Applying a string-identified effect on an image

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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up vote
down vote



Given an image object and an effect identifier (string), apply the effect identified by the string on the image. The library of effects can grow as the program grows.

Code 1:

def apply_fx(img, fx):
if fx == 'sepia':
return sepia(img)
elif fx == 'b&w':
return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)
elif fx == 'faded':
return faded(img)
elif fx == 'hdr':
return hdr(img)

Code 2:

effects = 
'sepia': sepia,
'b&w': lambda x: contrast(grayscale(x), 2),
'faded': faded,
'hdr': hdr

def apply_fx(img, fx):
return effects[fx](img)

Opinion: I personally lean toward the second approach.

Note: the concern here generalizes to: dictionary of lambda functions vs if-elif in such scenarios.

Extra code: as suggested by @PeilonRayz.

sepia_filter = np.array([[.393, .769, .189],
[.349, .686, .168],
[.272, .534, .131]])

def sepia(img):
sepia_img =, sepia_filter.T)
return sepia_img / np.max(sepia_img)

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  • 1

    Please can you add more code, how are sepia etc. defined? Are they all on one class? Can they all be defined on one class?
    – Peilonrayz
    Jan 5 at 12:02

  • Module-level functions.
    – Adel Redjimi
    Jan 5 at 12:59

  • Please provide the code.
    – Peilonrayz
    Jan 5 at 13:06

  • @AdelRedjimi Is the apply_fx also provided in the same module or is it defined in code importing the module?
    – Mathias Ettinger
    Jan 5 at 13:06

  • For now, same module.
    – Adel Redjimi
    Jan 5 at 13:17

up vote
down vote



Given an image object and an effect identifier (string), apply the effect identified by the string on the image. The library of effects can grow as the program grows.

Code 1:

def apply_fx(img, fx):
if fx == 'sepia':
return sepia(img)
elif fx == 'b&w':
return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)
elif fx == 'faded':
return faded(img)
elif fx == 'hdr':
return hdr(img)

Code 2:

effects = 
'sepia': sepia,
'b&w': lambda x: contrast(grayscale(x), 2),
'faded': faded,
'hdr': hdr

def apply_fx(img, fx):
return effects[fx](img)

Opinion: I personally lean toward the second approach.

Note: the concern here generalizes to: dictionary of lambda functions vs if-elif in such scenarios.

Extra code: as suggested by @PeilonRayz.

sepia_filter = np.array([[.393, .769, .189],
[.349, .686, .168],
[.272, .534, .131]])

def sepia(img):
sepia_img =, sepia_filter.T)
return sepia_img / np.max(sepia_img)

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  • 1

    Please can you add more code, how are sepia etc. defined? Are they all on one class? Can they all be defined on one class?
    – Peilonrayz
    Jan 5 at 12:02

  • Module-level functions.
    – Adel Redjimi
    Jan 5 at 12:59

  • Please provide the code.
    – Peilonrayz
    Jan 5 at 13:06

  • @AdelRedjimi Is the apply_fx also provided in the same module or is it defined in code importing the module?
    – Mathias Ettinger
    Jan 5 at 13:06

  • For now, same module.
    – Adel Redjimi
    Jan 5 at 13:17

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote




Given an image object and an effect identifier (string), apply the effect identified by the string on the image. The library of effects can grow as the program grows.

Code 1:

def apply_fx(img, fx):
if fx == 'sepia':
return sepia(img)
elif fx == 'b&w':
return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)
elif fx == 'faded':
return faded(img)
elif fx == 'hdr':
return hdr(img)

Code 2:

effects = 
'sepia': sepia,
'b&w': lambda x: contrast(grayscale(x), 2),
'faded': faded,
'hdr': hdr

def apply_fx(img, fx):
return effects[fx](img)

Opinion: I personally lean toward the second approach.

Note: the concern here generalizes to: dictionary of lambda functions vs if-elif in such scenarios.

Extra code: as suggested by @PeilonRayz.

sepia_filter = np.array([[.393, .769, .189],
[.349, .686, .168],
[.272, .534, .131]])

def sepia(img):
sepia_img =, sepia_filter.T)
return sepia_img / np.max(sepia_img)

share|improve this question


Given an image object and an effect identifier (string), apply the effect identified by the string on the image. The library of effects can grow as the program grows.

Code 1:

def apply_fx(img, fx):
if fx == 'sepia':
return sepia(img)
elif fx == 'b&w':
return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)
elif fx == 'faded':
return faded(img)
elif fx == 'hdr':
return hdr(img)

Code 2:

effects = 
'sepia': sepia,
'b&w': lambda x: contrast(grayscale(x), 2),
'faded': faded,
'hdr': hdr

def apply_fx(img, fx):
return effects[fx](img)

Opinion: I personally lean toward the second approach.

Note: the concern here generalizes to: dictionary of lambda functions vs if-elif in such scenarios.

Extra code: as suggested by @PeilonRayz.

sepia_filter = np.array([[.393, .769, .189],
[.349, .686, .168],
[.272, .534, .131]])

def sepia(img):
sepia_img =, sepia_filter.T)
return sepia_img / np.max(sepia_img)

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edited Jan 5 at 13:17

asked Jan 5 at 11:43

Adel Redjimi



  • 1

    Please can you add more code, how are sepia etc. defined? Are they all on one class? Can they all be defined on one class?
    – Peilonrayz
    Jan 5 at 12:02

  • Module-level functions.
    – Adel Redjimi
    Jan 5 at 12:59

  • Please provide the code.
    – Peilonrayz
    Jan 5 at 13:06

  • @AdelRedjimi Is the apply_fx also provided in the same module or is it defined in code importing the module?
    – Mathias Ettinger
    Jan 5 at 13:06

  • For now, same module.
    – Adel Redjimi
    Jan 5 at 13:17

  • 1

    Please can you add more code, how are sepia etc. defined? Are they all on one class? Can they all be defined on one class?
    – Peilonrayz
    Jan 5 at 12:02

  • Module-level functions.
    – Adel Redjimi
    Jan 5 at 12:59

  • Please provide the code.
    – Peilonrayz
    Jan 5 at 13:06

  • @AdelRedjimi Is the apply_fx also provided in the same module or is it defined in code importing the module?
    – Mathias Ettinger
    Jan 5 at 13:06

  • For now, same module.
    – Adel Redjimi
    Jan 5 at 13:17



Please can you add more code, how are sepia etc. defined? Are they all on one class? Can they all be defined on one class?
– Peilonrayz
Jan 5 at 12:02

Please can you add more code, how are sepia etc. defined? Are they all on one class? Can they all be defined on one class?
– Peilonrayz
Jan 5 at 12:02

Module-level functions.
– Adel Redjimi
Jan 5 at 12:59

Module-level functions.
– Adel Redjimi
Jan 5 at 12:59

Please provide the code.
– Peilonrayz
Jan 5 at 13:06

Please provide the code.
– Peilonrayz
Jan 5 at 13:06

@AdelRedjimi Is the apply_fx also provided in the same module or is it defined in code importing the module?
– Mathias Ettinger
Jan 5 at 13:06

@AdelRedjimi Is the apply_fx also provided in the same module or is it defined in code importing the module?
– Mathias Ettinger
Jan 5 at 13:06

For now, same module.
– Adel Redjimi
Jan 5 at 13:17

For now, same module.
– Adel Redjimi
Jan 5 at 13:17

5 Answers




up vote
down vote


IMO your second solution (using a dict to store callables) is exactly right.

The first solution, with a series of if/else statements is not only inefficient, it also encourages and facilitates writing unrelated code inside the apply_fx function itself. To wit:

elif fx == 'b&w':
return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

Once you have put something other than a simple return func(img) in the code, a future maintainer will be tempted to "just write this inline here" rather than creating a lambda or a named function to encapsulate their code:

elif fx = 'grayscale':
from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

gsh = grayscale.Handle()
img3p = formatconverter(img)
result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

Your second alternative, on the other hand, has a much more restricted, and thereby much cleaner interface: all operations must be encapsulated as callables.

Now, they could be functions, or they could be lambdas. They could be functools.partials or dynamically loaded or web api calls to a satellite orbiting planet Nebulon. But from the maintenance point of view, "create a callable, plug it in here with a name" is as good as you're likely to get. You could even do it dynamically, in response to a configuration file or plugin module:

def img2grayscale(img):
from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

gsh = grayscale.Handle()
img3p = formatconverter(img)
result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

effects['grayscale'] = img2grayscale

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    It appears to be premature optimisation problem. However; the 2nd approach will definitely be easier to maintain. If you wish, even the apply_fx can be implemented as a lambda call.

    You can dig deeper into the effects of if-else nest vs. dict lookup here.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      I second @Austin Hastings' answer but I'd like to propose a third approach. Depending on your needs this can be limited at will.

      The fact is that your effects dictionary is almost "just a namespace", but namespaces have already an implementation in Python: they are modules. So defining all the function in a specific module should be enough to "gather them under a namespace". It gives you the ability to retrieve them by their name through the module or using a string thanks to getattr.

      So the simplest apply_fx implementation could be either

      import image_manipulation_library

      def apply_fx(img, fx):
      effect = getattr(image_manipulation_library, fx)
      return effect(img)

      if defined outside of said module; or

      import sys

      def apply_fx(img, fx):
      effect = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], fx)
      return effect(img)

      if defined inside.

      The obvious advantage of this approach is that it forces you to define, name and optionally document a function for the black and white effect:

      def black_and_white(img):
      return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

      Which is good for the users of your code as they can introspect it better. However this will limit the names to value Python identifiers.

      You can also still plug third party code by just importing them, and you can limit the results of the getattr call to ensure it fits your needs (check it is a callable, inspect it's arguments list to verify it only has a single parameter...)

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        In addition to the recommendations suggested by @Austin, you could inherit from dict to create an object to register and recall your functions. For example:

        class Effects(dict):
        def register(self, name):
        def decorator(f):
        self[name] = f
        return f
        return decorator

        Effects = Effects()

        def sepia(img):
        sepia_img =, sepia_filter.T)
        return sepia_img / np.max(sepia_img)

        def b_w(img):
        return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

        # and so on...


        Now you don't have to register each effect in your dictionary after the function declaration and this should clean things up a little. Additionally, if you import this object, you can add functions anywhere, easily see what effects are registered, and you can add logic to the Effects class itself if you want more complex behavior (i.e. address the case where an invalid string is entered).

        share|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          From the looks of it, you want to have an Effects class, that can be used in the following ways:


          This is as you can define all your code as full on functions, and for you to not have $O(n)$ lookup.
          To do the above I'd use a metaclass that:

          • Implements a method, to allow you to look up by a different name than the function name.

            This is as b&w is an illegal function name in Python.

          • You want to group all the functions in the class by their name, or altered name.

          • You want to implement __getitem__ on a metaclass, so you can perform it on the class.

          And so you can use:

          class NamespaceMeta(type):
          def __new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict):
          meta.lookup = lookup =
          for key, value in class_dict.items():
          if key[0] == '_':

          metadata = getattr(value, 'metadata', )
          name = metadata.get('name', None)
          if name is None:
          name = key

          lookup[name] = value

          return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict)

          def __getitem__(self, key):
          return self.lookup[key]

          class Namespace(metaclass=NamespaceMeta):
          def metadata(name=None):
          def inner(fn):
          fn.metadata = 'name': name
          return fn
          return inner

          Using the above allows you to make a module that hides all the complexity, and then implement the classes with the complexity abstracted away.

          class Effects(Namespace):
          def sepia(img):
          return f'sepia img'

          def b_w(img):
          return f'b&w img'

          Effects.sepia('abc') # sepia abc
          Effects.b_w('abc') # b&w abc
          Effects['sepia']('abc') # sepia abc
          Effects['b&w']('abc') # b&w abc

          share|improve this answer

          • In my undergrad years, I had courses assignments on Java. Having to write lots of class-like components is the reason why I didn't adapt Java (or any other OOP-focused language) as my primary weapon. Given the nature of the task discussed here, a functional approach seems to work better.
            – Adel Redjimi
            Jan 5 at 13:47

          • 1

            That's the issue "it's more a namespace than a class". A class is a class of objects. We write classes to define new kinds of objects with properties and methods. A namespace is meant to group names together, avoid name collisions, and allow for names reuse in different contexts. Classes were not invented to act as namespaces. Python modules on the other side serve a similar purpose by grouping related functions and definitions and hanging their names to the module name. That's the exact issue with intrusive OOP, having to write classes to serve something else's purpose.
            – Adel Redjimi
            Jan 5 at 15:38

          • 2

            @AdelRedjimi IMO neither FP or OOP are good. The above uses class, because it makes usage simple.
            – Peilonrayz
            Jan 5 at 15:57

          • 1

            @Adel Redjimi Your arguments against this approach are unfair... cuz OOP? Personally I like this approach, because it is both versatile, and informative.
            – Ludisposed
            Jan 5 at 16:23

          • 2

            This solution is wrong just because it stashes all the proposed methods in a single object. Your first illustrated example, using a dictionary of callables, is a better approach. It gives you the flexibility to add effects provided by a third party, using only a thin veneer of wrapper code.
            – Austin Hastings
            Jan 5 at 17:44

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          5 Answers




          5 Answers










          up vote
          down vote


          IMO your second solution (using a dict to store callables) is exactly right.

          The first solution, with a series of if/else statements is not only inefficient, it also encourages and facilitates writing unrelated code inside the apply_fx function itself. To wit:

          elif fx == 'b&w':
          return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

          Once you have put something other than a simple return func(img) in the code, a future maintainer will be tempted to "just write this inline here" rather than creating a lambda or a named function to encapsulate their code:

          elif fx = 'grayscale':
          from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

          gsh = grayscale.Handle()
          img3p = formatconverter(img)
          result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
          return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

          Your second alternative, on the other hand, has a much more restricted, and thereby much cleaner interface: all operations must be encapsulated as callables.

          Now, they could be functions, or they could be lambdas. They could be functools.partials or dynamically loaded or web api calls to a satellite orbiting planet Nebulon. But from the maintenance point of view, "create a callable, plug it in here with a name" is as good as you're likely to get. You could even do it dynamically, in response to a configuration file or plugin module:

          def img2grayscale(img):
          from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

          gsh = grayscale.Handle()
          img3p = formatconverter(img)
          result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
          return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

          effects['grayscale'] = img2grayscale

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote


            IMO your second solution (using a dict to store callables) is exactly right.

            The first solution, with a series of if/else statements is not only inefficient, it also encourages and facilitates writing unrelated code inside the apply_fx function itself. To wit:

            elif fx == 'b&w':
            return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

            Once you have put something other than a simple return func(img) in the code, a future maintainer will be tempted to "just write this inline here" rather than creating a lambda or a named function to encapsulate their code:

            elif fx = 'grayscale':
            from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

            gsh = grayscale.Handle()
            img3p = formatconverter(img)
            result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
            return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

            Your second alternative, on the other hand, has a much more restricted, and thereby much cleaner interface: all operations must be encapsulated as callables.

            Now, they could be functions, or they could be lambdas. They could be functools.partials or dynamically loaded or web api calls to a satellite orbiting planet Nebulon. But from the maintenance point of view, "create a callable, plug it in here with a name" is as good as you're likely to get. You could even do it dynamically, in response to a configuration file or plugin module:

            def img2grayscale(img):
            from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

            gsh = grayscale.Handle()
            img3p = formatconverter(img)
            result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
            return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

            effects['grayscale'] = img2grayscale

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote


              up vote
              down vote


              IMO your second solution (using a dict to store callables) is exactly right.

              The first solution, with a series of if/else statements is not only inefficient, it also encourages and facilitates writing unrelated code inside the apply_fx function itself. To wit:

              elif fx == 'b&w':
              return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

              Once you have put something other than a simple return func(img) in the code, a future maintainer will be tempted to "just write this inline here" rather than creating a lambda or a named function to encapsulate their code:

              elif fx = 'grayscale':
              from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

              gsh = grayscale.Handle()
              img3p = formatconverter(img)
              result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
              return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

              Your second alternative, on the other hand, has a much more restricted, and thereby much cleaner interface: all operations must be encapsulated as callables.

              Now, they could be functions, or they could be lambdas. They could be functools.partials or dynamically loaded or web api calls to a satellite orbiting planet Nebulon. But from the maintenance point of view, "create a callable, plug it in here with a name" is as good as you're likely to get. You could even do it dynamically, in response to a configuration file or plugin module:

              def img2grayscale(img):
              from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

              gsh = grayscale.Handle()
              img3p = formatconverter(img)
              result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
              return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

              effects['grayscale'] = img2grayscale

              share|improve this answer

              IMO your second solution (using a dict to store callables) is exactly right.

              The first solution, with a series of if/else statements is not only inefficient, it also encourages and facilitates writing unrelated code inside the apply_fx function itself. To wit:

              elif fx == 'b&w':
              return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

              Once you have put something other than a simple return func(img) in the code, a future maintainer will be tempted to "just write this inline here" rather than creating a lambda or a named function to encapsulate their code:

              elif fx = 'grayscale':
              from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

              gsh = grayscale.Handle()
              img3p = formatconverter(img)
              result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
              return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

              Your second alternative, on the other hand, has a much more restricted, and thereby much cleaner interface: all operations must be encapsulated as callables.

              Now, they could be functions, or they could be lambdas. They could be functools.partials or dynamically loaded or web api calls to a satellite orbiting planet Nebulon. But from the maintenance point of view, "create a callable, plug it in here with a name" is as good as you're likely to get. You could even do it dynamically, in response to a configuration file or plugin module:

              def img2grayscale(img):
              from thirdpartymodule import grayscale, formatconverter

              gsh = grayscale.Handle()
              img3p = formatconverter(img)
              result = grayscale.grayscale(gsh, img3p)
              return formatconverter(img3p, format=img)

              effects['grayscale'] = img2grayscale

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered Jan 5 at 17:56

              Austin Hastings



                  up vote
                  down vote

                  It appears to be premature optimisation problem. However; the 2nd approach will definitely be easier to maintain. If you wish, even the apply_fx can be implemented as a lambda call.

                  You can dig deeper into the effects of if-else nest vs. dict lookup here.

                  share|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    It appears to be premature optimisation problem. However; the 2nd approach will definitely be easier to maintain. If you wish, even the apply_fx can be implemented as a lambda call.

                    You can dig deeper into the effects of if-else nest vs. dict lookup here.

                    share|improve this answer

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      It appears to be premature optimisation problem. However; the 2nd approach will definitely be easier to maintain. If you wish, even the apply_fx can be implemented as a lambda call.

                      You can dig deeper into the effects of if-else nest vs. dict lookup here.

                      share|improve this answer

                      It appears to be premature optimisation problem. However; the 2nd approach will definitely be easier to maintain. If you wish, even the apply_fx can be implemented as a lambda call.

                      You can dig deeper into the effects of if-else nest vs. dict lookup here.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered Jan 5 at 11:52




                          up vote
                          down vote

                          I second @Austin Hastings' answer but I'd like to propose a third approach. Depending on your needs this can be limited at will.

                          The fact is that your effects dictionary is almost "just a namespace", but namespaces have already an implementation in Python: they are modules. So defining all the function in a specific module should be enough to "gather them under a namespace". It gives you the ability to retrieve them by their name through the module or using a string thanks to getattr.

                          So the simplest apply_fx implementation could be either

                          import image_manipulation_library

                          def apply_fx(img, fx):
                          effect = getattr(image_manipulation_library, fx)
                          return effect(img)

                          if defined outside of said module; or

                          import sys

                          def apply_fx(img, fx):
                          effect = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], fx)
                          return effect(img)

                          if defined inside.

                          The obvious advantage of this approach is that it forces you to define, name and optionally document a function for the black and white effect:

                          def black_and_white(img):
                          return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

                          Which is good for the users of your code as they can introspect it better. However this will limit the names to value Python identifiers.

                          You can also still plug third party code by just importing them, and you can limit the results of the getattr call to ensure it fits your needs (check it is a callable, inspect it's arguments list to verify it only has a single parameter...)

                          share|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            I second @Austin Hastings' answer but I'd like to propose a third approach. Depending on your needs this can be limited at will.

                            The fact is that your effects dictionary is almost "just a namespace", but namespaces have already an implementation in Python: they are modules. So defining all the function in a specific module should be enough to "gather them under a namespace". It gives you the ability to retrieve them by their name through the module or using a string thanks to getattr.

                            So the simplest apply_fx implementation could be either

                            import image_manipulation_library

                            def apply_fx(img, fx):
                            effect = getattr(image_manipulation_library, fx)
                            return effect(img)

                            if defined outside of said module; or

                            import sys

                            def apply_fx(img, fx):
                            effect = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], fx)
                            return effect(img)

                            if defined inside.

                            The obvious advantage of this approach is that it forces you to define, name and optionally document a function for the black and white effect:

                            def black_and_white(img):
                            return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

                            Which is good for the users of your code as they can introspect it better. However this will limit the names to value Python identifiers.

                            You can also still plug third party code by just importing them, and you can limit the results of the getattr call to ensure it fits your needs (check it is a callable, inspect it's arguments list to verify it only has a single parameter...)

                            share|improve this answer

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              I second @Austin Hastings' answer but I'd like to propose a third approach. Depending on your needs this can be limited at will.

                              The fact is that your effects dictionary is almost "just a namespace", but namespaces have already an implementation in Python: they are modules. So defining all the function in a specific module should be enough to "gather them under a namespace". It gives you the ability to retrieve them by their name through the module or using a string thanks to getattr.

                              So the simplest apply_fx implementation could be either

                              import image_manipulation_library

                              def apply_fx(img, fx):
                              effect = getattr(image_manipulation_library, fx)
                              return effect(img)

                              if defined outside of said module; or

                              import sys

                              def apply_fx(img, fx):
                              effect = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], fx)
                              return effect(img)

                              if defined inside.

                              The obvious advantage of this approach is that it forces you to define, name and optionally document a function for the black and white effect:

                              def black_and_white(img):
                              return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

                              Which is good for the users of your code as they can introspect it better. However this will limit the names to value Python identifiers.

                              You can also still plug third party code by just importing them, and you can limit the results of the getattr call to ensure it fits your needs (check it is a callable, inspect it's arguments list to verify it only has a single parameter...)

                              share|improve this answer

                              I second @Austin Hastings' answer but I'd like to propose a third approach. Depending on your needs this can be limited at will.

                              The fact is that your effects dictionary is almost "just a namespace", but namespaces have already an implementation in Python: they are modules. So defining all the function in a specific module should be enough to "gather them under a namespace". It gives you the ability to retrieve them by their name through the module or using a string thanks to getattr.

                              So the simplest apply_fx implementation could be either

                              import image_manipulation_library

                              def apply_fx(img, fx):
                              effect = getattr(image_manipulation_library, fx)
                              return effect(img)

                              if defined outside of said module; or

                              import sys

                              def apply_fx(img, fx):
                              effect = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], fx)
                              return effect(img)

                              if defined inside.

                              The obvious advantage of this approach is that it forces you to define, name and optionally document a function for the black and white effect:

                              def black_and_white(img):
                              return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

                              Which is good for the users of your code as they can introspect it better. However this will limit the names to value Python identifiers.

                              You can also still plug third party code by just importing them, and you can limit the results of the getattr call to ensure it fits your needs (check it is a callable, inspect it's arguments list to verify it only has a single parameter...)

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              answered Jan 5 at 21:10

                              Mathias Ettinger



                                  up vote
                                  down vote

                                  In addition to the recommendations suggested by @Austin, you could inherit from dict to create an object to register and recall your functions. For example:

                                  class Effects(dict):
                                  def register(self, name):
                                  def decorator(f):
                                  self[name] = f
                                  return f
                                  return decorator

                                  Effects = Effects()

                                  def sepia(img):
                                  sepia_img =, sepia_filter.T)
                                  return sepia_img / np.max(sepia_img)

                                  def b_w(img):
                                  return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

                                  # and so on...


                                  Now you don't have to register each effect in your dictionary after the function declaration and this should clean things up a little. Additionally, if you import this object, you can add functions anywhere, easily see what effects are registered, and you can add logic to the Effects class itself if you want more complex behavior (i.e. address the case where an invalid string is entered).

                                  share|improve this answer

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    In addition to the recommendations suggested by @Austin, you could inherit from dict to create an object to register and recall your functions. For example:

                                    class Effects(dict):
                                    def register(self, name):
                                    def decorator(f):
                                    self[name] = f
                                    return f
                                    return decorator

                                    Effects = Effects()

                                    def sepia(img):
                                    sepia_img =, sepia_filter.T)
                                    return sepia_img / np.max(sepia_img)

                                    def b_w(img):
                                    return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

                                    # and so on...


                                    Now you don't have to register each effect in your dictionary after the function declaration and this should clean things up a little. Additionally, if you import this object, you can add functions anywhere, easily see what effects are registered, and you can add logic to the Effects class itself if you want more complex behavior (i.e. address the case where an invalid string is entered).

                                    share|improve this answer

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      In addition to the recommendations suggested by @Austin, you could inherit from dict to create an object to register and recall your functions. For example:

                                      class Effects(dict):
                                      def register(self, name):
                                      def decorator(f):
                                      self[name] = f
                                      return f
                                      return decorator

                                      Effects = Effects()

                                      def sepia(img):
                                      sepia_img =, sepia_filter.T)
                                      return sepia_img / np.max(sepia_img)

                                      def b_w(img):
                                      return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

                                      # and so on...


                                      Now you don't have to register each effect in your dictionary after the function declaration and this should clean things up a little. Additionally, if you import this object, you can add functions anywhere, easily see what effects are registered, and you can add logic to the Effects class itself if you want more complex behavior (i.e. address the case where an invalid string is entered).

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      In addition to the recommendations suggested by @Austin, you could inherit from dict to create an object to register and recall your functions. For example:

                                      class Effects(dict):
                                      def register(self, name):
                                      def decorator(f):
                                      self[name] = f
                                      return f
                                      return decorator

                                      Effects = Effects()

                                      def sepia(img):
                                      sepia_img =, sepia_filter.T)
                                      return sepia_img / np.max(sepia_img)

                                      def b_w(img):
                                      return contrast(grayscale(img), 2)

                                      # and so on...


                                      Now you don't have to register each effect in your dictionary after the function declaration and this should clean things up a little. Additionally, if you import this object, you can add functions anywhere, easily see what effects are registered, and you can add logic to the Effects class itself if you want more complex behavior (i.e. address the case where an invalid string is entered).

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      edited Jan 5 at 21:14

                                      answered Jan 5 at 20:42

                                      Jared Goguen



                                          up vote
                                          down vote

                                          From the looks of it, you want to have an Effects class, that can be used in the following ways:


                                          This is as you can define all your code as full on functions, and for you to not have $O(n)$ lookup.
                                          To do the above I'd use a metaclass that:

                                          • Implements a method, to allow you to look up by a different name than the function name.

                                            This is as b&w is an illegal function name in Python.

                                          • You want to group all the functions in the class by their name, or altered name.

                                          • You want to implement __getitem__ on a metaclass, so you can perform it on the class.

                                          And so you can use:

                                          class NamespaceMeta(type):
                                          def __new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict):
                                          meta.lookup = lookup =
                                          for key, value in class_dict.items():
                                          if key[0] == '_':

                                          metadata = getattr(value, 'metadata', )
                                          name = metadata.get('name', None)
                                          if name is None:
                                          name = key

                                          lookup[name] = value

                                          return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict)

                                          def __getitem__(self, key):
                                          return self.lookup[key]

                                          class Namespace(metaclass=NamespaceMeta):
                                          def metadata(name=None):
                                          def inner(fn):
                                          fn.metadata = 'name': name
                                          return fn
                                          return inner

                                          Using the above allows you to make a module that hides all the complexity, and then implement the classes with the complexity abstracted away.

                                          class Effects(Namespace):
                                          def sepia(img):
                                          return f'sepia img'

                                          def b_w(img):
                                          return f'b&w img'

                                          Effects.sepia('abc') # sepia abc
                                          Effects.b_w('abc') # b&w abc
                                          Effects['sepia']('abc') # sepia abc
                                          Effects['b&w']('abc') # b&w abc

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          • In my undergrad years, I had courses assignments on Java. Having to write lots of class-like components is the reason why I didn't adapt Java (or any other OOP-focused language) as my primary weapon. Given the nature of the task discussed here, a functional approach seems to work better.
                                            – Adel Redjimi
                                            Jan 5 at 13:47

                                          • 1

                                            That's the issue "it's more a namespace than a class". A class is a class of objects. We write classes to define new kinds of objects with properties and methods. A namespace is meant to group names together, avoid name collisions, and allow for names reuse in different contexts. Classes were not invented to act as namespaces. Python modules on the other side serve a similar purpose by grouping related functions and definitions and hanging their names to the module name. That's the exact issue with intrusive OOP, having to write classes to serve something else's purpose.
                                            – Adel Redjimi
                                            Jan 5 at 15:38

                                          • 2

                                            @AdelRedjimi IMO neither FP or OOP are good. The above uses class, because it makes usage simple.
                                            – Peilonrayz
                                            Jan 5 at 15:57

                                          • 1

                                            @Adel Redjimi Your arguments against this approach are unfair... cuz OOP? Personally I like this approach, because it is both versatile, and informative.
                                            – Ludisposed
                                            Jan 5 at 16:23

                                          • 2

                                            This solution is wrong just because it stashes all the proposed methods in a single object. Your first illustrated example, using a dictionary of callables, is a better approach. It gives you the flexibility to add effects provided by a third party, using only a thin veneer of wrapper code.
                                            – Austin Hastings
                                            Jan 5 at 17:44

                                          up vote
                                          down vote

                                          From the looks of it, you want to have an Effects class, that can be used in the following ways:


                                          This is as you can define all your code as full on functions, and for you to not have $O(n)$ lookup.
                                          To do the above I'd use a metaclass that:

                                          • Implements a method, to allow you to look up by a different name than the function name.

                                            This is as b&w is an illegal function name in Python.

                                          • You want to group all the functions in the class by their name, or altered name.

                                          • You want to implement __getitem__ on a metaclass, so you can perform it on the class.

                                          And so you can use:

                                          class NamespaceMeta(type):
                                          def __new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict):
                                          meta.lookup = lookup =
                                          for key, value in class_dict.items():
                                          if key[0] == '_':

                                          metadata = getattr(value, 'metadata', )
                                          name = metadata.get('name', None)
                                          if name is None:
                                          name = key

                                          lookup[name] = value

                                          return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict)

                                          def __getitem__(self, key):
                                          return self.lookup[key]

                                          class Namespace(metaclass=NamespaceMeta):
                                          def metadata(name=None):
                                          def inner(fn):
                                          fn.metadata = 'name': name
                                          return fn
                                          return inner

                                          Using the above allows you to make a module that hides all the complexity, and then implement the classes with the complexity abstracted away.

                                          class Effects(Namespace):
                                          def sepia(img):
                                          return f'sepia img'

                                          def b_w(img):
                                          return f'b&w img'

                                          Effects.sepia('abc') # sepia abc
                                          Effects.b_w('abc') # b&w abc
                                          Effects['sepia']('abc') # sepia abc
                                          Effects['b&w']('abc') # b&w abc

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          • In my undergrad years, I had courses assignments on Java. Having to write lots of class-like components is the reason why I didn't adapt Java (or any other OOP-focused language) as my primary weapon. Given the nature of the task discussed here, a functional approach seems to work better.
                                            – Adel Redjimi
                                            Jan 5 at 13:47

                                          • 1

                                            That's the issue "it's more a namespace than a class". A class is a class of objects. We write classes to define new kinds of objects with properties and methods. A namespace is meant to group names together, avoid name collisions, and allow for names reuse in different contexts. Classes were not invented to act as namespaces. Python modules on the other side serve a similar purpose by grouping related functions and definitions and hanging their names to the module name. That's the exact issue with intrusive OOP, having to write classes to serve something else's purpose.
                                            – Adel Redjimi
                                            Jan 5 at 15:38

                                          • 2

                                            @AdelRedjimi IMO neither FP or OOP are good. The above uses class, because it makes usage simple.
                                            – Peilonrayz
                                            Jan 5 at 15:57

                                          • 1

                                            @Adel Redjimi Your arguments against this approach are unfair... cuz OOP? Personally I like this approach, because it is both versatile, and informative.
                                            – Ludisposed
                                            Jan 5 at 16:23

                                          • 2

                                            This solution is wrong just because it stashes all the proposed methods in a single object. Your first illustrated example, using a dictionary of callables, is a better approach. It gives you the flexibility to add effects provided by a third party, using only a thin veneer of wrapper code.
                                            – Austin Hastings
                                            Jan 5 at 17:44

                                          up vote
                                          down vote

                                          up vote
                                          down vote

                                          From the looks of it, you want to have an Effects class, that can be used in the following ways:


                                          This is as you can define all your code as full on functions, and for you to not have $O(n)$ lookup.
                                          To do the above I'd use a metaclass that:

                                          • Implements a method, to allow you to look up by a different name than the function name.

                                            This is as b&w is an illegal function name in Python.

                                          • You want to group all the functions in the class by their name, or altered name.

                                          • You want to implement __getitem__ on a metaclass, so you can perform it on the class.

                                          And so you can use:

                                          class NamespaceMeta(type):
                                          def __new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict):
                                          meta.lookup = lookup =
                                          for key, value in class_dict.items():
                                          if key[0] == '_':

                                          metadata = getattr(value, 'metadata', )
                                          name = metadata.get('name', None)
                                          if name is None:
                                          name = key

                                          lookup[name] = value

                                          return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict)

                                          def __getitem__(self, key):
                                          return self.lookup[key]

                                          class Namespace(metaclass=NamespaceMeta):
                                          def metadata(name=None):
                                          def inner(fn):
                                          fn.metadata = 'name': name
                                          return fn
                                          return inner

                                          Using the above allows you to make a module that hides all the complexity, and then implement the classes with the complexity abstracted away.

                                          class Effects(Namespace):
                                          def sepia(img):
                                          return f'sepia img'

                                          def b_w(img):
                                          return f'b&w img'

                                          Effects.sepia('abc') # sepia abc
                                          Effects.b_w('abc') # b&w abc
                                          Effects['sepia']('abc') # sepia abc
                                          Effects['b&w']('abc') # b&w abc

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          From the looks of it, you want to have an Effects class, that can be used in the following ways:


                                          This is as you can define all your code as full on functions, and for you to not have $O(n)$ lookup.
                                          To do the above I'd use a metaclass that:

                                          • Implements a method, to allow you to look up by a different name than the function name.

                                            This is as b&w is an illegal function name in Python.

                                          • You want to group all the functions in the class by their name, or altered name.

                                          • You want to implement __getitem__ on a metaclass, so you can perform it on the class.

                                          And so you can use:

                                          class NamespaceMeta(type):
                                          def __new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict):
                                          meta.lookup = lookup =
                                          for key, value in class_dict.items():
                                          if key[0] == '_':

                                          metadata = getattr(value, 'metadata', )
                                          name = metadata.get('name', None)
                                          if name is None:
                                          name = key

                                          lookup[name] = value

                                          return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict)

                                          def __getitem__(self, key):
                                          return self.lookup[key]

                                          class Namespace(metaclass=NamespaceMeta):
                                          def metadata(name=None):
                                          def inner(fn):
                                          fn.metadata = 'name': name
                                          return fn
                                          return inner

                                          Using the above allows you to make a module that hides all the complexity, and then implement the classes with the complexity abstracted away.

                                          class Effects(Namespace):
                                          def sepia(img):
                                          return f'sepia img'

                                          def b_w(img):
                                          return f'b&w img'

                                          Effects.sepia('abc') # sepia abc
                                          Effects.b_w('abc') # b&w abc
                                          Effects['sepia']('abc') # sepia abc
                                          Effects['b&w']('abc') # b&w abc

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          answered Jan 5 at 13:29




                                          • In my undergrad years, I had courses assignments on Java. Having to write lots of class-like components is the reason why I didn't adapt Java (or any other OOP-focused language) as my primary weapon. Given the nature of the task discussed here, a functional approach seems to work better.
                                            – Adel Redjimi
                                            Jan 5 at 13:47

                                          • 1

                                            That's the issue "it's more a namespace than a class". A class is a class of objects. We write classes to define new kinds of objects with properties and methods. A namespace is meant to group names together, avoid name collisions, and allow for names reuse in different contexts. Classes were not invented to act as namespaces. Python modules on the other side serve a similar purpose by grouping related functions and definitions and hanging their names to the module name. That's the exact issue with intrusive OOP, having to write classes to serve something else's purpose.
                                            – Adel Redjimi
                                            Jan 5 at 15:38

                                          • 2

                                            @AdelRedjimi IMO neither FP or OOP are good. The above uses class, because it makes usage simple.
                                            – Peilonrayz
                                            Jan 5 at 15:57

                                          • 1

                                            @Adel Redjimi Your arguments against this approach are unfair... cuz OOP? Personally I like this approach, because it is both versatile, and informative.
                                            – Ludisposed
                                            Jan 5 at 16:23

                                          • 2

                                            This solution is wrong just because it stashes all the proposed methods in a single object. Your first illustrated example, using a dictionary of callables, is a better approach. It gives you the flexibility to add effects provided by a third party, using only a thin veneer of wrapper code.
                                            – Austin Hastings
                                            Jan 5 at 17:44

                                          • In my undergrad years, I had courses assignments on Java. Having to write lots of class-like components is the reason why I didn't adapt Java (or any other OOP-focused language) as my primary weapon. Given the nature of the task discussed here, a functional approach seems to work better.
                                            – Adel Redjimi
                                            Jan 5 at 13:47

                                          • 1

                                            That's the issue "it's more a namespace than a class". A class is a class of objects. We write classes to define new kinds of objects with properties and methods. A namespace is meant to group names together, avoid name collisions, and allow for names reuse in different contexts. Classes were not invented to act as namespaces. Python modules on the other side serve a similar purpose by grouping related functions and definitions and hanging their names to the module name. That's the exact issue with intrusive OOP, having to write classes to serve something else's purpose.
                                            – Adel Redjimi
                                            Jan 5 at 15:38

                                          • 2

                                            @AdelRedjimi IMO neither FP or OOP are good. The above uses class, because it makes usage simple.
                                            – Peilonrayz
                                            Jan 5 at 15:57

                                          • 1

                                            @Adel Redjimi Your arguments against this approach are unfair... cuz OOP? Personally I like this approach, because it is both versatile, and informative.
                                            – Ludisposed
                                            Jan 5 at 16:23

                                          • 2

                                            This solution is wrong just because it stashes all the proposed methods in a single object. Your first illustrated example, using a dictionary of callables, is a better approach. It gives you the flexibility to add effects provided by a third party, using only a thin veneer of wrapper code.
                                            – Austin Hastings
                                            Jan 5 at 17:44

                                          In my undergrad years, I had courses assignments on Java. Having to write lots of class-like components is the reason why I didn't adapt Java (or any other OOP-focused language) as my primary weapon. Given the nature of the task discussed here, a functional approach seems to work better.
                                          – Adel Redjimi
                                          Jan 5 at 13:47

                                          In my undergrad years, I had courses assignments on Java. Having to write lots of class-like components is the reason why I didn't adapt Java (or any other OOP-focused language) as my primary weapon. Given the nature of the task discussed here, a functional approach seems to work better.
                                          – Adel Redjimi
                                          Jan 5 at 13:47



                                          That's the issue "it's more a namespace than a class". A class is a class of objects. We write classes to define new kinds of objects with properties and methods. A namespace is meant to group names together, avoid name collisions, and allow for names reuse in different contexts. Classes were not invented to act as namespaces. Python modules on the other side serve a similar purpose by grouping related functions and definitions and hanging their names to the module name. That's the exact issue with intrusive OOP, having to write classes to serve something else's purpose.
                                          – Adel Redjimi
                                          Jan 5 at 15:38

                                          That's the issue "it's more a namespace than a class". A class is a class of objects. We write classes to define new kinds of objects with properties and methods. A namespace is meant to group names together, avoid name collisions, and allow for names reuse in different contexts. Classes were not invented to act as namespaces. Python modules on the other side serve a similar purpose by grouping related functions and definitions and hanging their names to the module name. That's the exact issue with intrusive OOP, having to write classes to serve something else's purpose.
                                          – Adel Redjimi
                                          Jan 5 at 15:38



                                          @AdelRedjimi IMO neither FP or OOP are good. The above uses class, because it makes usage simple.
                                          – Peilonrayz
                                          Jan 5 at 15:57

                                          @AdelRedjimi IMO neither FP or OOP are good. The above uses class, because it makes usage simple.
                                          – Peilonrayz
                                          Jan 5 at 15:57



                                          @Adel Redjimi Your arguments against this approach are unfair... cuz OOP? Personally I like this approach, because it is both versatile, and informative.
                                          – Ludisposed
                                          Jan 5 at 16:23

                                          @Adel Redjimi Your arguments against this approach are unfair... cuz OOP? Personally I like this approach, because it is both versatile, and informative.
                                          – Ludisposed
                                          Jan 5 at 16:23



                                          This solution is wrong just because it stashes all the proposed methods in a single object. Your first illustrated example, using a dictionary of callables, is a better approach. It gives you the flexibility to add effects provided by a third party, using only a thin veneer of wrapper code.
                                          – Austin Hastings
                                          Jan 5 at 17:44

                                          This solution is wrong just because it stashes all the proposed methods in a single object. Your first illustrated example, using a dictionary of callables, is a better approach. It gives you the flexibility to add effects provided by a third party, using only a thin veneer of wrapper code.
                                          – Austin Hastings
                                          Jan 5 at 17:44


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