Movement function for a Sokoban game using Python [closed]

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;

up vote
down vote


I've been working on the functions that handle when a player's sprite interacts with either a wall (0) or say the crate to push (£)
I'm just wondering how this looks and if there alternative methods, as I've been told I can make things more complicated than they really need to be.

def MOVE_UP():
x = MapGrid.getCharLocation(PlayerMan.getRow() - 1, PlayerMan.getCol())
y = MapGrid.getCharLocation(Boxes.getRow() - 1, Boxes.getCol())
if x == '0':
elif x == '£':
if y == '0':
MapGrid.despawn(Boxes.getRow(), Boxes.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnBoxes(Boxes.getChar(), Boxes.getRow(), Boxes.getCol())

MapGrid.despawn(PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnMan(PlayerMan.getChar(), PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())

MapGrid.despawn(PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnMan(PlayerMan.getChar(), PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())

This code, in Python 3.6, is repeated for the other three directions.

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closed as off-topic by Billal BEGUERADJ, Daniel, t3chb0t, Dannnno, Raystafarian Jun 11 at 4:15

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Lacks concrete context: Code Review requires concrete code from a project, with sufficient context for reviewers to understand how that code is used. Pseudocode, stub code, hypothetical code, obfuscated code, and generic best practices are outside the scope of this site." – Billal BEGUERADJ, Daniel, t3chb0t, Dannnno, Raystafarian
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    what is getCharLocation, PlayerMan, Boxes. Please share more of the code. If you think it is too long to post here, put it on github or so. You seem to be keeping the locations of everything both in the grid and on the individual element, which complicates your code immensely.
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:02

  • also checking out how @property works will make your code cleaner
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:10

  • you should also make clear what should happen when there are more boxes behind each other. As it is now, they would merge
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:12

up vote
down vote


I've been working on the functions that handle when a player's sprite interacts with either a wall (0) or say the crate to push (£)
I'm just wondering how this looks and if there alternative methods, as I've been told I can make things more complicated than they really need to be.

def MOVE_UP():
x = MapGrid.getCharLocation(PlayerMan.getRow() - 1, PlayerMan.getCol())
y = MapGrid.getCharLocation(Boxes.getRow() - 1, Boxes.getCol())
if x == '0':
elif x == '£':
if y == '0':
MapGrid.despawn(Boxes.getRow(), Boxes.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnBoxes(Boxes.getChar(), Boxes.getRow(), Boxes.getCol())

MapGrid.despawn(PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnMan(PlayerMan.getChar(), PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())

MapGrid.despawn(PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnMan(PlayerMan.getChar(), PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())

This code, in Python 3.6, is repeated for the other three directions.

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closed as off-topic by Billal BEGUERADJ, Daniel, t3chb0t, Dannnno, Raystafarian Jun 11 at 4:15

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Lacks concrete context: Code Review requires concrete code from a project, with sufficient context for reviewers to understand how that code is used. Pseudocode, stub code, hypothetical code, obfuscated code, and generic best practices are outside the scope of this site." – Billal BEGUERADJ, Daniel, t3chb0t, Dannnno, Raystafarian
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    what is getCharLocation, PlayerMan, Boxes. Please share more of the code. If you think it is too long to post here, put it on github or so. You seem to be keeping the locations of everything both in the grid and on the individual element, which complicates your code immensely.
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:02

  • also checking out how @property works will make your code cleaner
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:10

  • you should also make clear what should happen when there are more boxes behind each other. As it is now, they would merge
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:12

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I've been working on the functions that handle when a player's sprite interacts with either a wall (0) or say the crate to push (£)
I'm just wondering how this looks and if there alternative methods, as I've been told I can make things more complicated than they really need to be.

def MOVE_UP():
x = MapGrid.getCharLocation(PlayerMan.getRow() - 1, PlayerMan.getCol())
y = MapGrid.getCharLocation(Boxes.getRow() - 1, Boxes.getCol())
if x == '0':
elif x == '£':
if y == '0':
MapGrid.despawn(Boxes.getRow(), Boxes.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnBoxes(Boxes.getChar(), Boxes.getRow(), Boxes.getCol())

MapGrid.despawn(PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnMan(PlayerMan.getChar(), PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())

MapGrid.despawn(PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnMan(PlayerMan.getChar(), PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())

This code, in Python 3.6, is repeated for the other three directions.

share|improve this question

I've been working on the functions that handle when a player's sprite interacts with either a wall (0) or say the crate to push (£)
I'm just wondering how this looks and if there alternative methods, as I've been told I can make things more complicated than they really need to be.

def MOVE_UP():
x = MapGrid.getCharLocation(PlayerMan.getRow() - 1, PlayerMan.getCol())
y = MapGrid.getCharLocation(Boxes.getRow() - 1, Boxes.getCol())
if x == '0':
elif x == '£':
if y == '0':
MapGrid.despawn(Boxes.getRow(), Boxes.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnBoxes(Boxes.getChar(), Boxes.getRow(), Boxes.getCol())

MapGrid.despawn(PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnMan(PlayerMan.getChar(), PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())

MapGrid.despawn(PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())
MapGrid.spawnMan(PlayerMan.getChar(), PlayerMan.getRow(), PlayerMan.getCol())

This code, in Python 3.6, is repeated for the other three directions.

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share|improve this question

edited Jun 7 at 21:32




asked Jun 7 at 20:52

James D



closed as off-topic by Billal BEGUERADJ, Daniel, t3chb0t, Dannnno, Raystafarian Jun 11 at 4:15

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Lacks concrete context: Code Review requires concrete code from a project, with sufficient context for reviewers to understand how that code is used. Pseudocode, stub code, hypothetical code, obfuscated code, and generic best practices are outside the scope of this site." – Billal BEGUERADJ, Daniel, t3chb0t, Dannnno, Raystafarian
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as off-topic by Billal BEGUERADJ, Daniel, t3chb0t, Dannnno, Raystafarian Jun 11 at 4:15

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Lacks concrete context: Code Review requires concrete code from a project, with sufficient context for reviewers to understand how that code is used. Pseudocode, stub code, hypothetical code, obfuscated code, and generic best practices are outside the scope of this site." – Billal BEGUERADJ, Daniel, t3chb0t, Dannnno, Raystafarian
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    what is getCharLocation, PlayerMan, Boxes. Please share more of the code. If you think it is too long to post here, put it on github or so. You seem to be keeping the locations of everything both in the grid and on the individual element, which complicates your code immensely.
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:02

  • also checking out how @property works will make your code cleaner
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:10

  • you should also make clear what should happen when there are more boxes behind each other. As it is now, they would merge
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:12

  • 1

    what is getCharLocation, PlayerMan, Boxes. Please share more of the code. If you think it is too long to post here, put it on github or so. You seem to be keeping the locations of everything both in the grid and on the individual element, which complicates your code immensely.
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:02

  • also checking out how @property works will make your code cleaner
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:10

  • you should also make clear what should happen when there are more boxes behind each other. As it is now, they would merge
    – Maarten Fabré
    Jun 8 at 12:12



what is getCharLocation, PlayerMan, Boxes. Please share more of the code. If you think it is too long to post here, put it on github or so. You seem to be keeping the locations of everything both in the grid and on the individual element, which complicates your code immensely.
– Maarten Fabré
Jun 8 at 12:02

what is getCharLocation, PlayerMan, Boxes. Please share more of the code. If you think it is too long to post here, put it on github or so. You seem to be keeping the locations of everything both in the grid and on the individual element, which complicates your code immensely.
– Maarten Fabré
Jun 8 at 12:02

also checking out how @property works will make your code cleaner
– Maarten Fabré
Jun 8 at 12:10

also checking out how @property works will make your code cleaner
– Maarten Fabré
Jun 8 at 12:10

you should also make clear what should happen when there are more boxes behind each other. As it is now, they would merge
– Maarten Fabré
Jun 8 at 12:12

you should also make clear what should happen when there are more boxes behind each other. As it is now, they would merge
– Maarten Fabré
Jun 8 at 12:12

1 Answer




up vote
down vote


I seems your grid is a nested list of strings. It would be clearer, if you change that to Enums

from enum import Enum

class Tiles(Enum):
WALL = '0'
PLAYER = "*"
BOX = '£'
EMPTY = '.'

so you can do something like this:

w = Tiles.WALL
e = Tiles.EMPTY
b = Tiles.BOX
p = Tiles.PLAYER
grid = [

getter and setters

Python does not have the Java tradition of setters and getters. If you want to work with a calculated property, of protect a property, you can use @property. This can work like this

class Boxes:
def __init__(self, row, ...):
self._row = row

def row(self):
return self._row

and so on for char and column

double work

The position of the Boxes and the player is kept both in the MapGrid , and in PlayerMan and Boxes. This is double work, and prone to errors.

Now to move something, you have to adapt it both in the grid (.despawn and .spawnXXX and on the PlayerMan and Boxes, resulting in a lot of unnecessary code.

All you really need to capture the state of the board is this:

class SokobanGrid():
def __init__(self, grid, position, strength=None):
grid = list(map(list, grid)) # make a copy of the grid
assert grid[position[0]][position[1]] == Tiles.PLAYER
num_players = sum(
sum(tile == Tiles.PLAYER for tile in row)
for row in grid
assert num_players == 1

self._grid = grid

self._dimensions = len(grid), len(grid[0])
self.position = position
self.strength = strength

def copy(self):
return SokobanGrid(self._grid, position=self.position)


instead of making a method that returns a string representation of the board, you can define __str__ and/or __repr__

 def __str__(self):
rows = (
f'xidx: ' + ''.join(tile.value for tile in row)
for idx, row in enumerate(self._grid)
header = ' ' * 4 + ''.join(map(str, range(self._dimensions[1]))) + 'n'
return header + 'n'.join(rows)

you can omit the position parameter, and go look for it yourself.

g = SokobanGrid(grid=grid, position=(3, 3))

x0: 00000
x1: 0...0
x2: 0..£0
x3: 0££*0
x4: 0..£0
x5: 0..£0
x6: 0...0
x7: 00000

The interactions with the tile then go like this:

 def tile(self, x, y):
return self._grid[x][y]

def iswall(self, x, y):
return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.WALL

def isbox(self, x, y):
return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.BOX

def isempty(self, x, y):
return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.EMPTY

def set_tile(self, x, y, tile):
self._grid[x][y] = tile

def swap_tiles(self, old, new):
old_tile = self.tile(*old)
new_tile = self.tile(*new)
self.set_tile(*old, new_tile)
self.set_tile(*new, old_tile)


Instead of a move method for each direction, you can make a generic one, that accepts a direction. The directions can be an Enum, with a value the change in coordinates it entails (UP is (-1, 0), because row 0 is the top row)

class Direction(Enum):
UP = (-1, 0)
DOWN = (1, 0)
LEFT = (0, -1)
RIGHT = (0, 1)

The first helper method yields all the moves in a certain direction until it hits a wall (not included) or an empty spot (included)

 def _moves(self, Direction):
x, y, = self.position
x_max, y_max = self._dimensions
dx, dy = Direction.value
while 0 <= x < x_max and 0 <= y < y_max:
if self.iswall(x, y):
yield x, y
if self.isempty(x, y):
x, y = x + dx, y + dy

the second helper method checks whether the player can move in a certain direction:

 def can_move(self, direction):
for boxes, position in enumerate(self._moves(direction)):
if self.isempty(*position):
return True
if self.iswall(*position):
return False
if self.strength and boxes > self.strength:
return False
return False

This raises a class IllegalMove(Exception): pass to signal to the user interface that a move is not allowed. You might use a ValueError instead

This can be tested with

d = Direction.DOWN
u = Direction.UP
l = Direction.LEFT
r = Direction.RIGHT

assert g.can_move(u)
assert g.can_move(d)
assert not g.can_move(l)
assert not g.can_move(r)

The meaning of the strength parameter, is the maximum amount of boxes the player can push. If we set this to 1, it should not be able to push down anymore:

g_1 = g.copy()
g_1.strength = 1
assert g_1.can_move(u)
assert not g_1.can_move(d)
assert not g_1.can_move(l)
assert not g_1.can_move(r)

Now to move, we must start from the first empty tile to the player, and swap the tiles piece by piece

 def move(self, direction):
if not self.can_move(direction):
raise IllegalMove
moves = self._moves(direction)
moves = reversed(list(moves))
for old, new in pairwise(moves):
self.swap_tiles(old, new)

pairwise is from the itertools recipes

from itertools import tee, takewhile
def pairwise(iterable):
"s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
a, b = tee(iterable)
next(b, None)
return zip(a, b)


g_move = g.copy()

x0: 00000
x1: 0...0
x2: 0..£0
x3: 0££.0
x4: 0..*0
x5: 0..£0
x6: 0..£0
x7: 00000

share|improve this answer

    1 Answer




    1 Answer










    up vote
    down vote


    I seems your grid is a nested list of strings. It would be clearer, if you change that to Enums

    from enum import Enum

    class Tiles(Enum):
    WALL = '0'
    PLAYER = "*"
    BOX = '£'
    EMPTY = '.'

    so you can do something like this:

    w = Tiles.WALL
    e = Tiles.EMPTY
    b = Tiles.BOX
    p = Tiles.PLAYER
    grid = [

    getter and setters

    Python does not have the Java tradition of setters and getters. If you want to work with a calculated property, of protect a property, you can use @property. This can work like this

    class Boxes:
    def __init__(self, row, ...):
    self._row = row

    def row(self):
    return self._row

    and so on for char and column

    double work

    The position of the Boxes and the player is kept both in the MapGrid , and in PlayerMan and Boxes. This is double work, and prone to errors.

    Now to move something, you have to adapt it both in the grid (.despawn and .spawnXXX and on the PlayerMan and Boxes, resulting in a lot of unnecessary code.

    All you really need to capture the state of the board is this:

    class SokobanGrid():
    def __init__(self, grid, position, strength=None):
    grid = list(map(list, grid)) # make a copy of the grid
    assert grid[position[0]][position[1]] == Tiles.PLAYER
    num_players = sum(
    sum(tile == Tiles.PLAYER for tile in row)
    for row in grid
    assert num_players == 1

    self._grid = grid

    self._dimensions = len(grid), len(grid[0])
    self.position = position
    self.strength = strength

    def copy(self):
    return SokobanGrid(self._grid, position=self.position)


    instead of making a method that returns a string representation of the board, you can define __str__ and/or __repr__

     def __str__(self):
    rows = (
    f'xidx: ' + ''.join(tile.value for tile in row)
    for idx, row in enumerate(self._grid)
    header = ' ' * 4 + ''.join(map(str, range(self._dimensions[1]))) + 'n'
    return header + 'n'.join(rows)

    you can omit the position parameter, and go look for it yourself.

    g = SokobanGrid(grid=grid, position=(3, 3))

    x0: 00000
    x1: 0...0
    x2: 0..£0
    x3: 0££*0
    x4: 0..£0
    x5: 0..£0
    x6: 0...0
    x7: 00000

    The interactions with the tile then go like this:

     def tile(self, x, y):
    return self._grid[x][y]

    def iswall(self, x, y):
    return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.WALL

    def isbox(self, x, y):
    return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.BOX

    def isempty(self, x, y):
    return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.EMPTY

    def set_tile(self, x, y, tile):
    self._grid[x][y] = tile

    def swap_tiles(self, old, new):
    old_tile = self.tile(*old)
    new_tile = self.tile(*new)
    self.set_tile(*old, new_tile)
    self.set_tile(*new, old_tile)


    Instead of a move method for each direction, you can make a generic one, that accepts a direction. The directions can be an Enum, with a value the change in coordinates it entails (UP is (-1, 0), because row 0 is the top row)

    class Direction(Enum):
    UP = (-1, 0)
    DOWN = (1, 0)
    LEFT = (0, -1)
    RIGHT = (0, 1)

    The first helper method yields all the moves in a certain direction until it hits a wall (not included) or an empty spot (included)

     def _moves(self, Direction):
    x, y, = self.position
    x_max, y_max = self._dimensions
    dx, dy = Direction.value
    while 0 <= x < x_max and 0 <= y < y_max:
    if self.iswall(x, y):
    yield x, y
    if self.isempty(x, y):
    x, y = x + dx, y + dy

    the second helper method checks whether the player can move in a certain direction:

     def can_move(self, direction):
    for boxes, position in enumerate(self._moves(direction)):
    if self.isempty(*position):
    return True
    if self.iswall(*position):
    return False
    if self.strength and boxes > self.strength:
    return False
    return False

    This raises a class IllegalMove(Exception): pass to signal to the user interface that a move is not allowed. You might use a ValueError instead

    This can be tested with

    d = Direction.DOWN
    u = Direction.UP
    l = Direction.LEFT
    r = Direction.RIGHT

    assert g.can_move(u)
    assert g.can_move(d)
    assert not g.can_move(l)
    assert not g.can_move(r)

    The meaning of the strength parameter, is the maximum amount of boxes the player can push. If we set this to 1, it should not be able to push down anymore:

    g_1 = g.copy()
    g_1.strength = 1
    assert g_1.can_move(u)
    assert not g_1.can_move(d)
    assert not g_1.can_move(l)
    assert not g_1.can_move(r)

    Now to move, we must start from the first empty tile to the player, and swap the tiles piece by piece

     def move(self, direction):
    if not self.can_move(direction):
    raise IllegalMove
    moves = self._moves(direction)
    moves = reversed(list(moves))
    for old, new in pairwise(moves):
    self.swap_tiles(old, new)

    pairwise is from the itertools recipes

    from itertools import tee, takewhile
    def pairwise(iterable):
    "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
    a, b = tee(iterable)
    next(b, None)
    return zip(a, b)


    g_move = g.copy()

    x0: 00000
    x1: 0...0
    x2: 0..£0
    x3: 0££.0
    x4: 0..*0
    x5: 0..£0
    x6: 0..£0
    x7: 00000

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote


      I seems your grid is a nested list of strings. It would be clearer, if you change that to Enums

      from enum import Enum

      class Tiles(Enum):
      WALL = '0'
      PLAYER = "*"
      BOX = '£'
      EMPTY = '.'

      so you can do something like this:

      w = Tiles.WALL
      e = Tiles.EMPTY
      b = Tiles.BOX
      p = Tiles.PLAYER
      grid = [

      getter and setters

      Python does not have the Java tradition of setters and getters. If you want to work with a calculated property, of protect a property, you can use @property. This can work like this

      class Boxes:
      def __init__(self, row, ...):
      self._row = row

      def row(self):
      return self._row

      and so on for char and column

      double work

      The position of the Boxes and the player is kept both in the MapGrid , and in PlayerMan and Boxes. This is double work, and prone to errors.

      Now to move something, you have to adapt it both in the grid (.despawn and .spawnXXX and on the PlayerMan and Boxes, resulting in a lot of unnecessary code.

      All you really need to capture the state of the board is this:

      class SokobanGrid():
      def __init__(self, grid, position, strength=None):
      grid = list(map(list, grid)) # make a copy of the grid
      assert grid[position[0]][position[1]] == Tiles.PLAYER
      num_players = sum(
      sum(tile == Tiles.PLAYER for tile in row)
      for row in grid
      assert num_players == 1

      self._grid = grid

      self._dimensions = len(grid), len(grid[0])
      self.position = position
      self.strength = strength

      def copy(self):
      return SokobanGrid(self._grid, position=self.position)


      instead of making a method that returns a string representation of the board, you can define __str__ and/or __repr__

       def __str__(self):
      rows = (
      f'xidx: ' + ''.join(tile.value for tile in row)
      for idx, row in enumerate(self._grid)
      header = ' ' * 4 + ''.join(map(str, range(self._dimensions[1]))) + 'n'
      return header + 'n'.join(rows)

      you can omit the position parameter, and go look for it yourself.

      g = SokobanGrid(grid=grid, position=(3, 3))

      x0: 00000
      x1: 0...0
      x2: 0..£0
      x3: 0££*0
      x4: 0..£0
      x5: 0..£0
      x6: 0...0
      x7: 00000

      The interactions with the tile then go like this:

       def tile(self, x, y):
      return self._grid[x][y]

      def iswall(self, x, y):
      return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.WALL

      def isbox(self, x, y):
      return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.BOX

      def isempty(self, x, y):
      return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.EMPTY

      def set_tile(self, x, y, tile):
      self._grid[x][y] = tile

      def swap_tiles(self, old, new):
      old_tile = self.tile(*old)
      new_tile = self.tile(*new)
      self.set_tile(*old, new_tile)
      self.set_tile(*new, old_tile)


      Instead of a move method for each direction, you can make a generic one, that accepts a direction. The directions can be an Enum, with a value the change in coordinates it entails (UP is (-1, 0), because row 0 is the top row)

      class Direction(Enum):
      UP = (-1, 0)
      DOWN = (1, 0)
      LEFT = (0, -1)
      RIGHT = (0, 1)

      The first helper method yields all the moves in a certain direction until it hits a wall (not included) or an empty spot (included)

       def _moves(self, Direction):
      x, y, = self.position
      x_max, y_max = self._dimensions
      dx, dy = Direction.value
      while 0 <= x < x_max and 0 <= y < y_max:
      if self.iswall(x, y):
      yield x, y
      if self.isempty(x, y):
      x, y = x + dx, y + dy

      the second helper method checks whether the player can move in a certain direction:

       def can_move(self, direction):
      for boxes, position in enumerate(self._moves(direction)):
      if self.isempty(*position):
      return True
      if self.iswall(*position):
      return False
      if self.strength and boxes > self.strength:
      return False
      return False

      This raises a class IllegalMove(Exception): pass to signal to the user interface that a move is not allowed. You might use a ValueError instead

      This can be tested with

      d = Direction.DOWN
      u = Direction.UP
      l = Direction.LEFT
      r = Direction.RIGHT

      assert g.can_move(u)
      assert g.can_move(d)
      assert not g.can_move(l)
      assert not g.can_move(r)

      The meaning of the strength parameter, is the maximum amount of boxes the player can push. If we set this to 1, it should not be able to push down anymore:

      g_1 = g.copy()
      g_1.strength = 1
      assert g_1.can_move(u)
      assert not g_1.can_move(d)
      assert not g_1.can_move(l)
      assert not g_1.can_move(r)

      Now to move, we must start from the first empty tile to the player, and swap the tiles piece by piece

       def move(self, direction):
      if not self.can_move(direction):
      raise IllegalMove
      moves = self._moves(direction)
      moves = reversed(list(moves))
      for old, new in pairwise(moves):
      self.swap_tiles(old, new)

      pairwise is from the itertools recipes

      from itertools import tee, takewhile
      def pairwise(iterable):
      "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
      a, b = tee(iterable)
      next(b, None)
      return zip(a, b)


      g_move = g.copy()

      x0: 00000
      x1: 0...0
      x2: 0..£0
      x3: 0££.0
      x4: 0..*0
      x5: 0..£0
      x6: 0..£0
      x7: 00000

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote


        I seems your grid is a nested list of strings. It would be clearer, if you change that to Enums

        from enum import Enum

        class Tiles(Enum):
        WALL = '0'
        PLAYER = "*"
        BOX = '£'
        EMPTY = '.'

        so you can do something like this:

        w = Tiles.WALL
        e = Tiles.EMPTY
        b = Tiles.BOX
        p = Tiles.PLAYER
        grid = [

        getter and setters

        Python does not have the Java tradition of setters and getters. If you want to work with a calculated property, of protect a property, you can use @property. This can work like this

        class Boxes:
        def __init__(self, row, ...):
        self._row = row

        def row(self):
        return self._row

        and so on for char and column

        double work

        The position of the Boxes and the player is kept both in the MapGrid , and in PlayerMan and Boxes. This is double work, and prone to errors.

        Now to move something, you have to adapt it both in the grid (.despawn and .spawnXXX and on the PlayerMan and Boxes, resulting in a lot of unnecessary code.

        All you really need to capture the state of the board is this:

        class SokobanGrid():
        def __init__(self, grid, position, strength=None):
        grid = list(map(list, grid)) # make a copy of the grid
        assert grid[position[0]][position[1]] == Tiles.PLAYER
        num_players = sum(
        sum(tile == Tiles.PLAYER for tile in row)
        for row in grid
        assert num_players == 1

        self._grid = grid

        self._dimensions = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        self.position = position
        self.strength = strength

        def copy(self):
        return SokobanGrid(self._grid, position=self.position)


        instead of making a method that returns a string representation of the board, you can define __str__ and/or __repr__

         def __str__(self):
        rows = (
        f'xidx: ' + ''.join(tile.value for tile in row)
        for idx, row in enumerate(self._grid)
        header = ' ' * 4 + ''.join(map(str, range(self._dimensions[1]))) + 'n'
        return header + 'n'.join(rows)

        you can omit the position parameter, and go look for it yourself.

        g = SokobanGrid(grid=grid, position=(3, 3))

        x0: 00000
        x1: 0...0
        x2: 0..£0
        x3: 0££*0
        x4: 0..£0
        x5: 0..£0
        x6: 0...0
        x7: 00000

        The interactions with the tile then go like this:

         def tile(self, x, y):
        return self._grid[x][y]

        def iswall(self, x, y):
        return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.WALL

        def isbox(self, x, y):
        return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.BOX

        def isempty(self, x, y):
        return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.EMPTY

        def set_tile(self, x, y, tile):
        self._grid[x][y] = tile

        def swap_tiles(self, old, new):
        old_tile = self.tile(*old)
        new_tile = self.tile(*new)
        self.set_tile(*old, new_tile)
        self.set_tile(*new, old_tile)


        Instead of a move method for each direction, you can make a generic one, that accepts a direction. The directions can be an Enum, with a value the change in coordinates it entails (UP is (-1, 0), because row 0 is the top row)

        class Direction(Enum):
        UP = (-1, 0)
        DOWN = (1, 0)
        LEFT = (0, -1)
        RIGHT = (0, 1)

        The first helper method yields all the moves in a certain direction until it hits a wall (not included) or an empty spot (included)

         def _moves(self, Direction):
        x, y, = self.position
        x_max, y_max = self._dimensions
        dx, dy = Direction.value
        while 0 <= x < x_max and 0 <= y < y_max:
        if self.iswall(x, y):
        yield x, y
        if self.isempty(x, y):
        x, y = x + dx, y + dy

        the second helper method checks whether the player can move in a certain direction:

         def can_move(self, direction):
        for boxes, position in enumerate(self._moves(direction)):
        if self.isempty(*position):
        return True
        if self.iswall(*position):
        return False
        if self.strength and boxes > self.strength:
        return False
        return False

        This raises a class IllegalMove(Exception): pass to signal to the user interface that a move is not allowed. You might use a ValueError instead

        This can be tested with

        d = Direction.DOWN
        u = Direction.UP
        l = Direction.LEFT
        r = Direction.RIGHT

        assert g.can_move(u)
        assert g.can_move(d)
        assert not g.can_move(l)
        assert not g.can_move(r)

        The meaning of the strength parameter, is the maximum amount of boxes the player can push. If we set this to 1, it should not be able to push down anymore:

        g_1 = g.copy()
        g_1.strength = 1
        assert g_1.can_move(u)
        assert not g_1.can_move(d)
        assert not g_1.can_move(l)
        assert not g_1.can_move(r)

        Now to move, we must start from the first empty tile to the player, and swap the tiles piece by piece

         def move(self, direction):
        if not self.can_move(direction):
        raise IllegalMove
        moves = self._moves(direction)
        moves = reversed(list(moves))
        for old, new in pairwise(moves):
        self.swap_tiles(old, new)

        pairwise is from the itertools recipes

        from itertools import tee, takewhile
        def pairwise(iterable):
        "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
        a, b = tee(iterable)
        next(b, None)
        return zip(a, b)


        g_move = g.copy()

        x0: 00000
        x1: 0...0
        x2: 0..£0
        x3: 0££.0
        x4: 0..*0
        x5: 0..£0
        x6: 0..£0
        x7: 00000

        share|improve this answer


        I seems your grid is a nested list of strings. It would be clearer, if you change that to Enums

        from enum import Enum

        class Tiles(Enum):
        WALL = '0'
        PLAYER = "*"
        BOX = '£'
        EMPTY = '.'

        so you can do something like this:

        w = Tiles.WALL
        e = Tiles.EMPTY
        b = Tiles.BOX
        p = Tiles.PLAYER
        grid = [

        getter and setters

        Python does not have the Java tradition of setters and getters. If you want to work with a calculated property, of protect a property, you can use @property. This can work like this

        class Boxes:
        def __init__(self, row, ...):
        self._row = row

        def row(self):
        return self._row

        and so on for char and column

        double work

        The position of the Boxes and the player is kept both in the MapGrid , and in PlayerMan and Boxes. This is double work, and prone to errors.

        Now to move something, you have to adapt it both in the grid (.despawn and .spawnXXX and on the PlayerMan and Boxes, resulting in a lot of unnecessary code.

        All you really need to capture the state of the board is this:

        class SokobanGrid():
        def __init__(self, grid, position, strength=None):
        grid = list(map(list, grid)) # make a copy of the grid
        assert grid[position[0]][position[1]] == Tiles.PLAYER
        num_players = sum(
        sum(tile == Tiles.PLAYER for tile in row)
        for row in grid
        assert num_players == 1

        self._grid = grid

        self._dimensions = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        self.position = position
        self.strength = strength

        def copy(self):
        return SokobanGrid(self._grid, position=self.position)


        instead of making a method that returns a string representation of the board, you can define __str__ and/or __repr__

         def __str__(self):
        rows = (
        f'xidx: ' + ''.join(tile.value for tile in row)
        for idx, row in enumerate(self._grid)
        header = ' ' * 4 + ''.join(map(str, range(self._dimensions[1]))) + 'n'
        return header + 'n'.join(rows)

        you can omit the position parameter, and go look for it yourself.

        g = SokobanGrid(grid=grid, position=(3, 3))

        x0: 00000
        x1: 0...0
        x2: 0..£0
        x3: 0££*0
        x4: 0..£0
        x5: 0..£0
        x6: 0...0
        x7: 00000

        The interactions with the tile then go like this:

         def tile(self, x, y):
        return self._grid[x][y]

        def iswall(self, x, y):
        return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.WALL

        def isbox(self, x, y):
        return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.BOX

        def isempty(self, x, y):
        return self.tile(x, y) == Tiles.EMPTY

        def set_tile(self, x, y, tile):
        self._grid[x][y] = tile

        def swap_tiles(self, old, new):
        old_tile = self.tile(*old)
        new_tile = self.tile(*new)
        self.set_tile(*old, new_tile)
        self.set_tile(*new, old_tile)


        Instead of a move method for each direction, you can make a generic one, that accepts a direction. The directions can be an Enum, with a value the change in coordinates it entails (UP is (-1, 0), because row 0 is the top row)

        class Direction(Enum):
        UP = (-1, 0)
        DOWN = (1, 0)
        LEFT = (0, -1)
        RIGHT = (0, 1)

        The first helper method yields all the moves in a certain direction until it hits a wall (not included) or an empty spot (included)

         def _moves(self, Direction):
        x, y, = self.position
        x_max, y_max = self._dimensions
        dx, dy = Direction.value
        while 0 <= x < x_max and 0 <= y < y_max:
        if self.iswall(x, y):
        yield x, y
        if self.isempty(x, y):
        x, y = x + dx, y + dy

        the second helper method checks whether the player can move in a certain direction:

         def can_move(self, direction):
        for boxes, position in enumerate(self._moves(direction)):
        if self.isempty(*position):
        return True
        if self.iswall(*position):
        return False
        if self.strength and boxes > self.strength:
        return False
        return False

        This raises a class IllegalMove(Exception): pass to signal to the user interface that a move is not allowed. You might use a ValueError instead

        This can be tested with

        d = Direction.DOWN
        u = Direction.UP
        l = Direction.LEFT
        r = Direction.RIGHT

        assert g.can_move(u)
        assert g.can_move(d)
        assert not g.can_move(l)
        assert not g.can_move(r)

        The meaning of the strength parameter, is the maximum amount of boxes the player can push. If we set this to 1, it should not be able to push down anymore:

        g_1 = g.copy()
        g_1.strength = 1
        assert g_1.can_move(u)
        assert not g_1.can_move(d)
        assert not g_1.can_move(l)
        assert not g_1.can_move(r)

        Now to move, we must start from the first empty tile to the player, and swap the tiles piece by piece

         def move(self, direction):
        if not self.can_move(direction):
        raise IllegalMove
        moves = self._moves(direction)
        moves = reversed(list(moves))
        for old, new in pairwise(moves):
        self.swap_tiles(old, new)

        pairwise is from the itertools recipes

        from itertools import tee, takewhile
        def pairwise(iterable):
        "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
        a, b = tee(iterable)
        next(b, None)
        return zip(a, b)


        g_move = g.copy()

        x0: 00000
        x1: 0...0
        x2: 0..£0
        x3: 0££.0
        x4: 0..*0
        x5: 0..£0
        x6: 0..£0
        x7: 00000

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Jun 8 at 14:20

        answered Jun 8 at 14:11

        Maarten Fabré



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