Running a loop precisely once per second

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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I'm running this loop to check and print some things every second. However, because the calculations take maybe a few hundred milliseconds, the printed time sometimes skip a second.

Is there any way to write such a loop that I am guaranteed to get a printout every second? (Provided, of course, that the calculations in the loop take less than a second :))

while true; do
TIME=$(date +%H:%M:%S)
# some calculations which take a few hundred milliseconds
printf '%s %s %sn' $TIME $FOO $BAR
sleep 1

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  • Possibly helpful:
    – Jeff Schaller
    Aug 6 at 15:18

  • 24

    Note that "precisely once per second" is not literally possible in most cases because you are (usually) running in userspace atop a preemptively multitasking kernel which will schedule your code as it sees fit (so that you might not regain control immediately after a sleep ends, for example). Unless you are writing C code which calls into the sched(7) API (POSIX: see <sched.h> and pages linked from there), you basically cannot have real-time guarantees of this form.
    – Kevin
    Aug 6 at 23:57

  • Just to back up what @Kevin said, using sleep() to try and get any sort of precise timing is doomed to failure, it only guarantees AT LEAST 1sec of sleep. If you really need precise timings you need to look at the system clock (see CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and trigger things based on time-since-last-event + 1s, and make sure you don't trip yourself up by taking >1sec to run, calculating the next time after some operation, etc.
    – John U
    Aug 7 at 12:07

  • just going to leave this here
    – alo Malbarez
    Aug 7 at 15:36

  • Precisely once a second = use a VCXO. A software-only solution will only get you to "good enough", but not precise.
    – Ian MacDonald
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote


I'm running this loop to check and print some things every second. However, because the calculations take maybe a few hundred milliseconds, the printed time sometimes skip a second.

Is there any way to write such a loop that I am guaranteed to get a printout every second? (Provided, of course, that the calculations in the loop take less than a second :))

while true; do
TIME=$(date +%H:%M:%S)
# some calculations which take a few hundred milliseconds
printf '%s %s %sn' $TIME $FOO $BAR
sleep 1

share|improve this question

  • Possibly helpful:
    – Jeff Schaller
    Aug 6 at 15:18

  • 24

    Note that "precisely once per second" is not literally possible in most cases because you are (usually) running in userspace atop a preemptively multitasking kernel which will schedule your code as it sees fit (so that you might not regain control immediately after a sleep ends, for example). Unless you are writing C code which calls into the sched(7) API (POSIX: see <sched.h> and pages linked from there), you basically cannot have real-time guarantees of this form.
    – Kevin
    Aug 6 at 23:57

  • Just to back up what @Kevin said, using sleep() to try and get any sort of precise timing is doomed to failure, it only guarantees AT LEAST 1sec of sleep. If you really need precise timings you need to look at the system clock (see CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and trigger things based on time-since-last-event + 1s, and make sure you don't trip yourself up by taking >1sec to run, calculating the next time after some operation, etc.
    – John U
    Aug 7 at 12:07

  • just going to leave this here
    – alo Malbarez
    Aug 7 at 15:36

  • Precisely once a second = use a VCXO. A software-only solution will only get you to "good enough", but not precise.
    – Ian MacDonald
    2 days ago

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down vote


up vote
down vote



I'm running this loop to check and print some things every second. However, because the calculations take maybe a few hundred milliseconds, the printed time sometimes skip a second.

Is there any way to write such a loop that I am guaranteed to get a printout every second? (Provided, of course, that the calculations in the loop take less than a second :))

while true; do
TIME=$(date +%H:%M:%S)
# some calculations which take a few hundred milliseconds
printf '%s %s %sn' $TIME $FOO $BAR
sleep 1

share|improve this question

I'm running this loop to check and print some things every second. However, because the calculations take maybe a few hundred milliseconds, the printed time sometimes skip a second.

Is there any way to write such a loop that I am guaranteed to get a printout every second? (Provided, of course, that the calculations in the loop take less than a second :))

while true; do
TIME=$(date +%H:%M:%S)
# some calculations which take a few hundred milliseconds
printf '%s %s %sn' $TIME $FOO $BAR
sleep 1

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edited Aug 7 at 11:04

Jeff Schaller



asked Aug 6 at 14:57




  • Possibly helpful:
    – Jeff Schaller
    Aug 6 at 15:18

  • 24

    Note that "precisely once per second" is not literally possible in most cases because you are (usually) running in userspace atop a preemptively multitasking kernel which will schedule your code as it sees fit (so that you might not regain control immediately after a sleep ends, for example). Unless you are writing C code which calls into the sched(7) API (POSIX: see <sched.h> and pages linked from there), you basically cannot have real-time guarantees of this form.
    – Kevin
    Aug 6 at 23:57

  • Just to back up what @Kevin said, using sleep() to try and get any sort of precise timing is doomed to failure, it only guarantees AT LEAST 1sec of sleep. If you really need precise timings you need to look at the system clock (see CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and trigger things based on time-since-last-event + 1s, and make sure you don't trip yourself up by taking >1sec to run, calculating the next time after some operation, etc.
    – John U
    Aug 7 at 12:07

  • just going to leave this here
    – alo Malbarez
    Aug 7 at 15:36

  • Precisely once a second = use a VCXO. A software-only solution will only get you to "good enough", but not precise.
    – Ian MacDonald
    2 days ago

  • Possibly helpful:
    – Jeff Schaller
    Aug 6 at 15:18

  • 24

    Note that "precisely once per second" is not literally possible in most cases because you are (usually) running in userspace atop a preemptively multitasking kernel which will schedule your code as it sees fit (so that you might not regain control immediately after a sleep ends, for example). Unless you are writing C code which calls into the sched(7) API (POSIX: see <sched.h> and pages linked from there), you basically cannot have real-time guarantees of this form.
    – Kevin
    Aug 6 at 23:57

  • Just to back up what @Kevin said, using sleep() to try and get any sort of precise timing is doomed to failure, it only guarantees AT LEAST 1sec of sleep. If you really need precise timings you need to look at the system clock (see CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and trigger things based on time-since-last-event + 1s, and make sure you don't trip yourself up by taking >1sec to run, calculating the next time after some operation, etc.
    – John U
    Aug 7 at 12:07

  • just going to leave this here
    – alo Malbarez
    Aug 7 at 15:36

  • Precisely once a second = use a VCXO. A software-only solution will only get you to "good enough", but not precise.
    – Ian MacDonald
    2 days ago

Possibly helpful:
– Jeff Schaller
Aug 6 at 15:18

Possibly helpful:
– Jeff Schaller
Aug 6 at 15:18



Note that "precisely once per second" is not literally possible in most cases because you are (usually) running in userspace atop a preemptively multitasking kernel which will schedule your code as it sees fit (so that you might not regain control immediately after a sleep ends, for example). Unless you are writing C code which calls into the sched(7) API (POSIX: see <sched.h> and pages linked from there), you basically cannot have real-time guarantees of this form.
– Kevin
Aug 6 at 23:57

Note that "precisely once per second" is not literally possible in most cases because you are (usually) running in userspace atop a preemptively multitasking kernel which will schedule your code as it sees fit (so that you might not regain control immediately after a sleep ends, for example). Unless you are writing C code which calls into the sched(7) API (POSIX: see <sched.h> and pages linked from there), you basically cannot have real-time guarantees of this form.
– Kevin
Aug 6 at 23:57

Just to back up what @Kevin said, using sleep() to try and get any sort of precise timing is doomed to failure, it only guarantees AT LEAST 1sec of sleep. If you really need precise timings you need to look at the system clock (see CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and trigger things based on time-since-last-event + 1s, and make sure you don't trip yourself up by taking >1sec to run, calculating the next time after some operation, etc.
– John U
Aug 7 at 12:07

Just to back up what @Kevin said, using sleep() to try and get any sort of precise timing is doomed to failure, it only guarantees AT LEAST 1sec of sleep. If you really need precise timings you need to look at the system clock (see CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and trigger things based on time-since-last-event + 1s, and make sure you don't trip yourself up by taking >1sec to run, calculating the next time after some operation, etc.
– John U
Aug 7 at 12:07

just going to leave this here
– alo Malbarez
Aug 7 at 15:36

just going to leave this here
– alo Malbarez
Aug 7 at 15:36

Precisely once a second = use a VCXO. A software-only solution will only get you to "good enough", but not precise.
– Ian MacDonald
2 days ago

Precisely once a second = use a VCXO. A software-only solution will only get you to "good enough", but not precise.
– Ian MacDonald
2 days ago

5 Answers




up vote
down vote


To stay a bit closer to the original code, what I do is:

while true; do
sleep 1 &
...your stuff here...
wait # for sleep

This changes the semantics a little: if your stuff took less than a second, it will simply wait for the full second to pass. However, if your stuff takes longer than a second for any reason, it won't keep spawning even more subprocesses with never any end to it.

So your stuff never runs in parallel, and not in the background, so variables work as expected too.

Note that if you do start additional background tasks as well, you'll have to change the wait instruction to only wait for the sleep process specifically.

If you need it to be even more accurate, you'll probably just have to sync it to the system clock and sleep ms instead of full seconds.

How to sync to system clock? No idea really, stupid attempt:


while sleep 1
date +%N

Output: 003511461 010510925 016081282 021643477 028504349 03... (keeps growing)


 while sleep 0.$((1999999999 - 1$(date +%N)))
date +%N

Output: 002648691 001098397 002514348 001293023 001679137 00... (stays same)

share|improve this answer

  • 6

    This sleep/wait trick is really clever !
    – philfr
    2 days ago

  • I'm wondering if all implementations of sleep handle fractional seconds?
    – jcaron

  • 1

    @jcaron not all of them. but it works for gnu sleep and busybox sleep so it's not exotic. You could probably do a simple fallback like sleep 0.9 || sleep 1 as invalid parameter is pretty much the only reason for sleep to ever fail.
    – frostschutz

  • @frostschutz I'd expect sleep 0.9 to be interpreted as sleep 0 by naïve implementations (given that's what atoi would do). Not sure if that would actually result in an error.
    – jcaron

  • 1

    I'm happy to see this question sparked a lot of interest. Your suggestion and answer are very good. Not only does it keep within the second, it also sticks as close to the whole second as possible. Impressive! (PS! On a side note, one must install GNU Coreutils and use gdate on macOS to make date +%N work.)
    – forthrin

up vote
down vote

If you can restructure your loop into a script / oneliner then the simplest way to do this is with watch and its precise option.

You can see the effect with watch -n 1 sleep 0.5 - it will show seconds counting up, but will occasionally skip over a second. Running it as watch -n 1 -p sleep 0.5 will output twice per second, every second, and you won't see any skips.

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    Running the operations in a subshell that runs as a background job would make them not interfere so much with the sleep.

    while true; do
    TIME=$(date +%T)
    # some calculations which take a few hundred milliseconds
    printf '%s %s %sn' "$TIME" "$FOO" "$BAR"
    ) &
    sleep 1

    The only time "stolen" from the one second would be the time taken to launch the subshell, so it would eventually skip a second, but hopefully less often than the original code.

    If the code in the subshell ends up using more than a second, the loop would start to accumulate background jobs and eventually run out of resources.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      With zsh:

      typeset -F SECONDS=0
      while true; do
      date '+%FT%T.%2N%z'
      ((++n > SECONDS)) && sleep $((n - SECONDS))

      If your sleep doesn't support floating point seconds, you can use zsh's zselect instead (after a zmodload zsh/zselect):

      zmodload zsh/zselect
      typeset -F SECONDS=0
      while true; do
      date '+%FZ%T.%2N%z'
      ((++n > SECONDS)) && zselect -t $((((n - SECONDS) * 100) | 0))

      Those should not drift as long as the commands in the loop take less than one second to run.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        Another alternative (if you can't use, e.g., watch -p as Maelstrom suggests) is sleepenh [manpage], which is designed for this.



        t=$(sleepenh 0)
        while true; do
        date +'sec=%s ns=%N'
        sleep 0.2
        t=$(sleepenh $t 1)

        Note the sleep 0.2 in there the simulate doing some time-consuming task eating around 200ms. Despite that, the nanoseconds output remain stable (well, by non-realtime OS standards) — it happens once per second:

        sec=1533663406 ns=840039402
        sec=1533663407 ns=840105387
        sec=1533663408 ns=840380678
        sec=1533663409 ns=840175397
        sec=1533663410 ns=840132883
        sec=1533663411 ns=840263150
        sec=1533663412 ns=840246082
        sec=1533663413 ns=840259567
        sec=1533663414 ns=840066687

        That's under 1ms different, and no trend. That's quite good; you should expect bounces of at least 10ms if there is any load on the system — but still no drift over time. I.e., you won't lose a second.

        share|improve this answer

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          5 Answers




          5 Answers










          up vote
          down vote


          To stay a bit closer to the original code, what I do is:

          while true; do
          sleep 1 &
          ...your stuff here...
          wait # for sleep

          This changes the semantics a little: if your stuff took less than a second, it will simply wait for the full second to pass. However, if your stuff takes longer than a second for any reason, it won't keep spawning even more subprocesses with never any end to it.

          So your stuff never runs in parallel, and not in the background, so variables work as expected too.

          Note that if you do start additional background tasks as well, you'll have to change the wait instruction to only wait for the sleep process specifically.

          If you need it to be even more accurate, you'll probably just have to sync it to the system clock and sleep ms instead of full seconds.

          How to sync to system clock? No idea really, stupid attempt:


          while sleep 1
          date +%N

          Output: 003511461 010510925 016081282 021643477 028504349 03... (keeps growing)


           while sleep 0.$((1999999999 - 1$(date +%N)))
          date +%N

          Output: 002648691 001098397 002514348 001293023 001679137 00... (stays same)

          share|improve this answer

          • 6

            This sleep/wait trick is really clever !
            – philfr
            2 days ago

          • I'm wondering if all implementations of sleep handle fractional seconds?
            – jcaron

          • 1

            @jcaron not all of them. but it works for gnu sleep and busybox sleep so it's not exotic. You could probably do a simple fallback like sleep 0.9 || sleep 1 as invalid parameter is pretty much the only reason for sleep to ever fail.
            – frostschutz

          • @frostschutz I'd expect sleep 0.9 to be interpreted as sleep 0 by naïve implementations (given that's what atoi would do). Not sure if that would actually result in an error.
            – jcaron

          • 1

            I'm happy to see this question sparked a lot of interest. Your suggestion and answer are very good. Not only does it keep within the second, it also sticks as close to the whole second as possible. Impressive! (PS! On a side note, one must install GNU Coreutils and use gdate on macOS to make date +%N work.)
            – forthrin

          up vote
          down vote


          To stay a bit closer to the original code, what I do is:

          while true; do
          sleep 1 &
          ...your stuff here...
          wait # for sleep

          This changes the semantics a little: if your stuff took less than a second, it will simply wait for the full second to pass. However, if your stuff takes longer than a second for any reason, it won't keep spawning even more subprocesses with never any end to it.

          So your stuff never runs in parallel, and not in the background, so variables work as expected too.

          Note that if you do start additional background tasks as well, you'll have to change the wait instruction to only wait for the sleep process specifically.

          If you need it to be even more accurate, you'll probably just have to sync it to the system clock and sleep ms instead of full seconds.

          How to sync to system clock? No idea really, stupid attempt:


          while sleep 1
          date +%N

          Output: 003511461 010510925 016081282 021643477 028504349 03... (keeps growing)


           while sleep 0.$((1999999999 - 1$(date +%N)))
          date +%N

          Output: 002648691 001098397 002514348 001293023 001679137 00... (stays same)

          share|improve this answer

          • 6

            This sleep/wait trick is really clever !
            – philfr
            2 days ago

          • I'm wondering if all implementations of sleep handle fractional seconds?
            – jcaron

          • 1

            @jcaron not all of them. but it works for gnu sleep and busybox sleep so it's not exotic. You could probably do a simple fallback like sleep 0.9 || sleep 1 as invalid parameter is pretty much the only reason for sleep to ever fail.
            – frostschutz

          • @frostschutz I'd expect sleep 0.9 to be interpreted as sleep 0 by naïve implementations (given that's what atoi would do). Not sure if that would actually result in an error.
            – jcaron

          • 1

            I'm happy to see this question sparked a lot of interest. Your suggestion and answer are very good. Not only does it keep within the second, it also sticks as close to the whole second as possible. Impressive! (PS! On a side note, one must install GNU Coreutils and use gdate on macOS to make date +%N work.)
            – forthrin

          up vote
          down vote


          up vote
          down vote


          To stay a bit closer to the original code, what I do is:

          while true; do
          sleep 1 &
          ...your stuff here...
          wait # for sleep

          This changes the semantics a little: if your stuff took less than a second, it will simply wait for the full second to pass. However, if your stuff takes longer than a second for any reason, it won't keep spawning even more subprocesses with never any end to it.

          So your stuff never runs in parallel, and not in the background, so variables work as expected too.

          Note that if you do start additional background tasks as well, you'll have to change the wait instruction to only wait for the sleep process specifically.

          If you need it to be even more accurate, you'll probably just have to sync it to the system clock and sleep ms instead of full seconds.

          How to sync to system clock? No idea really, stupid attempt:


          while sleep 1
          date +%N

          Output: 003511461 010510925 016081282 021643477 028504349 03... (keeps growing)


           while sleep 0.$((1999999999 - 1$(date +%N)))
          date +%N

          Output: 002648691 001098397 002514348 001293023 001679137 00... (stays same)

          share|improve this answer

          To stay a bit closer to the original code, what I do is:

          while true; do
          sleep 1 &
          ...your stuff here...
          wait # for sleep

          This changes the semantics a little: if your stuff took less than a second, it will simply wait for the full second to pass. However, if your stuff takes longer than a second for any reason, it won't keep spawning even more subprocesses with never any end to it.

          So your stuff never runs in parallel, and not in the background, so variables work as expected too.

          Note that if you do start additional background tasks as well, you'll have to change the wait instruction to only wait for the sleep process specifically.

          If you need it to be even more accurate, you'll probably just have to sync it to the system clock and sleep ms instead of full seconds.

          How to sync to system clock? No idea really, stupid attempt:


          while sleep 1
          date +%N

          Output: 003511461 010510925 016081282 021643477 028504349 03... (keeps growing)


           while sleep 0.$((1999999999 - 1$(date +%N)))
          date +%N

          Output: 002648691 001098397 002514348 001293023 001679137 00... (stays same)

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Aug 6 at 15:34

          answered Aug 6 at 15:20




          • 6

            This sleep/wait trick is really clever !
            – philfr
            2 days ago

          • I'm wondering if all implementations of sleep handle fractional seconds?
            – jcaron

          • 1

            @jcaron not all of them. but it works for gnu sleep and busybox sleep so it's not exotic. You could probably do a simple fallback like sleep 0.9 || sleep 1 as invalid parameter is pretty much the only reason for sleep to ever fail.
            – frostschutz

          • @frostschutz I'd expect sleep 0.9 to be interpreted as sleep 0 by naïve implementations (given that's what atoi would do). Not sure if that would actually result in an error.
            – jcaron

          • 1

            I'm happy to see this question sparked a lot of interest. Your suggestion and answer are very good. Not only does it keep within the second, it also sticks as close to the whole second as possible. Impressive! (PS! On a side note, one must install GNU Coreutils and use gdate on macOS to make date +%N work.)
            – forthrin

          • 6

            This sleep/wait trick is really clever !
            – philfr
            2 days ago

          • I'm wondering if all implementations of sleep handle fractional seconds?
            – jcaron

          • 1

            @jcaron not all of them. but it works for gnu sleep and busybox sleep so it's not exotic. You could probably do a simple fallback like sleep 0.9 || sleep 1 as invalid parameter is pretty much the only reason for sleep to ever fail.
            – frostschutz

          • @frostschutz I'd expect sleep 0.9 to be interpreted as sleep 0 by naïve implementations (given that's what atoi would do). Not sure if that would actually result in an error.
            – jcaron

          • 1

            I'm happy to see this question sparked a lot of interest. Your suggestion and answer are very good. Not only does it keep within the second, it also sticks as close to the whole second as possible. Impressive! (PS! On a side note, one must install GNU Coreutils and use gdate on macOS to make date +%N work.)
            – forthrin



          This sleep/wait trick is really clever !
          – philfr
          2 days ago

          This sleep/wait trick is really clever !
          – philfr
          2 days ago

          I'm wondering if all implementations of sleep handle fractional seconds?
          – jcaron

          I'm wondering if all implementations of sleep handle fractional seconds?
          – jcaron



          @jcaron not all of them. but it works for gnu sleep and busybox sleep so it's not exotic. You could probably do a simple fallback like sleep 0.9 || sleep 1 as invalid parameter is pretty much the only reason for sleep to ever fail.
          – frostschutz

          @jcaron not all of them. but it works for gnu sleep and busybox sleep so it's not exotic. You could probably do a simple fallback like sleep 0.9 || sleep 1 as invalid parameter is pretty much the only reason for sleep to ever fail.
          – frostschutz

          @frostschutz I'd expect sleep 0.9 to be interpreted as sleep 0 by naïve implementations (given that's what atoi would do). Not sure if that would actually result in an error.
          – jcaron

          @frostschutz I'd expect sleep 0.9 to be interpreted as sleep 0 by naïve implementations (given that's what atoi would do). Not sure if that would actually result in an error.
          – jcaron



          I'm happy to see this question sparked a lot of interest. Your suggestion and answer are very good. Not only does it keep within the second, it also sticks as close to the whole second as possible. Impressive! (PS! On a side note, one must install GNU Coreutils and use gdate on macOS to make date +%N work.)
          – forthrin

          I'm happy to see this question sparked a lot of interest. Your suggestion and answer are very good. Not only does it keep within the second, it also sticks as close to the whole second as possible. Impressive! (PS! On a side note, one must install GNU Coreutils and use gdate on macOS to make date +%N work.)
          – forthrin

          up vote
          down vote

          If you can restructure your loop into a script / oneliner then the simplest way to do this is with watch and its precise option.

          You can see the effect with watch -n 1 sleep 0.5 - it will show seconds counting up, but will occasionally skip over a second. Running it as watch -n 1 -p sleep 0.5 will output twice per second, every second, and you won't see any skips.

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            If you can restructure your loop into a script / oneliner then the simplest way to do this is with watch and its precise option.

            You can see the effect with watch -n 1 sleep 0.5 - it will show seconds counting up, but will occasionally skip over a second. Running it as watch -n 1 -p sleep 0.5 will output twice per second, every second, and you won't see any skips.

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              up vote
              down vote

              If you can restructure your loop into a script / oneliner then the simplest way to do this is with watch and its precise option.

              You can see the effect with watch -n 1 sleep 0.5 - it will show seconds counting up, but will occasionally skip over a second. Running it as watch -n 1 -p sleep 0.5 will output twice per second, every second, and you won't see any skips.

              share|improve this answer

              If you can restructure your loop into a script / oneliner then the simplest way to do this is with watch and its precise option.

              You can see the effect with watch -n 1 sleep 0.5 - it will show seconds counting up, but will occasionally skip over a second. Running it as watch -n 1 -p sleep 0.5 will output twice per second, every second, and you won't see any skips.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered Aug 7 at 0:10




                  up vote
                  down vote

                  Running the operations in a subshell that runs as a background job would make them not interfere so much with the sleep.

                  while true; do
                  TIME=$(date +%T)
                  # some calculations which take a few hundred milliseconds
                  printf '%s %s %sn' "$TIME" "$FOO" "$BAR"
                  ) &
                  sleep 1

                  The only time "stolen" from the one second would be the time taken to launch the subshell, so it would eventually skip a second, but hopefully less often than the original code.

                  If the code in the subshell ends up using more than a second, the loop would start to accumulate background jobs and eventually run out of resources.

                  share|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    Running the operations in a subshell that runs as a background job would make them not interfere so much with the sleep.

                    while true; do
                    TIME=$(date +%T)
                    # some calculations which take a few hundred milliseconds
                    printf '%s %s %sn' "$TIME" "$FOO" "$BAR"
                    ) &
                    sleep 1

                    The only time "stolen" from the one second would be the time taken to launch the subshell, so it would eventually skip a second, but hopefully less often than the original code.

                    If the code in the subshell ends up using more than a second, the loop would start to accumulate background jobs and eventually run out of resources.

                    share|improve this answer

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      Running the operations in a subshell that runs as a background job would make them not interfere so much with the sleep.

                      while true; do
                      TIME=$(date +%T)
                      # some calculations which take a few hundred milliseconds
                      printf '%s %s %sn' "$TIME" "$FOO" "$BAR"
                      ) &
                      sleep 1

                      The only time "stolen" from the one second would be the time taken to launch the subshell, so it would eventually skip a second, but hopefully less often than the original code.

                      If the code in the subshell ends up using more than a second, the loop would start to accumulate background jobs and eventually run out of resources.

                      share|improve this answer

                      Running the operations in a subshell that runs as a background job would make them not interfere so much with the sleep.

                      while true; do
                      TIME=$(date +%T)
                      # some calculations which take a few hundred milliseconds
                      printf '%s %s %sn' "$TIME" "$FOO" "$BAR"
                      ) &
                      sleep 1

                      The only time "stolen" from the one second would be the time taken to launch the subshell, so it would eventually skip a second, but hopefully less often than the original code.

                      If the code in the subshell ends up using more than a second, the loop would start to accumulate background jobs and eventually run out of resources.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      edited Aug 6 at 15:11

                      answered Aug 6 at 15:02




                          up vote
                          down vote

                          With zsh:

                          typeset -F SECONDS=0
                          while true; do
                          date '+%FT%T.%2N%z'
                          ((++n > SECONDS)) && sleep $((n - SECONDS))

                          If your sleep doesn't support floating point seconds, you can use zsh's zselect instead (after a zmodload zsh/zselect):

                          zmodload zsh/zselect
                          typeset -F SECONDS=0
                          while true; do
                          date '+%FZ%T.%2N%z'
                          ((++n > SECONDS)) && zselect -t $((((n - SECONDS) * 100) | 0))

                          Those should not drift as long as the commands in the loop take less than one second to run.

                          share|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            With zsh:

                            typeset -F SECONDS=0
                            while true; do
                            date '+%FT%T.%2N%z'
                            ((++n > SECONDS)) && sleep $((n - SECONDS))

                            If your sleep doesn't support floating point seconds, you can use zsh's zselect instead (after a zmodload zsh/zselect):

                            zmodload zsh/zselect
                            typeset -F SECONDS=0
                            while true; do
                            date '+%FZ%T.%2N%z'
                            ((++n > SECONDS)) && zselect -t $((((n - SECONDS) * 100) | 0))

                            Those should not drift as long as the commands in the loop take less than one second to run.

                            share|improve this answer

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              With zsh:

                              typeset -F SECONDS=0
                              while true; do
                              date '+%FT%T.%2N%z'
                              ((++n > SECONDS)) && sleep $((n - SECONDS))

                              If your sleep doesn't support floating point seconds, you can use zsh's zselect instead (after a zmodload zsh/zselect):

                              zmodload zsh/zselect
                              typeset -F SECONDS=0
                              while true; do
                              date '+%FZ%T.%2N%z'
                              ((++n > SECONDS)) && zselect -t $((((n - SECONDS) * 100) | 0))

                              Those should not drift as long as the commands in the loop take less than one second to run.

                              share|improve this answer

                              With zsh:

                              typeset -F SECONDS=0
                              while true; do
                              date '+%FT%T.%2N%z'
                              ((++n > SECONDS)) && sleep $((n - SECONDS))

                              If your sleep doesn't support floating point seconds, you can use zsh's zselect instead (after a zmodload zsh/zselect):

                              zmodload zsh/zselect
                              typeset -F SECONDS=0
                              while true; do
                              date '+%FZ%T.%2N%z'
                              ((++n > SECONDS)) && zselect -t $((((n - SECONDS) * 100) | 0))

                              Those should not drift as long as the commands in the loop take less than one second to run.

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              edited Aug 7 at 12:02

                              answered Aug 7 at 6:42

                              Stéphane Chazelas



                                  up vote
                                  down vote

                                  Another alternative (if you can't use, e.g., watch -p as Maelstrom suggests) is sleepenh [manpage], which is designed for this.



                                  t=$(sleepenh 0)
                                  while true; do
                                  date +'sec=%s ns=%N'
                                  sleep 0.2
                                  t=$(sleepenh $t 1)

                                  Note the sleep 0.2 in there the simulate doing some time-consuming task eating around 200ms. Despite that, the nanoseconds output remain stable (well, by non-realtime OS standards) — it happens once per second:

                                  sec=1533663406 ns=840039402
                                  sec=1533663407 ns=840105387
                                  sec=1533663408 ns=840380678
                                  sec=1533663409 ns=840175397
                                  sec=1533663410 ns=840132883
                                  sec=1533663411 ns=840263150
                                  sec=1533663412 ns=840246082
                                  sec=1533663413 ns=840259567
                                  sec=1533663414 ns=840066687

                                  That's under 1ms different, and no trend. That's quite good; you should expect bounces of at least 10ms if there is any load on the system — but still no drift over time. I.e., you won't lose a second.

                                  share|improve this answer

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    Another alternative (if you can't use, e.g., watch -p as Maelstrom suggests) is sleepenh [manpage], which is designed for this.



                                    t=$(sleepenh 0)
                                    while true; do
                                    date +'sec=%s ns=%N'
                                    sleep 0.2
                                    t=$(sleepenh $t 1)

                                    Note the sleep 0.2 in there the simulate doing some time-consuming task eating around 200ms. Despite that, the nanoseconds output remain stable (well, by non-realtime OS standards) — it happens once per second:

                                    sec=1533663406 ns=840039402
                                    sec=1533663407 ns=840105387
                                    sec=1533663408 ns=840380678
                                    sec=1533663409 ns=840175397
                                    sec=1533663410 ns=840132883
                                    sec=1533663411 ns=840263150
                                    sec=1533663412 ns=840246082
                                    sec=1533663413 ns=840259567
                                    sec=1533663414 ns=840066687

                                    That's under 1ms different, and no trend. That's quite good; you should expect bounces of at least 10ms if there is any load on the system — but still no drift over time. I.e., you won't lose a second.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      Another alternative (if you can't use, e.g., watch -p as Maelstrom suggests) is sleepenh [manpage], which is designed for this.



                                      t=$(sleepenh 0)
                                      while true; do
                                      date +'sec=%s ns=%N'
                                      sleep 0.2
                                      t=$(sleepenh $t 1)

                                      Note the sleep 0.2 in there the simulate doing some time-consuming task eating around 200ms. Despite that, the nanoseconds output remain stable (well, by non-realtime OS standards) — it happens once per second:

                                      sec=1533663406 ns=840039402
                                      sec=1533663407 ns=840105387
                                      sec=1533663408 ns=840380678
                                      sec=1533663409 ns=840175397
                                      sec=1533663410 ns=840132883
                                      sec=1533663411 ns=840263150
                                      sec=1533663412 ns=840246082
                                      sec=1533663413 ns=840259567
                                      sec=1533663414 ns=840066687

                                      That's under 1ms different, and no trend. That's quite good; you should expect bounces of at least 10ms if there is any load on the system — but still no drift over time. I.e., you won't lose a second.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      Another alternative (if you can't use, e.g., watch -p as Maelstrom suggests) is sleepenh [manpage], which is designed for this.



                                      t=$(sleepenh 0)
                                      while true; do
                                      date +'sec=%s ns=%N'
                                      sleep 0.2
                                      t=$(sleepenh $t 1)

                                      Note the sleep 0.2 in there the simulate doing some time-consuming task eating around 200ms. Despite that, the nanoseconds output remain stable (well, by non-realtime OS standards) — it happens once per second:

                                      sec=1533663406 ns=840039402
                                      sec=1533663407 ns=840105387
                                      sec=1533663408 ns=840380678
                                      sec=1533663409 ns=840175397
                                      sec=1533663410 ns=840132883
                                      sec=1533663411 ns=840263150
                                      sec=1533663412 ns=840246082
                                      sec=1533663413 ns=840259567
                                      sec=1533663414 ns=840066687

                                      That's under 1ms different, and no trend. That's quite good; you should expect bounces of at least 10ms if there is any load on the system — but still no drift over time. I.e., you won't lose a second.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      answered Aug 7 at 17:41





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