information. In Book1 you could run this macro to get all your data into arrays from both books -
Option Explicit
Sub MergeJobs()
Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook
Dim sourceData As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim path As String
path = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.XLS), *.XLS", Title:="Select File To Be Opened")
Set sourceWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Open(path)
lastRow = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
sourceWorkbook.Close (False)
Dim sourceData As Variant
Set targetWorkbook = activebook
lastRow = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
End Sub
So now sourceData
is the Book2 Table and targetData
is the Book1 Table. Now you want to combine them -
Private Function CombineTables(ByVal sourceData As Variant, ByVal targetData As Variant) As Variant
Dim newData As Variant
Dim totalPossibleRows As Long
totalPossibleRows = UBound(sourceData, 1) + UBound(targetData, 1)
ReDim newData(totalPossibleRows, 2)
Dim currentEmployee As String
Dim sourceRow As Long
sourceRow = 1
Dim targetRow As Long
Dim newRow As Long
newRow = 1
Dim employees As Object
employees = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
employees(sourceData(sourceRow, 1)) = 1
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetData)
employees(targetData(targetRow, 1)) = 1
Dim key As Variant
For Each key In employees.keys()
currentEmployee = key
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
If sourceData(sourceRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = sourceData(sourceRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = sourceData(sourceRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = sourceData(sourceRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetRow)
If targetData(targetRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = targetData(targetRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = targetData(targetRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = targetData(targetRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
Now, we can sort the array. And then remove duplicates. You get the idea.
Thank you very much for your input! Now, aboutIntegers
I thought that it was a good idea sinceLong
uses more memory, but really, my code isnt that complicated where a bit of memory would mess things up. Now, you are definitely right about my bottlenecks! I know about how it affects performance having your code communicate with the sheets repeatedly. I plan on making a temporal array for each row I iterate, performance should go up. I have no idea how to place the whole table in an array and I dont think that is necessary either.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:29
in theInsertRows
sub. I dont think I have much choice. I need to keep the new WB as equal as the old WB, that means creating the same amount of duplicates an Order had in the old WB. Do you have any better idea of how doing that? I am stuck there.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:36
I read the post aboutInt
, well, I guess I will start usingLong
from now on. I dont need to call old APIs that expectInt
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:41
You put it all in the array, do all your work in the array and then put the array on the sheet.
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:02
I added an array example
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:59
show 2 more comments
1 Answer
1 Answer
up vote
down vote
First, just some simple observations.
It's good practice to indent all of your code that way
will stick out as obvious.You don't need to
subs, it's obsolete. Instead just useSub argument, argument
Comments - "code tell you how, comments tell you why". The code should speak for itself, if it needs a comment, it might need to be made more clear. If not, the comment should describe why you're doing something rather than how you're doing it. Here are a few reasons to avoid comments all together.
If fileName = False Then Exit Sub
can be rewritten toIf Not fileName Then Exit Sub
, but that would be assuming it'sboolean
, which it isn't. Unfortunately the ms documentation gives the example usingFalse
so I can't have an issue with that.Integers - integers are obsolete. According to msdn VBA silently converts all integers to
.Standard VBA naming conventions have
for local variables andPascalCase
for other variables and names.Worksheets have a
property - View Properties window (F4) and the(Name)
field (the one at the top) can be used as the worksheet name. This way you can avoidSheets("mySheet")
and instead just usemySheet
.Sub and Function parameters are implicitly passed
if you don't specify. Try to pass themByVal
whenever possible.
This part here can look simpler -
Set newOrdersTable = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
Set oldOrdersTable = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
You already have newWS
and oldWS
, so just use those variables. On the other hand, you don't have any error handling here, what if the table doesn't exist or the name is different? Maybe a better approach would be
Function gettable(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As ListObject
With targetSheet
For i = 1 To .ListObjects.Count
If .ListObjects.Item(i).Name = "TableOrdersQuery" Then
Set gettable = .ListObjects.Item(i)
Exit Function
End If
End With
End Function
Or more likely just put in some error handling. Sometimes it's better to break things out like that for clarity.
I think you've done a good job of implementing CPurchaseOrder
for what you need (Object-Oriented!).
However, I'm not sure why cItems
is just a Collection
- that's an object inside a custom object, no other properties. Seems unnecessary. I'd say use a Dictionary:
Dim itemList As Object
Set itemList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
The cool thing about a dictionary is that it doesn't allow duplicates. However, you'd have to find a way to reference back to your class objects, so maybe just use a standard Collection
rather than one just wrapped in a class.
You don't need to empty classes in VBA. As I mentioned asking about this -
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
Using the :
like that is allowed, but it really isn't expected in VBA - it makes it more difficult to read. Plus, I'm not sure what the error handling is supposed to do here, are you just suppressing errors? That's not good error handling.
And here
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
it's kind of sloppy. You should aim for something more clear without empty condition results -
If Not dateItems is Nothing Then
I see you're pulling data off the sheet. One row at a time. It would be more efficient to pull that into an array and cycle through the array instead -
Dim oldOrders As Variant
oldOrders = oldWS.Range(oldWS.Cells(2, 1), oldWS.Cells(rowCount, 64))
There might be an easier way to get the data you want directly with the variant, but for now we can leave it like this. Once you're not hitting the sheet so many times, you'll see an incredible performance gain. It's similar to using .Select
- Be sure to avoid things like .Select
- it just slows the code down by needing to fiddle with the spreadsheet while doing everything else behind the scenes. There's a good question on StackOverflow addressing this.
Why are you using an INDIRECT
? I mean, those have terrible performance as functions on the sheet. I think once you have you data in an array you'll see a better way to do that. Maybe create a resultsArray
and move what should be included into that array, then spit that array out onto the newWS
The same goes for the .Resize
, .insert
and .copy
. Besides arrays, those are your bottlenecks.
Oh and something I noticed (as an example for learning):
Public Sub InsertRows(splitVal As Integer, keyCells As Range)
'Call pw
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Orders")
Why not just pass the sheet into the sub?
Public Sub InsertRows(ByVal targetSheet as Worksheet, ByVal splitVal as Long, ByVal keyCells as Range)
targetSheet.Unprotect Password
Array Example
Incomplete example
Say you have two workbooks with tables:
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bob A Math
Bob B Cryptography
Chuck B UI
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bill B Manager
In this example you want to merge Book2 into Book1, adding information but not duplicating information. In Book1 you could run this macro to get all your data into arrays from both books -
Option Explicit
Sub MergeJobs()
Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook
Dim sourceData As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim path As String
path = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.XLS), *.XLS", Title:="Select File To Be Opened")
Set sourceWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Open(path)
lastRow = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
sourceWorkbook.Close (False)
Dim sourceData As Variant
Set targetWorkbook = activebook
lastRow = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
End Sub
So now sourceData
is the Book2 Table and targetData
is the Book1 Table. Now you want to combine them -
Private Function CombineTables(ByVal sourceData As Variant, ByVal targetData As Variant) As Variant
Dim newData As Variant
Dim totalPossibleRows As Long
totalPossibleRows = UBound(sourceData, 1) + UBound(targetData, 1)
ReDim newData(totalPossibleRows, 2)
Dim currentEmployee As String
Dim sourceRow As Long
sourceRow = 1
Dim targetRow As Long
Dim newRow As Long
newRow = 1
Dim employees As Object
employees = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
employees(sourceData(sourceRow, 1)) = 1
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetData)
employees(targetData(targetRow, 1)) = 1
Dim key As Variant
For Each key In employees.keys()
currentEmployee = key
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
If sourceData(sourceRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = sourceData(sourceRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = sourceData(sourceRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = sourceData(sourceRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetRow)
If targetData(targetRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = targetData(targetRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = targetData(targetRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = targetData(targetRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
Now, we can sort the array. And then remove duplicates. You get the idea.
Thank you very much for your input! Now, aboutIntegers
I thought that it was a good idea sinceLong
uses more memory, but really, my code isnt that complicated where a bit of memory would mess things up. Now, you are definitely right about my bottlenecks! I know about how it affects performance having your code communicate with the sheets repeatedly. I plan on making a temporal array for each row I iterate, performance should go up. I have no idea how to place the whole table in an array and I dont think that is necessary either.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:29
in theInsertRows
sub. I dont think I have much choice. I need to keep the new WB as equal as the old WB, that means creating the same amount of duplicates an Order had in the old WB. Do you have any better idea of how doing that? I am stuck there.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:36
I read the post aboutInt
, well, I guess I will start usingLong
from now on. I dont need to call old APIs that expectInt
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:41
You put it all in the array, do all your work in the array and then put the array on the sheet.
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:02
I added an array example
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:59
show 2 more comments
up vote
down vote
First, just some simple observations.
It's good practice to indent all of your code that way
will stick out as obvious.You don't need to
subs, it's obsolete. Instead just useSub argument, argument
Comments - "code tell you how, comments tell you why". The code should speak for itself, if it needs a comment, it might need to be made more clear. If not, the comment should describe why you're doing something rather than how you're doing it. Here are a few reasons to avoid comments all together.
If fileName = False Then Exit Sub
can be rewritten toIf Not fileName Then Exit Sub
, but that would be assuming it'sboolean
, which it isn't. Unfortunately the ms documentation gives the example usingFalse
so I can't have an issue with that.Integers - integers are obsolete. According to msdn VBA silently converts all integers to
.Standard VBA naming conventions have
for local variables andPascalCase
for other variables and names.Worksheets have a
property - View Properties window (F4) and the(Name)
field (the one at the top) can be used as the worksheet name. This way you can avoidSheets("mySheet")
and instead just usemySheet
.Sub and Function parameters are implicitly passed
if you don't specify. Try to pass themByVal
whenever possible.
This part here can look simpler -
Set newOrdersTable = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
Set oldOrdersTable = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
You already have newWS
and oldWS
, so just use those variables. On the other hand, you don't have any error handling here, what if the table doesn't exist or the name is different? Maybe a better approach would be
Function gettable(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As ListObject
With targetSheet
For i = 1 To .ListObjects.Count
If .ListObjects.Item(i).Name = "TableOrdersQuery" Then
Set gettable = .ListObjects.Item(i)
Exit Function
End If
End With
End Function
Or more likely just put in some error handling. Sometimes it's better to break things out like that for clarity.
I think you've done a good job of implementing CPurchaseOrder
for what you need (Object-Oriented!).
However, I'm not sure why cItems
is just a Collection
- that's an object inside a custom object, no other properties. Seems unnecessary. I'd say use a Dictionary:
Dim itemList As Object
Set itemList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
The cool thing about a dictionary is that it doesn't allow duplicates. However, you'd have to find a way to reference back to your class objects, so maybe just use a standard Collection
rather than one just wrapped in a class.
You don't need to empty classes in VBA. As I mentioned asking about this -
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
Using the :
like that is allowed, but it really isn't expected in VBA - it makes it more difficult to read. Plus, I'm not sure what the error handling is supposed to do here, are you just suppressing errors? That's not good error handling.
And here
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
it's kind of sloppy. You should aim for something more clear without empty condition results -
If Not dateItems is Nothing Then
I see you're pulling data off the sheet. One row at a time. It would be more efficient to pull that into an array and cycle through the array instead -
Dim oldOrders As Variant
oldOrders = oldWS.Range(oldWS.Cells(2, 1), oldWS.Cells(rowCount, 64))
There might be an easier way to get the data you want directly with the variant, but for now we can leave it like this. Once you're not hitting the sheet so many times, you'll see an incredible performance gain. It's similar to using .Select
- Be sure to avoid things like .Select
- it just slows the code down by needing to fiddle with the spreadsheet while doing everything else behind the scenes. There's a good question on StackOverflow addressing this.
Why are you using an INDIRECT
? I mean, those have terrible performance as functions on the sheet. I think once you have you data in an array you'll see a better way to do that. Maybe create a resultsArray
and move what should be included into that array, then spit that array out onto the newWS
The same goes for the .Resize
, .insert
and .copy
. Besides arrays, those are your bottlenecks.
Oh and something I noticed (as an example for learning):
Public Sub InsertRows(splitVal As Integer, keyCells As Range)
'Call pw
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Orders")
Why not just pass the sheet into the sub?
Public Sub InsertRows(ByVal targetSheet as Worksheet, ByVal splitVal as Long, ByVal keyCells as Range)
targetSheet.Unprotect Password
Array Example
Incomplete example
Say you have two workbooks with tables:
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bob A Math
Bob B Cryptography
Chuck B UI
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bill B Manager
In this example you want to merge Book2 into Book1, adding information but not duplicating information. In Book1 you could run this macro to get all your data into arrays from both books -
Option Explicit
Sub MergeJobs()
Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook
Dim sourceData As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim path As String
path = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.XLS), *.XLS", Title:="Select File To Be Opened")
Set sourceWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Open(path)
lastRow = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
sourceWorkbook.Close (False)
Dim sourceData As Variant
Set targetWorkbook = activebook
lastRow = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
End Sub
So now sourceData
is the Book2 Table and targetData
is the Book1 Table. Now you want to combine them -
Private Function CombineTables(ByVal sourceData As Variant, ByVal targetData As Variant) As Variant
Dim newData As Variant
Dim totalPossibleRows As Long
totalPossibleRows = UBound(sourceData, 1) + UBound(targetData, 1)
ReDim newData(totalPossibleRows, 2)
Dim currentEmployee As String
Dim sourceRow As Long
sourceRow = 1
Dim targetRow As Long
Dim newRow As Long
newRow = 1
Dim employees As Object
employees = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
employees(sourceData(sourceRow, 1)) = 1
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetData)
employees(targetData(targetRow, 1)) = 1
Dim key As Variant
For Each key In employees.keys()
currentEmployee = key
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
If sourceData(sourceRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = sourceData(sourceRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = sourceData(sourceRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = sourceData(sourceRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetRow)
If targetData(targetRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = targetData(targetRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = targetData(targetRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = targetData(targetRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
Now, we can sort the array. And then remove duplicates. You get the idea.
Thank you very much for your input! Now, aboutIntegers
I thought that it was a good idea sinceLong
uses more memory, but really, my code isnt that complicated where a bit of memory would mess things up. Now, you are definitely right about my bottlenecks! I know about how it affects performance having your code communicate with the sheets repeatedly. I plan on making a temporal array for each row I iterate, performance should go up. I have no idea how to place the whole table in an array and I dont think that is necessary either.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:29
in theInsertRows
sub. I dont think I have much choice. I need to keep the new WB as equal as the old WB, that means creating the same amount of duplicates an Order had in the old WB. Do you have any better idea of how doing that? I am stuck there.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:36
I read the post aboutInt
, well, I guess I will start usingLong
from now on. I dont need to call old APIs that expectInt
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:41
You put it all in the array, do all your work in the array and then put the array on the sheet.
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:02
I added an array example
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:59
show 2 more comments
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
First, just some simple observations.
It's good practice to indent all of your code that way
will stick out as obvious.You don't need to
subs, it's obsolete. Instead just useSub argument, argument
Comments - "code tell you how, comments tell you why". The code should speak for itself, if it needs a comment, it might need to be made more clear. If not, the comment should describe why you're doing something rather than how you're doing it. Here are a few reasons to avoid comments all together.
If fileName = False Then Exit Sub
can be rewritten toIf Not fileName Then Exit Sub
, but that would be assuming it'sboolean
, which it isn't. Unfortunately the ms documentation gives the example usingFalse
so I can't have an issue with that.Integers - integers are obsolete. According to msdn VBA silently converts all integers to
.Standard VBA naming conventions have
for local variables andPascalCase
for other variables and names.Worksheets have a
property - View Properties window (F4) and the(Name)
field (the one at the top) can be used as the worksheet name. This way you can avoidSheets("mySheet")
and instead just usemySheet
.Sub and Function parameters are implicitly passed
if you don't specify. Try to pass themByVal
whenever possible.
This part here can look simpler -
Set newOrdersTable = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
Set oldOrdersTable = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
You already have newWS
and oldWS
, so just use those variables. On the other hand, you don't have any error handling here, what if the table doesn't exist or the name is different? Maybe a better approach would be
Function gettable(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As ListObject
With targetSheet
For i = 1 To .ListObjects.Count
If .ListObjects.Item(i).Name = "TableOrdersQuery" Then
Set gettable = .ListObjects.Item(i)
Exit Function
End If
End With
End Function
Or more likely just put in some error handling. Sometimes it's better to break things out like that for clarity.
I think you've done a good job of implementing CPurchaseOrder
for what you need (Object-Oriented!).
However, I'm not sure why cItems
is just a Collection
- that's an object inside a custom object, no other properties. Seems unnecessary. I'd say use a Dictionary:
Dim itemList As Object
Set itemList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
The cool thing about a dictionary is that it doesn't allow duplicates. However, you'd have to find a way to reference back to your class objects, so maybe just use a standard Collection
rather than one just wrapped in a class.
You don't need to empty classes in VBA. As I mentioned asking about this -
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
Using the :
like that is allowed, but it really isn't expected in VBA - it makes it more difficult to read. Plus, I'm not sure what the error handling is supposed to do here, are you just suppressing errors? That's not good error handling.
And here
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
it's kind of sloppy. You should aim for something more clear without empty condition results -
If Not dateItems is Nothing Then
I see you're pulling data off the sheet. One row at a time. It would be more efficient to pull that into an array and cycle through the array instead -
Dim oldOrders As Variant
oldOrders = oldWS.Range(oldWS.Cells(2, 1), oldWS.Cells(rowCount, 64))
There might be an easier way to get the data you want directly with the variant, but for now we can leave it like this. Once you're not hitting the sheet so many times, you'll see an incredible performance gain. It's similar to using .Select
- Be sure to avoid things like .Select
- it just slows the code down by needing to fiddle with the spreadsheet while doing everything else behind the scenes. There's a good question on StackOverflow addressing this.
Why are you using an INDIRECT
? I mean, those have terrible performance as functions on the sheet. I think once you have you data in an array you'll see a better way to do that. Maybe create a resultsArray
and move what should be included into that array, then spit that array out onto the newWS
The same goes for the .Resize
, .insert
and .copy
. Besides arrays, those are your bottlenecks.
Oh and something I noticed (as an example for learning):
Public Sub InsertRows(splitVal As Integer, keyCells As Range)
'Call pw
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Orders")
Why not just pass the sheet into the sub?
Public Sub InsertRows(ByVal targetSheet as Worksheet, ByVal splitVal as Long, ByVal keyCells as Range)
targetSheet.Unprotect Password
Array Example
Incomplete example
Say you have two workbooks with tables:
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bob A Math
Bob B Cryptography
Chuck B UI
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bill B Manager
In this example you want to merge Book2 into Book1, adding information but not duplicating information. In Book1 you could run this macro to get all your data into arrays from both books -
Option Explicit
Sub MergeJobs()
Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook
Dim sourceData As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim path As String
path = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.XLS), *.XLS", Title:="Select File To Be Opened")
Set sourceWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Open(path)
lastRow = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
sourceWorkbook.Close (False)
Dim sourceData As Variant
Set targetWorkbook = activebook
lastRow = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
End Sub
So now sourceData
is the Book2 Table and targetData
is the Book1 Table. Now you want to combine them -
Private Function CombineTables(ByVal sourceData As Variant, ByVal targetData As Variant) As Variant
Dim newData As Variant
Dim totalPossibleRows As Long
totalPossibleRows = UBound(sourceData, 1) + UBound(targetData, 1)
ReDim newData(totalPossibleRows, 2)
Dim currentEmployee As String
Dim sourceRow As Long
sourceRow = 1
Dim targetRow As Long
Dim newRow As Long
newRow = 1
Dim employees As Object
employees = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
employees(sourceData(sourceRow, 1)) = 1
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetData)
employees(targetData(targetRow, 1)) = 1
Dim key As Variant
For Each key In employees.keys()
currentEmployee = key
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
If sourceData(sourceRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = sourceData(sourceRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = sourceData(sourceRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = sourceData(sourceRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetRow)
If targetData(targetRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = targetData(targetRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = targetData(targetRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = targetData(targetRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
Now, we can sort the array. And then remove duplicates. You get the idea.
First, just some simple observations.
It's good practice to indent all of your code that way
will stick out as obvious.You don't need to
subs, it's obsolete. Instead just useSub argument, argument
Comments - "code tell you how, comments tell you why". The code should speak for itself, if it needs a comment, it might need to be made more clear. If not, the comment should describe why you're doing something rather than how you're doing it. Here are a few reasons to avoid comments all together.
If fileName = False Then Exit Sub
can be rewritten toIf Not fileName Then Exit Sub
, but that would be assuming it'sboolean
, which it isn't. Unfortunately the ms documentation gives the example usingFalse
so I can't have an issue with that.Integers - integers are obsolete. According to msdn VBA silently converts all integers to
.Standard VBA naming conventions have
for local variables andPascalCase
for other variables and names.Worksheets have a
property - View Properties window (F4) and the(Name)
field (the one at the top) can be used as the worksheet name. This way you can avoidSheets("mySheet")
and instead just usemySheet
.Sub and Function parameters are implicitly passed
if you don't specify. Try to pass themByVal
whenever possible.
This part here can look simpler -
Set newOrdersTable = newOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
Set oldOrdersTable = oldOrders.Worksheets("Orders").ListObjects("TableOrdersQuery")
You already have newWS
and oldWS
, so just use those variables. On the other hand, you don't have any error handling here, what if the table doesn't exist or the name is different? Maybe a better approach would be
Function gettable(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As ListObject
With targetSheet
For i = 1 To .ListObjects.Count
If .ListObjects.Item(i).Name = "TableOrdersQuery" Then
Set gettable = .ListObjects.Item(i)
Exit Function
End If
End With
End Function
Or more likely just put in some error handling. Sometimes it's better to break things out like that for clarity.
I think you've done a good job of implementing CPurchaseOrder
for what you need (Object-Oriented!).
However, I'm not sure why cItems
is just a Collection
- that's an object inside a custom object, no other properties. Seems unnecessary. I'd say use a Dictionary:
Dim itemList As Object
Set itemList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
The cool thing about a dictionary is that it doesn't allow duplicates. However, you'd have to find a way to reference back to your class objects, so maybe just use a standard Collection
rather than one just wrapped in a class.
You don't need to empty classes in VBA. As I mentioned asking about this -
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
Using the :
like that is allowed, but it really isn't expected in VBA - it makes it more difficult to read. Plus, I'm not sure what the error handling is supposed to do here, are you just suppressing errors? That's not good error handling.
And here
If dataItems Is Nothing Then
it's kind of sloppy. You should aim for something more clear without empty condition results -
If Not dateItems is Nothing Then
I see you're pulling data off the sheet. One row at a time. It would be more efficient to pull that into an array and cycle through the array instead -
Dim oldOrders As Variant
oldOrders = oldWS.Range(oldWS.Cells(2, 1), oldWS.Cells(rowCount, 64))
There might be an easier way to get the data you want directly with the variant, but for now we can leave it like this. Once you're not hitting the sheet so many times, you'll see an incredible performance gain. It's similar to using .Select
- Be sure to avoid things like .Select
- it just slows the code down by needing to fiddle with the spreadsheet while doing everything else behind the scenes. There's a good question on StackOverflow addressing this.
Why are you using an INDIRECT
? I mean, those have terrible performance as functions on the sheet. I think once you have you data in an array you'll see a better way to do that. Maybe create a resultsArray
and move what should be included into that array, then spit that array out onto the newWS
The same goes for the .Resize
, .insert
and .copy
. Besides arrays, those are your bottlenecks.
Oh and something I noticed (as an example for learning):
Public Sub InsertRows(splitVal As Integer, keyCells As Range)
'Call pw
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Orders")
Why not just pass the sheet into the sub?
Public Sub InsertRows(ByVal targetSheet as Worksheet, ByVal splitVal as Long, ByVal keyCells as Range)
targetSheet.Unprotect Password
Array Example
Incomplete example
Say you have two workbooks with tables:
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bob A Math
Bob B Cryptography
Chuck B UI
Name Dept Job
Alice A Math
Bill B Manager
In this example you want to merge Book2 into Book1, adding information but not duplicating information. In Book1 you could run this macro to get all your data into arrays from both books -
Option Explicit
Sub MergeJobs()
Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook
Dim sourceData As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim path As String
path = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.XLS), *.XLS", Title:="Select File To Be Opened")
Set sourceWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Open(path)
lastRow = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), sourceWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
sourceWorkbook.Close (False)
Dim sourceData As Variant
Set targetWorkbook = activebook
lastRow = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
sourceData = targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Range(targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), targetWorkbook.Sheet1.Cells(lastRow, 3))
End Sub
So now sourceData
is the Book2 Table and targetData
is the Book1 Table. Now you want to combine them -
Private Function CombineTables(ByVal sourceData As Variant, ByVal targetData As Variant) As Variant
Dim newData As Variant
Dim totalPossibleRows As Long
totalPossibleRows = UBound(sourceData, 1) + UBound(targetData, 1)
ReDim newData(totalPossibleRows, 2)
Dim currentEmployee As String
Dim sourceRow As Long
sourceRow = 1
Dim targetRow As Long
Dim newRow As Long
newRow = 1
Dim employees As Object
employees = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
employees(sourceData(sourceRow, 1)) = 1
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetData)
employees(targetData(targetRow, 1)) = 1
Dim key As Variant
For Each key In employees.keys()
currentEmployee = key
For sourceRow = 2 To UBound(sourceData)
If sourceData(sourceRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = sourceData(sourceRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = sourceData(sourceRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = sourceData(sourceRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
For targetRow = 2 To UBound(targetRow)
If targetData(targetRow, 1) = currentEmployee Then
newData(newRow, 1) = targetData(targetRow, 1)
newData(newRow, 2) = targetData(targetRow, 2)
newData(newRow, 3) = targetData(targetRow, 3)
newRow = newRow + 1
End If
Now, we can sort the array. And then remove duplicates. You get the idea.
edited Apr 15 at 21:59
answered Apr 15 at 5:23
Thank you very much for your input! Now, aboutIntegers
I thought that it was a good idea sinceLong
uses more memory, but really, my code isnt that complicated where a bit of memory would mess things up. Now, you are definitely right about my bottlenecks! I know about how it affects performance having your code communicate with the sheets repeatedly. I plan on making a temporal array for each row I iterate, performance should go up. I have no idea how to place the whole table in an array and I dont think that is necessary either.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:29
in theInsertRows
sub. I dont think I have much choice. I need to keep the new WB as equal as the old WB, that means creating the same amount of duplicates an Order had in the old WB. Do you have any better idea of how doing that? I am stuck there.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:36
I read the post aboutInt
, well, I guess I will start usingLong
from now on. I dont need to call old APIs that expectInt
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:41
You put it all in the array, do all your work in the array and then put the array on the sheet.
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:02
I added an array example
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:59
show 2 more comments
Thank you very much for your input! Now, aboutIntegers
I thought that it was a good idea sinceLong
uses more memory, but really, my code isnt that complicated where a bit of memory would mess things up. Now, you are definitely right about my bottlenecks! I know about how it affects performance having your code communicate with the sheets repeatedly. I plan on making a temporal array for each row I iterate, performance should go up. I have no idea how to place the whole table in an array and I dont think that is necessary either.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:29
in theInsertRows
sub. I dont think I have much choice. I need to keep the new WB as equal as the old WB, that means creating the same amount of duplicates an Order had in the old WB. Do you have any better idea of how doing that? I am stuck there.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:36
I read the post aboutInt
, well, I guess I will start usingLong
from now on. I dont need to call old APIs that expectInt
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:41
You put it all in the array, do all your work in the array and then put the array on the sheet.
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:02
I added an array example
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:59
Thank you very much for your input! Now, about
and Long
I thought that it was a good idea since Long
uses more memory, but really, my code isnt that complicated where a bit of memory would mess things up. Now, you are definitely right about my bottlenecks! I know about how it affects performance having your code communicate with the sheets repeatedly. I plan on making a temporal array for each row I iterate, performance should go up. I have no idea how to place the whole table in an array and I dont think that is necessary either.â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:29
Thank you very much for your input! Now, about
and Long
I thought that it was a good idea since Long
uses more memory, but really, my code isnt that complicated where a bit of memory would mess things up. Now, you are definitely right about my bottlenecks! I know about how it affects performance having your code communicate with the sheets repeatedly. I plan on making a temporal array for each row I iterate, performance should go up. I have no idea how to place the whole table in an array and I dont think that is necessary either.â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:29
, .insert
and .copy
in the InsertRows
sub. I dont think I have much choice. I need to keep the new WB as equal as the old WB, that means creating the same amount of duplicates an Order had in the old WB. Do you have any better idea of how doing that? I am stuck there.â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:36
, .insert
and .copy
in the InsertRows
sub. I dont think I have much choice. I need to keep the new WB as equal as the old WB, that means creating the same amount of duplicates an Order had in the old WB. Do you have any better idea of how doing that? I am stuck there.â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:36
I read the post about
vs Long
, well, I guess I will start using Long
from now on. I dont need to call old APIs that expect Int
.â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:41
I read the post about
vs Long
, well, I guess I will start using Long
from now on. I dont need to call old APIs that expect Int
.â rzenva
Apr 15 at 14:41
You put it all in the array, do all your work in the array and then put the array on the sheet.
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:02
You put it all in the array, do all your work in the array and then put the array on the sheet.
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:02
I added an array example
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:59
I added an array example
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 21:59
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Would you explain what you expect to happen here -
Set dataItems = Nothing: On Error Resume Next Set dataItems = countOrd(itemKey): On Error GoTo 0
â Raystafarian
Apr 15 at 4:17
While reading about classes, I found out that I needed to âÂÂemptyâ them, that is what I intended to do. And the set equals countOrd is just searching with the itemkey.
â rzenva
Apr 15 at 4:25
I found out after some testing that I need to empty dataItems, otherwise I get an Error 5 Invalid procedure call or argument.
â rzenva
Apr 20 at 2:58
Since you've posted a follow-up, you should accept an answer here so that anyone in the future will review the newest iteration of the code
â Raystafarian
Apr 22 at 0:20
I thought I did, done.
â rzenva
Apr 22 at 1:23