Project Euler 357 prime number generator in Python 3

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up vote
down vote


I'm brute forcing the Project Euler 357 since no better algorithm comes to my mind. The challenge asks:

Find the sum of all positive integers n not exceeding 108 such that for every divisor d of n, d+n/d is prime.

The code is this:

#!/bin/env python3

import time
import math



start = time.time()

def primes(ubound=10**5):
""" Generating prime numbers LIST
size = (ubound - 3) // 2
a = [False] * size
s = 0
primes =
while s < size:
t = 2 * s
p = t + 3
for n in range(t * (s + 3) + 3, size, p):
a[n] = True
s = s + 1
while s < size and a[s]:
s = s + 1
return primes

the_primes = primes()

def number_divisors(max_limit=10**5):
""" Find the divisors of every number.
Return it in a dict in the format:
number1: [divisor1, divisor2 ... ], ..
num_divs =
for i in range(4, max_limit):
if i in the_primes:
sq = math.sqrt(i)
for n in range(2, int(sq) + 1):
if i not in num_divs:
num_divs[i] = [1]
if i % n == 0:
if n == i / n:
num_divs[i].extend((n, i / n))
return num_divs

def find_count(d):
""" Check every number whether the divisors i.e. d + number / d is
assert d is not None

count = 0
for number, list_divisors in d.items():
all_primes = True
for each_div in list_divisors:
val = (each_div + (number / each_div))
if val not in the_primes:
all_primes = False
if all_primes:
count += 1
return count

if __name__ == '__main__':

num_divisors = number_divisors()

elapsed_time = (time.time() - start)
print('time elapsed %s sec.' % elapsed_time)

Profiling the script shows that the find_count is the first bottleneck and by advice of other answers the values should be cached(?) somehow.

$ python3 -m cProfile 
time elapsed 167.41558241844177 sec.
583580 function calls in 167.416 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 0.000 0.000 167.416 167.416<module>)
1 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
1 24.526 24.526 24.740 24.740
1 142.655 142.655 142.655 142.655

Any advice on how to improve find_count()?

share|improve this question

  • 1

    I do not remember solving this issue so I do not have an algorithmic truck for that one. It won't make a huge difference but you'd benefit from using divmod to have both quotient and remainder....
    – Josay
    Feb 24 at 17:38

  • 1

    1 is a factor of all numbers. Hence, you will be testing (1 + n/1) for primality. Consider what happens if n is odd and > 1? There are further simplifications possible, but this is the most obvious.
    – rossum
    Mar 2 at 12:39

up vote
down vote


I'm brute forcing the Project Euler 357 since no better algorithm comes to my mind. The challenge asks:

Find the sum of all positive integers n not exceeding 108 such that for every divisor d of n, d+n/d is prime.

The code is this:

#!/bin/env python3

import time
import math



start = time.time()

def primes(ubound=10**5):
""" Generating prime numbers LIST
size = (ubound - 3) // 2
a = [False] * size
s = 0
primes =
while s < size:
t = 2 * s
p = t + 3
for n in range(t * (s + 3) + 3, size, p):
a[n] = True
s = s + 1
while s < size and a[s]:
s = s + 1
return primes

the_primes = primes()

def number_divisors(max_limit=10**5):
""" Find the divisors of every number.
Return it in a dict in the format:
number1: [divisor1, divisor2 ... ], ..
num_divs =
for i in range(4, max_limit):
if i in the_primes:
sq = math.sqrt(i)
for n in range(2, int(sq) + 1):
if i not in num_divs:
num_divs[i] = [1]
if i % n == 0:
if n == i / n:
num_divs[i].extend((n, i / n))
return num_divs

def find_count(d):
""" Check every number whether the divisors i.e. d + number / d is
assert d is not None

count = 0
for number, list_divisors in d.items():
all_primes = True
for each_div in list_divisors:
val = (each_div + (number / each_div))
if val not in the_primes:
all_primes = False
if all_primes:
count += 1
return count

if __name__ == '__main__':

num_divisors = number_divisors()

elapsed_time = (time.time() - start)
print('time elapsed %s sec.' % elapsed_time)

Profiling the script shows that the find_count is the first bottleneck and by advice of other answers the values should be cached(?) somehow.

$ python3 -m cProfile 
time elapsed 167.41558241844177 sec.
583580 function calls in 167.416 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 0.000 0.000 167.416 167.416<module>)
1 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
1 24.526 24.526 24.740 24.740
1 142.655 142.655 142.655 142.655

Any advice on how to improve find_count()?

share|improve this question

  • 1

    I do not remember solving this issue so I do not have an algorithmic truck for that one. It won't make a huge difference but you'd benefit from using divmod to have both quotient and remainder....
    – Josay
    Feb 24 at 17:38

  • 1

    1 is a factor of all numbers. Hence, you will be testing (1 + n/1) for primality. Consider what happens if n is odd and > 1? There are further simplifications possible, but this is the most obvious.
    – rossum
    Mar 2 at 12:39

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I'm brute forcing the Project Euler 357 since no better algorithm comes to my mind. The challenge asks:

Find the sum of all positive integers n not exceeding 108 such that for every divisor d of n, d+n/d is prime.

The code is this:

#!/bin/env python3

import time
import math



start = time.time()

def primes(ubound=10**5):
""" Generating prime numbers LIST
size = (ubound - 3) // 2
a = [False] * size
s = 0
primes =
while s < size:
t = 2 * s
p = t + 3
for n in range(t * (s + 3) + 3, size, p):
a[n] = True
s = s + 1
while s < size and a[s]:
s = s + 1
return primes

the_primes = primes()

def number_divisors(max_limit=10**5):
""" Find the divisors of every number.
Return it in a dict in the format:
number1: [divisor1, divisor2 ... ], ..
num_divs =
for i in range(4, max_limit):
if i in the_primes:
sq = math.sqrt(i)
for n in range(2, int(sq) + 1):
if i not in num_divs:
num_divs[i] = [1]
if i % n == 0:
if n == i / n:
num_divs[i].extend((n, i / n))
return num_divs

def find_count(d):
""" Check every number whether the divisors i.e. d + number / d is
assert d is not None

count = 0
for number, list_divisors in d.items():
all_primes = True
for each_div in list_divisors:
val = (each_div + (number / each_div))
if val not in the_primes:
all_primes = False
if all_primes:
count += 1
return count

if __name__ == '__main__':

num_divisors = number_divisors()

elapsed_time = (time.time() - start)
print('time elapsed %s sec.' % elapsed_time)

Profiling the script shows that the find_count is the first bottleneck and by advice of other answers the values should be cached(?) somehow.

$ python3 -m cProfile 
time elapsed 167.41558241844177 sec.
583580 function calls in 167.416 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 0.000 0.000 167.416 167.416<module>)
1 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
1 24.526 24.526 24.740 24.740
1 142.655 142.655 142.655 142.655

Any advice on how to improve find_count()?

share|improve this question

I'm brute forcing the Project Euler 357 since no better algorithm comes to my mind. The challenge asks:

Find the sum of all positive integers n not exceeding 108 such that for every divisor d of n, d+n/d is prime.

The code is this:

#!/bin/env python3

import time
import math



start = time.time()

def primes(ubound=10**5):
""" Generating prime numbers LIST
size = (ubound - 3) // 2
a = [False] * size
s = 0
primes =
while s < size:
t = 2 * s
p = t + 3
for n in range(t * (s + 3) + 3, size, p):
a[n] = True
s = s + 1
while s < size and a[s]:
s = s + 1
return primes

the_primes = primes()

def number_divisors(max_limit=10**5):
""" Find the divisors of every number.
Return it in a dict in the format:
number1: [divisor1, divisor2 ... ], ..
num_divs =
for i in range(4, max_limit):
if i in the_primes:
sq = math.sqrt(i)
for n in range(2, int(sq) + 1):
if i not in num_divs:
num_divs[i] = [1]
if i % n == 0:
if n == i / n:
num_divs[i].extend((n, i / n))
return num_divs

def find_count(d):
""" Check every number whether the divisors i.e. d + number / d is
assert d is not None

count = 0
for number, list_divisors in d.items():
all_primes = True
for each_div in list_divisors:
val = (each_div + (number / each_div))
if val not in the_primes:
all_primes = False
if all_primes:
count += 1
return count

if __name__ == '__main__':

num_divisors = number_divisors()

elapsed_time = (time.time() - start)
print('time elapsed %s sec.' % elapsed_time)

Profiling the script shows that the find_count is the first bottleneck and by advice of other answers the values should be cached(?) somehow.

$ python3 -m cProfile 
time elapsed 167.41558241844177 sec.
583580 function calls in 167.416 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 0.000 0.000 167.416 167.416<module>)
1 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
1 24.526 24.526 24.740 24.740
1 142.655 142.655 142.655 142.655

Any advice on how to improve find_count()?

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Feb 25 at 1:50




asked Feb 24 at 16:50




  • 1

    I do not remember solving this issue so I do not have an algorithmic truck for that one. It won't make a huge difference but you'd benefit from using divmod to have both quotient and remainder....
    – Josay
    Feb 24 at 17:38

  • 1

    1 is a factor of all numbers. Hence, you will be testing (1 + n/1) for primality. Consider what happens if n is odd and > 1? There are further simplifications possible, but this is the most obvious.
    – rossum
    Mar 2 at 12:39

  • 1

    I do not remember solving this issue so I do not have an algorithmic truck for that one. It won't make a huge difference but you'd benefit from using divmod to have both quotient and remainder....
    – Josay
    Feb 24 at 17:38

  • 1

    1 is a factor of all numbers. Hence, you will be testing (1 + n/1) for primality. Consider what happens if n is odd and > 1? There are further simplifications possible, but this is the most obvious.
    – rossum
    Mar 2 at 12:39



I do not remember solving this issue so I do not have an algorithmic truck for that one. It won't make a huge difference but you'd benefit from using divmod to have both quotient and remainder....
– Josay
Feb 24 at 17:38

I do not remember solving this issue so I do not have an algorithmic truck for that one. It won't make a huge difference but you'd benefit from using divmod to have both quotient and remainder....
– Josay
Feb 24 at 17:38



1 is a factor of all numbers. Hence, you will be testing (1 + n/1) for primality. Consider what happens if n is odd and > 1? There are further simplifications possible, but this is the most obvious.
– rossum
Mar 2 at 12:39

1 is a factor of all numbers. Hence, you will be testing (1 + n/1) for primality. Consider what happens if n is odd and > 1? There are further simplifications possible, but this is the most obvious.
– rossum
Mar 2 at 12:39

2 Answers




up vote
down vote


The most obvious improvement is to notice that if i in the_primes and if val not in the_primes both take $mathcalO(n)$ time. If you made the_primes a set instead of a list it would only be $mathcalO(1)$. So just write:

the_primes = set(primes())

Also note that your "prime number generator" is not actually a Python generator. For that you would need to add a yield:

def primes(ubound=10**5):
""" Generating prime numbers """
size = (ubound - 3) // 2
a = [False] * size
s = 0
while s < size:
t = 2 * s
p = t + 3
yield p
for n in range(t * (s + 3) + 3, size, p):
a[n] = True
s = s + 1
while s < size and a[s]:
s = s + 1

The set() call will then consume the generator. This will not make your code run faster, though (it needs about the same CPU) It might save you some memory, because you don't need the conversion from the internal list to the external set.

Your original code takes about 43.5s on my machine. With the two changes in this post this drops down to less than 1.7s:

$ python3 -m cProfile
time elapsed 1.6228196620941162 sec.
583585 function calls in 1.623 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
9592 0.011 0.000 0.011 0.000
1 0.001 0.001 1.623 1.623<module>)
1 1.524 1.524 1.584 1.584
1 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026

share|improve this answer

  • alternatively, you could make your prime sieve add to a set rather than to a list and then convert to set.
    – Oscar Smith
    Feb 24 at 21:25

  • @OscarSmith Yeah, or make it a generator and consume it with set(). Not much difference since the primes are all unique, of course. But it might save some memory since the internal datastructure is not needed.
    – Graipher
    Feb 24 at 21:27

  • Good idea about the sieve, it's an improvement.
    – Bor
    Feb 25 at 9:31

up vote
down vote

It's worth doing a bit of mathematics before embarking on a brute-force search. In order not to spoil the problem, I'll give a couple of hints.

Hint 1

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, then for every divisor $d$ of $n$, it must be the case that $d + nover d$ is prime. Are there any divisors of $n$ that you already know about (without having to factorize $n$)? What therefore can you conclude about $n$?

Hint 2

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, can it be the case that $n$ has a repeated factor? That is, could there be a prime $p$ such that $p^2$ divides $n$?

share|improve this answer

  • I'll try another solution, thanks.
    – Bor
    Feb 26 at 3:20

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2 Answers




2 Answers










up vote
down vote


The most obvious improvement is to notice that if i in the_primes and if val not in the_primes both take $mathcalO(n)$ time. If you made the_primes a set instead of a list it would only be $mathcalO(1)$. So just write:

the_primes = set(primes())

Also note that your "prime number generator" is not actually a Python generator. For that you would need to add a yield:

def primes(ubound=10**5):
""" Generating prime numbers """
size = (ubound - 3) // 2
a = [False] * size
s = 0
while s < size:
t = 2 * s
p = t + 3
yield p
for n in range(t * (s + 3) + 3, size, p):
a[n] = True
s = s + 1
while s < size and a[s]:
s = s + 1

The set() call will then consume the generator. This will not make your code run faster, though (it needs about the same CPU) It might save you some memory, because you don't need the conversion from the internal list to the external set.

Your original code takes about 43.5s on my machine. With the two changes in this post this drops down to less than 1.7s:

$ python3 -m cProfile
time elapsed 1.6228196620941162 sec.
583585 function calls in 1.623 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
9592 0.011 0.000 0.011 0.000
1 0.001 0.001 1.623 1.623<module>)
1 1.524 1.524 1.584 1.584
1 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026

share|improve this answer

  • alternatively, you could make your prime sieve add to a set rather than to a list and then convert to set.
    – Oscar Smith
    Feb 24 at 21:25

  • @OscarSmith Yeah, or make it a generator and consume it with set(). Not much difference since the primes are all unique, of course. But it might save some memory since the internal datastructure is not needed.
    – Graipher
    Feb 24 at 21:27

  • Good idea about the sieve, it's an improvement.
    – Bor
    Feb 25 at 9:31

up vote
down vote


The most obvious improvement is to notice that if i in the_primes and if val not in the_primes both take $mathcalO(n)$ time. If you made the_primes a set instead of a list it would only be $mathcalO(1)$. So just write:

the_primes = set(primes())

Also note that your "prime number generator" is not actually a Python generator. For that you would need to add a yield:

def primes(ubound=10**5):
""" Generating prime numbers """
size = (ubound - 3) // 2
a = [False] * size
s = 0
while s < size:
t = 2 * s
p = t + 3
yield p
for n in range(t * (s + 3) + 3, size, p):
a[n] = True
s = s + 1
while s < size and a[s]:
s = s + 1

The set() call will then consume the generator. This will not make your code run faster, though (it needs about the same CPU) It might save you some memory, because you don't need the conversion from the internal list to the external set.

Your original code takes about 43.5s on my machine. With the two changes in this post this drops down to less than 1.7s:

$ python3 -m cProfile
time elapsed 1.6228196620941162 sec.
583585 function calls in 1.623 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
9592 0.011 0.000 0.011 0.000
1 0.001 0.001 1.623 1.623<module>)
1 1.524 1.524 1.584 1.584
1 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026

share|improve this answer

  • alternatively, you could make your prime sieve add to a set rather than to a list and then convert to set.
    – Oscar Smith
    Feb 24 at 21:25

  • @OscarSmith Yeah, or make it a generator and consume it with set(). Not much difference since the primes are all unique, of course. But it might save some memory since the internal datastructure is not needed.
    – Graipher
    Feb 24 at 21:27

  • Good idea about the sieve, it's an improvement.
    – Bor
    Feb 25 at 9:31

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


The most obvious improvement is to notice that if i in the_primes and if val not in the_primes both take $mathcalO(n)$ time. If you made the_primes a set instead of a list it would only be $mathcalO(1)$. So just write:

the_primes = set(primes())

Also note that your "prime number generator" is not actually a Python generator. For that you would need to add a yield:

def primes(ubound=10**5):
""" Generating prime numbers """
size = (ubound - 3) // 2
a = [False] * size
s = 0
while s < size:
t = 2 * s
p = t + 3
yield p
for n in range(t * (s + 3) + 3, size, p):
a[n] = True
s = s + 1
while s < size and a[s]:
s = s + 1

The set() call will then consume the generator. This will not make your code run faster, though (it needs about the same CPU) It might save you some memory, because you don't need the conversion from the internal list to the external set.

Your original code takes about 43.5s on my machine. With the two changes in this post this drops down to less than 1.7s:

$ python3 -m cProfile
time elapsed 1.6228196620941162 sec.
583585 function calls in 1.623 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
9592 0.011 0.000 0.011 0.000
1 0.001 0.001 1.623 1.623<module>)
1 1.524 1.524 1.584 1.584
1 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026

share|improve this answer

The most obvious improvement is to notice that if i in the_primes and if val not in the_primes both take $mathcalO(n)$ time. If you made the_primes a set instead of a list it would only be $mathcalO(1)$. So just write:

the_primes = set(primes())

Also note that your "prime number generator" is not actually a Python generator. For that you would need to add a yield:

def primes(ubound=10**5):
""" Generating prime numbers """
size = (ubound - 3) // 2
a = [False] * size
s = 0
while s < size:
t = 2 * s
p = t + 3
yield p
for n in range(t * (s + 3) + 3, size, p):
a[n] = True
s = s + 1
while s < size and a[s]:
s = s + 1

The set() call will then consume the generator. This will not make your code run faster, though (it needs about the same CPU) It might save you some memory, because you don't need the conversion from the internal list to the external set.

Your original code takes about 43.5s on my machine. With the two changes in this post this drops down to less than 1.7s:

$ python3 -m cProfile
time elapsed 1.6228196620941162 sec.
583585 function calls in 1.623 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
9592 0.011 0.000 0.011 0.000
1 0.001 0.001 1.623 1.623<module>)
1 1.524 1.524 1.584 1.584
1 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Feb 25 at 12:10

answered Feb 24 at 21:06




  • alternatively, you could make your prime sieve add to a set rather than to a list and then convert to set.
    – Oscar Smith
    Feb 24 at 21:25

  • @OscarSmith Yeah, or make it a generator and consume it with set(). Not much difference since the primes are all unique, of course. But it might save some memory since the internal datastructure is not needed.
    – Graipher
    Feb 24 at 21:27

  • Good idea about the sieve, it's an improvement.
    – Bor
    Feb 25 at 9:31

  • alternatively, you could make your prime sieve add to a set rather than to a list and then convert to set.
    – Oscar Smith
    Feb 24 at 21:25

  • @OscarSmith Yeah, or make it a generator and consume it with set(). Not much difference since the primes are all unique, of course. But it might save some memory since the internal datastructure is not needed.
    – Graipher
    Feb 24 at 21:27

  • Good idea about the sieve, it's an improvement.
    – Bor
    Feb 25 at 9:31

alternatively, you could make your prime sieve add to a set rather than to a list and then convert to set.
– Oscar Smith
Feb 24 at 21:25

alternatively, you could make your prime sieve add to a set rather than to a list and then convert to set.
– Oscar Smith
Feb 24 at 21:25

@OscarSmith Yeah, or make it a generator and consume it with set(). Not much difference since the primes are all unique, of course. But it might save some memory since the internal datastructure is not needed.
– Graipher
Feb 24 at 21:27

@OscarSmith Yeah, or make it a generator and consume it with set(). Not much difference since the primes are all unique, of course. But it might save some memory since the internal datastructure is not needed.
– Graipher
Feb 24 at 21:27

Good idea about the sieve, it's an improvement.
– Bor
Feb 25 at 9:31

Good idea about the sieve, it's an improvement.
– Bor
Feb 25 at 9:31

up vote
down vote

It's worth doing a bit of mathematics before embarking on a brute-force search. In order not to spoil the problem, I'll give a couple of hints.

Hint 1

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, then for every divisor $d$ of $n$, it must be the case that $d + nover d$ is prime. Are there any divisors of $n$ that you already know about (without having to factorize $n$)? What therefore can you conclude about $n$?

Hint 2

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, can it be the case that $n$ has a repeated factor? That is, could there be a prime $p$ such that $p^2$ divides $n$?

share|improve this answer

  • I'll try another solution, thanks.
    – Bor
    Feb 26 at 3:20

up vote
down vote

It's worth doing a bit of mathematics before embarking on a brute-force search. In order not to spoil the problem, I'll give a couple of hints.

Hint 1

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, then for every divisor $d$ of $n$, it must be the case that $d + nover d$ is prime. Are there any divisors of $n$ that you already know about (without having to factorize $n$)? What therefore can you conclude about $n$?

Hint 2

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, can it be the case that $n$ has a repeated factor? That is, could there be a prime $p$ such that $p^2$ divides $n$?

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  • I'll try another solution, thanks.
    – Bor
    Feb 26 at 3:20

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down vote

It's worth doing a bit of mathematics before embarking on a brute-force search. In order not to spoil the problem, I'll give a couple of hints.

Hint 1

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, then for every divisor $d$ of $n$, it must be the case that $d + nover d$ is prime. Are there any divisors of $n$ that you already know about (without having to factorize $n$)? What therefore can you conclude about $n$?

Hint 2

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, can it be the case that $n$ has a repeated factor? That is, could there be a prime $p$ such that $p^2$ divides $n$?

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It's worth doing a bit of mathematics before embarking on a brute-force search. In order not to spoil the problem, I'll give a couple of hints.

Hint 1

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, then for every divisor $d$ of $n$, it must be the case that $d + nover d$ is prime. Are there any divisors of $n$ that you already know about (without having to factorize $n$)? What therefore can you conclude about $n$?

Hint 2

If $n$ satisfies the condition of the problem, can it be the case that $n$ has a repeated factor? That is, could there be a prime $p$ such that $p^2$ divides $n$?

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answered Feb 25 at 14:17

Gareth Rees



  • I'll try another solution, thanks.
    – Bor
    Feb 26 at 3:20

  • I'll try another solution, thanks.
    – Bor
    Feb 26 at 3:20

I'll try another solution, thanks.
– Bor
Feb 26 at 3:20

I'll try another solution, thanks.
– Bor
Feb 26 at 3:20


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