CodeWars - Three-pass compiler for arithmetic expressions

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I'm looking for feedback on my solution to the Tiny Three-Pass Compiler kata on CodeWars. The kata is to implement a compiler for an arithmetic language in three passes - parsing to an AST, constant folding, then generating code in a small assembly language.

I'm looking for general stylistic review, as well as reducing some of the duplication in the pass2 and pass3 functions; I have a feeling that the Add/Sub/Mul/Div cases could probably be condensed somehow.

Without further ado, the code:

module TinyThreePassCompiler where

import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Text.Parsec
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tok

-- count number of arguments declared, how identifiers map to argument numbers
type CompilerState = (Int, Map String Int)
type Parser a = Parsec String CompilerState a

langDef :: Tok.LanguageDef CompilerState
langDef = Tok.LanguageDef
Tok.commentStart = ""
, Tok.commentEnd = ""
, Tok.commentLine = ""
, Tok.nestedComments = False
, Tok.identStart = letter
, Tok.identLetter = letter
, Tok.opStart = oneOf "+-*/"
, Tok.opLetter = oneOf "+-*/"
, Tok.reservedNames =
, Tok.reservedOpNames =
, Tok.caseSensitive = True

lexer :: Tok.TokenParser CompilerState
lexer = Tok.makeTokenParser langDef

parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = Tok.parens lexer

brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
brackets = Tok.brackets lexer

identifier :: Parser String
identifier = Tok.identifier lexer

reservedOp :: String -> Parser ()
reservedOp = Tok.reservedOp lexer

integer :: Parser Integer
integer = Tok.integer lexer

data AST = Imm Int
| Arg Int
deriving (Eq, Show)

function :: Parser AST
function = do
brackets argList

argList :: Parser ()
argList = do
many variableDec
return ()

-- for each variable declaration, we add a mapping from the argument name to the argument number
-- as well as incrementing the Int in CompilerState, which tracks what argument number we're on
variableDec :: Parser ()
variableDec = do
varName <- identifier
(varNum, _) <- getState
modifyState ((num, args) -> (num + 1, Map.insert varName varNum args))
return ()

expression :: Parser AST
expression = term `chainl1` addSubOp

addSubOp :: Parser (AST -> AST -> AST)
addSubOp = (reservedOp "+" >> return Add)
<|> (reservedOp "-" >> return Sub)

term :: Parser AST
term = factor `chainl1` multDivOp

multDivOp :: Parser (AST -> AST -> AST)
multDivOp = (reservedOp "*" >> return Mul)
<|> (reservedOp "/" >> return Div)

factor :: Parser AST
factor = number
<|> variableUse
<|> parens expression

number :: Parser AST
number = do
num <- integer
return $ Imm $ fromIntegral num

-- using fromJust because we don't care about error handling
-- per problem, all programs will be valid
variableUse :: Parser AST
variableUse = do
varName <- identifier
(_, varMap) <- getState
return $ Arg $ fromJust $ Map.lookup varName varMap

compile :: String -> [String]
compile = pass3 . pass2 . pass1

-- parsing pass
pass1 :: String -> AST
pass1 str = case (runParser function (0, Map.empty) "" str) of
(Left _) -> error "Parse error"
(Right ast) -> ast

-- constant folding pass
-- do a postorder traversal of the AST, checking for optimization opportunities at each node
pass2 :: AST -> AST
pass2 ast = case ast of
Add left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m + n)
(l, r) -> Add l r
Sub left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m - n)
(l, r) -> Sub l r
Mul left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m * n)
(l, r) -> Mul l r
Div left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m `div` n)
(l, r) -> Div l r
_ -> ast

-- code generation pass
-- postorder traversal of the AST, generating code at each node
pass3 :: AST -> [String]
pass3 ast = case ast of
Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
Add l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "AD", "PU"]
Sub l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "SU", "PU"]
Mul l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "MU", "PU"]
Div l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "DI", "PU"]

A few notes:

  • the AST data type and types for compile, pass1, pass2, and pass3 are set by the kata. I'm stuck with using Int as the underlying type for the Imm and Arg constructors.

  • Everything is one module for running on CodeWars. I'd probably split this into multiple modules if it weren't for that restriction.

  • Parsec is available on CodeWars; Megaparsec isn't, else I'd consider using that.

  • Per the kata's description, all test programs will be valid; thus, I don't put any effort into error handling, and I'm ok with variableUse throwing an error if an undeclared argument is used.

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    up vote
    down vote


    I'm looking for feedback on my solution to the Tiny Three-Pass Compiler kata on CodeWars. The kata is to implement a compiler for an arithmetic language in three passes - parsing to an AST, constant folding, then generating code in a small assembly language.

    I'm looking for general stylistic review, as well as reducing some of the duplication in the pass2 and pass3 functions; I have a feeling that the Add/Sub/Mul/Div cases could probably be condensed somehow.

    Without further ado, the code:

    module TinyThreePassCompiler where

    import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
    import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
    import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
    import Text.Parsec
    import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tok

    -- count number of arguments declared, how identifiers map to argument numbers
    type CompilerState = (Int, Map String Int)
    type Parser a = Parsec String CompilerState a

    langDef :: Tok.LanguageDef CompilerState
    langDef = Tok.LanguageDef
    Tok.commentStart = ""
    , Tok.commentEnd = ""
    , Tok.commentLine = ""
    , Tok.nestedComments = False
    , Tok.identStart = letter
    , Tok.identLetter = letter
    , Tok.opStart = oneOf "+-*/"
    , Tok.opLetter = oneOf "+-*/"
    , Tok.reservedNames =
    , Tok.reservedOpNames =
    , Tok.caseSensitive = True

    lexer :: Tok.TokenParser CompilerState
    lexer = Tok.makeTokenParser langDef

    parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
    parens = Tok.parens lexer

    brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
    brackets = Tok.brackets lexer

    identifier :: Parser String
    identifier = Tok.identifier lexer

    reservedOp :: String -> Parser ()
    reservedOp = Tok.reservedOp lexer

    integer :: Parser Integer
    integer = Tok.integer lexer

    data AST = Imm Int
    | Arg Int
    | Add AST AST
    | Sub AST AST
    | Mul AST AST
    | Div AST AST
    deriving (Eq, Show)

    function :: Parser AST
    function = do
    brackets argList

    argList :: Parser ()
    argList = do
    many variableDec
    return ()

    -- for each variable declaration, we add a mapping from the argument name to the argument number
    -- as well as incrementing the Int in CompilerState, which tracks what argument number we're on
    variableDec :: Parser ()
    variableDec = do
    varName <- identifier
    (varNum, _) <- getState
    modifyState ((num, args) -> (num + 1, Map.insert varName varNum args))
    return ()

    expression :: Parser AST
    expression = term `chainl1` addSubOp

    addSubOp :: Parser (AST -> AST -> AST)
    addSubOp = (reservedOp "+" >> return Add)
    <|> (reservedOp "-" >> return Sub)

    term :: Parser AST
    term = factor `chainl1` multDivOp

    multDivOp :: Parser (AST -> AST -> AST)
    multDivOp = (reservedOp "*" >> return Mul)
    <|> (reservedOp "/" >> return Div)

    factor :: Parser AST
    factor = number
    <|> variableUse
    <|> parens expression

    number :: Parser AST
    number = do
    num <- integer
    return $ Imm $ fromIntegral num

    -- using fromJust because we don't care about error handling
    -- per problem, all programs will be valid
    variableUse :: Parser AST
    variableUse = do
    varName <- identifier
    (_, varMap) <- getState
    return $ Arg $ fromJust $ Map.lookup varName varMap

    compile :: String -> [String]
    compile = pass3 . pass2 . pass1

    -- parsing pass
    pass1 :: String -> AST
    pass1 str = case (runParser function (0, Map.empty) "" str) of
    (Left _) -> error "Parse error"
    (Right ast) -> ast

    -- constant folding pass
    -- do a postorder traversal of the AST, checking for optimization opportunities at each node
    pass2 :: AST -> AST
    pass2 ast = case ast of
    Add left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
    ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m + n)
    (l, r) -> Add l r
    Sub left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
    ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m - n)
    (l, r) -> Sub l r
    Mul left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
    ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m * n)
    (l, r) -> Mul l r
    Div left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
    ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m `div` n)
    (l, r) -> Div l r
    _ -> ast

    -- code generation pass
    -- postorder traversal of the AST, generating code at each node
    pass3 :: AST -> [String]
    pass3 ast = case ast of
    Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
    Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
    Add l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "AD", "PU"]
    Sub l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "SU", "PU"]
    Mul l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "MU", "PU"]
    Div l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "DI", "PU"]

    A few notes:

    • the AST data type and types for compile, pass1, pass2, and pass3 are set by the kata. I'm stuck with using Int as the underlying type for the Imm and Arg constructors.

    • Everything is one module for running on CodeWars. I'd probably split this into multiple modules if it weren't for that restriction.

    • Parsec is available on CodeWars; Megaparsec isn't, else I'd consider using that.

    • Per the kata's description, all test programs will be valid; thus, I don't put any effort into error handling, and I'm ok with variableUse throwing an error if an undeclared argument is used.

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I'm looking for feedback on my solution to the Tiny Three-Pass Compiler kata on CodeWars. The kata is to implement a compiler for an arithmetic language in three passes - parsing to an AST, constant folding, then generating code in a small assembly language.

      I'm looking for general stylistic review, as well as reducing some of the duplication in the pass2 and pass3 functions; I have a feeling that the Add/Sub/Mul/Div cases could probably be condensed somehow.

      Without further ado, the code:

      module TinyThreePassCompiler where

      import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
      import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
      import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
      import Text.Parsec
      import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tok

      -- count number of arguments declared, how identifiers map to argument numbers
      type CompilerState = (Int, Map String Int)
      type Parser a = Parsec String CompilerState a

      langDef :: Tok.LanguageDef CompilerState
      langDef = Tok.LanguageDef
      Tok.commentStart = ""
      , Tok.commentEnd = ""
      , Tok.commentLine = ""
      , Tok.nestedComments = False
      , Tok.identStart = letter
      , Tok.identLetter = letter
      , Tok.opStart = oneOf "+-*/"
      , Tok.opLetter = oneOf "+-*/"
      , Tok.reservedNames =
      , Tok.reservedOpNames =
      , Tok.caseSensitive = True

      lexer :: Tok.TokenParser CompilerState
      lexer = Tok.makeTokenParser langDef

      parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
      parens = Tok.parens lexer

      brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
      brackets = Tok.brackets lexer

      identifier :: Parser String
      identifier = Tok.identifier lexer

      reservedOp :: String -> Parser ()
      reservedOp = Tok.reservedOp lexer

      integer :: Parser Integer
      integer = Tok.integer lexer

      data AST = Imm Int
      | Arg Int
      | Add AST AST
      | Sub AST AST
      | Mul AST AST
      | Div AST AST
      deriving (Eq, Show)

      function :: Parser AST
      function = do
      brackets argList

      argList :: Parser ()
      argList = do
      many variableDec
      return ()

      -- for each variable declaration, we add a mapping from the argument name to the argument number
      -- as well as incrementing the Int in CompilerState, which tracks what argument number we're on
      variableDec :: Parser ()
      variableDec = do
      varName <- identifier
      (varNum, _) <- getState
      modifyState ((num, args) -> (num + 1, Map.insert varName varNum args))
      return ()

      expression :: Parser AST
      expression = term `chainl1` addSubOp

      addSubOp :: Parser (AST -> AST -> AST)
      addSubOp = (reservedOp "+" >> return Add)
      <|> (reservedOp "-" >> return Sub)

      term :: Parser AST
      term = factor `chainl1` multDivOp

      multDivOp :: Parser (AST -> AST -> AST)
      multDivOp = (reservedOp "*" >> return Mul)
      <|> (reservedOp "/" >> return Div)

      factor :: Parser AST
      factor = number
      <|> variableUse
      <|> parens expression

      number :: Parser AST
      number = do
      num <- integer
      return $ Imm $ fromIntegral num

      -- using fromJust because we don't care about error handling
      -- per problem, all programs will be valid
      variableUse :: Parser AST
      variableUse = do
      varName <- identifier
      (_, varMap) <- getState
      return $ Arg $ fromJust $ Map.lookup varName varMap

      compile :: String -> [String]
      compile = pass3 . pass2 . pass1

      -- parsing pass
      pass1 :: String -> AST
      pass1 str = case (runParser function (0, Map.empty) "" str) of
      (Left _) -> error "Parse error"
      (Right ast) -> ast

      -- constant folding pass
      -- do a postorder traversal of the AST, checking for optimization opportunities at each node
      pass2 :: AST -> AST
      pass2 ast = case ast of
      Add left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
      ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m + n)
      (l, r) -> Add l r
      Sub left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
      ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m - n)
      (l, r) -> Sub l r
      Mul left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
      ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m * n)
      (l, r) -> Mul l r
      Div left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
      ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m `div` n)
      (l, r) -> Div l r
      _ -> ast

      -- code generation pass
      -- postorder traversal of the AST, generating code at each node
      pass3 :: AST -> [String]
      pass3 ast = case ast of
      Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
      Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
      Add l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "AD", "PU"]
      Sub l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "SU", "PU"]
      Mul l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "MU", "PU"]
      Div l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "DI", "PU"]

      A few notes:

      • the AST data type and types for compile, pass1, pass2, and pass3 are set by the kata. I'm stuck with using Int as the underlying type for the Imm and Arg constructors.

      • Everything is one module for running on CodeWars. I'd probably split this into multiple modules if it weren't for that restriction.

      • Parsec is available on CodeWars; Megaparsec isn't, else I'd consider using that.

      • Per the kata's description, all test programs will be valid; thus, I don't put any effort into error handling, and I'm ok with variableUse throwing an error if an undeclared argument is used.

      share|improve this question

      I'm looking for feedback on my solution to the Tiny Three-Pass Compiler kata on CodeWars. The kata is to implement a compiler for an arithmetic language in three passes - parsing to an AST, constant folding, then generating code in a small assembly language.

      I'm looking for general stylistic review, as well as reducing some of the duplication in the pass2 and pass3 functions; I have a feeling that the Add/Sub/Mul/Div cases could probably be condensed somehow.

      Without further ado, the code:

      module TinyThreePassCompiler where

      import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
      import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
      import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
      import Text.Parsec
      import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tok

      -- count number of arguments declared, how identifiers map to argument numbers
      type CompilerState = (Int, Map String Int)
      type Parser a = Parsec String CompilerState a

      langDef :: Tok.LanguageDef CompilerState
      langDef = Tok.LanguageDef
      Tok.commentStart = ""
      , Tok.commentEnd = ""
      , Tok.commentLine = ""
      , Tok.nestedComments = False
      , Tok.identStart = letter
      , Tok.identLetter = letter
      , Tok.opStart = oneOf "+-*/"
      , Tok.opLetter = oneOf "+-*/"
      , Tok.reservedNames =
      , Tok.reservedOpNames =
      , Tok.caseSensitive = True

      lexer :: Tok.TokenParser CompilerState
      lexer = Tok.makeTokenParser langDef

      parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
      parens = Tok.parens lexer

      brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
      brackets = Tok.brackets lexer

      identifier :: Parser String
      identifier = Tok.identifier lexer

      reservedOp :: String -> Parser ()
      reservedOp = Tok.reservedOp lexer

      integer :: Parser Integer
      integer = Tok.integer lexer

      data AST = Imm Int
      | Arg Int
      | Add AST AST
      | Sub AST AST
      | Mul AST AST
      | Div AST AST
      deriving (Eq, Show)

      function :: Parser AST
      function = do
      brackets argList

      argList :: Parser ()
      argList = do
      many variableDec
      return ()

      -- for each variable declaration, we add a mapping from the argument name to the argument number
      -- as well as incrementing the Int in CompilerState, which tracks what argument number we're on
      variableDec :: Parser ()
      variableDec = do
      varName <- identifier
      (varNum, _) <- getState
      modifyState ((num, args) -> (num + 1, Map.insert varName varNum args))
      return ()

      expression :: Parser AST
      expression = term `chainl1` addSubOp

      addSubOp :: Parser (AST -> AST -> AST)
      addSubOp = (reservedOp "+" >> return Add)
      <|> (reservedOp "-" >> return Sub)

      term :: Parser AST
      term = factor `chainl1` multDivOp

      multDivOp :: Parser (AST -> AST -> AST)
      multDivOp = (reservedOp "*" >> return Mul)
      <|> (reservedOp "/" >> return Div)

      factor :: Parser AST
      factor = number
      <|> variableUse
      <|> parens expression

      number :: Parser AST
      number = do
      num <- integer
      return $ Imm $ fromIntegral num

      -- using fromJust because we don't care about error handling
      -- per problem, all programs will be valid
      variableUse :: Parser AST
      variableUse = do
      varName <- identifier
      (_, varMap) <- getState
      return $ Arg $ fromJust $ Map.lookup varName varMap

      compile :: String -> [String]
      compile = pass3 . pass2 . pass1

      -- parsing pass
      pass1 :: String -> AST
      pass1 str = case (runParser function (0, Map.empty) "" str) of
      (Left _) -> error "Parse error"
      (Right ast) -> ast

      -- constant folding pass
      -- do a postorder traversal of the AST, checking for optimization opportunities at each node
      pass2 :: AST -> AST
      pass2 ast = case ast of
      Add left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
      ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m + n)
      (l, r) -> Add l r
      Sub left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
      ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m - n)
      (l, r) -> Sub l r
      Mul left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
      ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m * n)
      (l, r) -> Mul l r
      Div left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
      ((Imm m), (Imm n)) -> Imm (m `div` n)
      (l, r) -> Div l r
      _ -> ast

      -- code generation pass
      -- postorder traversal of the AST, generating code at each node
      pass3 :: AST -> [String]
      pass3 ast = case ast of
      Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
      Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
      Add l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "AD", "PU"]
      Sub l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "SU", "PU"]
      Mul l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "MU", "PU"]
      Div l r -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", "DI", "PU"]

      A few notes:

      • the AST data type and types for compile, pass1, pass2, and pass3 are set by the kata. I'm stuck with using Int as the underlying type for the Imm and Arg constructors.

      • Everything is one module for running on CodeWars. I'd probably split this into multiple modules if it weren't for that restriction.

      • Parsec is available on CodeWars; Megaparsec isn't, else I'd consider using that.

      • Per the kata's description, all test programs will be valid; thus, I don't put any effort into error handling, and I'm ok with variableUse throwing an error if an undeclared argument is used.

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Feb 27 at 4:48




      asked Feb 27 at 2:30




          2 Answers




          up vote
          down vote


          Huh. I never got to solve that kata, so congratulations first.

          Working with a given AST

          As you said yourself, the AST type isn't optimal. We could use

          data AST = Imm Int
          | Arg Int
          | BinOp BinOp AST AST
          deriving (Eq, Show)

          data BinOp = Add | Mul | Sub | Div deriving (Eq, Show)

          instead and simplify both pass2 and pass3 a lot. The operator parsers would return a BinOp instead of an AST -> AST -> AST. But we're stuck with the current AST.

          Reducing code duplication (DRY)

          If we have a look at pass2 we see that all cases are very similar. They all follow the

           Constructor left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
          (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m <op> n)

          pattern. We can just use that one, too:

          pass2 :: AST -> AST
          pass2 ast = case ast of
          Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
          Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
          Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
          Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
          _ -> ast
          simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
          (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
          _ -> c l r

          This variant is easier to maintain, as we only have to change simplify or add the new constructor to the outer case, e.g.

          pass2 :: AST -> AST
          pass2 ast = case ast of
          Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
          Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
          Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
          Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
          Pow left right -> simplify Pow (^) left right
          _ -> ast
          simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
          (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
          _ -> c l r

          It's similar for pass3:

          pass3 :: AST -> [String]
          pass3 ast = case ast of
          Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
          Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
          Add l r -> generate "AD" l r
          Sub l r -> generate "SU" l r
          Mul l r -> generate "MU" l r
          Div l r -> generate "DI" l r
          generate oc l r = pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", oc, "PU"]

          This keeps the repetition in our code a little bit down.

          An intermediate representation

          But we can do better if we introduce additional functions and types:

          data BinOp = BAdd | BSub | BMul | BDiv deriving (Eq, Show)

          data BinOpExpr = BinOpExpr BinOp AST AST

          toBinOpExpr :: AST -> Maybe BinOpExpr
          toBinOpExpr ast = case ast of
          Add l r -> gen BAdd l r
          Sub l r -> gen BSub l r
          Mul l r -> gen BMul l r
          Div l r -> gen BDiv l r
          _ -> Nothing
          gen c l r = Just $ BinOpExpr c l r

          If we now have toOpCode :: BinOp -> String, it's really easy to write pass3:

          pass3 :: AST -> [String]
          pass3 ast = case ast of
          Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
          Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
          o -> case toBinOpExpr o of
          Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", toOpCode op, "PU"]
          Nothing -> error "Unreachable"

          Similar for pass2 if we have toFunc :: BinOp -> (Int -> Int -> Int):

          pass2 :: AST -> AST
          pass2 ast = case toBinOpExpr ast of
          Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> simplify op l r ast
          _ -> ast
          simplify op l r ast = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
          (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (toFunc op m n)
          _ -> ast

          Other remarks

          Your Parser are well done, but we can get rid of some superfluous code. For example

          argList :: Parser ()
          argList = do
          many variableDec
          return ()

          can be written as

          argList = skipMany variableDec

          skipMany still applies the parser (and therefore changes the state), whereas many applies the parser and collects a list of [()].

          Similarly, we can get rid of return () in

          variableDec :: Parser ()
          variableDec = do
          varName <- identifier
          (varNum, _) <- getState
          modifyState ((num, args) -> (num + 1, Map.insert varName varNum args))
          return ()

          as modifyState f >> return () is the same as modifyState f due to the monad laws:

          For number, we can use Parser's Functor instance to make it shorter:

          number :: Parser AST
          number = Imm . fromIntegral <$> integer

          The other functions could get written in a point-free style, but that would be harder to read in my opinion.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks! These are some interesting suggestions; I'll definitely keep them in mind for future work in this vein.
            – DylanSp
            Feb 28 at 19:46

          • @DylanSp Finally got to comment the Parser section. Have fun on CW!
            – Zeta
            Mar 1 at 7:51

          up vote
          down vote

          Control.Lens.Plated specializes in passes over recursive data structures.

          pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ fmap Imm . case
          Add (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left + right
          Sub (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left - right
          Mul (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left * right
          Div (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left / right
          _ -> Nothing

          Control.Lens.Prism specializes in abstracting over constructors.

          pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ ast -> listToMaybe
          [ Imm $ f left right
          | (p, f) <- [(_Add, (+)), (_Sub, (-)), (_Mul, (*)), (_Div, (/))]
          , Just (Imm left, Imm right) <- pure $ preview p ast

          share|improve this answer

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers










            up vote
            down vote


            Huh. I never got to solve that kata, so congratulations first.

            Working with a given AST

            As you said yourself, the AST type isn't optimal. We could use

            data AST = Imm Int
            | Arg Int
            | BinOp BinOp AST AST
            deriving (Eq, Show)

            data BinOp = Add | Mul | Sub | Div deriving (Eq, Show)

            instead and simplify both pass2 and pass3 a lot. The operator parsers would return a BinOp instead of an AST -> AST -> AST. But we're stuck with the current AST.

            Reducing code duplication (DRY)

            If we have a look at pass2 we see that all cases are very similar. They all follow the

             Constructor left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m <op> n)

            pattern. We can just use that one, too:

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case ast of
            Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
            Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
            Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
            Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
            _ -> ast
            simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
            _ -> c l r

            This variant is easier to maintain, as we only have to change simplify or add the new constructor to the outer case, e.g.

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case ast of
            Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
            Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
            Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
            Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
            Pow left right -> simplify Pow (^) left right
            _ -> ast
            simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
            _ -> c l r

            It's similar for pass3:

            pass3 :: AST -> [String]
            pass3 ast = case ast of
            Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
            Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
            Add l r -> generate "AD" l r
            Sub l r -> generate "SU" l r
            Mul l r -> generate "MU" l r
            Div l r -> generate "DI" l r
            generate oc l r = pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", oc, "PU"]

            This keeps the repetition in our code a little bit down.

            An intermediate representation

            But we can do better if we introduce additional functions and types:

            data BinOp = BAdd | BSub | BMul | BDiv deriving (Eq, Show)

            data BinOpExpr = BinOpExpr BinOp AST AST

            toBinOpExpr :: AST -> Maybe BinOpExpr
            toBinOpExpr ast = case ast of
            Add l r -> gen BAdd l r
            Sub l r -> gen BSub l r
            Mul l r -> gen BMul l r
            Div l r -> gen BDiv l r
            _ -> Nothing
            gen c l r = Just $ BinOpExpr c l r

            If we now have toOpCode :: BinOp -> String, it's really easy to write pass3:

            pass3 :: AST -> [String]
            pass3 ast = case ast of
            Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
            Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
            o -> case toBinOpExpr o of
            Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", toOpCode op, "PU"]
            Nothing -> error "Unreachable"

            Similar for pass2 if we have toFunc :: BinOp -> (Int -> Int -> Int):

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case toBinOpExpr ast of
            Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> simplify op l r ast
            _ -> ast
            simplify op l r ast = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (toFunc op m n)
            _ -> ast

            Other remarks

            Your Parser are well done, but we can get rid of some superfluous code. For example

            argList :: Parser ()
            argList = do
            many variableDec
            return ()

            can be written as

            argList = skipMany variableDec

            skipMany still applies the parser (and therefore changes the state), whereas many applies the parser and collects a list of [()].

            Similarly, we can get rid of return () in

            variableDec :: Parser ()
            variableDec = do
            varName <- identifier
            (varNum, _) <- getState
            modifyState ((num, args) -> (num + 1, Map.insert varName varNum args))
            return ()

            as modifyState f >> return () is the same as modifyState f due to the monad laws:

            For number, we can use Parser's Functor instance to make it shorter:

            number :: Parser AST
            number = Imm . fromIntegral <$> integer

            The other functions could get written in a point-free style, but that would be harder to read in my opinion.

            share|improve this answer

            • Thanks! These are some interesting suggestions; I'll definitely keep them in mind for future work in this vein.
              – DylanSp
              Feb 28 at 19:46

            • @DylanSp Finally got to comment the Parser section. Have fun on CW!
              – Zeta
              Mar 1 at 7:51

            up vote
            down vote


            Huh. I never got to solve that kata, so congratulations first.

            Working with a given AST

            As you said yourself, the AST type isn't optimal. We could use

            data AST = Imm Int
            | Arg Int
            | BinOp BinOp AST AST
            deriving (Eq, Show)

            data BinOp = Add | Mul | Sub | Div deriving (Eq, Show)

            instead and simplify both pass2 and pass3 a lot. The operator parsers would return a BinOp instead of an AST -> AST -> AST. But we're stuck with the current AST.

            Reducing code duplication (DRY)

            If we have a look at pass2 we see that all cases are very similar. They all follow the

             Constructor left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m <op> n)

            pattern. We can just use that one, too:

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case ast of
            Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
            Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
            Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
            Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
            _ -> ast
            simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
            _ -> c l r

            This variant is easier to maintain, as we only have to change simplify or add the new constructor to the outer case, e.g.

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case ast of
            Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
            Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
            Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
            Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
            Pow left right -> simplify Pow (^) left right
            _ -> ast
            simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
            _ -> c l r

            It's similar for pass3:

            pass3 :: AST -> [String]
            pass3 ast = case ast of
            Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
            Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
            Add l r -> generate "AD" l r
            Sub l r -> generate "SU" l r
            Mul l r -> generate "MU" l r
            Div l r -> generate "DI" l r
            generate oc l r = pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", oc, "PU"]

            This keeps the repetition in our code a little bit down.

            An intermediate representation

            But we can do better if we introduce additional functions and types:

            data BinOp = BAdd | BSub | BMul | BDiv deriving (Eq, Show)

            data BinOpExpr = BinOpExpr BinOp AST AST

            toBinOpExpr :: AST -> Maybe BinOpExpr
            toBinOpExpr ast = case ast of
            Add l r -> gen BAdd l r
            Sub l r -> gen BSub l r
            Mul l r -> gen BMul l r
            Div l r -> gen BDiv l r
            _ -> Nothing
            gen c l r = Just $ BinOpExpr c l r

            If we now have toOpCode :: BinOp -> String, it's really easy to write pass3:

            pass3 :: AST -> [String]
            pass3 ast = case ast of
            Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
            Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
            o -> case toBinOpExpr o of
            Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", toOpCode op, "PU"]
            Nothing -> error "Unreachable"

            Similar for pass2 if we have toFunc :: BinOp -> (Int -> Int -> Int):

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case toBinOpExpr ast of
            Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> simplify op l r ast
            _ -> ast
            simplify op l r ast = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (toFunc op m n)
            _ -> ast

            Other remarks

            Your Parser are well done, but we can get rid of some superfluous code. For example

            argList :: Parser ()
            argList = do
            many variableDec
            return ()

            can be written as

            argList = skipMany variableDec

            skipMany still applies the parser (and therefore changes the state), whereas many applies the parser and collects a list of [()].

            Similarly, we can get rid of return () in

            variableDec :: Parser ()
            variableDec = do
            varName <- identifier
            (varNum, _) <- getState
            modifyState ((num, args) -> (num + 1, Map.insert varName varNum args))
            return ()

            as modifyState f >> return () is the same as modifyState f due to the monad laws:

            For number, we can use Parser's Functor instance to make it shorter:

            number :: Parser AST
            number = Imm . fromIntegral <$> integer

            The other functions could get written in a point-free style, but that would be harder to read in my opinion.

            share|improve this answer

            • Thanks! These are some interesting suggestions; I'll definitely keep them in mind for future work in this vein.
              – DylanSp
              Feb 28 at 19:46

            • @DylanSp Finally got to comment the Parser section. Have fun on CW!
              – Zeta
              Mar 1 at 7:51

            up vote
            down vote


            up vote
            down vote


            Huh. I never got to solve that kata, so congratulations first.

            Working with a given AST

            As you said yourself, the AST type isn't optimal. We could use

            data AST = Imm Int
            | Arg Int
            | BinOp BinOp AST AST
            deriving (Eq, Show)

            data BinOp = Add | Mul | Sub | Div deriving (Eq, Show)

            instead and simplify both pass2 and pass3 a lot. The operator parsers would return a BinOp instead of an AST -> AST -> AST. But we're stuck with the current AST.

            Reducing code duplication (DRY)

            If we have a look at pass2 we see that all cases are very similar. They all follow the

             Constructor left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m <op> n)

            pattern. We can just use that one, too:

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case ast of
            Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
            Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
            Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
            Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
            _ -> ast
            simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
            _ -> c l r

            This variant is easier to maintain, as we only have to change simplify or add the new constructor to the outer case, e.g.

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case ast of
            Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
            Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
            Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
            Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
            Pow left right -> simplify Pow (^) left right
            _ -> ast
            simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
            _ -> c l r

            It's similar for pass3:

            pass3 :: AST -> [String]
            pass3 ast = case ast of
            Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
            Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
            Add l r -> generate "AD" l r
            Sub l r -> generate "SU" l r
            Mul l r -> generate "MU" l r
            Div l r -> generate "DI" l r
            generate oc l r = pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", oc, "PU"]

            This keeps the repetition in our code a little bit down.

            An intermediate representation

            But we can do better if we introduce additional functions and types:

            data BinOp = BAdd | BSub | BMul | BDiv deriving (Eq, Show)

            data BinOpExpr = BinOpExpr BinOp AST AST

            toBinOpExpr :: AST -> Maybe BinOpExpr
            toBinOpExpr ast = case ast of
            Add l r -> gen BAdd l r
            Sub l r -> gen BSub l r
            Mul l r -> gen BMul l r
            Div l r -> gen BDiv l r
            _ -> Nothing
            gen c l r = Just $ BinOpExpr c l r

            If we now have toOpCode :: BinOp -> String, it's really easy to write pass3:

            pass3 :: AST -> [String]
            pass3 ast = case ast of
            Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
            Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
            o -> case toBinOpExpr o of
            Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", toOpCode op, "PU"]
            Nothing -> error "Unreachable"

            Similar for pass2 if we have toFunc :: BinOp -> (Int -> Int -> Int):

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case toBinOpExpr ast of
            Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> simplify op l r ast
            _ -> ast
            simplify op l r ast = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (toFunc op m n)
            _ -> ast

            Other remarks

            Your Parser are well done, but we can get rid of some superfluous code. For example

            argList :: Parser ()
            argList = do
            many variableDec
            return ()

            can be written as

            argList = skipMany variableDec

            skipMany still applies the parser (and therefore changes the state), whereas many applies the parser and collects a list of [()].

            Similarly, we can get rid of return () in

            variableDec :: Parser ()
            variableDec = do
            varName <- identifier
            (varNum, _) <- getState
            modifyState ((num, args) -> (num + 1, Map.insert varName varNum args))
            return ()

            as modifyState f >> return () is the same as modifyState f due to the monad laws:

            For number, we can use Parser's Functor instance to make it shorter:

            number :: Parser AST
            number = Imm . fromIntegral <$> integer

            The other functions could get written in a point-free style, but that would be harder to read in my opinion.

            share|improve this answer

            Huh. I never got to solve that kata, so congratulations first.

            Working with a given AST

            As you said yourself, the AST type isn't optimal. We could use

            data AST = Imm Int
            | Arg Int
            | BinOp BinOp AST AST
            deriving (Eq, Show)

            data BinOp = Add | Mul | Sub | Div deriving (Eq, Show)

            instead and simplify both pass2 and pass3 a lot. The operator parsers would return a BinOp instead of an AST -> AST -> AST. But we're stuck with the current AST.

            Reducing code duplication (DRY)

            If we have a look at pass2 we see that all cases are very similar. They all follow the

             Constructor left right -> case (pass2 left, pass2 right) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m <op> n)

            pattern. We can just use that one, too:

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case ast of
            Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
            Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
            Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
            Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
            _ -> ast
            simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
            _ -> c l r

            This variant is easier to maintain, as we only have to change simplify or add the new constructor to the outer case, e.g.

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case ast of
            Add left right -> simplify Add (+) left right
            Sub left right -> simplify Sub (-) left right
            Mul left right -> simplify Mul (*) left right
            Div left right -> simplify Div div left right
            Pow left right -> simplify Pow (^) left right
            _ -> ast
            simplify c op l r = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (m `op` n)
            _ -> c l r

            It's similar for pass3:

            pass3 :: AST -> [String]
            pass3 ast = case ast of
            Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
            Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
            Add l r -> generate "AD" l r
            Sub l r -> generate "SU" l r
            Mul l r -> generate "MU" l r
            Div l r -> generate "DI" l r
            generate oc l r = pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", oc, "PU"]

            This keeps the repetition in our code a little bit down.

            An intermediate representation

            But we can do better if we introduce additional functions and types:

            data BinOp = BAdd | BSub | BMul | BDiv deriving (Eq, Show)

            data BinOpExpr = BinOpExpr BinOp AST AST

            toBinOpExpr :: AST -> Maybe BinOpExpr
            toBinOpExpr ast = case ast of
            Add l r -> gen BAdd l r
            Sub l r -> gen BSub l r
            Mul l r -> gen BMul l r
            Div l r -> gen BDiv l r
            _ -> Nothing
            gen c l r = Just $ BinOpExpr c l r

            If we now have toOpCode :: BinOp -> String, it's really easy to write pass3:

            pass3 :: AST -> [String]
            pass3 ast = case ast of
            Imm n -> ["IM " ++ show n, "PU"]
            Arg a -> ["AR " ++ show a, "PU"]
            o -> case toBinOpExpr o of
            Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> pass3 l ++ pass3 r ++ ["PO", "SW", "PO", toOpCode op, "PU"]
            Nothing -> error "Unreachable"

            Similar for pass2 if we have toFunc :: BinOp -> (Int -> Int -> Int):

            pass2 :: AST -> AST
            pass2 ast = case toBinOpExpr ast of
            Just (BinOpExpr op l r) -> simplify op l r ast
            _ -> ast
            simplify op l r ast = case (pass2 l, pass2 r) of
            (Imm m, Imm n) -> Imm (toFunc op m n)
            _ -> ast

            Other remarks

            Your Parser are well done, but we can get rid of some superfluous code. For example

            argList :: Parser ()
            argList = do
            many variableDec
            return ()

            can be written as

            argList = skipMany variableDec

            skipMany still applies the parser (and therefore changes the state), whereas many applies the parser and collects a list of [()].

            Similarly, we can get rid of return () in

            variableDec :: Parser ()
            variableDec = do
            varName <- identifier
            (varNum, _) <- getState
            modifyState ((num, args) -> (num + 1, Map.insert varName varNum args))
            return ()

            as modifyState f >> return () is the same as modifyState f due to the monad laws:

            For number, we can use Parser's Functor instance to make it shorter:

            number :: Parser AST
            number = Imm . fromIntegral <$> integer

            The other functions could get written in a point-free style, but that would be harder to read in my opinion.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            edited Mar 1 at 7:51

            answered Feb 28 at 17:05




            • Thanks! These are some interesting suggestions; I'll definitely keep them in mind for future work in this vein.
              – DylanSp
              Feb 28 at 19:46

            • @DylanSp Finally got to comment the Parser section. Have fun on CW!
              – Zeta
              Mar 1 at 7:51

            • Thanks! These are some interesting suggestions; I'll definitely keep them in mind for future work in this vein.
              – DylanSp
              Feb 28 at 19:46

            • @DylanSp Finally got to comment the Parser section. Have fun on CW!
              – Zeta
              Mar 1 at 7:51

            Thanks! These are some interesting suggestions; I'll definitely keep them in mind for future work in this vein.
            – DylanSp
            Feb 28 at 19:46

            Thanks! These are some interesting suggestions; I'll definitely keep them in mind for future work in this vein.
            – DylanSp
            Feb 28 at 19:46

            @DylanSp Finally got to comment the Parser section. Have fun on CW!
            – Zeta
            Mar 1 at 7:51

            @DylanSp Finally got to comment the Parser section. Have fun on CW!
            – Zeta
            Mar 1 at 7:51

            up vote
            down vote

            Control.Lens.Plated specializes in passes over recursive data structures.

            pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ fmap Imm . case
            Add (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left + right
            Sub (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left - right
            Mul (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left * right
            Div (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left / right
            _ -> Nothing

            Control.Lens.Prism specializes in abstracting over constructors.

            pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ ast -> listToMaybe
            [ Imm $ f left right
            | (p, f) <- [(_Add, (+)), (_Sub, (-)), (_Mul, (*)), (_Div, (/))]
            , Just (Imm left, Imm right) <- pure $ preview p ast

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              Control.Lens.Plated specializes in passes over recursive data structures.

              pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ fmap Imm . case
              Add (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left + right
              Sub (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left - right
              Mul (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left * right
              Div (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left / right
              _ -> Nothing

              Control.Lens.Prism specializes in abstracting over constructors.

              pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ ast -> listToMaybe
              [ Imm $ f left right
              | (p, f) <- [(_Add, (+)), (_Sub, (-)), (_Mul, (*)), (_Div, (/))]
              , Just (Imm left, Imm right) <- pure $ preview p ast

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Control.Lens.Plated specializes in passes over recursive data structures.

                pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ fmap Imm . case
                Add (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left + right
                Sub (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left - right
                Mul (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left * right
                Div (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left / right
                _ -> Nothing

                Control.Lens.Prism specializes in abstracting over constructors.

                pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ ast -> listToMaybe
                [ Imm $ f left right
                | (p, f) <- [(_Add, (+)), (_Sub, (-)), (_Mul, (*)), (_Div, (/))]
                , Just (Imm left, Imm right) <- pure $ preview p ast

                share|improve this answer

                Control.Lens.Plated specializes in passes over recursive data structures.

                pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ fmap Imm . case
                Add (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left + right
                Sub (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left - right
                Mul (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left * right
                Div (Imm left) (Imm right) -> Just $ left / right
                _ -> Nothing

                Control.Lens.Prism specializes in abstracting over constructors.

                pass2 = rewriteOf uniplate $ ast -> listToMaybe
                [ Imm $ f left right
                | (p, f) <- [(_Add, (+)), (_Sub, (-)), (_Mul, (*)), (_Div, (/))]
                , Just (Imm left, Imm right) <- pure $ preview p ast

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited Feb 27 at 13:57

                answered Feb 27 at 13:42





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