Check if a given number N is a power of k

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down vote


I am trying to solve a problem to check whether a given number N is a power of k.


  • Input 9, 3 > True // 3**2 = 9

  • Input 10, 2 > False

  • Input 4096, 16 > True // 16**3 = 4096

I want to know if there is a better solution for this problem.

def check_Power(N,k):
if N <= 0 or k <=0:
print "not a valid input"
for i in range (1,20):
x = k**i
if x == N :
print " True "
print k, "power ", i , "is", N
elif x> N:
print "false"

check_Power(4096, 16)
check_Power(0, 16)

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  • 1

    For N to be a multiple of k it must be not less than k and must give an integer result when divided by k. If it is a power of k then the result of division must be either 1 of a multiple of k. So, you can just iterate dividing N by k as long as N is greater or equal k. Then, if it became 1, the initial value was a power of k, otherwise it wasn't.
    – CiaPan
    Jan 4 at 10:18

  • One more note: test for k equal 1 — no number (except 1 itself) can be a power of 1...
    – CiaPan
    Jan 4 at 10:20

  • Duplicate of… ?
    – dberm22
    Jan 5 at 13:57

up vote
down vote


I am trying to solve a problem to check whether a given number N is a power of k.


  • Input 9, 3 > True // 3**2 = 9

  • Input 10, 2 > False

  • Input 4096, 16 > True // 16**3 = 4096

I want to know if there is a better solution for this problem.

def check_Power(N,k):
if N <= 0 or k <=0:
print "not a valid input"
for i in range (1,20):
x = k**i
if x == N :
print " True "
print k, "power ", i , "is", N
elif x> N:
print "false"

check_Power(4096, 16)
check_Power(0, 16)

share|improve this question

  • 1

    For N to be a multiple of k it must be not less than k and must give an integer result when divided by k. If it is a power of k then the result of division must be either 1 of a multiple of k. So, you can just iterate dividing N by k as long as N is greater or equal k. Then, if it became 1, the initial value was a power of k, otherwise it wasn't.
    – CiaPan
    Jan 4 at 10:18

  • One more note: test for k equal 1 — no number (except 1 itself) can be a power of 1...
    – CiaPan
    Jan 4 at 10:20

  • Duplicate of… ?
    – dberm22
    Jan 5 at 13:57

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I am trying to solve a problem to check whether a given number N is a power of k.


  • Input 9, 3 > True // 3**2 = 9

  • Input 10, 2 > False

  • Input 4096, 16 > True // 16**3 = 4096

I want to know if there is a better solution for this problem.

def check_Power(N,k):
if N <= 0 or k <=0:
print "not a valid input"
for i in range (1,20):
x = k**i
if x == N :
print " True "
print k, "power ", i , "is", N
elif x> N:
print "false"

check_Power(4096, 16)
check_Power(0, 16)

share|improve this question

I am trying to solve a problem to check whether a given number N is a power of k.


  • Input 9, 3 > True // 3**2 = 9

  • Input 10, 2 > False

  • Input 4096, 16 > True // 16**3 = 4096

I want to know if there is a better solution for this problem.

def check_Power(N,k):
if N <= 0 or k <=0:
print "not a valid input"
for i in range (1,20):
x = k**i
if x == N :
print " True "
print k, "power ", i , "is", N
elif x> N:
print "false"

check_Power(4096, 16)
check_Power(0, 16)

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edited May 23 at 6:00

asked Jan 4 at 9:20

Latika Agarwal



  • 1

    For N to be a multiple of k it must be not less than k and must give an integer result when divided by k. If it is a power of k then the result of division must be either 1 of a multiple of k. So, you can just iterate dividing N by k as long as N is greater or equal k. Then, if it became 1, the initial value was a power of k, otherwise it wasn't.
    – CiaPan
    Jan 4 at 10:18

  • One more note: test for k equal 1 — no number (except 1 itself) can be a power of 1...
    – CiaPan
    Jan 4 at 10:20

  • Duplicate of… ?
    – dberm22
    Jan 5 at 13:57

  • 1

    For N to be a multiple of k it must be not less than k and must give an integer result when divided by k. If it is a power of k then the result of division must be either 1 of a multiple of k. So, you can just iterate dividing N by k as long as N is greater or equal k. Then, if it became 1, the initial value was a power of k, otherwise it wasn't.
    – CiaPan
    Jan 4 at 10:18

  • One more note: test for k equal 1 — no number (except 1 itself) can be a power of 1...
    – CiaPan
    Jan 4 at 10:20

  • Duplicate of… ?
    – dberm22
    Jan 5 at 13:57



For N to be a multiple of k it must be not less than k and must give an integer result when divided by k. If it is a power of k then the result of division must be either 1 of a multiple of k. So, you can just iterate dividing N by k as long as N is greater or equal k. Then, if it became 1, the initial value was a power of k, otherwise it wasn't.
– CiaPan
Jan 4 at 10:18

For N to be a multiple of k it must be not less than k and must give an integer result when divided by k. If it is a power of k then the result of division must be either 1 of a multiple of k. So, you can just iterate dividing N by k as long as N is greater or equal k. Then, if it became 1, the initial value was a power of k, otherwise it wasn't.
– CiaPan
Jan 4 at 10:18

One more note: test for k equal 1 — no number (except 1 itself) can be a power of 1...
– CiaPan
Jan 4 at 10:20

One more note: test for k equal 1 — no number (except 1 itself) can be a power of 1...
– CiaPan
Jan 4 at 10:20

Duplicate of… ?
– dberm22
Jan 5 at 13:57

Duplicate of… ?
– dberm22
Jan 5 at 13:57

6 Answers




up vote
down vote



print " True "

  • Don't print but return variables from functions, that makes them usable later on

print "not a valid input"

  • You should raise an Exception with invalid input instead of printing it

for i in range (1,20):

  • This line will limit the input range from the function

if N <= 0 or k <=0:

  • Your guard clause does not cover all edge cases


  • Use better variable names, x doesn't say much

  • That else block is redundant, your if actually is a guard clause, remove the redundant indenting.

  • You have a few PEP8 issues

Revised code

def check_pow(N, k):
if k < 0 or N < 0:
raise ValueError("k and N must be greater than 0")
if k == 0 and N == 1:
return True
if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
return False

num = k
while num < N:
num *= k
return num == N

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Still not safe — verify check_pow (4, 1).
    – CiaPan
    Jan 4 at 10:58

  • @CiaPan All edge cases are now accounted for
    – Ludisposed
    Jan 4 at 12:27

  • 1

    Replace greater then with greater than
    – Olivier Grégoire
    Jan 4 at 15:54

  • 2

    num isn't any more meaningful than x.
    – amalloy
    Jan 4 at 19:27

  • 1

    Nothing. I think x was perfectly fine. But a more meaningful name would be something like product, or perhaps acc.
    – amalloy
    Jan 4 at 22:03

up vote
down vote

I'd follow Ludisposed's answer.

Except, there's a simple way to do this. Use logarithms.
Since the equation is $N = k^a$ you can change it to $a = log_k N$.
And so if $a$ is an integer, then you know that $N$ is a power of $k$.

import math

def check_power(N, k):
return math.log(N, k).is_integer()

Since the above can error, and if there's an error it's definately not a power, then you can use:

def check_power(N, k):
return math.log(N, k).is_integer()
except Exception:
return False

This has the some problems with floating point precision, so your can round the number to the closest integer, as you want to know if the $a$ is an integer. And so you can sub it back into the original equation to ensure that the numbers are right.

def check_power(N, k):
return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

Or if you're on Python 2:

def check_power(N, k):
return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))

This has a problem with some inputs, such as when $N$ and $k$ are $0$ or $1$. And so we can handle these special cases.

def check_power(N, k):
if N == k:
return True
return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

And so merging all the above, we can use the following:

def check_power(N, k):
if N == k:
return True
return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))
except Exception:
return False

share|improve this answer

  • You still need special cases for N == 0 or k in 0, 1.
    – Veedrac
    Jan 4 at 17:25

  • @Veedrac How do you mean? They raise exceptions, which are handled in the second code snippet above.
    – Peilonrayz
    Jan 4 at 17:29

  • 2

    @Peilonrayz Ah, I was ignoring the earlier snippets since they're wrong, and just looking at the latter ones. Even in that case, check_power(1, 1) is wrong.
    – Veedrac
    Jan 4 at 17:33

  • @Veedrac Maybe the easiest fix for this would be if N == k: return True.
    – Graipher
    Jan 5 at 10:28

up vote
down vote

I recommend @Ludisposed's answer for the Pythonic comments.

The algorithm itself can be improved to get logarithmic complexity (ie, a logarithmic number of multiplies and comparisons).

The idea is to use:

  1. A galloping search to locate the two powers of 2 between which logk(N) would be if N was a power of 2.

  2. A binary search between the last smaller power of 2 and its successor to locate the exact exponent.

Visualizing it in code may be easier:

def check_pow(N, k):
if k < 0 or N < 0:
raise ValueError("k and N must be greater then 0")

if k == 0 and N == 1:
return True

if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
return False

powers = [1, k] # powers[i] = k ** (2**i)

# Galloping search:
# With e = log-k(N),
# find a and b such that 2**a <= e < 2**b

while powers[-1] < N:
powers.append(powers[-1] * powers[-1])

# Binary search:
# Narrow down the gap to find the closest power of k
# that is <= to N.

cursor = powers.pop()

while len(powers) > 0:
candidate = cursor * powers.pop()
if candidate <= N:
cursor = candidate

return cursor == N

There are minor performance improvements possible still, short-circuitings notably, however they do not improve the worst-case complexity so I left them out to avoid mucking the algorithm.

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    This answer will focus on cleaning up the algorithm you used although, as other answers have shown, there are better algorithms for this problem. I will also answer how to loop over the infinite list of natural numbers with a generator. (Although I will refer to these as the counting numbers to clarify that I am not including 0.)

    "Flat is better than nested"

    An if statement that is checking a precondition for a function should avoid else because the else makes the entire function more deeply nested and adds little to the understandability when it is clear that the if statement is there to check if the provided arguments are valid.


    I recommend returning True or False instead of printing so that you can reuse this function in later problems. As a slight benefit, returning a value also removes the need for break.

    I also recommend using from __future__ import print_function so that you can be forwards compatible with Python3. Note that you will have to use parentheses with print and the new version below doesn't use print so this was left out of the code below.


    Answering your question about how to loop over all the counting numbers, you could use a while loop or you could use generators. To show what your code might look like with a generator, see the following.

    def counting_numbers():
    i = 1
    while True:
    yield i
    i += 1

    def check_power(N, k):
    # Note that you could include 0 if you're careful about it.
    if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
    raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
    # We need to catch 1 as a special case because 1 ** n = 1 for all n
    # and thus 1 ** n will never be greater than N causing an infinite loop
    if k == 1: # If the power is one
    return N == 1 # Then N is a power only if it is 1

    for i in counting_numbers():
    x = k ** i
    if x == N :
    return True
    elif x > N:
    return False

    As you can see, you write what looks like a normal function and then use yield wherever you want to give a value to the for loop. The generator you are writing will yield control over to the loop whenever it hits a yield statement which is why this generator doesn't cause the program to seize up in an infinite loop. You can read more about generators in their original PEP 255 or in various online tutorials. Just know that they will stop upon hitting the end of their block like a function would or a return statement. (Sidenote: don't try using return x in a generator, this is related to sending a StopIteration and doesn't make the generator return a value like you might expect.)

    In this case, we actually don't have to write counting_numbers because itertools already has this builtin as itertools.count but because we want to start from 1 instead of 0 we will have to call count(1) instead of count() which would start from 0. We can now rewrite the above solution to

    from itertools import count

    def check_power(N, k):
    if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
    raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
    # This special case is to avoid an infinite loop
    if k == 1:
    return N == 1

    for i in count(1):
    x = k ** i
    if x == N :
    return True
    elif x > N:
    return False

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      This can be done without looping. The idea is to rearrange
      $$c = log_k N = fraclog Nlog k.$$
      If the exponent is an integer, then it is a perfect power. In the below code, some extra work is done to avoid floating-point rounding errors.

      import math

      def check_Power(N,k):
      # input validation
      if N < 0:
      raise Exception('N must be non-negative')
      if k < 0:
      raise Exception('k must be non-negative')

      # 1 to any power can only equal 1
      if k == 1:
      return N == 1

      # Only raising 0 to a non-zero power results in zero
      if N == 0 or k == 0:
      return k == N

      # Use math.floor to make the exponent an integer
      # that is within 1 of the actual answer
      exponent = math.floor(math.log(N)/math.log(k))

      # Test whether the integer exponent solves
      # the problem and adjust the exponent as needed
      testN = k**exponent
      if testN < N:
      exponent += 1
      elif testN > N:
      exponent -= 1
      return True # testN == N

      return k**exponent == N # check adjusted exponent

      share|improve this answer

      • Isn't that essentially what suggests?
        – Martin R
        Jan 5 at 6:24

      • @MartinR Now that I look at it more carefully, yes.
        – Mark H
        Jan 5 at 7:07

      up vote
      down vote

      I'm going to assume you mean integers since that's what your test data suggests. I'm also assuming the powers are non-negative integers so as not to involve roots (a).

      In that case, there's no need to do all those power calculations, you just need to realise that, if n is a power of k, then continuously multiplying an accumulator (initially k) by k will either:

      • reach n exactly (if it's a power).

      • exceed n (if it's not a power).

      • never satisfy either of those conditions because the accumulator never gets any closer to n (see below code for those conditions).

      In any case, the code you have only checks if n is a power of k with an exponent less than or equal to twenty, it won't return true for k = 2, n = 2**31 for example.

      The code to do it a a less limited way is a stunningly simple:

      def isPower(n, k):
      # Special cases.

      if k == 0: return n == 0 # 0^not-0 always 0, 0^0 undefined
      if k == 1: return n == 1 # 1^n always 1
      if k == -1: return abs(n) == 1 # -1^n alternates +/-1

      # abs(k) is now >= 2 so it will always increase in magnitude.
      acc = k
      while abs(acc) < abs(n):
      acc = acc * k
      return acc == n

      (a) If you decide to use floating point values, it gets a little more complicated. You then have to cater for more possibilities:

      • if the power is allowed to be fractional, you'll have to cater for roots as well as powers;

      • where k is be between -1 and 1, it will always approach zero rather than getting larger, so you'll need to adapt for that;

      • the adaptation for that must also take into account whether n is in that range or whether its absolute value is greater than or equal to one;

      There's may well be other issues that haven't sprung immediately to mind, I won't think too much about them as, in the absence of further information, they're probably unnecessary.

      share|improve this answer

      • Isn't that essentially the solution suggested in this answer ?
        – Martin R
        Jan 5 at 6:11

      • The fact that the five lines of calculation loop is pretty much the same does not, I believe make the answer as a whole identical. There is no reason to limit the input variables to positive integers, my answer allows for either sign. It also details what would be needed to make it work for non-integers as well.
        – user7649
        Jan 5 at 6:39

      • For which negative input? Your isPower(-8, -2) returns False.
        – Martin R
        Jan 5 at 7:03

      • @MartinR, good catch, I believe I've fixed that now, it was a slight bug in the terminating condition for the loop.
        – user7649
        Jan 5 at 7:10

      • Your isPower(1, -1) returns False.
        – Martin R
        Jan 5 at 7:55

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      6 Answers




      6 Answers










      up vote
      down vote



      print " True "

      • Don't print but return variables from functions, that makes them usable later on

      print "not a valid input"

      • You should raise an Exception with invalid input instead of printing it

      for i in range (1,20):

      • This line will limit the input range from the function

      if N <= 0 or k <=0:

      • Your guard clause does not cover all edge cases


      • Use better variable names, x doesn't say much

      • That else block is redundant, your if actually is a guard clause, remove the redundant indenting.

      • You have a few PEP8 issues

      Revised code

      def check_pow(N, k):
      if k < 0 or N < 0:
      raise ValueError("k and N must be greater than 0")
      if k == 0 and N == 1:
      return True
      if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
      return False

      num = k
      while num < N:
      num *= k
      return num == N

      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        Still not safe — verify check_pow (4, 1).
        – CiaPan
        Jan 4 at 10:58

      • @CiaPan All edge cases are now accounted for
        – Ludisposed
        Jan 4 at 12:27

      • 1

        Replace greater then with greater than
        – Olivier Grégoire
        Jan 4 at 15:54

      • 2

        num isn't any more meaningful than x.
        – amalloy
        Jan 4 at 19:27

      • 1

        Nothing. I think x was perfectly fine. But a more meaningful name would be something like product, or perhaps acc.
        – amalloy
        Jan 4 at 22:03

      up vote
      down vote



      print " True "

      • Don't print but return variables from functions, that makes them usable later on

      print "not a valid input"

      • You should raise an Exception with invalid input instead of printing it

      for i in range (1,20):

      • This line will limit the input range from the function

      if N <= 0 or k <=0:

      • Your guard clause does not cover all edge cases


      • Use better variable names, x doesn't say much

      • That else block is redundant, your if actually is a guard clause, remove the redundant indenting.

      • You have a few PEP8 issues

      Revised code

      def check_pow(N, k):
      if k < 0 or N < 0:
      raise ValueError("k and N must be greater than 0")
      if k == 0 and N == 1:
      return True
      if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
      return False

      num = k
      while num < N:
      num *= k
      return num == N

      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        Still not safe — verify check_pow (4, 1).
        – CiaPan
        Jan 4 at 10:58

      • @CiaPan All edge cases are now accounted for
        – Ludisposed
        Jan 4 at 12:27

      • 1

        Replace greater then with greater than
        – Olivier Grégoire
        Jan 4 at 15:54

      • 2

        num isn't any more meaningful than x.
        – amalloy
        Jan 4 at 19:27

      • 1

        Nothing. I think x was perfectly fine. But a more meaningful name would be something like product, or perhaps acc.
        – amalloy
        Jan 4 at 22:03

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote



      print " True "

      • Don't print but return variables from functions, that makes them usable later on

      print "not a valid input"

      • You should raise an Exception with invalid input instead of printing it

      for i in range (1,20):

      • This line will limit the input range from the function

      if N <= 0 or k <=0:

      • Your guard clause does not cover all edge cases


      • Use better variable names, x doesn't say much

      • That else block is redundant, your if actually is a guard clause, remove the redundant indenting.

      • You have a few PEP8 issues

      Revised code

      def check_pow(N, k):
      if k < 0 or N < 0:
      raise ValueError("k and N must be greater than 0")
      if k == 0 and N == 1:
      return True
      if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
      return False

      num = k
      while num < N:
      num *= k
      return num == N

      share|improve this answer


      print " True "

      • Don't print but return variables from functions, that makes them usable later on

      print "not a valid input"

      • You should raise an Exception with invalid input instead of printing it

      for i in range (1,20):

      • This line will limit the input range from the function

      if N <= 0 or k <=0:

      • Your guard clause does not cover all edge cases


      • Use better variable names, x doesn't say much

      • That else block is redundant, your if actually is a guard clause, remove the redundant indenting.

      • You have a few PEP8 issues

      Revised code

      def check_pow(N, k):
      if k < 0 or N < 0:
      raise ValueError("k and N must be greater than 0")
      if k == 0 and N == 1:
      return True
      if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
      return False

      num = k
      while num < N:
      num *= k
      return num == N

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited Jan 4 at 17:31

      answered Jan 4 at 10:31




      • 1

        Still not safe — verify check_pow (4, 1).
        – CiaPan
        Jan 4 at 10:58

      • @CiaPan All edge cases are now accounted for
        – Ludisposed
        Jan 4 at 12:27

      • 1

        Replace greater then with greater than
        – Olivier Grégoire
        Jan 4 at 15:54

      • 2

        num isn't any more meaningful than x.
        – amalloy
        Jan 4 at 19:27

      • 1

        Nothing. I think x was perfectly fine. But a more meaningful name would be something like product, or perhaps acc.
        – amalloy
        Jan 4 at 22:03

      • 1

        Still not safe — verify check_pow (4, 1).
        – CiaPan
        Jan 4 at 10:58

      • @CiaPan All edge cases are now accounted for
        – Ludisposed
        Jan 4 at 12:27

      • 1

        Replace greater then with greater than
        – Olivier Grégoire
        Jan 4 at 15:54

      • 2

        num isn't any more meaningful than x.
        – amalloy
        Jan 4 at 19:27

      • 1

        Nothing. I think x was perfectly fine. But a more meaningful name would be something like product, or perhaps acc.
        – amalloy
        Jan 4 at 22:03



      Still not safe — verify check_pow (4, 1).
      – CiaPan
      Jan 4 at 10:58

      Still not safe — verify check_pow (4, 1).
      – CiaPan
      Jan 4 at 10:58

      @CiaPan All edge cases are now accounted for
      – Ludisposed
      Jan 4 at 12:27

      @CiaPan All edge cases are now accounted for
      – Ludisposed
      Jan 4 at 12:27



      Replace greater then with greater than
      – Olivier Grégoire
      Jan 4 at 15:54

      Replace greater then with greater than
      – Olivier Grégoire
      Jan 4 at 15:54



      num isn't any more meaningful than x.
      – amalloy
      Jan 4 at 19:27

      num isn't any more meaningful than x.
      – amalloy
      Jan 4 at 19:27



      Nothing. I think x was perfectly fine. But a more meaningful name would be something like product, or perhaps acc.
      – amalloy
      Jan 4 at 22:03

      Nothing. I think x was perfectly fine. But a more meaningful name would be something like product, or perhaps acc.
      – amalloy
      Jan 4 at 22:03

      up vote
      down vote

      I'd follow Ludisposed's answer.

      Except, there's a simple way to do this. Use logarithms.
      Since the equation is $N = k^a$ you can change it to $a = log_k N$.
      And so if $a$ is an integer, then you know that $N$ is a power of $k$.

      import math

      def check_power(N, k):
      return math.log(N, k).is_integer()

      Since the above can error, and if there's an error it's definately not a power, then you can use:

      def check_power(N, k):
      return math.log(N, k).is_integer()
      except Exception:
      return False

      This has the some problems with floating point precision, so your can round the number to the closest integer, as you want to know if the $a$ is an integer. And so you can sub it back into the original equation to ensure that the numbers are right.

      def check_power(N, k):
      return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

      Or if you're on Python 2:

      def check_power(N, k):
      return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))

      This has a problem with some inputs, such as when $N$ and $k$ are $0$ or $1$. And so we can handle these special cases.

      def check_power(N, k):
      if N == k:
      return True
      return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

      And so merging all the above, we can use the following:

      def check_power(N, k):
      if N == k:
      return True
      return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))
      except Exception:
      return False

      share|improve this answer

      • You still need special cases for N == 0 or k in 0, 1.
        – Veedrac
        Jan 4 at 17:25

      • @Veedrac How do you mean? They raise exceptions, which are handled in the second code snippet above.
        – Peilonrayz
        Jan 4 at 17:29

      • 2

        @Peilonrayz Ah, I was ignoring the earlier snippets since they're wrong, and just looking at the latter ones. Even in that case, check_power(1, 1) is wrong.
        – Veedrac
        Jan 4 at 17:33

      • @Veedrac Maybe the easiest fix for this would be if N == k: return True.
        – Graipher
        Jan 5 at 10:28

      up vote
      down vote

      I'd follow Ludisposed's answer.

      Except, there's a simple way to do this. Use logarithms.
      Since the equation is $N = k^a$ you can change it to $a = log_k N$.
      And so if $a$ is an integer, then you know that $N$ is a power of $k$.

      import math

      def check_power(N, k):
      return math.log(N, k).is_integer()

      Since the above can error, and if there's an error it's definately not a power, then you can use:

      def check_power(N, k):
      return math.log(N, k).is_integer()
      except Exception:
      return False

      This has the some problems with floating point precision, so your can round the number to the closest integer, as you want to know if the $a$ is an integer. And so you can sub it back into the original equation to ensure that the numbers are right.

      def check_power(N, k):
      return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

      Or if you're on Python 2:

      def check_power(N, k):
      return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))

      This has a problem with some inputs, such as when $N$ and $k$ are $0$ or $1$. And so we can handle these special cases.

      def check_power(N, k):
      if N == k:
      return True
      return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

      And so merging all the above, we can use the following:

      def check_power(N, k):
      if N == k:
      return True
      return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))
      except Exception:
      return False

      share|improve this answer

      • You still need special cases for N == 0 or k in 0, 1.
        – Veedrac
        Jan 4 at 17:25

      • @Veedrac How do you mean? They raise exceptions, which are handled in the second code snippet above.
        – Peilonrayz
        Jan 4 at 17:29

      • 2

        @Peilonrayz Ah, I was ignoring the earlier snippets since they're wrong, and just looking at the latter ones. Even in that case, check_power(1, 1) is wrong.
        – Veedrac
        Jan 4 at 17:33

      • @Veedrac Maybe the easiest fix for this would be if N == k: return True.
        – Graipher
        Jan 5 at 10:28

      up vote
      down vote

      up vote
      down vote

      I'd follow Ludisposed's answer.

      Except, there's a simple way to do this. Use logarithms.
      Since the equation is $N = k^a$ you can change it to $a = log_k N$.
      And so if $a$ is an integer, then you know that $N$ is a power of $k$.

      import math

      def check_power(N, k):
      return math.log(N, k).is_integer()

      Since the above can error, and if there's an error it's definately not a power, then you can use:

      def check_power(N, k):
      return math.log(N, k).is_integer()
      except Exception:
      return False

      This has the some problems with floating point precision, so your can round the number to the closest integer, as you want to know if the $a$ is an integer. And so you can sub it back into the original equation to ensure that the numbers are right.

      def check_power(N, k):
      return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

      Or if you're on Python 2:

      def check_power(N, k):
      return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))

      This has a problem with some inputs, such as when $N$ and $k$ are $0$ or $1$. And so we can handle these special cases.

      def check_power(N, k):
      if N == k:
      return True
      return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

      And so merging all the above, we can use the following:

      def check_power(N, k):
      if N == k:
      return True
      return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))
      except Exception:
      return False

      share|improve this answer

      I'd follow Ludisposed's answer.

      Except, there's a simple way to do this. Use logarithms.
      Since the equation is $N = k^a$ you can change it to $a = log_k N$.
      And so if $a$ is an integer, then you know that $N$ is a power of $k$.

      import math

      def check_power(N, k):
      return math.log(N, k).is_integer()

      Since the above can error, and if there's an error it's definately not a power, then you can use:

      def check_power(N, k):
      return math.log(N, k).is_integer()
      except Exception:
      return False

      This has the some problems with floating point precision, so your can round the number to the closest integer, as you want to know if the $a$ is an integer. And so you can sub it back into the original equation to ensure that the numbers are right.

      def check_power(N, k):
      return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

      Or if you're on Python 2:

      def check_power(N, k):
      return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))

      This has a problem with some inputs, such as when $N$ and $k$ are $0$ or $1$. And so we can handle these special cases.

      def check_power(N, k):
      if N == k:
      return True
      return N == k**round(math.log(N, k))

      And so merging all the above, we can use the following:

      def check_power(N, k):
      if N == k:
      return True
      return N == k**int(round(math.log(N, k)))
      except Exception:
      return False

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited Jan 5 at 10:34

      answered Jan 4 at 10:39




      • You still need special cases for N == 0 or k in 0, 1.
        – Veedrac
        Jan 4 at 17:25

      • @Veedrac How do you mean? They raise exceptions, which are handled in the second code snippet above.
        – Peilonrayz
        Jan 4 at 17:29

      • 2

        @Peilonrayz Ah, I was ignoring the earlier snippets since they're wrong, and just looking at the latter ones. Even in that case, check_power(1, 1) is wrong.
        – Veedrac
        Jan 4 at 17:33

      • @Veedrac Maybe the easiest fix for this would be if N == k: return True.
        – Graipher
        Jan 5 at 10:28

      • You still need special cases for N == 0 or k in 0, 1.
        – Veedrac
        Jan 4 at 17:25

      • @Veedrac How do you mean? They raise exceptions, which are handled in the second code snippet above.
        – Peilonrayz
        Jan 4 at 17:29

      • 2

        @Peilonrayz Ah, I was ignoring the earlier snippets since they're wrong, and just looking at the latter ones. Even in that case, check_power(1, 1) is wrong.
        – Veedrac
        Jan 4 at 17:33

      • @Veedrac Maybe the easiest fix for this would be if N == k: return True.
        – Graipher
        Jan 5 at 10:28

      You still need special cases for N == 0 or k in 0, 1.
      – Veedrac
      Jan 4 at 17:25

      You still need special cases for N == 0 or k in 0, 1.
      – Veedrac
      Jan 4 at 17:25

      @Veedrac How do you mean? They raise exceptions, which are handled in the second code snippet above.
      – Peilonrayz
      Jan 4 at 17:29

      @Veedrac How do you mean? They raise exceptions, which are handled in the second code snippet above.
      – Peilonrayz
      Jan 4 at 17:29



      @Peilonrayz Ah, I was ignoring the earlier snippets since they're wrong, and just looking at the latter ones. Even in that case, check_power(1, 1) is wrong.
      – Veedrac
      Jan 4 at 17:33

      @Peilonrayz Ah, I was ignoring the earlier snippets since they're wrong, and just looking at the latter ones. Even in that case, check_power(1, 1) is wrong.
      – Veedrac
      Jan 4 at 17:33

      @Veedrac Maybe the easiest fix for this would be if N == k: return True.
      – Graipher
      Jan 5 at 10:28

      @Veedrac Maybe the easiest fix for this would be if N == k: return True.
      – Graipher
      Jan 5 at 10:28

      up vote
      down vote

      I recommend @Ludisposed's answer for the Pythonic comments.

      The algorithm itself can be improved to get logarithmic complexity (ie, a logarithmic number of multiplies and comparisons).

      The idea is to use:

      1. A galloping search to locate the two powers of 2 between which logk(N) would be if N was a power of 2.

      2. A binary search between the last smaller power of 2 and its successor to locate the exact exponent.

      Visualizing it in code may be easier:

      def check_pow(N, k):
      if k < 0 or N < 0:
      raise ValueError("k and N must be greater then 0")

      if k == 0 and N == 1:
      return True

      if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
      return False

      powers = [1, k] # powers[i] = k ** (2**i)

      # Galloping search:
      # With e = log-k(N),
      # find a and b such that 2**a <= e < 2**b

      while powers[-1] < N:
      powers.append(powers[-1] * powers[-1])

      # Binary search:
      # Narrow down the gap to find the closest power of k
      # that is <= to N.

      cursor = powers.pop()

      while len(powers) > 0:
      candidate = cursor * powers.pop()
      if candidate <= N:
      cursor = candidate

      return cursor == N

      There are minor performance improvements possible still, short-circuitings notably, however they do not improve the worst-case complexity so I left them out to avoid mucking the algorithm.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        I recommend @Ludisposed's answer for the Pythonic comments.

        The algorithm itself can be improved to get logarithmic complexity (ie, a logarithmic number of multiplies and comparisons).

        The idea is to use:

        1. A galloping search to locate the two powers of 2 between which logk(N) would be if N was a power of 2.

        2. A binary search between the last smaller power of 2 and its successor to locate the exact exponent.

        Visualizing it in code may be easier:

        def check_pow(N, k):
        if k < 0 or N < 0:
        raise ValueError("k and N must be greater then 0")

        if k == 0 and N == 1:
        return True

        if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
        return False

        powers = [1, k] # powers[i] = k ** (2**i)

        # Galloping search:
        # With e = log-k(N),
        # find a and b such that 2**a <= e < 2**b

        while powers[-1] < N:
        powers.append(powers[-1] * powers[-1])

        # Binary search:
        # Narrow down the gap to find the closest power of k
        # that is <= to N.

        cursor = powers.pop()

        while len(powers) > 0:
        candidate = cursor * powers.pop()
        if candidate <= N:
        cursor = candidate

        return cursor == N

        There are minor performance improvements possible still, short-circuitings notably, however they do not improve the worst-case complexity so I left them out to avoid mucking the algorithm.

        share|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          I recommend @Ludisposed's answer for the Pythonic comments.

          The algorithm itself can be improved to get logarithmic complexity (ie, a logarithmic number of multiplies and comparisons).

          The idea is to use:

          1. A galloping search to locate the two powers of 2 between which logk(N) would be if N was a power of 2.

          2. A binary search between the last smaller power of 2 and its successor to locate the exact exponent.

          Visualizing it in code may be easier:

          def check_pow(N, k):
          if k < 0 or N < 0:
          raise ValueError("k and N must be greater then 0")

          if k == 0 and N == 1:
          return True

          if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
          return False

          powers = [1, k] # powers[i] = k ** (2**i)

          # Galloping search:
          # With e = log-k(N),
          # find a and b such that 2**a <= e < 2**b

          while powers[-1] < N:
          powers.append(powers[-1] * powers[-1])

          # Binary search:
          # Narrow down the gap to find the closest power of k
          # that is <= to N.

          cursor = powers.pop()

          while len(powers) > 0:
          candidate = cursor * powers.pop()
          if candidate <= N:
          cursor = candidate

          return cursor == N

          There are minor performance improvements possible still, short-circuitings notably, however they do not improve the worst-case complexity so I left them out to avoid mucking the algorithm.

          share|improve this answer

          I recommend @Ludisposed's answer for the Pythonic comments.

          The algorithm itself can be improved to get logarithmic complexity (ie, a logarithmic number of multiplies and comparisons).

          The idea is to use:

          1. A galloping search to locate the two powers of 2 between which logk(N) would be if N was a power of 2.

          2. A binary search between the last smaller power of 2 and its successor to locate the exact exponent.

          Visualizing it in code may be easier:

          def check_pow(N, k):
          if k < 0 or N < 0:
          raise ValueError("k and N must be greater then 0")

          if k == 0 and N == 1:
          return True

          if k in (0, 1) and N != 1:
          return False

          powers = [1, k] # powers[i] = k ** (2**i)

          # Galloping search:
          # With e = log-k(N),
          # find a and b such that 2**a <= e < 2**b

          while powers[-1] < N:
          powers.append(powers[-1] * powers[-1])

          # Binary search:
          # Narrow down the gap to find the closest power of k
          # that is <= to N.

          cursor = powers.pop()

          while len(powers) > 0:
          candidate = cursor * powers.pop()
          if candidate <= N:
          cursor = candidate

          return cursor == N

          There are minor performance improvements possible still, short-circuitings notably, however they do not improve the worst-case complexity so I left them out to avoid mucking the algorithm.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Jan 4 at 16:40

          Matthieu M.



              up vote
              down vote

              This answer will focus on cleaning up the algorithm you used although, as other answers have shown, there are better algorithms for this problem. I will also answer how to loop over the infinite list of natural numbers with a generator. (Although I will refer to these as the counting numbers to clarify that I am not including 0.)

              "Flat is better than nested"

              An if statement that is checking a precondition for a function should avoid else because the else makes the entire function more deeply nested and adds little to the understandability when it is clear that the if statement is there to check if the provided arguments are valid.


              I recommend returning True or False instead of printing so that you can reuse this function in later problems. As a slight benefit, returning a value also removes the need for break.

              I also recommend using from __future__ import print_function so that you can be forwards compatible with Python3. Note that you will have to use parentheses with print and the new version below doesn't use print so this was left out of the code below.


              Answering your question about how to loop over all the counting numbers, you could use a while loop or you could use generators. To show what your code might look like with a generator, see the following.

              def counting_numbers():
              i = 1
              while True:
              yield i
              i += 1

              def check_power(N, k):
              # Note that you could include 0 if you're careful about it.
              if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
              raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
              # We need to catch 1 as a special case because 1 ** n = 1 for all n
              # and thus 1 ** n will never be greater than N causing an infinite loop
              if k == 1: # If the power is one
              return N == 1 # Then N is a power only if it is 1

              for i in counting_numbers():
              x = k ** i
              if x == N :
              return True
              elif x > N:
              return False

              As you can see, you write what looks like a normal function and then use yield wherever you want to give a value to the for loop. The generator you are writing will yield control over to the loop whenever it hits a yield statement which is why this generator doesn't cause the program to seize up in an infinite loop. You can read more about generators in their original PEP 255 or in various online tutorials. Just know that they will stop upon hitting the end of their block like a function would or a return statement. (Sidenote: don't try using return x in a generator, this is related to sending a StopIteration and doesn't make the generator return a value like you might expect.)

              In this case, we actually don't have to write counting_numbers because itertools already has this builtin as itertools.count but because we want to start from 1 instead of 0 we will have to call count(1) instead of count() which would start from 0. We can now rewrite the above solution to

              from itertools import count

              def check_power(N, k):
              if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
              raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
              # This special case is to avoid an infinite loop
              if k == 1:
              return N == 1

              for i in count(1):
              x = k ** i
              if x == N :
              return True
              elif x > N:
              return False

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                This answer will focus on cleaning up the algorithm you used although, as other answers have shown, there are better algorithms for this problem. I will also answer how to loop over the infinite list of natural numbers with a generator. (Although I will refer to these as the counting numbers to clarify that I am not including 0.)

                "Flat is better than nested"

                An if statement that is checking a precondition for a function should avoid else because the else makes the entire function more deeply nested and adds little to the understandability when it is clear that the if statement is there to check if the provided arguments are valid.


                I recommend returning True or False instead of printing so that you can reuse this function in later problems. As a slight benefit, returning a value also removes the need for break.

                I also recommend using from __future__ import print_function so that you can be forwards compatible with Python3. Note that you will have to use parentheses with print and the new version below doesn't use print so this was left out of the code below.


                Answering your question about how to loop over all the counting numbers, you could use a while loop or you could use generators. To show what your code might look like with a generator, see the following.

                def counting_numbers():
                i = 1
                while True:
                yield i
                i += 1

                def check_power(N, k):
                # Note that you could include 0 if you're careful about it.
                if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
                raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
                # We need to catch 1 as a special case because 1 ** n = 1 for all n
                # and thus 1 ** n will never be greater than N causing an infinite loop
                if k == 1: # If the power is one
                return N == 1 # Then N is a power only if it is 1

                for i in counting_numbers():
                x = k ** i
                if x == N :
                return True
                elif x > N:
                return False

                As you can see, you write what looks like a normal function and then use yield wherever you want to give a value to the for loop. The generator you are writing will yield control over to the loop whenever it hits a yield statement which is why this generator doesn't cause the program to seize up in an infinite loop. You can read more about generators in their original PEP 255 or in various online tutorials. Just know that they will stop upon hitting the end of their block like a function would or a return statement. (Sidenote: don't try using return x in a generator, this is related to sending a StopIteration and doesn't make the generator return a value like you might expect.)

                In this case, we actually don't have to write counting_numbers because itertools already has this builtin as itertools.count but because we want to start from 1 instead of 0 we will have to call count(1) instead of count() which would start from 0. We can now rewrite the above solution to

                from itertools import count

                def check_power(N, k):
                if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
                raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
                # This special case is to avoid an infinite loop
                if k == 1:
                return N == 1

                for i in count(1):
                x = k ** i
                if x == N :
                return True
                elif x > N:
                return False

                share|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  This answer will focus on cleaning up the algorithm you used although, as other answers have shown, there are better algorithms for this problem. I will also answer how to loop over the infinite list of natural numbers with a generator. (Although I will refer to these as the counting numbers to clarify that I am not including 0.)

                  "Flat is better than nested"

                  An if statement that is checking a precondition for a function should avoid else because the else makes the entire function more deeply nested and adds little to the understandability when it is clear that the if statement is there to check if the provided arguments are valid.


                  I recommend returning True or False instead of printing so that you can reuse this function in later problems. As a slight benefit, returning a value also removes the need for break.

                  I also recommend using from __future__ import print_function so that you can be forwards compatible with Python3. Note that you will have to use parentheses with print and the new version below doesn't use print so this was left out of the code below.


                  Answering your question about how to loop over all the counting numbers, you could use a while loop or you could use generators. To show what your code might look like with a generator, see the following.

                  def counting_numbers():
                  i = 1
                  while True:
                  yield i
                  i += 1

                  def check_power(N, k):
                  # Note that you could include 0 if you're careful about it.
                  if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
                  raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
                  # We need to catch 1 as a special case because 1 ** n = 1 for all n
                  # and thus 1 ** n will never be greater than N causing an infinite loop
                  if k == 1: # If the power is one
                  return N == 1 # Then N is a power only if it is 1

                  for i in counting_numbers():
                  x = k ** i
                  if x == N :
                  return True
                  elif x > N:
                  return False

                  As you can see, you write what looks like a normal function and then use yield wherever you want to give a value to the for loop. The generator you are writing will yield control over to the loop whenever it hits a yield statement which is why this generator doesn't cause the program to seize up in an infinite loop. You can read more about generators in their original PEP 255 or in various online tutorials. Just know that they will stop upon hitting the end of their block like a function would or a return statement. (Sidenote: don't try using return x in a generator, this is related to sending a StopIteration and doesn't make the generator return a value like you might expect.)

                  In this case, we actually don't have to write counting_numbers because itertools already has this builtin as itertools.count but because we want to start from 1 instead of 0 we will have to call count(1) instead of count() which would start from 0. We can now rewrite the above solution to

                  from itertools import count

                  def check_power(N, k):
                  if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
                  raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
                  # This special case is to avoid an infinite loop
                  if k == 1:
                  return N == 1

                  for i in count(1):
                  x = k ** i
                  if x == N :
                  return True
                  elif x > N:
                  return False

                  share|improve this answer

                  This answer will focus on cleaning up the algorithm you used although, as other answers have shown, there are better algorithms for this problem. I will also answer how to loop over the infinite list of natural numbers with a generator. (Although I will refer to these as the counting numbers to clarify that I am not including 0.)

                  "Flat is better than nested"

                  An if statement that is checking a precondition for a function should avoid else because the else makes the entire function more deeply nested and adds little to the understandability when it is clear that the if statement is there to check if the provided arguments are valid.


                  I recommend returning True or False instead of printing so that you can reuse this function in later problems. As a slight benefit, returning a value also removes the need for break.

                  I also recommend using from __future__ import print_function so that you can be forwards compatible with Python3. Note that you will have to use parentheses with print and the new version below doesn't use print so this was left out of the code below.


                  Answering your question about how to loop over all the counting numbers, you could use a while loop or you could use generators. To show what your code might look like with a generator, see the following.

                  def counting_numbers():
                  i = 1
                  while True:
                  yield i
                  i += 1

                  def check_power(N, k):
                  # Note that you could include 0 if you're careful about it.
                  if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
                  raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
                  # We need to catch 1 as a special case because 1 ** n = 1 for all n
                  # and thus 1 ** n will never be greater than N causing an infinite loop
                  if k == 1: # If the power is one
                  return N == 1 # Then N is a power only if it is 1

                  for i in counting_numbers():
                  x = k ** i
                  if x == N :
                  return True
                  elif x > N:
                  return False

                  As you can see, you write what looks like a normal function and then use yield wherever you want to give a value to the for loop. The generator you are writing will yield control over to the loop whenever it hits a yield statement which is why this generator doesn't cause the program to seize up in an infinite loop. You can read more about generators in their original PEP 255 or in various online tutorials. Just know that they will stop upon hitting the end of their block like a function would or a return statement. (Sidenote: don't try using return x in a generator, this is related to sending a StopIteration and doesn't make the generator return a value like you might expect.)

                  In this case, we actually don't have to write counting_numbers because itertools already has this builtin as itertools.count but because we want to start from 1 instead of 0 we will have to call count(1) instead of count() which would start from 0. We can now rewrite the above solution to

                  from itertools import count

                  def check_power(N, k):
                  if N <= 0 or k <= 0:
                  raise ValueError("N and k should be greater than 0")
                  # This special case is to avoid an infinite loop
                  if k == 1:
                  return N == 1

                  for i in count(1):
                  x = k ** i
                  if x == N :
                  return True
                  elif x > N:
                  return False

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Jan 5 at 4:25




                      up vote
                      down vote

                      This can be done without looping. The idea is to rearrange
                      $$c = log_k N = fraclog Nlog k.$$
                      If the exponent is an integer, then it is a perfect power. In the below code, some extra work is done to avoid floating-point rounding errors.

                      import math

                      def check_Power(N,k):
                      # input validation
                      if N < 0:
                      raise Exception('N must be non-negative')
                      if k < 0:
                      raise Exception('k must be non-negative')

                      # 1 to any power can only equal 1
                      if k == 1:
                      return N == 1

                      # Only raising 0 to a non-zero power results in zero
                      if N == 0 or k == 0:
                      return k == N

                      # Use math.floor to make the exponent an integer
                      # that is within 1 of the actual answer
                      exponent = math.floor(math.log(N)/math.log(k))

                      # Test whether the integer exponent solves
                      # the problem and adjust the exponent as needed
                      testN = k**exponent
                      if testN < N:
                      exponent += 1
                      elif testN > N:
                      exponent -= 1
                      return True # testN == N

                      return k**exponent == N # check adjusted exponent

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Isn't that essentially what suggests?
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 6:24

                      • @MartinR Now that I look at it more carefully, yes.
                        – Mark H
                        Jan 5 at 7:07

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      This can be done without looping. The idea is to rearrange
                      $$c = log_k N = fraclog Nlog k.$$
                      If the exponent is an integer, then it is a perfect power. In the below code, some extra work is done to avoid floating-point rounding errors.

                      import math

                      def check_Power(N,k):
                      # input validation
                      if N < 0:
                      raise Exception('N must be non-negative')
                      if k < 0:
                      raise Exception('k must be non-negative')

                      # 1 to any power can only equal 1
                      if k == 1:
                      return N == 1

                      # Only raising 0 to a non-zero power results in zero
                      if N == 0 or k == 0:
                      return k == N

                      # Use math.floor to make the exponent an integer
                      # that is within 1 of the actual answer
                      exponent = math.floor(math.log(N)/math.log(k))

                      # Test whether the integer exponent solves
                      # the problem and adjust the exponent as needed
                      testN = k**exponent
                      if testN < N:
                      exponent += 1
                      elif testN > N:
                      exponent -= 1
                      return True # testN == N

                      return k**exponent == N # check adjusted exponent

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Isn't that essentially what suggests?
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 6:24

                      • @MartinR Now that I look at it more carefully, yes.
                        – Mark H
                        Jan 5 at 7:07

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      This can be done without looping. The idea is to rearrange
                      $$c = log_k N = fraclog Nlog k.$$
                      If the exponent is an integer, then it is a perfect power. In the below code, some extra work is done to avoid floating-point rounding errors.

                      import math

                      def check_Power(N,k):
                      # input validation
                      if N < 0:
                      raise Exception('N must be non-negative')
                      if k < 0:
                      raise Exception('k must be non-negative')

                      # 1 to any power can only equal 1
                      if k == 1:
                      return N == 1

                      # Only raising 0 to a non-zero power results in zero
                      if N == 0 or k == 0:
                      return k == N

                      # Use math.floor to make the exponent an integer
                      # that is within 1 of the actual answer
                      exponent = math.floor(math.log(N)/math.log(k))

                      # Test whether the integer exponent solves
                      # the problem and adjust the exponent as needed
                      testN = k**exponent
                      if testN < N:
                      exponent += 1
                      elif testN > N:
                      exponent -= 1
                      return True # testN == N

                      return k**exponent == N # check adjusted exponent

                      share|improve this answer

                      This can be done without looping. The idea is to rearrange
                      $$c = log_k N = fraclog Nlog k.$$
                      If the exponent is an integer, then it is a perfect power. In the below code, some extra work is done to avoid floating-point rounding errors.

                      import math

                      def check_Power(N,k):
                      # input validation
                      if N < 0:
                      raise Exception('N must be non-negative')
                      if k < 0:
                      raise Exception('k must be non-negative')

                      # 1 to any power can only equal 1
                      if k == 1:
                      return N == 1

                      # Only raising 0 to a non-zero power results in zero
                      if N == 0 or k == 0:
                      return k == N

                      # Use math.floor to make the exponent an integer
                      # that is within 1 of the actual answer
                      exponent = math.floor(math.log(N)/math.log(k))

                      # Test whether the integer exponent solves
                      # the problem and adjust the exponent as needed
                      testN = k**exponent
                      if testN < N:
                      exponent += 1
                      elif testN > N:
                      exponent -= 1
                      return True # testN == N

                      return k**exponent == N # check adjusted exponent

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered Jan 5 at 3:32

                      Mark H



                      • Isn't that essentially what suggests?
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 6:24

                      • @MartinR Now that I look at it more carefully, yes.
                        – Mark H
                        Jan 5 at 7:07

                      • Isn't that essentially what suggests?
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 6:24

                      • @MartinR Now that I look at it more carefully, yes.
                        – Mark H
                        Jan 5 at 7:07

                      Isn't that essentially what suggests?
                      – Martin R
                      Jan 5 at 6:24

                      Isn't that essentially what suggests?
                      – Martin R
                      Jan 5 at 6:24

                      @MartinR Now that I look at it more carefully, yes.
                      – Mark H
                      Jan 5 at 7:07

                      @MartinR Now that I look at it more carefully, yes.
                      – Mark H
                      Jan 5 at 7:07

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      I'm going to assume you mean integers since that's what your test data suggests. I'm also assuming the powers are non-negative integers so as not to involve roots (a).

                      In that case, there's no need to do all those power calculations, you just need to realise that, if n is a power of k, then continuously multiplying an accumulator (initially k) by k will either:

                      • reach n exactly (if it's a power).

                      • exceed n (if it's not a power).

                      • never satisfy either of those conditions because the accumulator never gets any closer to n (see below code for those conditions).

                      In any case, the code you have only checks if n is a power of k with an exponent less than or equal to twenty, it won't return true for k = 2, n = 2**31 for example.

                      The code to do it a a less limited way is a stunningly simple:

                      def isPower(n, k):
                      # Special cases.

                      if k == 0: return n == 0 # 0^not-0 always 0, 0^0 undefined
                      if k == 1: return n == 1 # 1^n always 1
                      if k == -1: return abs(n) == 1 # -1^n alternates +/-1

                      # abs(k) is now >= 2 so it will always increase in magnitude.
                      acc = k
                      while abs(acc) < abs(n):
                      acc = acc * k
                      return acc == n

                      (a) If you decide to use floating point values, it gets a little more complicated. You then have to cater for more possibilities:

                      • if the power is allowed to be fractional, you'll have to cater for roots as well as powers;

                      • where k is be between -1 and 1, it will always approach zero rather than getting larger, so you'll need to adapt for that;

                      • the adaptation for that must also take into account whether n is in that range or whether its absolute value is greater than or equal to one;

                      There's may well be other issues that haven't sprung immediately to mind, I won't think too much about them as, in the absence of further information, they're probably unnecessary.

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Isn't that essentially the solution suggested in this answer ?
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 6:11

                      • The fact that the five lines of calculation loop is pretty much the same does not, I believe make the answer as a whole identical. There is no reason to limit the input variables to positive integers, my answer allows for either sign. It also details what would be needed to make it work for non-integers as well.
                        – user7649
                        Jan 5 at 6:39

                      • For which negative input? Your isPower(-8, -2) returns False.
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 7:03

                      • @MartinR, good catch, I believe I've fixed that now, it was a slight bug in the terminating condition for the loop.
                        – user7649
                        Jan 5 at 7:10

                      • Your isPower(1, -1) returns False.
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 7:55

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      I'm going to assume you mean integers since that's what your test data suggests. I'm also assuming the powers are non-negative integers so as not to involve roots (a).

                      In that case, there's no need to do all those power calculations, you just need to realise that, if n is a power of k, then continuously multiplying an accumulator (initially k) by k will either:

                      • reach n exactly (if it's a power).

                      • exceed n (if it's not a power).

                      • never satisfy either of those conditions because the accumulator never gets any closer to n (see below code for those conditions).

                      In any case, the code you have only checks if n is a power of k with an exponent less than or equal to twenty, it won't return true for k = 2, n = 2**31 for example.

                      The code to do it a a less limited way is a stunningly simple:

                      def isPower(n, k):
                      # Special cases.

                      if k == 0: return n == 0 # 0^not-0 always 0, 0^0 undefined
                      if k == 1: return n == 1 # 1^n always 1
                      if k == -1: return abs(n) == 1 # -1^n alternates +/-1

                      # abs(k) is now >= 2 so it will always increase in magnitude.
                      acc = k
                      while abs(acc) < abs(n):
                      acc = acc * k
                      return acc == n

                      (a) If you decide to use floating point values, it gets a little more complicated. You then have to cater for more possibilities:

                      • if the power is allowed to be fractional, you'll have to cater for roots as well as powers;

                      • where k is be between -1 and 1, it will always approach zero rather than getting larger, so you'll need to adapt for that;

                      • the adaptation for that must also take into account whether n is in that range or whether its absolute value is greater than or equal to one;

                      There's may well be other issues that haven't sprung immediately to mind, I won't think too much about them as, in the absence of further information, they're probably unnecessary.

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Isn't that essentially the solution suggested in this answer ?
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 6:11

                      • The fact that the five lines of calculation loop is pretty much the same does not, I believe make the answer as a whole identical. There is no reason to limit the input variables to positive integers, my answer allows for either sign. It also details what would be needed to make it work for non-integers as well.
                        – user7649
                        Jan 5 at 6:39

                      • For which negative input? Your isPower(-8, -2) returns False.
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 7:03

                      • @MartinR, good catch, I believe I've fixed that now, it was a slight bug in the terminating condition for the loop.
                        – user7649
                        Jan 5 at 7:10

                      • Your isPower(1, -1) returns False.
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 7:55

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      I'm going to assume you mean integers since that's what your test data suggests. I'm also assuming the powers are non-negative integers so as not to involve roots (a).

                      In that case, there's no need to do all those power calculations, you just need to realise that, if n is a power of k, then continuously multiplying an accumulator (initially k) by k will either:

                      • reach n exactly (if it's a power).

                      • exceed n (if it's not a power).

                      • never satisfy either of those conditions because the accumulator never gets any closer to n (see below code for those conditions).

                      In any case, the code you have only checks if n is a power of k with an exponent less than or equal to twenty, it won't return true for k = 2, n = 2**31 for example.

                      The code to do it a a less limited way is a stunningly simple:

                      def isPower(n, k):
                      # Special cases.

                      if k == 0: return n == 0 # 0^not-0 always 0, 0^0 undefined
                      if k == 1: return n == 1 # 1^n always 1
                      if k == -1: return abs(n) == 1 # -1^n alternates +/-1

                      # abs(k) is now >= 2 so it will always increase in magnitude.
                      acc = k
                      while abs(acc) < abs(n):
                      acc = acc * k
                      return acc == n

                      (a) If you decide to use floating point values, it gets a little more complicated. You then have to cater for more possibilities:

                      • if the power is allowed to be fractional, you'll have to cater for roots as well as powers;

                      • where k is be between -1 and 1, it will always approach zero rather than getting larger, so you'll need to adapt for that;

                      • the adaptation for that must also take into account whether n is in that range or whether its absolute value is greater than or equal to one;

                      There's may well be other issues that haven't sprung immediately to mind, I won't think too much about them as, in the absence of further information, they're probably unnecessary.

                      share|improve this answer

                      I'm going to assume you mean integers since that's what your test data suggests. I'm also assuming the powers are non-negative integers so as not to involve roots (a).

                      In that case, there's no need to do all those power calculations, you just need to realise that, if n is a power of k, then continuously multiplying an accumulator (initially k) by k will either:

                      • reach n exactly (if it's a power).

                      • exceed n (if it's not a power).

                      • never satisfy either of those conditions because the accumulator never gets any closer to n (see below code for those conditions).

                      In any case, the code you have only checks if n is a power of k with an exponent less than or equal to twenty, it won't return true for k = 2, n = 2**31 for example.

                      The code to do it a a less limited way is a stunningly simple:

                      def isPower(n, k):
                      # Special cases.

                      if k == 0: return n == 0 # 0^not-0 always 0, 0^0 undefined
                      if k == 1: return n == 1 # 1^n always 1
                      if k == -1: return abs(n) == 1 # -1^n alternates +/-1

                      # abs(k) is now >= 2 so it will always increase in magnitude.
                      acc = k
                      while abs(acc) < abs(n):
                      acc = acc * k
                      return acc == n

                      (a) If you decide to use floating point values, it gets a little more complicated. You then have to cater for more possibilities:

                      • if the power is allowed to be fractional, you'll have to cater for roots as well as powers;

                      • where k is be between -1 and 1, it will always approach zero rather than getting larger, so you'll need to adapt for that;

                      • the adaptation for that must also take into account whether n is in that range or whether its absolute value is greater than or equal to one;

                      There's may well be other issues that haven't sprung immediately to mind, I won't think too much about them as, in the absence of further information, they're probably unnecessary.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      edited Jan 5 at 8:37

                      answered Jan 5 at 5:47


                      • Isn't that essentially the solution suggested in this answer ?
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 6:11

                      • The fact that the five lines of calculation loop is pretty much the same does not, I believe make the answer as a whole identical. There is no reason to limit the input variables to positive integers, my answer allows for either sign. It also details what would be needed to make it work for non-integers as well.
                        – user7649
                        Jan 5 at 6:39

                      • For which negative input? Your isPower(-8, -2) returns False.
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 7:03

                      • @MartinR, good catch, I believe I've fixed that now, it was a slight bug in the terminating condition for the loop.
                        – user7649
                        Jan 5 at 7:10

                      • Your isPower(1, -1) returns False.
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 7:55

                      • Isn't that essentially the solution suggested in this answer ?
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 6:11

                      • The fact that the five lines of calculation loop is pretty much the same does not, I believe make the answer as a whole identical. There is no reason to limit the input variables to positive integers, my answer allows for either sign. It also details what would be needed to make it work for non-integers as well.
                        – user7649
                        Jan 5 at 6:39

                      • For which negative input? Your isPower(-8, -2) returns False.
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 7:03

                      • @MartinR, good catch, I believe I've fixed that now, it was a slight bug in the terminating condition for the loop.
                        – user7649
                        Jan 5 at 7:10

                      • Your isPower(1, -1) returns False.
                        – Martin R
                        Jan 5 at 7:55

                      Isn't that essentially the solution suggested in this answer ?
                      – Martin R
                      Jan 5 at 6:11

                      Isn't that essentially the solution suggested in this answer ?
                      – Martin R
                      Jan 5 at 6:11

                      The fact that the five lines of calculation loop is pretty much the same does not, I believe make the answer as a whole identical. There is no reason to limit the input variables to positive integers, my answer allows for either sign. It also details what would be needed to make it work for non-integers as well.
                      – user7649
                      Jan 5 at 6:39

                      The fact that the five lines of calculation loop is pretty much the same does not, I believe make the answer as a whole identical. There is no reason to limit the input variables to positive integers, my answer allows for either sign. It also details what would be needed to make it work for non-integers as well.
                      – user7649
                      Jan 5 at 6:39

                      For which negative input? Your isPower(-8, -2) returns False.
                      – Martin R
                      Jan 5 at 7:03

                      For which negative input? Your isPower(-8, -2) returns False.
                      – Martin R
                      Jan 5 at 7:03

                      @MartinR, good catch, I believe I've fixed that now, it was a slight bug in the terminating condition for the loop.
                      – user7649
                      Jan 5 at 7:10

                      @MartinR, good catch, I believe I've fixed that now, it was a slight bug in the terminating condition for the loop.
                      – user7649
                      Jan 5 at 7:10

                      Your isPower(1, -1) returns False.
                      – Martin R
                      Jan 5 at 7:55

                      Your isPower(1, -1) returns False.
                      – Martin R
                      Jan 5 at 7:55


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