State and Borg design patterns used in a Telegram wizard bot

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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I'm making a sort of a user interface for a telegram bot and my idea was to use State design pattern for making sort of a wizard for all the process, with user inputting data in each step or pressing /skip for skipping a single step or /cancel for ending everything.

It's working pretty well. I put the states/steps in a list so I can always get to the next one easily by a common method in the parent. Every state is a Borg, so I can instantiate a state everywhere and will always have the same values and methods.

I also made a Singleton class named Progress for putting all the input in the wizard process so I can store it and send it altogether at the end. I know you can use modules in Python as singleton, but I'm more used to this and I prefer not polluting the namespace. I also think this is easier for testing and using.

Being a Python beginner, I'm proud with this code, but I think it has some code smells and it can be improved in terms of design and best practices. I also made it for a single user, but haven't tested two persons accessing the bot simultaneously. I'd like to restrict transitions among states too.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from telegram.ext import ConversationHandler
from import SEARCH_INDEXES
from environments import get_blogs

OK = 'OK'

class StepState(metaclass=ABCMeta):
This is a Borg class which shares state and methods so all the instances created for it are different references
but containing the same values. This is also true for children of the same class, so:

Children1() == Children1() # False, because references are different, but the values are the same.
Also if you change one, you change the other
Children1() == Children2() # False, references are different and you can change anyone without affecting the other
states =
name = "state" # This is not used yet. Thinking of deleting it everywhere
allowed = # This is not used, but could be interesting to allow only some transitions. Just a sketch

# State is a Borg design pattern class
__shared_state =

def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()

def message(self, update):
Returns the object holding the info coming from Telegram with the methods for replying and looking into this info
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the update or query object
if update.callback_query:
return update.callback_query.message
return update.message

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
Draws the UI in Telegram (usually a custom keyboard) for the user to input data
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
Handles all the input info into the Progress object and transitions to the next state
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
self.progress = Progress()
# TODO How to make cancel() common to all states
#query = update.callback_query
#if == CANCEL:
# return cancel(bot, update)

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Inherited method which decides to move to the next state, or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state, if any
:return: the next state
# TODO Check if the transition is allowed?
if new_state is None:
default_next_state_index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.states)
next_new_state = self.states[default_next_state_index]
# TODO logging'Current state:', self, ' => switched to new state', next_new_state)
return next_new_state
return new_state

def index(self):
Returns the index of this state within the list with all states
:return: the index as an int
return StepState.states.index(self)

def __hash__(self):
return hash(

def __str__(self):

class NoneState(StepState):
name = 'NoneState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):

class DepState(StepState):
name = 'DepState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
num_cols = 3
current_row =

# Think of SEARCH_INDEXES as a list with objects having two strings: spanish_description and browse_node_id
for dep in SEARCH_INDEXES:
callback_data="=".format(dep.browse_node_id, dep.spanish_desc)))
if len(current_row) >= num_cols:
current_row =
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)

self.message(update).reply_text('Enter the department or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
current_input_dep, text ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Departament chosen: ".format(text), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

Progress().input_dep = current_input_dep

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class NodeState(StepState):
name = 'NodeState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input numbers for the node or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Typed data : ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
if == OK:
# TODO Validate input data'Input data: '.format(self.progress.input_node))
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen node: ".format(self.progress.input_node), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,


Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_node:
self.progress.input_node = ''
if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_node):
self.progress.input_node = self.progress.input_node[:-1]
self.progress.input_node +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Input data: ".format(self.progress.input_node),

class BlogState(StepState):
name = 'BlogState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(blog, callback_data='='.format(blog, bid)) for blog, bid in get_blogs().items()]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Choose an option, /skip or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
bname, bid ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen option: ".format(bname), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

# We text the user the requirements for next state
# query.message.reply_text('Departamento elegido. ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

Progress().input_blog = (bname,bid)

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class StartTimeState(StepState):
name = 'StartTimeState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(':', callback_data=':')],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input start time or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Start time: ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
if == OK:
# TODO Validate input data'Intpu data: '.format(self.progress.input_start_time))
bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)
#bot.edit_message_text(text="Input start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),chat_id=query.message.chat_id,message_id=query.message.message_id)


Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_start_time:
self.progress.input_start_time = ''
if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_start_time):
self.progress.input_start_time = self.progress.input_start_time[:-1]
self.progress.input_start_time +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),

# ... more states
# ... more and more states
# ...and so on, you can imagine

class KeywordsState(StepState):
name = 'KeywordsState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Enter keywords', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):"Keywords: %s", update.message.text)
# TODO Store in a variable or similar the keywords
'Thanks. The keywods are: '.format(update.message.text))

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class ConfirmState(StepState):
name = 'ConfirmState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Confirm all this info: !s'.format(Progress()))
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Accep or cancel (/cancel)', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query

# Se lanza el procesamiento
# Se resetea el progreso
return ConversationHandler.END

# This is important. It's intended for setting the steps in an ordered-sorted way
StepState.states = [NoneState(), DepState(), NodeState(), BlogState(), IntervalState(), StartTimeState(), EndTimeState(), RepeatsState(), LabelsState(), KeywordsState(), ConfirmState()]

class Progress(object):
This singleton class contains the whole information collected along all the wizard process
__instance = None

def __new__(cls):
if Progress.__instance is None:
Progress.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
Progress.__instance.input_blog = None
Progress.__instance.state = NoneState()
Progress.__instance.tracking_message = None
Progress.__instance.input_dep = None
Progress.__instance.input_node = None
Progress.__instance.input_minutes = None
Progress.__instance.input_start_time = None
Progress.__instance.input_end_time = None
return Progress.__instance

def clear(self):
Resets the progress
self.input_blog = None
self.state = NoneState()
self.tracking_message = None
self.input_dep = None
self.input_node = None
self.input_minutes = None
self.input_start_time = None
self.input_end_time = None

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Moves to the next state or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state to move to
:return: the next state, already set to the Progress object
if new_state is not None:
if self.state:
self.state = self.state.next_state(new_state)
self.state = NoneState
#logger('Couldnt go to next state')
self.state = self.state.next_state()

def __str__(self):
return ': dep=, node=, start=,end='.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.input_dep, self.input_node, self.input_start_time, self.input_end_time)

Now we use the previous code here:



from telegram import ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from telegram.ext import (Updater, Filters, RegexHandler, CommandHandler,
CallbackQueryHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler)

from my_package.step_states import DepState, NodeState, StartTimeState, EndTimeState, KeywordsState, ConfirmState,
BlogState, IntervalState
from my_package.step_states import Progress
from environments import get_bot_token

import logging

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OK = 'OK'

# Updater is telegram code and the bot_token is an id string
updater = Updater(get_bot_token())

def start(bot, update):
Starts the wizard planning process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the state for the ConversationHandler
p = Progress()

p.state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return p.state

def error(bot, update, error):
Logs errors
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)

def skip(bot, update):
Skips this step in the wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the next state skipping the present one
user = update.message.from_user"%s skipped a step.", user.first_name)
update.message.reply_text("Skipping steps is not supported yet. Process is done")

# If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present

# TODO Right now we don't accept skips and we cancel everything.
# TODO In the future, we will look at present state and choose the next state
return cancel(bot, update)

def cancel(bot, update):
Cancels the whole wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the END state for he ConversationHandler

user = update.message.from_user" cancelled the process.".format(user.first_name))
update.message.reply_text('Process ended.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

return ConversationHandler.END

def main():
global updater

dp = updater.dispatcher

# Add conversation handler with the states
# The telegram conversation handler needs a list of handlers with function so it can execute desired code in each state/step
conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[ CommandHandler('start', start) ],

DepState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(DepState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
NodeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(NodeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
BlogState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(BlogState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
IntervalState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(IntervalState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
StartTimeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(StartTimeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
EndTimeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(EndTimeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
KeywordsState(): [MessageHandler(Filters.text, KeywordsState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
ConfirmState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(ConfirmState().handle)],
fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', cancel)]


# dp.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(button_callback))

# Start the Bot

# Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
# SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
# start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.

if __name__ == '__main__':

share|improve this question

  • Please do not update the code in your question to incorporate feedback from answers, doing so goes against the Question + Answer style of Code Review. This is not a forum where you should keep the most updated version in your question. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers.
    – Mast
    Jan 26 at 13:41

  • @Mast I was only formatting and changing indentation. Also I deleted some comments. All of it was done to make it easy to read and understand, but I didn't any refactoring, changed any method or added anything.
    – madtyn
    Jan 27 at 11:35

  • Feel free to post a follow-up question when you've made significant changes. Leave the code in this question as-is.
    – Mast
    Jan 27 at 13:50

up vote
down vote


I'm making a sort of a user interface for a telegram bot and my idea was to use State design pattern for making sort of a wizard for all the process, with user inputting data in each step or pressing /skip for skipping a single step or /cancel for ending everything.

It's working pretty well. I put the states/steps in a list so I can always get to the next one easily by a common method in the parent. Every state is a Borg, so I can instantiate a state everywhere and will always have the same values and methods.

I also made a Singleton class named Progress for putting all the input in the wizard process so I can store it and send it altogether at the end. I know you can use modules in Python as singleton, but I'm more used to this and I prefer not polluting the namespace. I also think this is easier for testing and using.

Being a Python beginner, I'm proud with this code, but I think it has some code smells and it can be improved in terms of design and best practices. I also made it for a single user, but haven't tested two persons accessing the bot simultaneously. I'd like to restrict transitions among states too.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from telegram.ext import ConversationHandler
from import SEARCH_INDEXES
from environments import get_blogs

OK = 'OK'

class StepState(metaclass=ABCMeta):
This is a Borg class which shares state and methods so all the instances created for it are different references
but containing the same values. This is also true for children of the same class, so:

Children1() == Children1() # False, because references are different, but the values are the same.
Also if you change one, you change the other
Children1() == Children2() # False, references are different and you can change anyone without affecting the other
states =
name = "state" # This is not used yet. Thinking of deleting it everywhere
allowed = # This is not used, but could be interesting to allow only some transitions. Just a sketch

# State is a Borg design pattern class
__shared_state =

def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()

def message(self, update):
Returns the object holding the info coming from Telegram with the methods for replying and looking into this info
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the update or query object
if update.callback_query:
return update.callback_query.message
return update.message

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
Draws the UI in Telegram (usually a custom keyboard) for the user to input data
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
Handles all the input info into the Progress object and transitions to the next state
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
self.progress = Progress()
# TODO How to make cancel() common to all states
#query = update.callback_query
#if == CANCEL:
# return cancel(bot, update)

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Inherited method which decides to move to the next state, or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state, if any
:return: the next state
# TODO Check if the transition is allowed?
if new_state is None:
default_next_state_index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.states)
next_new_state = self.states[default_next_state_index]
# TODO logging'Current state:', self, ' => switched to new state', next_new_state)
return next_new_state
return new_state

def index(self):
Returns the index of this state within the list with all states
:return: the index as an int
return StepState.states.index(self)

def __hash__(self):
return hash(

def __str__(self):

class NoneState(StepState):
name = 'NoneState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):

class DepState(StepState):
name = 'DepState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
num_cols = 3
current_row =

# Think of SEARCH_INDEXES as a list with objects having two strings: spanish_description and browse_node_id
for dep in SEARCH_INDEXES:
callback_data="=".format(dep.browse_node_id, dep.spanish_desc)))
if len(current_row) >= num_cols:
current_row =
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)

self.message(update).reply_text('Enter the department or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
current_input_dep, text ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Departament chosen: ".format(text), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

Progress().input_dep = current_input_dep

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class NodeState(StepState):
name = 'NodeState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input numbers for the node or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Typed data : ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
if == OK:
# TODO Validate input data'Input data: '.format(self.progress.input_node))
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen node: ".format(self.progress.input_node), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,


Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_node:
self.progress.input_node = ''
if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_node):
self.progress.input_node = self.progress.input_node[:-1]
self.progress.input_node +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Input data: ".format(self.progress.input_node),

class BlogState(StepState):
name = 'BlogState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(blog, callback_data='='.format(blog, bid)) for blog, bid in get_blogs().items()]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Choose an option, /skip or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
bname, bid ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen option: ".format(bname), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

# We text the user the requirements for next state
# query.message.reply_text('Departamento elegido. ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

Progress().input_blog = (bname,bid)

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class StartTimeState(StepState):
name = 'StartTimeState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(':', callback_data=':')],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input start time or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Start time: ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
if == OK:
# TODO Validate input data'Intpu data: '.format(self.progress.input_start_time))
bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)
#bot.edit_message_text(text="Input start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),chat_id=query.message.chat_id,message_id=query.message.message_id)


Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_start_time:
self.progress.input_start_time = ''
if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_start_time):
self.progress.input_start_time = self.progress.input_start_time[:-1]
self.progress.input_start_time +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),

# ... more states
# ... more and more states
# ...and so on, you can imagine

class KeywordsState(StepState):
name = 'KeywordsState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Enter keywords', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):"Keywords: %s", update.message.text)
# TODO Store in a variable or similar the keywords
'Thanks. The keywods are: '.format(update.message.text))

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class ConfirmState(StepState):
name = 'ConfirmState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Confirm all this info: !s'.format(Progress()))
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Accep or cancel (/cancel)', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query

# Se lanza el procesamiento
# Se resetea el progreso
return ConversationHandler.END

# This is important. It's intended for setting the steps in an ordered-sorted way
StepState.states = [NoneState(), DepState(), NodeState(), BlogState(), IntervalState(), StartTimeState(), EndTimeState(), RepeatsState(), LabelsState(), KeywordsState(), ConfirmState()]

class Progress(object):
This singleton class contains the whole information collected along all the wizard process
__instance = None

def __new__(cls):
if Progress.__instance is None:
Progress.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
Progress.__instance.input_blog = None
Progress.__instance.state = NoneState()
Progress.__instance.tracking_message = None
Progress.__instance.input_dep = None
Progress.__instance.input_node = None
Progress.__instance.input_minutes = None
Progress.__instance.input_start_time = None
Progress.__instance.input_end_time = None
return Progress.__instance

def clear(self):
Resets the progress
self.input_blog = None
self.state = NoneState()
self.tracking_message = None
self.input_dep = None
self.input_node = None
self.input_minutes = None
self.input_start_time = None
self.input_end_time = None

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Moves to the next state or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state to move to
:return: the next state, already set to the Progress object
if new_state is not None:
if self.state:
self.state = self.state.next_state(new_state)
self.state = NoneState
#logger('Couldnt go to next state')
self.state = self.state.next_state()

def __str__(self):
return ': dep=, node=, start=,end='.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.input_dep, self.input_node, self.input_start_time, self.input_end_time)

Now we use the previous code here:



from telegram import ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from telegram.ext import (Updater, Filters, RegexHandler, CommandHandler,
CallbackQueryHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler)

from my_package.step_states import DepState, NodeState, StartTimeState, EndTimeState, KeywordsState, ConfirmState,
BlogState, IntervalState
from my_package.step_states import Progress
from environments import get_bot_token

import logging

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OK = 'OK'

# Updater is telegram code and the bot_token is an id string
updater = Updater(get_bot_token())

def start(bot, update):
Starts the wizard planning process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the state for the ConversationHandler
p = Progress()

p.state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return p.state

def error(bot, update, error):
Logs errors
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)

def skip(bot, update):
Skips this step in the wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the next state skipping the present one
user = update.message.from_user"%s skipped a step.", user.first_name)
update.message.reply_text("Skipping steps is not supported yet. Process is done")

# If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present

# TODO Right now we don't accept skips and we cancel everything.
# TODO In the future, we will look at present state and choose the next state
return cancel(bot, update)

def cancel(bot, update):
Cancels the whole wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the END state for he ConversationHandler

user = update.message.from_user" cancelled the process.".format(user.first_name))
update.message.reply_text('Process ended.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

return ConversationHandler.END

def main():
global updater

dp = updater.dispatcher

# Add conversation handler with the states
# The telegram conversation handler needs a list of handlers with function so it can execute desired code in each state/step
conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[ CommandHandler('start', start) ],

DepState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(DepState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
NodeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(NodeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
BlogState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(BlogState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
IntervalState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(IntervalState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
StartTimeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(StartTimeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
EndTimeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(EndTimeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
KeywordsState(): [MessageHandler(Filters.text, KeywordsState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
ConfirmState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(ConfirmState().handle)],
fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', cancel)]


# dp.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(button_callback))

# Start the Bot

# Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
# SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
# start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.

if __name__ == '__main__':

share|improve this question

  • Please do not update the code in your question to incorporate feedback from answers, doing so goes against the Question + Answer style of Code Review. This is not a forum where you should keep the most updated version in your question. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers.
    – Mast
    Jan 26 at 13:41

  • @Mast I was only formatting and changing indentation. Also I deleted some comments. All of it was done to make it easy to read and understand, but I didn't any refactoring, changed any method or added anything.
    – madtyn
    Jan 27 at 11:35

  • Feel free to post a follow-up question when you've made significant changes. Leave the code in this question as-is.
    – Mast
    Jan 27 at 13:50

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



I'm making a sort of a user interface for a telegram bot and my idea was to use State design pattern for making sort of a wizard for all the process, with user inputting data in each step or pressing /skip for skipping a single step or /cancel for ending everything.

It's working pretty well. I put the states/steps in a list so I can always get to the next one easily by a common method in the parent. Every state is a Borg, so I can instantiate a state everywhere and will always have the same values and methods.

I also made a Singleton class named Progress for putting all the input in the wizard process so I can store it and send it altogether at the end. I know you can use modules in Python as singleton, but I'm more used to this and I prefer not polluting the namespace. I also think this is easier for testing and using.

Being a Python beginner, I'm proud with this code, but I think it has some code smells and it can be improved in terms of design and best practices. I also made it for a single user, but haven't tested two persons accessing the bot simultaneously. I'd like to restrict transitions among states too.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from telegram.ext import ConversationHandler
from import SEARCH_INDEXES
from environments import get_blogs

OK = 'OK'

class StepState(metaclass=ABCMeta):
This is a Borg class which shares state and methods so all the instances created for it are different references
but containing the same values. This is also true for children of the same class, so:

Children1() == Children1() # False, because references are different, but the values are the same.
Also if you change one, you change the other
Children1() == Children2() # False, references are different and you can change anyone without affecting the other
states =
name = "state" # This is not used yet. Thinking of deleting it everywhere
allowed = # This is not used, but could be interesting to allow only some transitions. Just a sketch

# State is a Borg design pattern class
__shared_state =

def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()

def message(self, update):
Returns the object holding the info coming from Telegram with the methods for replying and looking into this info
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the update or query object
if update.callback_query:
return update.callback_query.message
return update.message

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
Draws the UI in Telegram (usually a custom keyboard) for the user to input data
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
Handles all the input info into the Progress object and transitions to the next state
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
self.progress = Progress()
# TODO How to make cancel() common to all states
#query = update.callback_query
#if == CANCEL:
# return cancel(bot, update)

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Inherited method which decides to move to the next state, or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state, if any
:return: the next state
# TODO Check if the transition is allowed?
if new_state is None:
default_next_state_index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.states)
next_new_state = self.states[default_next_state_index]
# TODO logging'Current state:', self, ' => switched to new state', next_new_state)
return next_new_state
return new_state

def index(self):
Returns the index of this state within the list with all states
:return: the index as an int
return StepState.states.index(self)

def __hash__(self):
return hash(

def __str__(self):

class NoneState(StepState):
name = 'NoneState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):

class DepState(StepState):
name = 'DepState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
num_cols = 3
current_row =

# Think of SEARCH_INDEXES as a list with objects having two strings: spanish_description and browse_node_id
for dep in SEARCH_INDEXES:
callback_data="=".format(dep.browse_node_id, dep.spanish_desc)))
if len(current_row) >= num_cols:
current_row =
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)

self.message(update).reply_text('Enter the department or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
current_input_dep, text ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Departament chosen: ".format(text), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

Progress().input_dep = current_input_dep

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class NodeState(StepState):
name = 'NodeState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input numbers for the node or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Typed data : ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
if == OK:
# TODO Validate input data'Input data: '.format(self.progress.input_node))
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen node: ".format(self.progress.input_node), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,


Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_node:
self.progress.input_node = ''
if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_node):
self.progress.input_node = self.progress.input_node[:-1]
self.progress.input_node +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Input data: ".format(self.progress.input_node),

class BlogState(StepState):
name = 'BlogState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(blog, callback_data='='.format(blog, bid)) for blog, bid in get_blogs().items()]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Choose an option, /skip or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
bname, bid ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen option: ".format(bname), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

# We text the user the requirements for next state
# query.message.reply_text('Departamento elegido. ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

Progress().input_blog = (bname,bid)

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class StartTimeState(StepState):
name = 'StartTimeState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(':', callback_data=':')],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input start time or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Start time: ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
if == OK:
# TODO Validate input data'Intpu data: '.format(self.progress.input_start_time))
bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)
#bot.edit_message_text(text="Input start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),chat_id=query.message.chat_id,message_id=query.message.message_id)


Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_start_time:
self.progress.input_start_time = ''
if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_start_time):
self.progress.input_start_time = self.progress.input_start_time[:-1]
self.progress.input_start_time +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),

# ... more states
# ... more and more states
# ...and so on, you can imagine

class KeywordsState(StepState):
name = 'KeywordsState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Enter keywords', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):"Keywords: %s", update.message.text)
# TODO Store in a variable or similar the keywords
'Thanks. The keywods are: '.format(update.message.text))

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class ConfirmState(StepState):
name = 'ConfirmState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Confirm all this info: !s'.format(Progress()))
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Accep or cancel (/cancel)', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query

# Se lanza el procesamiento
# Se resetea el progreso
return ConversationHandler.END

# This is important. It's intended for setting the steps in an ordered-sorted way
StepState.states = [NoneState(), DepState(), NodeState(), BlogState(), IntervalState(), StartTimeState(), EndTimeState(), RepeatsState(), LabelsState(), KeywordsState(), ConfirmState()]

class Progress(object):
This singleton class contains the whole information collected along all the wizard process
__instance = None

def __new__(cls):
if Progress.__instance is None:
Progress.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
Progress.__instance.input_blog = None
Progress.__instance.state = NoneState()
Progress.__instance.tracking_message = None
Progress.__instance.input_dep = None
Progress.__instance.input_node = None
Progress.__instance.input_minutes = None
Progress.__instance.input_start_time = None
Progress.__instance.input_end_time = None
return Progress.__instance

def clear(self):
Resets the progress
self.input_blog = None
self.state = NoneState()
self.tracking_message = None
self.input_dep = None
self.input_node = None
self.input_minutes = None
self.input_start_time = None
self.input_end_time = None

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Moves to the next state or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state to move to
:return: the next state, already set to the Progress object
if new_state is not None:
if self.state:
self.state = self.state.next_state(new_state)
self.state = NoneState
#logger('Couldnt go to next state')
self.state = self.state.next_state()

def __str__(self):
return ': dep=, node=, start=,end='.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.input_dep, self.input_node, self.input_start_time, self.input_end_time)

Now we use the previous code here:



from telegram import ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from telegram.ext import (Updater, Filters, RegexHandler, CommandHandler,
CallbackQueryHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler)

from my_package.step_states import DepState, NodeState, StartTimeState, EndTimeState, KeywordsState, ConfirmState,
BlogState, IntervalState
from my_package.step_states import Progress
from environments import get_bot_token

import logging

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OK = 'OK'

# Updater is telegram code and the bot_token is an id string
updater = Updater(get_bot_token())

def start(bot, update):
Starts the wizard planning process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the state for the ConversationHandler
p = Progress()

p.state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return p.state

def error(bot, update, error):
Logs errors
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)

def skip(bot, update):
Skips this step in the wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the next state skipping the present one
user = update.message.from_user"%s skipped a step.", user.first_name)
update.message.reply_text("Skipping steps is not supported yet. Process is done")

# If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present

# TODO Right now we don't accept skips and we cancel everything.
# TODO In the future, we will look at present state and choose the next state
return cancel(bot, update)

def cancel(bot, update):
Cancels the whole wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the END state for he ConversationHandler

user = update.message.from_user" cancelled the process.".format(user.first_name))
update.message.reply_text('Process ended.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

return ConversationHandler.END

def main():
global updater

dp = updater.dispatcher

# Add conversation handler with the states
# The telegram conversation handler needs a list of handlers with function so it can execute desired code in each state/step
conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[ CommandHandler('start', start) ],

DepState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(DepState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
NodeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(NodeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
BlogState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(BlogState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
IntervalState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(IntervalState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
StartTimeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(StartTimeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
EndTimeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(EndTimeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
KeywordsState(): [MessageHandler(Filters.text, KeywordsState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
ConfirmState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(ConfirmState().handle)],
fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', cancel)]


# dp.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(button_callback))

# Start the Bot

# Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
# SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
# start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.

if __name__ == '__main__':

share|improve this question

I'm making a sort of a user interface for a telegram bot and my idea was to use State design pattern for making sort of a wizard for all the process, with user inputting data in each step or pressing /skip for skipping a single step or /cancel for ending everything.

It's working pretty well. I put the states/steps in a list so I can always get to the next one easily by a common method in the parent. Every state is a Borg, so I can instantiate a state everywhere and will always have the same values and methods.

I also made a Singleton class named Progress for putting all the input in the wizard process so I can store it and send it altogether at the end. I know you can use modules in Python as singleton, but I'm more used to this and I prefer not polluting the namespace. I also think this is easier for testing and using.

Being a Python beginner, I'm proud with this code, but I think it has some code smells and it can be improved in terms of design and best practices. I also made it for a single user, but haven't tested two persons accessing the bot simultaneously. I'd like to restrict transitions among states too.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from telegram.ext import ConversationHandler
from import SEARCH_INDEXES
from environments import get_blogs

OK = 'OK'

class StepState(metaclass=ABCMeta):
This is a Borg class which shares state and methods so all the instances created for it are different references
but containing the same values. This is also true for children of the same class, so:

Children1() == Children1() # False, because references are different, but the values are the same.
Also if you change one, you change the other
Children1() == Children2() # False, references are different and you can change anyone without affecting the other
states =
name = "state" # This is not used yet. Thinking of deleting it everywhere
allowed = # This is not used, but could be interesting to allow only some transitions. Just a sketch

# State is a Borg design pattern class
__shared_state =

def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()

def message(self, update):
Returns the object holding the info coming from Telegram with the methods for replying and looking into this info
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the update or query object
if update.callback_query:
return update.callback_query.message
return update.message

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
Draws the UI in Telegram (usually a custom keyboard) for the user to input data
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
Handles all the input info into the Progress object and transitions to the next state
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
self.progress = Progress()
# TODO How to make cancel() common to all states
#query = update.callback_query
#if == CANCEL:
# return cancel(bot, update)

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Inherited method which decides to move to the next state, or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state, if any
:return: the next state
# TODO Check if the transition is allowed?
if new_state is None:
default_next_state_index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.states)
next_new_state = self.states[default_next_state_index]
# TODO logging'Current state:', self, ' => switched to new state', next_new_state)
return next_new_state
return new_state

def index(self):
Returns the index of this state within the list with all states
:return: the index as an int
return StepState.states.index(self)

def __hash__(self):
return hash(

def __str__(self):

class NoneState(StepState):
name = 'NoneState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):

class DepState(StepState):
name = 'DepState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
num_cols = 3
current_row =

# Think of SEARCH_INDEXES as a list with objects having two strings: spanish_description and browse_node_id
for dep in SEARCH_INDEXES:
callback_data="=".format(dep.browse_node_id, dep.spanish_desc)))
if len(current_row) >= num_cols:
current_row =
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)

self.message(update).reply_text('Enter the department or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
current_input_dep, text ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Departament chosen: ".format(text), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

Progress().input_dep = current_input_dep

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class NodeState(StepState):
name = 'NodeState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input numbers for the node or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Typed data : ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
if == OK:
# TODO Validate input data'Input data: '.format(self.progress.input_node))
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen node: ".format(self.progress.input_node), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,


Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_node:
self.progress.input_node = ''
if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_node):
self.progress.input_node = self.progress.input_node[:-1]
self.progress.input_node +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Input data: ".format(self.progress.input_node),

class BlogState(StepState):
name = 'BlogState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(blog, callback_data='='.format(blog, bid)) for blog, bid in get_blogs().items()]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Choose an option, /skip or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
bname, bid ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen option: ".format(bname), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

# We text the user the requirements for next state
# query.message.reply_text('Departamento elegido. ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

Progress().input_blog = (bname,bid)

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class StartTimeState(StepState):
name = 'StartTimeState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(':', callback_data=':')],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input start time or /cancel', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Start time: ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query
if == OK:
# TODO Validate input data'Intpu data: '.format(self.progress.input_start_time))
bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)
#bot.edit_message_text(text="Input start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),chat_id=query.message.chat_id,message_id=query.message.message_id)


Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_start_time:
self.progress.input_start_time = ''
if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_start_time):
self.progress.input_start_time = self.progress.input_start_time[:-1]
self.progress.input_start_time +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),

# ... more states
# ... more and more states
# ...and so on, you can imagine

class KeywordsState(StepState):
name = 'KeywordsState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Enter keywords', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):"Keywords: %s", update.message.text)
# TODO Store in a variable or similar the keywords
'Thanks. The keywods are: '.format(update.message.text))

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class ConfirmState(StepState):
name = 'ConfirmState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Confirm all this info: !s'.format(Progress()))
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Accep or cancel (/cancel)', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
query = update.callback_query

# Se lanza el procesamiento
# Se resetea el progreso
return ConversationHandler.END

# This is important. It's intended for setting the steps in an ordered-sorted way
StepState.states = [NoneState(), DepState(), NodeState(), BlogState(), IntervalState(), StartTimeState(), EndTimeState(), RepeatsState(), LabelsState(), KeywordsState(), ConfirmState()]

class Progress(object):
This singleton class contains the whole information collected along all the wizard process
__instance = None

def __new__(cls):
if Progress.__instance is None:
Progress.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
Progress.__instance.input_blog = None
Progress.__instance.state = NoneState()
Progress.__instance.tracking_message = None
Progress.__instance.input_dep = None
Progress.__instance.input_node = None
Progress.__instance.input_minutes = None
Progress.__instance.input_start_time = None
Progress.__instance.input_end_time = None
return Progress.__instance

def clear(self):
Resets the progress
self.input_blog = None
self.state = NoneState()
self.tracking_message = None
self.input_dep = None
self.input_node = None
self.input_minutes = None
self.input_start_time = None
self.input_end_time = None

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Moves to the next state or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state to move to
:return: the next state, already set to the Progress object
if new_state is not None:
if self.state:
self.state = self.state.next_state(new_state)
self.state = NoneState
#logger('Couldnt go to next state')
self.state = self.state.next_state()

def __str__(self):
return ': dep=, node=, start=,end='.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.input_dep, self.input_node, self.input_start_time, self.input_end_time)

Now we use the previous code here:



from telegram import ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from telegram.ext import (Updater, Filters, RegexHandler, CommandHandler,
CallbackQueryHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler)

from my_package.step_states import DepState, NodeState, StartTimeState, EndTimeState, KeywordsState, ConfirmState,
BlogState, IntervalState
from my_package.step_states import Progress
from environments import get_bot_token

import logging

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OK = 'OK'

# Updater is telegram code and the bot_token is an id string
updater = Updater(get_bot_token())

def start(bot, update):
Starts the wizard planning process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the state for the ConversationHandler
p = Progress()

p.state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return p.state

def error(bot, update, error):
Logs errors
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)

def skip(bot, update):
Skips this step in the wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the next state skipping the present one
user = update.message.from_user"%s skipped a step.", user.first_name)
update.message.reply_text("Skipping steps is not supported yet. Process is done")

# If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present

# TODO Right now we don't accept skips and we cancel everything.
# TODO In the future, we will look at present state and choose the next state
return cancel(bot, update)

def cancel(bot, update):
Cancels the whole wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the END state for he ConversationHandler

user = update.message.from_user" cancelled the process.".format(user.first_name))
update.message.reply_text('Process ended.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

return ConversationHandler.END

def main():
global updater

dp = updater.dispatcher

# Add conversation handler with the states
# The telegram conversation handler needs a list of handlers with function so it can execute desired code in each state/step
conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[ CommandHandler('start', start) ],

DepState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(DepState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
NodeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(NodeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
BlogState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(BlogState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
IntervalState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(IntervalState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
StartTimeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(StartTimeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
EndTimeState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(EndTimeState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
KeywordsState(): [MessageHandler(Filters.text, KeywordsState().handle), CommandHandler('skip', skip)],
ConfirmState(): [CallbackQueryHandler(ConfirmState().handle)],
fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', cancel)]


# dp.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(button_callback))

# Start the Bot

# Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
# SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
# start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.

if __name__ == '__main__':

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edited Jan 26 at 13:41




asked Jan 16 at 15:52




  • Please do not update the code in your question to incorporate feedback from answers, doing so goes against the Question + Answer style of Code Review. This is not a forum where you should keep the most updated version in your question. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers.
    – Mast
    Jan 26 at 13:41

  • @Mast I was only formatting and changing indentation. Also I deleted some comments. All of it was done to make it easy to read and understand, but I didn't any refactoring, changed any method or added anything.
    – madtyn
    Jan 27 at 11:35

  • Feel free to post a follow-up question when you've made significant changes. Leave the code in this question as-is.
    – Mast
    Jan 27 at 13:50

  • Please do not update the code in your question to incorporate feedback from answers, doing so goes against the Question + Answer style of Code Review. This is not a forum where you should keep the most updated version in your question. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers.
    – Mast
    Jan 26 at 13:41

  • @Mast I was only formatting and changing indentation. Also I deleted some comments. All of it was done to make it easy to read and understand, but I didn't any refactoring, changed any method or added anything.
    – madtyn
    Jan 27 at 11:35

  • Feel free to post a follow-up question when you've made significant changes. Leave the code in this question as-is.
    – Mast
    Jan 27 at 13:50

Please do not update the code in your question to incorporate feedback from answers, doing so goes against the Question + Answer style of Code Review. This is not a forum where you should keep the most updated version in your question. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers.
– Mast
Jan 26 at 13:41

Please do not update the code in your question to incorporate feedback from answers, doing so goes against the Question + Answer style of Code Review. This is not a forum where you should keep the most updated version in your question. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers.
– Mast
Jan 26 at 13:41

@Mast I was only formatting and changing indentation. Also I deleted some comments. All of it was done to make it easy to read and understand, but I didn't any refactoring, changed any method or added anything.
– madtyn
Jan 27 at 11:35

@Mast I was only formatting and changing indentation. Also I deleted some comments. All of it was done to make it easy to read and understand, but I didn't any refactoring, changed any method or added anything.
– madtyn
Jan 27 at 11:35

Feel free to post a follow-up question when you've made significant changes. Leave the code in this question as-is.
– Mast
Jan 27 at 13:50

Feel free to post a follow-up question when you've made significant changes. Leave the code in this question as-is.
– Mast
Jan 27 at 13:50

1 Answer




up vote
down vote

I mainly decoupled the states from the bots putting a handler_list method inside each state.

Briefly I comment some suggestions and good points Gareeth Reese made:

  1. Cutting source code lines to 80 chars. Still pending. I'm doing it the next time I post

  2. The use of self.states and the index method to choose a next state is inefficient (proportional to number of states). The antipattern here is over-encapsulation, the co-ordination needs to be handled at a higher level,for example in a state machine class like your Progress class. Still pending

  3. The data structure that's needed is a mapping from state to next state, for example, in the Progress class you could have:

    _state_order = [NoneState(), DepState(), NodeState(), ...]
    _next_state = dict(zip(_state_order[:-1], _state_order[1:]))

and then in the Progress.next_state method you'd write:

self.state = self._next_state[self.state]

  1. The message method is only used in the context


The duplicated code could be eliminated like this:

def reply_text(self, update, *args, *kwargs):
"""Reply to a Telegram update ..."""
if update.callback_query:
message = update.callback_query.message
message = update.message
message.reply_text(*args, **kwargs)

And since this does not use self, it does not need to be a method on a class, it could be a @staticmethod or, better, an ordinary function. Tried it but some parameter was giving an error

  1. Borg pattern is unnecessary and its machinery can be dropped from the StepState class. Still thinking about it

  2. After removing all these attributes and methods, the only attribute remaining is progress. This is only used in the handle method, and so it would make sense to pass it as a parameter to that method and avoid the need for the attribute. Still thinking about it

  3. Still pending as well. After removing the progress attribute, none of the remaining methods use self, so there's no need to create state objects, you can just use the state classes as namespaces for the draw_ui and handle functions:

    _state_order = [NoneState, DepState, NodeState, ...]

I evolved a little bit the code until I came to this below. I know that many changes are still pending and DRY principle is broken, but the main things are done:


class StepState(metaclass=ABCMeta):
This is a Borg class which shares state and methods so all the instances created for it are different references
but containing the same values. This is also true for children of the same class, so:

Children1() == Children1() # False, because references are different, but the values are the same.
Also if you change one, you change the other
Children1() == Children2() # False, references are different and you can change anyone without affecting others
states =

# State is a Borg design pattern class
__shared_state =

def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

def message(update):
Returns the object holding the info coming from Telegram with the methods for replying
and looking into this info
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the update or query object
if update.callback_query:
return update.callback_query.message
return update.message

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
Draws the UI in Telegram (usually a custom keyboard) for the user to input data
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
Handles all the input info into the Progress object and transitions to the next state
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
"""'Handling state in parent'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
self.progress = Progress()
if update and update.callback_query:
query = update.callback_query
if == CANCEL:
return self.cancel(bot, update)

def handler_list(self):
Returns the list with the handlers for managing the events for this state
Example: return [ CallbackQueryHandler(callbackFunc), CommandHandler('cmd', commandFunc)]

Will apply the callbackFunc for managing a query-like update, but if not,
will try to apply commandFunc for an incoming command /cmd
:return: the handlers list

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Inherited method which decides to move to the next state, or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state, if any
:return: the next state
# TODO Check if the transition is allowed?
next_new_state = None
if new_state is None:
default_next_state_index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.states)
next_new_state = self.states[default_next_state_index]
next_new_state = new_state'Actual state: => switched to new state '.format(self, next_new_state))
return next_new_state

def skip(bot, update):
Skips this step in the wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the next state skipping the present one
"""'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))
update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

# If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

def cancel(bot, update):
Cancels the whole wizard process
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
:return: the END state for he ConversationHandler

user = StepState.message(update).from_user" canceled the process.".format(user.first_name))
StepState.message(update).reply_text('Proceso finalizado.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

return ConversationHandler.END

def validate_input(self, input_data):
Validates the input data for this step/state
:param input_data: the input data
:return: True if input data is valid, otherwise False
return True

def index(self):
Returns the index of this state within the list with all states
:return: the index as an int
return StepState.states.index(self)

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()

def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__class__.__name__)

def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__

class DepState(StepState):
def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
num_cols = 3
current_row =

# Think of SEARCH_INDEXES as a list with objects having two strings: spanish_description and browse_node_id
for dep in SEARCH_INDEXES:
callback_data="=".format(dep.browse_node_id, dep.spanish_desc)))
if len(current_row) >= num_cols:
current_row =
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)

self.message(update).reply_text('Enter the *departament*, do /skip or /cancel',
parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
if parent_result is not None:
return parent_result
query = update.callback_query
current_input_dep, text ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Departament chosen: ".format(text), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

Progress().input_dep = current_input_dep

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

class NodeState(StepState):
def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input numbers for the node, do /skip or /cancel',
parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Typed data : ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
if parent_result is not None:
return parent_result
query = update.callback_query
if hasattr(query, 'data'):
if == OK:
if self.validate_input(self.progress.input_node):
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen node: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

no_keywords = self.progress.input_keywords is None or not self.progress.input_keywords.strip()

if self.progress.input_node:
self.message(update).reply_text('Not allowed value')
self.progress.input_node = ''
elif no_keywords:
# If there are no keywords, then the node is mandatory
self.message(update).reply_text('This input is mandatory. Enter an allowed value')

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_node:
self.progress.input_node = ''

if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_node):
self.progress.input_node = self.progress.input_node[:-1]
self.progress.input_node +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Input data: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
self.progress.input_node = update.message.text
Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
self.progress.input_node = ''
Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
return Progress().state

def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

# If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
if Progress().input_keywords is None or not Progress().input_keywords.strip():
update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
Progress().input_node = ''
update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
return Progress().state

def validate_input(self, input_data):
data = input_data
if type(input_data) is str:
data = int(data.strip())

response = requests.get(''.format(data))
return response.status_code == 200

def handler_list(self):
return [RegexHandler('^(d+)$', self.handle),
CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

class BlogState(StepState):
def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(blog, callback_data='='.format(blog, bid)) for blog, bid in sorted(get_blogs().items())]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Choose an option, /skip or /cancel', parse_mode='Markdown',reply_markup=reply_markup)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
if parent_result is not None:
return parent_result
query = update.callback_query
bname, bid ='=')
bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen option: ".format(bname), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

# We optionally log anything

# We text the user the requirements for next state
# query.message.reply_text('Departamento elegido. ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

Progress().input_blog = (bname,bid)

if bname == 'xxx':
Progress().input_dep = HEALTH.browse_node_id
elif bname == 'books':
Progress().input_dep = BOOKS.browse_node_id

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

def handler_list(self):
return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

class StartTimeState(StepState):
def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
[InlineKeyboardButton(':', callback_data=':')],
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Input start time or /cancel',
parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
# We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Start time: ".format(''))

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
if parent_result is not None:
return parent_result
query = update.callback_query

if hasattr(query, 'data'):
if == OK:
bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state
if not self.progress.input_start_time:
self.progress.input_start_time = ''
if == DELETE:
if len(self.progress.input_start_time):
self.progress.input_start_time = self.progress.input_start_time[:-1]
self.progress.input_start_time +=

# We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
bot.edit_message_text(text="Start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),
if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
self.progress.input_start_time = update.message.text
Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
self.progress.input_start_time = ''
Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
return Progress().state

def handler_list(self):
return [RegexHandler(TIME_REGEX, self.handle),
CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

# ... more states
# ... more and more states
# ...and so on, you can imagine

class KeywordsState(StepState):
name = 'KeywordsState'

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Enter keywords', parse_mode='Markdown',

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
if parent_result is not None:
return parent_result

keywords = update.message.text.strip()

if keywords:
Progress().input_keywords = keywords
update.message.reply_text('Thanks. The keywords are: '.format(keywords))
# When SearchIndex equals All, BrowseNode cannot be present
if Progress().input_dep is None:
update.message.reply_text('No ha introducido palabras. Introdúzcalas, haga /skip o /cancel')

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return Progress().state

def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

# If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
if Progress().input_dep is None:
update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
Progress().input_keywords = None
update.message.reply_text("Skipping this step.")

Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
return Progress().state

def handler_list(self):
return [MessageHandler(Filters.text, self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

class ConfirmState(StepState):

def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
self.message(update).reply_text('Confirm all this info: !s'.format(Progress()))
reply_keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
self.message(update).reply_text('Accept or cancel (/cancel)', reply_markup=reply_markup)

# This returns a generator with a data list to consume
self.generator = search_asins(Progress().input_dep, Progress().input_node, Progress().input_keywords)

def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
if parent_result is not None:
return parent_result
# OK granted, CANCEL is managed in parent
query = update.callback_query

# We finished with the wizard and launch everything
# Launching stuff here...
# ...

# Progress should be reset
return ConversationHandler.END

def handler_list(self):
return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle)]

# This is intended for setting the steps in an ordered-sorted way
StepState.states = [
NoneState(), BlogState(), DepState(), KeywordsState(), NodeState(), StartTimeState(),
IntervalState(), EndTimeState(), RepeatsState(), ConfirmState()

class Progress(object):
This singleton class contains the whole information collected along all the wizard process
__instance = None

def __new__(cls):
if Progress.__instance is None:
Progress.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
Progress.__instance.input_blog = None
Progress.__instance.state = NoneState()
Progress.__instance.tracking_message = None
Progress.__instance.input_dep = None
Progress.__instance.input_node = None
Progress.__instance.input_minutes = '60'
Progress.__instance.input_start_time = None
Progress.__instance.input_end_time = None
Progress.__instance.input_keywords = None
Progress.__instance.input_repeats = None
return Progress.__instance

def clear(self):
Resets the progress
self.input_blog = None
self.state = NoneState()
self.tracking_message = None
self.input_dep = None
self.input_node = None
self.input_minutes = '60'
self.input_start_time = None
self.input_end_time = None
self.input_keywords = None

def next_state(self, new_state=None):
Moves to the next state or to the specified state if any
:param new_state: the next state to move to
:return: the next state, already set to the Progress object
if new_state is not None:
if self.state:
self.state = self.state.next_state(new_state)
self.state = NoneState"It was impossible o move to the next state")
self.state = self.state.next_state()

def __str__(self):
return ": blog=, dep=, node=, start=, "
"interval=', end=, repeats=, keywords=".format(self.__class__.__name__,self.input_blog[0],self.input_dep,self.input_node,self.input_start_time,self.input_minutes,self.input_end_time,self.input_repeats,self.input_keywords)


from telegram.ext import (Updater, Filters, CommandHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler)

from my_package.step_states import Progress, StepState
from environments import get_bot_token, getLogger

# Enable logging
logger = getLogger(__name__)

updater = Updater(get_bot_token())

def start(bot, update):
Sends a message when the command /start is issued.
:param bot: the bot
:param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
update.message.reply_text('Bot started')

def error(bot, update, error):
Logs errors
:param bot: the Telegram bot
:param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)

def restricted(my_handler):
Decorates a handler for restricting its use
:param my_handler: the handler to be restricted
:return: the restricted handler
def wrapped(bot, update, *args, **kwargs):
user_id, user_name =, update.effective_user.first_name
if user_id not in get_allowed_users():
update.message.reply_text("Unauthorized access con id .n".format(user_name, user_id))
return'Entering '.format(my_handler.__name__))
return my_handler(bot, update, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped

def plan(bot, update): #, blog_id=get_blog_id(), interval=60, dep_param_id=None):
Starts the wizard for scheduling item posts
:param bot: the bot
:param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
p = Progress()

p.state.draw_ui(bot, update)

return p.state

def main():
"""Start the bot."""
# Create the EventHandler and pass it your bot's token.
global updater

# Get the dispatcher to register handlers
dp = updater.dispatcher

# on different commands - answer in Telegram
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))

# Add conversation handler with the states
# The telegram conversation handler needs a handler_list with functions
# so it can execute desired code in each state/step
conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[CommandHandler('plan', plan)],
# We enter all the states and all the configured handlers for each state
states=state: state.handler_list() for state in StepState.states,
fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', StepState.cancel)]


# log all errors

# Start the Bot

# Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
# SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
# start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.

if __name__ == '__main__':

share|improve this answer

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    up vote
    down vote

    I mainly decoupled the states from the bots putting a handler_list method inside each state.

    Briefly I comment some suggestions and good points Gareeth Reese made:

    1. Cutting source code lines to 80 chars. Still pending. I'm doing it the next time I post

    2. The use of self.states and the index method to choose a next state is inefficient (proportional to number of states). The antipattern here is over-encapsulation, the co-ordination needs to be handled at a higher level,for example in a state machine class like your Progress class. Still pending

    3. The data structure that's needed is a mapping from state to next state, for example, in the Progress class you could have:

      _state_order = [NoneState(), DepState(), NodeState(), ...]
      _next_state = dict(zip(_state_order[:-1], _state_order[1:]))

    and then in the Progress.next_state method you'd write:

    self.state = self._next_state[self.state]

    1. The message method is only used in the context


    The duplicated code could be eliminated like this:

    def reply_text(self, update, *args, *kwargs):
    """Reply to a Telegram update ..."""
    if update.callback_query:
    message = update.callback_query.message
    message = update.message
    message.reply_text(*args, **kwargs)

    And since this does not use self, it does not need to be a method on a class, it could be a @staticmethod or, better, an ordinary function. Tried it but some parameter was giving an error

    1. Borg pattern is unnecessary and its machinery can be dropped from the StepState class. Still thinking about it

    2. After removing all these attributes and methods, the only attribute remaining is progress. This is only used in the handle method, and so it would make sense to pass it as a parameter to that method and avoid the need for the attribute. Still thinking about it

    3. Still pending as well. After removing the progress attribute, none of the remaining methods use self, so there's no need to create state objects, you can just use the state classes as namespaces for the draw_ui and handle functions:

      _state_order = [NoneState, DepState, NodeState, ...]

    I evolved a little bit the code until I came to this below. I know that many changes are still pending and DRY principle is broken, but the main things are done:


    class StepState(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    This is a Borg class which shares state and methods so all the instances created for it are different references
    but containing the same values. This is also true for children of the same class, so:

    Children1() == Children1() # False, because references are different, but the values are the same.
    Also if you change one, you change the other
    Children1() == Children2() # False, references are different and you can change anyone without affecting others
    states =

    # State is a Borg design pattern class
    __shared_state =

    def __init__(self):
    self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

    def message(update):
    Returns the object holding the info coming from Telegram with the methods for replying
    and looking into this info
    :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
    :return: the update or query object
    if update.callback_query:
    return update.callback_query.message
    return update.message

    def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
    Draws the UI in Telegram (usually a custom keyboard) for the user to input data
    :param bot: the Telegram bot
    :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message

    def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
    Handles all the input info into the Progress object and transitions to the next state
    :param bot: the Telegram bot
    :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
    """'Handling state in parent'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
    self.progress = Progress()
    if update and update.callback_query:
    query = update.callback_query
    if == CANCEL:
    return self.cancel(bot, update)

    def handler_list(self):
    Returns the list with the handlers for managing the events for this state
    Example: return [ CallbackQueryHandler(callbackFunc), CommandHandler('cmd', commandFunc)]

    Will apply the callbackFunc for managing a query-like update, but if not,
    will try to apply commandFunc for an incoming command /cmd
    :return: the handlers list

    def next_state(self, new_state=None):
    Inherited method which decides to move to the next state, or to the specified state if any
    :param new_state: the next state, if any
    :return: the next state
    # TODO Check if the transition is allowed?
    next_new_state = None
    if new_state is None:
    default_next_state_index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.states)
    next_new_state = self.states[default_next_state_index]
    next_new_state = new_state'Actual state: => switched to new state '.format(self, next_new_state))
    return next_new_state

    def skip(bot, update):
    Skips this step in the wizard process
    :param bot: the Telegram bot
    :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
    :return: the next state skipping the present one
    """'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))
    update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

    # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present

    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

    return Progress().state

    def cancel(bot, update):
    Cancels the whole wizard process
    :param bot: the Telegram bot
    :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
    :return: the END state for he ConversationHandler

    user = StepState.message(update).from_user" canceled the process.".format(user.first_name))
    StepState.message(update).reply_text('Proceso finalizado.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

    return ConversationHandler.END

    def validate_input(self, input_data):
    Validates the input data for this step/state
    :param input_data: the input data
    :return: True if input data is valid, otherwise False
    return True

    def index(self):
    Returns the index of this state within the list with all states
    :return: the index as an int
    return StepState.states.index(self)

    def __eq__(self, other):
    return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()

    def __hash__(self):
    return hash(self.__class__.__name__)

    def __str__(self):
    return self.__class__.__name__

    class DepState(StepState):
    def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
    reply_keyboard = [
    num_cols = 3
    current_row =

    # Think of SEARCH_INDEXES as a list with objects having two strings: spanish_description and browse_node_id
    for dep in SEARCH_INDEXES:
    callback_data="=".format(dep.browse_node_id, dep.spanish_desc)))
    if len(current_row) >= num_cols:
    current_row =
    reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)

    self.message(update).reply_text('Enter the *departament*, do /skip or /cancel',
    parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)

    def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
    parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
    if parent_result is not None:
    return parent_result
    query = update.callback_query
    current_input_dep, text ='=')
    bot.edit_message_text(text="Departament chosen: ".format(text), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

    # We optionally log anything

    Progress().input_dep = current_input_dep

    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

    return Progress().state

    class NodeState(StepState):
    def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
    reply_keyboard = [
    [InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
    [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
    [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
    [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
    InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
    reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
    self.message(update).reply_text('Input numbers for the node, do /skip or /cancel',
    parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
    # We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
    Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Typed data : ".format(''))

    def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
    parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
    if parent_result is not None:
    return parent_result
    query = update.callback_query
    if hasattr(query, 'data'):
    if == OK:
    if self.validate_input(self.progress.input_node):
    bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen node: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
    chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

    no_keywords = self.progress.input_keywords is None or not self.progress.input_keywords.strip()

    if self.progress.input_node:
    self.message(update).reply_text('Not allowed value')
    self.progress.input_node = ''
    elif no_keywords:
    # If there are no keywords, then the node is mandatory
    self.message(update).reply_text('This input is mandatory. Enter an allowed value')

    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
    return Progress().state
    if not self.progress.input_node:
    self.progress.input_node = ''

    if == DELETE:
    if len(self.progress.input_node):
    self.progress.input_node = self.progress.input_node[:-1]
    self.progress.input_node +=

    # We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
    bot.edit_message_text(text="Input data: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
    if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
    self.progress.input_node = update.message.text
    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
    elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
    self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
    self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
    self.progress.input_node = ''
    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
    return Progress().state

    def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

    # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
    if Progress().input_keywords is None or not Progress().input_keywords.strip():
    update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
    Progress().input_node = ''
    update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
    return Progress().state

    def validate_input(self, input_data):
    data = input_data
    if type(input_data) is str:
    data = int(data.strip())

    response = requests.get(''.format(data))
    return response.status_code == 200

    def handler_list(self):
    return [RegexHandler('^(d+)$', self.handle),
    CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

    class BlogState(StepState):
    def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

    reply_keyboard = [
    [InlineKeyboardButton(blog, callback_data='='.format(blog, bid)) for blog, bid in sorted(get_blogs().items())]
    reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
    self.message(update).reply_text('Choose an option, /skip or /cancel', parse_mode='Markdown',reply_markup=reply_markup)

    def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
    parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
    if parent_result is not None:
    return parent_result
    query = update.callback_query
    bname, bid ='=')
    bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen option: ".format(bname), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

    # We optionally log anything

    # We text the user the requirements for next state
    # query.message.reply_text('Departamento elegido. ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

    Progress().input_blog = (bname,bid)

    if bname == 'xxx':
    Progress().input_dep = HEALTH.browse_node_id
    elif bname == 'books':
    Progress().input_dep = BOOKS.browse_node_id

    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

    return Progress().state

    def handler_list(self):
    return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

    class StartTimeState(StepState):
    def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
    reply_keyboard = [
    [InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
    [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
    [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
    [InlineKeyboardButton(':', callback_data=':')],
    [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
    InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
    reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
    self.message(update).reply_text('Input start time or /cancel',
    parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
    # We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
    Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Start time: ".format(''))

    def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
    parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
    if parent_result is not None:
    return parent_result
    query = update.callback_query

    if hasattr(query, 'data'):
    if == OK:
    bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

    return Progress().state
    if not self.progress.input_start_time:
    self.progress.input_start_time = ''
    if == DELETE:
    if len(self.progress.input_start_time):
    self.progress.input_start_time = self.progress.input_start_time[:-1]
    self.progress.input_start_time +=

    # We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
    bot.edit_message_text(text="Start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),
    if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
    self.progress.input_start_time = update.message.text
    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
    elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
    self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
    self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
    self.progress.input_start_time = ''
    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
    return Progress().state

    def handler_list(self):
    return [RegexHandler(TIME_REGEX, self.handle),
    CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

    # ... more states
    # ... more and more states
    # ...and so on, you can imagine

    class KeywordsState(StepState):
    name = 'KeywordsState'

    def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
    self.message(update).reply_text('Enter keywords', parse_mode='Markdown',

    def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
    parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
    if parent_result is not None:
    return parent_result

    keywords = update.message.text.strip()

    if keywords:
    Progress().input_keywords = keywords
    update.message.reply_text('Thanks. The keywords are: '.format(keywords))
    # When SearchIndex equals All, BrowseNode cannot be present
    if Progress().input_dep is None:
    update.message.reply_text('No ha introducido palabras. Introdúzcalas, haga /skip o /cancel')

    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

    return Progress().state

    def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

    # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
    if Progress().input_dep is None:
    update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
    Progress().input_keywords = None
    update.message.reply_text("Skipping this step.")

    Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
    return Progress().state

    def handler_list(self):
    return [MessageHandler(Filters.text, self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

    class ConfirmState(StepState):

    def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
    self.message(update).reply_text('Confirm all this info: !s'.format(Progress()))
    reply_keyboard = [
    [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
    InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
    reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
    self.message(update).reply_text('Accept or cancel (/cancel)', reply_markup=reply_markup)

    # This returns a generator with a data list to consume
    self.generator = search_asins(Progress().input_dep, Progress().input_node, Progress().input_keywords)

    def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
    parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
    if parent_result is not None:
    return parent_result
    # OK granted, CANCEL is managed in parent
    query = update.callback_query

    # We finished with the wizard and launch everything
    # Launching stuff here...
    # ...

    # Progress should be reset
    return ConversationHandler.END

    def handler_list(self):
    return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle)]

    # This is intended for setting the steps in an ordered-sorted way
    StepState.states = [
    NoneState(), BlogState(), DepState(), KeywordsState(), NodeState(), StartTimeState(),
    IntervalState(), EndTimeState(), RepeatsState(), ConfirmState()

    class Progress(object):
    This singleton class contains the whole information collected along all the wizard process
    __instance = None

    def __new__(cls):
    if Progress.__instance is None:
    Progress.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
    Progress.__instance.input_blog = None
    Progress.__instance.state = NoneState()
    Progress.__instance.tracking_message = None
    Progress.__instance.input_dep = None
    Progress.__instance.input_node = None
    Progress.__instance.input_minutes = '60'
    Progress.__instance.input_start_time = None
    Progress.__instance.input_end_time = None
    Progress.__instance.input_keywords = None
    Progress.__instance.input_repeats = None
    return Progress.__instance

    def clear(self):
    Resets the progress
    self.input_blog = None
    self.state = NoneState()
    self.tracking_message = None
    self.input_dep = None
    self.input_node = None
    self.input_minutes = '60'
    self.input_start_time = None
    self.input_end_time = None
    self.input_keywords = None

    def next_state(self, new_state=None):
    Moves to the next state or to the specified state if any
    :param new_state: the next state to move to
    :return: the next state, already set to the Progress object
    if new_state is not None:
    if self.state:
    self.state = self.state.next_state(new_state)
    self.state = NoneState"It was impossible o move to the next state")
    self.state = self.state.next_state()

    def __str__(self):
    return ": blog=, dep=, node=, start=, "
    "interval=', end=, repeats=, keywords=".format(self.__class__.__name__,self.input_blog[0],self.input_dep,self.input_node,self.input_start_time,self.input_minutes,self.input_end_time,self.input_repeats,self.input_keywords)


    from telegram.ext import (Updater, Filters, CommandHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler)

    from my_package.step_states import Progress, StepState
    from environments import get_bot_token, getLogger

    # Enable logging
    logger = getLogger(__name__)

    updater = Updater(get_bot_token())

    def start(bot, update):
    Sends a message when the command /start is issued.
    :param bot: the bot
    :param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
    update.message.reply_text('Bot started')

    def error(bot, update, error):
    Logs errors
    :param bot: the Telegram bot
    :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
    logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)

    def restricted(my_handler):
    Decorates a handler for restricting its use
    :param my_handler: the handler to be restricted
    :return: the restricted handler
    def wrapped(bot, update, *args, **kwargs):
    user_id, user_name =, update.effective_user.first_name
    if user_id not in get_allowed_users():
    update.message.reply_text("Unauthorized access con id .n".format(user_name, user_id))
    return'Entering '.format(my_handler.__name__))
    return my_handler(bot, update, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

    def plan(bot, update): #, blog_id=get_blog_id(), interval=60, dep_param_id=None):
    Starts the wizard for scheduling item posts
    :param bot: the bot
    :param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
    p = Progress()

    p.state.draw_ui(bot, update)

    return p.state

    def main():
    """Start the bot."""
    # Create the EventHandler and pass it your bot's token.
    global updater

    # Get the dispatcher to register handlers
    dp = updater.dispatcher

    # on different commands - answer in Telegram
    dp.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))

    # Add conversation handler with the states
    # The telegram conversation handler needs a handler_list with functions
    # so it can execute desired code in each state/step
    conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
    entry_points=[CommandHandler('plan', plan)],
    # We enter all the states and all the configured handlers for each state
    states=state: state.handler_list() for state in StepState.states,
    fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', StepState.cancel)]


    # log all errors

    # Start the Bot

    # Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
    # SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
    # start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.

    if __name__ == '__main__':

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      I mainly decoupled the states from the bots putting a handler_list method inside each state.

      Briefly I comment some suggestions and good points Gareeth Reese made:

      1. Cutting source code lines to 80 chars. Still pending. I'm doing it the next time I post

      2. The use of self.states and the index method to choose a next state is inefficient (proportional to number of states). The antipattern here is over-encapsulation, the co-ordination needs to be handled at a higher level,for example in a state machine class like your Progress class. Still pending

      3. The data structure that's needed is a mapping from state to next state, for example, in the Progress class you could have:

        _state_order = [NoneState(), DepState(), NodeState(), ...]
        _next_state = dict(zip(_state_order[:-1], _state_order[1:]))

      and then in the Progress.next_state method you'd write:

      self.state = self._next_state[self.state]

      1. The message method is only used in the context


      The duplicated code could be eliminated like this:

      def reply_text(self, update, *args, *kwargs):
      """Reply to a Telegram update ..."""
      if update.callback_query:
      message = update.callback_query.message
      message = update.message
      message.reply_text(*args, **kwargs)

      And since this does not use self, it does not need to be a method on a class, it could be a @staticmethod or, better, an ordinary function. Tried it but some parameter was giving an error

      1. Borg pattern is unnecessary and its machinery can be dropped from the StepState class. Still thinking about it

      2. After removing all these attributes and methods, the only attribute remaining is progress. This is only used in the handle method, and so it would make sense to pass it as a parameter to that method and avoid the need for the attribute. Still thinking about it

      3. Still pending as well. After removing the progress attribute, none of the remaining methods use self, so there's no need to create state objects, you can just use the state classes as namespaces for the draw_ui and handle functions:

        _state_order = [NoneState, DepState, NodeState, ...]

      I evolved a little bit the code until I came to this below. I know that many changes are still pending and DRY principle is broken, but the main things are done:


      class StepState(metaclass=ABCMeta):
      This is a Borg class which shares state and methods so all the instances created for it are different references
      but containing the same values. This is also true for children of the same class, so:

      Children1() == Children1() # False, because references are different, but the values are the same.
      Also if you change one, you change the other
      Children1() == Children2() # False, references are different and you can change anyone without affecting others
      states =

      # State is a Borg design pattern class
      __shared_state =

      def __init__(self):
      self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

      def message(update):
      Returns the object holding the info coming from Telegram with the methods for replying
      and looking into this info
      :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
      :return: the update or query object
      if update.callback_query:
      return update.callback_query.message
      return update.message

      def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
      Draws the UI in Telegram (usually a custom keyboard) for the user to input data
      :param bot: the Telegram bot
      :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message

      def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
      Handles all the input info into the Progress object and transitions to the next state
      :param bot: the Telegram bot
      :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
      """'Handling state in parent'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
      self.progress = Progress()
      if update and update.callback_query:
      query = update.callback_query
      if == CANCEL:
      return self.cancel(bot, update)

      def handler_list(self):
      Returns the list with the handlers for managing the events for this state
      Example: return [ CallbackQueryHandler(callbackFunc), CommandHandler('cmd', commandFunc)]

      Will apply the callbackFunc for managing a query-like update, but if not,
      will try to apply commandFunc for an incoming command /cmd
      :return: the handlers list

      def next_state(self, new_state=None):
      Inherited method which decides to move to the next state, or to the specified state if any
      :param new_state: the next state, if any
      :return: the next state
      # TODO Check if the transition is allowed?
      next_new_state = None
      if new_state is None:
      default_next_state_index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.states)
      next_new_state = self.states[default_next_state_index]
      next_new_state = new_state'Actual state: => switched to new state '.format(self, next_new_state))
      return next_new_state

      def skip(bot, update):
      Skips this step in the wizard process
      :param bot: the Telegram bot
      :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
      :return: the next state skipping the present one
      """'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))
      update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

      # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present

      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

      return Progress().state

      def cancel(bot, update):
      Cancels the whole wizard process
      :param bot: the Telegram bot
      :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
      :return: the END state for he ConversationHandler

      user = StepState.message(update).from_user" canceled the process.".format(user.first_name))
      StepState.message(update).reply_text('Proceso finalizado.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

      return ConversationHandler.END

      def validate_input(self, input_data):
      Validates the input data for this step/state
      :param input_data: the input data
      :return: True if input data is valid, otherwise False
      return True

      def index(self):
      Returns the index of this state within the list with all states
      :return: the index as an int
      return StepState.states.index(self)

      def __eq__(self, other):
      return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()

      def __hash__(self):
      return hash(self.__class__.__name__)

      def __str__(self):
      return self.__class__.__name__

      class DepState(StepState):
      def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
      reply_keyboard = [
      num_cols = 3
      current_row =

      # Think of SEARCH_INDEXES as a list with objects having two strings: spanish_description and browse_node_id
      for dep in SEARCH_INDEXES:
      callback_data="=".format(dep.browse_node_id, dep.spanish_desc)))
      if len(current_row) >= num_cols:
      current_row =
      reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)

      self.message(update).reply_text('Enter the *departament*, do /skip or /cancel',
      parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)

      def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
      parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
      if parent_result is not None:
      return parent_result
      query = update.callback_query
      current_input_dep, text ='=')
      bot.edit_message_text(text="Departament chosen: ".format(text), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

      # We optionally log anything

      Progress().input_dep = current_input_dep

      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

      return Progress().state

      class NodeState(StepState):
      def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
      reply_keyboard = [
      [InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
      [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
      [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
      [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
      InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
      reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
      self.message(update).reply_text('Input numbers for the node, do /skip or /cancel',
      parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
      # We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
      Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Typed data : ".format(''))

      def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
      parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
      if parent_result is not None:
      return parent_result
      query = update.callback_query
      if hasattr(query, 'data'):
      if == OK:
      if self.validate_input(self.progress.input_node):
      bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen node: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
      chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

      no_keywords = self.progress.input_keywords is None or not self.progress.input_keywords.strip()

      if self.progress.input_node:
      self.message(update).reply_text('Not allowed value')
      self.progress.input_node = ''
      elif no_keywords:
      # If there are no keywords, then the node is mandatory
      self.message(update).reply_text('This input is mandatory. Enter an allowed value')

      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
      return Progress().state
      if not self.progress.input_node:
      self.progress.input_node = ''

      if == DELETE:
      if len(self.progress.input_node):
      self.progress.input_node = self.progress.input_node[:-1]
      self.progress.input_node +=

      # We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
      bot.edit_message_text(text="Input data: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
      if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
      self.progress.input_node = update.message.text
      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
      elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
      self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
      self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
      self.progress.input_node = ''
      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
      return Progress().state

      def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

      # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
      if Progress().input_keywords is None or not Progress().input_keywords.strip():
      update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
      Progress().input_node = ''
      update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
      return Progress().state

      def validate_input(self, input_data):
      data = input_data
      if type(input_data) is str:
      data = int(data.strip())

      response = requests.get(''.format(data))
      return response.status_code == 200

      def handler_list(self):
      return [RegexHandler('^(d+)$', self.handle),
      CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

      class BlogState(StepState):
      def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

      reply_keyboard = [
      [InlineKeyboardButton(blog, callback_data='='.format(blog, bid)) for blog, bid in sorted(get_blogs().items())]
      reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
      self.message(update).reply_text('Choose an option, /skip or /cancel', parse_mode='Markdown',reply_markup=reply_markup)

      def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
      parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
      if parent_result is not None:
      return parent_result
      query = update.callback_query
      bname, bid ='=')
      bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen option: ".format(bname), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

      # We optionally log anything

      # We text the user the requirements for next state
      # query.message.reply_text('Departamento elegido. ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

      Progress().input_blog = (bname,bid)

      if bname == 'xxx':
      Progress().input_dep = HEALTH.browse_node_id
      elif bname == 'books':
      Progress().input_dep = BOOKS.browse_node_id

      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

      return Progress().state

      def handler_list(self):
      return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

      class StartTimeState(StepState):
      def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
      reply_keyboard = [
      [InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
      [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
      [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
      [InlineKeyboardButton(':', callback_data=':')],
      [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
      InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
      reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
      self.message(update).reply_text('Input start time or /cancel',
      parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
      # We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
      Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Start time: ".format(''))

      def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
      parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
      if parent_result is not None:
      return parent_result
      query = update.callback_query

      if hasattr(query, 'data'):
      if == OK:
      bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

      return Progress().state
      if not self.progress.input_start_time:
      self.progress.input_start_time = ''
      if == DELETE:
      if len(self.progress.input_start_time):
      self.progress.input_start_time = self.progress.input_start_time[:-1]
      self.progress.input_start_time +=

      # We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
      bot.edit_message_text(text="Start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),
      if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
      self.progress.input_start_time = update.message.text
      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
      elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
      self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
      self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
      self.progress.input_start_time = ''
      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
      return Progress().state

      def handler_list(self):
      return [RegexHandler(TIME_REGEX, self.handle),
      CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

      # ... more states
      # ... more and more states
      # ...and so on, you can imagine

      class KeywordsState(StepState):
      name = 'KeywordsState'

      def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
      self.message(update).reply_text('Enter keywords', parse_mode='Markdown',

      def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
      parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
      if parent_result is not None:
      return parent_result

      keywords = update.message.text.strip()

      if keywords:
      Progress().input_keywords = keywords
      update.message.reply_text('Thanks. The keywords are: '.format(keywords))
      # When SearchIndex equals All, BrowseNode cannot be present
      if Progress().input_dep is None:
      update.message.reply_text('No ha introducido palabras. Introdúzcalas, haga /skip o /cancel')

      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

      return Progress().state

      def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

      # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
      if Progress().input_dep is None:
      update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
      Progress().input_keywords = None
      update.message.reply_text("Skipping this step.")

      Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
      return Progress().state

      def handler_list(self):
      return [MessageHandler(Filters.text, self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

      class ConfirmState(StepState):

      def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
      self.message(update).reply_text('Confirm all this info: !s'.format(Progress()))
      reply_keyboard = [
      [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
      InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
      reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
      self.message(update).reply_text('Accept or cancel (/cancel)', reply_markup=reply_markup)

      # This returns a generator with a data list to consume
      self.generator = search_asins(Progress().input_dep, Progress().input_node, Progress().input_keywords)

      def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
      parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
      if parent_result is not None:
      return parent_result
      # OK granted, CANCEL is managed in parent
      query = update.callback_query

      # We finished with the wizard and launch everything
      # Launching stuff here...
      # ...

      # Progress should be reset
      return ConversationHandler.END

      def handler_list(self):
      return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle)]

      # This is intended for setting the steps in an ordered-sorted way
      StepState.states = [
      NoneState(), BlogState(), DepState(), KeywordsState(), NodeState(), StartTimeState(),
      IntervalState(), EndTimeState(), RepeatsState(), ConfirmState()

      class Progress(object):
      This singleton class contains the whole information collected along all the wizard process
      __instance = None

      def __new__(cls):
      if Progress.__instance is None:
      Progress.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
      Progress.__instance.input_blog = None
      Progress.__instance.state = NoneState()
      Progress.__instance.tracking_message = None
      Progress.__instance.input_dep = None
      Progress.__instance.input_node = None
      Progress.__instance.input_minutes = '60'
      Progress.__instance.input_start_time = None
      Progress.__instance.input_end_time = None
      Progress.__instance.input_keywords = None
      Progress.__instance.input_repeats = None
      return Progress.__instance

      def clear(self):
      Resets the progress
      self.input_blog = None
      self.state = NoneState()
      self.tracking_message = None
      self.input_dep = None
      self.input_node = None
      self.input_minutes = '60'
      self.input_start_time = None
      self.input_end_time = None
      self.input_keywords = None

      def next_state(self, new_state=None):
      Moves to the next state or to the specified state if any
      :param new_state: the next state to move to
      :return: the next state, already set to the Progress object
      if new_state is not None:
      if self.state:
      self.state = self.state.next_state(new_state)
      self.state = NoneState"It was impossible o move to the next state")
      self.state = self.state.next_state()

      def __str__(self):
      return ": blog=, dep=, node=, start=, "
      "interval=', end=, repeats=, keywords=".format(self.__class__.__name__,self.input_blog[0],self.input_dep,self.input_node,self.input_start_time,self.input_minutes,self.input_end_time,self.input_repeats,self.input_keywords)


      from telegram.ext import (Updater, Filters, CommandHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler)

      from my_package.step_states import Progress, StepState
      from environments import get_bot_token, getLogger

      # Enable logging
      logger = getLogger(__name__)

      updater = Updater(get_bot_token())

      def start(bot, update):
      Sends a message when the command /start is issued.
      :param bot: the bot
      :param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
      update.message.reply_text('Bot started')

      def error(bot, update, error):
      Logs errors
      :param bot: the Telegram bot
      :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
      logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)

      def restricted(my_handler):
      Decorates a handler for restricting its use
      :param my_handler: the handler to be restricted
      :return: the restricted handler
      def wrapped(bot, update, *args, **kwargs):
      user_id, user_name =, update.effective_user.first_name
      if user_id not in get_allowed_users():
      update.message.reply_text("Unauthorized access con id .n".format(user_name, user_id))
      return'Entering '.format(my_handler.__name__))
      return my_handler(bot, update, *args, **kwargs)
      return wrapped

      def plan(bot, update): #, blog_id=get_blog_id(), interval=60, dep_param_id=None):
      Starts the wizard for scheduling item posts
      :param bot: the bot
      :param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
      p = Progress()

      p.state.draw_ui(bot, update)

      return p.state

      def main():
      """Start the bot."""
      # Create the EventHandler and pass it your bot's token.
      global updater

      # Get the dispatcher to register handlers
      dp = updater.dispatcher

      # on different commands - answer in Telegram
      dp.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))

      # Add conversation handler with the states
      # The telegram conversation handler needs a handler_list with functions
      # so it can execute desired code in each state/step
      conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
      entry_points=[CommandHandler('plan', plan)],
      # We enter all the states and all the configured handlers for each state
      states=state: state.handler_list() for state in StepState.states,
      fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', StepState.cancel)]


      # log all errors

      # Start the Bot

      # Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
      # SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
      # start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.

      if __name__ == '__main__':

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        I mainly decoupled the states from the bots putting a handler_list method inside each state.

        Briefly I comment some suggestions and good points Gareeth Reese made:

        1. Cutting source code lines to 80 chars. Still pending. I'm doing it the next time I post

        2. The use of self.states and the index method to choose a next state is inefficient (proportional to number of states). The antipattern here is over-encapsulation, the co-ordination needs to be handled at a higher level,for example in a state machine class like your Progress class. Still pending

        3. The data structure that's needed is a mapping from state to next state, for example, in the Progress class you could have:

          _state_order = [NoneState(), DepState(), NodeState(), ...]
          _next_state = dict(zip(_state_order[:-1], _state_order[1:]))

        and then in the Progress.next_state method you'd write:

        self.state = self._next_state[self.state]

        1. The message method is only used in the context


        The duplicated code could be eliminated like this:

        def reply_text(self, update, *args, *kwargs):
        """Reply to a Telegram update ..."""
        if update.callback_query:
        message = update.callback_query.message
        message = update.message
        message.reply_text(*args, **kwargs)

        And since this does not use self, it does not need to be a method on a class, it could be a @staticmethod or, better, an ordinary function. Tried it but some parameter was giving an error

        1. Borg pattern is unnecessary and its machinery can be dropped from the StepState class. Still thinking about it

        2. After removing all these attributes and methods, the only attribute remaining is progress. This is only used in the handle method, and so it would make sense to pass it as a parameter to that method and avoid the need for the attribute. Still thinking about it

        3. Still pending as well. After removing the progress attribute, none of the remaining methods use self, so there's no need to create state objects, you can just use the state classes as namespaces for the draw_ui and handle functions:

          _state_order = [NoneState, DepState, NodeState, ...]

        I evolved a little bit the code until I came to this below. I know that many changes are still pending and DRY principle is broken, but the main things are done:


        class StepState(metaclass=ABCMeta):
        This is a Borg class which shares state and methods so all the instances created for it are different references
        but containing the same values. This is also true for children of the same class, so:

        Children1() == Children1() # False, because references are different, but the values are the same.
        Also if you change one, you change the other
        Children1() == Children2() # False, references are different and you can change anyone without affecting others
        states =

        # State is a Borg design pattern class
        __shared_state =

        def __init__(self):
        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

        def message(update):
        Returns the object holding the info coming from Telegram with the methods for replying
        and looking into this info
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        :return: the update or query object
        if update.callback_query:
        return update.callback_query.message
        return update.message

        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        Draws the UI in Telegram (usually a custom keyboard) for the user to input data
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        Handles all the input info into the Progress object and transitions to the next state
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        """'Handling state in parent'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
        self.progress = Progress()
        if update and update.callback_query:
        query = update.callback_query
        if == CANCEL:
        return self.cancel(bot, update)

        def handler_list(self):
        Returns the list with the handlers for managing the events for this state
        Example: return [ CallbackQueryHandler(callbackFunc), CommandHandler('cmd', commandFunc)]

        Will apply the callbackFunc for managing a query-like update, but if not,
        will try to apply commandFunc for an incoming command /cmd
        :return: the handlers list

        def next_state(self, new_state=None):
        Inherited method which decides to move to the next state, or to the specified state if any
        :param new_state: the next state, if any
        :return: the next state
        # TODO Check if the transition is allowed?
        next_new_state = None
        if new_state is None:
        default_next_state_index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.states)
        next_new_state = self.states[default_next_state_index]
        next_new_state = new_state'Actual state: => switched to new state '.format(self, next_new_state))
        return next_new_state

        def skip(bot, update):
        Skips this step in the wizard process
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        :return: the next state skipping the present one
        """'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))
        update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

        # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state

        def cancel(bot, update):
        Cancels the whole wizard process
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        :return: the END state for he ConversationHandler

        user = StepState.message(update).from_user" canceled the process.".format(user.first_name))
        StepState.message(update).reply_text('Proceso finalizado.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

        return ConversationHandler.END

        def validate_input(self, input_data):
        Validates the input data for this step/state
        :param input_data: the input data
        :return: True if input data is valid, otherwise False
        return True

        def index(self):
        Returns the index of this state within the list with all states
        :return: the index as an int
        return StepState.states.index(self)

        def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()

        def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.__class__.__name__)

        def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

        class DepState(StepState):
        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        reply_keyboard = [
        num_cols = 3
        current_row =

        # Think of SEARCH_INDEXES as a list with objects having two strings: spanish_description and browse_node_id
        for dep in SEARCH_INDEXES:
        callback_data="=".format(dep.browse_node_id, dep.spanish_desc)))
        if len(current_row) >= num_cols:
        current_row =
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)

        self.message(update).reply_text('Enter the *departament*, do /skip or /cancel',
        parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        query = update.callback_query
        current_input_dep, text ='=')
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Departament chosen: ".format(text), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

        # We optionally log anything

        Progress().input_dep = current_input_dep

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state

        class NodeState(StepState):
        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        reply_keyboard = [
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
        InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
        self.message(update).reply_text('Input numbers for the node, do /skip or /cancel',
        parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
        # We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
        Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Typed data : ".format(''))

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        query = update.callback_query
        if hasattr(query, 'data'):
        if == OK:
        if self.validate_input(self.progress.input_node):
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen node: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
        chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

        no_keywords = self.progress.input_keywords is None or not self.progress.input_keywords.strip()

        if self.progress.input_node:
        self.message(update).reply_text('Not allowed value')
        self.progress.input_node = ''
        elif no_keywords:
        # If there are no keywords, then the node is mandatory
        self.message(update).reply_text('This input is mandatory. Enter an allowed value')

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state
        if not self.progress.input_node:
        self.progress.input_node = ''

        if == DELETE:
        if len(self.progress.input_node):
        self.progress.input_node = self.progress.input_node[:-1]
        self.progress.input_node +=

        # We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Input data: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
        if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
        self.progress.input_node = update.message.text
        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
        self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
        self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
        self.progress.input_node = ''
        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state

        def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

        # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
        if Progress().input_keywords is None or not Progress().input_keywords.strip():
        update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
        Progress().input_node = ''
        update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state

        def validate_input(self, input_data):
        data = input_data
        if type(input_data) is str:
        data = int(data.strip())

        response = requests.get(''.format(data))
        return response.status_code == 200

        def handler_list(self):
        return [RegexHandler('^(d+)$', self.handle),
        CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

        class BlogState(StepState):
        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

        reply_keyboard = [
        [InlineKeyboardButton(blog, callback_data='='.format(blog, bid)) for blog, bid in sorted(get_blogs().items())]
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
        self.message(update).reply_text('Choose an option, /skip or /cancel', parse_mode='Markdown',reply_markup=reply_markup)

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        query = update.callback_query
        bname, bid ='=')
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen option: ".format(bname), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

        # We optionally log anything

        # We text the user the requirements for next state
        # query.message.reply_text('Departamento elegido. ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

        Progress().input_blog = (bname,bid)

        if bname == 'xxx':
        Progress().input_dep = HEALTH.browse_node_id
        elif bname == 'books':
        Progress().input_dep = BOOKS.browse_node_id

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state

        def handler_list(self):
        return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

        class StartTimeState(StepState):
        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        reply_keyboard = [
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(':', callback_data=':')],
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
        InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
        self.message(update).reply_text('Input start time or /cancel',
        parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
        # We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
        Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Start time: ".format(''))

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        query = update.callback_query

        if hasattr(query, 'data'):
        if == OK:
        bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state
        if not self.progress.input_start_time:
        self.progress.input_start_time = ''
        if == DELETE:
        if len(self.progress.input_start_time):
        self.progress.input_start_time = self.progress.input_start_time[:-1]
        self.progress.input_start_time +=

        # We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),
        if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
        self.progress.input_start_time = update.message.text
        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
        self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
        self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
        self.progress.input_start_time = ''
        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state

        def handler_list(self):
        return [RegexHandler(TIME_REGEX, self.handle),
        CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

        # ... more states
        # ... more and more states
        # ...and so on, you can imagine

        class KeywordsState(StepState):
        name = 'KeywordsState'

        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        self.message(update).reply_text('Enter keywords', parse_mode='Markdown',

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result

        keywords = update.message.text.strip()

        if keywords:
        Progress().input_keywords = keywords
        update.message.reply_text('Thanks. The keywords are: '.format(keywords))
        # When SearchIndex equals All, BrowseNode cannot be present
        if Progress().input_dep is None:
        update.message.reply_text('No ha introducido palabras. Introdúzcalas, haga /skip o /cancel')

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state

        def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

        # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
        if Progress().input_dep is None:
        update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
        Progress().input_keywords = None
        update.message.reply_text("Skipping this step.")

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state

        def handler_list(self):
        return [MessageHandler(Filters.text, self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

        class ConfirmState(StepState):

        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        self.message(update).reply_text('Confirm all this info: !s'.format(Progress()))
        reply_keyboard = [
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
        InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
        self.message(update).reply_text('Accept or cancel (/cancel)', reply_markup=reply_markup)

        # This returns a generator with a data list to consume
        self.generator = search_asins(Progress().input_dep, Progress().input_node, Progress().input_keywords)

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        # OK granted, CANCEL is managed in parent
        query = update.callback_query

        # We finished with the wizard and launch everything
        # Launching stuff here...
        # ...

        # Progress should be reset
        return ConversationHandler.END

        def handler_list(self):
        return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle)]

        # This is intended for setting the steps in an ordered-sorted way
        StepState.states = [
        NoneState(), BlogState(), DepState(), KeywordsState(), NodeState(), StartTimeState(),
        IntervalState(), EndTimeState(), RepeatsState(), ConfirmState()

        class Progress(object):
        This singleton class contains the whole information collected along all the wizard process
        __instance = None

        def __new__(cls):
        if Progress.__instance is None:
        Progress.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
        Progress.__instance.input_blog = None
        Progress.__instance.state = NoneState()
        Progress.__instance.tracking_message = None
        Progress.__instance.input_dep = None
        Progress.__instance.input_node = None
        Progress.__instance.input_minutes = '60'
        Progress.__instance.input_start_time = None
        Progress.__instance.input_end_time = None
        Progress.__instance.input_keywords = None
        Progress.__instance.input_repeats = None
        return Progress.__instance

        def clear(self):
        Resets the progress
        self.input_blog = None
        self.state = NoneState()
        self.tracking_message = None
        self.input_dep = None
        self.input_node = None
        self.input_minutes = '60'
        self.input_start_time = None
        self.input_end_time = None
        self.input_keywords = None

        def next_state(self, new_state=None):
        Moves to the next state or to the specified state if any
        :param new_state: the next state to move to
        :return: the next state, already set to the Progress object
        if new_state is not None:
        if self.state:
        self.state = self.state.next_state(new_state)
        self.state = NoneState"It was impossible o move to the next state")
        self.state = self.state.next_state()

        def __str__(self):
        return ": blog=, dep=, node=, start=, "
        "interval=', end=, repeats=, keywords=".format(self.__class__.__name__,self.input_blog[0],self.input_dep,self.input_node,self.input_start_time,self.input_minutes,self.input_end_time,self.input_repeats,self.input_keywords)


        from telegram.ext import (Updater, Filters, CommandHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler)

        from my_package.step_states import Progress, StepState
        from environments import get_bot_token, getLogger

        # Enable logging
        logger = getLogger(__name__)

        updater = Updater(get_bot_token())

        def start(bot, update):
        Sends a message when the command /start is issued.
        :param bot: the bot
        :param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
        update.message.reply_text('Bot started')

        def error(bot, update, error):
        Logs errors
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)

        def restricted(my_handler):
        Decorates a handler for restricting its use
        :param my_handler: the handler to be restricted
        :return: the restricted handler
        def wrapped(bot, update, *args, **kwargs):
        user_id, user_name =, update.effective_user.first_name
        if user_id not in get_allowed_users():
        update.message.reply_text("Unauthorized access con id .n".format(user_name, user_id))
        return'Entering '.format(my_handler.__name__))
        return my_handler(bot, update, *args, **kwargs)
        return wrapped

        def plan(bot, update): #, blog_id=get_blog_id(), interval=60, dep_param_id=None):
        Starts the wizard for scheduling item posts
        :param bot: the bot
        :param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
        p = Progress()

        p.state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return p.state

        def main():
        """Start the bot."""
        # Create the EventHandler and pass it your bot's token.
        global updater

        # Get the dispatcher to register handlers
        dp = updater.dispatcher

        # on different commands - answer in Telegram
        dp.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))

        # Add conversation handler with the states
        # The telegram conversation handler needs a handler_list with functions
        # so it can execute desired code in each state/step
        conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
        entry_points=[CommandHandler('plan', plan)],
        # We enter all the states and all the configured handlers for each state
        states=state: state.handler_list() for state in StepState.states,
        fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', StepState.cancel)]


        # log all errors

        # Start the Bot

        # Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
        # SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
        # start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.

        if __name__ == '__main__':

        share|improve this answer

        I mainly decoupled the states from the bots putting a handler_list method inside each state.

        Briefly I comment some suggestions and good points Gareeth Reese made:

        1. Cutting source code lines to 80 chars. Still pending. I'm doing it the next time I post

        2. The use of self.states and the index method to choose a next state is inefficient (proportional to number of states). The antipattern here is over-encapsulation, the co-ordination needs to be handled at a higher level,for example in a state machine class like your Progress class. Still pending

        3. The data structure that's needed is a mapping from state to next state, for example, in the Progress class you could have:

          _state_order = [NoneState(), DepState(), NodeState(), ...]
          _next_state = dict(zip(_state_order[:-1], _state_order[1:]))

        and then in the Progress.next_state method you'd write:

        self.state = self._next_state[self.state]

        1. The message method is only used in the context


        The duplicated code could be eliminated like this:

        def reply_text(self, update, *args, *kwargs):
        """Reply to a Telegram update ..."""
        if update.callback_query:
        message = update.callback_query.message
        message = update.message
        message.reply_text(*args, **kwargs)

        And since this does not use self, it does not need to be a method on a class, it could be a @staticmethod or, better, an ordinary function. Tried it but some parameter was giving an error

        1. Borg pattern is unnecessary and its machinery can be dropped from the StepState class. Still thinking about it

        2. After removing all these attributes and methods, the only attribute remaining is progress. This is only used in the handle method, and so it would make sense to pass it as a parameter to that method and avoid the need for the attribute. Still thinking about it

        3. Still pending as well. After removing the progress attribute, none of the remaining methods use self, so there's no need to create state objects, you can just use the state classes as namespaces for the draw_ui and handle functions:

          _state_order = [NoneState, DepState, NodeState, ...]

        I evolved a little bit the code until I came to this below. I know that many changes are still pending and DRY principle is broken, but the main things are done:


        class StepState(metaclass=ABCMeta):
        This is a Borg class which shares state and methods so all the instances created for it are different references
        but containing the same values. This is also true for children of the same class, so:

        Children1() == Children1() # False, because references are different, but the values are the same.
        Also if you change one, you change the other
        Children1() == Children2() # False, references are different and you can change anyone without affecting others
        states =

        # State is a Borg design pattern class
        __shared_state =

        def __init__(self):
        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

        def message(update):
        Returns the object holding the info coming from Telegram with the methods for replying
        and looking into this info
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        :return: the update or query object
        if update.callback_query:
        return update.callback_query.message
        return update.message

        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        Draws the UI in Telegram (usually a custom keyboard) for the user to input data
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        Handles all the input info into the Progress object and transitions to the next state
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        """'Handling state in parent'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
        self.progress = Progress()
        if update and update.callback_query:
        query = update.callback_query
        if == CANCEL:
        return self.cancel(bot, update)

        def handler_list(self):
        Returns the list with the handlers for managing the events for this state
        Example: return [ CallbackQueryHandler(callbackFunc), CommandHandler('cmd', commandFunc)]

        Will apply the callbackFunc for managing a query-like update, but if not,
        will try to apply commandFunc for an incoming command /cmd
        :return: the handlers list

        def next_state(self, new_state=None):
        Inherited method which decides to move to the next state, or to the specified state if any
        :param new_state: the next state, if any
        :return: the next state
        # TODO Check if the transition is allowed?
        next_new_state = None
        if new_state is None:
        default_next_state_index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.states)
        next_new_state = self.states[default_next_state_index]
        next_new_state = new_state'Actual state: => switched to new state '.format(self, next_new_state))
        return next_new_state

        def skip(bot, update):
        Skips this step in the wizard process
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        :return: the next state skipping the present one
        """'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))
        update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

        # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state

        def cancel(bot, update):
        Cancels the whole wizard process
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        :return: the END state for he ConversationHandler

        user = StepState.message(update).from_user" canceled the process.".format(user.first_name))
        StepState.message(update).reply_text('Proceso finalizado.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

        return ConversationHandler.END

        def validate_input(self, input_data):
        Validates the input data for this step/state
        :param input_data: the input data
        :return: True if input data is valid, otherwise False
        return True

        def index(self):
        Returns the index of this state within the list with all states
        :return: the index as an int
        return StepState.states.index(self)

        def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()

        def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.__class__.__name__)

        def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

        class DepState(StepState):
        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        reply_keyboard = [
        num_cols = 3
        current_row =

        # Think of SEARCH_INDEXES as a list with objects having two strings: spanish_description and browse_node_id
        for dep in SEARCH_INDEXES:
        callback_data="=".format(dep.browse_node_id, dep.spanish_desc)))
        if len(current_row) >= num_cols:
        current_row =
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)

        self.message(update).reply_text('Enter the *departament*, do /skip or /cancel',
        parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        query = update.callback_query
        current_input_dep, text ='=')
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Departament chosen: ".format(text), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

        # We optionally log anything

        Progress().input_dep = current_input_dep

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state

        class NodeState(StepState):
        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        reply_keyboard = [
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
        InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
        self.message(update).reply_text('Input numbers for the node, do /skip or /cancel',
        parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
        # We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
        Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Typed data : ".format(''))

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        query = update.callback_query
        if hasattr(query, 'data'):
        if == OK:
        if self.validate_input(self.progress.input_node):
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen node: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
        chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

        no_keywords = self.progress.input_keywords is None or not self.progress.input_keywords.strip()

        if self.progress.input_node:
        self.message(update).reply_text('Not allowed value')
        self.progress.input_node = ''
        elif no_keywords:
        # If there are no keywords, then the node is mandatory
        self.message(update).reply_text('This input is mandatory. Enter an allowed value')

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state
        if not self.progress.input_node:
        self.progress.input_node = ''

        if == DELETE:
        if len(self.progress.input_node):
        self.progress.input_node = self.progress.input_node[:-1]
        self.progress.input_node +=

        # We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Input data: ".format(self.progress.input_node),
        if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
        self.progress.input_node = update.message.text
        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
        self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
        self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
        self.progress.input_node = ''
        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state

        def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

        # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
        if Progress().input_keywords is None or not Progress().input_keywords.strip():
        update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
        Progress().input_node = ''
        update.message.reply_text("Se salta este paso.")

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state

        def validate_input(self, input_data):
        data = input_data
        if type(input_data) is str:
        data = int(data.strip())

        response = requests.get(''.format(data))
        return response.status_code == 200

        def handler_list(self):
        return [RegexHandler('^(d+)$', self.handle),
        CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

        class BlogState(StepState):
        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):

        reply_keyboard = [
        [InlineKeyboardButton(blog, callback_data='='.format(blog, bid)) for blog, bid in sorted(get_blogs().items())]
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
        self.message(update).reply_text('Choose an option, /skip or /cancel', parse_mode='Markdown',reply_markup=reply_markup)

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        query = update.callback_query
        bname, bid ='=')
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Chosen option: ".format(bname), chat_id=query.message.chat_id,

        # We optionally log anything

        # We text the user the requirements for next state
        # query.message.reply_text('Departamento elegido. ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())

        Progress().input_blog = (bname,bid)

        if bname == 'xxx':
        Progress().input_dep = HEALTH.browse_node_id
        elif bname == 'books':
        Progress().input_dep = BOOKS.browse_node_id

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state

        def handler_list(self):
        return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

        class StartTimeState(StepState):
        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        reply_keyboard = [
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=DELETE)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(str(number), callback_data=str(number)) for number in range(5, 10)],
        [InlineKeyboardButton(':', callback_data=':')],
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
        InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
        self.message(update).reply_text('Input start time or /cancel',
        parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
        # We get the reference to the message we will use to update the value and set into Progress
        Progress().tracking_message = self.message(update).reply_text("Start time: ".format(''))

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        query = update.callback_query

        if hasattr(query, 'data'):
        if == OK:
        bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id)

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state
        if not self.progress.input_start_time:
        self.progress.input_start_time = ''
        if == DELETE:
        if len(self.progress.input_start_time):
        self.progress.input_start_time = self.progress.input_start_time[:-1]
        self.progress.input_start_time +=

        # We update the output so the user sees if he types correctly
        bot.edit_message_text(text="Start time: ".format(self.progress.input_start_time),
        if update.message.text and self.validate_input(update.message.text):
        self.progress.input_start_time = update.message.text
        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        elif not self.validate_input(update.message.text):
        self.message(update).reply_text('Valor no admitido')
        self.message(update).reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
        self.progress.input_start_time = ''
        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state

        def handler_list(self):
        return [RegexHandler(TIME_REGEX, self.handle),
        CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

        # ... more states
        # ... more and more states
        # ...and so on, you can imagine

        class KeywordsState(StepState):
        name = 'KeywordsState'

        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        self.message(update).reply_text('Enter keywords', parse_mode='Markdown',

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result

        keywords = update.message.text.strip()

        if keywords:
        Progress().input_keywords = keywords
        update.message.reply_text('Thanks. The keywords are: '.format(keywords))
        # When SearchIndex equals All, BrowseNode cannot be present
        if Progress().input_dep is None:
        update.message.reply_text('No ha introducido palabras. Introdúzcalas, haga /skip o /cancel')

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return Progress().state

        def skip(bot, update):'Skipping state '.format(Progress().state))

        # If we don't cancel at the end, we should remove any keyboard which could be present
        if Progress().input_dep is None:
        update.message.reply_text('Este dato es obligatorio. Introduzca un valor valido')
        Progress().input_keywords = None
        update.message.reply_text("Skipping this step.")

        Progress().state.draw_ui(bot, update)
        return Progress().state

        def handler_list(self):
        return [MessageHandler(Filters.text, self.handle), CommandHandler('skip', self.skip)]

        class ConfirmState(StepState):

        def draw_ui(self, bot, update):
        self.message(update).reply_text('Confirm all this info: !s'.format(Progress()))
        reply_keyboard = [
        [InlineKeyboardButton('Accept', callback_data=OK),
        InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel', callback_data=CANCEL)],
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard)
        self.message(update).reply_text('Accept or cancel (/cancel)', reply_markup=reply_markup)

        # This returns a generator with a data list to consume
        self.generator = search_asins(Progress().input_dep, Progress().input_node, Progress().input_keywords)

        def handle(self, bot=None, update=None):
        parent_result = super().handle(bot, update)
        if parent_result is not None:
        return parent_result
        # OK granted, CANCEL is managed in parent
        query = update.callback_query

        # We finished with the wizard and launch everything
        # Launching stuff here...
        # ...

        # Progress should be reset
        return ConversationHandler.END

        def handler_list(self):
        return [CallbackQueryHandler(self.handle)]

        # This is intended for setting the steps in an ordered-sorted way
        StepState.states = [
        NoneState(), BlogState(), DepState(), KeywordsState(), NodeState(), StartTimeState(),
        IntervalState(), EndTimeState(), RepeatsState(), ConfirmState()

        class Progress(object):
        This singleton class contains the whole information collected along all the wizard process
        __instance = None

        def __new__(cls):
        if Progress.__instance is None:
        Progress.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
        Progress.__instance.input_blog = None
        Progress.__instance.state = NoneState()
        Progress.__instance.tracking_message = None
        Progress.__instance.input_dep = None
        Progress.__instance.input_node = None
        Progress.__instance.input_minutes = '60'
        Progress.__instance.input_start_time = None
        Progress.__instance.input_end_time = None
        Progress.__instance.input_keywords = None
        Progress.__instance.input_repeats = None
        return Progress.__instance

        def clear(self):
        Resets the progress
        self.input_blog = None
        self.state = NoneState()
        self.tracking_message = None
        self.input_dep = None
        self.input_node = None
        self.input_minutes = '60'
        self.input_start_time = None
        self.input_end_time = None
        self.input_keywords = None

        def next_state(self, new_state=None):
        Moves to the next state or to the specified state if any
        :param new_state: the next state to move to
        :return: the next state, already set to the Progress object
        if new_state is not None:
        if self.state:
        self.state = self.state.next_state(new_state)
        self.state = NoneState"It was impossible o move to the next state")
        self.state = self.state.next_state()

        def __str__(self):
        return ": blog=, dep=, node=, start=, "
        "interval=', end=, repeats=, keywords=".format(self.__class__.__name__,self.input_blog[0],self.input_dep,self.input_node,self.input_start_time,self.input_minutes,self.input_end_time,self.input_repeats,self.input_keywords)


        from telegram.ext import (Updater, Filters, CommandHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler)

        from my_package.step_states import Progress, StepState
        from environments import get_bot_token, getLogger

        # Enable logging
        logger = getLogger(__name__)

        updater = Updater(get_bot_token())

        def start(bot, update):
        Sends a message when the command /start is issued.
        :param bot: the bot
        :param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
        update.message.reply_text('Bot started')

        def error(bot, update, error):
        Logs errors
        :param bot: the Telegram bot
        :param update: the Telegram update, probably a text message
        logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, error)

        def restricted(my_handler):
        Decorates a handler for restricting its use
        :param my_handler: the handler to be restricted
        :return: the restricted handler
        def wrapped(bot, update, *args, **kwargs):
        user_id, user_name =, update.effective_user.first_name
        if user_id not in get_allowed_users():
        update.message.reply_text("Unauthorized access con id .n".format(user_name, user_id))
        return'Entering '.format(my_handler.__name__))
        return my_handler(bot, update, *args, **kwargs)
        return wrapped

        def plan(bot, update): #, blog_id=get_blog_id(), interval=60, dep_param_id=None):
        Starts the wizard for scheduling item posts
        :param bot: the bot
        :param update: the update info from Telegram for this command
        p = Progress()

        p.state.draw_ui(bot, update)

        return p.state

        def main():
        """Start the bot."""
        # Create the EventHandler and pass it your bot's token.
        global updater

        # Get the dispatcher to register handlers
        dp = updater.dispatcher

        # on different commands - answer in Telegram
        dp.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))

        # Add conversation handler with the states
        # The telegram conversation handler needs a handler_list with functions
        # so it can execute desired code in each state/step
        conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
        entry_points=[CommandHandler('plan', plan)],
        # We enter all the states and all the configured handlers for each state
        states=state: state.handler_list() for state in StepState.states,
        fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', StepState.cancel)]


        # log all errors

        # Start the Bot

        # Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
        # SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
        # start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.

        if __name__ == '__main__':

        share|improve this answer

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        share|improve this answer

        answered Feb 12 at 19:05





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