Find the minimum number of coin change

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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up vote
down vote



You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return -1.

coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11, return 3 (11 = 5 + 5 + 1)

coins = [2], amount = 3, return -1.


class Solution 
public int coinChange(int coins, int amount)
if (amount == 0) return 0;
if (amount < 0) return -1;

int min = -1;
for (int coin : coins)
int currentMin = coinChange(coins, amount - coin);

// if amount is less than coin value
if (currentMin >= 0)
min = min < 0 ? currentMin : Math.min(currentMin, min);

return min < 0 ? -1 : min + 1;


This question has slight deviation from normal one where we just need to return 0, returning -1 got me confused and I found it really hard to think in terms of recursion and handling edge cases.

PS: The solution works perfectly.

share|improve this question

  • What specifically confuses you about returning -1 to stop the recursion?
    – Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
    Apr 16 at 20:04

  • There are three conditions 1) when amount is more than current coin (2) when amount is less than current coin and (3) when amount is same as current coin. How to easily keep track of all these three conditions in recursion? The confusing part is I have to apply conditionals at two places to check for -1.
    – CodeYogi
    Apr 16 at 20:08

  • And btw why this is down voted?
    – CodeYogi
    Apr 16 at 20:08

  • You might want to add that clarification to your question instead of burying it into the comments.
    – Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
    Apr 16 at 20:33

  • Yes, adding that would help, but I wouldn't include the question part when you add it. Instead maybe an explanation of why you did it your way.
    – Raystafarian
    Apr 16 at 21:29

up vote
down vote



You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return -1.

coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11, return 3 (11 = 5 + 5 + 1)

coins = [2], amount = 3, return -1.


class Solution 
public int coinChange(int coins, int amount)
if (amount == 0) return 0;
if (amount < 0) return -1;

int min = -1;
for (int coin : coins)
int currentMin = coinChange(coins, amount - coin);

// if amount is less than coin value
if (currentMin >= 0)
min = min < 0 ? currentMin : Math.min(currentMin, min);

return min < 0 ? -1 : min + 1;


This question has slight deviation from normal one where we just need to return 0, returning -1 got me confused and I found it really hard to think in terms of recursion and handling edge cases.

PS: The solution works perfectly.

share|improve this question

  • What specifically confuses you about returning -1 to stop the recursion?
    – Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
    Apr 16 at 20:04

  • There are three conditions 1) when amount is more than current coin (2) when amount is less than current coin and (3) when amount is same as current coin. How to easily keep track of all these three conditions in recursion? The confusing part is I have to apply conditionals at two places to check for -1.
    – CodeYogi
    Apr 16 at 20:08

  • And btw why this is down voted?
    – CodeYogi
    Apr 16 at 20:08

  • You might want to add that clarification to your question instead of burying it into the comments.
    – Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
    Apr 16 at 20:33

  • Yes, adding that would help, but I wouldn't include the question part when you add it. Instead maybe an explanation of why you did it your way.
    – Raystafarian
    Apr 16 at 21:29

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return -1.

coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11, return 3 (11 = 5 + 5 + 1)

coins = [2], amount = 3, return -1.


class Solution 
public int coinChange(int coins, int amount)
if (amount == 0) return 0;
if (amount < 0) return -1;

int min = -1;
for (int coin : coins)
int currentMin = coinChange(coins, amount - coin);

// if amount is less than coin value
if (currentMin >= 0)
min = min < 0 ? currentMin : Math.min(currentMin, min);

return min < 0 ? -1 : min + 1;


This question has slight deviation from normal one where we just need to return 0, returning -1 got me confused and I found it really hard to think in terms of recursion and handling edge cases.

PS: The solution works perfectly.

share|improve this question


You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return -1.

coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11, return 3 (11 = 5 + 5 + 1)

coins = [2], amount = 3, return -1.


class Solution 
public int coinChange(int coins, int amount)
if (amount == 0) return 0;
if (amount < 0) return -1;

int min = -1;
for (int coin : coins)
int currentMin = coinChange(coins, amount - coin);

// if amount is less than coin value
if (currentMin >= 0)
min = min < 0 ? currentMin : Math.min(currentMin, min);

return min < 0 ? -1 : min + 1;


This question has slight deviation from normal one where we just need to return 0, returning -1 got me confused and I found it really hard to think in terms of recursion and handling edge cases.

PS: The solution works perfectly.

share|improve this question

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share|improve this question

edited Apr 16 at 21:30




asked Apr 16 at 19:46




  • What specifically confuses you about returning -1 to stop the recursion?
    – Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
    Apr 16 at 20:04

  • There are three conditions 1) when amount is more than current coin (2) when amount is less than current coin and (3) when amount is same as current coin. How to easily keep track of all these three conditions in recursion? The confusing part is I have to apply conditionals at two places to check for -1.
    – CodeYogi
    Apr 16 at 20:08

  • And btw why this is down voted?
    – CodeYogi
    Apr 16 at 20:08

  • You might want to add that clarification to your question instead of burying it into the comments.
    – Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
    Apr 16 at 20:33

  • Yes, adding that would help, but I wouldn't include the question part when you add it. Instead maybe an explanation of why you did it your way.
    – Raystafarian
    Apr 16 at 21:29

  • What specifically confuses you about returning -1 to stop the recursion?
    – Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
    Apr 16 at 20:04

  • There are three conditions 1) when amount is more than current coin (2) when amount is less than current coin and (3) when amount is same as current coin. How to easily keep track of all these three conditions in recursion? The confusing part is I have to apply conditionals at two places to check for -1.
    – CodeYogi
    Apr 16 at 20:08

  • And btw why this is down voted?
    – CodeYogi
    Apr 16 at 20:08

  • You might want to add that clarification to your question instead of burying it into the comments.
    – Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
    Apr 16 at 20:33

  • Yes, adding that would help, but I wouldn't include the question part when you add it. Instead maybe an explanation of why you did it your way.
    – Raystafarian
    Apr 16 at 21:29

What specifically confuses you about returning -1 to stop the recursion?
– Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
Apr 16 at 20:04

What specifically confuses you about returning -1 to stop the recursion?
– Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
Apr 16 at 20:04

There are three conditions 1) when amount is more than current coin (2) when amount is less than current coin and (3) when amount is same as current coin. How to easily keep track of all these three conditions in recursion? The confusing part is I have to apply conditionals at two places to check for -1.
– CodeYogi
Apr 16 at 20:08

There are three conditions 1) when amount is more than current coin (2) when amount is less than current coin and (3) when amount is same as current coin. How to easily keep track of all these three conditions in recursion? The confusing part is I have to apply conditionals at two places to check for -1.
– CodeYogi
Apr 16 at 20:08

And btw why this is down voted?
– CodeYogi
Apr 16 at 20:08

And btw why this is down voted?
– CodeYogi
Apr 16 at 20:08

You might want to add that clarification to your question instead of burying it into the comments.
– Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
Apr 16 at 20:33

You might want to add that clarification to your question instead of burying it into the comments.
– Ï€Î¬Î½Ï„α ῥεῖ
Apr 16 at 20:33

Yes, adding that would help, but I wouldn't include the question part when you add it. Instead maybe an explanation of why you did it your way.
– Raystafarian
Apr 16 at 21:29

Yes, adding that would help, but I wouldn't include the question part when you add it. Instead maybe an explanation of why you did it your way.
– Raystafarian
Apr 16 at 21:29

2 Answers




up vote
down vote

If you want to be good at interview questions, one thing you have to be able to spot is dynamic solutions. The algorithm you have proposed is correct, and does solve the problem, but the complexity is O(k^n) (I think it's a bit lower), where k is the number of coins you have, and n is the amount.

A dynamic solution can run in O(n*k), which is a lot faster even for small problem sizes. To make the solution dynamic, the way to go is usually to trade a bit of space for a lot of time. Here's my proposed solution:

public static int dynamicChange(int coins, int amount) 

int changes = new int[amount+1];

for (int i = 1; i <= amount; i++)
int minChange = Integer.MAX_VALUE/2;
// loop over all coins which yield a non-negative remainder
for (int j = 0; j < coins.length; j++)
if (coins[j] <= i)
if (changes[i-coins[j]] < minChange)
minChange = changes[i-coins[j]];

changes[i] = minChange + 1;

return changes[amount] < Integer.MAX_VALUE/2 ? changes[amount] : -1;

It produces identical results, and is faster for any number of coins > 1. If the input only has a single coin, the trade-off of creating an array is too expensive. However, the problem becomes trivial when you only have one denomination.

Given the "standard" input of coins = [1, 2, 5], the dynamic solution is 10 times faster for amount = 11, and becomes 1000 times faster for amount >= 27.

EDIT: corrected code, and enabled handling of non-sorted denominations.

share|improve this answer

  • Unfortunately this relies on the assumption that each number smaller than amount is also solvable. Fails on 2, 5, 10 and 27, as 1 does not have a solution.
    – mtj
    Apr 17 at 9:05

  • Good catch! The problem was an integer overflow that I had not accounted for, I have updated the code and added support for cases where coins isn't a sorted array.
    – maxb
    Apr 17 at 9:19

up vote
down vote

I think part of your problem is, you aren't taking the recursion far enough. I would suggest, that the loop be replaced by recursion. This can be accomplished quite easily by making sure the array is sorted first, and advancing from highest to lowest. Since this will require extra parameters and the addition of calling the sort function. Making the recursive function private and using a public helper overload, will neaten things quite a bit. Something like this should work:

public class Solution

public static int coinChange(int coins, int amount)

return coinChange(coins, amount, coins.length - 1, 0);

private static int coinChange(int coins, int amount, int index, int numCoins)

if (amount == 0)

return numCoins;

if (amount < coins[0])

return -1;

if (amount >= coins[index])


return coinChange(coins, amount, index, numCoins);

The usage would still be the same(int numCoins = Solution.coinChange(new int1,2,5,11);).

Your description of the problem didn't mention whether the array would be sorted. If it is guaranteed to be sorted that line can be left out.

You'll notice that there are still 3 states to check for, but that each one is only checked for once per recursion.

I didn't like the idea of making the amount go below 0. Simply stopping when the amount was either 0 or less than the smallest coin, seems a cleaner way of doing things, to me.

share|improve this answer

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    2 Answers




    2 Answers










    up vote
    down vote

    If you want to be good at interview questions, one thing you have to be able to spot is dynamic solutions. The algorithm you have proposed is correct, and does solve the problem, but the complexity is O(k^n) (I think it's a bit lower), where k is the number of coins you have, and n is the amount.

    A dynamic solution can run in O(n*k), which is a lot faster even for small problem sizes. To make the solution dynamic, the way to go is usually to trade a bit of space for a lot of time. Here's my proposed solution:

    public static int dynamicChange(int coins, int amount) 

    int changes = new int[amount+1];

    for (int i = 1; i <= amount; i++)
    int minChange = Integer.MAX_VALUE/2;
    // loop over all coins which yield a non-negative remainder
    for (int j = 0; j < coins.length; j++)
    if (coins[j] <= i)
    if (changes[i-coins[j]] < minChange)
    minChange = changes[i-coins[j]];

    changes[i] = minChange + 1;

    return changes[amount] < Integer.MAX_VALUE/2 ? changes[amount] : -1;

    It produces identical results, and is faster for any number of coins > 1. If the input only has a single coin, the trade-off of creating an array is too expensive. However, the problem becomes trivial when you only have one denomination.

    Given the "standard" input of coins = [1, 2, 5], the dynamic solution is 10 times faster for amount = 11, and becomes 1000 times faster for amount >= 27.

    EDIT: corrected code, and enabled handling of non-sorted denominations.

    share|improve this answer

    • Unfortunately this relies on the assumption that each number smaller than amount is also solvable. Fails on 2, 5, 10 and 27, as 1 does not have a solution.
      – mtj
      Apr 17 at 9:05

    • Good catch! The problem was an integer overflow that I had not accounted for, I have updated the code and added support for cases where coins isn't a sorted array.
      – maxb
      Apr 17 at 9:19

    up vote
    down vote

    If you want to be good at interview questions, one thing you have to be able to spot is dynamic solutions. The algorithm you have proposed is correct, and does solve the problem, but the complexity is O(k^n) (I think it's a bit lower), where k is the number of coins you have, and n is the amount.

    A dynamic solution can run in O(n*k), which is a lot faster even for small problem sizes. To make the solution dynamic, the way to go is usually to trade a bit of space for a lot of time. Here's my proposed solution:

    public static int dynamicChange(int coins, int amount) 

    int changes = new int[amount+1];

    for (int i = 1; i <= amount; i++)
    int minChange = Integer.MAX_VALUE/2;
    // loop over all coins which yield a non-negative remainder
    for (int j = 0; j < coins.length; j++)
    if (coins[j] <= i)
    if (changes[i-coins[j]] < minChange)
    minChange = changes[i-coins[j]];

    changes[i] = minChange + 1;

    return changes[amount] < Integer.MAX_VALUE/2 ? changes[amount] : -1;

    It produces identical results, and is faster for any number of coins > 1. If the input only has a single coin, the trade-off of creating an array is too expensive. However, the problem becomes trivial when you only have one denomination.

    Given the "standard" input of coins = [1, 2, 5], the dynamic solution is 10 times faster for amount = 11, and becomes 1000 times faster for amount >= 27.

    EDIT: corrected code, and enabled handling of non-sorted denominations.

    share|improve this answer

    • Unfortunately this relies on the assumption that each number smaller than amount is also solvable. Fails on 2, 5, 10 and 27, as 1 does not have a solution.
      – mtj
      Apr 17 at 9:05

    • Good catch! The problem was an integer overflow that I had not accounted for, I have updated the code and added support for cases where coins isn't a sorted array.
      – maxb
      Apr 17 at 9:19

    up vote
    down vote

    up vote
    down vote

    If you want to be good at interview questions, one thing you have to be able to spot is dynamic solutions. The algorithm you have proposed is correct, and does solve the problem, but the complexity is O(k^n) (I think it's a bit lower), where k is the number of coins you have, and n is the amount.

    A dynamic solution can run in O(n*k), which is a lot faster even for small problem sizes. To make the solution dynamic, the way to go is usually to trade a bit of space for a lot of time. Here's my proposed solution:

    public static int dynamicChange(int coins, int amount) 

    int changes = new int[amount+1];

    for (int i = 1; i <= amount; i++)
    int minChange = Integer.MAX_VALUE/2;
    // loop over all coins which yield a non-negative remainder
    for (int j = 0; j < coins.length; j++)
    if (coins[j] <= i)
    if (changes[i-coins[j]] < minChange)
    minChange = changes[i-coins[j]];

    changes[i] = minChange + 1;

    return changes[amount] < Integer.MAX_VALUE/2 ? changes[amount] : -1;

    It produces identical results, and is faster for any number of coins > 1. If the input only has a single coin, the trade-off of creating an array is too expensive. However, the problem becomes trivial when you only have one denomination.

    Given the "standard" input of coins = [1, 2, 5], the dynamic solution is 10 times faster for amount = 11, and becomes 1000 times faster for amount >= 27.

    EDIT: corrected code, and enabled handling of non-sorted denominations.

    share|improve this answer

    If you want to be good at interview questions, one thing you have to be able to spot is dynamic solutions. The algorithm you have proposed is correct, and does solve the problem, but the complexity is O(k^n) (I think it's a bit lower), where k is the number of coins you have, and n is the amount.

    A dynamic solution can run in O(n*k), which is a lot faster even for small problem sizes. To make the solution dynamic, the way to go is usually to trade a bit of space for a lot of time. Here's my proposed solution:

    public static int dynamicChange(int coins, int amount) 

    int changes = new int[amount+1];

    for (int i = 1; i <= amount; i++)
    int minChange = Integer.MAX_VALUE/2;
    // loop over all coins which yield a non-negative remainder
    for (int j = 0; j < coins.length; j++)
    if (coins[j] <= i)
    if (changes[i-coins[j]] < minChange)
    minChange = changes[i-coins[j]];

    changes[i] = minChange + 1;

    return changes[amount] < Integer.MAX_VALUE/2 ? changes[amount] : -1;

    It produces identical results, and is faster for any number of coins > 1. If the input only has a single coin, the trade-off of creating an array is too expensive. However, the problem becomes trivial when you only have one denomination.

    Given the "standard" input of coins = [1, 2, 5], the dynamic solution is 10 times faster for amount = 11, and becomes 1000 times faster for amount >= 27.

    EDIT: corrected code, and enabled handling of non-sorted denominations.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited Apr 17 at 9:21

    answered Apr 17 at 7:26




    • Unfortunately this relies on the assumption that each number smaller than amount is also solvable. Fails on 2, 5, 10 and 27, as 1 does not have a solution.
      – mtj
      Apr 17 at 9:05

    • Good catch! The problem was an integer overflow that I had not accounted for, I have updated the code and added support for cases where coins isn't a sorted array.
      – maxb
      Apr 17 at 9:19

    • Unfortunately this relies on the assumption that each number smaller than amount is also solvable. Fails on 2, 5, 10 and 27, as 1 does not have a solution.
      – mtj
      Apr 17 at 9:05

    • Good catch! The problem was an integer overflow that I had not accounted for, I have updated the code and added support for cases where coins isn't a sorted array.
      – maxb
      Apr 17 at 9:19

    Unfortunately this relies on the assumption that each number smaller than amount is also solvable. Fails on 2, 5, 10 and 27, as 1 does not have a solution.
    – mtj
    Apr 17 at 9:05

    Unfortunately this relies on the assumption that each number smaller than amount is also solvable. Fails on 2, 5, 10 and 27, as 1 does not have a solution.
    – mtj
    Apr 17 at 9:05

    Good catch! The problem was an integer overflow that I had not accounted for, I have updated the code and added support for cases where coins isn't a sorted array.
    – maxb
    Apr 17 at 9:19

    Good catch! The problem was an integer overflow that I had not accounted for, I have updated the code and added support for cases where coins isn't a sorted array.
    – maxb
    Apr 17 at 9:19

    up vote
    down vote

    I think part of your problem is, you aren't taking the recursion far enough. I would suggest, that the loop be replaced by recursion. This can be accomplished quite easily by making sure the array is sorted first, and advancing from highest to lowest. Since this will require extra parameters and the addition of calling the sort function. Making the recursive function private and using a public helper overload, will neaten things quite a bit. Something like this should work:

    public class Solution

    public static int coinChange(int coins, int amount)

    return coinChange(coins, amount, coins.length - 1, 0);

    private static int coinChange(int coins, int amount, int index, int numCoins)

    if (amount == 0)

    return numCoins;

    if (amount < coins[0])

    return -1;

    if (amount >= coins[index])


    return coinChange(coins, amount, index, numCoins);

    The usage would still be the same(int numCoins = Solution.coinChange(new int1,2,5,11);).

    Your description of the problem didn't mention whether the array would be sorted. If it is guaranteed to be sorted that line can be left out.

    You'll notice that there are still 3 states to check for, but that each one is only checked for once per recursion.

    I didn't like the idea of making the amount go below 0. Simply stopping when the amount was either 0 or less than the smallest coin, seems a cleaner way of doing things, to me.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      I think part of your problem is, you aren't taking the recursion far enough. I would suggest, that the loop be replaced by recursion. This can be accomplished quite easily by making sure the array is sorted first, and advancing from highest to lowest. Since this will require extra parameters and the addition of calling the sort function. Making the recursive function private and using a public helper overload, will neaten things quite a bit. Something like this should work:

      public class Solution

      public static int coinChange(int coins, int amount)

      return coinChange(coins, amount, coins.length - 1, 0);

      private static int coinChange(int coins, int amount, int index, int numCoins)

      if (amount == 0)

      return numCoins;

      if (amount < coins[0])

      return -1;

      if (amount >= coins[index])


      return coinChange(coins, amount, index, numCoins);

      The usage would still be the same(int numCoins = Solution.coinChange(new int1,2,5,11);).

      Your description of the problem didn't mention whether the array would be sorted. If it is guaranteed to be sorted that line can be left out.

      You'll notice that there are still 3 states to check for, but that each one is only checked for once per recursion.

      I didn't like the idea of making the amount go below 0. Simply stopping when the amount was either 0 or less than the smallest coin, seems a cleaner way of doing things, to me.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        I think part of your problem is, you aren't taking the recursion far enough. I would suggest, that the loop be replaced by recursion. This can be accomplished quite easily by making sure the array is sorted first, and advancing from highest to lowest. Since this will require extra parameters and the addition of calling the sort function. Making the recursive function private and using a public helper overload, will neaten things quite a bit. Something like this should work:

        public class Solution

        public static int coinChange(int coins, int amount)

        return coinChange(coins, amount, coins.length - 1, 0);

        private static int coinChange(int coins, int amount, int index, int numCoins)

        if (amount == 0)

        return numCoins;

        if (amount < coins[0])

        return -1;

        if (amount >= coins[index])


        return coinChange(coins, amount, index, numCoins);

        The usage would still be the same(int numCoins = Solution.coinChange(new int1,2,5,11);).

        Your description of the problem didn't mention whether the array would be sorted. If it is guaranteed to be sorted that line can be left out.

        You'll notice that there are still 3 states to check for, but that each one is only checked for once per recursion.

        I didn't like the idea of making the amount go below 0. Simply stopping when the amount was either 0 or less than the smallest coin, seems a cleaner way of doing things, to me.

        share|improve this answer

        I think part of your problem is, you aren't taking the recursion far enough. I would suggest, that the loop be replaced by recursion. This can be accomplished quite easily by making sure the array is sorted first, and advancing from highest to lowest. Since this will require extra parameters and the addition of calling the sort function. Making the recursive function private and using a public helper overload, will neaten things quite a bit. Something like this should work:

        public class Solution

        public static int coinChange(int coins, int amount)

        return coinChange(coins, amount, coins.length - 1, 0);

        private static int coinChange(int coins, int amount, int index, int numCoins)

        if (amount == 0)

        return numCoins;

        if (amount < coins[0])

        return -1;

        if (amount >= coins[index])


        return coinChange(coins, amount, index, numCoins);

        The usage would still be the same(int numCoins = Solution.coinChange(new int1,2,5,11);).

        Your description of the problem didn't mention whether the array would be sorted. If it is guaranteed to be sorted that line can be left out.

        You'll notice that there are still 3 states to check for, but that each one is only checked for once per recursion.

        I didn't like the idea of making the amount go below 0. Simply stopping when the amount was either 0 or less than the smallest coin, seems a cleaner way of doing things, to me.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Apr 17 at 15:06

        answered Apr 17 at 4:29





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