Deleting EXIF metadata from pictures

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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My app is about deleting exif metadata from pictures. Also, what do you think about the code quality (OOP principles, clean code)? Is it production-ready?


public final class MetaWipe 

private final ArgumentResolver resolver = new ArgumentResolver();
private final ExifEraserService eraser = new ExifEraserServiceImpl();
private CommandLine params = null;

private static final char FILE_ARG = 'f';
private static final char DIR_ARG = 'd';
private static final String HELP_ARG = "help";

private static final String VERSION = "0.1";

private void run(final String args)
if(params != null)
if (params.hasOption(FILE_ARG) && (!params.hasOption(DIR_ARG) && !params.hasOption(HELP_ARG)))
else if (params.hasOption(DIR_ARG) && !params.hasOption(FILE_ARG))
else if(params.hasOption(HELP_ARG) && (!params.hasOption(FILE_ARG) && !params.hasOption(DIR_ARG)))

else resolver.displayUsage();

private void tryEraseExifInDir(final String pathValue)
if (!empty(pathValue))
final Path dir = Paths.get(pathValue);;
catch (NotDirectoryException nde)
exitWithErrorMessage("This is not a directory: " + pathValue, 2);
catch (FileNotFoundException fne)
exitWithErrorMessage("Directory not found : " + pathValue, 2);
catch (IOException e)
exitWithErrorMessage("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), 2);

exitWithErrorMessage("You must supply a path", 1);

private void tryEraseExifOrExitOnFailure(final String pathValue)
if (!empty(pathValue))
final Path path = Paths.get(pathValue);
catch (NotAFileException nfe)
exitWithErrorMessage("This is not a file! " + pathValue, 2);
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
exitWithErrorMessage("File not found! " + pathValue, 2);
catch (ImageReadException ire)
exitWithErrorMessage("Can't read image! " + ire.getMessage(), 4);
catch (ImageWriteException iwe)
exitWithErrorMessage("Can't write image! " + iwe.getMessage(), 4);
catch (IOException e)
exitWithErrorMessage("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), 2);

exitWithErrorMessage("You must supply a path !", 1);

private void parseCommandLineArguments(String args)
params = resolver.parseCommandLineArguments(args);
catch (ParseException e)
exitWithErrorMessage("Invalid parameters !", 1);

private boolean empty(String str)

private void exitWithErrorMessage(String msg, int exitCode)

private void displayInfo()
System.out.println("metawipe (Version: " + VERSION +")");
System.out.println("Small command-line tool to clear the metadata/exif records of your photos to give back the control over security and privacy.");
System.out.println("It is useful to clear metadata before uploading your photos to cloud like Facebook, Google, etc if you don't want to share your GPS location");
System.out.println("and other sensitive data with anyone.");
System.out.println("Type <metawipe -help> to display the help.");
System.out.println("Visit for more info.");

public static void main(String args)
MetaWipe app = new MetaWipe();;

final class ArgumentResolver 

private static final String FILE_FLAG = "f";
private static final String DIR_FLAG = "d";
private static final String HELP_FLAG = "help";

private final Options flagOptions = new Options();
private final CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();


private void makeOptions()
Option fileOption = Option.builder(FILE_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("file").hasArg().desc("Clears metadata of the given photo").build();
Option dirOption = Option.builder(DIR_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("dir").hasArg().desc("Clears every photo in a directory and its subdirectories recursively").build();
Option helpOption = Option.builder(HELP_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("help").hasArg(false).desc("Displays this help").build();

final CommandLine parseCommandLineArguments(String args) throws ParseException
return parser.parse(flagOptions, args);

final void displayUsage()
final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp( "metawipe", flagOptions);

public final class ExifEraserServiceImpl implements ExifEraserService 

private final ExifRewriter rewriter = new ExifRewriter();
private final List<String> supportedFormats = Arrays.asList("jpg", "jpeg", "tiff");

public final void directory(final Path dir) throws IOException
if(!Files.exists(dir)) throw new FileNotFoundException();
throw new NotDirectoryException(dir.toString());
Files.walkFileTree(dir, new RecursiveDirectoryWalker(this));

* Before deleting exif data of the image, we have to make a copy of it.
* Otherwise Imaging library will throw an EOF exception if we want to read and write to the same file.
* After successful deletion, the copy gets renamed to the original file, and the original file will be overridden.

public final boolean file(final Path file) throws IOException, ImageWriteException, ImageReadException, NotAFileException
if(!Files.exists(file)) throw new FileNotFoundException();
if(Files.isDirectory(file)) throw new NotAFileException();
final Path copiedFile = makeCopy(file);
deleteExifMetaData(file, copiedFile);
Files.move(copiedFile, file, REPLACE_EXISTING);

return checkExifDeleted(file);

private void deleteExifMetaData(final Path f, final Path copy) throws IOException, ImageWriteException, ImageReadException
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(copy.toFile()); OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(fos))
rewriter.removeExifMetadata(f.toFile(), os);
/* During deleting, exceptions may occur.
In this case, we have to delete the copy of the original file */
catch (ImageReadException e)
throw new ImageReadException(e.getMessage(), e);
catch (ImageWriteException e)
throw new ImageWriteException(e.getMessage(), e);

Path makeCopy(final Path original) throws IOException
final String tempFileName = FileNameResolver.getFilePath(original) + File.separator +
FileNameResolver.getFileNameWithoutExtension(original) + "_copy." + FileNameResolver.getExtension(original);
final Path copiedFilePath = Paths.get(tempFileName);
if(Files.exists(copiedFilePath)) Files.deleteIfExists(copiedFilePath);
Files.copy(original, copiedFilePath);
return copiedFilePath;

boolean checkExifDeleted(final Path f) throws IOException, ImageReadException
// Sometimes metadata is null even if the exif records deleted
final IImageMetadata metadata = Imaging.getMetadata(f.toFile());
return metadata == null

class RecursiveDirectoryWalker implements FileVisitor<Path> 

private final PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:**.jpg,jpeg,tiff");
private ExifEraserService eraser;

RecursiveDirectoryWalker(ExifEraserService eraser)
this.eraser = eraser;

public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
Stream<Path> list = Files.list(dir);
if (list != null)
.forEach((Path f) -> IOException ie)
System.out.println("Error: " + ie);
catch (NotAFileException ignore)


return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
catch (ImageWriteException
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException
if(exc != null)
System.out.println("Error: " + exc);

return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException
if(exc != null)
System.out.println("Error: " + exc);

return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

final class FileNameResolver 

static String getFilePath(final Path file)
String absolutePath = file.toAbsolutePath().toString();
return absolutePath.substring(0,absolutePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator));

// TODO : duplicate code

static String getFileNameWithoutExtension(final Path file)
String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (pos > 0)
fileName = fileName.substring(0, pos);

return fileName;

static String getExtension(final Path file)
String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (pos > 0)
fileName = fileName.substring(pos + 1);

return fileName;

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    up vote
    down vote


    My app is about deleting exif metadata from pictures. Also, what do you think about the code quality (OOP principles, clean code)? Is it production-ready?


    public final class MetaWipe 

    private final ArgumentResolver resolver = new ArgumentResolver();
    private final ExifEraserService eraser = new ExifEraserServiceImpl();
    private CommandLine params = null;

    private static final char FILE_ARG = 'f';
    private static final char DIR_ARG = 'd';
    private static final String HELP_ARG = "help";

    private static final String VERSION = "0.1";

    private void run(final String args)
    if(params != null)
    if (params.hasOption(FILE_ARG) && (!params.hasOption(DIR_ARG) && !params.hasOption(HELP_ARG)))
    else if (params.hasOption(DIR_ARG) && !params.hasOption(FILE_ARG))
    else if(params.hasOption(HELP_ARG) && (!params.hasOption(FILE_ARG) && !params.hasOption(DIR_ARG)))

    else resolver.displayUsage();

    private void tryEraseExifInDir(final String pathValue)
    if (!empty(pathValue))
    final Path dir = Paths.get(pathValue);;
    catch (NotDirectoryException nde)
    exitWithErrorMessage("This is not a directory: " + pathValue, 2);
    catch (FileNotFoundException fne)
    exitWithErrorMessage("Directory not found : " + pathValue, 2);
    catch (IOException e)
    exitWithErrorMessage("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), 2);

    exitWithErrorMessage("You must supply a path", 1);

    private void tryEraseExifOrExitOnFailure(final String pathValue)
    if (!empty(pathValue))
    final Path path = Paths.get(pathValue);
    catch (NotAFileException nfe)
    exitWithErrorMessage("This is not a file! " + pathValue, 2);
    catch (FileNotFoundException e)
    exitWithErrorMessage("File not found! " + pathValue, 2);
    catch (ImageReadException ire)
    exitWithErrorMessage("Can't read image! " + ire.getMessage(), 4);
    catch (ImageWriteException iwe)
    exitWithErrorMessage("Can't write image! " + iwe.getMessage(), 4);
    catch (IOException e)
    exitWithErrorMessage("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), 2);

    exitWithErrorMessage("You must supply a path !", 1);

    private void parseCommandLineArguments(String args)
    params = resolver.parseCommandLineArguments(args);
    catch (ParseException e)
    exitWithErrorMessage("Invalid parameters !", 1);

    private boolean empty(String str)

    private void exitWithErrorMessage(String msg, int exitCode)

    private void displayInfo()
    System.out.println("metawipe (Version: " + VERSION +")");
    System.out.println("Small command-line tool to clear the metadata/exif records of your photos to give back the control over security and privacy.");
    System.out.println("It is useful to clear metadata before uploading your photos to cloud like Facebook, Google, etc if you don't want to share your GPS location");
    System.out.println("and other sensitive data with anyone.");
    System.out.println("Type <metawipe -help> to display the help.");
    System.out.println("Visit for more info.");

    public static void main(String args)
    MetaWipe app = new MetaWipe();;

    final class ArgumentResolver 

    private static final String FILE_FLAG = "f";
    private static final String DIR_FLAG = "d";
    private static final String HELP_FLAG = "help";

    private final Options flagOptions = new Options();
    private final CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();


    private void makeOptions()
    Option fileOption = Option.builder(FILE_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("file").hasArg().desc("Clears metadata of the given photo").build();
    Option dirOption = Option.builder(DIR_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("dir").hasArg().desc("Clears every photo in a directory and its subdirectories recursively").build();
    Option helpOption = Option.builder(HELP_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("help").hasArg(false).desc("Displays this help").build();

    final CommandLine parseCommandLineArguments(String args) throws ParseException
    return parser.parse(flagOptions, args);

    final void displayUsage()
    final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
    formatter.printHelp( "metawipe", flagOptions);

    public final class ExifEraserServiceImpl implements ExifEraserService 

    private final ExifRewriter rewriter = new ExifRewriter();
    private final List<String> supportedFormats = Arrays.asList("jpg", "jpeg", "tiff");

    public final void directory(final Path dir) throws IOException
    if(!Files.exists(dir)) throw new FileNotFoundException();
    throw new NotDirectoryException(dir.toString());
    Files.walkFileTree(dir, new RecursiveDirectoryWalker(this));

    * Before deleting exif data of the image, we have to make a copy of it.
    * Otherwise Imaging library will throw an EOF exception if we want to read and write to the same file.
    * After successful deletion, the copy gets renamed to the original file, and the original file will be overridden.

    public final boolean file(final Path file) throws IOException, ImageWriteException, ImageReadException, NotAFileException
    if(!Files.exists(file)) throw new FileNotFoundException();
    if(Files.isDirectory(file)) throw new NotAFileException();
    final Path copiedFile = makeCopy(file);
    deleteExifMetaData(file, copiedFile);
    Files.move(copiedFile, file, REPLACE_EXISTING);

    return checkExifDeleted(file);

    private void deleteExifMetaData(final Path f, final Path copy) throws IOException, ImageWriteException, ImageReadException
    try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(copy.toFile()); OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(fos))
    rewriter.removeExifMetadata(f.toFile(), os);
    /* During deleting, exceptions may occur.
    In this case, we have to delete the copy of the original file */
    catch (ImageReadException e)
    throw new ImageReadException(e.getMessage(), e);
    catch (ImageWriteException e)
    throw new ImageWriteException(e.getMessage(), e);

    Path makeCopy(final Path original) throws IOException
    final String tempFileName = FileNameResolver.getFilePath(original) + File.separator +
    FileNameResolver.getFileNameWithoutExtension(original) + "_copy." + FileNameResolver.getExtension(original);
    final Path copiedFilePath = Paths.get(tempFileName);
    if(Files.exists(copiedFilePath)) Files.deleteIfExists(copiedFilePath);
    Files.copy(original, copiedFilePath);
    return copiedFilePath;

    boolean checkExifDeleted(final Path f) throws IOException, ImageReadException
    // Sometimes metadata is null even if the exif records deleted
    final IImageMetadata metadata = Imaging.getMetadata(f.toFile());
    return metadata == null

    class RecursiveDirectoryWalker implements FileVisitor<Path> 

    private final PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:**.jpg,jpeg,tiff");
    private ExifEraserService eraser;

    RecursiveDirectoryWalker(ExifEraserService eraser)
    this.eraser = eraser;

    public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
    Stream<Path> list = Files.list(dir);
    if (list != null)
    .forEach((Path f) -> IOException ie)
    System.out.println("Error: " + ie);
    catch (NotAFileException ignore)


    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
    catch (ImageWriteException
    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException
    if(exc != null)
    System.out.println("Error: " + exc);

    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException
    if(exc != null)
    System.out.println("Error: " + exc);

    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    final class FileNameResolver 

    static String getFilePath(final Path file)
    String absolutePath = file.toAbsolutePath().toString();
    return absolutePath.substring(0,absolutePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator));

    // TODO : duplicate code

    static String getFileNameWithoutExtension(final Path file)
    String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
    int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
    if (pos > 0)
    fileName = fileName.substring(0, pos);

    return fileName;

    static String getExtension(final Path file)
    String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
    int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
    if (pos > 0)
    fileName = fileName.substring(pos + 1);

    return fileName;

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      My app is about deleting exif metadata from pictures. Also, what do you think about the code quality (OOP principles, clean code)? Is it production-ready?


      public final class MetaWipe 

      private final ArgumentResolver resolver = new ArgumentResolver();
      private final ExifEraserService eraser = new ExifEraserServiceImpl();
      private CommandLine params = null;

      private static final char FILE_ARG = 'f';
      private static final char DIR_ARG = 'd';
      private static final String HELP_ARG = "help";

      private static final String VERSION = "0.1";

      private void run(final String args)
      if(params != null)
      if (params.hasOption(FILE_ARG) && (!params.hasOption(DIR_ARG) && !params.hasOption(HELP_ARG)))
      else if (params.hasOption(DIR_ARG) && !params.hasOption(FILE_ARG))
      else if(params.hasOption(HELP_ARG) && (!params.hasOption(FILE_ARG) && !params.hasOption(DIR_ARG)))

      else resolver.displayUsage();

      private void tryEraseExifInDir(final String pathValue)
      if (!empty(pathValue))
      final Path dir = Paths.get(pathValue);;
      catch (NotDirectoryException nde)
      exitWithErrorMessage("This is not a directory: " + pathValue, 2);
      catch (FileNotFoundException fne)
      exitWithErrorMessage("Directory not found : " + pathValue, 2);
      catch (IOException e)
      exitWithErrorMessage("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), 2);

      exitWithErrorMessage("You must supply a path", 1);

      private void tryEraseExifOrExitOnFailure(final String pathValue)
      if (!empty(pathValue))
      final Path path = Paths.get(pathValue);
      catch (NotAFileException nfe)
      exitWithErrorMessage("This is not a file! " + pathValue, 2);
      catch (FileNotFoundException e)
      exitWithErrorMessage("File not found! " + pathValue, 2);
      catch (ImageReadException ire)
      exitWithErrorMessage("Can't read image! " + ire.getMessage(), 4);
      catch (ImageWriteException iwe)
      exitWithErrorMessage("Can't write image! " + iwe.getMessage(), 4);
      catch (IOException e)
      exitWithErrorMessage("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), 2);

      exitWithErrorMessage("You must supply a path !", 1);

      private void parseCommandLineArguments(String args)
      params = resolver.parseCommandLineArguments(args);
      catch (ParseException e)
      exitWithErrorMessage("Invalid parameters !", 1);

      private boolean empty(String str)

      private void exitWithErrorMessage(String msg, int exitCode)

      private void displayInfo()
      System.out.println("metawipe (Version: " + VERSION +")");
      System.out.println("Small command-line tool to clear the metadata/exif records of your photos to give back the control over security and privacy.");
      System.out.println("It is useful to clear metadata before uploading your photos to cloud like Facebook, Google, etc if you don't want to share your GPS location");
      System.out.println("and other sensitive data with anyone.");
      System.out.println("Type <metawipe -help> to display the help.");
      System.out.println("Visit for more info.");

      public static void main(String args)
      MetaWipe app = new MetaWipe();;

      final class ArgumentResolver 

      private static final String FILE_FLAG = "f";
      private static final String DIR_FLAG = "d";
      private static final String HELP_FLAG = "help";

      private final Options flagOptions = new Options();
      private final CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();


      private void makeOptions()
      Option fileOption = Option.builder(FILE_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("file").hasArg().desc("Clears metadata of the given photo").build();
      Option dirOption = Option.builder(DIR_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("dir").hasArg().desc("Clears every photo in a directory and its subdirectories recursively").build();
      Option helpOption = Option.builder(HELP_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("help").hasArg(false).desc("Displays this help").build();

      final CommandLine parseCommandLineArguments(String args) throws ParseException
      return parser.parse(flagOptions, args);

      final void displayUsage()
      final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
      formatter.printHelp( "metawipe", flagOptions);

      public final class ExifEraserServiceImpl implements ExifEraserService 

      private final ExifRewriter rewriter = new ExifRewriter();
      private final List<String> supportedFormats = Arrays.asList("jpg", "jpeg", "tiff");

      public final void directory(final Path dir) throws IOException
      if(!Files.exists(dir)) throw new FileNotFoundException();
      throw new NotDirectoryException(dir.toString());
      Files.walkFileTree(dir, new RecursiveDirectoryWalker(this));

      * Before deleting exif data of the image, we have to make a copy of it.
      * Otherwise Imaging library will throw an EOF exception if we want to read and write to the same file.
      * After successful deletion, the copy gets renamed to the original file, and the original file will be overridden.

      public final boolean file(final Path file) throws IOException, ImageWriteException, ImageReadException, NotAFileException
      if(!Files.exists(file)) throw new FileNotFoundException();
      if(Files.isDirectory(file)) throw new NotAFileException();
      final Path copiedFile = makeCopy(file);
      deleteExifMetaData(file, copiedFile);
      Files.move(copiedFile, file, REPLACE_EXISTING);

      return checkExifDeleted(file);

      private void deleteExifMetaData(final Path f, final Path copy) throws IOException, ImageWriteException, ImageReadException
      try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(copy.toFile()); OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(fos))
      rewriter.removeExifMetadata(f.toFile(), os);
      /* During deleting, exceptions may occur.
      In this case, we have to delete the copy of the original file */
      catch (ImageReadException e)
      throw new ImageReadException(e.getMessage(), e);
      catch (ImageWriteException e)
      throw new ImageWriteException(e.getMessage(), e);

      Path makeCopy(final Path original) throws IOException
      final String tempFileName = FileNameResolver.getFilePath(original) + File.separator +
      FileNameResolver.getFileNameWithoutExtension(original) + "_copy." + FileNameResolver.getExtension(original);
      final Path copiedFilePath = Paths.get(tempFileName);
      if(Files.exists(copiedFilePath)) Files.deleteIfExists(copiedFilePath);
      Files.copy(original, copiedFilePath);
      return copiedFilePath;

      boolean checkExifDeleted(final Path f) throws IOException, ImageReadException
      // Sometimes metadata is null even if the exif records deleted
      final IImageMetadata metadata = Imaging.getMetadata(f.toFile());
      return metadata == null

      class RecursiveDirectoryWalker implements FileVisitor<Path> 

      private final PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:**.jpg,jpeg,tiff");
      private ExifEraserService eraser;

      RecursiveDirectoryWalker(ExifEraserService eraser)
      this.eraser = eraser;

      public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
      Stream<Path> list = Files.list(dir);
      if (list != null)
      .forEach((Path f) -> IOException ie)
      System.out.println("Error: " + ie);
      catch (NotAFileException ignore)


      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

      public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
      catch (ImageWriteException
      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

      public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException
      if(exc != null)
      System.out.println("Error: " + exc);

      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

      public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException
      if(exc != null)
      System.out.println("Error: " + exc);

      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

      final class FileNameResolver 

      static String getFilePath(final Path file)
      String absolutePath = file.toAbsolutePath().toString();
      return absolutePath.substring(0,absolutePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator));

      // TODO : duplicate code

      static String getFileNameWithoutExtension(final Path file)
      String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
      int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
      if (pos > 0)
      fileName = fileName.substring(0, pos);

      return fileName;

      static String getExtension(final Path file)
      String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
      int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
      if (pos > 0)
      fileName = fileName.substring(pos + 1);

      return fileName;

      share|improve this question

      My app is about deleting exif metadata from pictures. Also, what do you think about the code quality (OOP principles, clean code)? Is it production-ready?


      public final class MetaWipe 

      private final ArgumentResolver resolver = new ArgumentResolver();
      private final ExifEraserService eraser = new ExifEraserServiceImpl();
      private CommandLine params = null;

      private static final char FILE_ARG = 'f';
      private static final char DIR_ARG = 'd';
      private static final String HELP_ARG = "help";

      private static final String VERSION = "0.1";

      private void run(final String args)
      if(params != null)
      if (params.hasOption(FILE_ARG) && (!params.hasOption(DIR_ARG) && !params.hasOption(HELP_ARG)))
      else if (params.hasOption(DIR_ARG) && !params.hasOption(FILE_ARG))
      else if(params.hasOption(HELP_ARG) && (!params.hasOption(FILE_ARG) && !params.hasOption(DIR_ARG)))

      else resolver.displayUsage();

      private void tryEraseExifInDir(final String pathValue)
      if (!empty(pathValue))
      final Path dir = Paths.get(pathValue);;
      catch (NotDirectoryException nde)
      exitWithErrorMessage("This is not a directory: " + pathValue, 2);
      catch (FileNotFoundException fne)
      exitWithErrorMessage("Directory not found : " + pathValue, 2);
      catch (IOException e)
      exitWithErrorMessage("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), 2);

      exitWithErrorMessage("You must supply a path", 1);

      private void tryEraseExifOrExitOnFailure(final String pathValue)
      if (!empty(pathValue))
      final Path path = Paths.get(pathValue);
      catch (NotAFileException nfe)
      exitWithErrorMessage("This is not a file! " + pathValue, 2);
      catch (FileNotFoundException e)
      exitWithErrorMessage("File not found! " + pathValue, 2);
      catch (ImageReadException ire)
      exitWithErrorMessage("Can't read image! " + ire.getMessage(), 4);
      catch (ImageWriteException iwe)
      exitWithErrorMessage("Can't write image! " + iwe.getMessage(), 4);
      catch (IOException e)
      exitWithErrorMessage("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), 2);

      exitWithErrorMessage("You must supply a path !", 1);

      private void parseCommandLineArguments(String args)
      params = resolver.parseCommandLineArguments(args);
      catch (ParseException e)
      exitWithErrorMessage("Invalid parameters !", 1);

      private boolean empty(String str)

      private void exitWithErrorMessage(String msg, int exitCode)

      private void displayInfo()
      System.out.println("metawipe (Version: " + VERSION +")");
      System.out.println("Small command-line tool to clear the metadata/exif records of your photos to give back the control over security and privacy.");
      System.out.println("It is useful to clear metadata before uploading your photos to cloud like Facebook, Google, etc if you don't want to share your GPS location");
      System.out.println("and other sensitive data with anyone.");
      System.out.println("Type <metawipe -help> to display the help.");
      System.out.println("Visit for more info.");

      public static void main(String args)
      MetaWipe app = new MetaWipe();;

      final class ArgumentResolver 

      private static final String FILE_FLAG = "f";
      private static final String DIR_FLAG = "d";
      private static final String HELP_FLAG = "help";

      private final Options flagOptions = new Options();
      private final CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();


      private void makeOptions()
      Option fileOption = Option.builder(FILE_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("file").hasArg().desc("Clears metadata of the given photo").build();
      Option dirOption = Option.builder(DIR_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("dir").hasArg().desc("Clears every photo in a directory and its subdirectories recursively").build();
      Option helpOption = Option.builder(HELP_FLAG).optionalArg(true).argName("help").hasArg(false).desc("Displays this help").build();

      final CommandLine parseCommandLineArguments(String args) throws ParseException
      return parser.parse(flagOptions, args);

      final void displayUsage()
      final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
      formatter.printHelp( "metawipe", flagOptions);

      public final class ExifEraserServiceImpl implements ExifEraserService 

      private final ExifRewriter rewriter = new ExifRewriter();
      private final List<String> supportedFormats = Arrays.asList("jpg", "jpeg", "tiff");

      public final void directory(final Path dir) throws IOException
      if(!Files.exists(dir)) throw new FileNotFoundException();
      throw new NotDirectoryException(dir.toString());
      Files.walkFileTree(dir, new RecursiveDirectoryWalker(this));

      * Before deleting exif data of the image, we have to make a copy of it.
      * Otherwise Imaging library will throw an EOF exception if we want to read and write to the same file.
      * After successful deletion, the copy gets renamed to the original file, and the original file will be overridden.

      public final boolean file(final Path file) throws IOException, ImageWriteException, ImageReadException, NotAFileException
      if(!Files.exists(file)) throw new FileNotFoundException();
      if(Files.isDirectory(file)) throw new NotAFileException();
      final Path copiedFile = makeCopy(file);
      deleteExifMetaData(file, copiedFile);
      Files.move(copiedFile, file, REPLACE_EXISTING);

      return checkExifDeleted(file);

      private void deleteExifMetaData(final Path f, final Path copy) throws IOException, ImageWriteException, ImageReadException
      try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(copy.toFile()); OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(fos))
      rewriter.removeExifMetadata(f.toFile(), os);
      /* During deleting, exceptions may occur.
      In this case, we have to delete the copy of the original file */
      catch (ImageReadException e)
      throw new ImageReadException(e.getMessage(), e);
      catch (ImageWriteException e)
      throw new ImageWriteException(e.getMessage(), e);

      Path makeCopy(final Path original) throws IOException
      final String tempFileName = FileNameResolver.getFilePath(original) + File.separator +
      FileNameResolver.getFileNameWithoutExtension(original) + "_copy." + FileNameResolver.getExtension(original);
      final Path copiedFilePath = Paths.get(tempFileName);
      if(Files.exists(copiedFilePath)) Files.deleteIfExists(copiedFilePath);
      Files.copy(original, copiedFilePath);
      return copiedFilePath;

      boolean checkExifDeleted(final Path f) throws IOException, ImageReadException
      // Sometimes metadata is null even if the exif records deleted
      final IImageMetadata metadata = Imaging.getMetadata(f.toFile());
      return metadata == null

      class RecursiveDirectoryWalker implements FileVisitor<Path> 

      private final PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:**.jpg,jpeg,tiff");
      private ExifEraserService eraser;

      RecursiveDirectoryWalker(ExifEraserService eraser)
      this.eraser = eraser;

      public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
      Stream<Path> list = Files.list(dir);
      if (list != null)
      .forEach((Path f) -> IOException ie)
      System.out.println("Error: " + ie);
      catch (NotAFileException ignore)


      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

      public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
      catch (ImageWriteException
      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

      public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException
      if(exc != null)
      System.out.println("Error: " + exc);

      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

      public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException
      if(exc != null)
      System.out.println("Error: " + exc);

      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

      final class FileNameResolver 

      static String getFilePath(final Path file)
      String absolutePath = file.toAbsolutePath().toString();
      return absolutePath.substring(0,absolutePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator));

      // TODO : duplicate code

      static String getFileNameWithoutExtension(final Path file)
      String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
      int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
      if (pos > 0)
      fileName = fileName.substring(0, pos);

      return fileName;

      static String getExtension(final Path file)
      String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
      int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
      if (pos > 0)
      fileName = fileName.substring(pos + 1);

      return fileName;

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Jan 15 at 3:18




      asked Jan 13 at 12:48




          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote

          • The formatting is inconsistent, perhaps let the IDE do it if you're
            using one.

          • It's a bit verbose, that goes both for the classes present here as
            well as the test code in the repository. If a variable is only
            defined and used two times I really don't see the point of having it,
            outside perhaps of the minor argument that it helps in not-so-great

          • Same goes for the constants in the ArgumentResolver class. Other
            than that the class looks okay, having a dedicated piece to parse
            command line options is good; again displayUsage could just be
            new HelpFormatter().printHelp("metawipe", flagOptions); and you'd
            already have eliminated about four tokens to mentally process.

          • I'd guess that PNG files can have EXIF metadata? What about other
            file formats that the used library supports?

          • Use better method names - file, directory are at best variable
            names, but don't say anything about what the method does. In this
            case (ExifEraserService) I'd consider visitFile, processFile, or
            even deleteExifFromFile or so on.

          • The general pattern of copying the file, editing it, then moving it
            over the old one is good. I don't get why checkExifDeleted is
            necessary but I guess there are technicalities involved? The check
            via toString().contains(...) sounds like a hack though, would that
            still work if the metadata itself contains that string (as a title or
            comment or whatever)?

          • makeCopy is dangerous (what if the user has an actual file with the
            "temporary" name?). Consider using or
            even java.nio.Files.createTempDirectory instead.

          • The catchs in deleteExifMetaData can be a single case I think, as
            you've already done in preVisitDirectory.

          • FileNameResolver has duplicate code as you've already written ...

          • Finally MetaWipe has the constants duplicated for some reason? The
            handlers in run look weird, just put them in the order they should
            be handled and exit early - if -h is already specified, why do you
            care if some other options is set as well?

          • The exception handling is again a bit verbose, I understand that you
            want to provide nice error messages, but there's again a lot of
            duplication here and I'd drop the different exit statuses, do you
            really check those?

          • Also for both try... methods, maybe invert the check:
            if (empty(pathValue)) exit...; ... then you can eliminate one level
            of nesting already.

          • Just a general note: All the error checking is nice, but there are
            still situations where a file or directory might be deleted, modified,
            etc. while you're iterating through the file tree. Like in the
            directory method - the directory could have been deleted after the
            isDirectory check, but before Files.walkFileTree would have
            started to work ... so my pragmatic suggestion would actually be to
            just log the IOExceptions and add a bit of context (current file
            visited) with a wrapped exception or so.

          Now that I went through all of this I'd say it looks okay, can be
          cleaned up a bit like I wrote above. Also maybe look at how other
          command line programs behave, usually they don't even have a -f or
          -d flag to switch between the two behaviours you have here and instead
          accept an arbitrary number of file/directory arguments.

          share|improve this answer

            Your Answer

            StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function ()
            return StackExchange.using("mathjaxEditing", function ()
            StackExchange.MarkdownEditor.creationCallbacks.add(function (editor, postfix)
            StackExchange.mathjaxEditing.prepareWmdForMathJax(editor, postfix, [["\$", "\$"]]);
            , "mathjax-editing");

            StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function ()
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            var channelOptions =
            tags: "".split(" "),
            id: "196"
            initTagRenderer("".split(" "), "".split(" "), channelOptions);

            StackExchange.using("externalEditor", function()
            // Have to fire editor after snippets, if snippets enabled
            if (StackExchange.settings.snippets.snippetsEnabled)
            StackExchange.using("snippets", function()



            function createEditor()
            heartbeatType: 'answer',
            convertImagesToLinks: false,
            noModals: false,
            showLowRepImageUploadWarning: true,
            reputationToPostImages: null,
            bindNavPrevention: true,
            postfix: "",
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            discardSelector: ".discard-answer"



            draft saved

            draft discarded

            function ()
            StackExchange.openid.initPostLogin('.new-post-login', '', 'question_page');


            Post as a guest

            1 Answer




            1 Answer










            up vote
            down vote

            • The formatting is inconsistent, perhaps let the IDE do it if you're
              using one.

            • It's a bit verbose, that goes both for the classes present here as
              well as the test code in the repository. If a variable is only
              defined and used two times I really don't see the point of having it,
              outside perhaps of the minor argument that it helps in not-so-great

            • Same goes for the constants in the ArgumentResolver class. Other
              than that the class looks okay, having a dedicated piece to parse
              command line options is good; again displayUsage could just be
              new HelpFormatter().printHelp("metawipe", flagOptions); and you'd
              already have eliminated about four tokens to mentally process.

            • I'd guess that PNG files can have EXIF metadata? What about other
              file formats that the used library supports?

            • Use better method names - file, directory are at best variable
              names, but don't say anything about what the method does. In this
              case (ExifEraserService) I'd consider visitFile, processFile, or
              even deleteExifFromFile or so on.

            • The general pattern of copying the file, editing it, then moving it
              over the old one is good. I don't get why checkExifDeleted is
              necessary but I guess there are technicalities involved? The check
              via toString().contains(...) sounds like a hack though, would that
              still work if the metadata itself contains that string (as a title or
              comment or whatever)?

            • makeCopy is dangerous (what if the user has an actual file with the
              "temporary" name?). Consider using or
              even java.nio.Files.createTempDirectory instead.

            • The catchs in deleteExifMetaData can be a single case I think, as
              you've already done in preVisitDirectory.

            • FileNameResolver has duplicate code as you've already written ...

            • Finally MetaWipe has the constants duplicated for some reason? The
              handlers in run look weird, just put them in the order they should
              be handled and exit early - if -h is already specified, why do you
              care if some other options is set as well?

            • The exception handling is again a bit verbose, I understand that you
              want to provide nice error messages, but there's again a lot of
              duplication here and I'd drop the different exit statuses, do you
              really check those?

            • Also for both try... methods, maybe invert the check:
              if (empty(pathValue)) exit...; ... then you can eliminate one level
              of nesting already.

            • Just a general note: All the error checking is nice, but there are
              still situations where a file or directory might be deleted, modified,
              etc. while you're iterating through the file tree. Like in the
              directory method - the directory could have been deleted after the
              isDirectory check, but before Files.walkFileTree would have
              started to work ... so my pragmatic suggestion would actually be to
              just log the IOExceptions and add a bit of context (current file
              visited) with a wrapped exception or so.

            Now that I went through all of this I'd say it looks okay, can be
            cleaned up a bit like I wrote above. Also maybe look at how other
            command line programs behave, usually they don't even have a -f or
            -d flag to switch between the two behaviours you have here and instead
            accept an arbitrary number of file/directory arguments.

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              • The formatting is inconsistent, perhaps let the IDE do it if you're
                using one.

              • It's a bit verbose, that goes both for the classes present here as
                well as the test code in the repository. If a variable is only
                defined and used two times I really don't see the point of having it,
                outside perhaps of the minor argument that it helps in not-so-great

              • Same goes for the constants in the ArgumentResolver class. Other
                than that the class looks okay, having a dedicated piece to parse
                command line options is good; again displayUsage could just be
                new HelpFormatter().printHelp("metawipe", flagOptions); and you'd
                already have eliminated about four tokens to mentally process.

              • I'd guess that PNG files can have EXIF metadata? What about other
                file formats that the used library supports?

              • Use better method names - file, directory are at best variable
                names, but don't say anything about what the method does. In this
                case (ExifEraserService) I'd consider visitFile, processFile, or
                even deleteExifFromFile or so on.

              • The general pattern of copying the file, editing it, then moving it
                over the old one is good. I don't get why checkExifDeleted is
                necessary but I guess there are technicalities involved? The check
                via toString().contains(...) sounds like a hack though, would that
                still work if the metadata itself contains that string (as a title or
                comment or whatever)?

              • makeCopy is dangerous (what if the user has an actual file with the
                "temporary" name?). Consider using or
                even java.nio.Files.createTempDirectory instead.

              • The catchs in deleteExifMetaData can be a single case I think, as
                you've already done in preVisitDirectory.

              • FileNameResolver has duplicate code as you've already written ...

              • Finally MetaWipe has the constants duplicated for some reason? The
                handlers in run look weird, just put them in the order they should
                be handled and exit early - if -h is already specified, why do you
                care if some other options is set as well?

              • The exception handling is again a bit verbose, I understand that you
                want to provide nice error messages, but there's again a lot of
                duplication here and I'd drop the different exit statuses, do you
                really check those?

              • Also for both try... methods, maybe invert the check:
                if (empty(pathValue)) exit...; ... then you can eliminate one level
                of nesting already.

              • Just a general note: All the error checking is nice, but there are
                still situations where a file or directory might be deleted, modified,
                etc. while you're iterating through the file tree. Like in the
                directory method - the directory could have been deleted after the
                isDirectory check, but before Files.walkFileTree would have
                started to work ... so my pragmatic suggestion would actually be to
                just log the IOExceptions and add a bit of context (current file
                visited) with a wrapped exception or so.

              Now that I went through all of this I'd say it looks okay, can be
              cleaned up a bit like I wrote above. Also maybe look at how other
              command line programs behave, usually they don't even have a -f or
              -d flag to switch between the two behaviours you have here and instead
              accept an arbitrary number of file/directory arguments.

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                • The formatting is inconsistent, perhaps let the IDE do it if you're
                  using one.

                • It's a bit verbose, that goes both for the classes present here as
                  well as the test code in the repository. If a variable is only
                  defined and used two times I really don't see the point of having it,
                  outside perhaps of the minor argument that it helps in not-so-great

                • Same goes for the constants in the ArgumentResolver class. Other
                  than that the class looks okay, having a dedicated piece to parse
                  command line options is good; again displayUsage could just be
                  new HelpFormatter().printHelp("metawipe", flagOptions); and you'd
                  already have eliminated about four tokens to mentally process.

                • I'd guess that PNG files can have EXIF metadata? What about other
                  file formats that the used library supports?

                • Use better method names - file, directory are at best variable
                  names, but don't say anything about what the method does. In this
                  case (ExifEraserService) I'd consider visitFile, processFile, or
                  even deleteExifFromFile or so on.

                • The general pattern of copying the file, editing it, then moving it
                  over the old one is good. I don't get why checkExifDeleted is
                  necessary but I guess there are technicalities involved? The check
                  via toString().contains(...) sounds like a hack though, would that
                  still work if the metadata itself contains that string (as a title or
                  comment or whatever)?

                • makeCopy is dangerous (what if the user has an actual file with the
                  "temporary" name?). Consider using or
                  even java.nio.Files.createTempDirectory instead.

                • The catchs in deleteExifMetaData can be a single case I think, as
                  you've already done in preVisitDirectory.

                • FileNameResolver has duplicate code as you've already written ...

                • Finally MetaWipe has the constants duplicated for some reason? The
                  handlers in run look weird, just put them in the order they should
                  be handled and exit early - if -h is already specified, why do you
                  care if some other options is set as well?

                • The exception handling is again a bit verbose, I understand that you
                  want to provide nice error messages, but there's again a lot of
                  duplication here and I'd drop the different exit statuses, do you
                  really check those?

                • Also for both try... methods, maybe invert the check:
                  if (empty(pathValue)) exit...; ... then you can eliminate one level
                  of nesting already.

                • Just a general note: All the error checking is nice, but there are
                  still situations where a file or directory might be deleted, modified,
                  etc. while you're iterating through the file tree. Like in the
                  directory method - the directory could have been deleted after the
                  isDirectory check, but before Files.walkFileTree would have
                  started to work ... so my pragmatic suggestion would actually be to
                  just log the IOExceptions and add a bit of context (current file
                  visited) with a wrapped exception or so.

                Now that I went through all of this I'd say it looks okay, can be
                cleaned up a bit like I wrote above. Also maybe look at how other
                command line programs behave, usually they don't even have a -f or
                -d flag to switch between the two behaviours you have here and instead
                accept an arbitrary number of file/directory arguments.

                share|improve this answer

                • The formatting is inconsistent, perhaps let the IDE do it if you're
                  using one.

                • It's a bit verbose, that goes both for the classes present here as
                  well as the test code in the repository. If a variable is only
                  defined and used two times I really don't see the point of having it,
                  outside perhaps of the minor argument that it helps in not-so-great

                • Same goes for the constants in the ArgumentResolver class. Other
                  than that the class looks okay, having a dedicated piece to parse
                  command line options is good; again displayUsage could just be
                  new HelpFormatter().printHelp("metawipe", flagOptions); and you'd
                  already have eliminated about four tokens to mentally process.

                • I'd guess that PNG files can have EXIF metadata? What about other
                  file formats that the used library supports?

                • Use better method names - file, directory are at best variable
                  names, but don't say anything about what the method does. In this
                  case (ExifEraserService) I'd consider visitFile, processFile, or
                  even deleteExifFromFile or so on.

                • The general pattern of copying the file, editing it, then moving it
                  over the old one is good. I don't get why checkExifDeleted is
                  necessary but I guess there are technicalities involved? The check
                  via toString().contains(...) sounds like a hack though, would that
                  still work if the metadata itself contains that string (as a title or
                  comment or whatever)?

                • makeCopy is dangerous (what if the user has an actual file with the
                  "temporary" name?). Consider using or
                  even java.nio.Files.createTempDirectory instead.

                • The catchs in deleteExifMetaData can be a single case I think, as
                  you've already done in preVisitDirectory.

                • FileNameResolver has duplicate code as you've already written ...

                • Finally MetaWipe has the constants duplicated for some reason? The
                  handlers in run look weird, just put them in the order they should
                  be handled and exit early - if -h is already specified, why do you
                  care if some other options is set as well?

                • The exception handling is again a bit verbose, I understand that you
                  want to provide nice error messages, but there's again a lot of
                  duplication here and I'd drop the different exit statuses, do you
                  really check those?

                • Also for both try... methods, maybe invert the check:
                  if (empty(pathValue)) exit...; ... then you can eliminate one level
                  of nesting already.

                • Just a general note: All the error checking is nice, but there are
                  still situations where a file or directory might be deleted, modified,
                  etc. while you're iterating through the file tree. Like in the
                  directory method - the directory could have been deleted after the
                  isDirectory check, but before Files.walkFileTree would have
                  started to work ... so my pragmatic suggestion would actually be to
                  just log the IOExceptions and add a bit of context (current file
                  visited) with a wrapped exception or so.

                Now that I went through all of this I'd say it looks okay, can be
                cleaned up a bit like I wrote above. Also maybe look at how other
                command line programs behave, usually they don't even have a -f or
                -d flag to switch between the two behaviours you have here and instead
                accept an arbitrary number of file/directory arguments.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Jan 16 at 22:33





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