Python quiz game

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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up vote
down vote


I have the following program for a multiple choice quiz game. Before I get stuck in some habits, can anyone please review and propose suggestions for improvements?

import random
import time

YES = ['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES']
NO = ['n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO']
CLEAR = ['c', 'C', 'clear', 'Clear', 'CLEAR']
QUIT = ['q', 'Q', 'quit', 'Quit', 'QUIT']
MULTIPLECHOICE = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

class QuizGame:
''' repository of methods to do with QuizGame
- get_username
- play_loop
- ask_play_again
- escape_quiz
- play_quiz
- read_highscores
- write_highscores
- clear_highscores
- display_highscores
questions =
1: ('What was the first video game ever made?',
'a) God of War 9nb) Pacman nc) Pong nd) Tennis for Two',

2: ('What was the most expensive video game to ever be developed?',
'a) Destinynb) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 n'
'c) Grand Theft Auto: V nd) Disney Infinity',

3: ('What amount of time a day does the average gamer (In the US, '
'age 13 or older) spend gaming?',
'a) 54 minutesnb) 25 hoursnc) 2 hoursnd) 30 minutes',

4: ('Who is the founder of Nintendo?',
'a) Fusajiro Yamauchinb) Bob Dylannc) Steve Bovairdn'
'd) Nihonjin no Shimei',

5: ('What was the most purchased game of 2017?',
'a) Jesus simnb) Farming Simulator 2017n'
'c) Call of Duty: WWIInd) Destiny 2',

6: ('When was E3 [Electronic Entertainment Expo] 2017?',
'a) 13 Jun 2017 - 15 Jun 2017nb) 13 Jun 2017 - 14 Jun 2017n'
'c) 15 July 2017 - 13 July 2017nd) 10 Jun 2017 - 18 Jun 2017',

7: ('What was the most popular console of 2010?',
'a) Xbox 360nb) PlayStation 3nc) Xbox 1nd) PlayStation 4',

8: ('Who was the most subscribed gaming youtuber of 2012?',
'a) PrettyL8rnb) Pewdiepienc) Gregnd) NotGreg',

9: ('Who won the Game of The Year award 2016?',
'a) Overwatchnb) Treyarchnc) Blizzardn'
'd) Rainbow Six Siege',

10: ('When did DOOM release?',
'a) December 10, 1993nb) February 23, 1995n'
'c) January 32, 20019nd) Yesterday',

welcometext =
'nHello , welcome to The Videogame Quiz'
'nIn this quiz, you will be asked 10 questions about videogames.'
'nTry your best to answer all 10 correctly. Enter a, b, c or d '
'ndepending on which answer you think is rightn'

users =
score = 0
highscore_file = 'highscore.log'

def get_username(cls):
''' method to ask user for user_name, if user name is Quit then leave.
Dictionary of cls.users is checked on existing users. If user
does not exist he/ she is added.
user_name = ''
quit = False
while len(user_name) < 4 and not quit:
user_name = input('Hello! What is your name [enter Q(uit) '
'to leave]?: ').strip().capitalize()
if user_name in QUIT:
quit = True

if not quit:
if user_name not in cls.users:
cls.users.update(user_name: 0)
cls.highscore = 0


return user_name, quit

def play_loop(cls, user_name):
''' method to control loop of the quiz, update highscore, and ask
to play again or not
playagain = True
while playagain:
print(f'nuser_name, your current highscore is '

if cls.escape_quiz():

score = cls.play_quiz()

if score > cls.users[user_name]:
cls.users.update(user_name: score)

playagain = cls.play_again()

def play_again():
''' ask player if he/ she wants to play quiz again
answered = False
while not answered:
answer = input('Do you want to take the quiz again? Y or N: ')
answered = True

if answer in YES:
playagain = True

elif answer in NO:
playagain = False

answered = False

return playagain

def escape_quiz():
''' ask player twice if he/ she is ready to continue
answered = 0
question = 'nAre you ready to continue? Y or N? '
while answered < 2:
answer = input(question)
answered += 1

if answer in YES:
escape_the_quiz = False

elif answer in NO:
escape_the_quiz = True
for i in range(3):
print('Oh... ok')
question = 'nNow are you ready to continue? Y or N '

print('Yes or no only please!')

return escape_the_quiz

def play_quiz(cls):
''' core of quiz asking multiple choice questions. Player can leave
by entering quit
questions = cls.questions.copy()
question_choice = i for i in range(1, len(questions)+1)
score = 0
question_nr = 1

while questions:
question = random.sample(question_choice, 1)[0]
answered = False

print(f'Question: question_nr of len(cls.questions)')
question_nr += 1

answered = False
while not answered:
answer = input('What is your answer?: ').lower()

if answer in (MULTIPLECHOICE + QUIT):
answered = True

print('ERROR, please input a, b, c or d only please!')

if answer in QUIT:

elif answer == questions[question][2]:
print('Good job! You are correct.n')
score += 1

print('Unfortunately that is not correct! '
'Better luck next time.n')


print(f'Your score is >>> scoren')

return score

def read_highscores(cls):
''' read highscores from cls.highscore_file
with open(cls.highscore_file, 'r') as highscores:
for line in highscores:
user_name, score = line.split(':')
cls.users[user_name.strip()] = int(score)

except Exception as e:
print('Error in log file, must be format <name: score>')

def write_highscores(cls):
''' write highscores to cls.highscore_file
with open(cls.highscore_file, 'w') as highscores:
for name in cls.users:
highscores.write(': n'.
format(name, str(cls.users[name])))

except Exception as e:
print('Error in log file, must be format <name: score>')

def clear_highscores(cls):
''' clears the highscore file if confirmed by typing 'CLEAR'
answer = input('nDo you want to clear the scores log, '
'type 'CLEAR' ')

if answer == 'CLEAR':
with open(cls.highscore_file, 'w') as highscores:

def display_highscores(cls):
''' displays highscores in order from high to low
print(':20'.format('Name', 'Score'))

sorted_output = sorted(QuizGame.users.items(), key=lambda v: v[1],
for line in sorted_output:

def main():
''' starts the program
quit = False

while not quit:
user_name, quit = QuizGame.get_username()
if not quit:


if __name__ == '__main__':

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    up vote
    down vote


    I have the following program for a multiple choice quiz game. Before I get stuck in some habits, can anyone please review and propose suggestions for improvements?

    import random
    import time

    YES = ['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES']
    NO = ['n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO']
    CLEAR = ['c', 'C', 'clear', 'Clear', 'CLEAR']
    QUIT = ['q', 'Q', 'quit', 'Quit', 'QUIT']
    MULTIPLECHOICE = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

    class QuizGame:
    ''' repository of methods to do with QuizGame
    - get_username
    - play_loop
    - ask_play_again
    - escape_quiz
    - play_quiz
    - read_highscores
    - write_highscores
    - clear_highscores
    - display_highscores
    questions =
    1: ('What was the first video game ever made?',
    'a) God of War 9nb) Pacman nc) Pong nd) Tennis for Two',

    2: ('What was the most expensive video game to ever be developed?',
    'a) Destinynb) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 n'
    'c) Grand Theft Auto: V nd) Disney Infinity',

    3: ('What amount of time a day does the average gamer (In the US, '
    'age 13 or older) spend gaming?',
    'a) 54 minutesnb) 25 hoursnc) 2 hoursnd) 30 minutes',

    4: ('Who is the founder of Nintendo?',
    'a) Fusajiro Yamauchinb) Bob Dylannc) Steve Bovairdn'
    'd) Nihonjin no Shimei',

    5: ('What was the most purchased game of 2017?',
    'a) Jesus simnb) Farming Simulator 2017n'
    'c) Call of Duty: WWIInd) Destiny 2',

    6: ('When was E3 [Electronic Entertainment Expo] 2017?',
    'a) 13 Jun 2017 - 15 Jun 2017nb) 13 Jun 2017 - 14 Jun 2017n'
    'c) 15 July 2017 - 13 July 2017nd) 10 Jun 2017 - 18 Jun 2017',

    7: ('What was the most popular console of 2010?',
    'a) Xbox 360nb) PlayStation 3nc) Xbox 1nd) PlayStation 4',

    8: ('Who was the most subscribed gaming youtuber of 2012?',
    'a) PrettyL8rnb) Pewdiepienc) Gregnd) NotGreg',

    9: ('Who won the Game of The Year award 2016?',
    'a) Overwatchnb) Treyarchnc) Blizzardn'
    'd) Rainbow Six Siege',

    10: ('When did DOOM release?',
    'a) December 10, 1993nb) February 23, 1995n'
    'c) January 32, 20019nd) Yesterday',

    welcometext =
    'nHello , welcome to The Videogame Quiz'
    'nIn this quiz, you will be asked 10 questions about videogames.'
    'nTry your best to answer all 10 correctly. Enter a, b, c or d '
    'ndepending on which answer you think is rightn'

    users =
    score = 0
    highscore_file = 'highscore.log'

    def get_username(cls):
    ''' method to ask user for user_name, if user name is Quit then leave.
    Dictionary of cls.users is checked on existing users. If user
    does not exist he/ she is added.
    user_name = ''
    quit = False
    while len(user_name) < 4 and not quit:
    user_name = input('Hello! What is your name [enter Q(uit) '
    'to leave]?: ').strip().capitalize()
    if user_name in QUIT:
    quit = True

    if not quit:
    if user_name not in cls.users:
    cls.users.update(user_name: 0)
    cls.highscore = 0


    return user_name, quit

    def play_loop(cls, user_name):
    ''' method to control loop of the quiz, update highscore, and ask
    to play again or not
    playagain = True
    while playagain:
    print(f'nuser_name, your current highscore is '

    if cls.escape_quiz():

    score = cls.play_quiz()

    if score > cls.users[user_name]:
    cls.users.update(user_name: score)

    playagain = cls.play_again()

    def play_again():
    ''' ask player if he/ she wants to play quiz again
    answered = False
    while not answered:
    answer = input('Do you want to take the quiz again? Y or N: ')
    answered = True

    if answer in YES:
    playagain = True

    elif answer in NO:
    playagain = False

    answered = False

    return playagain

    def escape_quiz():
    ''' ask player twice if he/ she is ready to continue
    answered = 0
    question = 'nAre you ready to continue? Y or N? '
    while answered < 2:
    answer = input(question)
    answered += 1

    if answer in YES:
    escape_the_quiz = False

    elif answer in NO:
    escape_the_quiz = True
    for i in range(3):
    print('Oh... ok')
    question = 'nNow are you ready to continue? Y or N '

    print('Yes or no only please!')

    return escape_the_quiz

    def play_quiz(cls):
    ''' core of quiz asking multiple choice questions. Player can leave
    by entering quit
    questions = cls.questions.copy()
    question_choice = i for i in range(1, len(questions)+1)
    score = 0
    question_nr = 1

    while questions:
    question = random.sample(question_choice, 1)[0]
    answered = False

    print(f'Question: question_nr of len(cls.questions)')
    question_nr += 1

    answered = False
    while not answered:
    answer = input('What is your answer?: ').lower()

    if answer in (MULTIPLECHOICE + QUIT):
    answered = True

    print('ERROR, please input a, b, c or d only please!')

    if answer in QUIT:

    elif answer == questions[question][2]:
    print('Good job! You are correct.n')
    score += 1

    print('Unfortunately that is not correct! '
    'Better luck next time.n')


    print(f'Your score is >>> scoren')

    return score

    def read_highscores(cls):
    ''' read highscores from cls.highscore_file
    with open(cls.highscore_file, 'r') as highscores:
    for line in highscores:
    user_name, score = line.split(':')
    cls.users[user_name.strip()] = int(score)

    except Exception as e:
    print('Error in log file, must be format <name: score>')

    def write_highscores(cls):
    ''' write highscores to cls.highscore_file
    with open(cls.highscore_file, 'w') as highscores:
    for name in cls.users:
    highscores.write(': n'.
    format(name, str(cls.users[name])))

    except Exception as e:
    print('Error in log file, must be format <name: score>')

    def clear_highscores(cls):
    ''' clears the highscore file if confirmed by typing 'CLEAR'
    answer = input('nDo you want to clear the scores log, '
    'type 'CLEAR' ')

    if answer == 'CLEAR':
    with open(cls.highscore_file, 'w') as highscores:

    def display_highscores(cls):
    ''' displays highscores in order from high to low
    print(':20'.format('Name', 'Score'))

    sorted_output = sorted(QuizGame.users.items(), key=lambda v: v[1],
    for line in sorted_output:

    def main():
    ''' starts the program
    quit = False

    while not quit:
    user_name, quit = QuizGame.get_username()
    if not quit:


    if __name__ == '__main__':

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I have the following program for a multiple choice quiz game. Before I get stuck in some habits, can anyone please review and propose suggestions for improvements?

      import random
      import time

      YES = ['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES']
      NO = ['n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO']
      CLEAR = ['c', 'C', 'clear', 'Clear', 'CLEAR']
      QUIT = ['q', 'Q', 'quit', 'Quit', 'QUIT']
      MULTIPLECHOICE = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

      class QuizGame:
      ''' repository of methods to do with QuizGame
      - get_username
      - play_loop
      - ask_play_again
      - escape_quiz
      - play_quiz
      - read_highscores
      - write_highscores
      - clear_highscores
      - display_highscores
      questions =
      1: ('What was the first video game ever made?',
      'a) God of War 9nb) Pacman nc) Pong nd) Tennis for Two',

      2: ('What was the most expensive video game to ever be developed?',
      'a) Destinynb) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 n'
      'c) Grand Theft Auto: V nd) Disney Infinity',

      3: ('What amount of time a day does the average gamer (In the US, '
      'age 13 or older) spend gaming?',
      'a) 54 minutesnb) 25 hoursnc) 2 hoursnd) 30 minutes',

      4: ('Who is the founder of Nintendo?',
      'a) Fusajiro Yamauchinb) Bob Dylannc) Steve Bovairdn'
      'd) Nihonjin no Shimei',

      5: ('What was the most purchased game of 2017?',
      'a) Jesus simnb) Farming Simulator 2017n'
      'c) Call of Duty: WWIInd) Destiny 2',

      6: ('When was E3 [Electronic Entertainment Expo] 2017?',
      'a) 13 Jun 2017 - 15 Jun 2017nb) 13 Jun 2017 - 14 Jun 2017n'
      'c) 15 July 2017 - 13 July 2017nd) 10 Jun 2017 - 18 Jun 2017',

      7: ('What was the most popular console of 2010?',
      'a) Xbox 360nb) PlayStation 3nc) Xbox 1nd) PlayStation 4',

      8: ('Who was the most subscribed gaming youtuber of 2012?',
      'a) PrettyL8rnb) Pewdiepienc) Gregnd) NotGreg',

      9: ('Who won the Game of The Year award 2016?',
      'a) Overwatchnb) Treyarchnc) Blizzardn'
      'd) Rainbow Six Siege',

      10: ('When did DOOM release?',
      'a) December 10, 1993nb) February 23, 1995n'
      'c) January 32, 20019nd) Yesterday',

      welcometext =
      'nHello , welcome to The Videogame Quiz'
      'nIn this quiz, you will be asked 10 questions about videogames.'
      'nTry your best to answer all 10 correctly. Enter a, b, c or d '
      'ndepending on which answer you think is rightn'

      users =
      score = 0
      highscore_file = 'highscore.log'

      def get_username(cls):
      ''' method to ask user for user_name, if user name is Quit then leave.
      Dictionary of cls.users is checked on existing users. If user
      does not exist he/ she is added.
      user_name = ''
      quit = False
      while len(user_name) < 4 and not quit:
      user_name = input('Hello! What is your name [enter Q(uit) '
      'to leave]?: ').strip().capitalize()
      if user_name in QUIT:
      quit = True

      if not quit:
      if user_name not in cls.users:
      cls.users.update(user_name: 0)
      cls.highscore = 0


      return user_name, quit

      def play_loop(cls, user_name):
      ''' method to control loop of the quiz, update highscore, and ask
      to play again or not
      playagain = True
      while playagain:
      print(f'nuser_name, your current highscore is '

      if cls.escape_quiz():

      score = cls.play_quiz()

      if score > cls.users[user_name]:
      cls.users.update(user_name: score)

      playagain = cls.play_again()

      def play_again():
      ''' ask player if he/ she wants to play quiz again
      answered = False
      while not answered:
      answer = input('Do you want to take the quiz again? Y or N: ')
      answered = True

      if answer in YES:
      playagain = True

      elif answer in NO:
      playagain = False

      answered = False

      return playagain

      def escape_quiz():
      ''' ask player twice if he/ she is ready to continue
      answered = 0
      question = 'nAre you ready to continue? Y or N? '
      while answered < 2:
      answer = input(question)
      answered += 1

      if answer in YES:
      escape_the_quiz = False

      elif answer in NO:
      escape_the_quiz = True
      for i in range(3):
      print('Oh... ok')
      question = 'nNow are you ready to continue? Y or N '

      print('Yes or no only please!')

      return escape_the_quiz

      def play_quiz(cls):
      ''' core of quiz asking multiple choice questions. Player can leave
      by entering quit
      questions = cls.questions.copy()
      question_choice = i for i in range(1, len(questions)+1)
      score = 0
      question_nr = 1

      while questions:
      question = random.sample(question_choice, 1)[0]
      answered = False

      print(f'Question: question_nr of len(cls.questions)')
      question_nr += 1

      answered = False
      while not answered:
      answer = input('What is your answer?: ').lower()

      if answer in (MULTIPLECHOICE + QUIT):
      answered = True

      print('ERROR, please input a, b, c or d only please!')

      if answer in QUIT:

      elif answer == questions[question][2]:
      print('Good job! You are correct.n')
      score += 1

      print('Unfortunately that is not correct! '
      'Better luck next time.n')


      print(f'Your score is >>> scoren')

      return score

      def read_highscores(cls):
      ''' read highscores from cls.highscore_file
      with open(cls.highscore_file, 'r') as highscores:
      for line in highscores:
      user_name, score = line.split(':')
      cls.users[user_name.strip()] = int(score)

      except Exception as e:
      print('Error in log file, must be format <name: score>')

      def write_highscores(cls):
      ''' write highscores to cls.highscore_file
      with open(cls.highscore_file, 'w') as highscores:
      for name in cls.users:
      highscores.write(': n'.
      format(name, str(cls.users[name])))

      except Exception as e:
      print('Error in log file, must be format <name: score>')

      def clear_highscores(cls):
      ''' clears the highscore file if confirmed by typing 'CLEAR'
      answer = input('nDo you want to clear the scores log, '
      'type 'CLEAR' ')

      if answer == 'CLEAR':
      with open(cls.highscore_file, 'w') as highscores:

      def display_highscores(cls):
      ''' displays highscores in order from high to low
      print(':20'.format('Name', 'Score'))

      sorted_output = sorted(QuizGame.users.items(), key=lambda v: v[1],
      for line in sorted_output:

      def main():
      ''' starts the program
      quit = False

      while not quit:
      user_name, quit = QuizGame.get_username()
      if not quit:


      if __name__ == '__main__':

      share|improve this question

      I have the following program for a multiple choice quiz game. Before I get stuck in some habits, can anyone please review and propose suggestions for improvements?

      import random
      import time

      YES = ['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES']
      NO = ['n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO']
      CLEAR = ['c', 'C', 'clear', 'Clear', 'CLEAR']
      QUIT = ['q', 'Q', 'quit', 'Quit', 'QUIT']
      MULTIPLECHOICE = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

      class QuizGame:
      ''' repository of methods to do with QuizGame
      - get_username
      - play_loop
      - ask_play_again
      - escape_quiz
      - play_quiz
      - read_highscores
      - write_highscores
      - clear_highscores
      - display_highscores
      questions =
      1: ('What was the first video game ever made?',
      'a) God of War 9nb) Pacman nc) Pong nd) Tennis for Two',

      2: ('What was the most expensive video game to ever be developed?',
      'a) Destinynb) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 n'
      'c) Grand Theft Auto: V nd) Disney Infinity',

      3: ('What amount of time a day does the average gamer (In the US, '
      'age 13 or older) spend gaming?',
      'a) 54 minutesnb) 25 hoursnc) 2 hoursnd) 30 minutes',

      4: ('Who is the founder of Nintendo?',
      'a) Fusajiro Yamauchinb) Bob Dylannc) Steve Bovairdn'
      'd) Nihonjin no Shimei',

      5: ('What was the most purchased game of 2017?',
      'a) Jesus simnb) Farming Simulator 2017n'
      'c) Call of Duty: WWIInd) Destiny 2',

      6: ('When was E3 [Electronic Entertainment Expo] 2017?',
      'a) 13 Jun 2017 - 15 Jun 2017nb) 13 Jun 2017 - 14 Jun 2017n'
      'c) 15 July 2017 - 13 July 2017nd) 10 Jun 2017 - 18 Jun 2017',

      7: ('What was the most popular console of 2010?',
      'a) Xbox 360nb) PlayStation 3nc) Xbox 1nd) PlayStation 4',

      8: ('Who was the most subscribed gaming youtuber of 2012?',
      'a) PrettyL8rnb) Pewdiepienc) Gregnd) NotGreg',

      9: ('Who won the Game of The Year award 2016?',
      'a) Overwatchnb) Treyarchnc) Blizzardn'
      'd) Rainbow Six Siege',

      10: ('When did DOOM release?',
      'a) December 10, 1993nb) February 23, 1995n'
      'c) January 32, 20019nd) Yesterday',

      welcometext =
      'nHello , welcome to The Videogame Quiz'
      'nIn this quiz, you will be asked 10 questions about videogames.'
      'nTry your best to answer all 10 correctly. Enter a, b, c or d '
      'ndepending on which answer you think is rightn'

      users =
      score = 0
      highscore_file = 'highscore.log'

      def get_username(cls):
      ''' method to ask user for user_name, if user name is Quit then leave.
      Dictionary of cls.users is checked on existing users. If user
      does not exist he/ she is added.
      user_name = ''
      quit = False
      while len(user_name) < 4 and not quit:
      user_name = input('Hello! What is your name [enter Q(uit) '
      'to leave]?: ').strip().capitalize()
      if user_name in QUIT:
      quit = True

      if not quit:
      if user_name not in cls.users:
      cls.users.update(user_name: 0)
      cls.highscore = 0


      return user_name, quit

      def play_loop(cls, user_name):
      ''' method to control loop of the quiz, update highscore, and ask
      to play again or not
      playagain = True
      while playagain:
      print(f'nuser_name, your current highscore is '

      if cls.escape_quiz():

      score = cls.play_quiz()

      if score > cls.users[user_name]:
      cls.users.update(user_name: score)

      playagain = cls.play_again()

      def play_again():
      ''' ask player if he/ she wants to play quiz again
      answered = False
      while not answered:
      answer = input('Do you want to take the quiz again? Y or N: ')
      answered = True

      if answer in YES:
      playagain = True

      elif answer in NO:
      playagain = False

      answered = False

      return playagain

      def escape_quiz():
      ''' ask player twice if he/ she is ready to continue
      answered = 0
      question = 'nAre you ready to continue? Y or N? '
      while answered < 2:
      answer = input(question)
      answered += 1

      if answer in YES:
      escape_the_quiz = False

      elif answer in NO:
      escape_the_quiz = True
      for i in range(3):
      print('Oh... ok')
      question = 'nNow are you ready to continue? Y or N '

      print('Yes or no only please!')

      return escape_the_quiz

      def play_quiz(cls):
      ''' core of quiz asking multiple choice questions. Player can leave
      by entering quit
      questions = cls.questions.copy()
      question_choice = i for i in range(1, len(questions)+1)
      score = 0
      question_nr = 1

      while questions:
      question = random.sample(question_choice, 1)[0]
      answered = False

      print(f'Question: question_nr of len(cls.questions)')
      question_nr += 1

      answered = False
      while not answered:
      answer = input('What is your answer?: ').lower()

      if answer in (MULTIPLECHOICE + QUIT):
      answered = True

      print('ERROR, please input a, b, c or d only please!')

      if answer in QUIT:

      elif answer == questions[question][2]:
      print('Good job! You are correct.n')
      score += 1

      print('Unfortunately that is not correct! '
      'Better luck next time.n')


      print(f'Your score is >>> scoren')

      return score

      def read_highscores(cls):
      ''' read highscores from cls.highscore_file
      with open(cls.highscore_file, 'r') as highscores:
      for line in highscores:
      user_name, score = line.split(':')
      cls.users[user_name.strip()] = int(score)

      except Exception as e:
      print('Error in log file, must be format <name: score>')

      def write_highscores(cls):
      ''' write highscores to cls.highscore_file
      with open(cls.highscore_file, 'w') as highscores:
      for name in cls.users:
      highscores.write(': n'.
      format(name, str(cls.users[name])))

      except Exception as e:
      print('Error in log file, must be format <name: score>')

      def clear_highscores(cls):
      ''' clears the highscore file if confirmed by typing 'CLEAR'
      answer = input('nDo you want to clear the scores log, '
      'type 'CLEAR' ')

      if answer == 'CLEAR':
      with open(cls.highscore_file, 'w') as highscores:

      def display_highscores(cls):
      ''' displays highscores in order from high to low
      print(':20'.format('Name', 'Score'))

      sorted_output = sorted(QuizGame.users.items(), key=lambda v: v[1],
      for line in sorted_output:

      def main():
      ''' starts the program
      quit = False

      while not quit:
      user_name, quit = QuizGame.get_username()
      if not quit:


      if __name__ == '__main__':

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Jul 16 at 13:25




      asked Jul 16 at 13:05

      Bruno Vermeulen






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