F# Either computation expression with while loop

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I want to implement an Either computation expression in F#. The computation executes a function inside a while loop, and this function's return type is Result<int, string>. The function might return an Error<string> if some condition is met, and then the whole computation expression should be stopped.

This is the code I have so far to illustrate what I am trying to achieve:

type EitherBuilder () =
member this.Bind(x, f) =
match x with
| Ok s -> f s
| Error f -> Error f
member this.Return x = Ok(x)
member this.ReturnFrom x = x
member this.Zero() = Ok()
member this.Delay(f) = f
member this.Combine(x, f) = this.Bind(x, f)
member this.Run(f) = f()
member this.While(guard, body) =
if guard () then this.Bind(body (), fun _ -> this.While(guard, body))
else this.Zero()

let either = EitherBuilder ()

let mutable i = 0

let func i =
if i < 3 then Ok(i)
else Error("error")

let result = either
let mutable res = 0
while i < 10 do
let! output = func i
res <- output
i <- i + 1
return res

I have tested it and it looks like it is working and doing what I am after (in the example above, the computation is stopped when i becomes 3 and result is set to Error "error"), but I am not 100% sure if the implementation of the EitherBuilder is fully correct. I would appreciate some feedback.

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    I want to implement an Either computation expression in F#. The computation executes a function inside a while loop, and this function's return type is Result<int, string>. The function might return an Error<string> if some condition is met, and then the whole computation expression should be stopped.

    This is the code I have so far to illustrate what I am trying to achieve:

    type EitherBuilder () =
    member this.Bind(x, f) =
    match x with
    | Ok s -> f s
    | Error f -> Error f
    member this.Return x = Ok(x)
    member this.ReturnFrom x = x
    member this.Zero() = Ok()
    member this.Delay(f) = f
    member this.Combine(x, f) = this.Bind(x, f)
    member this.Run(f) = f()
    member this.While(guard, body) =
    if guard () then this.Bind(body (), fun _ -> this.While(guard, body))
    else this.Zero()

    let either = EitherBuilder ()

    let mutable i = 0

    let func i =
    if i < 3 then Ok(i)
    else Error("error")

    let result = either
    let mutable res = 0
    while i < 10 do
    let! output = func i
    res <- output
    i <- i + 1
    return res

    I have tested it and it looks like it is working and doing what I am after (in the example above, the computation is stopped when i becomes 3 and result is set to Error "error"), but I am not 100% sure if the implementation of the EitherBuilder is fully correct. I would appreciate some feedback.

    share|improve this question

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      up vote
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      I want to implement an Either computation expression in F#. The computation executes a function inside a while loop, and this function's return type is Result<int, string>. The function might return an Error<string> if some condition is met, and then the whole computation expression should be stopped.

      This is the code I have so far to illustrate what I am trying to achieve:

      type EitherBuilder () =
      member this.Bind(x, f) =
      match x with
      | Ok s -> f s
      | Error f -> Error f
      member this.Return x = Ok(x)
      member this.ReturnFrom x = x
      member this.Zero() = Ok()
      member this.Delay(f) = f
      member this.Combine(x, f) = this.Bind(x, f)
      member this.Run(f) = f()
      member this.While(guard, body) =
      if guard () then this.Bind(body (), fun _ -> this.While(guard, body))
      else this.Zero()

      let either = EitherBuilder ()

      let mutable i = 0

      let func i =
      if i < 3 then Ok(i)
      else Error("error")

      let result = either
      let mutable res = 0
      while i < 10 do
      let! output = func i
      res <- output
      i <- i + 1
      return res

      I have tested it and it looks like it is working and doing what I am after (in the example above, the computation is stopped when i becomes 3 and result is set to Error "error"), but I am not 100% sure if the implementation of the EitherBuilder is fully correct. I would appreciate some feedback.

      share|improve this question

      I want to implement an Either computation expression in F#. The computation executes a function inside a while loop, and this function's return type is Result<int, string>. The function might return an Error<string> if some condition is met, and then the whole computation expression should be stopped.

      This is the code I have so far to illustrate what I am trying to achieve:

      type EitherBuilder () =
      member this.Bind(x, f) =
      match x with
      | Ok s -> f s
      | Error f -> Error f
      member this.Return x = Ok(x)
      member this.ReturnFrom x = x
      member this.Zero() = Ok()
      member this.Delay(f) = f
      member this.Combine(x, f) = this.Bind(x, f)
      member this.Run(f) = f()
      member this.While(guard, body) =
      if guard () then this.Bind(body (), fun _ -> this.While(guard, body))
      else this.Zero()

      let either = EitherBuilder ()

      let mutable i = 0

      let func i =
      if i < 3 then Ok(i)
      else Error("error")

      let result = either
      let mutable res = 0
      while i < 10 do
      let! output = func i
      res <- output
      i <- i + 1
      return res

      I have tested it and it looks like it is working and doing what I am after (in the example above, the computation is stopped when i becomes 3 and result is set to Error "error"), but I am not 100% sure if the implementation of the EitherBuilder is fully correct. I would appreciate some feedback.

      share|improve this question

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      share|improve this question

      edited Apr 28 at 13:18

      Sam Onela



      asked Apr 28 at 7:35

      Carlos Rodriguez



          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote


          There are a few things I would probably add or change about your implementation. When I create a new computation builder, I typically put the logic in a module, and then just call the functions in that module from the builder.

          Another thing I would do is prefer the use of discriminated unions for Error types. This makes it possible to match on the error, and also lets you use a little trick with the implementation of delay/run on the computation builder to wrap up any unhandled exceptions that occur inside your computation expression as an Error as well, so you don't have to wrap things in try/with.

          Next, I would implement some common operators like >>=, <*>, and <!>, as well as lift and apply functions. These will make it easier to work with the Results outside of the computation expression and interface with functions that don't natively work with Results.

          Finally, I would implement at least all the standard members for the computation builder, including TryWith/TryFinally/Using/For. An example implementation might look like the following:

          module Either =
          open FSharp.Reflection
          open System

          let inline bind f x =
          match x with
          | Ok s -> f s
          | Error e -> Error e

          let inline ok x = Ok x

          let inline zero () = Ok ()

          let inline convertExceptionToResult<'result,'event> (ex: exn) =
          let union = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<Result<'result, 'event>>)
          if typeof<'event>.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)
          then FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[ex] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
          elif FSharpType.IsUnion typeof<'event>
          then let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<'event>)
          match cases |> Seq.tryFind (fun case -> case.GetFields().Length = 1 && case.GetFields().[0].PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)) with
          | Some case -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [|ex |> box|]) |> unbox<'event>] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
          | None -> failwithf "No Union Case of Event Type %s Supports Construction from an Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex
          else failwithf "Unable To Construct a Failure of type %s from Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex

          let inline delay<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) = fun () ->
          try f()
          with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

          let inline run<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) =
          try f()
          with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

          let inline (>>=) result f = bind f result

          let inline apply wrappedFunction result =
          match wrappedFunction, result with
          | Ok a, Ok b -> Ok (a b)
          | Error e, Ok s -> Error e
          | Ok s, Error e -> Error e
          | Error e, Error _ -> Error e

          let inline (<*>) wrappedFunction result = apply wrappedFunction result

          let inline lift f result = apply (ok f) result

          let inline (<!>) f result = lift f result

          type EitherBuilder() =
          member __.Zero() = zero()
          member __.Bind(x, f) = bind f x
          member __.Return(x) = ok x
          member __.ReturnFrom(x) = x
          member __.Yield(x) = ok x
          member __.YieldFrom(x) = x
          member __.Combine (a, b) = bind b a
          member __.Delay f = delay f
          member __.Run f = run f
          member __.TryWith (body, handler) =
          try body()
          with | ex -> handler ex
          member __.TryFinally (body, compensation) =
          try body()
          finally compensation()
          member this.Using(d:#IDisposable, body) =
          let result = fun () -> body d
          this.TryFinally (result, fun () ->
          match d with
          | null -> ()
          | d -> d.Dispose())
          member this.While (guard, body) =
          if not <| guard ()
          then this.Zero()
          else bind (fun () -> this.While(guard, body)) (body())
          member this.For(s:seq<_>, body) =
          this.Using(s.GetEnumerator(), fun enum ->
          this.Delay(fun () -> body enum.Current)))

          let either = EitherBuilder()

          Looking at your example usage of the EitherBuilder, I would probably change the while loop to a tail-recursive function. You can still use while loops with the new EitherBuilder if you want, but using a tail-recursive function allows you to eliminate the mutable state, and correctly defining your Error cases as a discriminated union will allow you to access the failing values if you need to without having the global state i. That would look something like this:

          open Either

          type Errors =
          | OutOfRange of int
          | UnhandledException of exn // This is required to allow conversion from Exceptions to Errors

          let func i =
          if i < 3 then Ok(i)
          else Error <| OutOfRange i

          let result =
          let rec loop i res =
          if i < 10
          then let! output = func i
          return! loop (i + 1) output
          else return res

          loop 0 0

          In which case, result has the value:

          Result<int,Errors> = Error (OutOfRange 3)

          share|improve this answer

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            1 Answer










            up vote
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            There are a few things I would probably add or change about your implementation. When I create a new computation builder, I typically put the logic in a module, and then just call the functions in that module from the builder.

            Another thing I would do is prefer the use of discriminated unions for Error types. This makes it possible to match on the error, and also lets you use a little trick with the implementation of delay/run on the computation builder to wrap up any unhandled exceptions that occur inside your computation expression as an Error as well, so you don't have to wrap things in try/with.

            Next, I would implement some common operators like >>=, <*>, and <!>, as well as lift and apply functions. These will make it easier to work with the Results outside of the computation expression and interface with functions that don't natively work with Results.

            Finally, I would implement at least all the standard members for the computation builder, including TryWith/TryFinally/Using/For. An example implementation might look like the following:

            module Either =
            open FSharp.Reflection
            open System

            let inline bind f x =
            match x with
            | Ok s -> f s
            | Error e -> Error e

            let inline ok x = Ok x

            let inline zero () = Ok ()

            let inline convertExceptionToResult<'result,'event> (ex: exn) =
            let union = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<Result<'result, 'event>>)
            if typeof<'event>.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)
            then FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[ex] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
            elif FSharpType.IsUnion typeof<'event>
            then let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<'event>)
            match cases |> Seq.tryFind (fun case -> case.GetFields().Length = 1 && case.GetFields().[0].PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)) with
            | Some case -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [|ex |> box|]) |> unbox<'event>] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
            | None -> failwithf "No Union Case of Event Type %s Supports Construction from an Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex
            else failwithf "Unable To Construct a Failure of type %s from Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex

            let inline delay<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) = fun () ->
            try f()
            with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

            let inline run<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) =
            try f()
            with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

            let inline (>>=) result f = bind f result

            let inline apply wrappedFunction result =
            match wrappedFunction, result with
            | Ok a, Ok b -> Ok (a b)
            | Error e, Ok s -> Error e
            | Ok s, Error e -> Error e
            | Error e, Error _ -> Error e

            let inline (<*>) wrappedFunction result = apply wrappedFunction result

            let inline lift f result = apply (ok f) result

            let inline (<!>) f result = lift f result

            type EitherBuilder() =
            member __.Zero() = zero()
            member __.Bind(x, f) = bind f x
            member __.Return(x) = ok x
            member __.ReturnFrom(x) = x
            member __.Yield(x) = ok x
            member __.YieldFrom(x) = x
            member __.Combine (a, b) = bind b a
            member __.Delay f = delay f
            member __.Run f = run f
            member __.TryWith (body, handler) =
            try body()
            with | ex -> handler ex
            member __.TryFinally (body, compensation) =
            try body()
            finally compensation()
            member this.Using(d:#IDisposable, body) =
            let result = fun () -> body d
            this.TryFinally (result, fun () ->
            match d with
            | null -> ()
            | d -> d.Dispose())
            member this.While (guard, body) =
            if not <| guard ()
            then this.Zero()
            else bind (fun () -> this.While(guard, body)) (body())
            member this.For(s:seq<_>, body) =
            this.Using(s.GetEnumerator(), fun enum ->
            this.Delay(fun () -> body enum.Current)))

            let either = EitherBuilder()

            Looking at your example usage of the EitherBuilder, I would probably change the while loop to a tail-recursive function. You can still use while loops with the new EitherBuilder if you want, but using a tail-recursive function allows you to eliminate the mutable state, and correctly defining your Error cases as a discriminated union will allow you to access the failing values if you need to without having the global state i. That would look something like this:

            open Either

            type Errors =
            | OutOfRange of int
            | UnhandledException of exn // This is required to allow conversion from Exceptions to Errors

            let func i =
            if i < 3 then Ok(i)
            else Error <| OutOfRange i

            let result =
            let rec loop i res =
            if i < 10
            then let! output = func i
            return! loop (i + 1) output
            else return res

            loop 0 0

            In which case, result has the value:

            Result<int,Errors> = Error (OutOfRange 3)

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote


              There are a few things I would probably add or change about your implementation. When I create a new computation builder, I typically put the logic in a module, and then just call the functions in that module from the builder.

              Another thing I would do is prefer the use of discriminated unions for Error types. This makes it possible to match on the error, and also lets you use a little trick with the implementation of delay/run on the computation builder to wrap up any unhandled exceptions that occur inside your computation expression as an Error as well, so you don't have to wrap things in try/with.

              Next, I would implement some common operators like >>=, <*>, and <!>, as well as lift and apply functions. These will make it easier to work with the Results outside of the computation expression and interface with functions that don't natively work with Results.

              Finally, I would implement at least all the standard members for the computation builder, including TryWith/TryFinally/Using/For. An example implementation might look like the following:

              module Either =
              open FSharp.Reflection
              open System

              let inline bind f x =
              match x with
              | Ok s -> f s
              | Error e -> Error e

              let inline ok x = Ok x

              let inline zero () = Ok ()

              let inline convertExceptionToResult<'result,'event> (ex: exn) =
              let union = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<Result<'result, 'event>>)
              if typeof<'event>.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)
              then FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[ex] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
              elif FSharpType.IsUnion typeof<'event>
              then let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<'event>)
              match cases |> Seq.tryFind (fun case -> case.GetFields().Length = 1 && case.GetFields().[0].PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)) with
              | Some case -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [|ex |> box|]) |> unbox<'event>] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
              | None -> failwithf "No Union Case of Event Type %s Supports Construction from an Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex
              else failwithf "Unable To Construct a Failure of type %s from Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex

              let inline delay<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) = fun () ->
              try f()
              with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

              let inline run<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) =
              try f()
              with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

              let inline (>>=) result f = bind f result

              let inline apply wrappedFunction result =
              match wrappedFunction, result with
              | Ok a, Ok b -> Ok (a b)
              | Error e, Ok s -> Error e
              | Ok s, Error e -> Error e
              | Error e, Error _ -> Error e

              let inline (<*>) wrappedFunction result = apply wrappedFunction result

              let inline lift f result = apply (ok f) result

              let inline (<!>) f result = lift f result

              type EitherBuilder() =
              member __.Zero() = zero()
              member __.Bind(x, f) = bind f x
              member __.Return(x) = ok x
              member __.ReturnFrom(x) = x
              member __.Yield(x) = ok x
              member __.YieldFrom(x) = x
              member __.Combine (a, b) = bind b a
              member __.Delay f = delay f
              member __.Run f = run f
              member __.TryWith (body, handler) =
              try body()
              with | ex -> handler ex
              member __.TryFinally (body, compensation) =
              try body()
              finally compensation()
              member this.Using(d:#IDisposable, body) =
              let result = fun () -> body d
              this.TryFinally (result, fun () ->
              match d with
              | null -> ()
              | d -> d.Dispose())
              member this.While (guard, body) =
              if not <| guard ()
              then this.Zero()
              else bind (fun () -> this.While(guard, body)) (body())
              member this.For(s:seq<_>, body) =
              this.Using(s.GetEnumerator(), fun enum ->
              this.Delay(fun () -> body enum.Current)))

              let either = EitherBuilder()

              Looking at your example usage of the EitherBuilder, I would probably change the while loop to a tail-recursive function. You can still use while loops with the new EitherBuilder if you want, but using a tail-recursive function allows you to eliminate the mutable state, and correctly defining your Error cases as a discriminated union will allow you to access the failing values if you need to without having the global state i. That would look something like this:

              open Either

              type Errors =
              | OutOfRange of int
              | UnhandledException of exn // This is required to allow conversion from Exceptions to Errors

              let func i =
              if i < 3 then Ok(i)
              else Error <| OutOfRange i

              let result =
              let rec loop i res =
              if i < 10
              then let! output = func i
              return! loop (i + 1) output
              else return res

              loop 0 0

              In which case, result has the value:

              Result<int,Errors> = Error (OutOfRange 3)

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote


                up vote
                down vote


                There are a few things I would probably add or change about your implementation. When I create a new computation builder, I typically put the logic in a module, and then just call the functions in that module from the builder.

                Another thing I would do is prefer the use of discriminated unions for Error types. This makes it possible to match on the error, and also lets you use a little trick with the implementation of delay/run on the computation builder to wrap up any unhandled exceptions that occur inside your computation expression as an Error as well, so you don't have to wrap things in try/with.

                Next, I would implement some common operators like >>=, <*>, and <!>, as well as lift and apply functions. These will make it easier to work with the Results outside of the computation expression and interface with functions that don't natively work with Results.

                Finally, I would implement at least all the standard members for the computation builder, including TryWith/TryFinally/Using/For. An example implementation might look like the following:

                module Either =
                open FSharp.Reflection
                open System

                let inline bind f x =
                match x with
                | Ok s -> f s
                | Error e -> Error e

                let inline ok x = Ok x

                let inline zero () = Ok ()

                let inline convertExceptionToResult<'result,'event> (ex: exn) =
                let union = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<Result<'result, 'event>>)
                if typeof<'event>.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)
                then FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[ex] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
                elif FSharpType.IsUnion typeof<'event>
                then let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<'event>)
                match cases |> Seq.tryFind (fun case -> case.GetFields().Length = 1 && case.GetFields().[0].PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)) with
                | Some case -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [|ex |> box|]) |> unbox<'event>] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
                | None -> failwithf "No Union Case of Event Type %s Supports Construction from an Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex
                else failwithf "Unable To Construct a Failure of type %s from Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex

                let inline delay<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) = fun () ->
                try f()
                with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

                let inline run<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) =
                try f()
                with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

                let inline (>>=) result f = bind f result

                let inline apply wrappedFunction result =
                match wrappedFunction, result with
                | Ok a, Ok b -> Ok (a b)
                | Error e, Ok s -> Error e
                | Ok s, Error e -> Error e
                | Error e, Error _ -> Error e

                let inline (<*>) wrappedFunction result = apply wrappedFunction result

                let inline lift f result = apply (ok f) result

                let inline (<!>) f result = lift f result

                type EitherBuilder() =
                member __.Zero() = zero()
                member __.Bind(x, f) = bind f x
                member __.Return(x) = ok x
                member __.ReturnFrom(x) = x
                member __.Yield(x) = ok x
                member __.YieldFrom(x) = x
                member __.Combine (a, b) = bind b a
                member __.Delay f = delay f
                member __.Run f = run f
                member __.TryWith (body, handler) =
                try body()
                with | ex -> handler ex
                member __.TryFinally (body, compensation) =
                try body()
                finally compensation()
                member this.Using(d:#IDisposable, body) =
                let result = fun () -> body d
                this.TryFinally (result, fun () ->
                match d with
                | null -> ()
                | d -> d.Dispose())
                member this.While (guard, body) =
                if not <| guard ()
                then this.Zero()
                else bind (fun () -> this.While(guard, body)) (body())
                member this.For(s:seq<_>, body) =
                this.Using(s.GetEnumerator(), fun enum ->
                this.Delay(fun () -> body enum.Current)))

                let either = EitherBuilder()

                Looking at your example usage of the EitherBuilder, I would probably change the while loop to a tail-recursive function. You can still use while loops with the new EitherBuilder if you want, but using a tail-recursive function allows you to eliminate the mutable state, and correctly defining your Error cases as a discriminated union will allow you to access the failing values if you need to without having the global state i. That would look something like this:

                open Either

                type Errors =
                | OutOfRange of int
                | UnhandledException of exn // This is required to allow conversion from Exceptions to Errors

                let func i =
                if i < 3 then Ok(i)
                else Error <| OutOfRange i

                let result =
                let rec loop i res =
                if i < 10
                then let! output = func i
                return! loop (i + 1) output
                else return res

                loop 0 0

                In which case, result has the value:

                Result<int,Errors> = Error (OutOfRange 3)

                share|improve this answer

                There are a few things I would probably add or change about your implementation. When I create a new computation builder, I typically put the logic in a module, and then just call the functions in that module from the builder.

                Another thing I would do is prefer the use of discriminated unions for Error types. This makes it possible to match on the error, and also lets you use a little trick with the implementation of delay/run on the computation builder to wrap up any unhandled exceptions that occur inside your computation expression as an Error as well, so you don't have to wrap things in try/with.

                Next, I would implement some common operators like >>=, <*>, and <!>, as well as lift and apply functions. These will make it easier to work with the Results outside of the computation expression and interface with functions that don't natively work with Results.

                Finally, I would implement at least all the standard members for the computation builder, including TryWith/TryFinally/Using/For. An example implementation might look like the following:

                module Either =
                open FSharp.Reflection
                open System

                let inline bind f x =
                match x with
                | Ok s -> f s
                | Error e -> Error e

                let inline ok x = Ok x

                let inline zero () = Ok ()

                let inline convertExceptionToResult<'result,'event> (ex: exn) =
                let union = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<Result<'result, 'event>>)
                if typeof<'event>.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)
                then FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[ex] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
                elif FSharpType.IsUnion typeof<'event>
                then let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<'event>)
                match cases |> Seq.tryFind (fun case -> case.GetFields().Length = 1 && case.GetFields().[0].PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<exn>)) with
                | Some case -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(union.[1], [|[FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [|ex |> box|]) |> unbox<'event>] |> box|]) |> unbox<Result<'result, 'event>>
                | None -> failwithf "No Union Case of Event Type %s Supports Construction from an Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex
                else failwithf "Unable To Construct a Failure of type %s from Unhandled Exception: rn%O" typeof<'event>.Name ex

                let inline delay<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) = fun () ->
                try f()
                with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

                let inline run<'result,'event> (f: unit -> Result<'result, 'event>) =
                try f()
                with | ex -> convertExceptionToResult ex

                let inline (>>=) result f = bind f result

                let inline apply wrappedFunction result =
                match wrappedFunction, result with
                | Ok a, Ok b -> Ok (a b)
                | Error e, Ok s -> Error e
                | Ok s, Error e -> Error e
                | Error e, Error _ -> Error e

                let inline (<*>) wrappedFunction result = apply wrappedFunction result

                let inline lift f result = apply (ok f) result

                let inline (<!>) f result = lift f result

                type EitherBuilder() =
                member __.Zero() = zero()
                member __.Bind(x, f) = bind f x
                member __.Return(x) = ok x
                member __.ReturnFrom(x) = x
                member __.Yield(x) = ok x
                member __.YieldFrom(x) = x
                member __.Combine (a, b) = bind b a
                member __.Delay f = delay f
                member __.Run f = run f
                member __.TryWith (body, handler) =
                try body()
                with | ex -> handler ex
                member __.TryFinally (body, compensation) =
                try body()
                finally compensation()
                member this.Using(d:#IDisposable, body) =
                let result = fun () -> body d
                this.TryFinally (result, fun () ->
                match d with
                | null -> ()
                | d -> d.Dispose())
                member this.While (guard, body) =
                if not <| guard ()
                then this.Zero()
                else bind (fun () -> this.While(guard, body)) (body())
                member this.For(s:seq<_>, body) =
                this.Using(s.GetEnumerator(), fun enum ->
                this.Delay(fun () -> body enum.Current)))

                let either = EitherBuilder()

                Looking at your example usage of the EitherBuilder, I would probably change the while loop to a tail-recursive function. You can still use while loops with the new EitherBuilder if you want, but using a tail-recursive function allows you to eliminate the mutable state, and correctly defining your Error cases as a discriminated union will allow you to access the failing values if you need to without having the global state i. That would look something like this:

                open Either

                type Errors =
                | OutOfRange of int
                | UnhandledException of exn // This is required to allow conversion from Exceptions to Errors

                let func i =
                if i < 3 then Ok(i)
                else Error <| OutOfRange i

                let result =
                let rec loop i res =
                if i < 10
                then let! output = func i
                return! loop (i + 1) output
                else return res

                loop 0 0

                In which case, result has the value:

                Result<int,Errors> = Error (OutOfRange 3)

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                edited May 3 at 13:14

                answered May 3 at 12:40

                Aaron M. Eshbach




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