Validity checks for a user signup process

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;

up vote
down vote



I have been working on a service which allows users to signup on different apps and on each login checks if the request is valid or not based on a series of checks.

The below snippet is small part of the whole application but covers my question and is working fine for now:


'use strict';

const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
const boom = require('boom');
const joi = require('joi');
const flatten = require('lodash/flatten');
const pick = require('lodash/pick');

const models = require('../../models');
const AccessToken, App, User = models;

const debug = require('debug')('microauth:test');

const loginSchema = joi
appname: joi.string().required(),
email: joi.string().required(),
password: joi.string().required(),

async function run(req, res, next)
const appname, email, password = joi.attempt(req.body, loginSchema);

const app = await getApp(appname);
if (!app)
throw boom.badRequest(`Invalid app name: $appname.`);

if (app.isInactive())
throw boom.badRequest('App is not active.');

const isAuthorized, user = await authorize( email, password );
if (!user)
throw boom.notFound('User not found.');

debug(`User $user.get('email') is authorised? $isAuthorized`);
if (!isAuthorized)
throw boom.unauthorized('Invalid email or password.');

const result = await isUserBelongsToApp(user, app.get('name'));
if (!result)
throw boom.badRequest(`User is not authorised to access app.`);

return successResponse(email, app.get('secret'), res);

async function getApp(name)
return await App.findOne( name );

async function authorize( email, password )
const user = await User.findOne(
email, status: 'active' ,
withRelated: ['apps', 'roles.permissions']

let isAuthorized = false;
if (user)
isAuthorized = await, user.get('password'));

return isAuthorized, user ;

async function isUserBelongsToApp(user, appname)
let result = false;
let app = null;
app = user.related('apps').findWhere( name: appname );
if (app)
result = true;

return result, app ;

async function successResponse(email, secret, res)
const userFields = [
const roleFields = ['name', 'description'];
const permissionFields = ['name', 'object', 'action'];

let user = await User.findOne(

email: email,

withRelated: ['roles.permissions'],

user = user.toJSON();
const result = Object.assign(, ...user );
result.roles = ;
result.permissions = ;

if (user.roles)
result.roles = => pick(role, roleFields));
result.permissions = =>
return =>
pick(permission, permissionFields)

result.permissions = flatten(result.permissions);
const token, expiration = new AccessToken(secret).create(result);
res.json( token, expiration );

module.exports = run;


The code above belongs to the controller of the applications, is that the right place to do all these checks?

Right now the main logic seems pretty obvious but each step depends of the previous step. Is there any better way to write the same logic?

share|improve this question

    up vote
    down vote



    I have been working on a service which allows users to signup on different apps and on each login checks if the request is valid or not based on a series of checks.

    The below snippet is small part of the whole application but covers my question and is working fine for now:


    'use strict';

    const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
    const boom = require('boom');
    const joi = require('joi');
    const flatten = require('lodash/flatten');
    const pick = require('lodash/pick');

    const models = require('../../models');
    const AccessToken, App, User = models;

    const debug = require('debug')('microauth:test');

    const loginSchema = joi
    appname: joi.string().required(),
    email: joi.string().required(),
    password: joi.string().required(),

    async function run(req, res, next)
    const appname, email, password = joi.attempt(req.body, loginSchema);

    const app = await getApp(appname);
    if (!app)
    throw boom.badRequest(`Invalid app name: $appname.`);

    if (app.isInactive())
    throw boom.badRequest('App is not active.');

    const isAuthorized, user = await authorize( email, password );
    if (!user)
    throw boom.notFound('User not found.');

    debug(`User $user.get('email') is authorised? $isAuthorized`);
    if (!isAuthorized)
    throw boom.unauthorized('Invalid email or password.');

    const result = await isUserBelongsToApp(user, app.get('name'));
    if (!result)
    throw boom.badRequest(`User is not authorised to access app.`);

    return successResponse(email, app.get('secret'), res);

    async function getApp(name)
    return await App.findOne( name );

    async function authorize( email, password )
    const user = await User.findOne(
    email, status: 'active' ,
    withRelated: ['apps', 'roles.permissions']

    let isAuthorized = false;
    if (user)
    isAuthorized = await, user.get('password'));

    return isAuthorized, user ;

    async function isUserBelongsToApp(user, appname)
    let result = false;
    let app = null;
    app = user.related('apps').findWhere( name: appname );
    if (app)
    result = true;

    return result, app ;

    async function successResponse(email, secret, res)
    const userFields = [
    const roleFields = ['name', 'description'];
    const permissionFields = ['name', 'object', 'action'];

    let user = await User.findOne(

    email: email,

    withRelated: ['roles.permissions'],

    user = user.toJSON();
    const result = Object.assign(, ...user );
    result.roles = ;
    result.permissions = ;

    if (user.roles)
    result.roles = => pick(role, roleFields));
    result.permissions = =>
    return =>
    pick(permission, permissionFields)

    result.permissions = flatten(result.permissions);
    const token, expiration = new AccessToken(secret).create(result);
    res.json( token, expiration );

    module.exports = run;


    The code above belongs to the controller of the applications, is that the right place to do all these checks?

    Right now the main logic seems pretty obvious but each step depends of the previous step. Is there any better way to write the same logic?

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote



      I have been working on a service which allows users to signup on different apps and on each login checks if the request is valid or not based on a series of checks.

      The below snippet is small part of the whole application but covers my question and is working fine for now:


      'use strict';

      const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
      const boom = require('boom');
      const joi = require('joi');
      const flatten = require('lodash/flatten');
      const pick = require('lodash/pick');

      const models = require('../../models');
      const AccessToken, App, User = models;

      const debug = require('debug')('microauth:test');

      const loginSchema = joi
      appname: joi.string().required(),
      email: joi.string().required(),
      password: joi.string().required(),

      async function run(req, res, next)
      const appname, email, password = joi.attempt(req.body, loginSchema);

      const app = await getApp(appname);
      if (!app)
      throw boom.badRequest(`Invalid app name: $appname.`);

      if (app.isInactive())
      throw boom.badRequest('App is not active.');

      const isAuthorized, user = await authorize( email, password );
      if (!user)
      throw boom.notFound('User not found.');

      debug(`User $user.get('email') is authorised? $isAuthorized`);
      if (!isAuthorized)
      throw boom.unauthorized('Invalid email or password.');

      const result = await isUserBelongsToApp(user, app.get('name'));
      if (!result)
      throw boom.badRequest(`User is not authorised to access app.`);

      return successResponse(email, app.get('secret'), res);

      async function getApp(name)
      return await App.findOne( name );

      async function authorize( email, password )
      const user = await User.findOne(
      email, status: 'active' ,
      withRelated: ['apps', 'roles.permissions']

      let isAuthorized = false;
      if (user)
      isAuthorized = await, user.get('password'));

      return isAuthorized, user ;

      async function isUserBelongsToApp(user, appname)
      let result = false;
      let app = null;
      app = user.related('apps').findWhere( name: appname );
      if (app)
      result = true;

      return result, app ;

      async function successResponse(email, secret, res)
      const userFields = [
      const roleFields = ['name', 'description'];
      const permissionFields = ['name', 'object', 'action'];

      let user = await User.findOne(

      email: email,

      withRelated: ['roles.permissions'],

      user = user.toJSON();
      const result = Object.assign(, ...user );
      result.roles = ;
      result.permissions = ;

      if (user.roles)
      result.roles = => pick(role, roleFields));
      result.permissions = =>
      return =>
      pick(permission, permissionFields)

      result.permissions = flatten(result.permissions);
      const token, expiration = new AccessToken(secret).create(result);
      res.json( token, expiration );

      module.exports = run;


      The code above belongs to the controller of the applications, is that the right place to do all these checks?

      Right now the main logic seems pretty obvious but each step depends of the previous step. Is there any better way to write the same logic?

      share|improve this question


      I have been working on a service which allows users to signup on different apps and on each login checks if the request is valid or not based on a series of checks.

      The below snippet is small part of the whole application but covers my question and is working fine for now:


      'use strict';

      const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
      const boom = require('boom');
      const joi = require('joi');
      const flatten = require('lodash/flatten');
      const pick = require('lodash/pick');

      const models = require('../../models');
      const AccessToken, App, User = models;

      const debug = require('debug')('microauth:test');

      const loginSchema = joi
      appname: joi.string().required(),
      email: joi.string().required(),
      password: joi.string().required(),

      async function run(req, res, next)
      const appname, email, password = joi.attempt(req.body, loginSchema);

      const app = await getApp(appname);
      if (!app)
      throw boom.badRequest(`Invalid app name: $appname.`);

      if (app.isInactive())
      throw boom.badRequest('App is not active.');

      const isAuthorized, user = await authorize( email, password );
      if (!user)
      throw boom.notFound('User not found.');

      debug(`User $user.get('email') is authorised? $isAuthorized`);
      if (!isAuthorized)
      throw boom.unauthorized('Invalid email or password.');

      const result = await isUserBelongsToApp(user, app.get('name'));
      if (!result)
      throw boom.badRequest(`User is not authorised to access app.`);

      return successResponse(email, app.get('secret'), res);

      async function getApp(name)
      return await App.findOne( name );

      async function authorize( email, password )
      const user = await User.findOne(
      email, status: 'active' ,
      withRelated: ['apps', 'roles.permissions']

      let isAuthorized = false;
      if (user)
      isAuthorized = await, user.get('password'));

      return isAuthorized, user ;

      async function isUserBelongsToApp(user, appname)
      let result = false;
      let app = null;
      app = user.related('apps').findWhere( name: appname );
      if (app)
      result = true;

      return result, app ;

      async function successResponse(email, secret, res)
      const userFields = [
      const roleFields = ['name', 'description'];
      const permissionFields = ['name', 'object', 'action'];

      let user = await User.findOne(

      email: email,

      withRelated: ['roles.permissions'],

      user = user.toJSON();
      const result = Object.assign(, ...user );
      result.roles = ;
      result.permissions = ;

      if (user.roles)
      result.roles = => pick(role, roleFields));
      result.permissions = =>
      return =>
      pick(permission, permissionFields)

      result.permissions = flatten(result.permissions);
      const token, expiration = new AccessToken(secret).create(result);
      res.json( token, expiration );

      module.exports = run;


      The code above belongs to the controller of the applications, is that the right place to do all these checks?

      Right now the main logic seems pretty obvious but each step depends of the previous step. Is there any better way to write the same logic?

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited May 25 at 17:46




      asked May 25 at 8:45




          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote

          This is only a partial review.

          I would declare your constants outside of your functions, as they are constant.
          Also, the constants you did declare outside of your functions should be chained.
          Finally, you should never call a function more than once. If you are truly using functional-programming then you should do the following:

          const required = joi.string().required(),
          loginSchema = joi
          appname: required,
          email: required,
          password: required,

          because a given function must return the same output for the same input.


          'use strict';

          const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'),
          boom = require('boom'),
          joi = require('joi'),
          flatten = require('lodash/flatten'),
          pick = require('lodash/pick');

          const models = require('../../models'),
          AccessToken, App, User = models;

          const debug = require('debug')('microauth:test');

          const userFields = [
          roleFields = ['name', 'description'],
          permissionFields = ['name', 'object', 'action'];

          const required - joi.string().required()
          const loginSchema = joi
          appname: required,
          email: required,
          password: required,

          async function run(req, res, next)
          const appname, email, password = joi.attempt(req.body, loginSchema);

          const app = await getApp(appname);
          (!app) && (throw boom.badRequest(`Invalid app name: $appname.`);)

          (app.isInactive()) && (throw boom.badRequest('App is not active.');)

          const isAuthorized, user = await authorize( email, password );
          (!user) && (throw boom.notFound('User not found.');)

          debug(`User $user.get('email') is authorised? $isAuthorized`);
          (!isAuthorized) && (throw boom.unauthorized('Invalid email or password.');)

          const result = await isUserBelongsToApp(user, app.get('name'));
          (!result) && (throw boom.badRequest(`User is not authorised to access app.`);)

          return successResponse(email, app.get('secret'), res);

          async function getApp(name)
          return await App.findOne( name );

          async function authorize( email, password )
          const user = await User.findOne(
          email, status: 'active' ,
          withRelated: ['apps', 'roles.permissions']

          let isAuthorized = false;
          if (user)
          isAuthorized = await, user.get('password'));

          return isAuthorized, user ;

          async function isUserBelongsToApp(user, appname)
          let result = false;
          let app = null;
          app = user.related('apps').findWhere( name: appname );
          if (app)
          result = true;

          return result, app ;

          async function successResponse(email, secret, res)

          let user = await User.findOne(

          email: email,

          withRelated: ['roles.permissions'],

          user = user.toJSON();
          const result = Object.assign(, ...user );
          result.roles = ;
          result.permissions = ;

          if (user.roles)
          result.roles = => pick(role, roleFields));
          result.permissions = =>
          return =>
          pick(permission, permissionFields)

          result.permissions = flatten(result.permissions);
          const token, expiration = new AccessToken(secret).create(result);
          res.json( token, expiration );

          module.exports = run;

          share|improve this answer

            Your Answer

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            1 Answer




            1 Answer










            up vote
            down vote

            This is only a partial review.

            I would declare your constants outside of your functions, as they are constant.
            Also, the constants you did declare outside of your functions should be chained.
            Finally, you should never call a function more than once. If you are truly using functional-programming then you should do the following:

            const required = joi.string().required(),
            loginSchema = joi
            appname: required,
            email: required,
            password: required,

            because a given function must return the same output for the same input.


            'use strict';

            const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'),
            boom = require('boom'),
            joi = require('joi'),
            flatten = require('lodash/flatten'),
            pick = require('lodash/pick');

            const models = require('../../models'),
            AccessToken, App, User = models;

            const debug = require('debug')('microauth:test');

            const userFields = [
            roleFields = ['name', 'description'],
            permissionFields = ['name', 'object', 'action'];

            const required - joi.string().required()
            const loginSchema = joi
            appname: required,
            email: required,
            password: required,

            async function run(req, res, next)
            const appname, email, password = joi.attempt(req.body, loginSchema);

            const app = await getApp(appname);
            (!app) && (throw boom.badRequest(`Invalid app name: $appname.`);)

            (app.isInactive()) && (throw boom.badRequest('App is not active.');)

            const isAuthorized, user = await authorize( email, password );
            (!user) && (throw boom.notFound('User not found.');)

            debug(`User $user.get('email') is authorised? $isAuthorized`);
            (!isAuthorized) && (throw boom.unauthorized('Invalid email or password.');)

            const result = await isUserBelongsToApp(user, app.get('name'));
            (!result) && (throw boom.badRequest(`User is not authorised to access app.`);)

            return successResponse(email, app.get('secret'), res);

            async function getApp(name)
            return await App.findOne( name );

            async function authorize( email, password )
            const user = await User.findOne(
            email, status: 'active' ,
            withRelated: ['apps', 'roles.permissions']

            let isAuthorized = false;
            if (user)
            isAuthorized = await, user.get('password'));

            return isAuthorized, user ;

            async function isUserBelongsToApp(user, appname)
            let result = false;
            let app = null;
            app = user.related('apps').findWhere( name: appname );
            if (app)
            result = true;

            return result, app ;

            async function successResponse(email, secret, res)

            let user = await User.findOne(

            email: email,

            withRelated: ['roles.permissions'],

            user = user.toJSON();
            const result = Object.assign(, ...user );
            result.roles = ;
            result.permissions = ;

            if (user.roles)
            result.roles = => pick(role, roleFields));
            result.permissions = =>
            return =>
            pick(permission, permissionFields)

            result.permissions = flatten(result.permissions);
            const token, expiration = new AccessToken(secret).create(result);
            res.json( token, expiration );

            module.exports = run;

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              This is only a partial review.

              I would declare your constants outside of your functions, as they are constant.
              Also, the constants you did declare outside of your functions should be chained.
              Finally, you should never call a function more than once. If you are truly using functional-programming then you should do the following:

              const required = joi.string().required(),
              loginSchema = joi
              appname: required,
              email: required,
              password: required,

              because a given function must return the same output for the same input.


              'use strict';

              const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'),
              boom = require('boom'),
              joi = require('joi'),
              flatten = require('lodash/flatten'),
              pick = require('lodash/pick');

              const models = require('../../models'),
              AccessToken, App, User = models;

              const debug = require('debug')('microauth:test');

              const userFields = [
              roleFields = ['name', 'description'],
              permissionFields = ['name', 'object', 'action'];

              const required - joi.string().required()
              const loginSchema = joi
              appname: required,
              email: required,
              password: required,

              async function run(req, res, next)
              const appname, email, password = joi.attempt(req.body, loginSchema);

              const app = await getApp(appname);
              (!app) && (throw boom.badRequest(`Invalid app name: $appname.`);)

              (app.isInactive()) && (throw boom.badRequest('App is not active.');)

              const isAuthorized, user = await authorize( email, password );
              (!user) && (throw boom.notFound('User not found.');)

              debug(`User $user.get('email') is authorised? $isAuthorized`);
              (!isAuthorized) && (throw boom.unauthorized('Invalid email or password.');)

              const result = await isUserBelongsToApp(user, app.get('name'));
              (!result) && (throw boom.badRequest(`User is not authorised to access app.`);)

              return successResponse(email, app.get('secret'), res);

              async function getApp(name)
              return await App.findOne( name );

              async function authorize( email, password )
              const user = await User.findOne(
              email, status: 'active' ,
              withRelated: ['apps', 'roles.permissions']

              let isAuthorized = false;
              if (user)
              isAuthorized = await, user.get('password'));

              return isAuthorized, user ;

              async function isUserBelongsToApp(user, appname)
              let result = false;
              let app = null;
              app = user.related('apps').findWhere( name: appname );
              if (app)
              result = true;

              return result, app ;

              async function successResponse(email, secret, res)

              let user = await User.findOne(

              email: email,

              withRelated: ['roles.permissions'],

              user = user.toJSON();
              const result = Object.assign(, ...user );
              result.roles = ;
              result.permissions = ;

              if (user.roles)
              result.roles = => pick(role, roleFields));
              result.permissions = =>
              return =>
              pick(permission, permissionFields)

              result.permissions = flatten(result.permissions);
              const token, expiration = new AccessToken(secret).create(result);
              res.json( token, expiration );

              module.exports = run;

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                This is only a partial review.

                I would declare your constants outside of your functions, as they are constant.
                Also, the constants you did declare outside of your functions should be chained.
                Finally, you should never call a function more than once. If you are truly using functional-programming then you should do the following:

                const required = joi.string().required(),
                loginSchema = joi
                appname: required,
                email: required,
                password: required,

                because a given function must return the same output for the same input.


                'use strict';

                const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'),
                boom = require('boom'),
                joi = require('joi'),
                flatten = require('lodash/flatten'),
                pick = require('lodash/pick');

                const models = require('../../models'),
                AccessToken, App, User = models;

                const debug = require('debug')('microauth:test');

                const userFields = [
                roleFields = ['name', 'description'],
                permissionFields = ['name', 'object', 'action'];

                const required - joi.string().required()
                const loginSchema = joi
                appname: required,
                email: required,
                password: required,

                async function run(req, res, next)
                const appname, email, password = joi.attempt(req.body, loginSchema);

                const app = await getApp(appname);
                (!app) && (throw boom.badRequest(`Invalid app name: $appname.`);)

                (app.isInactive()) && (throw boom.badRequest('App is not active.');)

                const isAuthorized, user = await authorize( email, password );
                (!user) && (throw boom.notFound('User not found.');)

                debug(`User $user.get('email') is authorised? $isAuthorized`);
                (!isAuthorized) && (throw boom.unauthorized('Invalid email or password.');)

                const result = await isUserBelongsToApp(user, app.get('name'));
                (!result) && (throw boom.badRequest(`User is not authorised to access app.`);)

                return successResponse(email, app.get('secret'), res);

                async function getApp(name)
                return await App.findOne( name );

                async function authorize( email, password )
                const user = await User.findOne(
                email, status: 'active' ,
                withRelated: ['apps', 'roles.permissions']

                let isAuthorized = false;
                if (user)
                isAuthorized = await, user.get('password'));

                return isAuthorized, user ;

                async function isUserBelongsToApp(user, appname)
                let result = false;
                let app = null;
                app = user.related('apps').findWhere( name: appname );
                if (app)
                result = true;

                return result, app ;

                async function successResponse(email, secret, res)

                let user = await User.findOne(

                email: email,

                withRelated: ['roles.permissions'],

                user = user.toJSON();
                const result = Object.assign(, ...user );
                result.roles = ;
                result.permissions = ;

                if (user.roles)
                result.roles = => pick(role, roleFields));
                result.permissions = =>
                return =>
                pick(permission, permissionFields)

                result.permissions = flatten(result.permissions);
                const token, expiration = new AccessToken(secret).create(result);
                res.json( token, expiration );

                module.exports = run;

                share|improve this answer

                This is only a partial review.

                I would declare your constants outside of your functions, as they are constant.
                Also, the constants you did declare outside of your functions should be chained.
                Finally, you should never call a function more than once. If you are truly using functional-programming then you should do the following:

                const required = joi.string().required(),
                loginSchema = joi
                appname: required,
                email: required,
                password: required,

                because a given function must return the same output for the same input.


                'use strict';

                const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'),
                boom = require('boom'),
                joi = require('joi'),
                flatten = require('lodash/flatten'),
                pick = require('lodash/pick');

                const models = require('../../models'),
                AccessToken, App, User = models;

                const debug = require('debug')('microauth:test');

                const userFields = [
                roleFields = ['name', 'description'],
                permissionFields = ['name', 'object', 'action'];

                const required - joi.string().required()
                const loginSchema = joi
                appname: required,
                email: required,
                password: required,

                async function run(req, res, next)
                const appname, email, password = joi.attempt(req.body, loginSchema);

                const app = await getApp(appname);
                (!app) && (throw boom.badRequest(`Invalid app name: $appname.`);)

                (app.isInactive()) && (throw boom.badRequest('App is not active.');)

                const isAuthorized, user = await authorize( email, password );
                (!user) && (throw boom.notFound('User not found.');)

                debug(`User $user.get('email') is authorised? $isAuthorized`);
                (!isAuthorized) && (throw boom.unauthorized('Invalid email or password.');)

                const result = await isUserBelongsToApp(user, app.get('name'));
                (!result) && (throw boom.badRequest(`User is not authorised to access app.`);)

                return successResponse(email, app.get('secret'), res);

                async function getApp(name)
                return await App.findOne( name );

                async function authorize( email, password )
                const user = await User.findOne(
                email, status: 'active' ,
                withRelated: ['apps', 'roles.permissions']

                let isAuthorized = false;
                if (user)
                isAuthorized = await, user.get('password'));

                return isAuthorized, user ;

                async function isUserBelongsToApp(user, appname)
                let result = false;
                let app = null;
                app = user.related('apps').findWhere( name: appname );
                if (app)
                result = true;

                return result, app ;

                async function successResponse(email, secret, res)

                let user = await User.findOne(

                email: email,

                withRelated: ['roles.permissions'],

                user = user.toJSON();
                const result = Object.assign(, ...user );
                result.roles = ;
                result.permissions = ;

                if (user.roles)
                result.roles = => pick(role, roleFields));
                result.permissions = =>
                return =>
                pick(permission, permissionFields)

                result.permissions = flatten(result.permissions);
                const token, expiration = new AccessToken(secret).create(result);
                res.json( token, expiration );

                module.exports = run;

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered May 25 at 11:10





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