Synchronizer for importing XML files into a database when folder content changes

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I have created a Synchronizer, the purpose of which is to read data from an XML source file and store the result in a DB.

I have different source types, for example Student.XML, School.XML, etc. These files are copied in my source directory, C:Source.

My Synchronizer watches the Source folder, and every time there is a new file, it should read it, map it to my domain class and write the domain class into the DB.

If C:Source folder contains Student.XML, it should read the content of the XML file and copy it in Student Table in the DB. If C:Source contains School.XML, it should read the file and copy the content to School Table.

To solve this, I have defined an ISyncer interface:

public interface ISyncer

// Read input and synchronize destination, return error message if any
string Sync();

Now all my Syncer types (e.g. StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc) should implement this interface:

public class StudentSyncer : ISyncer

// simple XML reader, reads XML file into a list of List<XMLStudent>
private XMLStudentReader _reader;

public StudentSyncer(string file)

_reader = new XMLStudentReader(file);

public string Sync()

// read the input
List<XMLStudent> source = _reader.ReadAll();

// using automapper map to domain object
List<Student> dbStudent = Mapper.Map<List<XMLStudent>, List<Student>>(source);
dbStudent.ForEach(s => s.IsCurrent = true); // set IsCurrent

// write records to Student table, using Unit of Work patterns
using (var context = new DbContext())

UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork(context);

// set the existing records to not current
var curSet = uow.Student.FindByTrackingChanges(s => s.IsCurrent == true).ToList();
curSet.ForEach(s => s.IsCurrent = false);

return ""; // no error

I have a Windows service, which calls the DoSync() method every 30 seconds:

public void DoSync()

foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"C:Source", "*.xml"))

// use syncer factory to initialize the correct instance of syncer based on input file name
ISyncer syncer = _syncerFactory.CreateInstance(file);

// do the synchronization task

// Move file to processed folder

The Factory is a simple factory. It reads the source file name, e.g. Student.XML, School.XML and based on the file name. It initializes the correct Syncer, e.g. StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer.

I am happy with the code, but it is bothering me because I feel it is not following the Single Responsibility Principle (S of SOLID). My Syncer class is not doing 1 task, but it is doing 3 tasks: read input, map to domain class, write to DB.

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  • Synchronizer should watch the Source folder - where is the code that does that? Have you removed anything?
    – t3chb0t
    Jun 22 at 9:42

  • @t3chb0t, thanks. It's a Windows event handler which calls DoSync () every 30 seconds. I did not include that part of the code in the review as I thought it's straight forward ... can add it, if it is necessary.
    – Hooman
    Jun 22 at 9:50

up vote
down vote


I have created a Synchronizer, the purpose of which is to read data from an XML source file and store the result in a DB.

I have different source types, for example Student.XML, School.XML, etc. These files are copied in my source directory, C:Source.

My Synchronizer watches the Source folder, and every time there is a new file, it should read it, map it to my domain class and write the domain class into the DB.

If C:Source folder contains Student.XML, it should read the content of the XML file and copy it in Student Table in the DB. If C:Source contains School.XML, it should read the file and copy the content to School Table.

To solve this, I have defined an ISyncer interface:

public interface ISyncer

// Read input and synchronize destination, return error message if any
string Sync();

Now all my Syncer types (e.g. StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc) should implement this interface:

public class StudentSyncer : ISyncer

// simple XML reader, reads XML file into a list of List<XMLStudent>
private XMLStudentReader _reader;

public StudentSyncer(string file)

_reader = new XMLStudentReader(file);

public string Sync()

// read the input
List<XMLStudent> source = _reader.ReadAll();

// using automapper map to domain object
List<Student> dbStudent = Mapper.Map<List<XMLStudent>, List<Student>>(source);
dbStudent.ForEach(s => s.IsCurrent = true); // set IsCurrent

// write records to Student table, using Unit of Work patterns
using (var context = new DbContext())

UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork(context);

// set the existing records to not current
var curSet = uow.Student.FindByTrackingChanges(s => s.IsCurrent == true).ToList();
curSet.ForEach(s => s.IsCurrent = false);

return ""; // no error

I have a Windows service, which calls the DoSync() method every 30 seconds:

public void DoSync()

foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"C:Source", "*.xml"))

// use syncer factory to initialize the correct instance of syncer based on input file name
ISyncer syncer = _syncerFactory.CreateInstance(file);

// do the synchronization task

// Move file to processed folder

The Factory is a simple factory. It reads the source file name, e.g. Student.XML, School.XML and based on the file name. It initializes the correct Syncer, e.g. StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer.

I am happy with the code, but it is bothering me because I feel it is not following the Single Responsibility Principle (S of SOLID). My Syncer class is not doing 1 task, but it is doing 3 tasks: read input, map to domain class, write to DB.

share|improve this question

  • Synchronizer should watch the Source folder - where is the code that does that? Have you removed anything?
    – t3chb0t
    Jun 22 at 9:42

  • @t3chb0t, thanks. It's a Windows event handler which calls DoSync () every 30 seconds. I did not include that part of the code in the review as I thought it's straight forward ... can add it, if it is necessary.
    – Hooman
    Jun 22 at 9:50

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I have created a Synchronizer, the purpose of which is to read data from an XML source file and store the result in a DB.

I have different source types, for example Student.XML, School.XML, etc. These files are copied in my source directory, C:Source.

My Synchronizer watches the Source folder, and every time there is a new file, it should read it, map it to my domain class and write the domain class into the DB.

If C:Source folder contains Student.XML, it should read the content of the XML file and copy it in Student Table in the DB. If C:Source contains School.XML, it should read the file and copy the content to School Table.

To solve this, I have defined an ISyncer interface:

public interface ISyncer

// Read input and synchronize destination, return error message if any
string Sync();

Now all my Syncer types (e.g. StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc) should implement this interface:

public class StudentSyncer : ISyncer

// simple XML reader, reads XML file into a list of List<XMLStudent>
private XMLStudentReader _reader;

public StudentSyncer(string file)

_reader = new XMLStudentReader(file);

public string Sync()

// read the input
List<XMLStudent> source = _reader.ReadAll();

// using automapper map to domain object
List<Student> dbStudent = Mapper.Map<List<XMLStudent>, List<Student>>(source);
dbStudent.ForEach(s => s.IsCurrent = true); // set IsCurrent

// write records to Student table, using Unit of Work patterns
using (var context = new DbContext())

UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork(context);

// set the existing records to not current
var curSet = uow.Student.FindByTrackingChanges(s => s.IsCurrent == true).ToList();
curSet.ForEach(s => s.IsCurrent = false);

return ""; // no error

I have a Windows service, which calls the DoSync() method every 30 seconds:

public void DoSync()

foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"C:Source", "*.xml"))

// use syncer factory to initialize the correct instance of syncer based on input file name
ISyncer syncer = _syncerFactory.CreateInstance(file);

// do the synchronization task

// Move file to processed folder

The Factory is a simple factory. It reads the source file name, e.g. Student.XML, School.XML and based on the file name. It initializes the correct Syncer, e.g. StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer.

I am happy with the code, but it is bothering me because I feel it is not following the Single Responsibility Principle (S of SOLID). My Syncer class is not doing 1 task, but it is doing 3 tasks: read input, map to domain class, write to DB.

share|improve this question

I have created a Synchronizer, the purpose of which is to read data from an XML source file and store the result in a DB.

I have different source types, for example Student.XML, School.XML, etc. These files are copied in my source directory, C:Source.

My Synchronizer watches the Source folder, and every time there is a new file, it should read it, map it to my domain class and write the domain class into the DB.

If C:Source folder contains Student.XML, it should read the content of the XML file and copy it in Student Table in the DB. If C:Source contains School.XML, it should read the file and copy the content to School Table.

To solve this, I have defined an ISyncer interface:

public interface ISyncer

// Read input and synchronize destination, return error message if any
string Sync();

Now all my Syncer types (e.g. StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc) should implement this interface:

public class StudentSyncer : ISyncer

// simple XML reader, reads XML file into a list of List<XMLStudent>
private XMLStudentReader _reader;

public StudentSyncer(string file)

_reader = new XMLStudentReader(file);

public string Sync()

// read the input
List<XMLStudent> source = _reader.ReadAll();

// using automapper map to domain object
List<Student> dbStudent = Mapper.Map<List<XMLStudent>, List<Student>>(source);
dbStudent.ForEach(s => s.IsCurrent = true); // set IsCurrent

// write records to Student table, using Unit of Work patterns
using (var context = new DbContext())

UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork(context);

// set the existing records to not current
var curSet = uow.Student.FindByTrackingChanges(s => s.IsCurrent == true).ToList();
curSet.ForEach(s => s.IsCurrent = false);

return ""; // no error

I have a Windows service, which calls the DoSync() method every 30 seconds:

public void DoSync()

foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"C:Source", "*.xml"))

// use syncer factory to initialize the correct instance of syncer based on input file name
ISyncer syncer = _syncerFactory.CreateInstance(file);

// do the synchronization task

// Move file to processed folder

The Factory is a simple factory. It reads the source file name, e.g. Student.XML, School.XML and based on the file name. It initializes the correct Syncer, e.g. StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer.

I am happy with the code, but it is bothering me because I feel it is not following the Single Responsibility Principle (S of SOLID). My Syncer class is not doing 1 task, but it is doing 3 tasks: read input, map to domain class, write to DB.

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edited Jul 5 at 2:31

asked Jun 22 at 3:50




  • Synchronizer should watch the Source folder - where is the code that does that? Have you removed anything?
    – t3chb0t
    Jun 22 at 9:42

  • @t3chb0t, thanks. It's a Windows event handler which calls DoSync () every 30 seconds. I did not include that part of the code in the review as I thought it's straight forward ... can add it, if it is necessary.
    – Hooman
    Jun 22 at 9:50

  • Synchronizer should watch the Source folder - where is the code that does that? Have you removed anything?
    – t3chb0t
    Jun 22 at 9:42

  • @t3chb0t, thanks. It's a Windows event handler which calls DoSync () every 30 seconds. I did not include that part of the code in the review as I thought it's straight forward ... can add it, if it is necessary.
    – Hooman
    Jun 22 at 9:50

Synchronizer should watch the Source folder - where is the code that does that? Have you removed anything?
– t3chb0t
Jun 22 at 9:42

Synchronizer should watch the Source folder - where is the code that does that? Have you removed anything?
– t3chb0t
Jun 22 at 9:42

@t3chb0t, thanks. It's a Windows event handler which calls DoSync () every 30 seconds. I did not include that part of the code in the review as I thought it's straight forward ... can add it, if it is necessary.
– Hooman
Jun 22 at 9:50

@t3chb0t, thanks. It's a Windows event handler which calls DoSync () every 30 seconds. I did not include that part of the code in the review as I thought it's straight forward ... can add it, if it is necessary.
– Hooman
Jun 22 at 9:50

1 Answer




up vote
down vote

How about extracting tasks common to all source types into an (abstract) base class that, in turn, implements your ISyncer interface?

I would also change the error reporting by using exceptions, rather than have the method return a string in case of error.

Edit, code example (C#-ish pseudo code)

abstract class SyncerBase : ISyncer

sealed List<T> Map(List source, List target)

// Mapping magic here

sealed SaveToDB(List dataToSave, params ...)

// Your database access here

Put utility methods and common stuff for all your synchronizers in that base class, and inherit it.

class StundentSyncer : SyncerBase

// Constructor as in your code
void Sync(string file)

var XMLstudents = _reader.ReadAll();
var students = Map(XMLstudents); // calling base class here!
// Manipulate student list here as needed
SaveToDB (students, database params here) // base class here, too

share|improve this answer

  • thanks. Exception is very good advice. I am not sure what you mean about abstracting the common functinality of all types?
    – Hooman
    Jun 22 at 10:11

  • @Hooman you mention that you have StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc - it's very likely that they repeat the same code but it's hard to say because we don't see the other implemenations.
    – t3chb0t
    Jun 22 at 10:17

  • What is type T? And how to initialize Syncer / SyncerBase using a factory pattern? The reason I did not include Reader, Writer and Mapper inside ISyncer, was that I wanted to easily initialize the Syncers in a Factory.
    – Hooman
    Jun 23 at 0:44

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1 Answer




1 Answer










up vote
down vote

How about extracting tasks common to all source types into an (abstract) base class that, in turn, implements your ISyncer interface?

I would also change the error reporting by using exceptions, rather than have the method return a string in case of error.

Edit, code example (C#-ish pseudo code)

abstract class SyncerBase : ISyncer

sealed List<T> Map(List source, List target)

// Mapping magic here

sealed SaveToDB(List dataToSave, params ...)

// Your database access here

Put utility methods and common stuff for all your synchronizers in that base class, and inherit it.

class StundentSyncer : SyncerBase

// Constructor as in your code
void Sync(string file)

var XMLstudents = _reader.ReadAll();
var students = Map(XMLstudents); // calling base class here!
// Manipulate student list here as needed
SaveToDB (students, database params here) // base class here, too

share|improve this answer

  • thanks. Exception is very good advice. I am not sure what you mean about abstracting the common functinality of all types?
    – Hooman
    Jun 22 at 10:11

  • @Hooman you mention that you have StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc - it's very likely that they repeat the same code but it's hard to say because we don't see the other implemenations.
    – t3chb0t
    Jun 22 at 10:17

  • What is type T? And how to initialize Syncer / SyncerBase using a factory pattern? The reason I did not include Reader, Writer and Mapper inside ISyncer, was that I wanted to easily initialize the Syncers in a Factory.
    – Hooman
    Jun 23 at 0:44

up vote
down vote

How about extracting tasks common to all source types into an (abstract) base class that, in turn, implements your ISyncer interface?

I would also change the error reporting by using exceptions, rather than have the method return a string in case of error.

Edit, code example (C#-ish pseudo code)

abstract class SyncerBase : ISyncer

sealed List<T> Map(List source, List target)

// Mapping magic here

sealed SaveToDB(List dataToSave, params ...)

// Your database access here

Put utility methods and common stuff for all your synchronizers in that base class, and inherit it.

class StundentSyncer : SyncerBase

// Constructor as in your code
void Sync(string file)

var XMLstudents = _reader.ReadAll();
var students = Map(XMLstudents); // calling base class here!
// Manipulate student list here as needed
SaveToDB (students, database params here) // base class here, too

share|improve this answer

  • thanks. Exception is very good advice. I am not sure what you mean about abstracting the common functinality of all types?
    – Hooman
    Jun 22 at 10:11

  • @Hooman you mention that you have StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc - it's very likely that they repeat the same code but it's hard to say because we don't see the other implemenations.
    – t3chb0t
    Jun 22 at 10:17

  • What is type T? And how to initialize Syncer / SyncerBase using a factory pattern? The reason I did not include Reader, Writer and Mapper inside ISyncer, was that I wanted to easily initialize the Syncers in a Factory.
    – Hooman
    Jun 23 at 0:44

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

How about extracting tasks common to all source types into an (abstract) base class that, in turn, implements your ISyncer interface?

I would also change the error reporting by using exceptions, rather than have the method return a string in case of error.

Edit, code example (C#-ish pseudo code)

abstract class SyncerBase : ISyncer

sealed List<T> Map(List source, List target)

// Mapping magic here

sealed SaveToDB(List dataToSave, params ...)

// Your database access here

Put utility methods and common stuff for all your synchronizers in that base class, and inherit it.

class StundentSyncer : SyncerBase

// Constructor as in your code
void Sync(string file)

var XMLstudents = _reader.ReadAll();
var students = Map(XMLstudents); // calling base class here!
// Manipulate student list here as needed
SaveToDB (students, database params here) // base class here, too

share|improve this answer

How about extracting tasks common to all source types into an (abstract) base class that, in turn, implements your ISyncer interface?

I would also change the error reporting by using exceptions, rather than have the method return a string in case of error.

Edit, code example (C#-ish pseudo code)

abstract class SyncerBase : ISyncer

sealed List<T> Map(List source, List target)

// Mapping magic here

sealed SaveToDB(List dataToSave, params ...)

// Your database access here

Put utility methods and common stuff for all your synchronizers in that base class, and inherit it.

class StundentSyncer : SyncerBase

// Constructor as in your code
void Sync(string file)

var XMLstudents = _reader.ReadAll();
var students = Map(XMLstudents); // calling base class here!
// Manipulate student list here as needed
SaveToDB (students, database params here) // base class here, too

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Jun 22 at 10:56

answered Jun 22 at 9:37




  • thanks. Exception is very good advice. I am not sure what you mean about abstracting the common functinality of all types?
    – Hooman
    Jun 22 at 10:11

  • @Hooman you mention that you have StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc - it's very likely that they repeat the same code but it's hard to say because we don't see the other implemenations.
    – t3chb0t
    Jun 22 at 10:17

  • What is type T? And how to initialize Syncer / SyncerBase using a factory pattern? The reason I did not include Reader, Writer and Mapper inside ISyncer, was that I wanted to easily initialize the Syncers in a Factory.
    – Hooman
    Jun 23 at 0:44

  • thanks. Exception is very good advice. I am not sure what you mean about abstracting the common functinality of all types?
    – Hooman
    Jun 22 at 10:11

  • @Hooman you mention that you have StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc - it's very likely that they repeat the same code but it's hard to say because we don't see the other implemenations.
    – t3chb0t
    Jun 22 at 10:17

  • What is type T? And how to initialize Syncer / SyncerBase using a factory pattern? The reason I did not include Reader, Writer and Mapper inside ISyncer, was that I wanted to easily initialize the Syncers in a Factory.
    – Hooman
    Jun 23 at 0:44

thanks. Exception is very good advice. I am not sure what you mean about abstracting the common functinality of all types?
– Hooman
Jun 22 at 10:11

thanks. Exception is very good advice. I am not sure what you mean about abstracting the common functinality of all types?
– Hooman
Jun 22 at 10:11

@Hooman you mention that you have StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc - it's very likely that they repeat the same code but it's hard to say because we don't see the other implemenations.
– t3chb0t
Jun 22 at 10:17

@Hooman you mention that you have StudentSyncer, SchoolSyncer, etc - it's very likely that they repeat the same code but it's hard to say because we don't see the other implemenations.
– t3chb0t
Jun 22 at 10:17

What is type T? And how to initialize Syncer / SyncerBase using a factory pattern? The reason I did not include Reader, Writer and Mapper inside ISyncer, was that I wanted to easily initialize the Syncers in a Factory.
– Hooman
Jun 23 at 0:44

What is type T? And how to initialize Syncer / SyncerBase using a factory pattern? The reason I did not include Reader, Writer and Mapper inside ISyncer, was that I wanted to easily initialize the Syncers in a Factory.
– Hooman
Jun 23 at 0:44


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