Reversing a file in Fortran

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This is my first foray into (modern) Fortran in order to learn a bit more about the language, and I'm attempting the following problem: taking the path of an arbitrarily-sized text or binary file given as a command line argument, output to stdout the contents of the file in reverse (i.e. the first byte becomes the last). I would like to do this by reading the file sequentially into memory in chunks in one pass without using any seeks/rewinds etc.

It works (I think), and I'm interested in..

  • better ways of working with arrays of pointers (to arrays), as used here with the dynamically sized array of chunkptrs. From what I've understood, it is necessary to make these additional types (Arrays of Pointers) and access through means of chunks(num_chunks)%ptr%chunk_array. Perhaps there is some better approach?

  • how best to perform error handling (should note I forgot to add checks here after the (de)allocates, I would do this in a similar way with stat and errmsg variables, similar to as in open )

  • improvements related to code layout/organisation and use of subroutines and functions.

Any other comments or ideas also greatly appreciated.

! take a file and output it to stdout in reverse

program main
use :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none

!!! constants
integer, parameter :: CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
integer, parameter :: MIN_CHUNKS = 1
integer, parameter :: IN_FID = 10

!!! type definitions
type chunk
character, allocatable :: chunk_array(:)
endtype chunk

type chunkptr
type(chunk), pointer :: ptr
end type chunkptr

!!! locals
character(len=256) :: path, io_msg
integer :: total_bytes, num_chunks, i, status
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

!!! begin program
call get_command_argument(1, path, status=status)
if (status /= 0) then
write (error_unit, *) "usage: ./reverse <file>"
call exit(1)
end if


! open, slurp file and close
open(IN_FID, file=path, access="stream", iostat=status, iomsg=io_msg, status="old")
if (status /= 0) then
write (error_unit, *) trim(io_msg)
call exit(1)
end if

call slurp_file(IN_FID, num_chunks, total_bytes, chunks)

! output in reverse, and print debug info
call print_reversed(total_bytes, num_chunks, chunks)
write (error_unit, *) "reversed ", total_bytes, "bytes"

! free allocated resources
do i=num_chunks, 1, -1
end do


subroutine slurp_file(fid, num_chunks, total, chunks)
integer :: fid, io_status = 0
integer, intent(out) :: total, num_chunks
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

num_chunks = 0
total = 1

num_chunks = num_chunks + 1
call ensure_capacity(num_chunks, chunks)


READ(fid, pos=total, iostat=io_status) chunks(num_chunks)%ptr%chunk_array
inquire(fid, pos=total)

if (io_status == iostat_end) exit
end do

total = total - 1

end subroutine slurp_file

subroutine ensure_capacity(capacity, chunks)
integer :: capacity
type(chunkptr), allocatable, intent(inout) :: chunks(:)
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: tmp(:)

if (capacity > size(chunks)) then
allocate( tmp( 2*size(chunks)) )
tmp(:size(chunks)) = chunks
call move_alloc(tmp, chunks)
end if
end subroutine ensure_capacity

subroutine print_reversed(total_bytes, num_chunks, chunks)
integer :: total_bytes, num_chunks, i, j
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

! last chunk may not be a multiple of CHUNK_SIZE...
j = modulo(total_bytes, CHUNK_SIZE)

do i = num_chunks, 1, -1
do j=j, 1, -1
call fputc(output_unit, chunks(i)%ptr%chunk_array(j))
end do

! remaining chunks have size CHUNK_SIZE, however
end do
end subroutine print_reversed

end program main

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  • Any relation with this question:… ?
    – albert
    Jul 16 at 16:43

  • Interesting, thanks I hadn't seen this. I think that question is interested in reversing the order of 'blocks' within a text file with a certain structure, whereas I'm just trying to reverse the byte order of any text or binary file. Additionally, the pure Fortran answer given there uses temporary files and I would like to load the file in its entirety into memory - as an exercise to work with dynamic memory allocation.
    – Harry King
    Jul 16 at 18:48

up vote
down vote


This is my first foray into (modern) Fortran in order to learn a bit more about the language, and I'm attempting the following problem: taking the path of an arbitrarily-sized text or binary file given as a command line argument, output to stdout the contents of the file in reverse (i.e. the first byte becomes the last). I would like to do this by reading the file sequentially into memory in chunks in one pass without using any seeks/rewinds etc.

It works (I think), and I'm interested in..

  • better ways of working with arrays of pointers (to arrays), as used here with the dynamically sized array of chunkptrs. From what I've understood, it is necessary to make these additional types (Arrays of Pointers) and access through means of chunks(num_chunks)%ptr%chunk_array. Perhaps there is some better approach?

  • how best to perform error handling (should note I forgot to add checks here after the (de)allocates, I would do this in a similar way with stat and errmsg variables, similar to as in open )

  • improvements related to code layout/organisation and use of subroutines and functions.

Any other comments or ideas also greatly appreciated.

! take a file and output it to stdout in reverse

program main
use :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none

!!! constants
integer, parameter :: CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
integer, parameter :: MIN_CHUNKS = 1
integer, parameter :: IN_FID = 10

!!! type definitions
type chunk
character, allocatable :: chunk_array(:)
endtype chunk

type chunkptr
type(chunk), pointer :: ptr
end type chunkptr

!!! locals
character(len=256) :: path, io_msg
integer :: total_bytes, num_chunks, i, status
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

!!! begin program
call get_command_argument(1, path, status=status)
if (status /= 0) then
write (error_unit, *) "usage: ./reverse <file>"
call exit(1)
end if


! open, slurp file and close
open(IN_FID, file=path, access="stream", iostat=status, iomsg=io_msg, status="old")
if (status /= 0) then
write (error_unit, *) trim(io_msg)
call exit(1)
end if

call slurp_file(IN_FID, num_chunks, total_bytes, chunks)

! output in reverse, and print debug info
call print_reversed(total_bytes, num_chunks, chunks)
write (error_unit, *) "reversed ", total_bytes, "bytes"

! free allocated resources
do i=num_chunks, 1, -1
end do


subroutine slurp_file(fid, num_chunks, total, chunks)
integer :: fid, io_status = 0
integer, intent(out) :: total, num_chunks
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

num_chunks = 0
total = 1

num_chunks = num_chunks + 1
call ensure_capacity(num_chunks, chunks)


READ(fid, pos=total, iostat=io_status) chunks(num_chunks)%ptr%chunk_array
inquire(fid, pos=total)

if (io_status == iostat_end) exit
end do

total = total - 1

end subroutine slurp_file

subroutine ensure_capacity(capacity, chunks)
integer :: capacity
type(chunkptr), allocatable, intent(inout) :: chunks(:)
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: tmp(:)

if (capacity > size(chunks)) then
allocate( tmp( 2*size(chunks)) )
tmp(:size(chunks)) = chunks
call move_alloc(tmp, chunks)
end if
end subroutine ensure_capacity

subroutine print_reversed(total_bytes, num_chunks, chunks)
integer :: total_bytes, num_chunks, i, j
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

! last chunk may not be a multiple of CHUNK_SIZE...
j = modulo(total_bytes, CHUNK_SIZE)

do i = num_chunks, 1, -1
do j=j, 1, -1
call fputc(output_unit, chunks(i)%ptr%chunk_array(j))
end do

! remaining chunks have size CHUNK_SIZE, however
end do
end subroutine print_reversed

end program main

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  • Any relation with this question:… ?
    – albert
    Jul 16 at 16:43

  • Interesting, thanks I hadn't seen this. I think that question is interested in reversing the order of 'blocks' within a text file with a certain structure, whereas I'm just trying to reverse the byte order of any text or binary file. Additionally, the pure Fortran answer given there uses temporary files and I would like to load the file in its entirety into memory - as an exercise to work with dynamic memory allocation.
    – Harry King
    Jul 16 at 18:48

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


This is my first foray into (modern) Fortran in order to learn a bit more about the language, and I'm attempting the following problem: taking the path of an arbitrarily-sized text or binary file given as a command line argument, output to stdout the contents of the file in reverse (i.e. the first byte becomes the last). I would like to do this by reading the file sequentially into memory in chunks in one pass without using any seeks/rewinds etc.

It works (I think), and I'm interested in..

  • better ways of working with arrays of pointers (to arrays), as used here with the dynamically sized array of chunkptrs. From what I've understood, it is necessary to make these additional types (Arrays of Pointers) and access through means of chunks(num_chunks)%ptr%chunk_array. Perhaps there is some better approach?

  • how best to perform error handling (should note I forgot to add checks here after the (de)allocates, I would do this in a similar way with stat and errmsg variables, similar to as in open )

  • improvements related to code layout/organisation and use of subroutines and functions.

Any other comments or ideas also greatly appreciated.

! take a file and output it to stdout in reverse

program main
use :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none

!!! constants
integer, parameter :: CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
integer, parameter :: MIN_CHUNKS = 1
integer, parameter :: IN_FID = 10

!!! type definitions
type chunk
character, allocatable :: chunk_array(:)
endtype chunk

type chunkptr
type(chunk), pointer :: ptr
end type chunkptr

!!! locals
character(len=256) :: path, io_msg
integer :: total_bytes, num_chunks, i, status
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

!!! begin program
call get_command_argument(1, path, status=status)
if (status /= 0) then
write (error_unit, *) "usage: ./reverse <file>"
call exit(1)
end if


! open, slurp file and close
open(IN_FID, file=path, access="stream", iostat=status, iomsg=io_msg, status="old")
if (status /= 0) then
write (error_unit, *) trim(io_msg)
call exit(1)
end if

call slurp_file(IN_FID, num_chunks, total_bytes, chunks)

! output in reverse, and print debug info
call print_reversed(total_bytes, num_chunks, chunks)
write (error_unit, *) "reversed ", total_bytes, "bytes"

! free allocated resources
do i=num_chunks, 1, -1
end do


subroutine slurp_file(fid, num_chunks, total, chunks)
integer :: fid, io_status = 0
integer, intent(out) :: total, num_chunks
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

num_chunks = 0
total = 1

num_chunks = num_chunks + 1
call ensure_capacity(num_chunks, chunks)


READ(fid, pos=total, iostat=io_status) chunks(num_chunks)%ptr%chunk_array
inquire(fid, pos=total)

if (io_status == iostat_end) exit
end do

total = total - 1

end subroutine slurp_file

subroutine ensure_capacity(capacity, chunks)
integer :: capacity
type(chunkptr), allocatable, intent(inout) :: chunks(:)
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: tmp(:)

if (capacity > size(chunks)) then
allocate( tmp( 2*size(chunks)) )
tmp(:size(chunks)) = chunks
call move_alloc(tmp, chunks)
end if
end subroutine ensure_capacity

subroutine print_reversed(total_bytes, num_chunks, chunks)
integer :: total_bytes, num_chunks, i, j
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

! last chunk may not be a multiple of CHUNK_SIZE...
j = modulo(total_bytes, CHUNK_SIZE)

do i = num_chunks, 1, -1
do j=j, 1, -1
call fputc(output_unit, chunks(i)%ptr%chunk_array(j))
end do

! remaining chunks have size CHUNK_SIZE, however
end do
end subroutine print_reversed

end program main

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This is my first foray into (modern) Fortran in order to learn a bit more about the language, and I'm attempting the following problem: taking the path of an arbitrarily-sized text or binary file given as a command line argument, output to stdout the contents of the file in reverse (i.e. the first byte becomes the last). I would like to do this by reading the file sequentially into memory in chunks in one pass without using any seeks/rewinds etc.

It works (I think), and I'm interested in..

  • better ways of working with arrays of pointers (to arrays), as used here with the dynamically sized array of chunkptrs. From what I've understood, it is necessary to make these additional types (Arrays of Pointers) and access through means of chunks(num_chunks)%ptr%chunk_array. Perhaps there is some better approach?

  • how best to perform error handling (should note I forgot to add checks here after the (de)allocates, I would do this in a similar way with stat and errmsg variables, similar to as in open )

  • improvements related to code layout/organisation and use of subroutines and functions.

Any other comments or ideas also greatly appreciated.

! take a file and output it to stdout in reverse

program main
use :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none

!!! constants
integer, parameter :: CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
integer, parameter :: MIN_CHUNKS = 1
integer, parameter :: IN_FID = 10

!!! type definitions
type chunk
character, allocatable :: chunk_array(:)
endtype chunk

type chunkptr
type(chunk), pointer :: ptr
end type chunkptr

!!! locals
character(len=256) :: path, io_msg
integer :: total_bytes, num_chunks, i, status
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

!!! begin program
call get_command_argument(1, path, status=status)
if (status /= 0) then
write (error_unit, *) "usage: ./reverse <file>"
call exit(1)
end if


! open, slurp file and close
open(IN_FID, file=path, access="stream", iostat=status, iomsg=io_msg, status="old")
if (status /= 0) then
write (error_unit, *) trim(io_msg)
call exit(1)
end if

call slurp_file(IN_FID, num_chunks, total_bytes, chunks)

! output in reverse, and print debug info
call print_reversed(total_bytes, num_chunks, chunks)
write (error_unit, *) "reversed ", total_bytes, "bytes"

! free allocated resources
do i=num_chunks, 1, -1
end do


subroutine slurp_file(fid, num_chunks, total, chunks)
integer :: fid, io_status = 0
integer, intent(out) :: total, num_chunks
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

num_chunks = 0
total = 1

num_chunks = num_chunks + 1
call ensure_capacity(num_chunks, chunks)


READ(fid, pos=total, iostat=io_status) chunks(num_chunks)%ptr%chunk_array
inquire(fid, pos=total)

if (io_status == iostat_end) exit
end do

total = total - 1

end subroutine slurp_file

subroutine ensure_capacity(capacity, chunks)
integer :: capacity
type(chunkptr), allocatable, intent(inout) :: chunks(:)
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: tmp(:)

if (capacity > size(chunks)) then
allocate( tmp( 2*size(chunks)) )
tmp(:size(chunks)) = chunks
call move_alloc(tmp, chunks)
end if
end subroutine ensure_capacity

subroutine print_reversed(total_bytes, num_chunks, chunks)
integer :: total_bytes, num_chunks, i, j
type(chunkptr), allocatable :: chunks(:)

! last chunk may not be a multiple of CHUNK_SIZE...
j = modulo(total_bytes, CHUNK_SIZE)

do i = num_chunks, 1, -1
do j=j, 1, -1
call fputc(output_unit, chunks(i)%ptr%chunk_array(j))
end do

! remaining chunks have size CHUNK_SIZE, however
end do
end subroutine print_reversed

end program main

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edited Jul 16 at 18:52

asked Jul 16 at 16:11

Harry King



  • Any relation with this question:… ?
    – albert
    Jul 16 at 16:43

  • Interesting, thanks I hadn't seen this. I think that question is interested in reversing the order of 'blocks' within a text file with a certain structure, whereas I'm just trying to reverse the byte order of any text or binary file. Additionally, the pure Fortran answer given there uses temporary files and I would like to load the file in its entirety into memory - as an exercise to work with dynamic memory allocation.
    – Harry King
    Jul 16 at 18:48

  • Any relation with this question:… ?
    – albert
    Jul 16 at 16:43

  • Interesting, thanks I hadn't seen this. I think that question is interested in reversing the order of 'blocks' within a text file with a certain structure, whereas I'm just trying to reverse the byte order of any text or binary file. Additionally, the pure Fortran answer given there uses temporary files and I would like to load the file in its entirety into memory - as an exercise to work with dynamic memory allocation.
    – Harry King
    Jul 16 at 18:48

Any relation with this question:… ?
– albert
Jul 16 at 16:43

Any relation with this question:… ?
– albert
Jul 16 at 16:43

Interesting, thanks I hadn't seen this. I think that question is interested in reversing the order of 'blocks' within a text file with a certain structure, whereas I'm just trying to reverse the byte order of any text or binary file. Additionally, the pure Fortran answer given there uses temporary files and I would like to load the file in its entirety into memory - as an exercise to work with dynamic memory allocation.
– Harry King
Jul 16 at 18:48

Interesting, thanks I hadn't seen this. I think that question is interested in reversing the order of 'blocks' within a text file with a certain structure, whereas I'm just trying to reverse the byte order of any text or binary file. Additionally, the pure Fortran answer given there uses temporary files and I would like to load the file in its entirety into memory - as an exercise to work with dynamic memory allocation.
– Harry King
Jul 16 at 18:48




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