Red-black tree in Rust
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Although I have done a few toy projects in Rust, I haven't really done anything related to tedious memory management tasks. So I set out to create a database with the help of the project 500 lines or less. I am using Red black trees for now. I would love to hear your opinions and critic on this partial Red-black tree which only supports insertion.
My main concern is how to improve the code to make it more idiomatic. I have plans to write a tutorial after I am done with the project and I don't want others to set off in the wrong direction.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc, Weak;
struct TreeNode<T: PartialOrd>
datum: Option<T>,
is_red: RefCell<bool>,
left: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
right: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
parent: RefCell<Option<Weak<TreeNode<T>>>>,
impl<T> TreeNode<T> where T: PartialOrd
fn new() -> Self
datum: None,
is_red: RefCell::new(false),
left: RefCell::new(None),
right: RefCell::new(None),
parent: RefCell::new(None)
fn from(t: T, is_red: bool) -> Self
let left = RefCell::new(None);
let right = RefCell::new(None);
let parent = RefCell::new(None);
datum: Some(t),
is_red: RefCell::new(is_red),
fn parent_is_red(&self) -> bool
if let Some(ref p) = *self.parent.borrow()
if let Some(ref p_upgrade) = p.upgrade()
fn height(&self) -> usize
let left_height = match *self.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => left.height(),
None => 0,
let right_height = match *self.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => right.height(),
None => 0,
if left_height > right_height left_height + 1 else right_height + 1
fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: Rc<F>) where F:Fn(&T)
if let Some(ref left) = *self.left.borrow()
if let Some(ref right) = *self.right.borrow()
pub struct RBTree<T: PartialOrd>
root: Rc<TreeNode<T>>,
count: usize
impl<T> RBTree<T> where T:PartialOrd
pub fn new() -> Self
RBTreeroot: Rc::new(TreeNode::new()), count: 0
fn rotate_right(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
// make sure node.left is not Nil
if let None = *node.left.borrow()
// take out node.left, leaving node.left with None
let left = Rc::clone(node.left.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
// put left.right at node.left
*node.left.borrow_mut() = left.right.borrow_mut().take();
// if the above taken node is not empty, set it's parent to node
if let Some(ref node_left) = *node.left.borrow()
*node_left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));
// if node's parent is not empty, and node is parent's right child
// set left as parent's right, else set it as parent's left, and set it's parent to node's parent
// if node's parent is empty, set left as root, and it's parent as None
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_right = parent_ref.right.borrow();
match *parent_right
Some(ref inner_parent_right) if &*Rc::clone(parent_right.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*inner_parent_right.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
_ =>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&left);
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = None;
*left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&left));
// opposite version of rotate_right
fn rotate_left(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
if let None = *node.right.borrow()
let right = Rc::clone(node.right.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
*node.right.borrow_mut() = right.left.borrow_mut().take();
if let Some(ref node_right) = *node.right.borrow()
*node_right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_left = parent_ref.left.borrow();
match *parent_left
Some(ref _p_left) if &*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*_p_left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
_ =>
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
if parent_left.is_some() &&
&*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const TreeNode<T> == &*node as *const TreeNode<T>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&right);
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = None;
*right.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&right));
// insert t at the leaf and fix the tree if there is any violation
pub fn insert(&mut self, t: T)
if self.count != 0
let mut parent = None;
let mut current = Some(Rc::clone(&self.root));
// while current is not None
while current.is_some()
parent = current;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
match *parent_unwrapped.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&left)),
None => current = None,
match *parent_unwrapped.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&right)),
None => current = None,
// parent can be safely unwrapped because it will not be None
// at this stage, current is None because we're at the leaf now
// if parent's datum is less than t, then t must be inserted at the left
// otherwise, t must be inserted at the left
let node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
// root must be black
self.root = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, false));
self.count += 1;
// restore violation of red-black properties
fn fix_tree(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
let mut current = Rc::clone(&node);
while current.parent_is_red()
// grand parent exists because parent is red, and rb tree's rule 1 states root is black
// so there's at least one node at the root above current's parent
// the unwrap here is safe for both parent and grandparent
let parent = Rc::clone(¤t.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
let grandparent = Rc::clone(&parent.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
// parent is the left child of grandparent, i.e current's uncle is grandparent's right child
if grandparent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*parent as *const TreeNode<T>
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.right.borrow().as_ref()
// uncle exists and is red
// paints uncle and parent black, grandparent red
// points current to grandparent
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);
// uncle is black; either it points to None, or the color is black
// if current is parent's right child, left rotate it first
if parent.right.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.right.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
// do the opposite of the above case because parent is the right child of the grandfather
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref()
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);
if parent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
*self.root.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
pub fn height(&self) -> usize
if self.count == 0
pub fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&T)
if self.count > 0
let rc = Rc::new(f);
mod test
use super::*;
fn test_insertion_height_and_count()
for i in 0..20 print!(" ", x));
algorithm tree database rust
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Although I have done a few toy projects in Rust, I haven't really done anything related to tedious memory management tasks. So I set out to create a database with the help of the project 500 lines or less. I am using Red black trees for now. I would love to hear your opinions and critic on this partial Red-black tree which only supports insertion.
My main concern is how to improve the code to make it more idiomatic. I have plans to write a tutorial after I am done with the project and I don't want others to set off in the wrong direction.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc, Weak;
struct TreeNode<T: PartialOrd>
datum: Option<T>,
is_red: RefCell<bool>,
left: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
right: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
parent: RefCell<Option<Weak<TreeNode<T>>>>,
impl<T> TreeNode<T> where T: PartialOrd
fn new() -> Self
datum: None,
is_red: RefCell::new(false),
left: RefCell::new(None),
right: RefCell::new(None),
parent: RefCell::new(None)
fn from(t: T, is_red: bool) -> Self
let left = RefCell::new(None);
let right = RefCell::new(None);
let parent = RefCell::new(None);
datum: Some(t),
is_red: RefCell::new(is_red),
fn parent_is_red(&self) -> bool
if let Some(ref p) = *self.parent.borrow()
if let Some(ref p_upgrade) = p.upgrade()
fn height(&self) -> usize
let left_height = match *self.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => left.height(),
None => 0,
let right_height = match *self.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => right.height(),
None => 0,
if left_height > right_height left_height + 1 else right_height + 1
fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: Rc<F>) where F:Fn(&T)
if let Some(ref left) = *self.left.borrow()
if let Some(ref right) = *self.right.borrow()
pub struct RBTree<T: PartialOrd>
root: Rc<TreeNode<T>>,
count: usize
impl<T> RBTree<T> where T:PartialOrd
pub fn new() -> Self
RBTreeroot: Rc::new(TreeNode::new()), count: 0
fn rotate_right(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
// make sure node.left is not Nil
if let None = *node.left.borrow()
// take out node.left, leaving node.left with None
let left = Rc::clone(node.left.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
// put left.right at node.left
*node.left.borrow_mut() = left.right.borrow_mut().take();
// if the above taken node is not empty, set it's parent to node
if let Some(ref node_left) = *node.left.borrow()
*node_left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));
// if node's parent is not empty, and node is parent's right child
// set left as parent's right, else set it as parent's left, and set it's parent to node's parent
// if node's parent is empty, set left as root, and it's parent as None
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_right = parent_ref.right.borrow();
match *parent_right
Some(ref inner_parent_right) if &*Rc::clone(parent_right.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*inner_parent_right.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
_ =>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&left);
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = None;
*left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&left));
// opposite version of rotate_right
fn rotate_left(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
if let None = *node.right.borrow()
let right = Rc::clone(node.right.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
*node.right.borrow_mut() = right.left.borrow_mut().take();
if let Some(ref node_right) = *node.right.borrow()
*node_right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_left = parent_ref.left.borrow();
match *parent_left
Some(ref _p_left) if &*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*_p_left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
_ =>
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
if parent_left.is_some() &&
&*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const TreeNode<T> == &*node as *const TreeNode<T>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&right);
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = None;
*right.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&right));
// insert t at the leaf and fix the tree if there is any violation
pub fn insert(&mut self, t: T)
if self.count != 0
let mut parent = None;
let mut current = Some(Rc::clone(&self.root));
// while current is not None
while current.is_some()
parent = current;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
match *parent_unwrapped.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&left)),
None => current = None,
match *parent_unwrapped.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&right)),
None => current = None,
// parent can be safely unwrapped because it will not be None
// at this stage, current is None because we're at the leaf now
// if parent's datum is less than t, then t must be inserted at the left
// otherwise, t must be inserted at the left
let node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
// root must be black
self.root = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, false));
self.count += 1;
// restore violation of red-black properties
fn fix_tree(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
let mut current = Rc::clone(&node);
while current.parent_is_red()
// grand parent exists because parent is red, and rb tree's rule 1 states root is black
// so there's at least one node at the root above current's parent
// the unwrap here is safe for both parent and grandparent
let parent = Rc::clone(¤t.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
let grandparent = Rc::clone(&parent.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
// parent is the left child of grandparent, i.e current's uncle is grandparent's right child
if grandparent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*parent as *const TreeNode<T>
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.right.borrow().as_ref()
// uncle exists and is red
// paints uncle and parent black, grandparent red
// points current to grandparent
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);
// uncle is black; either it points to None, or the color is black
// if current is parent's right child, left rotate it first
if parent.right.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.right.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
// do the opposite of the above case because parent is the right child of the grandfather
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref()
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);
if parent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
*self.root.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
pub fn height(&self) -> usize
if self.count == 0
pub fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&T)
if self.count > 0
let rc = Rc::new(f);
mod test
use super::*;
fn test_insertion_height_and_count()
for i in 0..20 print!(" ", x));
algorithm tree database rust
I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be takingf
by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff likeRc::clone(&x)
can be replaced withx.clone()
â Joe Clay
Apr 11 at 12:10
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Although I have done a few toy projects in Rust, I haven't really done anything related to tedious memory management tasks. So I set out to create a database with the help of the project 500 lines or less. I am using Red black trees for now. I would love to hear your opinions and critic on this partial Red-black tree which only supports insertion.
My main concern is how to improve the code to make it more idiomatic. I have plans to write a tutorial after I am done with the project and I don't want others to set off in the wrong direction.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc, Weak;
struct TreeNode<T: PartialOrd>
datum: Option<T>,
is_red: RefCell<bool>,
left: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
right: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
parent: RefCell<Option<Weak<TreeNode<T>>>>,
impl<T> TreeNode<T> where T: PartialOrd
fn new() -> Self
datum: None,
is_red: RefCell::new(false),
left: RefCell::new(None),
right: RefCell::new(None),
parent: RefCell::new(None)
fn from(t: T, is_red: bool) -> Self
let left = RefCell::new(None);
let right = RefCell::new(None);
let parent = RefCell::new(None);
datum: Some(t),
is_red: RefCell::new(is_red),
fn parent_is_red(&self) -> bool
if let Some(ref p) = *self.parent.borrow()
if let Some(ref p_upgrade) = p.upgrade()
fn height(&self) -> usize
let left_height = match *self.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => left.height(),
None => 0,
let right_height = match *self.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => right.height(),
None => 0,
if left_height > right_height left_height + 1 else right_height + 1
fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: Rc<F>) where F:Fn(&T)
if let Some(ref left) = *self.left.borrow()
if let Some(ref right) = *self.right.borrow()
pub struct RBTree<T: PartialOrd>
root: Rc<TreeNode<T>>,
count: usize
impl<T> RBTree<T> where T:PartialOrd
pub fn new() -> Self
RBTreeroot: Rc::new(TreeNode::new()), count: 0
fn rotate_right(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
// make sure node.left is not Nil
if let None = *node.left.borrow()
// take out node.left, leaving node.left with None
let left = Rc::clone(node.left.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
// put left.right at node.left
*node.left.borrow_mut() = left.right.borrow_mut().take();
// if the above taken node is not empty, set it's parent to node
if let Some(ref node_left) = *node.left.borrow()
*node_left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));
// if node's parent is not empty, and node is parent's right child
// set left as parent's right, else set it as parent's left, and set it's parent to node's parent
// if node's parent is empty, set left as root, and it's parent as None
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_right = parent_ref.right.borrow();
match *parent_right
Some(ref inner_parent_right) if &*Rc::clone(parent_right.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*inner_parent_right.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
_ =>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&left);
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = None;
*left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&left));
// opposite version of rotate_right
fn rotate_left(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
if let None = *node.right.borrow()
let right = Rc::clone(node.right.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
*node.right.borrow_mut() = right.left.borrow_mut().take();
if let Some(ref node_right) = *node.right.borrow()
*node_right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_left = parent_ref.left.borrow();
match *parent_left
Some(ref _p_left) if &*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*_p_left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
_ =>
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
if parent_left.is_some() &&
&*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const TreeNode<T> == &*node as *const TreeNode<T>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&right);
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = None;
*right.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&right));
// insert t at the leaf and fix the tree if there is any violation
pub fn insert(&mut self, t: T)
if self.count != 0
let mut parent = None;
let mut current = Some(Rc::clone(&self.root));
// while current is not None
while current.is_some()
parent = current;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
match *parent_unwrapped.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&left)),
None => current = None,
match *parent_unwrapped.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&right)),
None => current = None,
// parent can be safely unwrapped because it will not be None
// at this stage, current is None because we're at the leaf now
// if parent's datum is less than t, then t must be inserted at the left
// otherwise, t must be inserted at the left
let node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
// root must be black
self.root = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, false));
self.count += 1;
// restore violation of red-black properties
fn fix_tree(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
let mut current = Rc::clone(&node);
while current.parent_is_red()
// grand parent exists because parent is red, and rb tree's rule 1 states root is black
// so there's at least one node at the root above current's parent
// the unwrap here is safe for both parent and grandparent
let parent = Rc::clone(¤t.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
let grandparent = Rc::clone(&parent.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
// parent is the left child of grandparent, i.e current's uncle is grandparent's right child
if grandparent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*parent as *const TreeNode<T>
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.right.borrow().as_ref()
// uncle exists and is red
// paints uncle and parent black, grandparent red
// points current to grandparent
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);
// uncle is black; either it points to None, or the color is black
// if current is parent's right child, left rotate it first
if parent.right.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.right.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
// do the opposite of the above case because parent is the right child of the grandfather
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref()
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);
if parent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
*self.root.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
pub fn height(&self) -> usize
if self.count == 0
pub fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&T)
if self.count > 0
let rc = Rc::new(f);
mod test
use super::*;
fn test_insertion_height_and_count()
for i in 0..20 print!(" ", x));
algorithm tree database rust
Although I have done a few toy projects in Rust, I haven't really done anything related to tedious memory management tasks. So I set out to create a database with the help of the project 500 lines or less. I am using Red black trees for now. I would love to hear your opinions and critic on this partial Red-black tree which only supports insertion.
My main concern is how to improve the code to make it more idiomatic. I have plans to write a tutorial after I am done with the project and I don't want others to set off in the wrong direction.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc, Weak;
struct TreeNode<T: PartialOrd>
datum: Option<T>,
is_red: RefCell<bool>,
left: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
right: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
parent: RefCell<Option<Weak<TreeNode<T>>>>,
impl<T> TreeNode<T> where T: PartialOrd
fn new() -> Self
datum: None,
is_red: RefCell::new(false),
left: RefCell::new(None),
right: RefCell::new(None),
parent: RefCell::new(None)
fn from(t: T, is_red: bool) -> Self
let left = RefCell::new(None);
let right = RefCell::new(None);
let parent = RefCell::new(None);
datum: Some(t),
is_red: RefCell::new(is_red),
fn parent_is_red(&self) -> bool
if let Some(ref p) = *self.parent.borrow()
if let Some(ref p_upgrade) = p.upgrade()
fn height(&self) -> usize
let left_height = match *self.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => left.height(),
None => 0,
let right_height = match *self.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => right.height(),
None => 0,
if left_height > right_height left_height + 1 else right_height + 1
fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: Rc<F>) where F:Fn(&T)
if let Some(ref left) = *self.left.borrow()
if let Some(ref right) = *self.right.borrow()
pub struct RBTree<T: PartialOrd>
root: Rc<TreeNode<T>>,
count: usize
impl<T> RBTree<T> where T:PartialOrd
pub fn new() -> Self
RBTreeroot: Rc::new(TreeNode::new()), count: 0
fn rotate_right(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
// make sure node.left is not Nil
if let None = *node.left.borrow()
// take out node.left, leaving node.left with None
let left = Rc::clone(node.left.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
// put left.right at node.left
*node.left.borrow_mut() = left.right.borrow_mut().take();
// if the above taken node is not empty, set it's parent to node
if let Some(ref node_left) = *node.left.borrow()
*node_left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));
// if node's parent is not empty, and node is parent's right child
// set left as parent's right, else set it as parent's left, and set it's parent to node's parent
// if node's parent is empty, set left as root, and it's parent as None
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_right = parent_ref.right.borrow();
match *parent_right
Some(ref inner_parent_right) if &*Rc::clone(parent_right.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*inner_parent_right.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
_ =>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&left);
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = None;
*left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&left));
// opposite version of rotate_right
fn rotate_left(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
if let None = *node.right.borrow()
let right = Rc::clone(node.right.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
*node.right.borrow_mut() = right.left.borrow_mut().take();
if let Some(ref node_right) = *node.right.borrow()
*node_right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_left = parent_ref.left.borrow();
match *parent_left
Some(ref _p_left) if &*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*_p_left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
_ =>
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
if parent_left.is_some() &&
&*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const TreeNode<T> == &*node as *const TreeNode<T>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&right);
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = None;
*right.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&right));
// insert t at the leaf and fix the tree if there is any violation
pub fn insert(&mut self, t: T)
if self.count != 0
let mut parent = None;
let mut current = Some(Rc::clone(&self.root));
// while current is not None
while current.is_some()
parent = current;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
match *parent_unwrapped.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&left)),
None => current = None,
match *parent_unwrapped.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&right)),
None => current = None,
// parent can be safely unwrapped because it will not be None
// at this stage, current is None because we're at the leaf now
// if parent's datum is less than t, then t must be inserted at the left
// otherwise, t must be inserted at the left
let node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
// root must be black
self.root = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, false));
self.count += 1;
// restore violation of red-black properties
fn fix_tree(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
let mut current = Rc::clone(&node);
while current.parent_is_red()
// grand parent exists because parent is red, and rb tree's rule 1 states root is black
// so there's at least one node at the root above current's parent
// the unwrap here is safe for both parent and grandparent
let parent = Rc::clone(¤t.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
let grandparent = Rc::clone(&parent.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
// parent is the left child of grandparent, i.e current's uncle is grandparent's right child
if grandparent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*parent as *const TreeNode<T>
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.right.borrow().as_ref()
// uncle exists and is red
// paints uncle and parent black, grandparent red
// points current to grandparent
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);
// uncle is black; either it points to None, or the color is black
// if current is parent's right child, left rotate it first
if parent.right.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.right.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
// do the opposite of the above case because parent is the right child of the grandfather
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref()
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);
if parent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
*self.root.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
pub fn height(&self) -> usize
if self.count == 0
pub fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&T)
if self.count > 0
let rc = Rc::new(f);
mod test
use super::*;
fn test_insertion_height_and_count()
for i in 0..20 print!(" ", x));
algorithm tree database rust
edited Mar 20 at 22:42
asked Mar 20 at 15:15
Htet Aung Shine
I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be takingf
by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff likeRc::clone(&x)
can be replaced withx.clone()
â Joe Clay
Apr 11 at 12:10
add a comment |Â
I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be takingf
by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff likeRc::clone(&x)
can be replaced withx.clone()
â Joe Clay
Apr 11 at 12:10
I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be taking
or node
by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff like Rc::clone(&x)
can be replaced with x.clone()
.â Joe Clay
Apr 11 at 12:10
I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be taking
or node
by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff like Rc::clone(&x)
can be replaced with x.clone()
.â Joe Clay
Apr 11 at 12:10
add a comment |Â
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I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be taking
by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff likeRc::clone(&x)
can be replaced withx.clone()
.â Joe Clay
Apr 11 at 12:10