Red-black tree in Rust

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;

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Although I have done a few toy projects in Rust, I haven't really done anything related to tedious memory management tasks. So I set out to create a database with the help of the project 500 lines or less. I am using Red black trees for now. I would love to hear your opinions and critic on this partial Red-black tree which only supports insertion.

My main concern is how to improve the code to make it more idiomatic. I have plans to write a tutorial after I am done with the project and I don't want others to set off in the wrong direction.


use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc, Weak;

struct TreeNode<T: PartialOrd>
datum: Option<T>,
is_red: RefCell<bool>,
left: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
right: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
parent: RefCell<Option<Weak<TreeNode<T>>>>,

impl<T> TreeNode<T> where T: PartialOrd
fn new() -> Self
datum: None,
is_red: RefCell::new(false),
left: RefCell::new(None),
right: RefCell::new(None),
parent: RefCell::new(None)

fn from(t: T, is_red: bool) -> Self
let left = RefCell::new(None);
let right = RefCell::new(None);
let parent = RefCell::new(None);
datum: Some(t),
is_red: RefCell::new(is_red),

fn parent_is_red(&self) -> bool
if let Some(ref p) = *self.parent.borrow()
if let Some(ref p_upgrade) = p.upgrade()


fn height(&self) -> usize
let left_height = match *self.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => left.height(),
None => 0,
let right_height = match *self.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => right.height(),
None => 0,
if left_height > right_height left_height + 1 else right_height + 1

fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: Rc<F>) where F:Fn(&T)
if let Some(ref left) = *self.left.borrow()

if let Some(ref right) = *self.right.borrow()

pub struct RBTree<T: PartialOrd>
root: Rc<TreeNode<T>>,
count: usize

impl<T> RBTree<T> where T:PartialOrd
pub fn new() -> Self
RBTreeroot: Rc::new(TreeNode::new()), count: 0

fn rotate_right(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
// make sure node.left is not Nil
if let None = *node.left.borrow()

// take out node.left, leaving node.left with None
let left = Rc::clone(node.left.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
// put left.right at node.left
*node.left.borrow_mut() = left.right.borrow_mut().take();
// if the above taken node is not empty, set it's parent to node
if let Some(ref node_left) = *node.left.borrow()
*node_left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));

// if node's parent is not empty, and node is parent's right child
// set left as parent's right, else set it as parent's left, and set it's parent to node's parent
// if node's parent is empty, set left as root, and it's parent as None
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_right = parent_ref.right.borrow();

match *parent_right
Some(ref inner_parent_right) if &*Rc::clone(parent_right.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*inner_parent_right.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
_ =>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));


*left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&left);
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = None;

*left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&left));

// opposite version of rotate_right
fn rotate_left(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
if let None = *node.right.borrow()

let right = Rc::clone(node.right.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
*node.right.borrow_mut() = right.left.borrow_mut().take();
if let Some(ref node_right) = *node.right.borrow()
*node_right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));

if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_left = parent_ref.left.borrow();

match *parent_left
Some(ref _p_left) if &*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*_p_left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
_ =>
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));


if parent_left.is_some() &&
&*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const TreeNode<T> == &*node as *const TreeNode<T>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));

*right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&right);
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = None;

*right.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&right));

// insert t at the leaf and fix the tree if there is any violation
pub fn insert(&mut self, t: T)
if self.count != 0
let mut parent = None;
let mut current = Some(Rc::clone(&self.root));
// while current is not None
while current.is_some()
parent = current;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
match *parent_unwrapped.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&left)),
None => current = None,
match *parent_unwrapped.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&right)),
None => current = None,

// parent can be safely unwrapped because it will not be None
// at this stage, current is None because we're at the leaf now
// if parent's datum is less than t, then t must be inserted at the left
// otherwise, t must be inserted at the left
let node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));

// root must be black
self.root = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, false));

self.count += 1;

// restore violation of red-black properties
fn fix_tree(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
let mut current = Rc::clone(&node);

while current.parent_is_red()
// grand parent exists because parent is red, and rb tree's rule 1 states root is black
// so there's at least one node at the root above current's parent
// the unwrap here is safe for both parent and grandparent
let parent = Rc::clone(&current.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
let grandparent = Rc::clone(&parent.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());

// parent is the left child of grandparent, i.e current's uncle is grandparent's right child
if grandparent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*parent as *const TreeNode<T>
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.right.borrow().as_ref()
// uncle exists and is red
// paints uncle and parent black, grandparent red
// points current to grandparent
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);

// uncle is black; either it points to None, or the color is black
// if current is parent's right child, left rotate it first
if parent.right.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.right.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);

*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
// do the opposite of the above case because parent is the right child of the grandfather
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref()
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);

if parent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);

*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;

*self.root.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;

pub fn height(&self) -> usize
if self.count == 0

pub fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&T)
if self.count > 0
let rc = Rc::new(f);

mod test
use super::*;
fn test_insertion_height_and_count()
for i in 0..20 print!(" ", x));

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  • I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be taking f or node by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff like Rc::clone(&x) can be replaced with x.clone().
    – Joe Clay
    Apr 11 at 12:10

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down vote


Although I have done a few toy projects in Rust, I haven't really done anything related to tedious memory management tasks. So I set out to create a database with the help of the project 500 lines or less. I am using Red black trees for now. I would love to hear your opinions and critic on this partial Red-black tree which only supports insertion.

My main concern is how to improve the code to make it more idiomatic. I have plans to write a tutorial after I am done with the project and I don't want others to set off in the wrong direction.


use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc, Weak;

struct TreeNode<T: PartialOrd>
datum: Option<T>,
is_red: RefCell<bool>,
left: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
right: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
parent: RefCell<Option<Weak<TreeNode<T>>>>,

impl<T> TreeNode<T> where T: PartialOrd
fn new() -> Self
datum: None,
is_red: RefCell::new(false),
left: RefCell::new(None),
right: RefCell::new(None),
parent: RefCell::new(None)

fn from(t: T, is_red: bool) -> Self
let left = RefCell::new(None);
let right = RefCell::new(None);
let parent = RefCell::new(None);
datum: Some(t),
is_red: RefCell::new(is_red),

fn parent_is_red(&self) -> bool
if let Some(ref p) = *self.parent.borrow()
if let Some(ref p_upgrade) = p.upgrade()


fn height(&self) -> usize
let left_height = match *self.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => left.height(),
None => 0,
let right_height = match *self.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => right.height(),
None => 0,
if left_height > right_height left_height + 1 else right_height + 1

fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: Rc<F>) where F:Fn(&T)
if let Some(ref left) = *self.left.borrow()

if let Some(ref right) = *self.right.borrow()

pub struct RBTree<T: PartialOrd>
root: Rc<TreeNode<T>>,
count: usize

impl<T> RBTree<T> where T:PartialOrd
pub fn new() -> Self
RBTreeroot: Rc::new(TreeNode::new()), count: 0

fn rotate_right(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
// make sure node.left is not Nil
if let None = *node.left.borrow()

// take out node.left, leaving node.left with None
let left = Rc::clone(node.left.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
// put left.right at node.left
*node.left.borrow_mut() = left.right.borrow_mut().take();
// if the above taken node is not empty, set it's parent to node
if let Some(ref node_left) = *node.left.borrow()
*node_left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));

// if node's parent is not empty, and node is parent's right child
// set left as parent's right, else set it as parent's left, and set it's parent to node's parent
// if node's parent is empty, set left as root, and it's parent as None
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_right = parent_ref.right.borrow();

match *parent_right
Some(ref inner_parent_right) if &*Rc::clone(parent_right.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*inner_parent_right.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
_ =>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));


*left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&left);
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = None;

*left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&left));

// opposite version of rotate_right
fn rotate_left(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
if let None = *node.right.borrow()

let right = Rc::clone(node.right.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
*node.right.borrow_mut() = right.left.borrow_mut().take();
if let Some(ref node_right) = *node.right.borrow()
*node_right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));

if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_left = parent_ref.left.borrow();

match *parent_left
Some(ref _p_left) if &*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*_p_left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
_ =>
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));


if parent_left.is_some() &&
&*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const TreeNode<T> == &*node as *const TreeNode<T>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));

*right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&right);
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = None;

*right.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&right));

// insert t at the leaf and fix the tree if there is any violation
pub fn insert(&mut self, t: T)
if self.count != 0
let mut parent = None;
let mut current = Some(Rc::clone(&self.root));
// while current is not None
while current.is_some()
parent = current;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
match *parent_unwrapped.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&left)),
None => current = None,
match *parent_unwrapped.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&right)),
None => current = None,

// parent can be safely unwrapped because it will not be None
// at this stage, current is None because we're at the leaf now
// if parent's datum is less than t, then t must be inserted at the left
// otherwise, t must be inserted at the left
let node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));

// root must be black
self.root = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, false));

self.count += 1;

// restore violation of red-black properties
fn fix_tree(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
let mut current = Rc::clone(&node);

while current.parent_is_red()
// grand parent exists because parent is red, and rb tree's rule 1 states root is black
// so there's at least one node at the root above current's parent
// the unwrap here is safe for both parent and grandparent
let parent = Rc::clone(&current.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
let grandparent = Rc::clone(&parent.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());

// parent is the left child of grandparent, i.e current's uncle is grandparent's right child
if grandparent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*parent as *const TreeNode<T>
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.right.borrow().as_ref()
// uncle exists and is red
// paints uncle and parent black, grandparent red
// points current to grandparent
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);

// uncle is black; either it points to None, or the color is black
// if current is parent's right child, left rotate it first
if parent.right.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.right.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);

*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
// do the opposite of the above case because parent is the right child of the grandfather
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref()
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);

if parent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);

*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;

*self.root.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;

pub fn height(&self) -> usize
if self.count == 0

pub fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&T)
if self.count > 0
let rc = Rc::new(f);

mod test
use super::*;
fn test_insertion_height_and_count()
for i in 0..20 print!(" ", x));

share|improve this question

  • I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be taking f or node by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff like Rc::clone(&x) can be replaced with x.clone().
    – Joe Clay
    Apr 11 at 12:10

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Although I have done a few toy projects in Rust, I haven't really done anything related to tedious memory management tasks. So I set out to create a database with the help of the project 500 lines or less. I am using Red black trees for now. I would love to hear your opinions and critic on this partial Red-black tree which only supports insertion.

My main concern is how to improve the code to make it more idiomatic. I have plans to write a tutorial after I am done with the project and I don't want others to set off in the wrong direction.


use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc, Weak;

struct TreeNode<T: PartialOrd>
datum: Option<T>,
is_red: RefCell<bool>,
left: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
right: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
parent: RefCell<Option<Weak<TreeNode<T>>>>,

impl<T> TreeNode<T> where T: PartialOrd
fn new() -> Self
datum: None,
is_red: RefCell::new(false),
left: RefCell::new(None),
right: RefCell::new(None),
parent: RefCell::new(None)

fn from(t: T, is_red: bool) -> Self
let left = RefCell::new(None);
let right = RefCell::new(None);
let parent = RefCell::new(None);
datum: Some(t),
is_red: RefCell::new(is_red),

fn parent_is_red(&self) -> bool
if let Some(ref p) = *self.parent.borrow()
if let Some(ref p_upgrade) = p.upgrade()


fn height(&self) -> usize
let left_height = match *self.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => left.height(),
None => 0,
let right_height = match *self.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => right.height(),
None => 0,
if left_height > right_height left_height + 1 else right_height + 1

fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: Rc<F>) where F:Fn(&T)
if let Some(ref left) = *self.left.borrow()

if let Some(ref right) = *self.right.borrow()

pub struct RBTree<T: PartialOrd>
root: Rc<TreeNode<T>>,
count: usize

impl<T> RBTree<T> where T:PartialOrd
pub fn new() -> Self
RBTreeroot: Rc::new(TreeNode::new()), count: 0

fn rotate_right(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
// make sure node.left is not Nil
if let None = *node.left.borrow()

// take out node.left, leaving node.left with None
let left = Rc::clone(node.left.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
// put left.right at node.left
*node.left.borrow_mut() = left.right.borrow_mut().take();
// if the above taken node is not empty, set it's parent to node
if let Some(ref node_left) = *node.left.borrow()
*node_left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));

// if node's parent is not empty, and node is parent's right child
// set left as parent's right, else set it as parent's left, and set it's parent to node's parent
// if node's parent is empty, set left as root, and it's parent as None
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_right = parent_ref.right.borrow();

match *parent_right
Some(ref inner_parent_right) if &*Rc::clone(parent_right.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*inner_parent_right.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
_ =>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));


*left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&left);
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = None;

*left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&left));

// opposite version of rotate_right
fn rotate_left(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
if let None = *node.right.borrow()

let right = Rc::clone(node.right.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
*node.right.borrow_mut() = right.left.borrow_mut().take();
if let Some(ref node_right) = *node.right.borrow()
*node_right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));

if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_left = parent_ref.left.borrow();

match *parent_left
Some(ref _p_left) if &*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*_p_left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
_ =>
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));


if parent_left.is_some() &&
&*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const TreeNode<T> == &*node as *const TreeNode<T>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));

*right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&right);
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = None;

*right.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&right));

// insert t at the leaf and fix the tree if there is any violation
pub fn insert(&mut self, t: T)
if self.count != 0
let mut parent = None;
let mut current = Some(Rc::clone(&self.root));
// while current is not None
while current.is_some()
parent = current;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
match *parent_unwrapped.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&left)),
None => current = None,
match *parent_unwrapped.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&right)),
None => current = None,

// parent can be safely unwrapped because it will not be None
// at this stage, current is None because we're at the leaf now
// if parent's datum is less than t, then t must be inserted at the left
// otherwise, t must be inserted at the left
let node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));

// root must be black
self.root = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, false));

self.count += 1;

// restore violation of red-black properties
fn fix_tree(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
let mut current = Rc::clone(&node);

while current.parent_is_red()
// grand parent exists because parent is red, and rb tree's rule 1 states root is black
// so there's at least one node at the root above current's parent
// the unwrap here is safe for both parent and grandparent
let parent = Rc::clone(&current.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
let grandparent = Rc::clone(&parent.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());

// parent is the left child of grandparent, i.e current's uncle is grandparent's right child
if grandparent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*parent as *const TreeNode<T>
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.right.borrow().as_ref()
// uncle exists and is red
// paints uncle and parent black, grandparent red
// points current to grandparent
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);

// uncle is black; either it points to None, or the color is black
// if current is parent's right child, left rotate it first
if parent.right.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.right.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);

*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
// do the opposite of the above case because parent is the right child of the grandfather
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref()
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);

if parent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);

*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;

*self.root.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;

pub fn height(&self) -> usize
if self.count == 0

pub fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&T)
if self.count > 0
let rc = Rc::new(f);

mod test
use super::*;
fn test_insertion_height_and_count()
for i in 0..20 print!(" ", x));

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Although I have done a few toy projects in Rust, I haven't really done anything related to tedious memory management tasks. So I set out to create a database with the help of the project 500 lines or less. I am using Red black trees for now. I would love to hear your opinions and critic on this partial Red-black tree which only supports insertion.

My main concern is how to improve the code to make it more idiomatic. I have plans to write a tutorial after I am done with the project and I don't want others to set off in the wrong direction.


use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc, Weak;

struct TreeNode<T: PartialOrd>
datum: Option<T>,
is_red: RefCell<bool>,
left: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
right: RefCell<Option<Rc<TreeNode<T>>>>,
parent: RefCell<Option<Weak<TreeNode<T>>>>,

impl<T> TreeNode<T> where T: PartialOrd
fn new() -> Self
datum: None,
is_red: RefCell::new(false),
left: RefCell::new(None),
right: RefCell::new(None),
parent: RefCell::new(None)

fn from(t: T, is_red: bool) -> Self
let left = RefCell::new(None);
let right = RefCell::new(None);
let parent = RefCell::new(None);
datum: Some(t),
is_red: RefCell::new(is_red),

fn parent_is_red(&self) -> bool
if let Some(ref p) = *self.parent.borrow()
if let Some(ref p_upgrade) = p.upgrade()


fn height(&self) -> usize
let left_height = match *self.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => left.height(),
None => 0,
let right_height = match *self.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => right.height(),
None => 0,
if left_height > right_height left_height + 1 else right_height + 1

fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: Rc<F>) where F:Fn(&T)
if let Some(ref left) = *self.left.borrow()

if let Some(ref right) = *self.right.borrow()

pub struct RBTree<T: PartialOrd>
root: Rc<TreeNode<T>>,
count: usize

impl<T> RBTree<T> where T:PartialOrd
pub fn new() -> Self
RBTreeroot: Rc::new(TreeNode::new()), count: 0

fn rotate_right(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
// make sure node.left is not Nil
if let None = *node.left.borrow()

// take out node.left, leaving node.left with None
let left = Rc::clone(node.left.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
// put left.right at node.left
*node.left.borrow_mut() = left.right.borrow_mut().take();
// if the above taken node is not empty, set it's parent to node
if let Some(ref node_left) = *node.left.borrow()
*node_left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));

// if node's parent is not empty, and node is parent's right child
// set left as parent's right, else set it as parent's left, and set it's parent to node's parent
// if node's parent is empty, set left as root, and it's parent as None
if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_right = parent_ref.right.borrow();

match *parent_right
Some(ref inner_parent_right) if &*Rc::clone(parent_right.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*inner_parent_right.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));
_ =>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&left));


*left.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&left);
*left.parent.borrow_mut() = None;

*left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&left));

// opposite version of rotate_right
fn rotate_left(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
if let None = *node.right.borrow()

let right = Rc::clone(node.right.borrow_mut().take().as_ref().unwrap());
*node.right.borrow_mut() = right.left.borrow_mut().take();
if let Some(ref node_right) = *node.right.borrow()
*node_right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&Rc::clone(&node)));

if let Some(ref parent) = *node.parent.borrow()
let parent_ref = Rc::clone(parent.upgrade().as_ref().unwrap());
let parent_left = parent_ref.left.borrow();

match *parent_left
Some(ref _p_left) if &*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const _ == &*node as *const _ =>
*_p_left.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
_ =>
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));


if parent_left.is_some() &&
&*Rc::clone(parent_left.as_ref().unwrap()) as *const TreeNode<T> == &*node as *const TreeNode<T>
*parent_ref.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));
*parent_ref.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&right));

*right.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Weak::clone(parent));
self.root = Rc::clone(&right);
*right.parent.borrow_mut() = None;

*right.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(&right));

// insert t at the leaf and fix the tree if there is any violation
pub fn insert(&mut self, t: T)
if self.count != 0
let mut parent = None;
let mut current = Some(Rc::clone(&self.root));
// while current is not None
while current.is_some()
parent = current;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
match *parent_unwrapped.left.borrow()
Some(ref left) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&left)),
None => current = None,
match *parent_unwrapped.right.borrow()
Some(ref right) => current = Some(Rc::clone(&right)),
None => current = None,

// parent can be safely unwrapped because it will not be None
// at this stage, current is None because we're at the leaf now
// if parent's datum is less than t, then t must be inserted at the left
// otherwise, t must be inserted at the left
let node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>;
let parent_unwrapped = parent.as_ref().unwrap();
if parent_unwrapped.datum.as_ref().unwrap() > &t
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.left.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));
node = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, true));
*node.parent.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::downgrade(parent_unwrapped));
*parent_unwrapped.right.borrow_mut() = Some(Rc::clone(&node));

// root must be black
self.root = Rc::new(TreeNode::from(t, false));

self.count += 1;

// restore violation of red-black properties
fn fix_tree(&mut self, node: Rc<TreeNode<T>>)
let mut current = Rc::clone(&node);

while current.parent_is_red()
// grand parent exists because parent is red, and rb tree's rule 1 states root is black
// so there's at least one node at the root above current's parent
// the unwrap here is safe for both parent and grandparent
let parent = Rc::clone(&current.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());
let grandparent = Rc::clone(&parent.parent.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap());

// parent is the left child of grandparent, i.e current's uncle is grandparent's right child
if grandparent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*parent as *const TreeNode<T>
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.right.borrow().as_ref()
// uncle exists and is red
// paints uncle and parent black, grandparent red
// points current to grandparent
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);

// uncle is black; either it points to None, or the color is black
// if current is parent's right child, left rotate it first
if parent.right.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.right.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);

*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
// do the opposite of the above case because parent is the right child of the grandfather
if let Some(uncle) = grandparent.left.borrow().as_ref()
if *uncle.is_red.borrow()
*uncle.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;
current = Rc::clone(&grandparent);

if parent.left.borrow().is_some() &&
&**parent.left.borrow().as_ref().unwrap() as *const TreeNode<T> == &*current as *const TreeNode<T>
current = Rc::clone(&parent);

*parent.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;
*grandparent.is_red.borrow_mut() = true;

*self.root.is_red.borrow_mut() = false;

pub fn height(&self) -> usize
if self.count == 0

pub fn inorder_scan<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&T)
if self.count > 0
let rc = Rc::new(f);

mod test
use super::*;
fn test_insertion_height_and_count()
for i in 0..20 print!(" ", x));

share|improve this question

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edited Mar 20 at 22:42




asked Mar 20 at 15:15

Htet Aung Shine



  • I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be taking f or node by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff like Rc::clone(&x) can be replaced with x.clone().
    – Joe Clay
    Apr 11 at 12:10

  • I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be taking f or node by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff like Rc::clone(&x) can be replaced with x.clone().
    – Joe Clay
    Apr 11 at 12:10

I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be taking f or node by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff like Rc::clone(&x) can be replaced with x.clone().
– Joe Clay
Apr 11 at 12:10

I don't have time to do a full review right now, but Clippy gives some helpful suggestions when run on your code. Chief among them is that you don't need to be taking f or node by value into your methods - a reference would suffice. Also, stuff like Rc::clone(&x) can be replaced with x.clone().
– Joe Clay
Apr 11 at 12:10




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