Python 2-opt algorithm for asymmetric TSP too heavy
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The initial result is taken from an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, and is introduced to the heuristic in this form:
path = [(12, 7), (7, 10), (10, 21), (21, 13), (13, 0),
(0, 11), (11, 14), (14, 15), (15, 2), (2, 17),
(17, 16), (16, 1), (1, 3), (3, 6), (6, 4), (4, 5),
(5, 8), (8, 9), (9, 19), (19, 18), (18, 20), (20, 12)]
Each tuple in the list represents one arc that forms the solution (route), since my approach is to swap arcs. For each swap I defined a function called dos_opt
, that takes a pair of arcs and exchanges them.
def dos_opt(comb,path):
There is just one way to "disconnect" the arcs and reconnect them again without forming sub-tours, but as far as I know, under my approach it cannot be done randomly, so first I take the four nodes and make the possible combinations between pairs of them.
for arcos in comb:
for nodos in arcos:
First I define a function to check if there are duplicates between two arcs, to discard the swap between adjacent arcs, which is impossible.
def cmpT(t1,t2):
return sorted(t1) == sorted(t2)
Then, to check if the first node of the current arc matches with the upcoming, I defined enderezado()
def enderezado(arco_uno,arco_dos):
if arco_uno[1] == arco_dos[0]:
return True
return False
The previous function is used to check if a path is "connected" properly. If not, it rearranges it by placing the arcs on the right direction; if the final result isn't coherent it contains sub-tours.
def continuidad(ruta):
for i in range(len(ruta)):
if i+1 < len(ruta):
pos = i + 1
pos = 0
revision = enderezado(ruta[i],ruta[pos])
if revision == False:
for j in ruta:
if ruta[i][1] in j:
if ruta.index(ruta[i]) == ruta.index(j):
reubicado = tuple(j)
indice_a_borrar = int(ruta.index(j))
del ruta[indice_a_borrar]
revision = enderezado(ruta[i],ruta[pos])
if revision == False:
nuevo = (ruta[pos][1],ruta[pos][0])
ruta[pos] = nuevo
return ruta
If two arcs are swapped, there are two possible reconnections, the correct one and the sub-tours one. To know which one to use, I defined a function to "read" the coherence of a path, stopping when there is a incoherence.
def evaluacion_sub_ciclos(opciones_ruta):
seguir = True
ruta = ""
while seguir:
for opcion in range(len(opciones_ruta)):
camino = opciones_ruta[opcion]
for arco in opciones_ruta[opcion]:
indice = camino.index(arco)
if indice+1 < len(camino):
pos = indice + 1
pos = 0
revision = enderezado(camino[indice],camino[pos])
if revision == False:
elif indice+1 == len(camino):
ruta = camino
seguir = False
return ruta
So, for the possible swaps, first I discard the swap with the same arcs and with existing arcs, resulting in a set with the "admissible" swaps.
verdad = True
intercambios_totales = set()
intercambios_no_admisibles = set()
intercambios_casi_factibles =set()
for reconexiones in combinations_with_replacement(intercambioNodos,2):
if reconexiones[0]==reconexiones[1]:
for existentes in path:
if cmpT(reconexiones,existentes)==verdad:
for casi_factibles in intercambios_totales:
if casi_factibles in intercambios_no_admisibles:
otro_filtro = set()
for combInt in intercambios_semifinal:
for nodo_opt in intercambioNodos:
if nodo_opt in combInt[0] and nodo_opt in combInt[1]:
intercambios_factibles = list()
for ultimo_filtro in intercambios_semifinal:
if ultimo_filtro not in otro_filtro:
Finally, as I mentioned before, to each swap there are two options, so I evaluate each one, taking the "coherent one" and "mirroring it" (since the distances are asymmetric) to measure the path in both directions and take the minimum.
ruta = list(path)
ruta_op = [list(path),list(path)]
opciones_ruta = list()
for eliminar_subt in intercambios_factibles:
caso = intercambios_factibles.index(eliminar_subt)
for intercambio in range(len(comb)):
ruta_op[caso][path.index(comb[intercambio])] =
ruta = evaluacion_sub_ciclos(opciones_ruta)
ruta_espejo = list()
for arco in ruta[::-1]:
volteado = (arco[1],arco[0])
resultado = [ruta,ruta_espejo]
return resultado
To run the complete heuristic, two functions to measure the path and to check if the arcs are adjacent are needed.
def gen_path_dist(path):
total_dist = 0
for ele in path:
total_dist += distances[ele]
return total_dist
def comparador(a,b):
if len(set(a+b)) < 4:
return False
elif len(set(a+b)) == 4:
return True
For all the combinations of arcs from the path, I discard the swap between same and adjacent arcs, swapping them until the route is improved, taking record of the swaps used and emptying the record each time the route is improved and therefore refreshed to make new swaps, if the same swap is repeated, the route can no longer be improved and the algorithm stops.
dist_actual = gen_path_dist(path)
restart = True
usados = set()
contador_dos_opt = 1
while restart:
for comb in combinations_with_replacement(path, 2):
if comb[0]==comb[1]:
elif comparador(comb[0],comb[1]) == False:
contador_dos_opt += 1
posibilidades = list()
for i in dos_opt(comb,path):
jerarquizadas = sorted(posibilidades, key=lambda x: x[1])
mejor_alternativa_intercambio = min(jerarquizadas[:1])
if dist_actual > mejor_alternativa_intercambio[1]:
path = mejor_alternativa_intercambio[0]
dist_actual = mejor_alternativa_intercambio[1]
usados = set()
elif comb in usados:
print("Intercambios efectuados en ultima iteración: ".format(len(usados)))
restart = False
The algorithm works (as is) but it takes too long to run for example a 70 node instance. Am I doing extra unnecessary steps? Could I "clean" the cache at each run so it doesn't take that much memory?
I considered this np array for the distances of the previous example.
inf = np.inf
distances = ([[ inf, 2307.1, 1314.7, 1323.9, 950.2, 865.8, 1055. ,
493.5, 677.7, 919.1, 406.2, 232.8, 575.4, 169.5,
655.7, 860.6, 1530.1, 1281.2, 805.8, 783.1, 818.7,
[ 2307.1, inf, 1360.5, 1001.5, 1180. , 1273.9, 1188.5,
1909.6, 1988.4, 1772.5, 1877.4, 2055.2, 2168.3, 2205. ,
1591.6, 1396.9, 702.5, 952. , 2277.8, 1971.6, 2328.8,
[ 1314.7, 1360.5, inf, 1485.9, 1124.6, 1506.9, 1019.1,
1409.3, 1520.8, 1762.2, 904.5, 1137.2, 1491.7, 1389.2,
673.6, 478.9, 749.1, 500.2, 1722.1, 1699.3, 1812.9,
[ 1323.9, 1001.5, 1485.9, inf, 365.3, 459.2, 432. ,
1094.9, 1001.5, 785.6, 1062.7, 1553.6, 1177.3, 1390.3,
1305. , 1510. , 733.7, 983.2, 1290.8, 984.6, 1341.9,
[ 950.2, 1180. , 1124.6, 365.3, inf, 86.4, 105. ,
722.2, 833.7, 805.5, 690. , 1180.9, 804.5, 1017.5,
932.3, 1137.2, 691. , 624.5, 1035. , 1012.2, 1125.8,
[ 865.8, 1273.9, 1506.9, 459.2, 86.4, inf, 189.2,
638.7, 750.3, 885.4, 606.6, 1097.4, 721.1, 934.1,
848.8, 1053.8, 775.2, 708.7, 951.5, 928.8, 1042.3,
[ 1055. , 1188.5, 1019.1, 432. , 105. , 189.2, inf,
828.4, 940. , 909.9, 660.6, 1287.1, 910.8, 1123.8,
904.1, 1109. , 586. , 519.5, 1141.2, 1118.5, 1232.1,
[ 493.5, 1909.6, 1409.3, 1094.9, 722.2, 638.7, 828.4,
inf, 194.8, 436.2, 511.2, 720. , 87.8, 448.2,
753.4, 958.4, 1417.2, 1379. , 318.2, 295.4, 409. ,
[ 677.7, 1988.4, 1520.8, 1001.5, 833.7, 750.3, 940. ,
194.8, inf, 238.9, 623.9, 906.8, 196.2, 621.4,
866.2, 1071.2, 1530. , 1491.8, 402.9, 251.1, 493.7,
[ 919.1, 1772.5, 1762.2, 785.6, 805.5, 885.4, 909.9,
436.2, 238.9, inf, 865. , 1147.9, 395.7, 862.5,
1107.3, 1312.3, 1519.3, 1429.8, 420.9, 181.1, 515.6,
[ 406.2, 1877.4, 904.5, 1062.7, 690. , 606.6, 660.6,
511.2, 623.9, 865. , inf, 641.7, 591.5, 478.4,
245.3, 450.2, 1119.7, 870.8, 821.9, 799.2, 912.7,
[ 232.8, 2055.2, 1137.2, 1553.6, 1180.9, 1097.4, 1287.1,
720. , 906.8, 1147.9, 641.7, inf, 805.3, 344.7,
475.5, 680.4, 1349.9, 1101. , 1003.7, 1012.9, 994. ,
[ 575.4, 2168.3, 1491.7, 1177.3, 804.5, 721.1, 910.8,
87.8, 196.2, 395.7, 591.5, 805.3, inf, 512.6,
837.6, 1042.5, 1501.3, 1463.1, 220.2, 221.3, 311. ,
[ 169.5, 2205. , 1389.2, 1390.3, 1017.5, 934.1, 1123.8,
448.2, 621.4, 862.5, 478.4, 344.7, 512.6, inf,
725.8, 930.8, 1600.2, 1351.4, 661.9, 721.8, 652.2,
[ 655.7, 1591.6, 673.6, 1305. , 932.3, 848.8, 904.1,
753.4, 866.2, 1107.3, 245.3, 475.5, 837.6, 725.8,
inf, 219.4, 888.8, 640. , 1064.4, 1041.6, 1155.2,
[ 860.6, 1396.9, 478.9, 1510. , 1137.2, 1053.8, 1109. ,
958.4, 1071.2, 1312.3, 450.2, 680.4, 1042.5, 930.8,
219.4, inf, 694.9, 446.1, 1267.5, 1244.8, 1358.3,
[ 1530.1, 702.5, 749.1, 733.7, 691. , 775.2, 586. ,
1417.2, 1530. , 1519.3, 1119.7, 1349.9, 1501.3, 1600.2,
888.8, 694.9, inf, 249.5, 1728.1, 1720.3, 2077.5,
[ 1281.2, 952. , 500.2, 983.2, 624.5, 708.7, 519.5,
1379. , 1491.8, 1429.8, 870.8, 1101. , 1463.1, 1351.4,
640. , 446.1, 249.5, inf, 1688.9, 1666.2, 1779.7,
[ 805.8, 2277.8, 1722.1, 1290.8, 1035. , 951.5, 1141.2,
318.2, 402.9, 420.9, 821.9, 1003.7, 220.2, 661.9,
1064.4, 1267.5, 1728.1, 1688.9, inf, 248.9, 91. ,
[ 783.1, 1971.6, 1699.3, 984.6, 1012.2, 928.8, 1118.5,
295.4, 251.1, 181.1, 799.2, 1012.9, 221.3, 721.8,
1041.6, 1244.8, 1720.3, 1666.2, 248.9, inf, 345.8,
[ 818.7, 2328.8, 1812.9, 1341.9, 1125.8, 1042.3, 1232.1,
409. , 493.7, 515.6, 912.7, 994. , 311. , 652.2,
1155.2, 1358.3, 2077.5, 1779.7, 91. , 345.8, inf,
[ 124.8, 2019.7, 1203.8, 1204.9, 832.2, 748.8, 938.5,
375.6, 562.4, 803.5, 293.1, 312.3, 459.7, 194.6,
546.1, 749.3, 1419.4, 1170.6, 690.6, 671.9, 780.5,
Thank you for your time. I appreciate any feedback.
python algorithm time-limit-exceeded traveling-salesman
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The initial result is taken from an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, and is introduced to the heuristic in this form:
path = [(12, 7), (7, 10), (10, 21), (21, 13), (13, 0),
(0, 11), (11, 14), (14, 15), (15, 2), (2, 17),
(17, 16), (16, 1), (1, 3), (3, 6), (6, 4), (4, 5),
(5, 8), (8, 9), (9, 19), (19, 18), (18, 20), (20, 12)]
Each tuple in the list represents one arc that forms the solution (route), since my approach is to swap arcs. For each swap I defined a function called dos_opt
, that takes a pair of arcs and exchanges them.
def dos_opt(comb,path):
There is just one way to "disconnect" the arcs and reconnect them again without forming sub-tours, but as far as I know, under my approach it cannot be done randomly, so first I take the four nodes and make the possible combinations between pairs of them.
for arcos in comb:
for nodos in arcos:
First I define a function to check if there are duplicates between two arcs, to discard the swap between adjacent arcs, which is impossible.
def cmpT(t1,t2):
return sorted(t1) == sorted(t2)
Then, to check if the first node of the current arc matches with the upcoming, I defined enderezado()
def enderezado(arco_uno,arco_dos):
if arco_uno[1] == arco_dos[0]:
return True
return False
The previous function is used to check if a path is "connected" properly. If not, it rearranges it by placing the arcs on the right direction; if the final result isn't coherent it contains sub-tours.
def continuidad(ruta):
for i in range(len(ruta)):
if i+1 < len(ruta):
pos = i + 1
pos = 0
revision = enderezado(ruta[i],ruta[pos])
if revision == False:
for j in ruta:
if ruta[i][1] in j:
if ruta.index(ruta[i]) == ruta.index(j):
reubicado = tuple(j)
indice_a_borrar = int(ruta.index(j))
del ruta[indice_a_borrar]
revision = enderezado(ruta[i],ruta[pos])
if revision == False:
nuevo = (ruta[pos][1],ruta[pos][0])
ruta[pos] = nuevo
return ruta
If two arcs are swapped, there are two possible reconnections, the correct one and the sub-tours one. To know which one to use, I defined a function to "read" the coherence of a path, stopping when there is a incoherence.
def evaluacion_sub_ciclos(opciones_ruta):
seguir = True
ruta = ""
while seguir:
for opcion in range(len(opciones_ruta)):
camino = opciones_ruta[opcion]
for arco in opciones_ruta[opcion]:
indice = camino.index(arco)
if indice+1 < len(camino):
pos = indice + 1
pos = 0
revision = enderezado(camino[indice],camino[pos])
if revision == False:
elif indice+1 == len(camino):
ruta = camino
seguir = False
return ruta
So, for the possible swaps, first I discard the swap with the same arcs and with existing arcs, resulting in a set with the "admissible" swaps.
verdad = True
intercambios_totales = set()
intercambios_no_admisibles = set()
intercambios_casi_factibles =set()
for reconexiones in combinations_with_replacement(intercambioNodos,2):
if reconexiones[0]==reconexiones[1]:
for existentes in path:
if cmpT(reconexiones,existentes)==verdad:
for casi_factibles in intercambios_totales:
if casi_factibles in intercambios_no_admisibles:
otro_filtro = set()
for combInt in intercambios_semifinal:
for nodo_opt in intercambioNodos:
if nodo_opt in combInt[0] and nodo_opt in combInt[1]:
intercambios_factibles = list()
for ultimo_filtro in intercambios_semifinal:
if ultimo_filtro not in otro_filtro:
Finally, as I mentioned before, to each swap there are two options, so I evaluate each one, taking the "coherent one" and "mirroring it" (since the distances are asymmetric) to measure the path in both directions and take the minimum.
ruta = list(path)
ruta_op = [list(path),list(path)]
opciones_ruta = list()
for eliminar_subt in intercambios_factibles:
caso = intercambios_factibles.index(eliminar_subt)
for intercambio in range(len(comb)):
ruta_op[caso][path.index(comb[intercambio])] =
ruta = evaluacion_sub_ciclos(opciones_ruta)
ruta_espejo = list()
for arco in ruta[::-1]:
volteado = (arco[1],arco[0])
resultado = [ruta,ruta_espejo]
return resultado
To run the complete heuristic, two functions to measure the path and to check if the arcs are adjacent are needed.
def gen_path_dist(path):
total_dist = 0
for ele in path:
total_dist += distances[ele]
return total_dist
def comparador(a,b):
if len(set(a+b)) < 4:
return False
elif len(set(a+b)) == 4:
return True
For all the combinations of arcs from the path, I discard the swap between same and adjacent arcs, swapping them until the route is improved, taking record of the swaps used and emptying the record each time the route is improved and therefore refreshed to make new swaps, if the same swap is repeated, the route can no longer be improved and the algorithm stops.
dist_actual = gen_path_dist(path)
restart = True
usados = set()
contador_dos_opt = 1
while restart:
for comb in combinations_with_replacement(path, 2):
if comb[0]==comb[1]:
elif comparador(comb[0],comb[1]) == False:
contador_dos_opt += 1
posibilidades = list()
for i in dos_opt(comb,path):
jerarquizadas = sorted(posibilidades, key=lambda x: x[1])
mejor_alternativa_intercambio = min(jerarquizadas[:1])
if dist_actual > mejor_alternativa_intercambio[1]:
path = mejor_alternativa_intercambio[0]
dist_actual = mejor_alternativa_intercambio[1]
usados = set()
elif comb in usados:
print("Intercambios efectuados en ultima iteración: ".format(len(usados)))
restart = False
The algorithm works (as is) but it takes too long to run for example a 70 node instance. Am I doing extra unnecessary steps? Could I "clean" the cache at each run so it doesn't take that much memory?
I considered this np array for the distances of the previous example.
inf = np.inf
distances = ([[ inf, 2307.1, 1314.7, 1323.9, 950.2, 865.8, 1055. ,
493.5, 677.7, 919.1, 406.2, 232.8, 575.4, 169.5,
655.7, 860.6, 1530.1, 1281.2, 805.8, 783.1, 818.7,
[ 2307.1, inf, 1360.5, 1001.5, 1180. , 1273.9, 1188.5,
1909.6, 1988.4, 1772.5, 1877.4, 2055.2, 2168.3, 2205. ,
1591.6, 1396.9, 702.5, 952. , 2277.8, 1971.6, 2328.8,
[ 1314.7, 1360.5, inf, 1485.9, 1124.6, 1506.9, 1019.1,
1409.3, 1520.8, 1762.2, 904.5, 1137.2, 1491.7, 1389.2,
673.6, 478.9, 749.1, 500.2, 1722.1, 1699.3, 1812.9,
[ 1323.9, 1001.5, 1485.9, inf, 365.3, 459.2, 432. ,
1094.9, 1001.5, 785.6, 1062.7, 1553.6, 1177.3, 1390.3,
1305. , 1510. , 733.7, 983.2, 1290.8, 984.6, 1341.9,
[ 950.2, 1180. , 1124.6, 365.3, inf, 86.4, 105. ,
722.2, 833.7, 805.5, 690. , 1180.9, 804.5, 1017.5,
932.3, 1137.2, 691. , 624.5, 1035. , 1012.2, 1125.8,
[ 865.8, 1273.9, 1506.9, 459.2, 86.4, inf, 189.2,
638.7, 750.3, 885.4, 606.6, 1097.4, 721.1, 934.1,
848.8, 1053.8, 775.2, 708.7, 951.5, 928.8, 1042.3,
[ 1055. , 1188.5, 1019.1, 432. , 105. , 189.2, inf,
828.4, 940. , 909.9, 660.6, 1287.1, 910.8, 1123.8,
904.1, 1109. , 586. , 519.5, 1141.2, 1118.5, 1232.1,
[ 493.5, 1909.6, 1409.3, 1094.9, 722.2, 638.7, 828.4,
inf, 194.8, 436.2, 511.2, 720. , 87.8, 448.2,
753.4, 958.4, 1417.2, 1379. , 318.2, 295.4, 409. ,
[ 677.7, 1988.4, 1520.8, 1001.5, 833.7, 750.3, 940. ,
194.8, inf, 238.9, 623.9, 906.8, 196.2, 621.4,
866.2, 1071.2, 1530. , 1491.8, 402.9, 251.1, 493.7,
[ 919.1, 1772.5, 1762.2, 785.6, 805.5, 885.4, 909.9,
436.2, 238.9, inf, 865. , 1147.9, 395.7, 862.5,
1107.3, 1312.3, 1519.3, 1429.8, 420.9, 181.1, 515.6,
[ 406.2, 1877.4, 904.5, 1062.7, 690. , 606.6, 660.6,
511.2, 623.9, 865. , inf, 641.7, 591.5, 478.4,
245.3, 450.2, 1119.7, 870.8, 821.9, 799.2, 912.7,
[ 232.8, 2055.2, 1137.2, 1553.6, 1180.9, 1097.4, 1287.1,
720. , 906.8, 1147.9, 641.7, inf, 805.3, 344.7,
475.5, 680.4, 1349.9, 1101. , 1003.7, 1012.9, 994. ,
[ 575.4, 2168.3, 1491.7, 1177.3, 804.5, 721.1, 910.8,
87.8, 196.2, 395.7, 591.5, 805.3, inf, 512.6,
837.6, 1042.5, 1501.3, 1463.1, 220.2, 221.3, 311. ,
[ 169.5, 2205. , 1389.2, 1390.3, 1017.5, 934.1, 1123.8,
448.2, 621.4, 862.5, 478.4, 344.7, 512.6, inf,
725.8, 930.8, 1600.2, 1351.4, 661.9, 721.8, 652.2,
[ 655.7, 1591.6, 673.6, 1305. , 932.3, 848.8, 904.1,
753.4, 866.2, 1107.3, 245.3, 475.5, 837.6, 725.8,
inf, 219.4, 888.8, 640. , 1064.4, 1041.6, 1155.2,
[ 860.6, 1396.9, 478.9, 1510. , 1137.2, 1053.8, 1109. ,
958.4, 1071.2, 1312.3, 450.2, 680.4, 1042.5, 930.8,
219.4, inf, 694.9, 446.1, 1267.5, 1244.8, 1358.3,
[ 1530.1, 702.5, 749.1, 733.7, 691. , 775.2, 586. ,
1417.2, 1530. , 1519.3, 1119.7, 1349.9, 1501.3, 1600.2,
888.8, 694.9, inf, 249.5, 1728.1, 1720.3, 2077.5,
[ 1281.2, 952. , 500.2, 983.2, 624.5, 708.7, 519.5,
1379. , 1491.8, 1429.8, 870.8, 1101. , 1463.1, 1351.4,
640. , 446.1, 249.5, inf, 1688.9, 1666.2, 1779.7,
[ 805.8, 2277.8, 1722.1, 1290.8, 1035. , 951.5, 1141.2,
318.2, 402.9, 420.9, 821.9, 1003.7, 220.2, 661.9,
1064.4, 1267.5, 1728.1, 1688.9, inf, 248.9, 91. ,
[ 783.1, 1971.6, 1699.3, 984.6, 1012.2, 928.8, 1118.5,
295.4, 251.1, 181.1, 799.2, 1012.9, 221.3, 721.8,
1041.6, 1244.8, 1720.3, 1666.2, 248.9, inf, 345.8,
[ 818.7, 2328.8, 1812.9, 1341.9, 1125.8, 1042.3, 1232.1,
409. , 493.7, 515.6, 912.7, 994. , 311. , 652.2,
1155.2, 1358.3, 2077.5, 1779.7, 91. , 345.8, inf,
[ 124.8, 2019.7, 1203.8, 1204.9, 832.2, 748.8, 938.5,
375.6, 562.4, 803.5, 293.1, 312.3, 459.7, 194.6,
546.1, 749.3, 1419.4, 1170.6, 690.6, 671.9, 780.5,
Thank you for your time. I appreciate any feedback.
python algorithm time-limit-exceeded traveling-salesman
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The initial result is taken from an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, and is introduced to the heuristic in this form:
path = [(12, 7), (7, 10), (10, 21), (21, 13), (13, 0),
(0, 11), (11, 14), (14, 15), (15, 2), (2, 17),
(17, 16), (16, 1), (1, 3), (3, 6), (6, 4), (4, 5),
(5, 8), (8, 9), (9, 19), (19, 18), (18, 20), (20, 12)]
Each tuple in the list represents one arc that forms the solution (route), since my approach is to swap arcs. For each swap I defined a function called dos_opt
, that takes a pair of arcs and exchanges them.
def dos_opt(comb,path):
There is just one way to "disconnect" the arcs and reconnect them again without forming sub-tours, but as far as I know, under my approach it cannot be done randomly, so first I take the four nodes and make the possible combinations between pairs of them.
for arcos in comb:
for nodos in arcos:
First I define a function to check if there are duplicates between two arcs, to discard the swap between adjacent arcs, which is impossible.
def cmpT(t1,t2):
return sorted(t1) == sorted(t2)
Then, to check if the first node of the current arc matches with the upcoming, I defined enderezado()
def enderezado(arco_uno,arco_dos):
if arco_uno[1] == arco_dos[0]:
return True
return False
The previous function is used to check if a path is "connected" properly. If not, it rearranges it by placing the arcs on the right direction; if the final result isn't coherent it contains sub-tours.
def continuidad(ruta):
for i in range(len(ruta)):
if i+1 < len(ruta):
pos = i + 1
pos = 0
revision = enderezado(ruta[i],ruta[pos])
if revision == False:
for j in ruta:
if ruta[i][1] in j:
if ruta.index(ruta[i]) == ruta.index(j):
reubicado = tuple(j)
indice_a_borrar = int(ruta.index(j))
del ruta[indice_a_borrar]
revision = enderezado(ruta[i],ruta[pos])
if revision == False:
nuevo = (ruta[pos][1],ruta[pos][0])
ruta[pos] = nuevo
return ruta
If two arcs are swapped, there are two possible reconnections, the correct one and the sub-tours one. To know which one to use, I defined a function to "read" the coherence of a path, stopping when there is a incoherence.
def evaluacion_sub_ciclos(opciones_ruta):
seguir = True
ruta = ""
while seguir:
for opcion in range(len(opciones_ruta)):
camino = opciones_ruta[opcion]
for arco in opciones_ruta[opcion]:
indice = camino.index(arco)
if indice+1 < len(camino):
pos = indice + 1
pos = 0
revision = enderezado(camino[indice],camino[pos])
if revision == False:
elif indice+1 == len(camino):
ruta = camino
seguir = False
return ruta
So, for the possible swaps, first I discard the swap with the same arcs and with existing arcs, resulting in a set with the "admissible" swaps.
verdad = True
intercambios_totales = set()
intercambios_no_admisibles = set()
intercambios_casi_factibles =set()
for reconexiones in combinations_with_replacement(intercambioNodos,2):
if reconexiones[0]==reconexiones[1]:
for existentes in path:
if cmpT(reconexiones,existentes)==verdad:
for casi_factibles in intercambios_totales:
if casi_factibles in intercambios_no_admisibles:
otro_filtro = set()
for combInt in intercambios_semifinal:
for nodo_opt in intercambioNodos:
if nodo_opt in combInt[0] and nodo_opt in combInt[1]:
intercambios_factibles = list()
for ultimo_filtro in intercambios_semifinal:
if ultimo_filtro not in otro_filtro:
Finally, as I mentioned before, to each swap there are two options, so I evaluate each one, taking the "coherent one" and "mirroring it" (since the distances are asymmetric) to measure the path in both directions and take the minimum.
ruta = list(path)
ruta_op = [list(path),list(path)]
opciones_ruta = list()
for eliminar_subt in intercambios_factibles:
caso = intercambios_factibles.index(eliminar_subt)
for intercambio in range(len(comb)):
ruta_op[caso][path.index(comb[intercambio])] =
ruta = evaluacion_sub_ciclos(opciones_ruta)
ruta_espejo = list()
for arco in ruta[::-1]:
volteado = (arco[1],arco[0])
resultado = [ruta,ruta_espejo]
return resultado
To run the complete heuristic, two functions to measure the path and to check if the arcs are adjacent are needed.
def gen_path_dist(path):
total_dist = 0
for ele in path:
total_dist += distances[ele]
return total_dist
def comparador(a,b):
if len(set(a+b)) < 4:
return False
elif len(set(a+b)) == 4:
return True
For all the combinations of arcs from the path, I discard the swap between same and adjacent arcs, swapping them until the route is improved, taking record of the swaps used and emptying the record each time the route is improved and therefore refreshed to make new swaps, if the same swap is repeated, the route can no longer be improved and the algorithm stops.
dist_actual = gen_path_dist(path)
restart = True
usados = set()
contador_dos_opt = 1
while restart:
for comb in combinations_with_replacement(path, 2):
if comb[0]==comb[1]:
elif comparador(comb[0],comb[1]) == False:
contador_dos_opt += 1
posibilidades = list()
for i in dos_opt(comb,path):
jerarquizadas = sorted(posibilidades, key=lambda x: x[1])
mejor_alternativa_intercambio = min(jerarquizadas[:1])
if dist_actual > mejor_alternativa_intercambio[1]:
path = mejor_alternativa_intercambio[0]
dist_actual = mejor_alternativa_intercambio[1]
usados = set()
elif comb in usados:
print("Intercambios efectuados en ultima iteración: ".format(len(usados)))
restart = False
The algorithm works (as is) but it takes too long to run for example a 70 node instance. Am I doing extra unnecessary steps? Could I "clean" the cache at each run so it doesn't take that much memory?
I considered this np array for the distances of the previous example.
inf = np.inf
distances = ([[ inf, 2307.1, 1314.7, 1323.9, 950.2, 865.8, 1055. ,
493.5, 677.7, 919.1, 406.2, 232.8, 575.4, 169.5,
655.7, 860.6, 1530.1, 1281.2, 805.8, 783.1, 818.7,
[ 2307.1, inf, 1360.5, 1001.5, 1180. , 1273.9, 1188.5,
1909.6, 1988.4, 1772.5, 1877.4, 2055.2, 2168.3, 2205. ,
1591.6, 1396.9, 702.5, 952. , 2277.8, 1971.6, 2328.8,
[ 1314.7, 1360.5, inf, 1485.9, 1124.6, 1506.9, 1019.1,
1409.3, 1520.8, 1762.2, 904.5, 1137.2, 1491.7, 1389.2,
673.6, 478.9, 749.1, 500.2, 1722.1, 1699.3, 1812.9,
[ 1323.9, 1001.5, 1485.9, inf, 365.3, 459.2, 432. ,
1094.9, 1001.5, 785.6, 1062.7, 1553.6, 1177.3, 1390.3,
1305. , 1510. , 733.7, 983.2, 1290.8, 984.6, 1341.9,
[ 950.2, 1180. , 1124.6, 365.3, inf, 86.4, 105. ,
722.2, 833.7, 805.5, 690. , 1180.9, 804.5, 1017.5,
932.3, 1137.2, 691. , 624.5, 1035. , 1012.2, 1125.8,
[ 865.8, 1273.9, 1506.9, 459.2, 86.4, inf, 189.2,
638.7, 750.3, 885.4, 606.6, 1097.4, 721.1, 934.1,
848.8, 1053.8, 775.2, 708.7, 951.5, 928.8, 1042.3,
[ 1055. , 1188.5, 1019.1, 432. , 105. , 189.2, inf,
828.4, 940. , 909.9, 660.6, 1287.1, 910.8, 1123.8,
904.1, 1109. , 586. , 519.5, 1141.2, 1118.5, 1232.1,
[ 493.5, 1909.6, 1409.3, 1094.9, 722.2, 638.7, 828.4,
inf, 194.8, 436.2, 511.2, 720. , 87.8, 448.2,
753.4, 958.4, 1417.2, 1379. , 318.2, 295.4, 409. ,
[ 677.7, 1988.4, 1520.8, 1001.5, 833.7, 750.3, 940. ,
194.8, inf, 238.9, 623.9, 906.8, 196.2, 621.4,
866.2, 1071.2, 1530. , 1491.8, 402.9, 251.1, 493.7,
[ 919.1, 1772.5, 1762.2, 785.6, 805.5, 885.4, 909.9,
436.2, 238.9, inf, 865. , 1147.9, 395.7, 862.5,
1107.3, 1312.3, 1519.3, 1429.8, 420.9, 181.1, 515.6,
[ 406.2, 1877.4, 904.5, 1062.7, 690. , 606.6, 660.6,
511.2, 623.9, 865. , inf, 641.7, 591.5, 478.4,
245.3, 450.2, 1119.7, 870.8, 821.9, 799.2, 912.7,
[ 232.8, 2055.2, 1137.2, 1553.6, 1180.9, 1097.4, 1287.1,
720. , 906.8, 1147.9, 641.7, inf, 805.3, 344.7,
475.5, 680.4, 1349.9, 1101. , 1003.7, 1012.9, 994. ,
[ 575.4, 2168.3, 1491.7, 1177.3, 804.5, 721.1, 910.8,
87.8, 196.2, 395.7, 591.5, 805.3, inf, 512.6,
837.6, 1042.5, 1501.3, 1463.1, 220.2, 221.3, 311. ,
[ 169.5, 2205. , 1389.2, 1390.3, 1017.5, 934.1, 1123.8,
448.2, 621.4, 862.5, 478.4, 344.7, 512.6, inf,
725.8, 930.8, 1600.2, 1351.4, 661.9, 721.8, 652.2,
[ 655.7, 1591.6, 673.6, 1305. , 932.3, 848.8, 904.1,
753.4, 866.2, 1107.3, 245.3, 475.5, 837.6, 725.8,
inf, 219.4, 888.8, 640. , 1064.4, 1041.6, 1155.2,
[ 860.6, 1396.9, 478.9, 1510. , 1137.2, 1053.8, 1109. ,
958.4, 1071.2, 1312.3, 450.2, 680.4, 1042.5, 930.8,
219.4, inf, 694.9, 446.1, 1267.5, 1244.8, 1358.3,
[ 1530.1, 702.5, 749.1, 733.7, 691. , 775.2, 586. ,
1417.2, 1530. , 1519.3, 1119.7, 1349.9, 1501.3, 1600.2,
888.8, 694.9, inf, 249.5, 1728.1, 1720.3, 2077.5,
[ 1281.2, 952. , 500.2, 983.2, 624.5, 708.7, 519.5,
1379. , 1491.8, 1429.8, 870.8, 1101. , 1463.1, 1351.4,
640. , 446.1, 249.5, inf, 1688.9, 1666.2, 1779.7,
[ 805.8, 2277.8, 1722.1, 1290.8, 1035. , 951.5, 1141.2,
318.2, 402.9, 420.9, 821.9, 1003.7, 220.2, 661.9,
1064.4, 1267.5, 1728.1, 1688.9, inf, 248.9, 91. ,
[ 783.1, 1971.6, 1699.3, 984.6, 1012.2, 928.8, 1118.5,
295.4, 251.1, 181.1, 799.2, 1012.9, 221.3, 721.8,
1041.6, 1244.8, 1720.3, 1666.2, 248.9, inf, 345.8,
[ 818.7, 2328.8, 1812.9, 1341.9, 1125.8, 1042.3, 1232.1,
409. , 493.7, 515.6, 912.7, 994. , 311. , 652.2,
1155.2, 1358.3, 2077.5, 1779.7, 91. , 345.8, inf,
[ 124.8, 2019.7, 1203.8, 1204.9, 832.2, 748.8, 938.5,
375.6, 562.4, 803.5, 293.1, 312.3, 459.7, 194.6,
546.1, 749.3, 1419.4, 1170.6, 690.6, 671.9, 780.5,
Thank you for your time. I appreciate any feedback.
python algorithm time-limit-exceeded traveling-salesman
The initial result is taken from an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, and is introduced to the heuristic in this form:
path = [(12, 7), (7, 10), (10, 21), (21, 13), (13, 0),
(0, 11), (11, 14), (14, 15), (15, 2), (2, 17),
(17, 16), (16, 1), (1, 3), (3, 6), (6, 4), (4, 5),
(5, 8), (8, 9), (9, 19), (19, 18), (18, 20), (20, 12)]
Each tuple in the list represents one arc that forms the solution (route), since my approach is to swap arcs. For each swap I defined a function called dos_opt
, that takes a pair of arcs and exchanges them.
def dos_opt(comb,path):
There is just one way to "disconnect" the arcs and reconnect them again without forming sub-tours, but as far as I know, under my approach it cannot be done randomly, so first I take the four nodes and make the possible combinations between pairs of them.
for arcos in comb:
for nodos in arcos:
First I define a function to check if there are duplicates between two arcs, to discard the swap between adjacent arcs, which is impossible.
def cmpT(t1,t2):
return sorted(t1) == sorted(t2)
Then, to check if the first node of the current arc matches with the upcoming, I defined enderezado()
def enderezado(arco_uno,arco_dos):
if arco_uno[1] == arco_dos[0]:
return True
return False
The previous function is used to check if a path is "connected" properly. If not, it rearranges it by placing the arcs on the right direction; if the final result isn't coherent it contains sub-tours.
def continuidad(ruta):
for i in range(len(ruta)):
if i+1 < len(ruta):
pos = i + 1
pos = 0
revision = enderezado(ruta[i],ruta[pos])
if revision == False:
for j in ruta:
if ruta[i][1] in j:
if ruta.index(ruta[i]) == ruta.index(j):
reubicado = tuple(j)
indice_a_borrar = int(ruta.index(j))
del ruta[indice_a_borrar]
revision = enderezado(ruta[i],ruta[pos])
if revision == False:
nuevo = (ruta[pos][1],ruta[pos][0])
ruta[pos] = nuevo
return ruta
If two arcs are swapped, there are two possible reconnections, the correct one and the sub-tours one. To know which one to use, I defined a function to "read" the coherence of a path, stopping when there is a incoherence.
def evaluacion_sub_ciclos(opciones_ruta):
seguir = True
ruta = ""
while seguir:
for opcion in range(len(opciones_ruta)):
camino = opciones_ruta[opcion]
for arco in opciones_ruta[opcion]:
indice = camino.index(arco)
if indice+1 < len(camino):
pos = indice + 1
pos = 0
revision = enderezado(camino[indice],camino[pos])
if revision == False:
elif indice+1 == len(camino):
ruta = camino
seguir = False
return ruta
So, for the possible swaps, first I discard the swap with the same arcs and with existing arcs, resulting in a set with the "admissible" swaps.
verdad = True
intercambios_totales = set()
intercambios_no_admisibles = set()
intercambios_casi_factibles =set()
for reconexiones in combinations_with_replacement(intercambioNodos,2):
if reconexiones[0]==reconexiones[1]:
for existentes in path:
if cmpT(reconexiones,existentes)==verdad:
for casi_factibles in intercambios_totales:
if casi_factibles in intercambios_no_admisibles:
otro_filtro = set()
for combInt in intercambios_semifinal:
for nodo_opt in intercambioNodos:
if nodo_opt in combInt[0] and nodo_opt in combInt[1]:
intercambios_factibles = list()
for ultimo_filtro in intercambios_semifinal:
if ultimo_filtro not in otro_filtro:
Finally, as I mentioned before, to each swap there are two options, so I evaluate each one, taking the "coherent one" and "mirroring it" (since the distances are asymmetric) to measure the path in both directions and take the minimum.
ruta = list(path)
ruta_op = [list(path),list(path)]
opciones_ruta = list()
for eliminar_subt in intercambios_factibles:
caso = intercambios_factibles.index(eliminar_subt)
for intercambio in range(len(comb)):
ruta_op[caso][path.index(comb[intercambio])] =
ruta = evaluacion_sub_ciclos(opciones_ruta)
ruta_espejo = list()
for arco in ruta[::-1]:
volteado = (arco[1],arco[0])
resultado = [ruta,ruta_espejo]
return resultado
To run the complete heuristic, two functions to measure the path and to check if the arcs are adjacent are needed.
def gen_path_dist(path):
total_dist = 0
for ele in path:
total_dist += distances[ele]
return total_dist
def comparador(a,b):
if len(set(a+b)) < 4:
return False
elif len(set(a+b)) == 4:
return True
For all the combinations of arcs from the path, I discard the swap between same and adjacent arcs, swapping them until the route is improved, taking record of the swaps used and emptying the record each time the route is improved and therefore refreshed to make new swaps, if the same swap is repeated, the route can no longer be improved and the algorithm stops.
dist_actual = gen_path_dist(path)
restart = True
usados = set()
contador_dos_opt = 1
while restart:
for comb in combinations_with_replacement(path, 2):
if comb[0]==comb[1]:
elif comparador(comb[0],comb[1]) == False:
contador_dos_opt += 1
posibilidades = list()
for i in dos_opt(comb,path):
jerarquizadas = sorted(posibilidades, key=lambda x: x[1])
mejor_alternativa_intercambio = min(jerarquizadas[:1])
if dist_actual > mejor_alternativa_intercambio[1]:
path = mejor_alternativa_intercambio[0]
dist_actual = mejor_alternativa_intercambio[1]
usados = set()
elif comb in usados:
print("Intercambios efectuados en ultima iteración: ".format(len(usados)))
restart = False
The algorithm works (as is) but it takes too long to run for example a 70 node instance. Am I doing extra unnecessary steps? Could I "clean" the cache at each run so it doesn't take that much memory?
I considered this np array for the distances of the previous example.
inf = np.inf
distances = ([[ inf, 2307.1, 1314.7, 1323.9, 950.2, 865.8, 1055. ,
493.5, 677.7, 919.1, 406.2, 232.8, 575.4, 169.5,
655.7, 860.6, 1530.1, 1281.2, 805.8, 783.1, 818.7,
[ 2307.1, inf, 1360.5, 1001.5, 1180. , 1273.9, 1188.5,
1909.6, 1988.4, 1772.5, 1877.4, 2055.2, 2168.3, 2205. ,
1591.6, 1396.9, 702.5, 952. , 2277.8, 1971.6, 2328.8,
[ 1314.7, 1360.5, inf, 1485.9, 1124.6, 1506.9, 1019.1,
1409.3, 1520.8, 1762.2, 904.5, 1137.2, 1491.7, 1389.2,
673.6, 478.9, 749.1, 500.2, 1722.1, 1699.3, 1812.9,
[ 1323.9, 1001.5, 1485.9, inf, 365.3, 459.2, 432. ,
1094.9, 1001.5, 785.6, 1062.7, 1553.6, 1177.3, 1390.3,
1305. , 1510. , 733.7, 983.2, 1290.8, 984.6, 1341.9,
[ 950.2, 1180. , 1124.6, 365.3, inf, 86.4, 105. ,
722.2, 833.7, 805.5, 690. , 1180.9, 804.5, 1017.5,
932.3, 1137.2, 691. , 624.5, 1035. , 1012.2, 1125.8,
[ 865.8, 1273.9, 1506.9, 459.2, 86.4, inf, 189.2,
638.7, 750.3, 885.4, 606.6, 1097.4, 721.1, 934.1,
848.8, 1053.8, 775.2, 708.7, 951.5, 928.8, 1042.3,
[ 1055. , 1188.5, 1019.1, 432. , 105. , 189.2, inf,
828.4, 940. , 909.9, 660.6, 1287.1, 910.8, 1123.8,
904.1, 1109. , 586. , 519.5, 1141.2, 1118.5, 1232.1,
[ 493.5, 1909.6, 1409.3, 1094.9, 722.2, 638.7, 828.4,
inf, 194.8, 436.2, 511.2, 720. , 87.8, 448.2,
753.4, 958.4, 1417.2, 1379. , 318.2, 295.4, 409. ,
[ 677.7, 1988.4, 1520.8, 1001.5, 833.7, 750.3, 940. ,
194.8, inf, 238.9, 623.9, 906.8, 196.2, 621.4,
866.2, 1071.2, 1530. , 1491.8, 402.9, 251.1, 493.7,
[ 919.1, 1772.5, 1762.2, 785.6, 805.5, 885.4, 909.9,
436.2, 238.9, inf, 865. , 1147.9, 395.7, 862.5,
1107.3, 1312.3, 1519.3, 1429.8, 420.9, 181.1, 515.6,
[ 406.2, 1877.4, 904.5, 1062.7, 690. , 606.6, 660.6,
511.2, 623.9, 865. , inf, 641.7, 591.5, 478.4,
245.3, 450.2, 1119.7, 870.8, 821.9, 799.2, 912.7,
[ 232.8, 2055.2, 1137.2, 1553.6, 1180.9, 1097.4, 1287.1,
720. , 906.8, 1147.9, 641.7, inf, 805.3, 344.7,
475.5, 680.4, 1349.9, 1101. , 1003.7, 1012.9, 994. ,
[ 575.4, 2168.3, 1491.7, 1177.3, 804.5, 721.1, 910.8,
87.8, 196.2, 395.7, 591.5, 805.3, inf, 512.6,
837.6, 1042.5, 1501.3, 1463.1, 220.2, 221.3, 311. ,
[ 169.5, 2205. , 1389.2, 1390.3, 1017.5, 934.1, 1123.8,
448.2, 621.4, 862.5, 478.4, 344.7, 512.6, inf,
725.8, 930.8, 1600.2, 1351.4, 661.9, 721.8, 652.2,
[ 655.7, 1591.6, 673.6, 1305. , 932.3, 848.8, 904.1,
753.4, 866.2, 1107.3, 245.3, 475.5, 837.6, 725.8,
inf, 219.4, 888.8, 640. , 1064.4, 1041.6, 1155.2,
[ 860.6, 1396.9, 478.9, 1510. , 1137.2, 1053.8, 1109. ,
958.4, 1071.2, 1312.3, 450.2, 680.4, 1042.5, 930.8,
219.4, inf, 694.9, 446.1, 1267.5, 1244.8, 1358.3,
[ 1530.1, 702.5, 749.1, 733.7, 691. , 775.2, 586. ,
1417.2, 1530. , 1519.3, 1119.7, 1349.9, 1501.3, 1600.2,
888.8, 694.9, inf, 249.5, 1728.1, 1720.3, 2077.5,
[ 1281.2, 952. , 500.2, 983.2, 624.5, 708.7, 519.5,
1379. , 1491.8, 1429.8, 870.8, 1101. , 1463.1, 1351.4,
640. , 446.1, 249.5, inf, 1688.9, 1666.2, 1779.7,
[ 805.8, 2277.8, 1722.1, 1290.8, 1035. , 951.5, 1141.2,
318.2, 402.9, 420.9, 821.9, 1003.7, 220.2, 661.9,
1064.4, 1267.5, 1728.1, 1688.9, inf, 248.9, 91. ,
[ 783.1, 1971.6, 1699.3, 984.6, 1012.2, 928.8, 1118.5,
295.4, 251.1, 181.1, 799.2, 1012.9, 221.3, 721.8,
1041.6, 1244.8, 1720.3, 1666.2, 248.9, inf, 345.8,
[ 818.7, 2328.8, 1812.9, 1341.9, 1125.8, 1042.3, 1232.1,
409. , 493.7, 515.6, 912.7, 994. , 311. , 652.2,
1155.2, 1358.3, 2077.5, 1779.7, 91. , 345.8, inf,
[ 124.8, 2019.7, 1203.8, 1204.9, 832.2, 748.8, 938.5,
375.6, 562.4, 803.5, 293.1, 312.3, 459.7, 194.6,
546.1, 749.3, 1419.4, 1170.6, 690.6, 671.9, 780.5,
Thank you for your time. I appreciate any feedback.
python algorithm time-limit-exceeded traveling-salesman
edited Mar 21 at 4:37
asked Mar 21 at 3:54
Manuel Cabrera
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