Number of subGraphs with given vertice and degree

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;

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enter image description here

There are three questions:

  1. How many subgraphs whose Num(vertices) <= 5 and all vertices have two degrees?

  2. How many subgraphs whose Num(vertices) == 4 and all vertices have 3 degrees?

  3. If two more edges are added, maximum of the number of subgraphs who has 4 vertices and all vertices' degrees are 3. (For the demo above, $binom25$, so 10 cases available: 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5 is the maximum.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

const int ADD = 1;
const int DELETE = 0;

using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::transform;
using std::make_move_iterator;
using std::begin;
using std::max_element;
using std::initializer_list;
using std::end;
using std::find;
using std::move;
using std::back_inserter;

using v1d = vector<int>;
using v2d = vector<vector<int>>;
using v3d = vector<vector<vector<int>>>;

template class vector<int>; // useful for debugger
template class vector<vector<int>>;
template class vector<vector<vector<int>>>;

v2d graph;

void testVertice(const v1d& vertice);
void testSubsets(const v3d& subsets);
void testSubset(const v2d& subsets);

int countDegree(const v2d& v2)

int degree = 0;
for (const auto& x : v2)
degree += count(begin(x) + 1, end(x), 1);
return degree;

void buildGraph()

graph =

1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,
3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
5, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1,
6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0

template<typename T, typename TPP>
void generateSubsets(int i, int l, int r, T& temp, TPP& ans, const T& graph_) // make subsets, rather than subgraphs

if (i == graph_.size())

if (temp.size() >= l && temp.size() < r)

generateSubsets(i+1, l, r, temp, ans, graph_);
generateSubsets(i+1, l, r, temp, ans, graph_);

void repairSubsets(v3d& ans) //remove redundent degrees in graphs.

for(v2d& subset : ans)

v1d points;

transform(begin(subset), end(subset), back_inserter(points),
(const v1d& v) return v.front(); );

for(v1d& vertice : subset)
for_each(begin(vertice) + 1, end(vertice),
[&points, &vertice, index = 1](int& x) mutable

if (x == 1 && find(begin(points), end(points), index) == end(points))
vertice[index] = 0;

v3d modifyEdge(int l, int r, const v2d& graph_, int OP) // Add or remove edges

v1d points;
v2d pairs, temp;
v3d ans, subsets;
int degree = countDegree(graph_);
auto tot = graph_.size() * (graph_.size() - 1);

if(OP == 0) // delete edges
2 * l > degree)
return ;
if (2 * r > degree)
r = degree / 2 + 1;

else // add edges

if (2 * l + degree > tot)
return ;
if (2 * (r - 1) + degree > tot)
r = (tot - degree) / 2 + 1;

OP = OP == 0 ? 1 : 0; // reverse OP

transform(begin(graph_), end(graph_), back_inserter(points),
(const v1d& v) return v.front(); );

for (auto i = 0; i < graph_.size(); i++)

for (auto j = 1; j < graph_[i].size(); j++)

if (
graph_[i][j] == OP &&
j != graph_[i][0] &&
find(begin(points), end(points), j) != end(points)

if (graph_[i][0] < j)

pairs.emplace_back(initializer_list<int>i, j);


auto index_ =
find_if(begin(pairs), end(pairs),
[&](v1d pair)

return graph_[pair[0]][0] == j && pair[1] == graph_[i][0];
- begin(pairs);

auto& temp = pairs[index_];

generateSubsets(0, l, r, temp, subsets, pairs);

OP = OP == 0 ? 1 : 0;

transform(begin(subsets), end(subsets), back_inserter(ans),
[&graph_, OP](v2d subset)
v2d temp = graph_;
for_each(begin(subset), end(subset),
[&temp, OP](v1d pair)

temp[pair[0]][pair[1]] = OP;
temp[pair[2]][pair[3]] = OP;
return temp;


return ans;

v3d makeSubGraphs(v3d&& subsets)

v3d subGraphs;

for_each(begin(subsets), end(subsets),
[&](v2d& subset)

if (subset.size() != 0)

auto temp = modifyEdge(0, 1e5, subset, DELETE);
subGraphs.insert(end(subGraphs), begin(temp), end(temp));


return subGraphs;

v3d addEdges(v3d&& subsets, int n)

v3d subGraphs;

for_each(begin(subsets), end(subsets),
[&](v2d& subset)

if (!subset.empty())

auto degree = countDegree(subset);
auto tot = (subset.size() - 1) * (subset.size());
int n_ = (tot - degree) / 2 >= n ? n : (tot-degree) / 2;
auto temp = modifyEdge(n_, n_ + 1, subset, ADD);

subGraphs.insert(end(subGraphs), begin(temp), end(temp));


return subGraphs;

void testVertice(const v1d& vertice)

for (auto x : vertice)
cout << x << " ";
cout << "n";

void testSubsets(const v3d& subsets)

for (auto x : subsets)

for (auto y : x)

for (auto z : y)

cout << z << " ";

cout << "n";

cout << "n";

void testSubset(const v2d& subset)

for (auto x : subset)

for (auto y : x)

cout << y << " ";

cout << "n";

cout << "n";

int main()

v3d subsets_Q1, subsets_Q2, subsets_Q3_AC, subsets_Q3_WA;
v2d temp_Q1, temp_Q2, temp_Q3_AC, temp_Q3_WA;

generateSubsets(0, 1, 6, temp_Q1, subsets_Q1, graph);
generateSubsets(0, 4, 5, temp_Q2, subsets_Q2, graph);
generateSubsets(0, 4, 5, temp_Q3_WA, subsets_Q3_WA, graph);

auto subGraphs_Q1 = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_Q1));
auto subGraphs_Q2 = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_Q2));
auto modifiedSubsets_Q3_WA = addEdges(move(subsets_Q3_WA), 2);
auto subGraphs_Q3_WA = makeSubGraphs(move(modifiedSubsets_Q3_WA));
auto countGraphs =
(int n)

[&, n](v3d& subGraphs)

count_if(begin(subGraphs), end(subGraphs),
[&](v2d& subGraph)

find_if_not(begin(subGraph), end(subGraph),
[&](v1d& vertice)

count(begin(vertice) + 1, end(vertice), 1) == n;

/**************** Q3 *******************/
subsets_Q3_AC = modifyEdge(2, 3, graph, ADD);
v1d choices_Q3_AC;
transform(begin(subsets_Q3_AC), end(subsets_Q3_AC), back_inserter(choices_Q3_AC),
[&](v2d graph_)

v2d temp_;
v3d subsets_;
generateSubsets(0, 1, 5, temp_, subsets_, graph_);
auto subGraphs = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_));
return countGraphs(3)(subGraphs);

auto ans_Q1 = countGraphs(2)(subGraphs_Q1);
auto ans_Q2 = countGraphs(3)(subGraphs_Q2);
auto ans_Q3_WA = countGraphs(3)(subGraphs_Q3_WA);
cout << "solution to Q1: " << ans_Q1 << "n";
cout << "solution to Q2: " << ans_Q2 << "n";
cout << "solution to Q3(all cases && WA): " << ans_Q3_WA << "n";
cout << "solution to Q3(maximum && AC): " << *max_element(begin(choices_Q3_AC), end(choices_Q3_AC));
return 0;


  • Solution to Q1: 17

  • Solution to Q2: 1

  • Solution to Q3 (all cases and WA): 9

  • Solution to Q3 (maximum and AC): 5

Code available here

share|improve this question

  • So... what are you really asking for here?
    – Juho
    Apr 7 at 13:40

  • code reivew .
    – é™³ 力
    Apr 8 at 2:47

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down vote



enter image description here

There are three questions:

  1. How many subgraphs whose Num(vertices) <= 5 and all vertices have two degrees?

  2. How many subgraphs whose Num(vertices) == 4 and all vertices have 3 degrees?

  3. If two more edges are added, maximum of the number of subgraphs who has 4 vertices and all vertices' degrees are 3. (For the demo above, $binom25$, so 10 cases available: 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5 is the maximum.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

const int ADD = 1;
const int DELETE = 0;

using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::transform;
using std::make_move_iterator;
using std::begin;
using std::max_element;
using std::initializer_list;
using std::end;
using std::find;
using std::move;
using std::back_inserter;

using v1d = vector<int>;
using v2d = vector<vector<int>>;
using v3d = vector<vector<vector<int>>>;

template class vector<int>; // useful for debugger
template class vector<vector<int>>;
template class vector<vector<vector<int>>>;

v2d graph;

void testVertice(const v1d& vertice);
void testSubsets(const v3d& subsets);
void testSubset(const v2d& subsets);

int countDegree(const v2d& v2)

int degree = 0;
for (const auto& x : v2)
degree += count(begin(x) + 1, end(x), 1);
return degree;

void buildGraph()

graph =

1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,
3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
5, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1,
6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0

template<typename T, typename TPP>
void generateSubsets(int i, int l, int r, T& temp, TPP& ans, const T& graph_) // make subsets, rather than subgraphs

if (i == graph_.size())

if (temp.size() >= l && temp.size() < r)

generateSubsets(i+1, l, r, temp, ans, graph_);
generateSubsets(i+1, l, r, temp, ans, graph_);

void repairSubsets(v3d& ans) //remove redundent degrees in graphs.

for(v2d& subset : ans)

v1d points;

transform(begin(subset), end(subset), back_inserter(points),
(const v1d& v) return v.front(); );

for(v1d& vertice : subset)
for_each(begin(vertice) + 1, end(vertice),
[&points, &vertice, index = 1](int& x) mutable

if (x == 1 && find(begin(points), end(points), index) == end(points))
vertice[index] = 0;

v3d modifyEdge(int l, int r, const v2d& graph_, int OP) // Add or remove edges

v1d points;
v2d pairs, temp;
v3d ans, subsets;
int degree = countDegree(graph_);
auto tot = graph_.size() * (graph_.size() - 1);

if(OP == 0) // delete edges
2 * l > degree)
return ;
if (2 * r > degree)
r = degree / 2 + 1;

else // add edges

if (2 * l + degree > tot)
return ;
if (2 * (r - 1) + degree > tot)
r = (tot - degree) / 2 + 1;

OP = OP == 0 ? 1 : 0; // reverse OP

transform(begin(graph_), end(graph_), back_inserter(points),
(const v1d& v) return v.front(); );

for (auto i = 0; i < graph_.size(); i++)

for (auto j = 1; j < graph_[i].size(); j++)

if (
graph_[i][j] == OP &&
j != graph_[i][0] &&
find(begin(points), end(points), j) != end(points)

if (graph_[i][0] < j)

pairs.emplace_back(initializer_list<int>i, j);


auto index_ =
find_if(begin(pairs), end(pairs),
[&](v1d pair)

return graph_[pair[0]][0] == j && pair[1] == graph_[i][0];
- begin(pairs);

auto& temp = pairs[index_];

generateSubsets(0, l, r, temp, subsets, pairs);

OP = OP == 0 ? 1 : 0;

transform(begin(subsets), end(subsets), back_inserter(ans),
[&graph_, OP](v2d subset)
v2d temp = graph_;
for_each(begin(subset), end(subset),
[&temp, OP](v1d pair)

temp[pair[0]][pair[1]] = OP;
temp[pair[2]][pair[3]] = OP;
return temp;


return ans;

v3d makeSubGraphs(v3d&& subsets)

v3d subGraphs;

for_each(begin(subsets), end(subsets),
[&](v2d& subset)

if (subset.size() != 0)

auto temp = modifyEdge(0, 1e5, subset, DELETE);
subGraphs.insert(end(subGraphs), begin(temp), end(temp));


return subGraphs;

v3d addEdges(v3d&& subsets, int n)

v3d subGraphs;

for_each(begin(subsets), end(subsets),
[&](v2d& subset)

if (!subset.empty())

auto degree = countDegree(subset);
auto tot = (subset.size() - 1) * (subset.size());
int n_ = (tot - degree) / 2 >= n ? n : (tot-degree) / 2;
auto temp = modifyEdge(n_, n_ + 1, subset, ADD);

subGraphs.insert(end(subGraphs), begin(temp), end(temp));


return subGraphs;

void testVertice(const v1d& vertice)

for (auto x : vertice)
cout << x << " ";
cout << "n";

void testSubsets(const v3d& subsets)

for (auto x : subsets)

for (auto y : x)

for (auto z : y)

cout << z << " ";

cout << "n";

cout << "n";

void testSubset(const v2d& subset)

for (auto x : subset)

for (auto y : x)

cout << y << " ";

cout << "n";

cout << "n";

int main()

v3d subsets_Q1, subsets_Q2, subsets_Q3_AC, subsets_Q3_WA;
v2d temp_Q1, temp_Q2, temp_Q3_AC, temp_Q3_WA;

generateSubsets(0, 1, 6, temp_Q1, subsets_Q1, graph);
generateSubsets(0, 4, 5, temp_Q2, subsets_Q2, graph);
generateSubsets(0, 4, 5, temp_Q3_WA, subsets_Q3_WA, graph);

auto subGraphs_Q1 = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_Q1));
auto subGraphs_Q2 = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_Q2));
auto modifiedSubsets_Q3_WA = addEdges(move(subsets_Q3_WA), 2);
auto subGraphs_Q3_WA = makeSubGraphs(move(modifiedSubsets_Q3_WA));
auto countGraphs =
(int n)

[&, n](v3d& subGraphs)

count_if(begin(subGraphs), end(subGraphs),
[&](v2d& subGraph)

find_if_not(begin(subGraph), end(subGraph),
[&](v1d& vertice)

count(begin(vertice) + 1, end(vertice), 1) == n;

/**************** Q3 *******************/
subsets_Q3_AC = modifyEdge(2, 3, graph, ADD);
v1d choices_Q3_AC;
transform(begin(subsets_Q3_AC), end(subsets_Q3_AC), back_inserter(choices_Q3_AC),
[&](v2d graph_)

v2d temp_;
v3d subsets_;
generateSubsets(0, 1, 5, temp_, subsets_, graph_);
auto subGraphs = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_));
return countGraphs(3)(subGraphs);

auto ans_Q1 = countGraphs(2)(subGraphs_Q1);
auto ans_Q2 = countGraphs(3)(subGraphs_Q2);
auto ans_Q3_WA = countGraphs(3)(subGraphs_Q3_WA);
cout << "solution to Q1: " << ans_Q1 << "n";
cout << "solution to Q2: " << ans_Q2 << "n";
cout << "solution to Q3(all cases && WA): " << ans_Q3_WA << "n";
cout << "solution to Q3(maximum && AC): " << *max_element(begin(choices_Q3_AC), end(choices_Q3_AC));
return 0;


  • Solution to Q1: 17

  • Solution to Q2: 1

  • Solution to Q3 (all cases and WA): 9

  • Solution to Q3 (maximum and AC): 5

Code available here

share|improve this question

  • So... what are you really asking for here?
    – Juho
    Apr 7 at 13:40

  • code reivew .
    – é™³ 力
    Apr 8 at 2:47

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down vote


up vote
down vote




enter image description here

There are three questions:

  1. How many subgraphs whose Num(vertices) <= 5 and all vertices have two degrees?

  2. How many subgraphs whose Num(vertices) == 4 and all vertices have 3 degrees?

  3. If two more edges are added, maximum of the number of subgraphs who has 4 vertices and all vertices' degrees are 3. (For the demo above, $binom25$, so 10 cases available: 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5 is the maximum.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

const int ADD = 1;
const int DELETE = 0;

using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::transform;
using std::make_move_iterator;
using std::begin;
using std::max_element;
using std::initializer_list;
using std::end;
using std::find;
using std::move;
using std::back_inserter;

using v1d = vector<int>;
using v2d = vector<vector<int>>;
using v3d = vector<vector<vector<int>>>;

template class vector<int>; // useful for debugger
template class vector<vector<int>>;
template class vector<vector<vector<int>>>;

v2d graph;

void testVertice(const v1d& vertice);
void testSubsets(const v3d& subsets);
void testSubset(const v2d& subsets);

int countDegree(const v2d& v2)

int degree = 0;
for (const auto& x : v2)
degree += count(begin(x) + 1, end(x), 1);
return degree;

void buildGraph()

graph =

1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,
3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
5, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1,
6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0

template<typename T, typename TPP>
void generateSubsets(int i, int l, int r, T& temp, TPP& ans, const T& graph_) // make subsets, rather than subgraphs

if (i == graph_.size())

if (temp.size() >= l && temp.size() < r)

generateSubsets(i+1, l, r, temp, ans, graph_);
generateSubsets(i+1, l, r, temp, ans, graph_);

void repairSubsets(v3d& ans) //remove redundent degrees in graphs.

for(v2d& subset : ans)

v1d points;

transform(begin(subset), end(subset), back_inserter(points),
(const v1d& v) return v.front(); );

for(v1d& vertice : subset)
for_each(begin(vertice) + 1, end(vertice),
[&points, &vertice, index = 1](int& x) mutable

if (x == 1 && find(begin(points), end(points), index) == end(points))
vertice[index] = 0;

v3d modifyEdge(int l, int r, const v2d& graph_, int OP) // Add or remove edges

v1d points;
v2d pairs, temp;
v3d ans, subsets;
int degree = countDegree(graph_);
auto tot = graph_.size() * (graph_.size() - 1);

if(OP == 0) // delete edges
2 * l > degree)
return ;
if (2 * r > degree)
r = degree / 2 + 1;

else // add edges

if (2 * l + degree > tot)
return ;
if (2 * (r - 1) + degree > tot)
r = (tot - degree) / 2 + 1;

OP = OP == 0 ? 1 : 0; // reverse OP

transform(begin(graph_), end(graph_), back_inserter(points),
(const v1d& v) return v.front(); );

for (auto i = 0; i < graph_.size(); i++)

for (auto j = 1; j < graph_[i].size(); j++)

if (
graph_[i][j] == OP &&
j != graph_[i][0] &&
find(begin(points), end(points), j) != end(points)

if (graph_[i][0] < j)

pairs.emplace_back(initializer_list<int>i, j);


auto index_ =
find_if(begin(pairs), end(pairs),
[&](v1d pair)

return graph_[pair[0]][0] == j && pair[1] == graph_[i][0];
- begin(pairs);

auto& temp = pairs[index_];

generateSubsets(0, l, r, temp, subsets, pairs);

OP = OP == 0 ? 1 : 0;

transform(begin(subsets), end(subsets), back_inserter(ans),
[&graph_, OP](v2d subset)
v2d temp = graph_;
for_each(begin(subset), end(subset),
[&temp, OP](v1d pair)

temp[pair[0]][pair[1]] = OP;
temp[pair[2]][pair[3]] = OP;
return temp;


return ans;

v3d makeSubGraphs(v3d&& subsets)

v3d subGraphs;

for_each(begin(subsets), end(subsets),
[&](v2d& subset)

if (subset.size() != 0)

auto temp = modifyEdge(0, 1e5, subset, DELETE);
subGraphs.insert(end(subGraphs), begin(temp), end(temp));


return subGraphs;

v3d addEdges(v3d&& subsets, int n)

v3d subGraphs;

for_each(begin(subsets), end(subsets),
[&](v2d& subset)

if (!subset.empty())

auto degree = countDegree(subset);
auto tot = (subset.size() - 1) * (subset.size());
int n_ = (tot - degree) / 2 >= n ? n : (tot-degree) / 2;
auto temp = modifyEdge(n_, n_ + 1, subset, ADD);

subGraphs.insert(end(subGraphs), begin(temp), end(temp));


return subGraphs;

void testVertice(const v1d& vertice)

for (auto x : vertice)
cout << x << " ";
cout << "n";

void testSubsets(const v3d& subsets)

for (auto x : subsets)

for (auto y : x)

for (auto z : y)

cout << z << " ";

cout << "n";

cout << "n";

void testSubset(const v2d& subset)

for (auto x : subset)

for (auto y : x)

cout << y << " ";

cout << "n";

cout << "n";

int main()

v3d subsets_Q1, subsets_Q2, subsets_Q3_AC, subsets_Q3_WA;
v2d temp_Q1, temp_Q2, temp_Q3_AC, temp_Q3_WA;

generateSubsets(0, 1, 6, temp_Q1, subsets_Q1, graph);
generateSubsets(0, 4, 5, temp_Q2, subsets_Q2, graph);
generateSubsets(0, 4, 5, temp_Q3_WA, subsets_Q3_WA, graph);

auto subGraphs_Q1 = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_Q1));
auto subGraphs_Q2 = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_Q2));
auto modifiedSubsets_Q3_WA = addEdges(move(subsets_Q3_WA), 2);
auto subGraphs_Q3_WA = makeSubGraphs(move(modifiedSubsets_Q3_WA));
auto countGraphs =
(int n)

[&, n](v3d& subGraphs)

count_if(begin(subGraphs), end(subGraphs),
[&](v2d& subGraph)

find_if_not(begin(subGraph), end(subGraph),
[&](v1d& vertice)

count(begin(vertice) + 1, end(vertice), 1) == n;

/**************** Q3 *******************/
subsets_Q3_AC = modifyEdge(2, 3, graph, ADD);
v1d choices_Q3_AC;
transform(begin(subsets_Q3_AC), end(subsets_Q3_AC), back_inserter(choices_Q3_AC),
[&](v2d graph_)

v2d temp_;
v3d subsets_;
generateSubsets(0, 1, 5, temp_, subsets_, graph_);
auto subGraphs = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_));
return countGraphs(3)(subGraphs);

auto ans_Q1 = countGraphs(2)(subGraphs_Q1);
auto ans_Q2 = countGraphs(3)(subGraphs_Q2);
auto ans_Q3_WA = countGraphs(3)(subGraphs_Q3_WA);
cout << "solution to Q1: " << ans_Q1 << "n";
cout << "solution to Q2: " << ans_Q2 << "n";
cout << "solution to Q3(all cases && WA): " << ans_Q3_WA << "n";
cout << "solution to Q3(maximum && AC): " << *max_element(begin(choices_Q3_AC), end(choices_Q3_AC));
return 0;


  • Solution to Q1: 17

  • Solution to Q2: 1

  • Solution to Q3 (all cases and WA): 9

  • Solution to Q3 (maximum and AC): 5

Code available here

share|improve this question


enter image description here

There are three questions:

  1. How many subgraphs whose Num(vertices) <= 5 and all vertices have two degrees?

  2. How many subgraphs whose Num(vertices) == 4 and all vertices have 3 degrees?

  3. If two more edges are added, maximum of the number of subgraphs who has 4 vertices and all vertices' degrees are 3. (For the demo above, $binom25$, so 10 cases available: 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5 is the maximum.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

const int ADD = 1;
const int DELETE = 0;

using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::transform;
using std::make_move_iterator;
using std::begin;
using std::max_element;
using std::initializer_list;
using std::end;
using std::find;
using std::move;
using std::back_inserter;

using v1d = vector<int>;
using v2d = vector<vector<int>>;
using v3d = vector<vector<vector<int>>>;

template class vector<int>; // useful for debugger
template class vector<vector<int>>;
template class vector<vector<vector<int>>>;

v2d graph;

void testVertice(const v1d& vertice);
void testSubsets(const v3d& subsets);
void testSubset(const v2d& subsets);

int countDegree(const v2d& v2)

int degree = 0;
for (const auto& x : v2)
degree += count(begin(x) + 1, end(x), 1);
return degree;

void buildGraph()

graph =

1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,
3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
5, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1,
6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0

template<typename T, typename TPP>
void generateSubsets(int i, int l, int r, T& temp, TPP& ans, const T& graph_) // make subsets, rather than subgraphs

if (i == graph_.size())

if (temp.size() >= l && temp.size() < r)

generateSubsets(i+1, l, r, temp, ans, graph_);
generateSubsets(i+1, l, r, temp, ans, graph_);

void repairSubsets(v3d& ans) //remove redundent degrees in graphs.

for(v2d& subset : ans)

v1d points;

transform(begin(subset), end(subset), back_inserter(points),
(const v1d& v) return v.front(); );

for(v1d& vertice : subset)
for_each(begin(vertice) + 1, end(vertice),
[&points, &vertice, index = 1](int& x) mutable

if (x == 1 && find(begin(points), end(points), index) == end(points))
vertice[index] = 0;

v3d modifyEdge(int l, int r, const v2d& graph_, int OP) // Add or remove edges

v1d points;
v2d pairs, temp;
v3d ans, subsets;
int degree = countDegree(graph_);
auto tot = graph_.size() * (graph_.size() - 1);

if(OP == 0) // delete edges
2 * l > degree)
return ;
if (2 * r > degree)
r = degree / 2 + 1;

else // add edges

if (2 * l + degree > tot)
return ;
if (2 * (r - 1) + degree > tot)
r = (tot - degree) / 2 + 1;

OP = OP == 0 ? 1 : 0; // reverse OP

transform(begin(graph_), end(graph_), back_inserter(points),
(const v1d& v) return v.front(); );

for (auto i = 0; i < graph_.size(); i++)

for (auto j = 1; j < graph_[i].size(); j++)

if (
graph_[i][j] == OP &&
j != graph_[i][0] &&
find(begin(points), end(points), j) != end(points)

if (graph_[i][0] < j)

pairs.emplace_back(initializer_list<int>i, j);


auto index_ =
find_if(begin(pairs), end(pairs),
[&](v1d pair)

return graph_[pair[0]][0] == j && pair[1] == graph_[i][0];
- begin(pairs);

auto& temp = pairs[index_];

generateSubsets(0, l, r, temp, subsets, pairs);

OP = OP == 0 ? 1 : 0;

transform(begin(subsets), end(subsets), back_inserter(ans),
[&graph_, OP](v2d subset)
v2d temp = graph_;
for_each(begin(subset), end(subset),
[&temp, OP](v1d pair)

temp[pair[0]][pair[1]] = OP;
temp[pair[2]][pair[3]] = OP;
return temp;


return ans;

v3d makeSubGraphs(v3d&& subsets)

v3d subGraphs;

for_each(begin(subsets), end(subsets),
[&](v2d& subset)

if (subset.size() != 0)

auto temp = modifyEdge(0, 1e5, subset, DELETE);
subGraphs.insert(end(subGraphs), begin(temp), end(temp));


return subGraphs;

v3d addEdges(v3d&& subsets, int n)

v3d subGraphs;

for_each(begin(subsets), end(subsets),
[&](v2d& subset)

if (!subset.empty())

auto degree = countDegree(subset);
auto tot = (subset.size() - 1) * (subset.size());
int n_ = (tot - degree) / 2 >= n ? n : (tot-degree) / 2;
auto temp = modifyEdge(n_, n_ + 1, subset, ADD);

subGraphs.insert(end(subGraphs), begin(temp), end(temp));


return subGraphs;

void testVertice(const v1d& vertice)

for (auto x : vertice)
cout << x << " ";
cout << "n";

void testSubsets(const v3d& subsets)

for (auto x : subsets)

for (auto y : x)

for (auto z : y)

cout << z << " ";

cout << "n";

cout << "n";

void testSubset(const v2d& subset)

for (auto x : subset)

for (auto y : x)

cout << y << " ";

cout << "n";

cout << "n";

int main()

v3d subsets_Q1, subsets_Q2, subsets_Q3_AC, subsets_Q3_WA;
v2d temp_Q1, temp_Q2, temp_Q3_AC, temp_Q3_WA;

generateSubsets(0, 1, 6, temp_Q1, subsets_Q1, graph);
generateSubsets(0, 4, 5, temp_Q2, subsets_Q2, graph);
generateSubsets(0, 4, 5, temp_Q3_WA, subsets_Q3_WA, graph);

auto subGraphs_Q1 = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_Q1));
auto subGraphs_Q2 = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_Q2));
auto modifiedSubsets_Q3_WA = addEdges(move(subsets_Q3_WA), 2);
auto subGraphs_Q3_WA = makeSubGraphs(move(modifiedSubsets_Q3_WA));
auto countGraphs =
(int n)

[&, n](v3d& subGraphs)

count_if(begin(subGraphs), end(subGraphs),
[&](v2d& subGraph)

find_if_not(begin(subGraph), end(subGraph),
[&](v1d& vertice)

count(begin(vertice) + 1, end(vertice), 1) == n;

/**************** Q3 *******************/
subsets_Q3_AC = modifyEdge(2, 3, graph, ADD);
v1d choices_Q3_AC;
transform(begin(subsets_Q3_AC), end(subsets_Q3_AC), back_inserter(choices_Q3_AC),
[&](v2d graph_)

v2d temp_;
v3d subsets_;
generateSubsets(0, 1, 5, temp_, subsets_, graph_);
auto subGraphs = makeSubGraphs(move(subsets_));
return countGraphs(3)(subGraphs);

auto ans_Q1 = countGraphs(2)(subGraphs_Q1);
auto ans_Q2 = countGraphs(3)(subGraphs_Q2);
auto ans_Q3_WA = countGraphs(3)(subGraphs_Q3_WA);
cout << "solution to Q1: " << ans_Q1 << "n";
cout << "solution to Q2: " << ans_Q2 << "n";
cout << "solution to Q3(all cases && WA): " << ans_Q3_WA << "n";
cout << "solution to Q3(maximum && AC): " << *max_element(begin(choices_Q3_AC), end(choices_Q3_AC));
return 0;


  • Solution to Q1: 17

  • Solution to Q2: 1

  • Solution to Q3 (all cases and WA): 9

  • Solution to Q3 (maximum and AC): 5

Code available here

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edited Apr 3 at 13:27




asked Apr 3 at 9:16

陳 力



  • So... what are you really asking for here?
    – Juho
    Apr 7 at 13:40

  • code reivew .
    – é™³ 力
    Apr 8 at 2:47

  • So... what are you really asking for here?
    – Juho
    Apr 7 at 13:40

  • code reivew .
    – é™³ 力
    Apr 8 at 2:47

So... what are you really asking for here?
– Juho
Apr 7 at 13:40

So... what are you really asking for here?
– Juho
Apr 7 at 13:40

code reivew .
– é™³ 力
Apr 8 at 2:47

code reivew .
– é™³ 力
Apr 8 at 2:47




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