Finding the closest pair of points divide-and-conquer speed improvement

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The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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This is a follow up to a previously asked Finding the closest pair of points divide-and-conquer question . The original code changed significantly based on answers from @AJNeufeld therefore I created a new question per codereview guidelines for additional help.

After incorporating suggestions from answers to the original question linked above, the run-time improved by 30% which is significant. Nevertheless, the code is still slow and I think there is room for further improvements. My hunch is that find_min_distance_in_rec is slowing the code down. Below is the current code. Again, the code has been stress tested so I am confident that it's correct, however, it's slow.

#Uses python3
import math
import statistics as stats

# helper functions:
def two_point_distance(p0,p1):
# returns distance between two (x,y) pairs
return math.sqrt( ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0])) +
((p0[1] - p1[1])*(p0[1] - p1[1])) )

def combine_xy(x_arr,y_arr):
# combine x_arr and y_arr to combined list of (x,y) tuples
return list(zip(x_arr,y_arr))

def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
# brute force approach to find closest distance
dmin = math.inf
for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1]):
dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:])
if dis_storage_min < dmin:
dmin = dis_storage_min
return dmin

def calc_median_x(xy_arr):
# return median of x values in list of (x,y) points
return stats.median( val[0] for val in xy_arr )

def filter_set(xy_arr_y_sorted, median, distance):
# filter initial set such than |x-median|<= distance
return [ val for val in xy_arr_y_sorted if abs(val[0] - median) <= distance ]

def x_sort(xy_arr):
# sort array according to x value
return sorted(xy_arr, key=lambda val: val[0])

def y_sort(xy_arr):
# sort array according to y value
return sorted(xy_arr, key=lambda val: val[1])

def split_array(arr_x_sorted, arr_y_sorted,median):
# split array of size n to two arrays of n/2
# input is the same array twice, one sorted wrt x, the other wrt y
leq_arr_x_sorted = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] < median ]
geq_arr_x_sorted = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] > median ]
eq_arr_x = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] == median ]

n = len(eq_arr_x)//2
leq_arr_x_sorted = leq_arr_x_sorted + eq_arr_x[:n]
geq_arr_x_sorted = eq_arr_x[n:] + geq_arr_x_sorted

leq_arr_y_sorted = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] < median ]
geq_arr_y_sorted = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] > median ]
eq_arr_y = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] == median ]

n = len(eq_arr_y)//2
leq_arr_y_sorted = leq_arr_y_sorted + eq_arr_y[:n]
geq_arr_y_sorted = eq_arr_y[n:] + geq_arr_y_sorted

return leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted, geq_arr_x_sorted, geq_arr_y_sorted

def find_min_distance_in_rec(xy_arr_y_sorted,dmin):
# takes in array sorted in y, and minimum distance of n/2 halves
# for each point it computes distance to 7 subsequent points
# output min distance encountered

dmin_rec = dmin

if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 1:
return math.inf

if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7:
for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-7]):
dis_storage_min = min(two_point_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j)
for pnt_j in xy_arr_y_sorted[i+1:i+1+7])
if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

dis_storage_min = find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted[-7:])
if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
dmin_rec = dis_storage_min
for k, pnt_k in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-1]):
dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_k, pnt_l)
for pnt_l in xy_arr_y_sorted[k+1:])
if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

return dmin_rec

def find_closest_distance_recur(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sorted):
# recursive function to find closest distance between points
if len(xy_arr_x_sorted) <=3 :
return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_x_sorted)

median = calc_median_x(xy_arr_x_sorted)
leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted , grt_arr_x_sorted, grt_arr_y_sorted = split_array(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sorted, median)

distance_left = find_closest_distance_recur(leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted)
distance_right = find_closest_distance_recur(grt_arr_x_sorted, grt_arr_y_sorted)
distance_min = min(distance_left, distance_right)

filt_out = filter_set(xy_arr_y_sorted, median, distance_min)
distance_filt = find_min_distance_in_rec(filt_out, distance_min)

return min(distance_min, distance_filt)

def find_closest_point(x_arr, y_arr):
# input is x,y points in two arrays, all x's in x_arr, all y's in y_arr
xy_arr = combine_xy(x_arr,y_arr)
xy_arr_x_sorted = x_sort(xy_arr)
xy_arr_y_sored = y_sort(xy_arr)

min_distance = find_closest_distance_recur(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sored)

return min_distance

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    up vote
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    This is a follow up to a previously asked Finding the closest pair of points divide-and-conquer question . The original code changed significantly based on answers from @AJNeufeld therefore I created a new question per codereview guidelines for additional help.

    After incorporating suggestions from answers to the original question linked above, the run-time improved by 30% which is significant. Nevertheless, the code is still slow and I think there is room for further improvements. My hunch is that find_min_distance_in_rec is slowing the code down. Below is the current code. Again, the code has been stress tested so I am confident that it's correct, however, it's slow.

    #Uses python3
    import math
    import statistics as stats

    # helper functions:
    def two_point_distance(p0,p1):
    # returns distance between two (x,y) pairs
    return math.sqrt( ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0])) +
    ((p0[1] - p1[1])*(p0[1] - p1[1])) )

    def combine_xy(x_arr,y_arr):
    # combine x_arr and y_arr to combined list of (x,y) tuples
    return list(zip(x_arr,y_arr))

    def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
    # brute force approach to find closest distance
    dmin = math.inf
    for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1]):
    dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:])
    if dis_storage_min < dmin:
    dmin = dis_storage_min
    return dmin

    def calc_median_x(xy_arr):
    # return median of x values in list of (x,y) points
    return stats.median( val[0] for val in xy_arr )

    def filter_set(xy_arr_y_sorted, median, distance):
    # filter initial set such than |x-median|<= distance
    return [ val for val in xy_arr_y_sorted if abs(val[0] - median) <= distance ]

    def x_sort(xy_arr):
    # sort array according to x value
    return sorted(xy_arr, key=lambda val: val[0])

    def y_sort(xy_arr):
    # sort array according to y value
    return sorted(xy_arr, key=lambda val: val[1])

    def split_array(arr_x_sorted, arr_y_sorted,median):
    # split array of size n to two arrays of n/2
    # input is the same array twice, one sorted wrt x, the other wrt y
    leq_arr_x_sorted = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] < median ]
    geq_arr_x_sorted = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] > median ]
    eq_arr_x = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] == median ]

    n = len(eq_arr_x)//2
    leq_arr_x_sorted = leq_arr_x_sorted + eq_arr_x[:n]
    geq_arr_x_sorted = eq_arr_x[n:] + geq_arr_x_sorted

    leq_arr_y_sorted = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] < median ]
    geq_arr_y_sorted = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] > median ]
    eq_arr_y = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] == median ]

    n = len(eq_arr_y)//2
    leq_arr_y_sorted = leq_arr_y_sorted + eq_arr_y[:n]
    geq_arr_y_sorted = eq_arr_y[n:] + geq_arr_y_sorted

    return leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted, geq_arr_x_sorted, geq_arr_y_sorted

    def find_min_distance_in_rec(xy_arr_y_sorted,dmin):
    # takes in array sorted in y, and minimum distance of n/2 halves
    # for each point it computes distance to 7 subsequent points
    # output min distance encountered

    dmin_rec = dmin

    if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 1:
    return math.inf

    if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7:
    for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-7]):
    dis_storage_min = min(two_point_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j)
    for pnt_j in xy_arr_y_sorted[i+1:i+1+7])
    if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
    dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

    dis_storage_min = find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted[-7:])
    if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
    dmin_rec = dis_storage_min
    for k, pnt_k in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-1]):
    dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_k, pnt_l)
    for pnt_l in xy_arr_y_sorted[k+1:])
    if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
    dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

    return dmin_rec

    def find_closest_distance_recur(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sorted):
    # recursive function to find closest distance between points
    if len(xy_arr_x_sorted) <=3 :
    return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_x_sorted)

    median = calc_median_x(xy_arr_x_sorted)
    leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted , grt_arr_x_sorted, grt_arr_y_sorted = split_array(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sorted, median)

    distance_left = find_closest_distance_recur(leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted)
    distance_right = find_closest_distance_recur(grt_arr_x_sorted, grt_arr_y_sorted)
    distance_min = min(distance_left, distance_right)

    filt_out = filter_set(xy_arr_y_sorted, median, distance_min)
    distance_filt = find_min_distance_in_rec(filt_out, distance_min)

    return min(distance_min, distance_filt)

    def find_closest_point(x_arr, y_arr):
    # input is x,y points in two arrays, all x's in x_arr, all y's in y_arr
    xy_arr = combine_xy(x_arr,y_arr)
    xy_arr_x_sorted = x_sort(xy_arr)
    xy_arr_y_sored = y_sort(xy_arr)

    min_distance = find_closest_distance_recur(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sored)

    return min_distance

    share|improve this question

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      up vote
      down vote


      This is a follow up to a previously asked Finding the closest pair of points divide-and-conquer question . The original code changed significantly based on answers from @AJNeufeld therefore I created a new question per codereview guidelines for additional help.

      After incorporating suggestions from answers to the original question linked above, the run-time improved by 30% which is significant. Nevertheless, the code is still slow and I think there is room for further improvements. My hunch is that find_min_distance_in_rec is slowing the code down. Below is the current code. Again, the code has been stress tested so I am confident that it's correct, however, it's slow.

      #Uses python3
      import math
      import statistics as stats

      # helper functions:
      def two_point_distance(p0,p1):
      # returns distance between two (x,y) pairs
      return math.sqrt( ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0])) +
      ((p0[1] - p1[1])*(p0[1] - p1[1])) )

      def combine_xy(x_arr,y_arr):
      # combine x_arr and y_arr to combined list of (x,y) tuples
      return list(zip(x_arr,y_arr))

      def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
      # brute force approach to find closest distance
      dmin = math.inf
      for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1]):
      dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:])
      if dis_storage_min < dmin:
      dmin = dis_storage_min
      return dmin

      def calc_median_x(xy_arr):
      # return median of x values in list of (x,y) points
      return stats.median( val[0] for val in xy_arr )

      def filter_set(xy_arr_y_sorted, median, distance):
      # filter initial set such than |x-median|<= distance
      return [ val for val in xy_arr_y_sorted if abs(val[0] - median) <= distance ]

      def x_sort(xy_arr):
      # sort array according to x value
      return sorted(xy_arr, key=lambda val: val[0])

      def y_sort(xy_arr):
      # sort array according to y value
      return sorted(xy_arr, key=lambda val: val[1])

      def split_array(arr_x_sorted, arr_y_sorted,median):
      # split array of size n to two arrays of n/2
      # input is the same array twice, one sorted wrt x, the other wrt y
      leq_arr_x_sorted = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] < median ]
      geq_arr_x_sorted = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] > median ]
      eq_arr_x = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] == median ]

      n = len(eq_arr_x)//2
      leq_arr_x_sorted = leq_arr_x_sorted + eq_arr_x[:n]
      geq_arr_x_sorted = eq_arr_x[n:] + geq_arr_x_sorted

      leq_arr_y_sorted = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] < median ]
      geq_arr_y_sorted = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] > median ]
      eq_arr_y = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] == median ]

      n = len(eq_arr_y)//2
      leq_arr_y_sorted = leq_arr_y_sorted + eq_arr_y[:n]
      geq_arr_y_sorted = eq_arr_y[n:] + geq_arr_y_sorted

      return leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted, geq_arr_x_sorted, geq_arr_y_sorted

      def find_min_distance_in_rec(xy_arr_y_sorted,dmin):
      # takes in array sorted in y, and minimum distance of n/2 halves
      # for each point it computes distance to 7 subsequent points
      # output min distance encountered

      dmin_rec = dmin

      if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 1:
      return math.inf

      if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7:
      for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-7]):
      dis_storage_min = min(two_point_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j)
      for pnt_j in xy_arr_y_sorted[i+1:i+1+7])
      if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
      dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

      dis_storage_min = find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted[-7:])
      if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
      dmin_rec = dis_storage_min
      for k, pnt_k in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-1]):
      dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_k, pnt_l)
      for pnt_l in xy_arr_y_sorted[k+1:])
      if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
      dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

      return dmin_rec

      def find_closest_distance_recur(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sorted):
      # recursive function to find closest distance between points
      if len(xy_arr_x_sorted) <=3 :
      return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_x_sorted)

      median = calc_median_x(xy_arr_x_sorted)
      leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted , grt_arr_x_sorted, grt_arr_y_sorted = split_array(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sorted, median)

      distance_left = find_closest_distance_recur(leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted)
      distance_right = find_closest_distance_recur(grt_arr_x_sorted, grt_arr_y_sorted)
      distance_min = min(distance_left, distance_right)

      filt_out = filter_set(xy_arr_y_sorted, median, distance_min)
      distance_filt = find_min_distance_in_rec(filt_out, distance_min)

      return min(distance_min, distance_filt)

      def find_closest_point(x_arr, y_arr):
      # input is x,y points in two arrays, all x's in x_arr, all y's in y_arr
      xy_arr = combine_xy(x_arr,y_arr)
      xy_arr_x_sorted = x_sort(xy_arr)
      xy_arr_y_sored = y_sort(xy_arr)

      min_distance = find_closest_distance_recur(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sored)

      return min_distance

      share|improve this question

      This is a follow up to a previously asked Finding the closest pair of points divide-and-conquer question . The original code changed significantly based on answers from @AJNeufeld therefore I created a new question per codereview guidelines for additional help.

      After incorporating suggestions from answers to the original question linked above, the run-time improved by 30% which is significant. Nevertheless, the code is still slow and I think there is room for further improvements. My hunch is that find_min_distance_in_rec is slowing the code down. Below is the current code. Again, the code has been stress tested so I am confident that it's correct, however, it's slow.

      #Uses python3
      import math
      import statistics as stats

      # helper functions:
      def two_point_distance(p0,p1):
      # returns distance between two (x,y) pairs
      return math.sqrt( ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0])) +
      ((p0[1] - p1[1])*(p0[1] - p1[1])) )

      def combine_xy(x_arr,y_arr):
      # combine x_arr and y_arr to combined list of (x,y) tuples
      return list(zip(x_arr,y_arr))

      def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
      # brute force approach to find closest distance
      dmin = math.inf
      for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1]):
      dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:])
      if dis_storage_min < dmin:
      dmin = dis_storage_min
      return dmin

      def calc_median_x(xy_arr):
      # return median of x values in list of (x,y) points
      return stats.median( val[0] for val in xy_arr )

      def filter_set(xy_arr_y_sorted, median, distance):
      # filter initial set such than |x-median|<= distance
      return [ val for val in xy_arr_y_sorted if abs(val[0] - median) <= distance ]

      def x_sort(xy_arr):
      # sort array according to x value
      return sorted(xy_arr, key=lambda val: val[0])

      def y_sort(xy_arr):
      # sort array according to y value
      return sorted(xy_arr, key=lambda val: val[1])

      def split_array(arr_x_sorted, arr_y_sorted,median):
      # split array of size n to two arrays of n/2
      # input is the same array twice, one sorted wrt x, the other wrt y
      leq_arr_x_sorted = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] < median ]
      geq_arr_x_sorted = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] > median ]
      eq_arr_x = [ val for val in arr_x_sorted if val[0] == median ]

      n = len(eq_arr_x)//2
      leq_arr_x_sorted = leq_arr_x_sorted + eq_arr_x[:n]
      geq_arr_x_sorted = eq_arr_x[n:] + geq_arr_x_sorted

      leq_arr_y_sorted = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] < median ]
      geq_arr_y_sorted = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] > median ]
      eq_arr_y = [ val for val in arr_y_sorted if val[0] == median ]

      n = len(eq_arr_y)//2
      leq_arr_y_sorted = leq_arr_y_sorted + eq_arr_y[:n]
      geq_arr_y_sorted = eq_arr_y[n:] + geq_arr_y_sorted

      return leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted, geq_arr_x_sorted, geq_arr_y_sorted

      def find_min_distance_in_rec(xy_arr_y_sorted,dmin):
      # takes in array sorted in y, and minimum distance of n/2 halves
      # for each point it computes distance to 7 subsequent points
      # output min distance encountered

      dmin_rec = dmin

      if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 1:
      return math.inf

      if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7:
      for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-7]):
      dis_storage_min = min(two_point_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j)
      for pnt_j in xy_arr_y_sorted[i+1:i+1+7])
      if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
      dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

      dis_storage_min = find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted[-7:])
      if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
      dmin_rec = dis_storage_min
      for k, pnt_k in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-1]):
      dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_k, pnt_l)
      for pnt_l in xy_arr_y_sorted[k+1:])
      if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
      dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

      return dmin_rec

      def find_closest_distance_recur(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sorted):
      # recursive function to find closest distance between points
      if len(xy_arr_x_sorted) <=3 :
      return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_x_sorted)

      median = calc_median_x(xy_arr_x_sorted)
      leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted , grt_arr_x_sorted, grt_arr_y_sorted = split_array(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sorted, median)

      distance_left = find_closest_distance_recur(leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted)
      distance_right = find_closest_distance_recur(grt_arr_x_sorted, grt_arr_y_sorted)
      distance_min = min(distance_left, distance_right)

      filt_out = filter_set(xy_arr_y_sorted, median, distance_min)
      distance_filt = find_min_distance_in_rec(filt_out, distance_min)

      return min(distance_min, distance_filt)

      def find_closest_point(x_arr, y_arr):
      # input is x,y points in two arrays, all x's in x_arr, all y's in y_arr
      xy_arr = combine_xy(x_arr,y_arr)
      xy_arr_x_sorted = x_sort(xy_arr)
      xy_arr_y_sored = y_sort(xy_arr)

      min_distance = find_closest_distance_recur(xy_arr_x_sorted, xy_arr_y_sored)

      return min_distance

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Jul 18 at 19:59

      asked Jul 17 at 17:49




          2 Answers




          up vote
          down vote

          The original code changed significantly based on answers

          I think that the plural is inappropriate there: the changes seem to be solely based on AJNeufeld's answer. Not a single one of the issues I pointed out has been addressed, not even the bug:

          1. My understanding is that the end result should be four arrays such that leq_arr_x_sorted and leq_arr_y_sorted contain the same points
            sorted on different projections. But the dmy_x / dmy_y separation
            of points whose x coordinate is median doesn't seem to guarantee
            that those points will be sent to the same half in the x-projection
            and the y-projection. In order to guarantee that an additional
            pre-condition is needed: most obviously that in arr_x_sorted ties
            are broken by y; but that pre-condition is not produced by x_sort.

          This bug can be demonstrated easily by adding

           print(leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted, geq_arr_x_sorted, geq_arr_y_sorted)

          before the return of split_array and calling with the simple test case find_closest_point([1, 2, 2, 3], [4, 3, 2, 1]).

          share|improve this answer

          • I edited the question to give credit to AJNeufeld, thanks for the suggestion. Regarding your points for improvement, I commented on your answer under original question
            – DRmo
            Jul 18 at 20:32

          up vote
          down vote

          I guess I didn't make this clear in my answer on the original question.

          The minimum of the square-root of the square distances is the square-root of the minimum of the square distances. You can save time by calculating the square-root only when needed.

          Replace this (and all calls to it):

          def two_point_distance(p0,p1):
          # returns distance between two (x,y) pairs
          return math.sqrt( ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0])) +
          ((p0[1] - p1[1])*(p0[1] - p1[1])) )

          with this:

          def square_distance(p0, p1):
          dx = p0[0] - p1[0]
          dy = p0[1] - p1[1]
          return dx * dx + dy * dy

          For example, find_closest_distance_brute() becomes:

          def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
          # brute force approach to find closest distance
          dist_sqr_min = math.inf
          for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1]):
          d_sqr_min = min( square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:])
          if d_sqr_min < dist_sqr_min:
          dist_sqr_min = d_sqr_min

          return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

          Or more pythonically:

          def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
          # brute force approach to find closest distance
          dist_sqr_min = min((square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1])
          for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:]),
          return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

          Regarding find_min_distance_in_rect():

          def find_min_distance_in_rec(xy_arr_y_sorted,dmin):

          dmin_rec = dmin

          if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 1:
          return math.inf

          What happens if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 0? A better test would be <= 1.

          if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
          # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
          for k, pnt_k in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-1]):
          dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_k, pnt_l)
          for pnt_l in xy_arr_y_sorted[k+1:])
          if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
          dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

          This else: code looks exactly like find_closest_distance_brute() code. In fact, you can replace it with a call to that function.

          if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
          # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
          dmin_rec = find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

          I don't like # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.. I'll rework it in a later edit.

          See Peter Taylor's answer ... especially the part about median = calc_median_x(xy_arr_x_sorted), for an O(n) to O(1) improvement.

          As pointed out a second time by Peter Taylor, your code has a bug; xy_arr_x_sorted and xy_arr_y_sorted are supposed to have the same content, but due to the bug, may not. He has suggested a change to fix the bug. I have a different approach: eliminate xy_arr_x_sorted entirely.

          In find_closest_distance_recur(), you have:

           if len(xy_arr_x_sorted) <=3 :
          return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_x_sorted)

          Since the arrays are supposed to contain the same content, you could replace this with:

           if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) <= 3:
          return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

          Once you do that, you no longer have any useful references to the [1] members of the contents of xy_arr_x_sorted. Instead, you could replace it with a sorted list of just the x-coordinates.

          Once that is done, the partitioning code should be revisited. There is no difference between duplicate median values, so a simple slice operation can divide the x-coordinate list in two with zero copying required.

          share|improve this answer

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers










            up vote
            down vote

            The original code changed significantly based on answers

            I think that the plural is inappropriate there: the changes seem to be solely based on AJNeufeld's answer. Not a single one of the issues I pointed out has been addressed, not even the bug:

            1. My understanding is that the end result should be four arrays such that leq_arr_x_sorted and leq_arr_y_sorted contain the same points
              sorted on different projections. But the dmy_x / dmy_y separation
              of points whose x coordinate is median doesn't seem to guarantee
              that those points will be sent to the same half in the x-projection
              and the y-projection. In order to guarantee that an additional
              pre-condition is needed: most obviously that in arr_x_sorted ties
              are broken by y; but that pre-condition is not produced by x_sort.

            This bug can be demonstrated easily by adding

             print(leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted, geq_arr_x_sorted, geq_arr_y_sorted)

            before the return of split_array and calling with the simple test case find_closest_point([1, 2, 2, 3], [4, 3, 2, 1]).

            share|improve this answer

            • I edited the question to give credit to AJNeufeld, thanks for the suggestion. Regarding your points for improvement, I commented on your answer under original question
              – DRmo
              Jul 18 at 20:32

            up vote
            down vote

            The original code changed significantly based on answers

            I think that the plural is inappropriate there: the changes seem to be solely based on AJNeufeld's answer. Not a single one of the issues I pointed out has been addressed, not even the bug:

            1. My understanding is that the end result should be four arrays such that leq_arr_x_sorted and leq_arr_y_sorted contain the same points
              sorted on different projections. But the dmy_x / dmy_y separation
              of points whose x coordinate is median doesn't seem to guarantee
              that those points will be sent to the same half in the x-projection
              and the y-projection. In order to guarantee that an additional
              pre-condition is needed: most obviously that in arr_x_sorted ties
              are broken by y; but that pre-condition is not produced by x_sort.

            This bug can be demonstrated easily by adding

             print(leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted, geq_arr_x_sorted, geq_arr_y_sorted)

            before the return of split_array and calling with the simple test case find_closest_point([1, 2, 2, 3], [4, 3, 2, 1]).

            share|improve this answer

            • I edited the question to give credit to AJNeufeld, thanks for the suggestion. Regarding your points for improvement, I commented on your answer under original question
              – DRmo
              Jul 18 at 20:32

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            The original code changed significantly based on answers

            I think that the plural is inappropriate there: the changes seem to be solely based on AJNeufeld's answer. Not a single one of the issues I pointed out has been addressed, not even the bug:

            1. My understanding is that the end result should be four arrays such that leq_arr_x_sorted and leq_arr_y_sorted contain the same points
              sorted on different projections. But the dmy_x / dmy_y separation
              of points whose x coordinate is median doesn't seem to guarantee
              that those points will be sent to the same half in the x-projection
              and the y-projection. In order to guarantee that an additional
              pre-condition is needed: most obviously that in arr_x_sorted ties
              are broken by y; but that pre-condition is not produced by x_sort.

            This bug can be demonstrated easily by adding

             print(leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted, geq_arr_x_sorted, geq_arr_y_sorted)

            before the return of split_array and calling with the simple test case find_closest_point([1, 2, 2, 3], [4, 3, 2, 1]).

            share|improve this answer

            The original code changed significantly based on answers

            I think that the plural is inappropriate there: the changes seem to be solely based on AJNeufeld's answer. Not a single one of the issues I pointed out has been addressed, not even the bug:

            1. My understanding is that the end result should be four arrays such that leq_arr_x_sorted and leq_arr_y_sorted contain the same points
              sorted on different projections. But the dmy_x / dmy_y separation
              of points whose x coordinate is median doesn't seem to guarantee
              that those points will be sent to the same half in the x-projection
              and the y-projection. In order to guarantee that an additional
              pre-condition is needed: most obviously that in arr_x_sorted ties
              are broken by y; but that pre-condition is not produced by x_sort.

            This bug can be demonstrated easily by adding

             print(leq_arr_x_sorted, leq_arr_y_sorted, geq_arr_x_sorted, geq_arr_y_sorted)

            before the return of split_array and calling with the simple test case find_closest_point([1, 2, 2, 3], [4, 3, 2, 1]).

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Jul 18 at 9:42

            Peter Taylor



            • I edited the question to give credit to AJNeufeld, thanks for the suggestion. Regarding your points for improvement, I commented on your answer under original question
              – DRmo
              Jul 18 at 20:32

            • I edited the question to give credit to AJNeufeld, thanks for the suggestion. Regarding your points for improvement, I commented on your answer under original question
              – DRmo
              Jul 18 at 20:32

            I edited the question to give credit to AJNeufeld, thanks for the suggestion. Regarding your points for improvement, I commented on your answer under original question
            – DRmo
            Jul 18 at 20:32

            I edited the question to give credit to AJNeufeld, thanks for the suggestion. Regarding your points for improvement, I commented on your answer under original question
            – DRmo
            Jul 18 at 20:32

            up vote
            down vote

            I guess I didn't make this clear in my answer on the original question.

            The minimum of the square-root of the square distances is the square-root of the minimum of the square distances. You can save time by calculating the square-root only when needed.

            Replace this (and all calls to it):

            def two_point_distance(p0,p1):
            # returns distance between two (x,y) pairs
            return math.sqrt( ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0])) +
            ((p0[1] - p1[1])*(p0[1] - p1[1])) )

            with this:

            def square_distance(p0, p1):
            dx = p0[0] - p1[0]
            dy = p0[1] - p1[1]
            return dx * dx + dy * dy

            For example, find_closest_distance_brute() becomes:

            def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
            # brute force approach to find closest distance
            dist_sqr_min = math.inf
            for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1]):
            d_sqr_min = min( square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:])
            if d_sqr_min < dist_sqr_min:
            dist_sqr_min = d_sqr_min

            return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

            Or more pythonically:

            def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
            # brute force approach to find closest distance
            dist_sqr_min = min((square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1])
            for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:]),
            return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

            Regarding find_min_distance_in_rect():

            def find_min_distance_in_rec(xy_arr_y_sorted,dmin):

            dmin_rec = dmin

            if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 1:
            return math.inf

            What happens if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 0? A better test would be <= 1.

            if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
            # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
            for k, pnt_k in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-1]):
            dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_k, pnt_l)
            for pnt_l in xy_arr_y_sorted[k+1:])
            if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
            dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

            This else: code looks exactly like find_closest_distance_brute() code. In fact, you can replace it with a call to that function.

            if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
            # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
            dmin_rec = find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

            I don't like # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.. I'll rework it in a later edit.

            See Peter Taylor's answer ... especially the part about median = calc_median_x(xy_arr_x_sorted), for an O(n) to O(1) improvement.

            As pointed out a second time by Peter Taylor, your code has a bug; xy_arr_x_sorted and xy_arr_y_sorted are supposed to have the same content, but due to the bug, may not. He has suggested a change to fix the bug. I have a different approach: eliminate xy_arr_x_sorted entirely.

            In find_closest_distance_recur(), you have:

             if len(xy_arr_x_sorted) <=3 :
            return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_x_sorted)

            Since the arrays are supposed to contain the same content, you could replace this with:

             if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) <= 3:
            return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

            Once you do that, you no longer have any useful references to the [1] members of the contents of xy_arr_x_sorted. Instead, you could replace it with a sorted list of just the x-coordinates.

            Once that is done, the partitioning code should be revisited. There is no difference between duplicate median values, so a simple slice operation can divide the x-coordinate list in two with zero copying required.

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              I guess I didn't make this clear in my answer on the original question.

              The minimum of the square-root of the square distances is the square-root of the minimum of the square distances. You can save time by calculating the square-root only when needed.

              Replace this (and all calls to it):

              def two_point_distance(p0,p1):
              # returns distance between two (x,y) pairs
              return math.sqrt( ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0])) +
              ((p0[1] - p1[1])*(p0[1] - p1[1])) )

              with this:

              def square_distance(p0, p1):
              dx = p0[0] - p1[0]
              dy = p0[1] - p1[1]
              return dx * dx + dy * dy

              For example, find_closest_distance_brute() becomes:

              def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
              # brute force approach to find closest distance
              dist_sqr_min = math.inf
              for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1]):
              d_sqr_min = min( square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:])
              if d_sqr_min < dist_sqr_min:
              dist_sqr_min = d_sqr_min

              return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

              Or more pythonically:

              def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
              # brute force approach to find closest distance
              dist_sqr_min = min((square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1])
              for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:]),
              return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

              Regarding find_min_distance_in_rect():

              def find_min_distance_in_rec(xy_arr_y_sorted,dmin):

              dmin_rec = dmin

              if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 1:
              return math.inf

              What happens if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 0? A better test would be <= 1.

              if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
              # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
              for k, pnt_k in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-1]):
              dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_k, pnt_l)
              for pnt_l in xy_arr_y_sorted[k+1:])
              if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
              dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

              This else: code looks exactly like find_closest_distance_brute() code. In fact, you can replace it with a call to that function.

              if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
              # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
              dmin_rec = find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

              I don't like # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.. I'll rework it in a later edit.

              See Peter Taylor's answer ... especially the part about median = calc_median_x(xy_arr_x_sorted), for an O(n) to O(1) improvement.

              As pointed out a second time by Peter Taylor, your code has a bug; xy_arr_x_sorted and xy_arr_y_sorted are supposed to have the same content, but due to the bug, may not. He has suggested a change to fix the bug. I have a different approach: eliminate xy_arr_x_sorted entirely.

              In find_closest_distance_recur(), you have:

               if len(xy_arr_x_sorted) <=3 :
              return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_x_sorted)

              Since the arrays are supposed to contain the same content, you could replace this with:

               if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) <= 3:
              return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

              Once you do that, you no longer have any useful references to the [1] members of the contents of xy_arr_x_sorted. Instead, you could replace it with a sorted list of just the x-coordinates.

              Once that is done, the partitioning code should be revisited. There is no difference between duplicate median values, so a simple slice operation can divide the x-coordinate list in two with zero copying required.

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                I guess I didn't make this clear in my answer on the original question.

                The minimum of the square-root of the square distances is the square-root of the minimum of the square distances. You can save time by calculating the square-root only when needed.

                Replace this (and all calls to it):

                def two_point_distance(p0,p1):
                # returns distance between two (x,y) pairs
                return math.sqrt( ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0])) +
                ((p0[1] - p1[1])*(p0[1] - p1[1])) )

                with this:

                def square_distance(p0, p1):
                dx = p0[0] - p1[0]
                dy = p0[1] - p1[1]
                return dx * dx + dy * dy

                For example, find_closest_distance_brute() becomes:

                def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
                # brute force approach to find closest distance
                dist_sqr_min = math.inf
                for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1]):
                d_sqr_min = min( square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:])
                if d_sqr_min < dist_sqr_min:
                dist_sqr_min = d_sqr_min

                return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

                Or more pythonically:

                def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
                # brute force approach to find closest distance
                dist_sqr_min = min((square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1])
                for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:]),
                return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

                Regarding find_min_distance_in_rect():

                def find_min_distance_in_rec(xy_arr_y_sorted,dmin):

                dmin_rec = dmin

                if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 1:
                return math.inf

                What happens if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 0? A better test would be <= 1.

                if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
                # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
                for k, pnt_k in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-1]):
                dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_k, pnt_l)
                for pnt_l in xy_arr_y_sorted[k+1:])
                if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
                dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

                This else: code looks exactly like find_closest_distance_brute() code. In fact, you can replace it with a call to that function.

                if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
                # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
                dmin_rec = find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

                I don't like # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.. I'll rework it in a later edit.

                See Peter Taylor's answer ... especially the part about median = calc_median_x(xy_arr_x_sorted), for an O(n) to O(1) improvement.

                As pointed out a second time by Peter Taylor, your code has a bug; xy_arr_x_sorted and xy_arr_y_sorted are supposed to have the same content, but due to the bug, may not. He has suggested a change to fix the bug. I have a different approach: eliminate xy_arr_x_sorted entirely.

                In find_closest_distance_recur(), you have:

                 if len(xy_arr_x_sorted) <=3 :
                return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_x_sorted)

                Since the arrays are supposed to contain the same content, you could replace this with:

                 if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) <= 3:
                return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

                Once you do that, you no longer have any useful references to the [1] members of the contents of xy_arr_x_sorted. Instead, you could replace it with a sorted list of just the x-coordinates.

                Once that is done, the partitioning code should be revisited. There is no difference between duplicate median values, so a simple slice operation can divide the x-coordinate list in two with zero copying required.

                share|improve this answer

                I guess I didn't make this clear in my answer on the original question.

                The minimum of the square-root of the square distances is the square-root of the minimum of the square distances. You can save time by calculating the square-root only when needed.

                Replace this (and all calls to it):

                def two_point_distance(p0,p1):
                # returns distance between two (x,y) pairs
                return math.sqrt( ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p0[0]-p1[0])) +
                ((p0[1] - p1[1])*(p0[1] - p1[1])) )

                with this:

                def square_distance(p0, p1):
                dx = p0[0] - p1[0]
                dy = p0[1] - p1[1]
                return dx * dx + dy * dy

                For example, find_closest_distance_brute() becomes:

                def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
                # brute force approach to find closest distance
                dist_sqr_min = math.inf
                for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1]):
                d_sqr_min = min( square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:])
                if d_sqr_min < dist_sqr_min:
                dist_sqr_min = d_sqr_min

                return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

                Or more pythonically:

                def find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr):
                # brute force approach to find closest distance
                dist_sqr_min = min((square_distance(pnt_i, pnt_j) for i, pnt_i in enumerate(xy_arr[:-1])
                for pnt_j in xy_arr[i+1:]),
                return math.sqrt(dist_sqr_min) # Only calculate square-root of final value

                Regarding find_min_distance_in_rect():

                def find_min_distance_in_rec(xy_arr_y_sorted,dmin):

                dmin_rec = dmin

                if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 1:
                return math.inf

                What happens if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) == 0? A better test would be <= 1.

                if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
                # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
                for k, pnt_k in enumerate(xy_arr_y_sorted[:-1]):
                dis_storage_min = min( two_point_distance(pnt_k, pnt_l)
                for pnt_l in xy_arr_y_sorted[k+1:])
                if dis_storage_min < dmin_rec:
                dmin_rec = dis_storage_min

                This else: code looks exactly like find_closest_distance_brute() code. In fact, you can replace it with a call to that function.

                if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) > 7: 
                # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.
                dmin_rec = find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

                I don't like # ... complicated code involving lots of 7's.. I'll rework it in a later edit.

                See Peter Taylor's answer ... especially the part about median = calc_median_x(xy_arr_x_sorted), for an O(n) to O(1) improvement.

                As pointed out a second time by Peter Taylor, your code has a bug; xy_arr_x_sorted and xy_arr_y_sorted are supposed to have the same content, but due to the bug, may not. He has suggested a change to fix the bug. I have a different approach: eliminate xy_arr_x_sorted entirely.

                In find_closest_distance_recur(), you have:

                 if len(xy_arr_x_sorted) <=3 :
                return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_x_sorted)

                Since the arrays are supposed to contain the same content, you could replace this with:

                 if len(xy_arr_y_sorted) <= 3:
                return find_closest_distance_brute(xy_arr_y_sorted)

                Once you do that, you no longer have any useful references to the [1] members of the contents of xy_arr_x_sorted. Instead, you could replace it with a sorted list of just the x-coordinates.

                Once that is done, the partitioning code should be revisited. There is no difference between duplicate median values, so a simple slice operation can divide the x-coordinate list in two with zero copying required.

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                edited Jul 18 at 16:09

                answered Jul 18 at 3:48





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